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MATTERS of ART Some Studies in Painting, Ok and Modern. m m. tunny ?.Hier Beide " endeavor ' ?-day, we arc nothing ?f no o? a? ,,??}?'. Turning ftom the exhib?, lions thai iu,\" filled the season to th? ;?? - of .iriistii- gubjecta which hsv? appeared during the same period, on? struck b) tio- solid usefulness char acterislng most ?if them, Pine writing bighfalutin as it mighl more enn? ted, has followed th? ?d?: ilume, gol up chiefly foi the s?k? of its pictures. Into the limb. ,?i ini.ioi??! iiihim. Tin- literature <>f art is now pioilin i ?I, in the mam. by writ era win. ink?- pains to accumul?t? knowledge, who ar? careful to svold - ol style ami win? seek. Anal? . ? tlielr works put forili in ? ? venlenl shape thai Ihey muy id. There are only a few les, iii'iii'ii er, who ?-??ill think ii their duty t<? dlscour-tc wtib thai .sot.,ic air Implying an In? i? real in ii" - illed ' ?i p. it-" alone "Tie lyptrcn] art i.k Is addreee? ?i not only t?> Ihe si ? but to the laj man. An Illuminating Essay on Technique. V pie ?oui?! he ?itcl ih.m ih. one supplied in "The , m i ? I ' ? i g" ?'; P. Putnam's Mona), ti) M. ?" in..?- tloreau-Vauthler. ? ? I m m ? \.,? Ines In .1 modes! way thai gift i<?r the ludd sa? ..i. .?i abetruso subjects w Inch l MADONNA iXD CHILD W i l H BAINT8 , ilion ' 1 " Zoppo it ! velona In ?Parla H ?linill? al d I?- ! th? pair,' from the t." k ,.f ti-.e Dordogne t.. the worka ni?..!, m m? ti ,i? Bigna? ai a? ' ?? .i.,' - s,. < ,. poui i fcri ble 11.i "f i* -??iniii?' fei ' ? ? '.ut:Iv? t" keep m?- r ?'-?' - and so 11 eating thai alrnoel anj ? .-? ail for i alntlng will find th :,? ;il .soriiini? a- a novel. H< "?? humanise his recondib i., n trodu? g 11 ? historical or pei soi the liathl lll'UII'll!. IVI ..ti g mod(*rn Ktioraii, . ,,f :? chemical proc? s.-s Involved In I ami ?i his ."listani. ? lonati . "f . "1"! S d la p. ' ?? "?mined t., n ? me ?imitar drai : : I ia ., ? aint. ? ! ? ?mi notll ? 'I that tb. a. l|.,aa o! f ?din? wtli? 1 i- : . i km ?? ?? ha R h,t? d to fmd out. With I similar indes : tb. experte).f * be mi ?tors M m ? r carries on his ? d II unpedantlc anal- gli <>t itrang? process whereby, the generations p.unter- have ??"> n?s. have lost oh ? Th? have i"?-t. sbove nil, tin nigre.ii? tils ?-f ?I,nablilt?. To a . OTtSll < \t? til tin- ? .?Hinted fot !?> th'ir eitiplo? int'tit of treacherous mate rials, like bitumen, ''??t the author la?. crnii'i stress upon th.- gradual .ii..w)?ioiiiiii pi long aK.' of tin- simple, tan-ful ??ml essentially conservatlv? un tin??is ?.f th. i'en.ussam??-. The mod? em BTtist il???-- ti'd ?'ttiuliit?' his |'!>V i .-s|v,-ct l?>r his medium is . ?un ? i nod. Thinking only <?f w hat m . ? iitiiii.iiiat. i? satisfy ins eye, he aeta in* palette and ravers ins with a lim- ilg**oa*ard "f the *,r<?l? influ? in. ?>i time upon the latter. We make BO pretence of summarizing here tin- ? ri'i . Isbas an - lions embodied in the ???linn. It is enough to slate thit their validity is obvious ami that tin? ai? rich in aid f.-r the painter. Tim in*?, t.isly made illustrations, In winch a given picture is a**ccmf*aaled i.? an enlarged detail, exhibiting tin ?technique used, add mach i<? the lllu? pniuatini ?power "i Hi?- last. Two Types of the Modern Realistic Trend. a new volume m the s?riai ? f ? i ranch Artists ,.; trur ?Day" (Phlla* de!;,hia: The .1 H. Lippinootl .', panyi is devoted t" "Quatavi Courb? L 'I Tin? ib the ?mi', to trbk'ta an ?\>re alluding "id? last ?unda** In the ?li n '?! ( ',il|?< ;?i?\. ni w In? !i an ur :? i told through historien mi?) descriptive comments on bis piel ,?i'. r being reprodu? i d li g?'o?l plates There Is siso n blograph1 <al ami critical i reface, w hlch m Ih? presen! Im tan? e is supplied by M j.? ?.m . r.? nedlt? , ',:?? reflets! - witl gome amusement on the changes whlcl im \? . ".? ? r ih,- artistic world sine? Courbe! fought his resolute fight Plm? j was a i" h h* s? ?in? ?i ti," ? erteal reve ?m onar] >t no! ;? downright nnan hl* 1 I To-day, with the Cubists and theii ?friends rioting about and Indulging Ii , "intimidation and bulldoxe," ho -. i not mer? I < one? rvntive bul almo t i i ? ri louai ?." To the disinterested lover of srl ii0 ?. neither bixarre nor ucs* demie, i?,,, .i very cool end sane i ? pc win. saw th?' truth and painted ii In a ?i. .in.I honest way. And lo his ti ni h ii?' Joined ;, quality n hi? t, imik. s ii i m s.'?'in ?ven ., iitti?? roinantl? | beside the less distinguished, more pro I sale painters ,.f the s. in>??is- now cur? ,\l. Benedite rather piquant!) . xplalns the soun ? ??i \? hat is tin? i ami uiipr. salve In I "t '.our ? ? i Dgth," In- a) s. ' liea in the i ?? i thai th? effusli i m tu "t in- l? m : i mu t i'i- t.-. t?'?i liitti from th" ' i ? ?f retUsm Mi swaggt i Ing, bt .? ham? 1er, ins sacrifice <>f every? thin?; to his own peraonallty, w ,'? ti nsiated in in- Interpretation of Nat? ure Into a M?t ol heightening, enlarg? ing exsggeratlon which gave him ?i ng for style. Tins saved him from i Imitation, ? \.<? t ? op) me. r?- port? mi: ri? ssv everything Isrgely, bi i? . h es and strong con? trssts.' Although w? ma) question tin- somewhal whimsical mode by i, he t? s? le i it a" ms) congrslu? le on his ? on? lusion. it ; .i end hspp) ehsi actei Isation of what H Is thai makes Courbel In? W? ha? e glam "?i ai th? diff? ience this r< bell Ion again ; foi mu?a snd thsl a hi? h i trated b) I of tl - in the re? enl Armoi > ?uii'.t bul K" ??ii thinking .m a hen we tak?- up 'Th? !.? Post-Impressionist" ? Hough ton Idifflin < 'ompan) I, ? ? olume offei Ii . ? fsmllisi ndi nee of Vln? enl Vnn 1 logh. it Ii- a ompaiii? ?i as we suppoee wai me Of ' In usual |?.i | | ? ? Mi An? tin n? M I. idOVlei, ill a port? Ut, 'long prefae? takes i"?tii himself snd Van ? ?"Kb u itii ail the m 11? woi Id. Tins in, i oducl mil i.??v. ? ? i. :.i?n eaall; be akipped. The lettere, too, contain a good deal thai la negligible, i?m In the main the) are worth read ' I i? all) 'I" no1 know how i paint" sayi the paintei "Armed with ,, wbite panel i take up b position In iront ? i the spot thai Intel ei ti me, ? ontemplate a hal lies i" for? me, and .-??y to myself, "Thsl white psnel must ! be turned Into something.' Dissatisfied , with my work i return horn? pu! m panel ont of sight, snd after tsklng a lit? i ? - i? st, go back to my work, aim I with qualme to see what it look- like." i The paasage la typlcsl. it is eloquent, ,:e others, of 1 an ii"?ii a incerti? tude, almost pitiably m contrast with lili; BAT? I Kit, A si I DY. ?i i um tin {minting by Courbebj N.CO?.K \i.siii:i: (FToni th? portrail ' V'estler.) i the magnlnceni self-confidence oi C< | bet There we encounter again lhal w of knowledge, thai half-baked, fi bling to ?? hich we lu?? e rep? at i? pointed as the central wenkn? sa the Post?Impressionlsts and ??11 allied Innovator! In thi late ?lisii. m "moi.ment." Bui ii Is n"t mer? I) i?i.i.?? of Van 'rOffh'g Incomplcten .1? a paint, r I this book i-s tO read His was, after all, ;? dee pathel Ic * an ei and I here is a methl touching In the piel tire thai the letl ?give of a man ? aguely cherishing i Id?ala or al an* rste Une imp ami loyally trj Ing to a n si from nati an.l from the old masters th? beauty In Brt. W ? sen ?? the well mas Ing blunderer when we read, "In pall mt; l observe no system; I lash i , .m? .?s ?? ith Irregn n nd th.m stand." Bui we are a? more sympatheti? spirit when we h. him ex. laiming, "i want to painl h manit). humanlt), and again h m.iiiii??." or when i ' - a in ambition in thi ?? i- ? i.Is i simply paint ms bedroom. Thlstim? ' i olor sha!' ? hing. I!? im an? ils simplicity n s?mil lend - gland St) le, Bnd shall BUgl pea-.- and slumbei to the si ? ii i? a ' f.. ii "tu thi bebt i. worth) of Chardin. Thi pity of II Is that, net having thoroughl) learned hi Van ? ...lili could not realise ins id. ? gin? en letteri full oi good fe? mg and of a pure enthusiasm, make melancholy monument t< and ?. If?the si ted talent A Classical Work on Nort Italian Art. A pi ' ? i" is ??h ? ? la being i ndei ? to the student bj th? house of Mum m taondon and the house "f Boribn In N< --?' Y..1 k. E rs ago the publish! r s pi oh ''?d .? m ??? ? dltlon . the invaluable "Hlstorj oi ?Painting I Italy," bj ' 'i on - and ? at al. asel : The; ha? ?? neai Ij i omplet? d lhal Hi . nt< i prise and i?*.'-? the) bat ? I ?mt m three handsomely printed ai lavish); Illustrated volumes g neu ?-?i ii..ii ,.f thai other great book b) tl same aul or? A Hiator? of Palntin I m North Italj ? ' This i- Ind? ? .1 not! ing nun .- m ? 11. ? ? 11 a ? him Th.- niij^uiai edition i- more than fort yean old. Since it appeared the lu.-r. ture oi the gubj? 11 has In? i ? as? *i enoi mously m bulk, snd contains much h which tTowe and Caval?i*aselle woul have <i< lighten to profil But Mr. Tai cT4?d Boreniue, who edits and annot?t? the jin-s? m edition, while aasertini th appositeness oi ins functions neverth? ' bss records thai "it is remarkable * how man? instances their Instlnctiv i |g] 'm i ? idgmenl hag ?been full confirmed." We ? apt clali) g ppn clal that phrase, "i h< Ir Inatlncl Ive i Lghl boss ot Judgment." because 11 la fo ib? |r Judgment <iuit> as mu? h i theii extisordinarj ma?- oi facts ihs Crowe Bnd Caval? aaelle are t" b? treas tired. We turn foi example, i?t tin chapt? i on ? vi pa? clo and im upon i rrasssgi iik- the folloa m u it ho il a n) i"" 11?', "i fan. he ?? s ' lei tile ''i Inv? m inn and lllusti ation "i In cldent, > a i m st i.' impulal ve In the i oncep ' li"ii and undei Ing "I iii" nt \Y:i i ! gr< ater stei nnesa i han ? liovannl I :? llin ! bul ?? Ithout bis nob)? n? si In b. i ? rivalled Bigi.:i, ,n -,, hemen. ?? an? . abi uptnesi "i .-?' tlon ?V? cannol find on? i Insta nee In ?? hich he ?a? rifl? ? d I to Bnished detail though few could sui pass him in minute ornameni .,i draper) or architecture , Conscious at all Him- "i ins pow? i '" put ? v. i ? p.h t "i s picture m us pi.?i e by local tint as well as by lineai perap?ectlv? he ne? firnii attempting the m.-st difficult efTV?-ts ?,t sunlight on Fields, on hills1 on water or on'bulldlng. H, ?aa? rough In bis touch, dusk) and red In Heah tone, coarse snd black in outline; bul whal he lacked in ?entlmenl ,-i color wai eomi?en sated b) the application >.f sclentinc ia??s. I and in the tnidsl ot bald, staring pri? mai :- .'. h. i. no attempt is made to fuse and I lend the palnl I s pits one i hade against the othei and produce? harmonic chorda There is more is this ? hapter on fa- - i>a. clo ? hich we would lit?.*- i<> quote, but the foregoing ??mi rofllce to illus? trate the just and sensitive , riti, ism of authors, their s??jft penet**atic*a to tin- true artist ?rorklng always ?" m -lib the starj tell? r In this type -.f Venetian pain! ing It j? g lung gfOrk, ranging through the rich school of Veal?.. smong all th..-. ot in r potenl groups ?m the mainland al Padua and Mantua, si Vicenss and i-vrmia, and so on through an en? banted Land in ??hich masters flourish Lnnumeralile ami luxuriant Wlr-erever wc go \?. folloa two inc.mi|.ara1i|i- guides, ??In..-. . i -million never made them hesi j - handed, who kindled t.. their work ??ith an infection? ardor. Mi. I'...r?-niii.?. equally reapectfu] ami alart ammtat' i ii?m wperlaUvel) wall. Htg ?aotoi .??> ? j.a.kcd with m-iiiil Information, with fa? la and a Ith i rlU? si citations w a do n?.t know which t<> sdmlre the mor . hi- Industi i or his Is? t, Tins book ha- bei ti ;? ? l?sate from the date "f its publication, in it - pre -< nl form Ii ? ialue is <i..ui.ii.i. A Fine Tribute to the Art of William Blake. The cull for William Blak? ha pro ?I'l'i'i ; ??in? queer i.ks i.ks onl) too much m inn ?moil' with the most "Rlaki an" of his ow n w ril Ins . I stratu ? .?i and no! bj sn) un i a ell balan? ? ?i Agur? In Ihe ins- , of English art, enthusiasm has promoted g k.I d< al "i ?.? ? i :?? nee about him. But now snd then som? 'i-iil w ith him .-a nel) .- ntributor to I he sub? ject i Mr. Archibald I m ho well ' 'in. ?i th? arl : ,? , - some i i 01 ? ? ig? and now put f??rth in "Thi Kngi \\ illi.,,,1 i: .? ' I h? I! igl ? ? M If? Ain i '"ii?i anyl s vol ?1?ut and colle? im will hall with entli satisfai Hon. This is rea II) i ? it '.i'.l'-s in the i lgh( ord? i all of th? B 1) -' ..i Blak. . and th? i of foil? ? - the I - ? ngrsi ?iit:- aft? r his on n d< ? . ol prlnl d< ? ? ther of pi ? a in? h h< ami AnaII btful and ?. ? i ?. baffling plat? - Th? twenty-Ave or tint 1) 111 ?: ' Mi ni.AS VR8TIEII (Prom the portraP or Antoine Ves tier) .nul in ever) a a I he book la beSUtiful!) Iliad". in its bulk, which i- i?. as* In tin number of pistes 11 describes, II test! Acs t.? Blake's pi odlglou Indu ti ? Hi- name signifies, for those who h ? ? ? not ? - \ i 1111111 > ?i at nil . losely Into ins , in.? i a iiilln r impulsiv ?? \ Isionar) ?.?. bo lefl a ?;.I mail pui I""? less fragm? nts behind him. Then Is, i?? be mu., much in Hinke, boil, llterarj ami artistic, that Is amorphous snd without weight, but ins genius knew Its ion? in. n oi discipline snd self.trol, and a ? .m etlgfaVCt parti? uiail\ In- i? ..ill' us to this side of his llf. Going slowl) through Mr. Russell's Hat, oik is bound i" be Impressed bj Blake'a sbll? It) as a craftsman pure snd simple, H? km w his Instrument ami could use h wiiii ,i ?iiiiii. thoroughgoing author h\ peculiart) Inter -iIng ainn one iiniiks oi' the waj In win. b, a ? be gres older, be allowed in.- Imagination ami Ins hand to run riot. Mi. RUSSSII do. s w?ii i?, melude among ins reproduc? tions a pi te ait ?, < '"? - w., y snd <>n? aft? i Hogarth. They show bow Blak? COUld Dill bis m.un,Sl ?tilts Into liai ? go t<? ss), w Ikii be ? hose, ex? i ? ism?; a touch wonderful!) sure ami express! vs. Btil 11 i ??, "i course, for his own invsntlona thai this estslot has pond over "i" w.uks. It Blake's originality, bis lofty, spirit i/. .1 , ,,ti. ? 'puons, his curious iii,,ki? st) le triumphing over nil ins Ihn nous that make the i""'k worth wl His faune will always suffer .from Incoherence, ins Incomplete? wa- g man of n< nlus who affin himself m vagrant Aashes, nol In sustained Aiadits. Bui the Aashes n always a haunting spell, and ei volume thai, iik" tins one, t< mpemi ret i\. - |nt< reel In him, is s voluim i.rdla II) i? eel ?, d. Antoine Vcstier and His Pi traits. .\ paint? i m.e' be a m< mber ol In llllanl .-? I.I. and, pai adoxlcaliy, i im i \ er) reason, a? hi? re some! h I? ss than his plop, r fam< ' le shs ins trails, perhaps, with too ma others Wh? re numerous men i I'.niii m? m ell, all of I !" to in mm h I same vein, an exeeptlonal amounl i- i.! for? " is needi ?I '?? detach given Agure in the group from Its si roundings. Some such reAeetlons these .h m. ii? ?I b) Ihe experiem e Antoine Vest?? r, ? n ? Ightet nth i enl i l-'i ? n? h por! rail paintei a li<> m s??i strange wa) has suffered Inexeusal i,? k l? ? i. Lud y l Ulke, for exampl?. her careful i?,,?i falrlj exhauatlve bo ? ?n i in artists of lu p. i.... i. ?i??? , et "n ni' m nui linn Ifi i lila abilttl Won liini Inuli ."?pillant \, at ail "\?i i ? fore tin R? ? olutlon, .?lid he held i ou n ,i- ,i iiniii.u m isi and painter lar g? i poi n.' its mu onl) In the s or h loi.i among i he erltl day. M ?'iiari.s ? ?hihi?.m. recognlsii i ? -? . ?? ? with ?'lithusiasi ?e s) mpalh has recentl) sough! t" ?rehabilitate th < otiipaiati? ? '. i? i gotten srtlsl m ti muni- of ? onnoisa? urs. In ?, long pap contribu?? d to the "1 laael le d? - Beai Arts" he ?paints a charming portrait i Vea tier and do? s lum I In |US< I, ? ' hi he d? -? r- es, 11?' has found an Ideal occasion f? his tribute m the assembling <>?' en m usuallj large numb? r of hlth? rto ui published portraits b) his mast' r, poi traits whi'ii in now not only d? ?< rib? but Uli n.? tes m excellent reprodu? tnui.-. Veatier, win. was bornai Aval Ion In 174*1 and di? ?i ai Paris In Is appears t?? have been throughout hi long lu'" a lov? r "i tin- dornest!? itiei undlstracted from the ? harms ?,f hi ? ?w n hi arthstonc i his ac! Ivll le . ourtly patron Ovei snd ov? Bgaln he painted hit wife and childr? n and more than on ? he painted himself mably for th? Ir d< I? - tation Hii tiall) mundane school. He ?irew witl ? ii in- mod? lied witl he had, lays M ?ulmont, a marvelloui ? ? : icing I : ? ' ? He km w ail about the tastes of th? hen oi to ss) snd his m ? ? the , hit. m m ?de ..? forms I the ?-sorti nted In I his a if. ami lu- n. I ii mmemorated, with all the ? ,i in VOg ? ?? i ? ? : ? Ion onl) when he wanted t.. cul Just the rlgbl Agure In the Salon, sfoetl) il udled th. m. mi. i- ol in- famil) i more In) Imate spontaneit). and lality among th. particular canvases thai he 1rs ? ?r?. -. i bat u. ' rulmonl bi inga oui V'esl ler'a s ill? m m? i Its, I'll. -? ?a.lit ,,i |, -, ling SB ?? ?'II ...? of execution. Tin.? accomplished l'r. le bman had B rai .- m.i st ?i \ OI er IllS toll, g Til. 1? BUtj Of lllS ?? Illl-S |g Mpsclall] ? "iiiini lid. .1 in the pr, .-, ii! In lb. in .I in In ib In at*' I graya he approved hlmaelf a gkilful I 1 i ompoa.-r of fine liarmonkra Also, he I PUt Character Into Ins portraits, ami il I is for their mere.) human vitality as Well as lor ib.-ir grace of design Bltd general te? hnii bI exc? II? n< * thai they are io-?ia\ worth) of admiration. In ' the portrait of his boh Nielas, the young architect, he cottJbines ?i clgggl? cal beau) y <?i hue ami form ?? Il h an ' ' Str.Iiu.ii ||) solid icilism. thus I powerfully llluatratlng the tradition ",i in nur I .ni- cu 11 - non? bin ? i.. nil- ,n tin? pi.i< e, apropos ? ?r the great portraits b) David and Ingrea The sami nuthorltatlv? fusion of two precious virtues Is to be noted , in the ovni portrait of his daughter Nicola The love!) glri >s shown b?* i.-ic ,, batata washing h? r hands, end I the ?? hole portrait br??atheg of the I natural sentim? nt th? articen move? tu? ni in.--, p.naide 11--ii?. tu familiar a motive; but it has. too, all of the re finement and dignity ?which might b< expected in a drawing-room subjse Slows. .V. Oulmont speaks of the tin? painting of the basin and similar ob? jects in this canvas, <?t' M?S exMuisit? notes of white, r??se and green in tin costante, of the pure flesh tints, and ends b] do?Tibirig the work as g tmit de foil e equal to ths beal productions of \'ii4??-i.?>nruii, Qreuse and Lsbille Qubird, it is not to?? high praise, and. indeed, ?m?, is half inclined i<> better it ?before a design as bewitching as is tins portrait of Nicole. \ ?sinr fell upon evil da>.s when Um Revolution broke out As at. Outaonl Iremarks, he belonged t?, the ?,i,i sristo? 'Titiii- regime, snd could hardly expect l<? please those who cam?' into aiithor ?It) ?m its disappearance, Bui posterity | is even n iw redressing the bslsnce. He i- profltlng bj the reswskened taste for the French school ?.f the eighteenth JO, un: irishwoman. (From the painting by Courbet.) I century, snd this critique in the "(;? /? it? " will doubtless dei pen the Inters , ?.f collectors in his art The Last Shows of the Seaso in New York. Ms l towell ? lub, which niak' ... :i . ful i'i the -?i lists an?! th" public all through th" w int. through ns fortnightly exhibitions i American works ?.f painting at sculpture, wind- up ?; luccessful got ?-on with an exceptional display. Th ?- devoted t" wsti r i "!"i s, pastels si drawings b) four groups of artist : nd worn? n ?being about equal! ? nted. There ore a .i??/.,?n pain ?is m each group snd m tin compsx .'.? tin', ail manner ??f typea. The Ui includes th" names >'.' John W, Abo ander, Robert Henri, Rboda Hohm ?Ml? bolls, Albert St? rner. < leot ?? I ' h ..m \s ..i.i. May Wilson Prw , ton, W iiiiam -i. i ii?,? kens, P. Lu llora snd Ifshonri Toung. Ths ?> '' bibltion lasts until May 20 At the National Arts Club there | exhibition "l -mall marbles an bronxes by An?. : - ilptors. Th :u Compon) is als?, showini until May 31 a number of recce small bronxes .u.?i garden piscos i? American women sculptor-. The cm (.-ut exhibition at th" Bnooooor t?a I lery, which remains open until |fs _".' is iiven to painUngs <?i* the Oran i and to ?i number ><f animt i Wiiii.un R. Leigh. Picture ? ? by i."on.u?l v i ? uiii remain on ? lew at th Americsn Museum of Natural Hlstor until th.- end "t tin- month. Th.- ex bibltion ??!' American pointings st th Uontross Gallery has been ?xtendei ami n ill not close until May 1" It I announced, '<?:? th.' way, at this caller th.,, ti,.- "Portrait" b) -i ?lden Wait which wsa recently shown there Ii :ii? exhibition of u." Ten Americsi Paint, is. has been sequin d by th. Syracuse Museum "f Fine Arts for it permanent collecUon. The exhiblttoi <>t Kngii-ii atslned ami leaded class lately opened a' the Cottier Gallery continue! Indefinitely. Downtown, Ii it- now gall.ii?'s in Fulton street, th? Henr) Bchultheia Compsny is cele? brating its twenty-fifth ruuilverssr) by holding ?? si??.? lai exhibition oj American art. it Includsg painting! Qeorge Inness, J. Prancia Murphy !?;. I. COUSS ami Others, and there ar? .i... .i n.nui ? i of modern Buropeai ? on vl< s \t th?? Km.Her ? ?\?i 1er) there are landscapes by Mis imn lap Hopkins. Th.- KraUShsar daller;. hov ; etchings by ?Seymour Hadan, ii the runt Room of the Now fork PuUh Library there !s an exhibition ??f the worki of that famous seventeenth cen? tal*) British engraver, William Palt? borne. Notes on Divers Artistic Sub? jects. winie affairs slack? n in our local galleries the season is active enough elsewhere. The collection of works by Paul Albert Pasmara, organised m Paris ami brought t?? the Museum of Pine Aits m Boston by M. -lean Qulf? frey, of that Institution, was taken on the other day t" ti," Albright Qallery m Buffalo; H goes thsnes to Chicago, and will perhaps he seen later in other American cltiss, though for some occult reason it la not, ws be llevs, to be preseiite?| in New York. The annual show at the Carnsgls ln gtltUtS in I'ittsburgh is upen now and will continue until the end of June. Beaton has lately received from Chi? cago the exhibition which we saw at ihe Armory this winter. The So.icty of trYee'ern Artists, with us peripa. i.ii? exhibition, has reached Bt, Louis, where it romalas until Ma) 31 Prom ibe Canadian Art Club ws have n ,.i\.?l an aun??un? ciiient of its sixth annual exhibition., opened ia_* Pridny evening in ti"- -Vit Museum at Tor? onto. Next Thursday morning the fourth annual convention of the American |-i?|.ration of Arts will he opened in Washington, in the morning session papers on an museums will ?? deliv? iiv'l b) Professor P, J. Mather and ollKid. la tlic uitetnoon, the dele gates and their friends will be ta|r.n about Washington in automobiles . sec what has been done toward th beaut ith ation of the city. There win be a in the evening, T??,?? next day there will be another rnonuag ?.-?ion. gi\?'ti to the discussion of |B. dustrial art. ami in thi afternoon, af. ter attention has been paid i., general business, an adjournment will i?, lakm to the White House, where th? President and Mrs. Wilson will Wej. come the foili-r.-?ti>m to .? garden party Api-.ii?.- of Hi.- first topic which Um Pad?-ration is to treat. w.? nia? call at. I tantion lier?* t? a valuable little Ytoo^ ? on the siiiijeit jusi pubUshed by (h? s<rribnera This i.k. mtftled "Art ! Miiseumi and School.?.'' is rrroime-aj ,, four |.-, lures il.-li?. f. .1 in the spring of I last year at the Metropolitan Musss* 1 of Art ?is a ..mi s.- for ira ?irren l>y ! Messrs. Stockton Axsun. Kenyon (?em ?I Stanley Hal! ami Oliver S. T.,nk?! It is full of practical stie?est ions look ing to thi pitare iff. - which might in- ma?le ?,f th?- museum coiicc ttona by instructors [r? various depart? ments of school ?cork, and it should b? ? of service in the Wka r exploitation of museums everywhere. l-'roni Uli"ti Museum "f Fip.e Ans where it is now published ?*onieg cond number ni th.- third veium?. ?.f "The ?Print Collectors' Qu*utsrty,a edited by Mr. pits Ro) Ci rriraftam, it w Ith a chapt? "ine jn r.irniation on the engraved portraits V William Jacobag Delff and his father In-law, ??ritten by Mr. L. i: M? Mr. Martin Birnbaum writes oa ton temperan Oaf man literatura, then? l is an ir-.t.-rrsting paper bj .Mr. R. J. Wickenden on ?Daublgny? ?ud Mi bbbt. tin ?Hardie traverneg th? el ad aratt 'of s.imu.'i ?Palmer, adding i bibliofrs* | phy and a catalogua There are the .- tal perfectly madi - **.??? 'ing the last touch !" a littl? | eriodi?*?! ? which justific-.i itself .:? Its first num ?her, and by this time must ha\e p*i su.i'led many print i Olli t"i - that they ? ould not do without it. F'.. C. Henry Schultheis COMPANY Anntunc? litt OPENING -a'their New Art Galleries at 14- Fulton Street A tma dears tZAST of BROADWAY ?SEW YORK CITY PAINTINGS PRINTS FRAMING P. W. FRENCH & CO. Rare Antique Tapes? tries, Embroideries, Furniture and Other Objects of Art 6 EAST 56th STREET D. B. BUTLER & CO? Announce that they hate removed (0 Madison Chambers. 601 Madison Avenue. Sew }?rk Many New Mezzotints. Etchings and Frames. Painting rclined and restored. Phone 907 Plata. Interesting Exhibition of Art Work by the J. Clinton Peters Classes, at the Powell Gallery. 983 Sixth Ave!55th-56thSts. Open from 9 A.M. too P.M. A RT ADVERTISING ?** ON TIIK ART PAGE or TiiK SUNDAY TRIBUNE IS GOOD PUBLICITY