Newspaper Page Text
$2,000,000 Involved in Lease on Heights Business and Theatre Build? ing Planned for Property Comprising Broadway Block Front. Uun & Alti l? sa. 'I for L?oula m, ??o. ; '?'. in son aii'i Alice H ijjn. :?..nt .m the ?'' I-"'??-, .'tl 1 I. ill 1(j 1 <<>? ? ? known aa v BO] and (08 weet 11 -?nd ii" 1 . ?a Tl ?lis? a at til. ., sti.t ' lota and shanties. v. h v. U i? Immediately detnolli . ft. ntage of 200 tot t ? . ?!> pth d' 125 feet 1 f :. i t . ;: way an-i 147th atreet comer) and s depth iii- northerly 100 feel ? '?? - ','..'.?. and 148th st... i i oi - area ? ,i?n, cit.*- I??u Th? ? ' rental I ?JVltli tax? l?ng of new building? ??ill itl\?ll\. ? ?? 11 ? .. build T'-' Iw ' entire bl ind tiii . will be iiti tlldlngs - ith and Moi h father j ? \i thai ' ' section ' treel -'. Altmuycr gotiut? -.? : ' I ? Holding Company ator apart? m a pi ' -: ? ? Holding fforl I ? ? - I ? ? .ulil V' ' ? ' Il ? ? ? tor apartmenl ? Tl?.. tnna H, s '? t? ? ?? '?? .i So " M - Pi ? ?el -? atreet? ? . ? ? "AN. - ? ? I? ? '? ? ? ? So. I."" Thll : ? ? ?"ASH ?? ? ? ' ? - - ' ! WANT SUBWAY EXTENDED Iaxpayc ? Propose Branch Through Central Park West. al Part : . . tO < ' ? ' . : i' Ith -...i 11.- nox avenue ? would no ... m pr? ? ,l Park ?m.i ant th? to, but ?rutl? ? . , ol th? Bl bl? ben? Ht t.. Idlng In the ???salngton ??naldcrab "f tin- upi , of the city ?nn n?.,4 ,;.. Ihf. i..,?,N .,v..,,, branch ? ?' l*art m forwarding the plan, '' ? ? '!-.,t ?,- the Philip ?Men ta; Ja? oh Simmer? B. B. Whiting, ? ompany, the St ?? ?' I il its Bi util . tl.. Company, the Bperrj ? '" '' -!i'!e and man? ' mhatUn ; ? ; ?" '." tilHIl $.Vl '..,,,., ?'," ^IcaUon ror a bearing In the of this subway ?.a,".'^1' '' 111 be ?, . '' "' ,'''1"'' s?i?i--. Commfa m ?u"' "" ******** "? i-"i"M?- own* r;;K ,r ?* m be. ?,.-.,, ??'."/i and 8300,01 ?.w. BRENTWOOD IN PINE BE Healthfulness of This Long 1 and Town Already Far Fame Br*?mtwood, Long Island, is far fai for Its bealthfulnefM. The town li iii;t?'?i m tin great i'ine t>elt, the si which stretches ?-'ink-diiy along tin? lanti'- Coast, taking In Brontwood, i?i ?v ? ?? ?? 1 nnd A!k*?n. Th? secrel ol Brentwood's succeea .? health resort lies In the posssssloti 01 remarkable soil. Tins soil contains ti tin i rock nor morass, bul ii Bi loam from twu i?? four fee! deep ;, ? loselj rea?mbl-*a th? Bngliah market | ill n lands Bxacl testa hav? been ma ?<t Brenta.i t?' s depth of nearly Mi feel and after passing tin- surface la] of loam it," drill go? ? thro ?uh Una gra' for over thlrtj f. et, whi n One sand, i ti,.,! on the beache* is found carryl tin- und? rground water ? urn nta < ?n au a s??ii ii?. surface water can atand. TI k? - H ImposslMi for malai germs t?? gathi :. The ?-"il of Brentwood also ? and moisture regulator. Th? . which prevail from the mu ?ti w? s1 are modlfl? <i In an Imp? nd 1 i ? ible mannet, Moisi i .? chilllnesa ar? tos? through tin- radlaU "f heal from this sandy soil; roasl i" ;ui?i mists are rare at all times In Brei ?.i. ?? '? . I ti ? ...? Urn? i ? l .-i?, i lal qualities and auiu ? terni rature. 'l'iiis ..?m.- natural process also redu? the humidity point. A re? loa ?,? gi from '?' .-? ptember In eacn >?< ar shown by the reporta of the Brentwo - ? i for the I'nlted Btatei W? ath ? u ?m :,\ ?. datlj obi ? - vatio t.ik? n during ., Btreti'h <?i m? ? - years. During thla period, embracing i "iiihs. there an al osi ? ?? t.. t| of the island coasl fi ? m sa i?. >\. si and th? fa? 1 thai Bn ntwood surrounded by wat? i ? ora ati] point ut Ihs compasa ? .?i, ib '.??ii. Tin i in?- i.? it ui Brentwood is fifty mil? eight chiefly of the yellow pine. Th? th? pin to i re ?bich la w?. for its antis, ptl ing pi . I on lbs main lin? I and Rail) ".ni. Br? ntwood ? ,t many commuters, who a ? i - with th? demand f"i bom? - ut Bi en1 a.i hi th? tost .' ni,.] th? i Realty tlv? twood and othi : rs : i ...... :.. com pi? t? th? -> \t naive im;.r??\ ? trackage and building construction tin a CHOICE LOTS AT AUCTIOT Parcels Offered at Lester Hill White Plains. ?e W. Bard wll ? at 2 )?. m on th, m. i ... I plots ?"??. ! ,,;' t? I Hill, White Piaina Th? afforda mi unuaual oppoi lunll era and nvestoi s it la In .? secttoi Improvement . .....; I and 1.ncrel ? ? le? tri? light aervlci ?? - Hill la a "in,) three 1 ? ? ara Ik of y ?? : ? v. I ;.i i lem station o1 tin ?Vas ?, o? k C< road - the Bronx Rlvi ?? uctlon. Fror ? , e can r? : forty minutes ov? ? ? rally equlppe? railroad by about ably will i?. , ? ?? i? ed mi .... e fo ir-trat'k Hart? i.? tel lui aa the a? ene of th? battit o Plains, 'l hla prop? rty I fullj I, and la ?ituated "ii a comt at ''ii vail?. ? ? B (.with Whit. Plaii. east and tl ?? crown? ? ? ? '? h . to th? wael ?| en pei ? ? ,.t "f th? pur? has? prl? <? am auction? ? '? ? - re the teimi to ht paM '.r tii?- sale, the remalndei dellv? of deed cen? of ' ?-? prtci may w main oi ortgage 1 ??? two "t sal a, v it1, pi Ivll? g? to oil in thlrt! da: ? la . : 11 ? ? v. ? - ? i foi ? ash wt* d deed . iglven Title to the property has been In? , ad by the Lawyers' Title Insurance and Tin.1-' Company. Th*- rising values in real est?t? .?t White i laine le shown In thi R| ir? thai follow; in is**] th? total essed i-alue In the rillai ? i ll.2Cl.178. i ? ? een lab r, m 1896, t ? '. wer? 12.142 191 In 11 *. had In? reaaed to M.7?l,065 end ., in mes to %\ijehaArh%, White Plaine la the count) bi al oi W< b1 ? ter County, .? id Ii ?ridel) known m ? ? ..f New Fork's moal attractive gui. urbe Between IMO and leoo'the popula? ? ?i White Plains i ? arty .ibtod, \?ith ? i ore thai -;..I Inhabitant? to-day, II .. ?:. ? ghtfull laid "m city, with fin? es and attra tlv? b illdinga I In old u.-. s shade "s many pleSaanl walks and drlvea White Plains Is notabl? for us ii,,,. , , ,?, and publie btrildlngs, Includ? ing the <"unty ?'?urihiiiiM-, churchei ol rartous denominations, achools and hoe? p?tala Th? l??M of home and pride of : ? Itlsenahlp ar? ? iH ?!** ; ?;> tha well kepi lawna, flower adorned parki and order! rtratts. Th. proper.) si Leeti i Hill to be o I ,i auction Is owned b) Pish ? Marvin, of ; Nn 527 l iftl, avenue, Manhattan SALE OF NEWARK HOUSES Women Figure in Buying and Selling of Dwellings. Loula Bchleslnger, Inc., reports tl* f"1 towlng recent aale: "for Prtadlla H Oa .,11, '.. John I. i ?? Ignan and oth? i taro two and three story frame dwolUng houase Mo? 121 and i-'i Orange street having a frontage ?>f .'?" feel and .< depth ot MO t" t and located ? loot eajrt t'"'11 Burnel street. The now owners alee own Moa m. IM. UI ?"t' i-" Chmnae street, 1 glVlng them a Irontage ?.f IM feel oi I street I The count!? departmenl ol Um same I firm ??t brokers has sold for Prederlcka I Wltkowakl, Ol Newark, t" Mrs. ? liri.-ti'i , Tii?mi th? Main? bOOOS MOO, M, ?'?'? *'-' Mid H Kenmore avenue, in the Vallaburi non. Th?- property ha* a frontaga "t h*t ?? Si and a depth Of IM tret .?i.?l the con aMeratloa eraa la axoeea <?f v.""v- \ [new home for furrier IE. Hartwig Now in Fine Build? ing in 46th Street. K Hgrtwi one of I , |ty. has moved Into D? ?v building, al N"o ' i , ears Ihia ironcei n ??... ? i 5th ti" ' win li is ? ..... ! m ,,i tl which the new building "' I oi ?? Ts :'" ' to be , ? ? cted. 'i . new building la lusl an < ol I le, in a line !" ati.'ii. and ? it The building la equipped with , v, i?;. mod. m ' ? i? enl? ? ' * tot * arrying mi a business ..f Its Und. it is well light? v t ?? front port b ring simo ? ? The ?howroom I? - i loua Mr, Hartsrig '?? - recelv? -i mm? roua gratulaUoi ?' ? ' hangi STUCK IN THE AIR. I > ir ? I mi Of rl . , . latlOII tneetl ? I woman ?r? nt tht ough the hni t gul?ian? . . ii a m. ? i i - ? r ? i ? -. Aft. ; 1 l?g all tin n~:;,?| foolish !'??? 1 i"l?> tl. li ? ? and their as -; '? 11? have t.. sa? Inspection, sh. d t.. kl,..?? : "Bui what if ?"m engin? st,if.? in th? ? ? happens? i "an i * '"i 11 down?" ??'I bat'a exactly ti ? tro ible," i- ?pond? .1 iii-- wiUlng unifie "Ther* an now thrss up m tin- air In ii.Mr >? >?itii their ? : . Tl ? ? ean'l gel Sown, m-; ai. starring to death." i ?*. a.i. vert?s? i. Th?? Durosa C<Hnpany leased the tltird lofl in the H.,rim. Building to Hi-' Tung iten Lamp it? pair I ?ompgnj . to Ja* ..h and John Posnei the Brsi loft m Ka N West -' ' treet, and <" Louis attinon tin. store n.?. *?'j sixth avenue. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ORTO LET REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ORTO LET i'i*l. I?' I'll I ?)\?, 1?I.A>1?. 7". Ml ??la . urn i-iM.-M. ,-s. I poll??? \ll .?i? Huaro, em. ni?, ?ratei ' ? ? Hotel '? The treat ?? i -.a,,11 alen-- III?- I.( hai been . nmpleted, and ?l?? New Bungalow Section a> - I y?x y?g 4 ??'? "?JV^ Itiiiiealoi?? iiti.l> fur ?ni,- o, ^?fN>A mil. Home ?Itr? a? m?>?!,-rnle |?ri,<?? l?a ainl ?? ??a l.iiii? ?I?-. I ll ll-fllli t-ll-rlll? on a ?- n ?. i---ie i piola i."- Immediate buildinc (V1A?.KATTAN BEACH ESTATES _fb_B?" i. : ?? ' i ? ? ? i * Qj?kzT . Ideal Honie and Bungalow Sites Pine Crest, Riverhead, L. 1. Water Front?Boating?Fishing Right at Station. All Corner Plots. Peconic Bay Company, Inc. 47 West ?34th Street hull Particularj on Rvaurtl PI l.a%\ pay ment?. The Home of Health and Happiness SURF BATHING O STILL WA 1ER BATHING MOTOR BOATING FISHING - SAILING f*t\~ . j-r"*-? _ rhesc health giving sporl Uli?:- ? I ! R E IS LAN i) u ? I .. - renl anitar*. In ngal??. fr?mi n.s and p : th< Ixcsl i ' ! ] ! ! ? Write ior Full Particulars, Circulara, Maps, eta. OCEAN BEACH-FIRE ISLAND CO., 334 Fifth Av., JOHN A. WILBUR President, r ladison ! BUNGALOW i nlahed, large living i. ? from i" >? |1 too, ?? *vw> .? i. and <7?"> mnrigng?.. AtOCEAK BEACH-FIRE ISLAND ?? m ? ..? . If ill I" ??!?? ....... ?,> .'i \.iv tfw a,? ock \\ m ? v m FinE i -i ? -.. :-..-.l inn ?? ? i u ? S I ? 0 in ? - J'.r \, ?hi. SUV, ? I . it local JOHNSON, ?."> i ? liOROI '?II 01 ?I \MIA II IK. COLUMBUS CIRCLE ; ? r< ? i. plot 1 ?" .u. ' ' bulldlllg? I s I'.lll? ?1. YIELDING 7% For Sale for Cash Only Below Ground Value. Of?eis a Good Investment with Great Future Value. ? "' II Till I MU JKK8KV. ARTS & CRAFTS HOWE .-,,?, ,,i ? dlffrre, i-?, ?? Khtrui Irafh M 111% Hl -AH V MIMPA!.*.. Wo?! nrthl ' > ? 'S" i . .-i- m ? ?h .1' ?' Bung? ' nil. ' ?. ?? ' 2,1 ?tr*x*l STh ?Stain ?MB ",; ' ?'" MOI N ? Al . Ulna, .uth. ",;,?,. tow? ? . A?^s^-?rr-ll,ral ?Till ^i?.. ""'" a a1""" M W .1) KftEY. LI.OMA COI 1 A(il , S.,500 ? , ci.iii .. un balli; r i.n , u un m nii .?? ,.?? ISO : mliiui? fron, ? ,,'in ; . v. ? u? ni ? i. la \> .? ?. nik . ?.'., from 1*101 ? part rash |: 1.1:1 M. I .ICH i|-|. :, W .nuil, it., Baal ' n min. . N. J. . ,. ? ? . .n N i i?? ',: ?ALI i:.\ I i. I'm" '?? , i II il Bpol >?? hiitM . .um: ry I un , -. ? ?>ii?n .i i ... mlnuii ? ,,.ii . nid ti.ui.?? . bai n. Uld i i?ll' ? , itetl 'i ? te ,'i? :nv\ ? ? n? >T : il? ,\, Knglcwou I *kBh f", ??>,?. i \. i i. IT.; It will be ?. ?till?. I rlghi _ ,', il: A ? i i\ ,: II BOOM BTIVOO II? I ?j battu; ?<-??,. mlnutea from Brick Church ??! , ha uni ?.?n on a? W. F. A ...... \PIMJ ?JH? HALO IN H IM .It) I L, Pourte? ? fun ' n nn. in?, . larga ploi, ?aiii i m mon?) io bulM; *.'?"" down balance to mli i; \M \i'<. I.I M h way. N -l AOVKUTLSK KT8 \M> i-= i us? Kl I'Tl? ?NS ? ? The Trlboaa raratvad at tkatr t'ptown orne?. No. l.i'ii Pisad war, Between Mta and .17th tin. ?n.Il U o'clock p in. A?l%?"-t|??. i BMBta rrcclv?.! ol th* following brain h ollliil *? :?^?:ar ratea until 8 ?,'.!o?k p. m, < ;? ? Stl? a\c. a. c. ?oi. .?.; at ; 1"*. ?it? av?. j REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ORTO LET | REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ORTO LET,1 REAL tSTATl FOR SALE ORTO LET CONNKCn?r*LT. 40NNF.4 I'll I T. CONNKCTICLT. 3/e dermk WINvTEH ? Tf ? CONN ? IS TOONTOL c/?> ?TWIELD WINSTED is essentially a manufacturing town. From its earliest history some form of manufacturing has been an important factor in its growth. It first made wooden dishes. Afterwards the first iron wire mill in America was established. For many years goods made of iron and steel played an important part in its industrial life. Factories have grown up around its water-power and present prosperity of the town has come largely through the surplus earnings of these manufacturing concerns. Its prod? ucts now are extremely diversified and are well known the world over. A condensed list of its present-day manufacturers and their products follows: BROWN MACHINE COMPANY, machinery manufacturers. BURWELL, J. C. sash and blind's. CARTER & HAKES MACHINE COMPANY, THE, machine tools. DUDLEY, GEO., & SON CO., THE. tanners, leather manufacturers. EMPIRE KNIFE CO.. THE, pocket cutlery. GILBERT, WILLIAM L., CLOCK CO., clocks and regulators. GOODWIN & KINTZ CO.. THE. modern electric lighting fixtures, sheet metal work. HARRISON. B. J., SON CO., THE, folding chairs and piano stools. MORGAN SILVER PLATE CO., THE. casket hardware MOORE. FRANKLIN. COMPANY. THE, bolts and nuts, chain hoists and cranes. NEW ENGLAND KNITTING COMPANY. THE. hosiery and underwear. NEW ENGLAND PIN COMPANY, THE. brass, steel and iron pins. Pyramid pins and hair ping. RICHARDS, BENJAMIN. & CO.. upholstery ha rdware and plumbers'supplies. STRONG MFG. CO.. THE, undertakers' materials and casket hardware. TIFFANY & PICKETT COMPANY. THE, Box shooks, sash, doors and blinds. TUCKER STOP MOTION COMPANY, The, (Icom stop motion). UNION PIN COMPANY, pins. WINSTED EDGE TOOL WORKS. THE, chis?ls. drawing knives and gouges. WINSTED HARDWARE COMPANY, upholstery hardware and plumbers' supplies. WINSTED HOSIERY COMPANY. THE, hosiery and underwear. WINSTED SILK COMPANY, spool silks. WINSTED MANUFACTURING COMPANY, scythes, hay and corn knives. For illuttraled bcokltt and further information write to Publicity Committee, Winsted Business Men's Assoc alion, Winsted, Conn. ?IST? III-11 .K ? <H .?TV. M KM? 111.*?! rn COUNTY. ?M.-r? IIKSTKU tOt'NTV. Only a Short Flight of the Eagle 1 rum the Heart of the City t?i the Heart of Nature. - Jrff'tS" E.-v*-__ aJr--.,v-?- ~- ?"???- ?/?'-----?. A* J*' _ _ _ ..... 11 i- naai? " .aw -a ^^ -??^.^.^*?a ?*-** ^? ,_a?l. ?<?*>. .-*** -?>??.*-**..-^^^ ?*-H PHILIP?^I>*T ^:Vl T "*!*^??T??V -' ? ? ? *i>?, v. .-. ?iri.!.iia ?,? . - ? .,/? >J/:-, w,,v"- *-?*-*"???'?& K*S$J9*? * '''?.*-* S/ \ his wings over the ri j-C. hT*a.**-* ^tue-mi? si 1 of beautiful The Great Bronze American Bird % once crowning the old Grand Central Station il now spreading ver front esplanade at the electric station ??ItllP.L .~t?.KO*. rV ?"; -A1 "?<*/)i.9RAND Philips* mawr.oN-THE.HUDsois is van. to <?e^?-m 'CENTRAL] A symbol of the fine transit facilities to this IDEAL 1 y^n^a^wV^^ffTAWOWJ HOMES COMMUNITY by electric train, automobile or motor boat. Olli Mtlrof Wntrr fron! (?rand Oui Shade Trttt, Magnificent .'anorama o? the Tappan Zee. All that hc.rt can wish for in a Home. Every form of OUTDOOR Recreation at its best. Schools, churches, stores, &c. handy. Splendid social life. Prices LOW and terms PLEASING. i;, h .Kl.i:V ON REQl EST. in? Murray Hll Bram.vdl Davis, ?il Madison A?e., Ne?? "ion-.. Restricted Residence Plots Lester Hill White Plains, N. Y. At Auction Decoration Day 2 P. M. on Premises i: ila or Shins r, l< i T*nl George W. Bard AUCTIONEER I-,,. . .. ,? nn .! I'ull I'.tr lieu Ii ?i th. Auctioneer, No. 11 11, pot pia? ?. Ml . ' n. Tel :'49. j FISH & MARVIN. Kl i ?ru? \\. . Ham .?irk. BUY NOW! Hi II.I) WHEN V?)l WILL' 11 EKE IS A MONEY? MAKING CHANCE! This attractive suburban Home, on half-acre plot, "ii<? hottf tmui \<?\v \ ork and live minutes' walk ol itation, contains nine room, and two l >a tli s. ? ? gge on propel t> WILL REN i OR SELL Liberal Term?. Briarcliff Realty Co. OWl !?'? . 12 East 48th St. i- reta Marra Bill. As< ata prou .?????! NEW ROCHELLE. ?ii?,?i? i. bargain arar otterei l? this aactlen. s.-.? i'o)onlal dwelling; larga Living roam, ..,. ?i m . p?a? ? iilnlns room, flrapla, ?>; i.i l.i .il . ?.. ; Hull, r s pajltl V ?I..I Kit, I rlooi i ?.i? i larga bull oonas, two til?* i itl . droaalag room Linen clsaat; two a??r .ma ? U? bal h. hol ?? at? r baal. rlac larg, ; t, ISO faai froal Coal ovar ti;,,Oao will aarriflo, ti',.???') to quick |?ur?lu?i<i r WKMTMAN lti:\l.T\ CO.. .'<> Mertli ?traavao, ni. tie*. orKN gOKDAYS. ni:.\t i D-ri. robu r I ??? Booaa for aal?: h?-s? Irtcted section; atacco, "i, tarraca; all modem improvements; m-??,' atatloae. Call or ?? iiWNRR, -JI1 I?-?iirf<lon ivt? Mount \. mon, N. v. lor i iiiiiii? i- .1 nl -.i irij r.n'nli ,,nd for ?al fireanarteh, ttamfori, ganad Beach, Blverstda ami ? as ' a Homes for Rent from $400 to $6,000 HomesfcrSalefrom$6,500to$250,000 ?atataa ind firm? for ??ir ai?i .x.j De Vito & Nicholson irOOLWORTH BUM., NSW YORK. ! Talophoaa gtTI Barrier BOItOt till OK Ol'RENS. ATTENTION! WATCH SPRINGFIELD GROW! Th? n?arest real . ?luntrylike sub irh to Munhhttan MODERN COTTAGES, $2.600, aa aaay parmaata S? BClfAMHOBN. oppo? site depot, f-prlnsft?-!'*, r. I. ->*-#* v 'FIELDSTON" Riverdale-on-Hudson i ...? Id a 1 to p . eheoa dai . I ptO . t !.".i-es amid agTe ai.ia ? --, i m all Imprevs? tj .-Itpp COUNTRY HOMES IV NEW YORK CITY -??il m '..'. miastM f, ^m 4-.'i i ?ut ?mobile, by rabwa? ?.- Maw York ? ?n'r.l ? Heel it 23 ai I 'i reatar en oppttOMttew DELAFIELO ESTATE INC. :; ? i i?\it m uKK i T ' i :T? l'ork Ci? Acre Building S te : ;.' ' i taw ?, arh atatli I tra?as eelly; ' i?1' ? .... views; .i..v good school"; pre? ?i'.''. J. A. M'Kl ? J__?<:_v_ BOlim ?.II OF KKOOKI.YX. Arc You Taying $ .11.110 or More Rcut? I? -. ?... i, .in.I gat t Kin^s Cawn Tiir. itm:-i RESIDENTIAL PARK IN BROOKLYN .-,.-, Minutes from Park >M ?. Ten from i h? ? ???? an b e beat I anapor talion in i : ? i '. r N< ? Voi U. Brighton Beach i i. ?. ? ? ??. t x Hariaaaay line. Km ? Il i loi. ? ? ?.' blah ? aaa ,-it.ii Aniah, ron I ala lag averj luxary an?! Improvement thai la found i" 'he tetter ? na half th? eoal i .m.i every convenience ??r the city, -?'' : irb ? omblncd ?Maea i pwarai. i?w same mirent. Medal 'mu?, completely turntahad, al? wai ? op? taha i'ri?i,?..ii ii. ?-ii i. ?.., off ?t Kim:? Highway. Walk u >< <?n haw, it ).? o<-?',iii nstanajr. Book!? : "'i requ? -? Phon Mid road 5T03 RICHARD C. Ilficiiii'l T. tUner 4 Builder. HDKOI i.M Ol THK HKONV i ? ?i: H? i K Privat? houa? ' ro ?..-.??? J'?4'J \ .?. I ONNM TU I I. ill ?1 ?"?Mil . Bioni ?I'lAVUI, m i - tiitiii??, Da Vi:?j '. ? GREENWICH, ?CNN m ?tara Improi manta 11 rooms, ?pa? ions porch; gnrag-e; 7 a.-rri.. wnh garden i mlnutea to exprssa ?latton ... Nicholson. Vl'oolworth HUg.. K. Tel ?3173 M.? rlay._ P?K 8ALJS Parma of ?ill descriptions, and ?ummer residence*, from H.."?'"> lo $-.:?>'?n? Band lor list. BURTON C. moork. \vn ?ste.l. i??i,u ________ NEW ENGLAND. BERKSHIRE HILLS. -To RENT KOR THK a,immer. 12 room hoaas, furntshod; alectii llghti :??d bath. Kor parfdcelan ?ddre-.s HENRY P IN'-.AI.I.S. Oirnhlre. Berk CO.. Mas?. _ ADVERTIgEMENTfl ANI? g*?*B0CRXPTlO*M 'or The Tribune received at the l'?,t)a?i Ofllea, No IM4 Pujada? ay, aetweag ^*>t?i ?'??i STth ?ta., until fl o'ctoek p m Ktrartlat n.^nt? re.eiv.rl a? ?he folio?Ina; bran? h oflWs a, rearular rate? until fi o'clock r> m . 'I/. : 'JIM ath ave., a. e. cor. ?3d it.; l.VI ?Uh ave ?or ICth ?t . 104 K?st 14th tl : ?T Wast ?2d *t . between Ttti and 8th ave.? , '?>Vi VN.-?? I UBth al . a9gg M ave ; 170? lat av?., naar ?0th at.