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TA <> RI ON 9 ? L AT L ? T ; Wl 1NK COOL SUMMER SUITS The Linen Suit Has a Rival in New Cotton Goods Summer Suits for Afternoon Are Dressier Than Ever. Tne sudden Jump In temperature this last week demonstrated very conclusively ? guita tu.i?le. from cotton fabrics will i. far nu?,, ???nifortable during the next ihre.- or four month?-, than those Of cl"th. in fact, in this climate a ??!t of Unen, Ion sponge, craah or one of the novelty Mon gooda, I anaod among the necessities xx hen allotting ahe clothes al ?son. There waa .' time, and It wain t M ?. when suits of colton materiell wen all decidedly negligee. To they aie often as dressy and ?lab orate na the mon oxpensUe cloth models, and <iisi.! ? ay do. all ih?- latent whlma of fnnhton. The cotton guita, !.. lltvtded int?> two dis tin.i ? i...-s? s. the very severe and simple suits, to be worn in the morning and at .xpnriii!-- ?venta, where the ?tr,.t tailored ruatumea are dealrable, .?ml tim more di?eee*- r*rentlonn, with their draped skhts. ??a\ colore?i gaahee, Jaunty litti? jacheti and fancy collars and ?-.iff?. Both type? fascinating, and th? dr. s?-\- guita are ?onsidered !n as good form as the plainer, tailored costumes, provided the) arc worn pi the nt;ht timo and place Tl?? however. that cotton is n??t a dreeay fabric r Itaelt to a fcertal exten! !?., that a suit of a cotton fabric must neceeearily be an Informal coetuim : I la la not the ? a>e in the faahlon world to-day, anil cotton stutTa auch a - ,,? ? pea etc., ai ? i i?x <!.i ??my, conservatively dressed w.ini. ai ? ? .1 :?,ni Ilk FOR THE TROTTEUR SUIT, the trot,. ? . plain ta rontume is the m?>st practical, it may be made by the tailor. <<r houcht at the ohope, and 11 la no* poeatbli t.> buy suits in the large si,??ps with th?. same gavera tailored lines and tinlsh thai one would pay several dollars more f,.i regular tailoring eetabUahment, many Women prefer t.. tak>- this method ol aaving time and money, Il la never quite as important to have perfect linea Iti the cotton sut as it is in the cloth or silk contorne, for the taundreaa and the ?leaner are no reopcctcra of lines, and th? beat tailored ltn.'s li?\ <? a wax- of ? rowing ??ut of plumb after g visit t" eith? ? institutions. If ettl ? the cotton suits Is to he m?de by the tail??,, by all means lei It be the plain one, for til?- dressy little affair has trim mtng to overe?me any faulta in the lines, and, lik.' It? rej.ll? a in silk, displays the dreaamaher g lines thh season, rather than the severer ones of th? tailor. LINES OF THE SKIRT. The plain suits are v,rv, very plain. The -'ix,-- Lilt and narrow, fast enlng either directly down th? centre or a lltti?- t?. one side Occasionally these ftraignt linea are broken by tucks, care? ful!?, pre seed and perhaps stit.-hed, In order to permll more freedom of limb when th<- skirt is to be worn for athletic "stunts." bul the lar?,-.- majority >.f th? skirts ar. noted for their unbioken ? it? \ \? ht. mad?? really unking bj th fact that It Is so v. r pi?. Is fashioned f"?,n ?ponge. with a rale? i ??>??; ? gh Ing I tion of un? cut plush Th't? i not a t?r. ak of am kind in the skirt . xcepl th? opening from the kn?-e t" i Ih? I? it ltd?, winch is buttoned by large pearl bnttona When th? desire for greater width over? i ?on ? .er. she can lean down and unfasten th?se Luttons TI ?? coat plait, as tin al?rt decidedly cutaway in i front, with the long sloping back et,?t inc in a rounded point several longer than tb? front. Been the larg. pockets un- aubdued to mis general ?cheme <?f -implicit'. f.?r tailored silts at either aide g.*-? the only anggeatlon that tties? ooni ? nlenci ? ha tt be? n g NEW SHADES IN LINENS. t.. p.,. the popularity of cotton ?>... . or rath ne ma) prefer to il soignai? it. liner, has msnx- ahoutere, who claim that it '' cooler than Ott newer materials. li certainly wrinkles and creaaes far more saatly thai 'p?>tig? though the ramie linen Is not as great an offendei li reeped a.- th? French linen or the crash There nr? some eery effective neu ahadea In the smart linens this season, so novel and so artistic that they have won tnanv converts from the ranks of the ?ponge en? thusiasts. The suit shown in the sketch la faahtoaed fr?mi a stunning yellow lin? n. naliv tilhiel, because it gives lust the gilggeatlon of green which is found in the unripe lentos, LINEN SUIT IN THE SKETCH. ?\ i th? ? ami? linen la decid? dly a?id pliable, kl is possible t?. drape It with e?s. The drapery on the skii t i* ?ar rtad a croa? th? iront to the aldea th.* folds are rnark?d by large tOTtOtoa shell buttons. These butions may not seem practical, as they must tie removed before- sending the suit to tin- cleaner? but no buttons are improv.-d t?? Contact with the various Implements uaed !.> laundreeeea and cleanara, and ? of this kind seldom demanda ., vhril to the laundreee the first season. The ?-oat is ot,<- of thoM delightfully Jaunty little affaus that slant abruptly ftom one fastening at the bust line. The back Is laid >n four box pleats of an inch In width. These pleats are praaood foi firmly Into the linen, so that they ar. barel> nottooaMOj yet the> dress up the back as fashion now demands The lines formed by these pleats are continued by a similar set of four on the skirt, which are of" pr.i. tlcal value, as they allow a certain additional amount ol freedom in movement. The sasli on this coirX is given a new twist by ..?infilling it entir. I] , back. It start" at t nm, and is loosely knotted with a throwovor end. Almost any ?oior may ht need foe tins sash, on?- of the brilliant tints, if the wearer would flaunt the futurist i olor? Inge, or black, if she pr*ofO**g a more con? servative contrast. A ?harming affect hi *i Ry Appoiatnun: Tha Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Company, Ltd. American visitors to London aie cor dially invited to walk through the showrooms and inspect the int resting productions ol this famous house. 112, REGENT STREET, LONDON, W. produced v'v embroidering th? ?r,<> is vivid ton? ? Th? vest, which perform? auch an im? portant function on msny oi the new coats, i? of black satin to match the sash, or, if th? --ash display a a radlanl heme, th? veal repeat? the domi? nant note. Tin? wide eufl ar? caught with a bit of th? -ash satin, and the roll? ing .'ollar Is of the same shad- The standing collar, or nu h?. la of plested tulle, in s ptctty cream tint These standing COllsra are a 1 app*- In? aplrstlon, for they solve the problem of |dressing tin- nek appropriate!) .-."'1 he comingly. Nothing is more ugly than to ??.m'-i'i Wearing a luv -n-. ked fro,-U With a coat When there is mi collar t" protect th? kin from coming m eon? with tl" rtdgl of the coat ...liar Si.n-n! Ipk th.' collai ' tl > dresa pul ovet I ? ? of the '";,t i? a Bubtet litare which la neith? i m .t nor attractive y* I In hoi weather one h. Itatet to swathe th? neck with n eleae fittinc. ?boned rallar ? or even a tulle ruche on the i>r?l"r o' the sntiR little fur collarette?- win, h were ?Mini i;i th? ??iiit-?r. The COilSr of Isce I m tuii.-. stand ' i. an ?- from tv nn-k, ? as the ??ollar on this s it -!-,- :;\r? a. becoming, daint* .'feet, protects the akin Bl the , loth .-1" tl,. ?nit delighrfull* .i .i*'i comfortable a? the; fin t. !?>?? collar of I "it'll . COMBINATION SUIT IN SKETCH.' Ol ill ?'- . ?: "1.1 ? I terlala which mak? many ol ? ? and cloth rastumea ao smart u i i" , "st'ini'- ..f cotton fabrica. One of tl,-- favorite contrasts m coloi i. th" ?Vite skirt nn?l colored Jack? I 1 k> ? i- tl-' most popular. Horn tlroea the akiri Ii piped ?ritl yellow, as If to Mm? that it ?ras really m? ii l to . ompl? te Ih.stum? si d ? .-.?i odd skirt, t.. he worn ?? nil sn* I hi costume In 1 Ich show i it of color by ha skirt in white and the coat In a dull Chinese Mue. The skirt 1? psrtlculsrly fetching, for it I? very .-hi", and jrei so simple ti at it , i" laundered with very litt ? difficulty. Th. fronl pan? i I? brought to a point in a clever manner and the sllgl t draping Is caught to the ?Mea Of the pan? I and taken care of bj small tucks. By rounding the front op. Mi g at the h? m | ?? id.f . ? arrli d oui In ;? '-"0?. rvativ? ana Ii offensli ?? fashion. Th.- tH'-krt >.f .'hi?ese blue ?ponge I.? de? lightfully jaunty and jrouthful. It is one "f those qilalrit ?vhifil*-]? illit ies Which ..??? their ca<'het to an aUda?ciOUa cut, for tl?re is not a particle ?.f trlmn | *? drrs?- it up, it might he. t be described a? a (.-lorifitd bolero, l?>r it d"< not even reach the waistline in th. front, bul ?-lants abruptly away from the fastening at the "V" of the ne.-k an?) fiar? ? in a sa'i'> fashion ovei the hip.- The ragl?n r add.- to the genei 'tit air of this little Jacket, snd the ileev? , at th- '.,-? | ould? I " i-ii. The col ar la raised In Ihe bach in s becoming manner, and a pra- t?. al on. aa well, foi ti,, .,?-- b d thui prate? t< d sgals I IM rayi of old ?-"! STRIPED SKIRT AND PLAIN COAT. Another popular ramMnatlon Bhoa skirt of a strip..) ?ponge or Hi.nd a i, ..m ..f the plain good? Fot Instance, th"V' i skirt -nay be of blue and wait? ?striped linen and the of MlM Unen with ? res sad i uffa "f the striped mat? rial I Still another combination calla for the 'plain skirt ami brocaded Jackets Tl uncut cotton velvel and Iwoche, sponge or ?otton mat. ?, a Ii ;- ?? ?arlou?I) called, mak-- ven ?handsome Jackets, ??ven entire costumes, and sre dress* enough to wear to af?< rnoon t? similar social-function?. Th? IWrd w>r\ In th. ?ketch i- wearing s costume of this kind ?aith a skirt of ih? plain wMte ?pong? an?) a )a< ket of th? mal i Tl < .-klrt 1- draped ?<> the l?ft Bide, !?,.*. ing the ?tralght, unbroken lin?- at th. right. Which I? al??a?.s effective. There is Just a hint ?if I ? R issian . e m th>- coat, though the rais, d WSiStline if? more typical of tin- l.mptr. 'style This rie?v line is mark? d b) COfd, ; which Is twisted to make motif.? at either ski.- of the ha? fastsalng There is a per? ceptihle baKKiness and blous? y loOSSOOSS to th?? upper part of the. Jacket, though the skirt portion fits th" hipa amoothly, with the sUghtesl hint of s Bar? at the - ,.- - Bk nder women with girlish ??iii be enthusiast!' over the box plea) ?which tak" sway the very plain effect ol lit- front-. The Inevitable .olor not lerit by the rever? - and oufr.-. of cretonne This fad for utilising cretonm ha de v, loped so rapidly that the more dating d? ..lois do not hesitate to fasMon * ntire .cstutii' *- ii?.m ?t. while Jackets ?ne every* day oc<iirr.iic.-s. They ar. ex?**ee?iingly effective and ?rill add i" the gayety ?l mblagea thta aummer. in :.,-t. the sard? n parti? ? ol IffU will I ? noted m tl * annal? *.i th.- future as *.?" , dirfui studic- In color, foi Hie green land? ?cap. ??iii art :- a background to throw into relief all the vivid COtoringl of the Futurists the l'os'-lmpi. ssi.uiist ,!nl other rabid color enthusiasts. ? A Powder Box Bag A pretty and useful gift which may be made at th.- la-t iniiiut?? is .i baii for the potador box. Use s yard of four-inch rlb iioj, ?n .. pretty flowered ?i.-siim, cut in third?, lay <>ne p].i the rather and together by briai atltchlng, Do ?.i.- when a i a JMned, and gathei th. end? enough t" be sown to a ptr? cular piece ol "ardboard j1? inches la diameter. <vt two of these and covei with th? ribbon Hating attached on? which will be the licht side ga the seam ??di not enow cover ?Aith the other circular bit An Inch from the top sol o. beading lust wide ?m-nuii to hold th. draa -tniiKs and feather oi briar stitch H on Pul int.. n a b..x of pow? der, and the whole nanos g very accept? able pi THE MUSSULMAN SKIRT. The new bilhouette is also produced by i the so-called Mussulman skirt. On this | skirt tin- drap': >' is brought to the front ?and to the waist line, producing a raised IWaist line ?--lieh is i.clth.-r graceful nor ?iiiii?;. but is ne?? 'Ihe ??.list line, by the way, la m ?/arm?te as ever. On tora cos) inns it is raised to the extreme Em . pirt position, on olh? is it falls almost to hip length, snd occasionally la strikes th? normal. It is not confined "!,!?. on an I exceptional model is th? glrdl? so tight that the triK ??.n-t of rather days Is BUg? -rooted l?? allowing tin ?aau-t t<> expand to its tullest proportions thr idea of the corsetlesa tiKuro is more perfect1? simu? lated, aril the hips appear to dln\nish in fcizc. **> SUMMER SUITS IN COTTON MATERIALS ABOUT NEW FOOTGEAR The woman who i?.????- ? u the re? ?, tatlon of being well dn led i uel i-'iv<? ,'?.. igi t and att? ntton ? ?'. i . - footgem It la It behind the ihlrta of t?? daj lll-fltl ? i?ia? ke.i she? with rui .,.,... .......... ,,,??,.,. ? to t?,? f? ? ? It : ind Btoekli I lo b .-i good looking v"\kn; In fac? l t eacl ? InU i-,r il ? the erhole, and the ha be ruin??! fr?.,,, the faahlon trlewi foolu? ,?r The blach, White and tan sho?.? ..f ??t? ? ? ? ?.aplace b? side tt,. ??r.?i footgear of th? hour, an?i the ? i up their hati.i'- tn horror ai the \ ulgarity pf color? d ihoee, a I It, a year or ao rearing th. m uttt, tii? same n???,? i. ?? ? ? i toward the ,? d T?. i,. sur?- one i looking black and white '""'??? ". both higt, buttoned bool and pumpa, bul Ihej on? 'h red .. ehl? in?l p-to del? ta th? repli, peaking '. ??? sho.s li mlgh! ?,?il attention to a r.? ? material which y :,.,t a h ather at all. hut a w : doth in appi .-i, ?.;.' ? thli loth do* ea bu ksk?,i. m i m de and ? lean - quit?? as eaally, though tt ?? manufacturer? insist thai :t la Impervloua i" water, mud or duet it is uned for both high boot? and low ?-;,?,..s. with buchlea ??f tif?- mate? rial a,.?i covered b< There are a.-?? clever combination? ?r ( ?' I He In the I '??' s play i patent , ? g leather ai ...... i \. th le; or, ai lb? af hi? . white I.,? r .. ? . ? ? i in 1 .... .', e . ; ; -, ? | I ? and ' ? ?l black, a vet ?? elf? ctl lion to v.. .?, all ? ? : ? ,. ? * ? ' navy blu? silk stocking with .? t.?i clock and ? mp of and red; another, equally ehle, I ? ol White -Ilk With br:.- lit gn - un?l pumi paten! ? and bright , ?. ? o i?? ? ?rith I - i sing rich 1 i , t ti? morning pi omenade ??? I a 1 ? amp ?i ; ght shad? I'l . ,.? ? .| S'lC'le "I h? till!tO ? ol the ? mall, to ind, fiat ? ? ? .tct, , |? of i anted i ? \ f. \> uppera are s. ? n, ueuall) In a or t?t? d? ,.. re and ? hite bul ar? woi,, only with ... t im? di p?a Ing l i same ??on,bin.,,.on of colora TO MATCH THE COSTUME. i the .?ft. t no?.,, th? i ?? I-- nothing smarter then th satin pump matching i 'h? col.f !!??? ? oelum? A BREAKFAST JACKET IN LANSDOWNE TRIMMED WITH LACE AND TASSELS. THE CAP IS OF CHIFFON TRIMMED WITH CHIFFON FLOWERS. ? the ?mu?, lg, ? u in no! i,, sit.? to ??? dor n p di rtume Th? ? I fain, lacking the dar? _? ,. of 1 ? ' 'olonlal pump, and an gtt , ,i a -I,. gey toucl le of rhlne .... .'.?t note r these i n;,v' ;| matching th? Mtln of 1 , . . . ?nkleta. by tl ? ..f the aenoatlon-lovlng i .m i? ? a? li rather toe fo?. ,.. ? bu? th.- effect I? I with ? g drena Ti,?? mor? ,? will fancy t>. ol i. ., k retv? l erlth ri eeton? nUd? s ratio r . r i get li THE GREEK SANDAL. ? ? ?hi? afternoon ahoe w ht? i? com? i tofo vogu Introdu? ? ..,. dal, w iiti ni,!.?,i, cree ad and wound around t1?' ankl? li I? not going to ?" ., difficult undtrtahlng i"r any woman t? ,,i,,,.. ,,.,. ? ? i. !.,? .i i sh? ' Urea la g pair of Ma? i? pat? ? ? I? ath? i p imp with ? t black iii'ii,?' ", gre train ribbon about half an Inch wide, if she dealrea to weai effeel with a whit? linger!? frock aha ma) autatltute col..i tu?i??.ps i?,.,!? hing one of ti. , . coa turn? Ti,. ribbon is sewed t" either aide ol tha ?front of th?: pump m.?i wound around the ankle, it m.f be tied m a perhy iitti? bow or drawn through Bildet it i? poentble t.? tuy the ? ?lid? In 1 his country in aei .: .?.i.i design? Home are "f platinum sei w ,th rhlneaton? i and othei ??' ?Jit a tin ? ??im i d atom ??? Anotti., i,, inme ? f? [?. to I of Oxford ti? s artth part and the tongue :?' ??n t- then en? ?i h si... would ordl ,i..iiiv be laced, but Inalead of txint: a ? m.?li h.ixx ii. i ire wound around the ankle and tied higher up i m be us?.) Witt, them lull icceaafully a with the pump.., and two ??r thi? ?? pairs are ??if? n i" ?I .,i oi .? time, SLIPPERS OF METALLIC BROCADE, 'i h? in. ' p. pulai even ng i h p r? ai ? '.i aailn ? ? etching the gown and the stockings a little nearer? i uwev?,. are the illpp ra ol metallic Joro ?.??le with large buckles of brillfautta or ? ? ea hnrmonlalng with th.' tinta : .?t through 'h>- brocade. The lovelleel sllppara are thoae of gold and attver tis sue ?a it u ins. ,i ,.i ChantUI] lace, either in white ?.' black, and a ,f tins offacl u.-r..' ?...' sufficiently elaborate the Lace ?~ son,. tlmea embroidered with sparkling etonea i ha bIIv? ? t lasu? slippers are r? ry often worn with white etlk atocklnga Ineel with Inca to mat? h ?ial ?,n the ? I ii |?i.?. .nul embrold? ied ??is?, m handg. while the gold slipper? have Btochtnga match ? ...ih. m s' alan trimm? d n Ith ? i ?-i,il rolderj a fnd recently Introduced by a society leadei m Wasl?ngton promlaea to hecoma p..'.?liai with women who like ti??? unusual rtevetope*] in .? eonaervatlv? wai Thla ? ?? ??if , . i ; ,.r white --ilk atocklnga with ti,? monogram embroidered on thi ankle, The monogram ahould be a dupll . ite of th.- one need f?>, marhlng the ata? tlonery, lingerie, iir,?n. ei, to,- the clever woman ttaea tha win monogram it, dlf? ? /?? ??n ait arttdea aha m ly ?i. Ire .. i.i Individual p". reanlona THE VOGUE FOR BUCKLES. ' law.)o nu tun klen, for lh< y are .i n m ai an) time dui Ing the \" ii ?? ? i : ?? \ ogue for bu? kb s ,?, ,.,,,, ?.? i,h the ahoe Instead ?>f harmon?a mi; with i< ha? brought into eslatonce the lir.c metal bucklea eel wit), oolored atoneg or baroi ? > MOria t" i.. wirn with l.iaek pumpe, an?i ,lie gilt buckles, aluo witii colored atoneg to trim the r***4o**g4' pumpa Om of the moot rra'-tn-al new lea is offered aa a aubatltuta for the . whtcb will rust denplte the .a,, thai may he taken ot it, and reason Is \ery un'b'sirable for t ta an) damp nla?-e This new buckle t1- made of imitation sheil and Is completely covered with sunken rlune gtonoa cloaely gtjrroundod byeltghtly r*"o ? ?'..? ? . ? ? ? ? nail I r ??1? met I men used Ineteud of ? ?' A- t the point ? ? . ?! In? ? r ? i ? .' . . -x ' ? ? xx ax-, g ? revival ol favor this ?=ca son. -?? i a ? rd ?tj ?? of bucJde g rig I the gan of i onatructton show i a It lOll of I' stones with points In cither silver or gold. Tho eolor scheme of thl? buchte mahes It adapt fot a sho?. tu any color <>f leather Snug White Skirts The softest materials are beirg i..?.ed I for white underahlrta The overahlrta ar? no nnrron that the white skirt of neeaaoiiy must b? us sheer is pontble. 'I be more exp? nMve skirts are slashed to .? depth Of ill inches In the flounce to ut-sur., ?ase in walking Beading is use! to bead the flounce?, which are being worn this season Heading, too. ?< xx >rn f.? ? dge th?> skirt it-. , ?,:?? and three-quarter yarda is the whttli for the fashionable ?kirt. but th. > ar?- also lie:n?r iii.i'!?' tWO ?anls wid?'. New materiala auch a? Oxford cloth ?? Cotton rep. are used, and in addition soft Bnlahed piquea, Wlic,i lli.-s-- COttOn g""?l< are used it is advla ible nol to use under Houncee. But* lonhole ?pnlloplng and fancy hematltch i Ing mak.' admirable edging? for these ' t skirt* Silk Corsets ? Older aomen delight in pretty things i unit?, as much as the?. <iid ,n theii younger days, and there la no reanon whj the) BhOUld not Indulge 'fus natural long? Ing Ii will be awnhened when they see the ?laintv- new cometa In pink auedlna nul in t!,?- silk tricot These niHV seem a bu .a?, but thej are ao very pretty and delightfully feminin? that they are sure I to be adopted by lovera of the beautiful of ail agea Several atylea i,a\e been 1 fashion?-?! from thes?- tWO materials, so that ti.Id? r aromen may And an) type eultabfe for them, A simple but affective tints!, of shirred ribbon or a silky braid gtrea tha decorative too? h To wear with these corsets there is a brassiere of silk finished in the same wax There are no hoties in tins brueetere, the cut produc? ing the necessary ?;.pport for the bust Hat Trimmings Flowers fanes feati.ei ornamenta of I tiurnldi?'. COQ, vulture and tiackle, ?.ullls, I ribbon an?! ostri.'li fOfttherg ate the fa-! ?or...i model of trimming. Plowora ate the moat springlike, and this season they pi omise to lie plentifully used. They may lie need as garlands, in i lusters, or a- OfM single, large, beautiful flower. At, ex quiatta Boater Illy, porchod on the bring I of a leghorn bgt,*made .? moot ?'ffe.'tive ? trimming. Cluatera of vnrl-oolorad flowers m the , pretty, dull, almost faded tOttea are seen . on many of the new hat?; sometimes they | form the base for a mount of aigrettes or feathera; again they win nestle either under, or on the edge, of the brim, aa Is Illustrated in the leghorn shown in the iheteh. Thla garden hat which is enno* Ing a t?it of anvi at Palm Bogota, ha.s a ? rowu of cretonne? the colors a? soft as ? if waahed In ".? tha bruah of an aitist. | The brim la <?f >?-!io?? straw, with .? tac* i ing of bl,n k chiffon, and right b?'re at i, iiliuii BhOUld be ?ailed to the xalue of black facing? In bringing depth and mys j tery Into tin; ?>.s. On one ? ?lg?. of the i brim, aa If It were about to drop off, there la a cluster of the dull iaiu?J tww. WRAPS FOR I THE SUMMER Saucy Coatees of Many Materials Are Popular This ?Season. The fascinating little eoatooa ?'i h ar. too whimsical and saucy i? t-, ,?..?4 coats, are Winning moi- .onverts ?vej. day. Their chain, .<? ..,?,,(,, *j3 appeal, a promise uf ;. Kirli--li effect, 0n the slender. Iltbe figure they ar.- delig{ ful. hut th- woman ??1th p.- | .|M will find them ver Inapproprlat? They are fashion.-! from sann --r taffeta m th? ?bright colors, and fake ti,,- ? ?,,, ,,f llu ?vhite jackets which WON worn !? - 3J With black sat n skirt? They .-? ,r. tlcularly fet. hlnn in th- tul- . ,Z citron shad. s. ??? Icii lav- . -"-t.on of ydlOW. A Stunning crea taffeta ha.? a ?ollar of cr.-am ? o .,r?.' ij_, lists and two Mils "f ?ream la?*? rvhich till In the. V m the front. In v? nj 1 the same way that the guin nt last seasoi Another low tarap, und o e thai ma? be ??njoyeei by those ?xho mus? eavg th? little coate,, alone, i? of I ..- and silk or chiffon, heavily bead -a ?f. fed Is v?*-.v attractive, and - ? a, gach ??raps mav be worn in th? ?Vfrrasj as well as in the afterm-on. ..r ?*-.. t,;caj social fun. tioii.s as garden pert!*"* Tha 'il p? r part nt the ?rrap - ... E ! material and th? er of th.? ?alack. Th.s lo?acr portion s ? ??? m .?.y lupple to prrm't oi drai ng, :? trie "Pi" r par? i? perf? ctlj tin- Th. .. ls ^ .-..liar, ami the wrap fSSl .?,? bust line with ?? cord of b ida looiei** t? i it? ?; into a knoi Belli another ?delightfully t Wrap i- "f* Bllh grenadine, a ??? Hotel design outlined In silk thread i'.,rtii-t> laii) <!???? , model of this m it?nai reflecting the ?oral pink shade. The wrap Is a long oi,?-. reaching to th? s?v?*-. ? Ighths l?sngth, ?rith the <i Into n "mthered floui ?'?oior-d chiffon. Chiffon Ii drapoti vor ? ? ?* shoig. 'iers. giving O soft, vol 11] . .- t arKj folds of the chiffon fall in ml'i- . over tie hand. The Vogue of Tulle Quantifie-, of tullo are being -.?<?! this ? ear. Th" ab It Id? a : I rnlng for the hat ?a pi.-he of tulle of ?t artly the s.un?- ahad? larfs stunning hat In purple WSS g - Atting t?ie head closely, it had a high pe;?ke?i relUlg I ' r, an?l standing erect, rerj n headdre - Indian ?? arranged. A bow of i'"" ? ? * .i queer ?id Chines. ? tinge, trimmet! the hat In th? - "da cluster of tiny pink ? ?' aa<ced "u the brim s 111 | the front. Th" neck ruche, mate ??? ,-i ? on? Ijr fitting affali r to tgjg fur C.1I1..1. tt' s of n s g fashioned from the pilrp .- 1 : with a lining Of blue tulle in I Bat M the ribbon uaed on the hal it ???a fastened in th? hue1. i the blue mol ?* rlM ? ?? . ?? 1 ? which fell r)ulte ? ? -?i its small pink rosebud t i? Imitar ruch. gj In bla-rk. tete do la ki Mp betbaa ruclu I <i stliT whits mousseline. Il m f.ill. and from g distan I -*? i Into thinking II *.? ostrich rucha, it 1? m id m g > Hi e* ami r*xtenda a moat to 1 a Collar and Cuff Sets t-'ets rf collar ?ni Cuffs ?rit** ' I match are cxtier. | aortes to trim up the linen i v in.' fashioned from Im.: a i'U - mbrolderad in vai ? boll ?arrie? out lbs 1 to, asm ?aith a pearl bUCkl? hp-id. -1.1 nel collar and 1 as ' ? ? ? on siik frocks, si I "n" pleated frl 1 adds thar ? ? toi oh whi.-h many fastldloui m.111.1 In th?-;r neckweai Novel Motor Bonnets One of th?? most tal if '?al? for the motor bor.ncr la ? p -nee. It shed? the oust quickly, and if oal din aid the stains of tn rsl, It can ? him d? red aril i v? i y Mo I oubl? and with excellent resul On? i "]A** these bonnets al ?*? rnoney, Coro asould be wh I them to ? a 1 rot? I ''r tn back Th?* simp'.. -? ?'*? 0! front portion, "f th??* new I irist at Cubtst silk, with rosettei ol th. rong? at either aide. Another style quatlj *?? ?Impie, bai th? 1 uff of ? 1 ? ''??t?l ?**? pipings and cover? d buttoni - t PeramM BUM Tn. morS tailored tvp. ? of .' 'n' nets bave th? ?tit. h? d ? *** and , an i..- worn for t ... ? - v,|th * great deal ol comfort, Ii o: and gi neral ?tyle th. r are ? - 'l-l*r to the ?titch.-d m-- '- ' l]vlt* of ?ponge and tinea Th.- raffia bonnets an k ? -M !" w, ight ami so very coo .-it??*?? 04 .i lot day that th? ! :|!,ch tn demand as during the previ -.-??>?? despito th.- fact thai thi * are no lonI?ra novelty A charming effect can b? rr(> duoed !??? lining them with a bright <"? ..nd Bilk and repeating the same ' ; ? the bow of ribbon uaed aa trim* - ?r In the un? cluster of sal ,-? Waists Fasten in Front Even one muat be happ> ' ??' ?l ** taahtoaal le to have waists button m ?? f: "lit- ^ Th.- cotton crepe waists are I ? " xcm* . ?I th? hour and crepe dc chin** waiits m more i.opulai than ever Konian I ?**??? ; buttons In all shades are used and '?'?'V? j fancy touch quite In keeping ?ith ?"? j fahrte of these amista . Scarlet -'tailor ruades'' In ?ilk? *** cr?pes, etc . have become "quite P? \ thin*? ? m I'ariH. ?Scarlet waist? too, M worn if the does not ?ar.? t.? t?''??? down her eostume with s wMts 00a * d.iubt th.* hrilliant hue ?Mil lose "* roirao In hot weather, hut untl tM" "under th? red robs" I? ?? slogan m s*-?*; . ? . 1 ' ?? bel ?'. ^_ J. & j. W. WILLIAMS CARPET CtEMIK/i ! 353W.54fh% Ol It OM.V PLA4 Eitablmh.-l l?7.v io.. ~- aaai /.o?,??,!??