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HE? ESTATE GOB HUMANE SOCIETIES Woman Leaves About S200. 000 to Organizations with Which She Was Identified. ODD CODICIL IN WILL Mrs Harriet Duer Jones Potter Stipulates Whom Her Grand? daughters May Not Marry. - entire estate of atlBS riroii".'? Q .Ewen. of No ir? West KM ,lre<.; ? Ight reach a value of $::ijO, )00. is left in her will fil. . eatet-day to and other human? so BTt of the estate Whlefa itltutlons era i - a friend, Mrs. Harriet uni at.d Ave monthly allowai ranr H* to US t< At of tiiose b.-net' . prln? fir,a ? to go to tiie African - :'tally Ths Huma:.- - ?: .- \- \? ?orfc Antl-Vlvl? the Anl i Rea ? B it t.i? ? .? '? .-o Island of M - ? '.lflfd with these societies aid was : '.v interested in their work She ex? plainer! that she bore the utmost fe?,:nK of friendship and affection "toward her sisters. Marie LotUSe Fwen and Bliaa Ewen. and toward her two nieces and a nephew, but that each had be?n provided for from other sources?" Mrs Maria Louise Ewen. one of UM sisters of the testatrix, was marri on to the bogus "Baron' Boto von Koenlts She obtained an annulment of her mar r. she discovered lier husband had a criminal record. Th' teetstrls and Miss Bliaa Ewen, took asar the property of "Baronese" von KoaottS under a deed of trust to prevent the Impecunious "baron" fron, | any part of It from his t . When t:.. bar prop* ? ? Mhw El is refus? t . relinquish it u trust I I '? married ? over her prop , ' ..? the teats* . judgment and expressed h?r r to have the property, vain- ?turned to hei ulster. Mr- Harriet Imcr .for ?* ?? .-day. wit! a c In t : the t< ststrta lea an s her gmnddaugn ? ? "I ?lo i ? ltd gi Viva Margo! i <?- I ? Iren? i?-1? n Bagnell , th them, t!ie one to d s-hal. re hi nv. o?a*- . ami in- : ui held In true! or Bald grand an** lfitereat n- ? the marr,... ind besoms a part of my re? ate." tar died 01 M??y " at Aix-ics moa H?r bom* ws o? cupi- u the Villa A ,? her Colonel B. 1 h laugh! of ;.? Norfolk, t of annual Income of I i Henrietta N ' ? ' to t?<- held in trust >',tr.'i of any Elisabeth A Flteh, ??dow ? p. F tch, form? l ' ,<?1 on May i and ????., Isle anil I ?? in pe? ?nal property. entire 4 Isle, with the ?- t? ? ? r three d i ig ter and three sons WOMAN FACES MANY SUITS Bank One of Plaintiffs Against Mrs Ethel Dana Sheperd. aen brought in the -,st Mrs. Bthel Dana u***peni, ; lUghter of William B Dan. ?. as at ths Csriton fou?. t la by th.- Unooin Na fs^aaal B i not- foi M.ael which ,h- 8 r.,r four BBOI Th*' SD rided, with Interest. Is ?.121. ? - A Go, demand |1.? ?'?- for mnwd blanksts ami bed ??m tO Mrs ?-hoperri ?Ahile the was Ihlrig at th? tel Beltnont A third ight by Theodore B Btsrr, for stationery and fancy ?Wd" Mrs. Sheperd from K?!i tr' H of the items was fei 11 I ? - 9 $10.000 NOT SUFFICIENT H. C. Brown, Unable to Support Children, Sues Wife's Estate. a sto.-k broker. it the s tata 'if Broarn, to ***?? ' be said h- -pont ; i? two ohOdrea from .pall 1 last. Brown ex ?"??'"?"l from - own art his lughter of tana mining man, ? ? v if- of Jnafdoe James tren are Mai-gatst ra eld, and Pran !JJ" Old. thai th.-v moat ffllSSI vThi'*r '" lw*'nt*M- **?? w the.nmnner 'rh ' non deaaaaded town applied t?. th?. burrogats'a court )( ? nv " for the atloe ., : m ?hat proceedii . - wlfa fernst? gannrogau allowed or,-. $'.>.?,, M th? Bhailtonna or th.- ehlW ? had ?..-on ?MahUd bj uniisua! es? aid that their h*.?! ln ' ' a? have a simple K. and that their estate, now a abe-st\ abouid he ei? use when they at .'"???I their majortt*. 1. ?Miman $c (En. S. Miman Si (un. SPECIAL 5ALES FOR TO-MORROW (MONDAY) MAY 12th WILL CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING: An Addit.ona! Shipment of Black Crepe de Chine (42 inches wide) the usual price of which is $0.50 per yard, will be placed on sale at S 1.90 Mail and Telephone Orders will receive prompt attention. SpeciaJly featured in the regular steck of this department are choice qualities o? Black Summer Silks that are water- and perspira? tion-proof; aLco Imported Pure-dye Black Dress SiJks, and Black Satin manufactured especially for Bathing Suit.?. A Sale of Cretonne Articles appropriate for use in the Bunga! Summer Cottage, will be held in the Needlework Department at the fol interesting prices: Desk Sets, in 6 pieces . . .at Telephone Registers . . .at Scrap Baskets . . . .at Cretonne Pillows? down filled . at Hosiery Comb and Brush Trays . . .at Pin Boxes, Cedar Lined . . .at Book Ends .... rer pair Veil Glove and Handkerchief Boxes . at Mat Stands . . . at ow or Fancy lowing $2.75 2.25 1.90 1.75 1.75 ?.45 - y%\ DUC Q ? 85c. 55c. 45c. 7,000 Pairs of Women's ?Silk Glov riou?*quetaire. 16-button length, in black, white or tan, at the exceptionally low price o?.per pair QOc An Important Sale of Men's and Women's Hosiery ar consisting of 40,000 pairs, in seasonable weights, which will be marked at appreciably low prices. Women's Silk Hose, in black, white or tan, cotton soles and tops . . per pair 70c. Women's Black Silk Hose . per pair *55c. Women's Black Silk Mose, with self or col? ored hand-embroideredclocks, per pa?r SI.50 Women's Black Silk Hose, hand-embroidered. per pair.S3.75 Women's Black or White Silk Hose, with open-work instep . . . per pair $2.25 Men's Lisle Thread Half-hose, In black or colors . . per half-dozen pairs $11.30 Men's Black Mercerized Lisle Thread Half*? hose . . ? per half-dozen pairs $1.55 Men's Sil? Half-hose, In black or colors, with cotton soles and tops . . per pair 42c For to-morrow (Monday) and Tuesday a Sale of Unusual ?Importance has been prepared of Women's American?made Muslin Underwear compris:ng a large variety o? Undergarments of .superior quality and workmanship, rep? resenting the most pcpulardesigns and mate? rials, particularly desirable for Summer wear. These garments have been marked for this special occasion at exceptionally low prices. Nightgowns $0.75, .95, 1.35, 1.65 to 2.75 Combinations . 1.00, 1.50, 2.00 & 2.75 Drawers, . . .75. .95. 1.10, 1.25 s& 1.35 Cut set Covers .55, .75, .95, 1.35 & 1.50 Underbodicesof l^et $ 1.35; CrepedeChine 2.25 Petticoats . $1.25, 1.90, 2.25, 2.75 & 3.65 Princess Slips . . . 1.85, 2.50 ? 3.90 Also Women's Imported Pajamas of Pure Silk.$6.50 Japanese Four-panel Screens hand-painted in effective designs on rose, ?reen, brown, ecru or white cloth, with frames of white enamel or dark wood, usually sold at $7.00, will be offered at the remark? ably low price of.$3.75 Also Tennessee Red Cedar Chests, large size (42x21x20), copper - trimmed, fitted with lock, key and casters, usual price $22.50, will be placed on sale at . . .$12.75 Bakltmim $c(?a. Women's Blouses now displayed in the regular stock, are representative o? the modes and fabrics most in demand, included are smart effects in Crepe de Chine and French Mand-made Blouses at $5.75, 6.50 and upward; Washable Silk and Crepe Blouses at $3.50, $4.50 and upward; and Lace and ?Net Blouses at $5.00, 6.50, 8.50 and upward. The New Housegowns and Negligees indudea varietyof dainty garments especiaily designed for warm wea? ther comfort. Among them are si m pie Breakfast Gowns, of flowered cotton voile, dimity, etc., and crepe de Chine and brocaded crepe Gowns that are quite smart enough for home dinner wear. Large Reductions have been made in the prices of High-cost Negli? gees and Housegowns. 5mart Designs in Bathing Suits for women are shown in readiness for the coming season. The display includes Bathing Suits of moire, satin and taffeta, cut on the new? est lines and introducing striking coioreffects. Insomeof these models the slashed skirt is a feature. To facilitate shopping.special sales? people will, if desired, be detailed to accompany patrons to the various departments. On TUESDAY, Way 113th A 5pecial Offering of Exceptional Values will be made in Dresses and Coats for Hisses and ?mail Women presenting the latest ideas in styles and materials, at the following attractive prices: SummerWashable Dresses of Novelty FrenchVo?es, at 518.50 Afternoon Dresses of Dolly Varden 5ilks at 22.00 Sport Coats, in white, checks and golf colors . at 14.50 WalkingCoat.s,in checks and co?ored Eponge,silk-lined 18.00 Travel Coats, seven-eighths length, silk-lined . at 22.00 Also an Unusually interesting Sale o? Girls' Summer Dresses comprising Lingerie Dresses suitable for graduation and dress wear, and White and Colored Washable Dresses 'or every day at special prices, as follows: Hand-embroidered and Voile Tunic Dresses . . at $8.50 Hand-embroidered Voile Dresses . . . . at 7.00 One-and Two-piece Lingerie Dresses . . at 4.75 Long-waisted, Two-piece and Lingerie Dresses . at 2.90 White and Colored Russian Dresses . . . at 2.25 Russian and Waist Dresses. at 1.85 Girls' and Hisses' Hiddy Blouses (sizes 6 to 20) at the very low price of . . 80c. And Little Children's Imported White Dresses hand-made and hand-embroidered (sizes ? months to2 years) will be placed on sale at . . $ 1.45 & 2. ! 0 Being fully yX less than the customary prices. Also Hand-embroidered Lingerie Pillow Cases . . at $].50 Hand-embroidered Pique Afghans . . at 2.65 Also on TUESDAY, May ?13th A Limited Number o? Women's Coats (recently made up), of Tweed and Double-faced Cloth, sizes incomplete, will be placed on sale .... at$]J.50 Illa Altaian $c (En, The Shawl Department Includes in the new'assortments * India Chuddah Shawls, plain or with cashmere borders; Double facedCashmereShawls; Himalayan Shawls in Scotch plaids; Embroid? ered China Silk Shawls, and Shet? land Shawls, Scarfs and Veils. The Corset Department has in stock complete assortments of SummerCorsets and Brassieres, imported as well as of American manufacture, and representing ail the most desirable fabrics for warm weather wear, including all-over embroidery, ventilated fabrics, lightweight tricotine, canvas, etc. The prices in the regular stock range as follows: lmportedCorsetsfrom$6.50to.5.00 Brassieres ?? 4.25 ?? 5.5C American-madeCorsetsl.OO M 5.00 BrassieresL50 ?? 3.50 A new Bathing Corset, made espe? cially for B. Altman & Co., is shown ?n the regular stock at $6.50. The Upholstery Dep'? has received a new importation of Hand-embroidered Japanese Panel Screens, comprising an interesting variety of novel designs end color effects, appropriately framed, which are being shown in the regular stock. Thoroughly equipped Vaults are on the premises for the Storage of Furs, Rugs, Draperies and Lace Curtains. Protection is assured against loss or damage. FIFTH AVENUE THIRTY-FOURTH AND ThlRTY-FIFTal STREETS NEW YORK