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CENTRE OF NEW YORK TRADITIONS PASSES WITH ASTOR HOUSE The Names of Many Well Known Men and Reminiscences of Noteworthy Occur? rences of This City's History Are Associated with the Old Hos tlery Now About to Fall. a? '* ' w"r'> ?'?ut oul of thP A!,t,>r House again 1 I would never go t" New V'.ik 1M9. in a letter to Mr. dently Webster ti. | thought before him. that "TI ? ' much happl 15 by a good tavei S or inn" And DOW pi ? ; ar.itmns for the ne? ?ive the buiToerlng under ner of I I ?treet slate, and the famoui old tavern la t.? be i : it wa*- natural enough, of ? ? a- d Btateaman ive felt drav ? ! than the I giant from Ma fen months btfore th< to Havne, " might easily tas exi ind f-*rc? about any hot<M In which the propnet"; allotted his thi ]y re fuied to I b ex ceptlonal er,?< rtainment. Betweeti Webster and Min" Host Stet-j ?on an ratlmste bond of friai lsted. V rtner left town lut trli B Marshfleld bis parting ? to Mr St? I Tare??. 1 friend. Ws havi ktmwn and loved 'or more than thirty ' New Tori vas a queer place then. The hotel pn.p:;.-or who refuses !" any n?one> from a guest?how distant it ? lil ?een - | thing of N. S) ?Ot h of the ].?? ; time in this. Then, th? town aaema to bava had an hour or two foi S little tea tab. "Thtre waa ? imethlng t" irai gl ?orrow i; : tear." TEA TROTS AND SUPPER SKIPS In our driving i? no tin,.- - hotels for anything men ?wept tea trots. No <>n?? BOW tak.s a nousiy ? ggestlon of Indulging In ?? fest tea table chat ?Ve ha. ?, lopes ? Wr ?kips and ?limier dancat* and, until ?"--centlj. a ??? for the benefit of the Till?. Ban ?eakfast dam- ami a ?Hating rinl : it the hotel roof ate the only thir ;*ft unde?. oi ? I. B it the I i ? Perha* i in for th? ?tnulne regret that Is badng felt at th? i*U8lnjc sf " ?? '.M'" ii'.is- lies in the f?Ct that, a ? ";,'?..: ils bosrutable loori ?r, iple bave g?.m- to the Aator Hou?. partlj becauos they stars hungry and ??anted something to I Itl lobitei . BKSritS, ?.??orbed ? was an item In one's d"-t that waa worthy <>i reoTPSCt, and not, ??? is the ?'fnsideied i e of f'?<?d. otetaon and Webster and their con? tempor?r:..-, all hive gOM The clotko? (|.*y net. If **e w. . ,,;,| i loth a ?h??ats .. whom the hoi the gfg. ? GUESTS OF HIGHEST DEGREE. I'r-iaiu efi Senators, ^'oagressn,.-:, ??nd ?t ,t. officials with.mi "umlv-r ed in the As to* Hou?. Lord?, nobles, counts and sil ?ortl of titl? I. if not crowned, heads bav? r**t?"0-*c. roo Audio bave He??? I ay, ?.crural Win "?W Bcott, Ruins Choate, Hot ace Mann, ???chary Taylor, Martin Van Batan, ???me? go, hanan, i-'rai,. Abra? h?rn I.,!,.,,.. ?General ?Itant. Admiral *rr*?ut ai faeno u "?the nations councils ,,! p.;,??- and war. Theodore Wmthrop and PlU-Oreen? Hal|-?tk. who "led the -mirad? "f literal.? I00*and struck tl ? 4 the town s 'horui." ?ate familiar figures in its MOB* '??odious corridors lU P?'l"i- ha?. . , ?.-?,1 to th? beautiful ??n?s and bai,ad? oi Dtrmpoter, s..i Uu? **"? '?"? harp ..i ?.-:, h-;,, h,,, pi.-,!,,, ,,f UWUchalk. the notes of IVrodi ,,! I'., '**?* ?**? k,'1Iokk and hundreds of others T'er. hav? ?-.. n counties? pro. i ^f ?H kind? patrlotl?. in!..-,, ,,i and bo j '*"?'"? ^'-d from ,ts porticos, snd its ?gts umu; ti? gtetsons and subsequent ?""ii'ir'i? i,.,., |ong ?,.,.? international. ' |H - oil grai granite land ?ru. ti,.. aorroa . deearl Is *?*?*> real *? ?**?? ?ten the i ? |ere o*?id ? der the hammer and o had the strength of cambric t- ? The Caf? Madrid, decorated In - .,-i of |1t,**M ?? ? ? .. aim! 1er fate a short tim? i lid ii"t parais se us. ling "at i about theli differ? mo*. ..i it.'" snoth? r street and a ?. pel bapi I the i??c;iti"n "f their I .. al of soi : In an undertone by the under woi id when the Hotel Metro] ? i Into the handi ol a receiver lately, it was ? of tu? Roeenthal mm' ? Its reputation was world-arlde on that account. a? t",-. pollUctans, \? horsemen, Aghtei ers us? .1 ,?? . ?? ?,'.,!?? th? '? Bui onlj rakish, .?it - up sons "f pi .??... like Of all th? S? Fifth avenue and Loi restant at.,- ? ? with the Ast'T House m th" number and -. ? ? i ? ? the ? ? -i its hos? pital 11 ? Nos her? ? could 11.? i ? be seen In the ok) da) s aucl ??hi:? of men promlnenl li w.?ik 11" or liai loi ? britiea loung? d Into the i ol foi tl a qui? t drink si the bai and a Clgai. an ' -:t half ai ? hi?: ? BEFORE QUICK LUNCH DAYS It ?... ? ? h- qui? k dreamed thai the tune ? come ??? hi n i ne wo iM pla ? a cola ni n slot ol .m sutomatl? ms? bin? foi a ?list, ol soup and take oui s piece of apple pie No phase of the higher and more BUC? i city Ufa wsi in represented In thai ever changing throng si Um tetor, and few men of dli tlncti, gol t of loam without an Introduction t,. the inda There is probably mon- history and tradition Intimate!) nssocisted with the weSther beaten walls of th.- As,ni ? than with any othei building In \? m Tora, mu? possibly in the United ' gtatSSi with UM ?m M'ti",i of Indepei and Fenouil bath The mOSl hi.lllat I BSSembUCS and pub lic; dinners of the tun? wie all boM 'llf'r'' um beloved aldermen gave a dlnn? th.- Russian Beet >t which ths bet? I s llquore won f"i tbeeaselvea an Interna* tioiiai wsrna spot m a sight Oenersl Frdiaonl and i,is family Uvet at the Astor House during Um st-sssorable "Hiupalgii of lit. , ,;.! ? ?inn' w h? n h" -,..|.|.??l al I1H hotel. ,.'. el\.?l lh"iisaii.l< "f visit",- ? ' i.i ilka ?' lorn m through "" V* ... ?s parlors of the hotel. , Aral Henry flay. When 1 I? ? the Presidency by bit lovh gfrlei wing psrty. Mood In th? mortal hours end was ihaken by the hands until his aim \? ,i lied. Th? brilllanl :? ooptlon I l ,i Lou I ? - th baa come doa n in tor). a farewell speech to I a American public that he delivered I the hotel steps Then then ws tl. tab!" reception to Dlekena, In which the great nos Artec for a w; ? rears biter the resding ; ! came ex, ltd bj Hi" i'"??M 'I''1' 1 ' eray was eomlng to America to dellvei a course ... . tur? "t' H'" Bnglieh humor m- N?w rorkera bsd bul Istetrj i -m? i d mi |. taabion t"" m?rita and demerits -,f i.,?i, ,?,,-! aw.i Bentrt?. and t,,? young i' uua- m . ?sat-tt Hones th.,, t ,., ,v ,,? i Nathaniel Hawthorne ..,,.1 n/ashlngton Irving, end that th- a ! Duki Ah - I'ri,,.. "f W ' ' "'"?' vu. snd .i-.''-' '?;'""": '?V".'","'" 1 ii^i-m Child. Bhatm """K- "?? """;"> Sani Honeton, Edwin l*orrsst, [Wall \\ hiiiuiiii and Bdgar .Mien r??? in im? i reai ?? memorable reception held f", speaker i:.i, al which John R. Hegenian presided Books win h?' wint.-,? about the glories "f UM As,or Hollas It is -..r? difficult 11.? kn.iw where Is bsgln, sad bsrder still I to decide which Incldenl to loare out, in an aiti?!?' of rtr-cumserthed length ? In ,1 ? ?? \ I' W !'? f.. '.. " ItS I'" ? ' .. ? ' g) i ihd th? I tor! v Ill-planned! I ' , ?. ... | ?..?> wc liSl IS UM pastor r??r da da* s ore II l to th? band! i ? ?i mon mai dwell on t1 e future. 'i i.? ni ga h ? ??in pu m ' aim? When pest! thai remembered cachuchi i | ?eta both the sei mon and psalm' he w rites ol .? Lad* s Ith Blael Buttons." whom he met In an omnlbui m i Mint ??i i. ? \ toi Houe? H?- sheen thai In thoee old daya there was ecsnpc tin?.ii m m? tranepoilatios of the pubis again. h???\ atrsnge II all seems' Hi sighs \\ ? m:r> pass, and know ii??l end other'a nearness now thou In the Knlcfc? erbockei Lins au?i I. lone, In the ?Taver? i.\ ' Ha sloo refers t?> "Murphy's Line.' ? i ths town has alwaj i I sen afflicted and to the ' lane of Kipp and Browr Anoih. ? da] '?," waa carried off his feet b) the sight Of"i lulle, w h"tn he addreesed, In part? as foll?n - Tranquil an.l efforileis tlinu a'.l'leiil ???,. \.' Um ???un apon the ?lei.Un? usier. Aiel ??ltd s <h?-ek like alsljmte .1 Bai m tin?., .ni-, di i !?? ,!?. amorous sir .hint up, ?e h. ?in v it? i .nui Aiaet ii ? That fell of I - i shea to tool In ? ? i.. .1 t? nptlna a Indow !?'i? ' ti>>*? Ml heat l s|?ranx In li?'n?atl? "i?, funs?'I Veil, I.Ike un .? ? i, ... In,: thai "?" t escape Te aaaaa luim ?rh Bisher f,o,n 'be <>i,t?-i oold! Howling ilri'fn was surrounded by fasti i"i ai'ie lasJdnnces then, and the moon hung over Broadsrsy in an ?moron- era] "Room N" 1, ' Asior House, is a his t"ii?Hl number? ma.le more so lu this in? stance from the fact that In the old days It was the headquarters of Thurlow Weed. DenM Wehste,. Henry ?May. and Statesmen no, s?, well known to posterity in consequence of the sffe? ',? note trndt lions that lingered around the pisos it long a??? b?same the rendesvous oi pmmi ipapei "i- I ?nd in? e.l b) poll Id of th" ', a .-him m. :, gppi ? ' riiulatin m,- appetite oi ti" gourmet before whon It Was s. i Th? genial and popular ??enerai Jasas ,i Suiina, u - introd ' ? d to II on ? Thursda) -"l'ake r .1 u aj !" be exclaimed n< ?< r e.,t . fgt m the middle of the da) "But this Is on? of the ip. rial ?Inzer from air Allen's stock fsrm." repue? ? ig genius of the plaee. * "All right," said the general Then he sprinkle! it carefully witl :?- ppei ami Ball and dl OPP? d ? lump ot butter m the dish. ii la . old," said the genei al, "bul out . Ilmenl t" the bou re i will i si il FOUND IT A FRAUD. Th.- general ??as disappointed He dad 1 not ,,.i n His knife relus,-,I to p? net rat? ?the su batano oi which lbs lllustvs cwk ?' as ''"mi" i "Why, It'a i f-a d!" he as aimed Th. agg s/se ? ? t II bad l ?ken '*.-ti?.- tmn to find II OUI The 11,'tin*? I included some of the beat known men in j t..?? n Then ?\a? tu?! ot let time ??hen the lotund.i dally teemed with a bsts si crowd of Tamilian? .teg, ?Vuiity Dcmoc racy, Irvhtgltea straight i'?'putv u - mugwumpa mm asaay ProhlMttftnlsta boodle aid? iiii.ti and the members Of the ' state legista sad Assembly, Ptsseal ?ia? reader? may os appalled at the centempl.ition of the ancient days ,,f I the ASCOT lloti?e ?vht-n floods of Med ford rum and raoleeoea 'Hard brandy, ol?l Burgundy, the seductive Koyeau and the bewitching Webster punch ?like a Bryan cocktail except tliat it? inere.lienta, taste and c Im wer? dlsTSrent, Vera consumed. The.? were paid tot ht the old fa**hto**?**d Mexican iiti<-p?-nce ?1.". oints) and the eiiually o:?l-i,i-hi?ni. d to p.-nce n>'4 tenis) these cetas marking the expeushe and liiexpfiisi? e gnasllng Sf those days. The batet ini.tiilatiotis of good old ** ti I ?vine pun.-Ii".m?, the brand? punch bowls. |laden s/Hh strawbeiiles sad *a*lesd ..range? the Tom Collins punch : the sffai ?stem ?Kill tl?z. which bas BUcI an ast'.i-tic ef? fet, and the sound old Hourbon whiskey. I Which su, h Old fSllaWS as ?enial I'r-st dsnl Nor?in ?Ir.-ene ?I the Western I'nlon. I and hundred.? of other? dail? imbibed at I the bar a? the? dropped in en route up ? to??n. are startling to recall. e?en fn the.?, Idsyg of a Dayton disaster | The lotunda a?a?. m fact, like Broad ' ara) in "lie respect A wit of an earlier Ida.? pronoun? *ed it the i? .?i lll****tratle>n >.f the I "s: bun lea Of a human circus to he \ found 'Ibis side ?it th? pearl, gates. : ? ... th t - snd ??' a, was Un i hoa ,n. i mixed lob a iii.-k? ? .1 ? lemon pie, nicotine and little n on? ? ?? nted lo I sve* bod) 01 ? w. h, to 1 noon 'i' .i> waa ihe mas whs "looked hk? Booth.' H? w.i-.-. i.,,i?.i Jobs >? Daniel ..i \ Irglnis of w hum lus . :n mli that much ??i his p'.' ii? stock in trod, constated m lu- startling reoosnMsaco U th.- tragedien. People m ti"- rotunds would stop. loot at Daniel ? moenenl ami *.?v t?. them Bel vea "Where bave i seen thai ti ? ? were thinking of tu" Booth Htho graphs .o the shop aindoers There was the sain?- ?inik. wsv) i,m bruabed be?h w.m .-. high. )?':i moulded forehead, Urs Btightl) aqulUne n??:.?'. the cempn lit- th. sail, WCSr) look in the- ?lall s. nato, Daniel was one of the shim? ? ? the ntdttme school ol o iUm a the "sink or swim, Hvs or u.e, aurrti perish" st) I* The Rev. Di T Ds Witt TaU?gs osan take bia ? ut "t mutton joint and pota toes owl) ., fea itooia awa) friten Gsnore Ben Butier, whose modest appetite emv? blood red beef sad ? glass ,? i ctnret H? was the aattSOr Of the remark. "1 do rr COBdUd war wit h r .s. wat. i Henry L. CUntOB devoured his lunch?, ?t with energ). chatted briefly Wttk politi ?al it. ipialiilan ???.- an.I r? turii?'d t.? hi' law books. Judge Kullerton ?as SOSom panled bj a youthful oesspsoten, erhom luncheon was judiciously eoSBblned wilt drippings of l"gal lore from the ?hlei l> ? ounsellor. The rotunda has ftlWS! B '"'? ti nil h tie qnentad bj eflktels whose ssssrisa wen fat enough to ??.arrant a rather espenstVl ? election. Mayor Orsca used to be Keen there as regularly as he was at his office, of any one part of the hotel perhap.? the most mellow men,on? s cluster arouad the "Room Mo I" alraad) mentlooed Bupposs art apeak sf only a few of the n?.table iii-ii who m? t at this best fr?-e lunch to be found In town. K? i merly the room was in the centr? of the building front Afterward it was moved to the office goor, one flight up. The Haines law put it out of buai MOS nnalty. Jay ??'.ulii ?Iroppi'd ?n wnen he bad misse?! his free lundi a? the Ucst.rn Union t'ollis P Huntington and Aus,in ??i hm dtoeoesed ntJtecada snd railroad? ing. John H. HaatTln e/*o once ralo i a l .lllniiK-U OO ?rtrntii 1?.HJS.