Newspaper Page Text
?ft ?arw/va.I^r/q/)/'(j?aters>J^q fs/apc^ Rit SUBURBAN ?B Brightwaters. L. i.. a Great Residential Development. ON AiM ALL RAIL ROUTE Features Include Esplanade of Fountains Venetian Harbor and Model Homes. votan , ? r- I I tiit city. ,:, kgbl ? ??' , uf Bay I ? ?' ? hou: a ? - ' \ <?'k ? and . ? Man oi ? ? i. fui \ <i| ln>l;. - I' ? T. 1 lug ttii : ? ??in, natur? . . ? . btwa< a 'i ? ? ? i hem .,* ? ' : i,?T w?11, I? ?\\ and I.-Ml ? nrrs .-, i" ? this great l.nii-i. : mag? nin?? harbor, 173 ???? i wri ? one mil? ih? um ..f Blight?, loin .!? - ' autlful put con '? 1?' f'i. i;-), .1 ? it i| ' ? '.l'il- i ? i fa ? ? tw< In . ;,? h 800 ' ? -.. Id? ext? i ding - t i. ?, l-'ui'i.. rroor? ..? ? ?%?? r flfl i <?i ?rinding i??, ? lin? d nrlth 1 - hade and i BMntal in i hi i obaai atlon low? t-r, ..'????<??. a twenl In .??l ?iir? i ? ? . ?i irat? > .\ ? lalloi ? ., . i i?r?.!?i'ri '. feat oppoi ! nib for outdoor . I << an almo? l \ , ? delightful ? . th? i. ? rjprtng?4*? d, ?)?ai, < ryrtal laki - ?? n ath i Mi ?.??i r ? ? the ' ? - . . ' ? ? ?I - ' ' ' :i ni'" ? ? ? i . *. Thomi : Paul Oler* rid, li. ' ? ? i- tan ? ilei P K P. ?'"' ' , Ion. - . ? ? will lx , ? Th. pi ? ? o - .- open. It 4 ? - Soul ? ? iniman un . ? ii th' . Bi opened h? She ii ? i e? of the last w? ; ' Brook I ?? - - - manen .. i fi .? i.. .?, i: Ackei : - 11 g th? lorth end ?j ? ? o djacent to < Several n< ?? pany baa ? ?' dri, es a flanked pa - - ? TO ENLARGE BUILDING Edifice at 5th Ave. and 13th St. To Be Called The Educational. Tii. ' ? ? ' Com] .. n?. *\. i ? - . I. i I.. A. ?Plimpton nl tii?- smith?* i ie and 1 5th atl ? ? ? ti. the Cornln . lit lur-t I'm Mi. Plimpton ..' So. 2 to 6 9 ? i... . tt'.et 9/ht n il., ?n w buildii g ? compii i- ?I the two is ill be and ?? ill hav? fronl ige In 13th ?tree! of 195 feel I ? ?ull ling ?ill b? ?i ? th? I Buildii ?-. ? 'i ?a ill . BVlllg t" -!? hooia and ? int. -.- m this building ?rill i?? the fol ? i i m ?mi.,i :? Qinn ?*. ?... Paul i: ' R. . nol. a, th? l'i.ti ? ? I'm manenl ISduca? rupany. Charles li. ',a Vetitllat'114; .'ompanj? ? . ? ?- i ? ; ? ' i \.iti",,.,i i ? . M iss < '?mi! . Illmpten ' ? Queen ft < ? Lau Coin? pan) i- in Dtxon ? ? \'t!i"i B, Hii>t .'?ilii iotm - i * W KM? ' ? - ind F. ink .Mall.l. HAPPENINGS IN QUEENS Route to Connect Ray with Basin To Be Surveyed. ASK FOR MORE ENGINEERS Needed to Carry Out Vast Im provenants Planned- Activ? ity of Realty Market. \ a ? ? r. ? Bggln. on J ' ? ? i ? ... ?if Ma i ? ? The BUi. ? point three mil? ? i ? i ..,,. i, ? ul and : t | . ? ' Of '?? ?. '"''' ? III,.. , railroad ; ? :. ? of L.?iig'i ,.r ? onati u prohib? Th? l*o ... ? . . will be ? on hi u? i? i I ;. pro? union ??f Kluabing ' ? ? : u-d to ome 1 way ol travel for u ? barges from thai . I? , | ni ?ill in , on? of in? ' -i m?-1 tani srat? ra a ol tha atat? B a ich f .. route t ? ? ?'ill nvoi i the i?-1 III of Hell Gal th, Sait n - i ? ... lime 11 ?? ? ?.i, ?.. ii,, i ? tur? i?? ? ome tu?.- nisi, o? i lie Improi? ? ? '.'u. that th? boi ough government la aarioualy I ? ? lo pre? I par? plai - and bp? ? Iflcationa and la; oui the work. ? ? at pre lenl a hold-up I i. amounting to mon than ? 0,000 ? ' ? - muai congestion In th? S - "? :m?i ?.i . . tnapp? -i f", drainage Th? ,?..., i. ; .?. : pro -m- ? ?i new s> reel In i? Impoi tani d< lenti taken ??i.?- i pro? ? ? i. ? ?.?nnol be made untJ l ? ? ? ided cui bod and si<?? ? In ord? r thai thla '.\oii be faclllti?!???, Boroui ' ? d? ni i ton? ? ? era. inii-.-' re been ?m ? ompl? t? ? compreh? ,isi\??? Ing of th? i.igTn bul t,,, d? ! have to be aroi bed out, ai Im* mena? . truetlon air? rd? I hav, to be upei rh i-1 The ? om* pletion of ti,,;- ?,-. m-i. la Imperatival! de* m. lid? ?i h ? pi.rtj ??? d? ra of th? b.ugh and tin borough officials ar? di-avotii - to me? <* tha >i? mand The it; in ii ? tat? n rkel In Q k mi u accura ?how i i : ? ? ,.i the ' " nil' < lei i. i ofnet .?t Jam .. in the laal ,?, ?nth Hurt, arara iii-ii for ,? cord m i h? ,'Mi? ?? ', or an av? ?.i? To hand!? ii?,- i.,,.i i :?, ;..-. ho Ii en Incr? um d, ..ii.i ? < aunt] ? lei v. i.? onard Rouff ha Ii formed the Board .." Batl? i,.,,,i- i, .,: pro i lona a 111 hav? to i? m id? to Ive hi,,, a larger wmkinx lotea ? >f the pal ? ? i month i ? ? ?'.,,?? 1,101 deedi and IN mortgagee. Tha t anafei arere almoel entirely f??, th< purpoa? .?r ?i? \? ... i ?in? nt by the erection ol buildli - ind th.>?,'i> ra?.";?- m? n? ?\.-r. ? - ? ? . . . | - In order I ? ? ? ? ? A comni ? . i ? .:. ? ? . 1 ? ? ? . let? -i a .. - GOOD BROOKLYN REPOR Interest on Loans Being Better than at Any Time Since 1900 n. i i .ni- Ball**- \ <?? I-., -i.i- m -.' II lili. ? . i II .nil r l-lll I l n'I ? m i, | in - mmo - ? ? ? ? ? ma i a ?domina ' ... ? Qui t .?? ut i ) - .?i i, ha thai terri to I ?? * the total ? ? . p ? I tl?M l.i R III' ll III . ii ? not a.-t b. ? n ?i nd Tn. total --"n" i'-' "i mortgai I an si m nui" Blnci ? . April mi? rest was pa 1er than at am tlm? - n es ?? \ ? thei '" one conclusion the ??n. i.- dra? ?,, i, iiii-i bon ift- r Hi- parti Brpokl '? ? tat* .? rt? ? i t? liquidate, and i hat the int.?i ?? ?? i.i.-ii had II ,- riod in Itsg luis shown ?. ' tendency from ? t;i the present t!m<. o thai out total arrearage of aald ? pi? si and li he best condition II for man*, real . ami in tt.-i than -?.'-I "? ' i it "n. . -i i<? the - omplete p. ?Irai i., ? coupli "i ' ,ii 1 have no i ;-? apeak ??ith i? rj iinieii iii g? m n i - in th? future; tan f NI? hola? <.f Munter- ;ii. do? ? nol conclude t.. \'.iii|i th- real "t Baroxfe, and if th? tariff lull ahall produire ??s mn.-h benefii estimate, i am i" ? pai i d -, old i I gr? snt for owi -i n. a hu i ?? i.iiv la? i"ii .nu-. - no* al? ne? subwai and pat slong and \. " r* r? ehl ai en i? a her. ' - miii ?i propel i ' to b? bad eh. ap ir the tariff bill la i ol as en? 11? nJ .? ; ail?'., .it- represent ii i hen Improi - III be delay? ?1. but d? layed onl . ? ooklyn baa itoi led up Ih. hill i ...-li. '..- u ,-n ii,ooklyn rval ?? -i.?i? I? in much better condition nov * n real en? In an; boro igh of th. ? H ? >.f Ne* fort t OFEN UP NEW ?SECTION Tract at Florence Park Has Sewerage System and Water Plant. ? r - '.? ?. iimi. , mi-((j ting oi list waterfront b?ngalo?* lota, si Kiorenc? I'.irk. Hli.Mt?-i Islanil. Lstkl I Uiml. kgg '.. en opened bj A it Kellei. |he >. These ii>- iievt on the ??;.t.-,, and srs i-t. ..i f..r th?- summer racatlon horn? i galos .-i iiiu'i' rat? ' ". i ma? bs ? i. ?- .1 Th- |,r??r??i ly In. ? ? -- ?a. .a,.. ? i- .n and privat? satet plaal sad I othirwls? itnpir??.-i| WILL HELP L I. REALT Broadening Influence Expecte by Entering Express Co. ta ? ' uni ? oinpan: nn? ii? ? J ? ? .? ? III?I It V. ?->!! ?Long I .land \\ Itbl ?? ? resident ? pian i ? la .mi!?! iblllty of 1 ,?i a? llci ? ? ?:-.?<ik!' igricultun -, x- -.. ? 'ouni; ? ! the r. ? . to the ad?.??, : - towns, iik?' Hempstead, F'lora Phi Rockvlll? L'< ntr? and ? 01 ? :? ownei a thei re th? coal ., ? ? itlned to i? denl mi,?., tan? ? ..? d i imln F yoakum, tin ? i magnate, a id? ?i e*j?> i ? ' : ? Of th? ':",:!*. ,h?l h< \ ng a\ k*>eii Intereat in ti i -? . ?.ii i. . and groe tit "f Farm The io-,iii ;, baneflcial ? it.-, t on eommunltlei not f.?r dto i.iiii. .? Floral Park, which I* ??,, ii,. th, railroad Mr. y oak. haa dona much lo ahoa ti, utility '?) i o? toil for tru, k fa tn? 111?; pUI . .1 ... ., t, ..lit- .,?1 .. ? ? ??? at ?'.??.? in \..^ mu i tounty. 'di.- probl? i?, .i v hal t?, do ? Uli tin ? h, , .'.i a can I aectlon eaai >.i Ploi il Park I n procesa , ti.-?,, by ii?-- i??.ii? - of bringing ,?? ople b t" the ?i,,,.l. ??in, Ihe 'it? umstance ,- bound to i: ttea more at tract! v? lo live in. i lempstead and I henceforth will ? c 1,11 , n thl reaped s BUYING IM LONG ISLAND Recent Sale of Plots Reported from Four Sections. The Wind " i ?.' nil nn.i Improi emeul Compaii) aold ->t Valley Stream aloti to '' v ? ? ? i a. Bmltherf, I t. i?. s. Pi lester, 100x100; K Pltspatrtck, 10x100, on Mbrria Parkwaj : t" i; Hogan, t\?" plot > " 10x100, ??i, ? ;,??. e ivenui ., rid Arg i. ??,?., to H ' )*Bi ?? ii. ?,".\ii?', on Albemarte ave? nue i" ? ' ?\ i, th, 80x104, ",i , <>? <>i, i ava? il ue; t?. i Hook? '. ">\i"", m M? h?? ?> Btreet; t.? M M? ii.ii-. i??\i"-i m ?Lamber I *?. a. in.. 10x101, .n, Beverly Pai kwa) ; i.. .i. Alegra, tOxlM f, at, on Kmerson Place; t" ?. Hyde, t*teMe. in Kenin.strael and Rockawaj Parkway; t" M. Boland, i"\i.?'. ?n Argyta street; t?. ?i i ?orris, ., plot i"\i"'. feet, on Hamilton .?'.? in.. At Plora! Pai k To M. A. Murphy, IN BUS, ??ii ,'.?, avenue; lo if. ??. Jef fTtq tOxMH ?,, Aspen and Birch streets;I to M. i ??.?i..' nn. ttxlU, m Spruce street; t i King .?mi F. Beb? rrer, MICO, in Oak 1 t.? .1 Pomohretl and M Bkodaek, ''.''??, on in avenue; t?? M Qutnn i"\!"". ?m Clover avenue; to K ?lannlngi .i Ni.i-..ii and i'. ii?" ?s-!" i?, each WxlOO; t?-? M Bordant, MxlOt; t" 8. '?'? Bahltneyer, <?? to P. Co mi Plain flr-M ?I TO I !. a? ? ? . ? i to 3. t'oi Cestini - ?. !n ! Mill? : itreel to M D ! itein, ? sch 9*xVn feet, oi ? *aj to M i < ' * 'oni o and n and J. McAuliff? ' ' ? ? ? ? ri Bol M. Mi N . , | .. l .*, and i. B? Bros ?'. I. M. Doyli Allen Dm 11. 10* ? 8. ? i ? and M APARTMENT HOTELS. APARTMENT HOTELS. f!\ THE LANGDON I^Jg^ ?th Av. and 5bth Su fCa^^ NOW OPEN. NEW YORKS LATEST FASHIONABLE MOTEL. Apartments may be had cf any si/e unfurnished on yearly lease only. Designed especially i"r those desiring th< quiet atmosphere ut a well ordered home with all the comforts' ana advantages of ?i modern hotel. Restauran! service in the rooms without extra charge, .'!? snd f j>:- ... n tu!.r the Personal Direction of EDMUND H. CHATJLLON. COUNTRY HOUSES FOR SALE OR TO LET. FURNISHED. SUMMER BENTS Shore Cottages I -M50 *? $3,000 Country Homes | f?f the Seaion I \,\ HI v. V. \I.IM \ . ?.??Ulli Nt.r-aaiill.. ? .inn. HUNTINGTON BAY I',,: DUI 15 ro - ?I fis -' ..1-1, ?I :, ?-. ' , - - i ? , i ..ii?; Iain I Uli.I?.Il I l'lllh. ? \r??kll I. MOI M MN ?|-.. -i ramp." ottage modern plumbing, fur? Twlllghi and Squirrel inm 13 minute? from r ?all i Slat I " i: i -? ? ? i ? ? I.AWR?NCK H ion Pari \ ? B ? m s. i . ,,- .;.? Broad , \ ? || SUMMFR~COTTAGES TO RENT NIC If YORK. Quaker hill. Pawling. N. V. ?., g rai con asea - ? i ? p - | 'm?zZEN? TO? 'HOTEL ?, ? . i, ti nnia rou ? ?nd bill Ifoat ih Irabl. n?a?*? to ?| i:,- iito i .'".i r: v* f- ? n v.-r. m ".' i..- ??: ? i M;? ?i n?i:v MAI'I.KU.KU?. \. .1. ? ? . ? - : . n ;? room ?. i,,- ai -,i, ii lihln ti n mlnuti ?' ??.ill- feo th? .i; o l?ai g? . . . |, ?? m Delightful mu ron n,Uni?.? Il T N . T. linn;.? ? iflUi-._ FURNISHED HOUSES TO LET. Ii.ruott.ll m MANHATTAN. ?| RN I*. " lal II' ?I -' pi. n'a Ugh! ?nd .m: |S mlnut.a Will it., Broadw?} -\.i ??. at low r.-tnii l-'iiiaislir.l. can- of. Trllnini* __^_______ SKH \OKk. T, i i:i.n r r*OH i in. -i M.MKii Beautifully located, IS r...'ii house, furnlehed ; all .rn Improvement?, .-' n^iii? H4,, hat ha, fiirna-'i. hardwood Boor?, ?rid? porch, An? iliade, garden, ind ? i,.. n t,.r auto or i \i,,,,i M? minute?' ?a.iii- tram I ? ?tatlon, i?,,?.,t? , - and i.Inn' in -?. MRS W H. I.KWIH Htamford, N ? (WARHDALB HILL.? Poat Read; for rant furnlihi d, lent!-b?ngalo* ? rooma; ? hath?: Sinn t't-'i thly <? Bnl? r '*- ? Road, ? ?11 \ TRY. LAKH OBOROr PHORR ? OTTA? '? '' I prorementi; rcm i.a?on, *-j?hi to $r,?,uo?),l photograph?. HOWH 90 Meagaa UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS. Nl-i -n??. LASANNO COURT 30* West 7?!^ Street Fireproof ?nd Up-to-ddte 6, 8 gftfif ?-rootn Apartments One And tivo b?th:. Rents $1000. to $2000. Fa? R ..-.M'.?'?5 .it AtlrA,-!rvc Rites Spec?d Rates for htmeoHatt OaaxasttCf George Roscnfcld Of ?/. M.I '"' ? ' ? ' ' g$ Liberty St, /??'.' ?TH ?ST.. M"? VVI KAM NDB. ?The Cleveland l3?*IJ0 i:asi 14TM ST. RENTS, 9M? to SI..W IPABTMBk i?1 ??' " SO*?MS, .??,.! ? \ ln?*lud v, -: ? both gabwa) sa i t Ilona ? -, .lui?* ? ? ' ?? -KNICKI-KBOCKER \ cry attractive Duplex House? keeping Apartment. APP'Lj.' ?47 5th, or Pease S h?1" man. 13d St. and Madison Vve? HHi H CLASS FURNISHED APARTMENT?. i r?) -i BLOT !?')?: :-r.MMi:t:. ' ft? -n ? t . 1 tJ ? ?'? I 1 ;V I.-' .' ? ? ' -'" ?,.. HAM- Ml ,,???.,m,m; ?ublei oi -h ?",_','"', ,u?ri nnrnt i:ivi:i:sim: dri\ i: HJir, ?< "V ' Apartar-aat i u