Newspaper Page Text
REAL ESTATE AND FINANCIA! Miu-??0t?( mS???m mimnt REAL ESTATE AND FINANCIAL PAR! V. EIGHT PAGES. NEW-YORK, SUNDAY, WAY II. 1913. PART V. EIGHT PAGES. ui;?, ?,?i?)D~. in:?, ?.?i?iii* IIR1 ?,? OIIS. IIR1 ?,?l?i|is URi noon? nil?, i.iioii? OKI GOOD*. un?, i.??on* '?? U. Ma? ft Co.'a Allracll? na Are 'l h to ih Si PARIS MODEL GOWNS -EDUCED for Final Clearance original models from stich famo lyl creators ;i? c-e' et ule ce .. : 'on?caii ?aurer g ii? ?table cotitttrici ered At Less Than Mal? 1 ormer Prices ..'? :^rnoon and Promenade Dres^ss ere ?224.00, J M am ; M) i uced Lo $98,75, $79,75 & $59.75 Ma -iK' in?".? . i- am] adaptations are al**u .. ? ?. In :i- < '"\\ n- that w ere SI i 1.00, {74.7 11- thai tvi re S/"lUJ0 n $3 "'f. Dainty SHADOW LACE and \ETBLOUSES~spe--Uii | In ti1 ? 6w to rofe?] I .? me ion c irJ ; : .. I *_d Delicate !.. ployed for the mo>1 charmin*. of the in'? Mouse novelties which are displayed in ihc \ -c $18.89. i : . -s ? , m ?i Ft ?iff..11. A V.uiis. la? ? ? ? mud, I. Illa? k in mid und? . ? ..ix- . ! ace and Net c Blouses?Special, 3>4.vO ' ??ollar. - $10.00 Lace and Net .-, t Blouses?Special, $OeV4 ?? ? $20.00 Real Paradise, $,13.89 \ ! ? : ' I ; WHITE SALE Specials In Dainty UNDERWEAR ?' , new . grcatl* ' mpro\ ed I ?ci I cnt mi rd I loor ace di'spla; - d all ihe l?ttcsl iv i 11 ?urteil and domestic. In a prettih furnished ? ?ted ;?? I <l-mad< are the most cxtpii>ite hand-cmhroidered garments. .?. ?th the finest real laces livre are Ki ?;???? - , 1 Ft ? n? ' hand ? m d < ? - -. . . ,,,. a|)|| ( |l(iri ., ,lj|||d mai]( with i .. .?!,.., d i-riM-he ,. itli hand - mbroidoi an?l tit? t s i , . . ? $10 ? "'" "'' ' Fren? i? ''??:. ? ? .. ? th.-re ? ' , . signs i Mont will ? in ? ? |?1< i ?ml . lie?. -??I ;tl? l?||< - ?x Hi, 1 fill \ ? , a;? ri? ?? s ? r, ? !.. h Poll ? \\ Ith th. M"-? h< re . |.r .,,,.? , i,.,,,,. .,.,.,,,,fl,,|, ,, ,| ?'? ?' nd ?12.?! re? ,;,, ,? , iiglit-ltu< ? ? Gowns at 69c i :-,; , |yl? ?, i ? ling. Val< : Tor? lion li '? n?i?re mull: in kin)..,i" ilh I'liilu uld? , and Tot ? hon ,iii Torchon la? e and | x !*??< and ??ml : , . ? ? \\ 1111 <. I he, CI u n j Q? -.i, i la? ?? trimmed, owns at 7<*>c , ,, ,?. .,,,?,?. ... ,m> ? ?,; due; loa . i ound | tlRur? :? rn; high or loa fed: ribbon r-m. , ? i ... ., Toi i'hon laee Inaer Downs at $1.29 l.n,|.ii ? i? ",!? I will rrnbroid? ? beading and riblion: bead? ! ?ill Val? n? l< nil? - In? ?? and Gowns at P9c iis?.??K. d? ?f ? mbroid? r? ?I ???-?ki \-..i, ncleni a?rtion; ?leo i n i i ? -t> it-, ??? Ith embroider) i ii"i...ti. ti Immed n,iii lace a nd ribbon. Gowns at $ 1.79 i '. i ?. ? i charming i. i, i |.ii ? mod? I, h Immed w II i, line Idind ? ?ni.???ni? i ? iih ribbon d ?. ? " through II ? ih Ign Qowns at $2.69 .-I.ii n ?;..? .1. ; with ? l ? ,i nil I,..1.1,1' i rd ihndoa la, ? . ??!? ? \ ? -. shad. i ? m n n? ?i Combinations at P?'c ' Combinations at $1.79 ?Ii -, \\ ?- r ?-.f nainsor.i I i i iiiiiii- ?1 liliml . mbroid? t Valci i?ni r n-run \? ,.|. finbr, der ?? nd riblion lurudini embroider* medallions an?l Va- Combinations ?it $1.98 1.? ot?>*" *?*?? ?.***??> Prime, m. irlmmed ? Ih Va effective .d? I. I t? ,?? |? nn? a I Drawers at 24c Corset Covers at 49c 111 ' m : :!c] ? ,i ruffle* t In tin? nah.h lov i,?? k . i f? ? i ? dainl ill li nuil? ?I i ' Drawers at 49c MS ?illl??! ind embroidery ruffle?, llaeei or embroider? In prett' iwtlerna. Preach Hand-Embroidered Underwear, 79c Chemise- Conet Caver;. and Drawers '' md ? t '.. ;, . pa It? : em.Idered on fin? nalnsooh $10.00 Embroidered VOILE ROBES, at $7.49 ? or ecru R ?rfc ?1, -i"-,i- I .?? h robe ? ontain? .1 1 3 ? ard? ? "1,h "?"? v ith ? .ii-t ,m<l mat? ' ' b md oi fternoon .????I i venin*- ?-?? ? n . $5.00 to $6.00 Hand Embroidered Linen Waist Patterns, Remarkable Value at $2.n7 ? ? pure-thread Iri?.h lim n. in a ho ? I Mexi? nn drawn ?????; i patt? rn>. Conl 1 i'1;"" i,llf" foi blouse, with collar .1 cufl piece? embroidered to wat? h fronts ' c ( -Ct --c;,e. BatibU an. flat : il - Idbea -*???? V? ?K.75 'Dr s?-inmeri*:**: C-e... ''!f.\t Putern embroidered in in?/ c: orine and iesi-*?; ? ? ?*wai*x -? i ri/oon ,i-i ?' The ?reat White Sale Continues Another Week Two acres n( floor space have ?been added. Practically every ?Department li-t?> ?bceii enlarged and made lighter? brighter ?nul more romnwdious. Arrangi ni' ui tliroughoul il? Store has ?been l'asti} improved. Departments are more readily accessible. A Macy s growing old gracefully, improving ?vitli age <?r rather, *-*11?tII we say 55 years young greets you with grcal values for -iiis week. Crowded Out of This Advertisement The Details o? Bueno mies in oi en's iBd Hisses D-csscs -it $ 5.7* eise- ?Sei Grass Furnltcre ' r s;. : : er ??mts lid f/here 230.0. a I3S. '"?l. v. i ??.. Very special rce>. '. ."",? - .-, a? ... bieLiun?atvei7atincttre prlCa?s. *??'- ' le **4 '"' ? lt1 - '?"'? >ress interi-ib. fte seastn'. most leslraWe ?r aaima H?.'.-? at $2.< r. fetales it special prices. Infants1 Hand Hade Dresses At ?a\ ings I Hew, E . '--tc &? irtms T hrt Floor 3??tt :?. ''i .. -, i-..',- w ... '.; ' on ? i ? Third i''""i i Ij r. pi? i aith ' ?! i" - .i for Ih. I I 1 m ? , fi "m i nj kid i.. |>l? i- ildlnl i gai ? ? ? III"! On ? ? . m< i ?? .i ;..i im.uii ? Infants1 Yoke 1 tresses, . ! c to $5.74. . i. -i i? Dm ? I ? lin? n, ? i - ? ? ? . Tn ?nnis' Long Dresses, $1.24 to $3.06. * *? ?Ol |H I ',' tl ? in : ?? . I? I. - Infants' Petticoats, $1.24 and $1.39. ? I niants' Empire Dresses, $5.49. : ? , , . - in !?; ..:ii Hoi ? ' ? ? I tlrilsh? .? run. \'i.l? i"i, mi.-- |a? . und ll.-UX. Blankets and Comfortables for Baby's Bed ii. in. ic riding Denarim? nt, n? n' ??. hon ?? ??-..ii'l* r fnl .. ii? ol .inn! < 'nmforl - ,? ,- . -1 .. - i-.,,] Spr? id ? ?! thins for baby's ril? o? i- 'l -'i in ' - - ' -.r iL,n Ii la i qualil I. el* i ,, ? Inn n. "i . i lit.111* ? .-i Itegului Mi Sill II: -e-' Sllkolin? Ccv.'D-iabcs (}- in..- -V8 la.), 71c. Mad? ol oft, daintil floe ? ed lilH I.,,!!. | oh .-. ,,iir| DU? 'I i? nh flufl "ni' ? Ol I'M. ;tii ?-. i*? m. "i i - . i". m. x .*>i i>e .11 . ' ? :< *?'..|||e ?? lili ?i IM |l| lili >..,?,i. i un 04. .hoi >il Satec i i3? : . | Com? rtables, $1.98 ... ?. '.n. ilotAi covered Imil h ,|, \, Up i-'? |t|1 ligiir? ?! ..te. n m l?|.? pink lone Kino I.', m. ..i m .n. S j 9" .- he IJUalll J ?' il L '. III. |l-' 111 - ..t.. n i.., ?|. . .-m S_! .' > and s ; . .* ?. ' Ilk 'op <4 ?r.. i 54 in.i ftmfviial tes, $2.59 Top "i "? ' III n i ?* da? ?? |-fn, . Hkollne ha? i? und plain i.ii,i. ? hit. .-i i.n> via i"..r.|. r. cu,.i itii (In? ' whit? lotton SHI or- Satin ' oc: ? iblet, $5.19 I". In ? -M In Rot| - dull ? ?tin tufted ?'< ?tr< . ?tit. In ?I bor ?Ml. .| tn Ith "it. Hun wool. -?????.. -.?'.'-? ' - eis. i:;?i m. ?. I" m ?. $1.24 SI ?I ?. S? ?"? ?:?.? in. x r*0 In.l Si.09 9 2. 1 - !, " '' ' too. a. 11-_* |n. .?'? m ? ?>-?- ' i. ?**> i - ? , I?? ,1 . m m.i. S - ?' ? ? . $6 Light ??r icht. "ti' r*?i ilU , durable $1.25 " '-?: V i?f ' Steeplaf ggtf*,eac^ 69c !v n. ni foi ' -? ?!I Bsl cai i;,L1- ,,,,,ii. i Inlshi ?i .it top ?? ith ?III iii,i.,.n to fa ' urely ,i the bod' Limited ?man Hi? m t- : ''?? "nl% i i ..?ti..-. r i.k.m; "HARC-IIONESS" SILKEN UNDERWEAR . or ? ? i ?? tn;?-ti\ i m.?--. individualit) and daintiness il .,- comfori and coolne??- in und< ".Marehionea??" knil silk I nd? ? I i ???-). purr tin ? ad ilk. ar? plain ?,.-!-.: $1.44 to SI .08; Union Suits. $2.80 to S3 89 and Bloom ? - ai sj. 19 and $?-89, in pink ??: a hit? Embroidered "Marchioness" Union .Suits $3.24, $3.89. $4.89, $5.94. IJainl . ?rget-mc ? ? ' ' H- ? !.. -1? ,-??. 1? - -. m : ,,:??? Exquisitely Hand-Embroidered 5cts, $9.89 to $19.89. I ! '. i and HI . ? ?nd? r?ull) i nibroidercd in . n - bj the mosi "? need ? ?men. I Ih r? an mum and grape design in whit? -ilk : .it- rn ? arc fi om $3.79 to $8 ? ? : m i? ichii . ? plain hem ?G. ? ,:;i: DAINTY Summer RIBBONS Special and Timely Savings ?? ?' '.' , ? making industry, it i plete R bbons. ? ding: ? ? v. r Effsc ? ? C ?'c'vc.4 Nifelty RlHau ' . ,-.Irian a raret?tr.' iffec.s /? ... and li i pot '? "' Sorrli ?> f?iti ?nds. Nos. 1, \\U 2, 3 and 5 Wash Ribbun. 14c, I9c, 24c, 34c, 44c Roll o! 10 Yards ? ??? ; ? ' t 1 I? ??ix- Inch Messaline Ribbon (y?.\, E c ? ? ne Ribb? Moire and Taffeta Ribbon, 5),-Inches (yd.), 2!c I ?? I' n '?? ? ? mialit' ? r? lleni for . ? Co lighl blue, car? Satin Taffeta Ribbon, 5 \ -Inches (yd.). 21c I ,iti. ? . R bbon in w hite, pink and ligbl bl i< Heavy Taffeta Ribbon, 5'. -Inches (yd.), 24c ? ?! beautiful til ["affetn Ribb?t ?boars. I r hite, pink, Novelty Hair & Sash Ribbons, 4 .-Inches (yd.), 24c . ??? ? i nund with edfj of moin iioft, lustrous, durable Ribbon in ? ? hit, Same ribbon, b in , i? ? ?? h a yard Hand Embroidered Doilies and Centrepieces At Less Than 11 a If i .mil.- r. .1 ?' ihe killed ? n ..i i ;.. high, r i Is is ol ? !hl i" i - 11 i . in odd designs, ? ... h of hi**torl< .1 ?iiriiiii . . n- ? .tii.l .- :? - ti. i.,. |y prett). Bt-'.'ONP II, Mil - . Ill i . ,,|, III.- : ,i\ ii,:; Were. Sos s 8c Do'.ies, 12! Is., 19c Ea. $?.:> aKatrepteces, 2c la* 3<7c ea. ?2.3? Cestrepieees, :i Is* Mc ea. %Z. ? Cen?-e-, .oes, -2in.,$2 -**?; ea 15.69 Ceatrepleces, 35 to?,$2.97 ea in i nun.. i inn ?? ith the ?' hot I ?? Int? i * ?i Ing ?h. p.'-..I >?; -.inen Dtmask Kenaaats k\ Great.* : educcil ^rices Th? - nr? m length? of '-' '2\i ,?ll?l .", ?.Ilfl . Si.III. ,ile Hllghtl) ?died "i > iimpM .1 11 "m h., inllni*,-. ?M?Wf?D CRETONNES I REDUCED \{ I Af \ ,1 \ : .\ - ... V ..i t 'Inn' . I 1 ^* ' " ? mal i un. n I I' Mil- marked 14. Io ."*? ?? I'srd A' lAc yi ' '? i ? ",? "' ' " ??? ?? ?*? ?l-i ?Lilil?. ? I' i i n t . .1 i:- ppi ..nd i mint n .?'.' .i n dow p. t h.11 ? ?i e priced ...i \t 2-Uc **? ',vt -'"h "' Kngllsh **"^ v .m.i French i 'r. tonn* ..n ii.t-, muslin and , .- i mi. h l'riiii -i. thai otero marked n< i . .mi. Al T.Ar I I *^*"**- i ren? h rn.,i EngMah l*i luted R e P P ? and I r?ut. h Prints, ii.t rer? prk ad 54? '?> I II.r.i ?, i \l /In,. \,f i. ??0 yards of r?ngU i ? ** ?*? Hand? block I?I Cre? tonne, ihititeii Linen snd .? good assortment of th?- old Eng? ' i:-ii hand-1 locked Print? printed from 1 Mo. u.? i ." i i old I'rice a ere '*? 1 ...?!?? * ?vu fin i i i in Moth Protection I \ ci v thins l< ?barri c .t <1 e against m??1 h-, .it Mac) prices. Ca pfcor-Wtad ?c.:es, ?f?.74, $0.74 sad $13.74 I nil I. |.:i n i -... j r i. J ??i'ii brai i .. ?"i. il... Hattlnc nes, $6.7?\ $7.2*, ?8.8?. $!?.8*? and $:2.:< i?, i? .1 an! \. ,:? ii? ? 11 v m. ?.!?? Tl ? lai R. a nil t.., .?- ,iini ni. ;..ii Some m < '?"i? i, "i H? ,! i..i in, alth ,i m-. i "?" ?i ri.-?, HsttUg Boxea, $4-4f esd $S.94 ?i ? nd? t ,,?? i>?i" ? i-?- i? n?l 11 om 11 t.. II In, h? i long ; ., ? i i.. Cedar Ckeata,$S.69 h ?9.-* I rvlir t"i? Hr I" *\7.o tnd )?? In Imir i ?? ii ' I !??? Cedsr Cbcsis, $3.89, $:i.T4, $-.4.8?, $2:..'4 an?: $2-v.* ? ?. ? ? ? ' :. i '??-. all II. ? ut ?I? slam The lui ?? ?1 ? h? ? ? m, i?, long r'ouritt ii. ? ar ?a\i% 33c ta r4c i H,.??? alth liangei .. nd rangi ig In from " ? m. \ S ?' In., up to "Au tu t '??.?i i ??- ? -..i. ni Tsr Srects, 4C R? ih? roll of i ' . in eti ', 2? ? \\ ? ,ii? ? oui ? 'lothlni and I 'ui In th< in i ,. nf " V^ll ^cjcs, 33c i r>m tot the lar?, i ,(ul .m.I . !' pi Oof Tarii ! PUtl Billa (is.), 5c Mu? > - . ? ,i mi.? K ' Il m ci t ? i I m in. lb 7? -, tH? HI taker Mot?! c:.est'j. 8**c m i ?in.'i und ?tub urn i.?li ? m.,.1. i?i??l?l??l p.i-1? i..?I I.? net h 1 feel Has? -, . m Crientil Caxsrcr (lb.), 15c \ ? ) itr ?ni .. ii'l put l Baa menl b?nese Cenpitr (IS.), :7c < 'impounded xx 11 h Oriental parfume. HlltCll,. ut Layeader candor (is.), 9. Delicatel? perfumed arith aweel la? end? : Bsaaia ai ?vs..:4:..;!'*.. Cecar (!b.), 9c a rom.? 11' ? >'i <" Oil, ' omWaad with purr naphthaline Paaeieai K. H. M d' y Se Co/S Attrartions Ar*? Their I???- Prices Hth f. ".. i h DIAMOND SOLITAIRES Pure White and Flawless MAIN' I'TjCfOn BRi ' tDWaT >IAK(W1>S I ?"?Hi ihl ? ? ? | Oil Of Investment h tm?nt? , ? .. . ? < In ' t.iriil .. - ?,; i?!.,: th? ? lut ' 01 ' , id t'.ini IO IS ind ihat i" ..n ii Th* London ? t-*l N.ii- ' t 101.1. 1 r. .iii t? I iclifi i i I. ? foi ? ? ..ff?:.-! || i.l- . I -i.i'i - ? . uf i- npi"i i \.i\v ,*,*** ' Reduced H-5 *rom riacy's Usual " Lov/est-in-the Clty " Prices ? therefore '4 to 'j Less Than Prices Elsewhere for Equal Qua^ty. BtsTj st? is II Tais Sa:e Ti T urc WaitC lOd ?!a**v.e$L-. DUMOttBS |- ?rr ' ta ftaaopsssi ..f Se*: ti*-eat Il Igt -; ".n?- t M ? ."? tip. -?n a- *:?s-:4 tarai ?o thaituH? ?f !"?? *r1 B< l<*>?vall>- to i -ai-? A Ma- - ? D BBS*?! i ll.rr?, in .S" :'a '< FOT?-? --,, - or i hr??-.--'ari? gattisgf tat ?Bagage n . ? Mag?, b?s lan', t?a..ii' , . ?"? I iad i ?.," ..... .iun? n ??? ; lias - m a? Kg 14i \ al ? -??. N" Ida ? in ? .-? an -1 ?-h??- tata -it? i ? ?* Im I -in "Perfect Under the Loop" The "I oop" i? the high-power magnifying glass o? the expert i'lu distinctive .in?l exquisite mounting* of platinum and gold -re thorough!} in harmony aith th? gems thej ?iustaia. Solitaires ?arrl*?irs ? K528.00. I Mao's usual price?, S62.50 to Sfj62.00 Redu? cd to$24,89to$42 1.00 Reduced to$ ?0.2 ?to$529.00. Mounted m ?olid 14-Kt gold and Earrings of solid I4-Ki -gold and ?-,,,! platinum Twt-SUlC EUagS - 7a!llires M rv's usual prices. $?39.74 lo $151.00. *X,?c>js us.u?1 E*l$f %&*?%& ^il00* Reduced to $S1.73to $121.00 J?ed?cedj? 7 ,? to -??? ? , , ,,, , I andern Style?-platinum with three Diagonal!) mounted in solid U-kt. ,,, four diamonds and platinum ?. .. Nec.<;?ces * M^i-?- ? iisua pri i ?1.4 ??? - u ual prie? ,; $28.49 to $614.00 Reduced to $1,108.00 Reduced to $22. .'? to S 191.00. , ?, ,,].,,,;,?,,,. ,,, the ni wesl design?. |i- of ?olid U-kt gold and mounted ?'?th 11 pel li.*'i diamonds. en's LUags Macy' S257.00 Rtduc d to $30.50 - 0 ' ' i-kt i I..1.I. ha 11? psy style n With or ihre? Diamond? I ii?- increasing ?carcitj of pure white Diamond? and thi .. ng ?i.l for ihcm?in conjun?.:i the probable in rea> ol "duty****? ' :- ?ale more than usually interesting. Il "?vil d lo taki .'?'? ai tag< ol thi - I^acy's ^eguiar Prices ?re always t:e owes' in (few 'ork, quality of tbe Geris conviere?. Summer Floor Coverings Usual ?lacy Savings T"e escalator is i res/-y 2~c, ctBTeaieat mea-? oT retCbl If t'.e new a**? mu:> i~*'rcve? .arters o I ;e Carpel lad -.uir::^ar?nie-tt no-* ot the "curt; ".cor. I ??? and exceptionally larr*. con sign men Miles Standish** 1 Rap, Rugs has just arrived. These Rugs are mad< of new rag? exclusively, Hcu.tre ol ti'. R?., Rugs offered elsewhere al equal and greater prices, made of rags "fath? ered by th gei and ?.!>c?l ..?u by substitute rubbish which is not tall Th?- materials, most!) ir< m i ngland, Ireland and Belgium, an ii the main bedtickings. chambrays. pinks, calicoes and cretonnes * ross the end of each Rug is a Colonial band border. Mmosi ever) color, in ei ry t me and coi nation, is r? pr? ?cnted in this offei i - ; i', i ,. ' .- ?-. '.M in. x .'Mi In. 50c , ,-, .. - ,, ?a , .... '.? m \1_'h. $| ? 24 I ft. x 7 ft. _l III. N .?I 111. ! ?'"a. . . :tOin x Will $1.19 ''"? N ?' ''? :;.; m. x "2tn. Si .04 8 ft i i??'t $2. !? f!. \ 1.". fl. Si 1.40 $4.89 12ft. g 12ft. Si '. -?? $7.2 i l- ft. x IS ft. $1? These "Miles Standish" Ruga can algo be mad to on mod* ?-??it. price?, either in special lengths or *-1? o?.-i;i 1 widths. RUSH PORCH RUGS from HOLLAND Oval Shape | Round Shape ,i., Ma? j - I're .". f-. N ?I feel $f.08 T. fe. 1 , S fee! S J ' \ i; ; el g !? feel $3.2 i ?5 feel g 12 i" i $4.24 s fe. i g 10 reel $4.74 !. f. er . 12 feet S?.. I 8 feel a M feel $<?>'. 7 'i Diameter. Ma. ? ? l .". I.? t ?'. iri.h, i S J ! I II feel ?; m.'h<- $2.89 7 f. ? t ? ; Inch-?? $ ? ' '.? f? ? t $3. ?8 Runners .-;/.. Mary's r*ri? :: f. et ?? id? i*>8? i t. ? i ?; ln< lies ?? Ide 8! '< a Heavy japan. MOO DJ PORCH RUGS from INDIA Woven ?n strikinc "Xavajo" effects of strong, heavy, dur bl? b e :- ?'. Macy's Prk*e. I t Macy's Prf? e. r. it. x 12 rt. $8.64 I 7 ii. .; In. \ I" fi H in $l ! 1$ si/,- *.? ft. a. 12 it.. Macy'a ?Price $!5.b4 MATTING RUGS irom JAPAN, $6.4? Sean I? -- and 9 fl ? 12 fl in - ??, Mad? * and woven lo represen! carpel pattern* I~s:ect ovr remarkable stock, Ir; comle?e assortment o?' Algerian Rujts, Crex an?. Wa:te Gru? RafS arc! -unters, New 4r1 Ru^s, Djone ?.ugs, S*:irvan ?.ufi$, Tilgra Riifs, e?c, '.- 'act, every desire be -ir.c c* ?ss^-etTeiiac for Sum*rer. Savians throug'-rout ttat are Derer ess i a*: o:<i-V.?Y: aiC o -e . I : :roxir.atc ?ae-aalf. 84c VeJvet Hall and Stair Carpet (yd.), 69c V'erj pretty combinations in two-ton? ?r?een and brown Former in all oi ei Pi rsian effects. $1.39 and $1.49 JnJaid Linoleum (sq. yd.), -^c 69c Figured Cork Linoleum (sq. yd.), 4 4c Vttractive colors au.i designs .-?nieii out in block, tile, geometrical and par-iuctrj effects. \ slighi imperfection in one or t?.. rolls I in* Inlaid I iii"l>*iiiii in 2\.1. width; the lifnired in ?-??! "Straus" Cut GJass '/2 ?STRAUS" Cl ! G? -\ss is DISTINGUISHED !?% the bstre, rfooth ..tul accuracy of its cutting, and ?a ?atmcssurgbly superior to the dull, lustre? I? - glass freely offered elsewhere al equal and greater prices. "Straus" i m ? rial ? has all the i?*iii? tlie World's 1 :ii". *\ i:.i SI ,*58 ?>i excellence that ??.?n ?t thr Gold Medal ?it $!.!*> ?Oval < Hange Bowli C el< rj Tra) ?. Sugar and Cream Sets $1.98 $1.29 \*ut Bowls, Handled Olive Di?lic?. 98c 59c Jelly ?Dishes Mayonnaise Set?. $2.Y> Cheese Set?. $SJ9 Spoon Tra) -. IW9 "8c W KP. I M1W $4^ $2.69 $1.39 ;>-in. .'.err? Bowli $3.89 Oil Bottles, >.?-.,?'? $2.-19 $| '-s $1.98 ?12.29 $:.39 $!.2? $1.19 B?M NEXT .;ith .?r