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THE AUTOMOBILE CHILD OH. MAMA! COULDN'T I RIDE BEHIND A HORSE SOME DAY? INDEPENDENCE MEANS CHAOS IN P. I. t ?inliniied from third pan? ?jf after flfteen yeara of tavsotlgatlon i ? j m. n have dlscov? red thai Diese peopk ?an never be strong enough fgsspporl themselves ss an Independent nation, wb) tell them so frankly and not continue the t?. tlon that some time or b< n they are m for It.' the U-mad. Independent? Why not take a?i vantage <?? the r>osslblllt1es your own peo bi< ha?i ?eat? d, insb ad ol st pi? I) tsih? ?ig of taking .. atep whli h would - 111 to Mini? . th'i I" ? During ti ? period when Ihe archipelago ess ssosi prosperous under gpanlsh rule, rwmel.?, . it UN to UH the av? erage Imports of the is.ainis Hum th? Patted Rtatet amounted to taOZ,t3S. Thai a. they boughl this much lion, the mer? ?asta and iiiiiiulacturers oi tins coun-1 by. ISLAND IMPORTS. h? htS, aftei m arl) a d? cade and -i ball oi eswric4.ii control, tins amount had ?i-own t? ...ut t.1,?jiX),<-JW? that is. the) M betont? fort) times iu??ie. profitable w g customer tor American wares than 0**| sen h. fore. Th* i: ni ?. i ?states is mi enormous eon ?tor of tropical and subtropical prod Ul't?. .\. oommodit ? Wed the popularity and the li U*H* am.?i g the people of th? I Sut?? of those gruwn In tropical coun ?ds? But th re ur* no counttiea with ???fa. Its commerce is so unoQUSl i-Toratiie to It In the matfr of inter er*ngt of trade, a? those from which tiieie product? ure obtained. A Partial Hat of Imports of this nature Ifi'iudt? ...?i.. ?near, COCOS, taw silk. ?"*_) fruits an?! nits, rubber, gums "1 various | ? tobacoo, spk es, etc . -flgggragsUi t; annuaUy in valu?- to to'ng tv. r *-S?*-.0?J0,U)0. Th? ?IgniiH i.nt fe-ature abo'it tins trade, ?soever, n that the countries of which to? United States buys tbes?? producta "?y only about f?Ohfito.oot worth of |. from the United Matee in return. In other v. orda, Uncle Sam yearly dibits "?mmli -f3rjo.rxr0.00i-? as a result of this ,r*t!*'. That is. he bises that HUM ?'- '? bC lnt the amount of money which goea OUI ?f ths country every year and Stays out ?Vo*. the claim made for the J'hilipp '" ??Ian-Is by theme who believe them to be j** valuable to be re? kl< ssly sscrlHc? ?i is 'M ihcy (.an ,IC)l 0I|]V irrow every on? of to??? eotnmodlUee for which the United ?_*?* annually paya foreign countries ^.Ctti.Oiin (which would save Uncle Hani sat **s*a,***a,CO0 every twelve months), bu1 tost tiny would als?, n tin"- beoon ? ?taoiig the most generous inn.;s ol Pencan made w iee In ? rtlstence. PROPHECY FUTILE. ?eo ni,, h of all tins- would prove ti ??? ?"?man living, perhaps, could ?enture tu **5 All that | ,,,, m lentloua Inquir? 0 is to ,i, t.rriiiti?- what already has been Cc?n)phsh--d and the posatbtlitlea that **n> to exist. Certainly no man risiUng aMf__"d"' a1"' V'H'"1 ''rU>K '" ''"' mi<ll"t their could help but be impressed ' toeir luxuriant richneas ?"* Phlllppinea have been producing ??>*? '"gar foi , sport for more than u ?.. y Tb? can? win mature there In fm tw.-i?.,.. p, ;,,,,,? ,.??,,,,,._ ,1S pjjpairmA ??tv rooaths m Hawaii. They produce "*?? hemp (which cannot be duplicated ?"Were elae in the world), copra, to? ****, ,;,,;,,,. rubber, oil?, gums, resins, fess long i|M ?r otheg proiw?tM ???y. **** to th? tropics, Moreover, they waaatt some of th? fin? -, tracts of hsrd *?o4 toretts m the world. ? ??f tin i?.',.a?i BQuara miles In ih? arcnt go more than i'*."?1 aquare mil? it la covered with merchantable titnb. i ? hich - n touched. ? of it is the lineal hard?.I In the ??-.i Id. About ..?able tural and ? i da ;<>"i of . tie s- mili, aboui ?? "?" the records ii?. bisen appll? d foi TI ? P llppln. I - ind ? -..My stand at the very beginning .,t their development." Harold C. Pitt, president of the Ma la Mei thi Delation, to the writer. "Capital has not come i" the , islands ?because ver) little about the Isl ' ands 1b known m the United Btat? "The problem <d n ahing the produce the nineteen tropical an I tropical product - .? hi? h the i Inlt? d - al a est of *.?,??>..?.??,???? .. Imple one, provldli ?. thai ?te 'i" not -ii?. up pelage CONTROL OF CHINESE TRADE. , ?ii?- business in th? ? i? .i s. ii .- consuming capacity ??di in- : : i| "| "' tlon, and th. Ill*' d ?a ::i chiefly benefit >?? thai trad., "Nui i - i :,< proposition oi ? oni rol by ' rade of ? Ihtna '?? through developing the resources himi - on- \ ol th? h ad? In the Philippin? - an nable ? ne. * llilns .s b big mai - ; !<-1, with importa already ranging more thai ?? ?? annually. The greai r-...!- .m a fen days' voy from Manila, iui.l ?\illi stock;, in the I'biliiipin. s 11-an which to draw on Ameri? can goodi would tx mads is available to merchant? <>i < bins as lb? y now an to ' - I nit?! States it-.lf. i "i firm!) i-11? ?? s thai through the Iagency ol the Philippines th? United? States can come '<> control the tiado o? i ' China." Th.- Americans who have for fifteen - tolled an?! moiled In the Philip? ; pin? ? and ??? in? have aettlsd thei ? 1 tb.ii permanent hom? sr? afraid of noth n mich as that ' longress ms '.s,,m,. action without a full >?UJMWl-*df*e "t th? fact - To them, snd Indo? ?i to the Filipinos who have enrolled themoelves und.r the bannei "t '"lndepeneeniie,*' tie ? ..o, threat? ns g i sa ? tragedy, pro*n? la Ing tal i uln and the d? stru? tlon ol ?< ara of oai nesi effort. or more than s hundred business men Interviewed In Ihe islands by the writer there was not on? who did nol express the heii? If that now Is the time for Con to make some petmsnenl declara? tion which ??ni save the country from the un? ?i taint? non paralysing buslm and he? 'duc capital oui "f the country ?it ??,- have .lis..,?.-i.-d thai the Kill* pinos never can maintain thelt Ind? pendence ws oughl i" tell them so frank* i. and remove the Inspiration "i unreal ??hob is continually .?11111111; up the peo? ple," ?aid .I them ??In. 1?- a leader in <-i\i- affaira Thia will ?>. no breach ?,f faith "i. ib. mu r of Hi-- United Btatss Then lsn'1 a disinterested man who ?has ovei made a study of conditions hers but must admit thai ???? have acted (sir? ly I.? thees natives." Passing of Astor House 1 iiiitiiiiii-ti from nui, pega greai coiraterimtloii in Congres? b) drop? ping ft.itii hi? pock? 1 a pistol, which ?1 ?Senator picked up, ?ta? a dtropper In. Ills features and the eut Ol his ban and beard were teminders of Dickena And there were Colonel John K. Pel? lo??!,, tb?- lot mi 1 MsyOt and Uistlia.1 At" torney; i". Thomss Dunn English, author ? a ?Ben Bolt"; l?i"n Booclcault, i W. Brooki and John Russell Young Alfred H 'nun ?ton, th? i ropi kiot '?! the Astot House since law, told th? ?? rii.i- a i. ?? da) i ?'>?" "t He fan hosts that had been his pi? dec? About the ?ear IbsY, in said. John Jacob ? ? aged Isaiah it"?? rs, sn si * hi te? i. to deadgn a hotel ??hieb would be the most pretentloua building <>r n? klmi In the co ti "i ' ' comen t<.? .. ild in 1 tB The northern limit ol the burditress district si that lime was ' ? ? snd many k. pic al ab" ,| tin- 1 - -ill ..i Mi tstor'a "uptoan" ventuis Hut i b>- a .-i i "i eon 11 , i i-.ii ? cut on. and i- i Nnall) ' onipl. ted m II Frederick Boyden, who had been con* ducting til?- Treinonl House, m ?Sosten, cam.- down as proprietor snd brought with him sa chief clerk Charles a. Btet Mi iiicii.ii retired in IS7, snd Roberl B, i oleman, ..t.. >,t tb.iginal pnrtnera and M.-. Stetson i.m it in i- ,j Mr. ? ? ? man quit, and Mr, Btetaon t?.?>k In hi? Ii la??. John i- i "\ lia Mi St? tson himself severed ? ?. n 11 ? - ? 11 ?. 11 ?rlth the hotel in 1171, and on.- "l hi? ions - u.??????? led him. ' 'Ib.- (inn ??as .'bailes A. Stetson's Sons' iinjii i*.7.'i, when the house ??a-- closed for eversl months and the furnishings boM indei Um hanmsei The Stetsons wen Buoceeded by Alien ?- Dam m Beptsmbsr,I :*7'i. i-. i. Ail-ti ??a? proprietor when bel di. d in i:?'i ' And so for five generations there ha b. sa ? lavant on the ? tot Hoc on?- ?if th. tarilesi "t the aeveral "Bull'a Heed'' laverai In Non Y?i,h origlnsll) ? ?I It In "Id Htm s the title "Bull'l with i , ? pri?t? sign i ? i Jni gnd favorit? one with Ne* v.irk Inns. The "Bull's Heed, ' on the Iti "i the Astor House, a ? In us time, if not the Im sf. the most prominent and Importen! tavei n In N< * I t k ail how John .',.. ob Astor, the first, sold Ihe bob I to ,,;. -?n William. Pi,hap the it", t v.iU go en forever, snd 1 o need to tell It ??nain And \. i ??ill? th? passing of the ?.urn? y granite pile it would so sin i bat, ii'-i ? t" .1 od '?? a i t.. doss ?' sketch of Has .'..,t would i? to send II forth sgaln f'" s lute, er It ms) ? a*? t i m the csuse of truth. Her? i ti ? ? : A t, m ?i. ihe hotel na On h. .1 th? old g? ntl? it-fan ?? ?! bfu eldest son, William. ?\?n walking through Ult) Hall Pork, where the r.?-t <>th.. now sinn?!-, and stopped ? moment t" :"i hu.- th" building Hi? finest hotel in A merles at that time, "Pop." thsl is a mighty fine building " aid u iiii.iui. "i aIsh lo gi sdooi II ua ml be." i'"?"' anas at ?<<i hla fatl er. ' Well, Billy, give tu" a dollar and you can bSVe It." ? 1 >ut earns the <i??iiar a big stiver do. la, that ?s eherlehed by the fsmily t" this ??ay as |ha doUsT Of OUT dsddlOS, Within an hour the deed of the DTOp ertj was made out and recorded. TI i ?as the "hi Mr. Aste***a only sal" ? ..i estate In his 11 r?*. HIS OWN STORY OF HIS LIFE I ?iiiliiiut-d from ?i'?l |.uk?. White House on busl*naga Hi i g? plained thai hi wished to sse mi alone, l sat down opposite me and pul s vary I expensive cigar <m thi desk, saying. ? "Have a cigar.'' I wanked him and | ?aid i did n"t .smoke, to which he re? sponded, "I'ii' ii In your pocket," Hi then added: "Takn another; pul i><>n. In your pocketM This l M<-<-<ir.iin?*iy ?lui. ?Having thug shown ;.t th.itael the in-c.-ssary formal ? ..urtesy. my ?isiior. an "i.i .h 11 < i valued friand, pro ,, edad to explain thai ? nephew <?f his had enlisted in Hi* M'titie .??iips, but i,., i been abseni ?viiiiout leava and ?v. s threatened aith dfcrdioiiorable dis? i harge on thi nr.-umi <?i desertion. My ?, a fOOd ? illz< n Snd a put noll?* Ani.'i'i' ?in. Waa StUttg In th?' i|iii'k at tb ? thi.iii?'hl ?d ?MCh ?'i in' i'l'i'l ?'? ! currlng in his family, and he rmptelned ,' t.. mi thai h m"st rioi oocur, thai there must mit be ii??- dies-race i" the family, ! although he would be delighted to have I the offender "hiimll.-il rungir to teach I him ;i needed i.-ss.m. Hi added thai be ! wished i ?v.Hii'i take 1?l1" i""1 ii;"i'ii*1 illlM myself, for ate tosw thai I would m ,,,.., ,?. ?gol ?.H that was ciuiinK 1(1 him." Than i.,k "' psthos came int.. hi? <-.?'-s- an.l I"' explained: "That i?,a i just cannot i4ndarstan4 n?- was ? ,,,? sisiers mvortte stm, sad i always t.M.kasp.'ial inl.-rot ... him myself. 1 .,,?,. m, i?.st to bring him np the way hi loughl i-? ?."?? 1{l" ,h"r" mMM ^w*?' ! im ,,, p.- with ,"'" llls -nriei I we? natural1* km? Hi took to music!" what ,un" ll,ls ,l,-,,i'?i''b' taste for nilisi?* assumed I ?IM lud in quire, and I was able to grant m> ti n nd's w Isli. While in Um white House i alwsyi tried t" gal a couple of hours' exercis? .m the afternoons sometlmeg Isnnla I inore ?'ft,- ruling, or else a rougtl ?'cross-country walk, perhaps down Hock Creek, whl? h was then as wild as a stream m the White Mountain . "i ?m th?' Vlrglnls side along 11 ? ? - Potomac, My companions ai tennis or mi these rides ?ml walks we gradually grew to style th" Tennis Cabinet; ami then we extended th" term to take m many of my oi?iiiii,e Western Msnda, such sa ?"Hen" Daniels, "8eth" Buttock, La ! thef Kciiy ami others who had Itaken pari with me in more seri? ous outdoor adv? mutes than walk? ing and kling fot- ptoaaure, Most ?if tile 111, II WhO Wi|e oftelliSt wUll Mi?- mi lins?' trips men 11K*- Major Qenersl Leonard Wood, or Major Gen? eral Thomas Hem*) Bsrry, or Presley Marion Rlsey, Burgeon Qeneral of the j Navy; or Hoiurt Baa on, whowasafter , ward Secretary of Slate; or James ? !ar ! Sold, who was S.. r.tars of the In? ! tortor; or Olfford Plnchot, who was ! chief of the Korest Bervke wsre battsr Imen physteaUj than i was; bul i could rids ami wail? w.ii enough for us all ?thoroughly to <'iijo> It Often, ****? i dally in tin- winters sod early springs, | we would arrange tor a point to point ! walk, not toning asid" for anything? . tor instance, swimming Rock Creek, ,,r ! even ths Potomac, if it came In our mray, ?if ????use, under such clrcum? .-tain is WS had to arrange thill OUT **S turii tu Washington should be when it was dark, so that our appearance might s? andan/.?? no ?""?. On several occa? sions ???' Unis swam Rock < reek in the ?ally spring when th?* lee was floating thick up..ii it. if we swam the r?itn .mas we usually took off <?ni' clothes, i ramember one suoh occasion when th? ?French Ambassador, Jusserand. who ??..? a member of the Tennis Cabinet, ??as along, and Just ai we were about t" get in l>. swim somelioily said, "Mr. Ambassador. Mr. Ambassador, y?m ha? .tit taken off yotir glOTSS." I'? ??hi. h h?- pr.implly lespomled: "I think i win leave them on; we ?might Batst ladies!" We liked lio.k ?'re.k f?.r Uns?' walks. ?.?.anse we could ?in so much scram? bling ??mi cllmMng along tin* cllft*a; there was almost as much climtling when ??'? walked down the Potomac t.? WashitiKt'"! from the Virginia end of th.? ?'lutin ?Bridge, i would occasionally take scans big game friend traen abroad Scions, m- si. Qeorge i.ittieduie. or Captain Itedclyffe, or Paol Nledlcks - mi these ??aiks. Once i Invited an an* tire class of ?ifli? -eis who wire attending; lectures at tlu; War College to Come on one of these walks. I ?hose ?i route I whidi ga\.' us llu- hardest climbing along lb?- ro.ks ami tin- deepest rroSS itigs of lh? cre?k, and my army friends enjoyed it hugely being the right sort, !.. a man. I lie II? a I iu?| ihnen! of Mr. Uuiisi-t ell ? "4hupten <?f ?? r<i??llil?* \iitnlil<iKra|ili>" i? ?I of III? |>r.?. lit oi-laliio-iK. Il ??ill ,i|i|ii-.?i in the IbMS ?f ?I-?.? I*. Published by ?pedal arrang?m?fll with "TI.tlook," of n hieb Theodor? Room ???it i? m.ntrlbutlas ?dltor, throufti ih? \i - o, New?pap.--r Hyndlcat?. Copyright 191.1, i,- ti,. ?mtinok Coiapssy. All rights <d, in-biding lijjlits of PREPARING FOOD IN TENEMENT HOUSES t ?iiitiniiril from fourth i?agr. Isa ?Ne mancfacturef can employ In tais factor) any child undei fourteen years of eg?. i? ,t h?- may giv oui wort t" an family, ki whose tenemegd rooma ? pi? k. .1 by six ehUdren, eg? d two and one-half, Bve, eight, ten, fourt? sixteen years In snother family, Angelo, aged fourteen >?-ars. cannot work legall) In -i factor) until he rent hi - a blah? r grade In school, nor can he wort at bom? during hours when school Is In session; but ins little slater, Ms r?a, aged three ills? shi' is ii"t Old ??Hough t" i;?? t?. i h'H'i and bees isa the borne work .m ? ontali - n?? prohibition of chll l ?ai...i. may help her mother. A public school teacher rtotlces thai Eva and Mar) ft., aged ten and eleven years, are pale snd undernourished, bul although the compulsory education law supports her In requiring their attendance I.i during school hours, si.annol prevent their working si home from s " ?i... b uiitii I or i" o'clock at night. Many g.i rltlsens nooM dornend the i.wcutlon "t a manufacturer who em ployed in ins factor) Tony, aged four reara; Maria, saed nine; Hose, aged ten; i,unis.,, sged eleven, ami Josephine, sged Hurt.? n ?"ais. I'm such an offence the employer might i>?' lined UM for esch child under fourteen years of ai??- found at work In ins factory. v?-t public opinion has not ,ni effective PTOtOSl against the same ?employer oben h" turns these children*! home into a bran?'h of his fac tory, and uiv.-s th?m work in which evei th" smallest ehild in the family join; through long boors under a necessity si Imperious m its demand for the constan work ami attention "f th?- child ss wool, ie ti,?? commands of a foreman m a fao lory. In brief, the law which rOgUlatOI bOUM w.irk manufacture m New York City bob i.?ms n?. provision to prevent th?' employ? m. ni ?n children nor to reetrict the arork in- hours of minms ??r women. It pro rides mere!) that wort on certain ipeci Bed arti'ies tforty-one in number), glvei ??ut by manufacturers or contractora, ma) imt i.?- earrled on m a tenement Uvtag room, Unless the owner of the house hsi tust obtained ;? license from tin Sea Y>.ik state Deportment of Labor, An) articles not named in the law may legadl) be msnufsctured in unll? ??nse?! houses. The terrible consequences for the chil? dren themselves "f work carried ?>n at such a tender sge will n?ii h.?asidero-i m this article. We only wish to insist upon th.' i.nt Hut their employment nu ans the handling of t.IstuiTs iimbi th.- wore! possible conditions When ten i.pi?' ara living in a Ml Bat, try t.i Imagine what the washing and toilet facilities must tie reduced t" Hut there are yel w.u.-" things to be tohi if une follows th.- nuts from the tini. they leave the candy factory or th.- contrscters' room until they aie returned to their starting point, NAUSEATING DETAILS. Mother and chlMren ?-?*.11 for a load "t nuts, asy a bsg of llfty pounds, and brin?; them home. The sata sre then spread OVer the Rltehen table; the family sits arm nul the table and begins t?, l.r?ak th" .shells This must be don.' carefully. Nul meats picked from the shell ar?- paid foi at the rut?- of IM ??lits a pouinl, hut it ?my ar?. broken payment i- deducted foi a whole pound per bag Knives ami nut ?rack? is are therefore to i," avoided as Likely to Injure kermis. Pingernslla sre more reliable, and when a shell does not yield t?i the preeSUre "f the lili?? mail, mother and children us- their teeth, it ,s unpleasant to remember in tins connec? tion the ?I? ph'iah?? us.s to which children win put their lingers snd nails, especially when it is borne in mind that nuts are never cooked nor submitted t" an', best? ing proOSSa OblCh might kill oft' the bac? teria deposited upon them by suspicious ha,als. Ami then, 'Ven if the nul pickers were m per feel health, as overworked numen ami children aie hardly likely to lu . tin fact that many of Hi,- nuts have boon held In their months for ihe purpose ol ??racking the shells -night spoil the appe? tite. At meal tune the Bnptcksd nuls an pushed t.. on., side ,,f the dinner table, th,- picked meets an- k?-pt ?dth.-r so the floor or on one of the many beds ami OOUChoS which are Hi" most prominent articles of furniture In tbos,? crowded warrens. After meals work begins again on the table, hastily cleared and sum? marily cleaned. Investigators heve told of work being done In bonus where sick persons helped Blong because the) could not earn aj livelihood at any outside work. Miss Lillian l> Wald, head of th?- Henry j Street S- ttbimnt. reialled a borrlbb? i ?as.-. Many of the "outworking" chil? dren are engaged in mskJng saudl paper' bans such SI are used by grasen or d?h estessen dealera tor wrapping their ms tomere1 purchsscs. in th. bsosmsnl of a house in Henry Street, she said, through th,- gftMeni of th? iDaem of a child, four ! little children were found. They wer hoiTi there, none of whom had ever beei to .?-,-hool, and all were working at pape baga ".hi.- child had an Infectious liea? disease, and through that accident (BBSS? to the S Of the nurse, and whet \?o lnvestiKat-'d further We found tha several of the children had the eanu head disease. When Wl reproved tin little ' bildr. ti in the tenement, houses SB never having t.,1?! us of the little ?mes ?vh< Were .;t work in the rear basein-nt, the? ?aid the Children had never com?? out M play, so they never kn??w they wer. there." Miss Wald also recited a BBSS wider the Writet bad IB grand when nicntloi ?*f cigarettes was made at the bcglnnln** of this article, sin- once saw s vassal sitting in bed. too ill to be rento?ed, in > an advanced stage of tuberculosis, tall?: 1 I id a tray of tobacco and paper on the ; b.ii. eras rolling th.? dgarettas and then 1 . . . imMstfining the paper whh h? t lias*, Readers ?ma) be aurprtssd el th.? stat.? ment that BO sanitary restrictions what I ever la placed upon the insiisfsiilmi sf i cigars and cigarettes. However flit h y a room, however sieh ;. asaa, ??.?man ?t child niaa- 00, t,,ba.) ein OS k' Ot In tin? r.a, ami the sick person's saliva can b, Bated In moistening the 'igarette paper. The li?t of forty-one articles which can? not P.- handled except in licensed teas? menta <l"<s not include coffee. And there? fore the investigators of the ?'hild Labor Commission have found treason and shit? dren sorting roffOe, especially coff.e sweepihga In unspeakably dirty hovel?. While c.ffe.? is probably rendered sterile by the procesa ?.f roasting, it is ?iistm-1 I? distressing for the consumer to think Of filthy little hands which soil.-d the beans before th?*? reare offered for sala As inciitlorietl iili'iu?. it is a fact that the I' ?itli brush i? one of the moat dan gerolM disseminators ol disease an arti? cle the manufacturo ..i srhteh should be surrounded ??ith sen strict precaution?. It |g now handled in <niantltics by t?-u> - m? nt worksra THE PROBLEM OF "OUTWORK." And tenement work is on the Inci'.-as. Ten tears ago thSTB w.ic los Hin tw.c t) -five hundred tenement lasases Rssausd by the Departmeal of Labor. Now th.-*e at?- oVer fifteen thousand of them, t'.i ri.utsly enough, no license is required for .-ach Mat or t.ttnily. OtM license is enough for tile whole huildlng. Th?r?' may e thirty or forty families living In one lue).?. Sad SngBgad In home manufacturlnc One license r-oven them ail. Assuming thai bu families for each boisss <i?> "ootV \?-it-k'' (a conservative estimate), wo may a total of l.a'.ouo families w?w king In lie. used houses. And, as We said before, as man? "BOTO ST? working in uiilicetistil haussa ?Day after day new |**dn***a*toi are tranaferred from the shop se i??ft tu the tenement tlat. M. atnl more food Btuffa at.- bound I.? be prepared not only by th?' overworked mother, whose hands in.' continually soiled by lioimewoi k, kitchen work, the care of young children, but also by the young children them s.Ues. whose physical habits may not o*. of the best and ?alios?- bands collect all the germs thriving ?m street dirt, door? knob-, stairway bannisters, etc. t'outra, t shops and llttl.- storage room? spring up like mushrooms liefore the D? raituieiit of lyJibot can secure knowledge of existing conditions. And then, even 11 the Department of laibor could keep up with the growth ol the work tenement, little coulil be atcoti'i'lished In the way of legulatioti. l'or th.- Hoard of Health, th? Tenement Mous?' department und t'uf Ii,,,ml of Kducatton also have a linger tu that ?.i*.