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SPECIAL EUROPEAN COLUMNS EUROPCAN ADVERTISEMENTS. EUROPEAN ADVERTISEMENTS, LONDON SHOPS. | LONDON SHOPS. ^????^gaVB?ll????gM_H_MBBBBaHaaaBBBBBHaaaaaaaan m ? imsisessrisse??^ LONDONWARDS ? th^n put OXFORD CIRCUS on your ?.i s t as being t \i c very be s t starting-point for all Sight-seeing and Shopping Excursions in London Veter Robinson's VIEWS OF THE BAIERS Letters from Different Sections Give Business Outlook. EFFECT OF THE TARIFF Various Opinions Expressed and Prospect Less Cheerful in Some Places than Others. j th? ? a . .. The 1 ? - ? - ? Of III. ? . ? lera wer? re? ent Bent to liai what . IT? ? ... ?ii i?ii-i ... -, .h?? her? p ? ? ??r th? ana ?arrltti who pc Mon in tlf South and A?.ii...-.- study of Ih? ?;, ,.||. him t" in.ii K? ?I conskd? atlwu WHITNEY-CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK. OP NEW ORLEANS. ' Tl ? ? ? ni in th? tariff on | - of practical!? . hla Indui angi of nu tii"?l and - inioui) ? ? how ? ? ihr ?ti ow ,r of ear g as th? suit of I Th? i" i- cent m the ' I : f i ? the ?1 -.; ? ? ? nehm? ni ai ?1 liquidation in?til Ii dlat? lit to? ter will, <~>f course, u withdrawn, as ? ii.u.? ii fore the knuwinii thiii. ? time ins ? i? (111 ?a .M be In ? would It . ..inn ? nc, i. lands will tc cultivated oth? : Will tlon of th? eultlvatlo ii ? .m? in th, : Bl ites. Lands noa i - i ?' ? ?? Red und? r pre nu.?.-; carried on In the United Btat? mulaa used la the Industry ar< ? ? I st quality, coating 1. . | the Itnpl? ? of th? i i t< to ih. ? ultival ? . i of >?> hi, . suffei h tremendous shrlukai ralu?-. 'I ? ig ? .. 000 to I. the mach?n? ry In a hi? I, is .?th. i )i - in the Statt "i Louisiana i proxlroat? lit .. have t to '?? old foi Junk. "Tii? i . . ? Industi ? ?i ? the d? ', nt* th? - know maOtM | ? a-,.. . and th- dl trsa which will foll?n fret . . Lanier? pur? hase annually Lundi ?-?is of tl ol dollars' worth of mulei and implement* i-xpent ve ma < hin? i : fei tila?a i .?' d ? ov \ a i .... wll ? ' 1,1.?til 11.?.? 1 a and produ? ei ol th? b? rt1 ? portions of the Unit? d Bl i an not In a posll d, talla with regard to Ihs sffeel upon the boei ? pt lo know wltl certainty that beats eannol bt sold t?> the man i turara uni? ???. the Hnlsh d ? commands a price whleh arlll enable the manufacturer to pay Um prod i I i etui . ???? his la oi and that cannot be paio 11 sugar Is aunnuiu free ol ?luty. ?| ;. ? the producers ? revert lo oth? r crop , '?Ahile the manufacturing plant ?\ii! re* intain Idli and useless to be either disman? tled and old fee nk m left as unproduc t ,1 for .m ? Th? ni umption of igt In the .1 nited H'.a? s la i ond to England , the world ot r If th? . nur?: .1,1 ,...? paid ol ?? >vo..i?i ?o t?i the . timer and ? m h consum? r us? d hl - ? ,t?, proportion, t)., would i? !\ i', foi ? ach in? ?habitant, hut fuii> one-third of the con? : 'iiitpti'in of gui ?? Into un nan i? ?a tur- "f r??nfc? ti? traits .??i'i other manufactured products, ?i Ur;-? pe? "I '?'?hl? h kl ii'it Us? ti by th?1 poor and mlddh ? . that the of peopl? fir government feel? Ihe neces-dt) "l a sistli - can arcel* be estimated at inore than ?'" ? ? nti !?? i cal "It )= hardly conceivable thai the price to a polut etj to .D tin sntir? .?? ?' str> v.ill tin n aitrol of a faa eabeard rel a h will bave m within their poarer to name whatevei prio <'t, sugar thej _ only ihr . omp? tltlon of ? apt to < on" ii?! eith, the exportation <?f whb i is under pr?s? nt con? dit,on- i? i it ?' Pas! ? ? i " n ? bas ?'i'.wn that m no Instanc? nal Ib? ctm snrnet re?celv**d th? full benefit of i ? re? dnctlon m ih? tgriff Whet sugai wt r? moved from the dutiable list then a i npoet tax of IM cents ?> pound in , nn ttva sugar e/hicli ?., led i" Ihs plan" ? i bo -ut | ??i 1 ? ?? nts a powad s-i/.'ir ?iiouid therefore have m? tloaally decline? ? ? enti g i.nd, ? ma' t -i' "rdniK t?> ih? Statis? tical Abstract ol th? United Btat?a foi pit i!?-- averti pHcs In IM, befw I duty Wg laktW) ?iff. ??.?i? f.*D cents u round, and in II !. .ift' r It? ?l it', vsa: takea off, ? i til Dots ??? pound, making s .l?f?? mu c- ?.f 1.(0 centi a penad again**! the r?du?tiou in tauft o? ht? OMJtl B pound "During tha yaat ist'.: Um a\?ia.-' price ?**-" A4! - finxf a nound ?""? '" I-?-Jl tho ?v. vas t1 -1 rita . pound. . bo int- ?a.?, taken .'.ri and W i'< r ??* - I tarifl ?a I'M". - d, and the following year, i Ivan.'fd ? t.. i -i i i ?- .: -, .ii.-i dropped ? i 1.00 . r i.. in !?:?.. :.. with In i ?? 00 cents s? pound in"'- ? - ?sa hundred pound hi-V r Hi? t year ol in? \ tret ? ? t forth? I"" i ill mind t liai d to til" j ? ? rnl an annui nd ailh the elimination ol - ' |l lip li.-IM tii-? ' ' .\ Will il i.? h 0 I" Hi-' ' upon t" d? fraj ihc bui rilu. lion In i 'i other ? omino i ' ? ?there han? I thercfon fling of lug il ' ? "I :? tariff ? - ,|i,,i.i. |) and rat , i? -I rie arc. in i?on ,- no) i" elitnli ut? d The pollti. all'. the h quuntl ; many of our r-tarif i-rula will i ... tin Itepu ? 11? HI ...e\,l : , - on* I ? ? , .. ? - I Ultimate attuinmenl >.f ti i prli iuJ? o. ? on thai ?? ill nol in- | IS ? ?i.? ii"* I only Ii.kI this pi? ?Ige ? I part ol parti. in? ih. ? had fui th. r <li> i ri p os. ii?.?\ In i---- ? t that ??? i I haw no fea u n>- ! rould i" ?J. sir.I, and that ? i lion then ' ? dOllbl !" I 0 lia? ' Uk< h 11 < trou elf on ? t "T ' . ? I . ? ?I a ? cipal ; .h.I Ai kan lundi d? ?.-t' ?! i" l F of rie. < ultn ?ition of an a i ii- : thii -. ? ? ?ml furnishing t-- o pie i ? ? ? *? hole tome ? . ? . . smpstltlon "t ?...?. .u> '..?in .-. labor. V t high price ol i iitt-'ll aie. crop condition* t n i^, ?? : iaa dlmluii fron that at I ist two i? .-h ooini aratlv? ? II; but in ...s ?rhen thai i 11 "i> ai ? ah indant, oi in lh< avant ?>? ?? online In rzotton m making he? re profita i ??e -.?.li b' awamped with exporta! re i.,, that will ??? -.? nt our tin m? om ohtaining a prie. i"i their pr< mt ?a hlch ?a til - -it'. I|V? . 'I'm ? i.?im ti'.n in iiut? ?m Drawers' ?.?* Is i mow manifest cvldei ? . . ami Inexpei I? nee "f the 'un,1 ?. ol i ,, : 'l .? quail 13 know i t hi bi "k'-ii "'., ?-t grad.ling from the mill all <>f II j ? tlon m the tai i IT ?? ill ii'H Ill I In? - i east iin .?i/.- .--...?- --: ,- n : - II 'v.. ;, but sriH simply sngbl? th arger pi ??lit on Ins i ' "-I ?'?. "t .'I ? hit ii ?? ill . ? out ol * ? ?." ? v 11 ol iin grower ol i * ? Tie ".a ;t .-i ? i? i kno ? 'i as i.'?? ? is not consumed In K rop?. and th? offal from their mills ran b? exported to thl i ounti j under the i odu? ? .1 tarnt ... thai will at. ". .-it..} the mark-1 foi thin grad? "i rlc? In this coun t ?i ? -i so much more cheaper In the Orient than In'thla coun? try e? en ??ith a diffsrentlal of N i"-r . ? any ai all in th? land, tho gh locat? a at our door, In competition with Ham. i and Hi ' men, ? ;? i man?, mill? rs, n ho im prut the ran rice i?.- Initia, mill it In ( and pa) th? freight on it to . ba. tx ild? ?' hlghei tar nf : H< ?I. W'KXU.Ii." CORN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK. PHILADELPHIA. - Vou Inquli. ai t ? business condition! at th' ? "m-. iVould .'--i: that ??liil? .f .an friend? In the textil?! line ar? blue over th? aituation we find little falling """ In general business, our i,. raonal opinion la thai there will i ?j. In ? - i ? i.i'i. h ' m trad? . . lilt "f lai Iff . hang? B. "Th? - oui tri? f Burop? an eus?- ; they hav? i ptional ho?.m u.< i a i." the last t??" ? i tin,, vi;n- it i. not likely to 11.1 much i ? ? t. t? r? ? und when bust? '.- dull m Europe the m< n banta thei ?? ,n i- to our 1 ad?. and * omp tition ?\Ul ? - i. thai it will nt-, Bsltate the 11 dud i"n 'r \* . ?itji.i r . Thl - will bring unsettled i-oi-tdiUcMts and trouble in. \\ ) i., 11-, t- that bUSl? nesa will be fsirl bul j ! ni. i? oi Id? rabl? I'.iti^t? in m ??rifAKLi.? s .'M.wr.i.i. i':r. idenl " I THE FIFTH -THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF CINCINNATI. ? v--' r of th? i i... .i - tenerally financial conditions In |hli *?*ctlon ?' th country could l? termed ?comparatively easy' at . ? thai la much east? ti?-?it in? ???? ild ai llclpat.lid? ring I greal lo i whi? I ? n urrtslned in to? m? In thl ??? ? tlon through th? noodi ".?I? rchanl others a I??? I s? e losl ?-t hid linn to purcbsM n? ?? Sin ill. ?:..: 11... -. In loWlU o'er, t'- ? ? ha?. tO i'* Imlld hav? t.?-! Man ai OPpOl - to get to lb? i".int of pa* me for nprovemenl Tti i?-?' ment for nom building ? r* . *-*? iii eg bui n i ? m .,.- though this eatasiionhr came al a tlm? when ti? |..t,,', ami tin liii.-in.ial Instltutioni ? ? "mi at rr<- II! .?m h B : tr.m? ' 0*1? ? (?- m?. ? same that the) ??hi hav? ? ?? ilimei.'Hy. top clall ??'th the i>i<>\ft i"' -in e Boade fr>t i .K?.ig cari of su? '..Ir irii-rl'n ii a ili-nuu il ,,?? a,-, ounl ?if BW"* FOREIGN RESORTS. FOREIGN RESORTS. 1 FOREIGN RESORTS. Switzerland for Health & Pleasure Visit WITH ITS WORLD-FAMOUS MINERAL SPRINGS. The Highest and Most Fascinating Resort in Switzerland 6.000 Feet Above The Sea. SEASON: JUNE I TO SEPTEMBER. The Exhilarating Alpine Air. combined with the Sunshine at ST. MORITZ, promote renewal health and vigor. Tl Grand Hotel St. Moritz THE HOTEL DE LUXE OF THE ALPS. Opened in 1905,With latest improvements, 300 rooms. Private Suites with Rath and Dressing rooms. Thorough nnirt secured by double passages Grand Society Lounge with mogi beautiful views ?m the Lake and Ifountaina, Most modern Sanitary and ventilating Arrangements, Vacuum Cleaner, Lift to all floors. ?/ULY CONCERTA BY IHK Mil AN ORtHKSTRA, ITNNIS GOLF, CBOQU.ET. TROUT I ISIIIN... HOWINd ON Ts? I.AKl. t.RIAI VARIKTY Ol l>H K.!l 11 I I I ,\( LRS10NS. ENGADINE EXPRESS TRAIN Calais Paris-St. Montr. .1 |,.i..Ui i ;m'l I >? ,n,| ? ???.ir. " '.,.? rl llnr. ... ?<??. lifll? \? ? nur. \rn Vort, Hirer? Inn, ilir ll?*l-I in?l .m ?.I.I A l'..rlm .in?. I l?l . ?I. Neu H\,..r.| ?l,r?-i I ?MSd**a inn? i I i|?i?i im ?i. ??We ?i?. i ? ,,i lut;.- i .?t! ? i If | . ..ill- ' . n, IP" MONTH ',' ?I. . ., , . FIRST NATIONAL BANK. MINNI APOLIS. . ultimo ... ... in lo hi ? ? ? . . I ??i ,.iiii.? und? i f.i ? ? ? ' . ? .. ??? than sown, In ? ,-l Ii 11 11 : c 11 r i i lirai ? ? ? irt ? ? inka advla, tti ni?!? , Ii lance, lo ear? .... i :; ? dition?, in M ? Wo believe th<? Noii ? ? ? ?. lit i... tory ? II ' \\ II.I."I OHBY ? THE UNION NATIONAL BANH LOUISVILLE. ? ?, .?m fai.: the Ml ... ' 11, i. i ? . i ; ? ? arhlel ? ? ? We 1?^\ i ... ., . I'estlgatl. i. ii ? h repr? lental * tn-g - '. ' - ? i ?... rm plein? ni . hard* i ?\ ? did not get ?? single i.;?:.? ' reported bualm ?? i tin i : not th? . ? ' d itlon ? Is market la ? on? i n? ?J in : ome i?nrts ??i iiii Btat? the failur? i i-e'l ih.- da ? ' ? ."i1 la w? i king . : . i . . . ? i t -i i In Kentu? k) ara moa excellent. We a I the r< gult of th?- investigation which w? mad? 1 ?: course, w? realizi 11,?.I? ii ii.j de? per influenc? at wo I? hange tin* cotnplexlon/of thinea 1.lunti . hut for th. tu..? .i a? ii. i m. < : i ; i 'i ?, . ,i HAMILTON NATIONAL BANK, CHATTANOOGA. TENN. R? i I g tO ?? II I? tt? ??I ' I . king i ,r ?? ii ? -.,?!? slon of nut optnioi I as to the effect ? I .?? th? pro posed < h ing? i In th? tai iff -'" im ii? ha' ? i" ? n una bl.tic ??? ? i.ptlbl? Influence . ara] oi Ih< ? ?il . i ..ii trad? eondltloni In thii ? ? lloi ?.i ih' country. \ good m.ii,- of oui ma nu fa I .h ? appi eh? n Ive thai .i i? vli t.t th? ? m bualnei . and un the ?? hoi?? ?.? ill l?? ?i? trlmental In th? country i Man) peopl? m tin- ?? iti.ii .ii? >.i th? i ha i i in ?. - i i-'ii of th? ' ? bound loc?me, and lookeil upon it In Ih? III i,t ?.f ., : irRlcal ??i" t" I?? i?, i f..i.I,. Hie; ;i 11 hoptnC < '..HL'.. m a ill ? ".iii ilo i tliit} and ad . j?>in ii. 'I I,. I Ml . ||H tig? li??,|l?l I? m:??). In our ? ' n ..i? ?? lut? ly li?i Oil?' a h" -lud' ? OlllllttO .?.. muh. ii? . . '? rellev? th? , Ituation In p irtl? alai M PREST" IN ' a i THE JEFFERSON COUNTY SAV? INGS BANK. BIRMINGHAM. ALA. I .w ? hat ? roui favoi ??i tin i i lia t ? q ,? ting ti.? writei o| ? o? i to 111 ' i on h- il ? ondltton ; ? suiting from | it,., prop? sed chsni tariff ? Ing an Iron centre, then '. Hppr? h< ,?? Ion .< to 1 Mil ?! i: 11 ' ??H ?? attltudi on Ih? I. 11 II , I. , l|i?\ ? |,,l<,\ ,|,| Just? ?I th, m ?' I-.i m m' ? i no In s 11 lln? ? w hit? .' ? ii.i\. tight mon? i t fo reral montl Ik tin ? pi ospi ? I iiniiii. i moni h this i nit- lb it? .i mor? t?? for? Ian wai r? ports .-?.ill Hi- squslb rui:?iirj.?i bulletin ahlch hav? i?? < ,, emanating from N? ? Torh ' Ity fea sona tina p ? "AV ..? the t'aiiiv. ben ;nc carrvlna * full III I ? , "WILLIAM GEORGIA RAILROAD BANK. AU GUSTA. GA i;. , . ? ilt ? ? i i . dc'it ? ?|i la . onditi? ?? 11 , II. ltl?i.>V -THE L'NiON NATIONAL BANK HOUSTON. TLXAS. ? ? ;, t ? ? ? ' ' ? ? ?'. i ? ?> ..In?. i ; so .... .1 ? ?... ? - that ihotll milt nt this I KtlV? ii.- who OV< ? ? I ition ? il .-.? d. fad pri h? h? avil? i?, for? I ? IVe feel nn i to hand I tuai .iiid ? l ? ? i ? ? THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK. AUSTIN. TEX. I ' 1 te our I ,i..t flat lering ' bout o h i rliy with at ? ?.,, < '??> fai m<, ?"? rerj mu? n grail 'n .1 ?.?. i i, ??? ,it 'alna "In regard to i ? ? , the !,., iii ?,?. are mil .'it' eted , .tton m- ' hauts ? lalra th? i. il en i i .' ? '?? i? ?"' ord? i plained i " d ."i i b i ne pi oi>om4 ?i hang? ? M< ,i:,.l> mi:.- in i;:.i ? rj THE CORN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK. CHICAGO. I .-i letter of th? I rsaed lO OUI M . - ii. I h i? ? ? n i ?I. .nid I .?in i ? pi) 111-.' I'. I , . .... ? -in? h ? f 'I .... ... * 1)1 111, ? lus? i loi ? ? ni us ' -?i " ti"in ihs .iii lud? "f ih? i." ? ? t toa ml I p. ?n -i in-.ii ?mil fi.?!.. th? proposed ? ?. In the ? ?i.-ui?-; t ? 11 . ti r i ? t .?i ? South? sal 'I'l.? miildl? at it? . th? W ?. t .,i,?t North?? si hav? !?? ? n falrl) pro ? m.-, bul I i" II? i ti," ? omina t ill and wint? r will ?.i. ..!"? ?i ig-ri, ibl? feat inof,. However, u Ihl I maj i- m s ? -i-, \ i' H i.i'i iN ''i' e-l'n !'?? nt. ' THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF CHICAGO. "H . ? tur Mter ol Hi. ..'?i r ,?ii... ? I ? i 1 r i. i. , . m look ? \\ ? : .? ? ? i ?.i i ? , not?? el nor h.?\ ?? >.? ? hail nny particular Indlealion i. oui customers. I i m th? tsi .ii ?? 'il sei Inui ly affi.ii th? Ii ., .i, i |m? i.i ?? ? \\. lind thai ? ?.?t'?" ? to th? ? I ,1h?, ?-.-i ?. ii, ?!? |?<? n ? .,i h - pel i???i .., tl.. fund ii? ? ? ?! reseri.Ir? ire at a low < bb, ?.?, hi? h l j 11 aturall) refl? ?'ted In llx hlah Inter? m Uenerail ? I i' ago I? in) I larg? i in ? h w . ? ??i ? ?i? m h. i? m i paper and I matui III? - m iii' .-ii fill -| hei ? '? nndoubt? dl ?? d , : ? ?,, m ' ? b mount.mi?" i.. pa in i hi Id i'? ,i.,! bai s al Ihii time . . . ' , ? , go 'i m i In n ? Il i..i 1 i . I ' U 11 , i oa n i ?iiik. rath? t than to . . ? outlet 1.; i d ' ? - . ? ' i- i '. . pli? ?i i-- 'i ? ? "?? nerctal , broker. i?tMtomet*s generally an report? ing -i"" colled I verj mod, ?uii i to th? ti ide ii i ? i.pi? '?? '?> *?.?-4i Ul r o? iri'i' ' .ui'li c. 1'it .non i? u tradi -m.i afftl . lan-'ii 'I'll I utlool , , . . . - II? wo a 111 ? ? I ' 111? . ? , . ? . ? ? -,. prole? . ? hi?. ' \\ i. MTaAl'ftl __ THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK LOS ANGELES. CAL ? - I he ; "., hi ? unter ( ? | ? .. i i.iini ;? \. i. I . ? ? . m g \ i "a pKita - ? BUSINESS REVERSES. i ? i - i ' ? ? ? : '? ' - ? ?? i ?:i i i - | ? j ? 4 - - ?? . I ? I TIP iMAH M i ' ? " ? I ?Ml'A NI II ' I ? l'hase. 1 i floor, td ... - * r ? ? - ' M ? ' ? JUDGMENTS RECORDED. ? . . a?, the An I'.ugVr. Tl.i'O I ." ?? , .. M. I I ? -?? o? ' I- *A*. l?- WI) ?..?.; I i ' I ?I' i Ml ;.: i i ,i, ,i i ,, i ' ?' 141* ' I i M ' . i i ,- , i. ? at. ?an . I. '?? -I...II ?I ???? . ? . ?I'.'.I . ...'?> Morrli ' r ? II? . i , n J. tV. I <? ' ' ? K ' I ? ' '' ? K >..-,,| . I I, ? . ? ? ? . . ?,t Ml**, 111? IU I ? ,. . >.- : ' i i \.l.?i i |i I'luml ? ' i . ? in tn.i m ? ? -' .-.i .?? ? * prssr |1 || ... ?. i . ,-i-iuh I ' . nil, ? . - ?I.'.'.' -.'o 'i . - -'? ' II i ? i ..r \. y Vori ? .?i-..?, ? W I mil h - -t,?. i m ? ? - | i I m?an I ' ? l.l ,,,| i- . . ? ? i ?t v a ? ..-. ? > ? ,.? 4 ? ' ' . I i ;. ? M , .. , | i . i ,?,,,,? i ule Ji i il Puhlli ilns ? I 10 ?-i ,?. \l-i-- -?? ii ib i ? . i . , i ?-? i- min? ,? al; II . ? , i rare ? '- ? i. VOTE $15,000.000 BONDS. I"'.It M,,ill \, I . Mfl 1" BtO? I In.hlrr I'li .m .. t.,i .,f th? Mi.lian-I Valle; Rail i"?'I bat/? roted ? boni >sr u. i I lUrlM??? Tin r>ro>-r?is aa i|| hr u-eil In BXtSSgl the ill ? t. I'm t .- ,,. r It t-, Sin???, poi t l.l and from wi.-inti Kan., i" t>?rnv-*i ani ?" refund Indebted! FOREIGN RESORTS. _,J_?FOREIGN RESORTS. ?awaftStAaa*aa*Saa*aa*? /ESPLANADE Berlin *** Hamburg Two of the Most Magnffioent Hotels in Europa With all laloat Comforts itnd Luxury. IMPORTANT EXTENSION OFTHE BERLIN ESPLANADK NOW COMPLETED From lllueirated BooWeta from Now York Tribun* Offloa GERMANY'S EXCLUSIVE LEADING HOTEIS BERLIN. HAMBURG. ATUNTIC-KAISERHOF j ATLANTIC-PFORDTE The choice of Cnlic and Connoisseur. High class service ? foulure el ihttt unusual Hotels. Each under same management ensuring exce.lence and atttntita. Free Booklet* from N. Y. Tribune, or Town & Country 389 5th Ave. N York. ?^thk tf\ omWM asam Whji W?*\ iK? ???'m, ,S Mooni Rciorl the North Sea ^a-ajF ItjsF I Cb mm MeW from ' ??'?don or plf, HOTELS ?OBJ THE 8BA FRONT Hotel cle la Plage Ihclontiiicmal . . . HiOBcd. And Restauran! De luxe " Splendid .... .1111 ?? Lntirelv Hchuilt ? Refurnished " K tirsaal& Hcail-MtC I SI ? Ulli Bed- Kn.irrt- (rom JIJO With Pension S3 to $3 per day W.i-DUNGEN - G? HOTEL FURsTENHOF ?^ (,erm*n> MAGNIFICENT TtRHACL Rl-.TAURANT ramout Cur. for t.minml Patrons. L"i'?rclv R*.?,M l amous uur. icr f& Haweat. Largea? and Fineal ?no Kidney 9id Bladder Troubles. ??.?i Wooms ?o ihermsi ?m?i i?nv*i? B?>h?. I ... , -.... FRANCE. RELGIUM AND HOLLAND Grand Hotel PARIS Boulevard de? Capui mea and Plate, ?e l'Oper.i. 1,000 Room? with Private Hath*. I ?ri I on Anpli? ?ttion. P ARIS < Favorite American House I HOTEL CHATHAM. PARIS r HOTEL DE LILLE ET d'ALBiON ' ! I 1 ? ? :? '.. i U HOTELS IN CCRMANY. MUNICH Nc?c?tatiJ.Mo?t I Icjrsnt HOTEL Dc Rl ssil NUREMBERG Sendi^'s Wurttcmbcrger-Hof it.,i.-1 m -,,ll. 44.11, t tH I ? ? - ?AUSTRIA ? '?t. <*L A S a (AUSTRIA.) ICNMA ^ Flflfst H?tif IC (ill H m Austria HOTEL BRISTOL I..?. ?te?l m tl? I . -iTt.hntr ?ir*-* A- the fdv-'i ?? ri 'of Amen r?*-iri t 1 rent h ' nc 4 ?.how V B UDAPEST Cd' Hofel Hungaria I .r.? ? I ?.? II,-'- I writ-, I , . ? .? .,,.-, i he n mut,,- l - ? i, I 4- le? ? ?,,.,.. ?ml I . - : .'"'??|, |.,r.. I,,.? Ill I;,.I 11 ?l ?in :. I >; .n,..r. ? 9 ITALY ANO SOUTH OF TRANCE C IS Bi ALT I Ft I. PRIVATE P4l?K ENOA. "EDEN PALACE1' CONSULT trte SIM CI M EIROPI .NCOLIWB .n I lit* I I il'-liir Sundrt** H-./nr?.roi ? ^,iturdau ARMY AND NAVY NOTES General Preparedness ci Navy Shown by Test. m ?:\| M.IM. OK? 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