Newspaper Page Text
SUMMER RESORTS NF.W JERSET. Af I ANTIC UTT. v s: K ? i DAIL.T SB ' r WEEK ' ALBE M ARLE I-ead'n? Hotel et Mod?rale Hete?. ? ? - '."" ?teem hoot furnii ? ? ... the unu?u?l opportnnli ... ... | , - rloua ot?l? with ? -, P. O IPE GALEN HALL I AND I AN '-TO".' ' \t ., M Will < ITY. NEW .IFRSFT . ? ir a iot.| ?r s...,-. ?i?r .-. ? ????' balldlns I'.oomi en 4 ??.; a atoi in p-r. at. ., . ?native Rat:;? and Treat et'endanta. HOTEL M?RT?N \ii:?.IM A A\t... STEAM BEACH, ATI..A*?TI? CITY. N. ?I. ' .... . i. rear Piss table Suit?? atth . - . tlendeemeli fu'm?h?d r?rf?'". ,. ? '? ?? Klevetor to ?II floor?. .? for v tnter. f.epacltv ?.?no , ? ?. Owner end Proprietor Hotel New England ?? arol -i? a?e end Pea' h '"r'-at. be?*??: . enlna *'* '"' ' l" ?valor to ?tre.t . . Ta- or. iioarif S.Vi Special Sprlna rata* Bcokiet BP.TAN a WILLIAMS HOTEL B?SCOBEL ... t ? tat * " ? - ' md ??? *? - ?-? ? F Man.-* OParlhcro?igb- 15lcnix:im WHITE S - 91 PHILLIPS HOUSE, Maaa ava and Baal I n PHU REUMA R HOTEL COLUMBIA BELMAR. N. J. Nea Manaiement ?^ --?? Bl M "ur ?r, ? ri.? a ? prraate BetBi alevetors: ??ectrir lifht? cet -???? r.?- ~t ?- ? ?"- '?iri"'" BBS Baoklot B U J Prop. N. T OtSot a? East 121 Bl Ml relephono S427 81 ?PRINT. LAKE BEACH. N. I THE BREAKERS ? INS UKr" r?fA ?H N. A *?,??? Me? 80 te Oc? 1 Now open for '.r?. ? AJBIR. PARK. ??RI RV PARK S. ?f.?I"?-a- ? ?*??? - - Information R-:-?? . pftA- Roard ?? Hot? tie? aummcr hotaa SSOk. road - ? ?? I AKFITOOn I IKEWOOf?, R. -I I inr?l in trie Pine??lenrel II ... lOSNT.C ID I I PROSPECT HOUSE SHTBLTRR IMAM, II. V*. Op*?n? .Inn? ???h Golf '-n??!. Va.-h' ?g Va- ? ,..,?? Delightful ?" ? - Water countT? and ? ? ;? POS BOOTbTJ l I ai?? BRI ISEM1 NTg 1X1 -?-?-?? . - | t Broadws ? ?? ? ?f?t h su ri t 8 ? . -. -. ? - | , -?- ,. ? t i ?c ir ratea ? ni - . 1*384 Sth art - IBS ? l ? ( 0XN*TCCTIC1 . . Announcement ?tT?? ALFRED S AMER & CO (inc.), take pleasure in announcm* ? I their purchase from *he Nathaniel Witherell Est?te? of the JJ "I dflctvood Inn.* and its beautiful grounds, and will here sftSf conduct it in connection with the St. Charle*? Hotel. New-Orleans, now being successfully operated by them. Mr. D. P. Simpson, who has rr.anaged the Inn since its inception, will remain with the new owners. Mr. Alfred S. Amcr, President and Genera! Manager of the company, well known to the travelling public from his connection with the management of Wa'dorf-Astorta. N. Y. City. The Somerset, Boston, and leading Resort Hotels, will give his personal attention to maintaining the highest standard of conduct throughout the establish ment. An attractive feature will be a Suburban Casino conducted on Club lines with modern Restaurant facilities Beautiful Edgewood Inn GREENWICH, CONN. ALPRT.I* ? UfBBB. R CO DM TROTS I? T v|\ir?l?N M *.*?*?<.f.K NEW YORK'S IDEAL SUBURBAN HOTEL situated in a magnificent estate on an elevation overlooking Long Island Sound; 28 miles from Grand Central Station by ?onitant electric train service. A modern establishment of the highest class in service im. equipment. GARAGE. LIVERY. STABLES. Rooking Office and all information at Town and Country, 389 Fifth Avenue. N. Y. C. OPENING DATE THURSDAY. MAY 29th The Griswold EASTERN POINT, NEW LONDON, CONNECTICUT. Finest Summer Resort Hotel in America 2'-j Hours horn New i ork or Boston. OPEN JUNE 16~NEW A LA CARTF. GRILI Mef-nlfi-antl?- Appointer) Trirout;ho,ji ?ur.?riot Tachtll)| Real B| !'t ? h in*,, Moto- r ' Ina, Neat Golf Course Tennl i?an.-ins Lottf Platan?-? Telephone n *" ?r- Room f>- ai IIS Bathrenir - M raa >??..?"-? and Vegetables supplied '?? oui Parma "T?ia B ai ????? ?Sari? Ra?aarvationa a hou. id ha m??!? Par Booklet. Room Plana etc. ai?!*-??? H. D. SAXTON, Manager, vis TORS OPRIi B M IHWTH k.T?? ROOM I88S TKL v? a r BQ 888 ALSOTHE BELLEVIEW, BELLEAIR HEIGHTS, FLORIDA PLEASANT Mountain and Lake RESORTS In the Erie Country DBSCRIBBD PIOTURBD r,p.T % FKBr. roi*T or ERIE RAILROAD BOOKLET "RURAL SUMMER HOMES" ? pelt lita. ISIS, :??> NSI, *.'8., Broiilsi.?, ISS, ?84 Tifth \?? 1 T*?>?t 12.Hi St.; *i",???t .':;r?l st. a>4 I hamb.r? M. !>,,-. -....?,?. ?u?I*-ob TVrmiaal flulldlna '<" nnrtinrw i. S'est 1orW; *| ? ?,irt ?, -?g Fiilloa -t U.,| Mm?.I,. ?. ISrooklva. lOVC. IMAM* |rt\r, lai.AM) I I ON? island I PROCT and *um'm> hills, plaini but.^n St t y SUMMER PLAYGROUND P\0 YOU WANT A PLACE (or your summer home- or vacation where you can rest and play?a place that fairly teems with the red-blooded sports of summer; uhere there's Golf Links galore; where I ennis i> a prime (actor; where merry ailing partie? would be glad to include you in then good times; where jolly (oiks in Canoe and Motor boat find placid waters t ? enjoy their sports ; where broad, white sandy beaches extend (or miles and miles along the cool, invigorating surf; wher** there s (resh wa'er Fishing in woodland streams and deep-sea Fishing off the coast > If you want all these and a hundred other pleasures you want LONG ISLAND And to these must be added mile after mile of gay resorts, comfortable hotels and boarding houses, first class railroad service and a temperature 20 decrees cooler than New York City. r__ A r'fiTlK COP! 01 TOT IS>1 I BOOK, "LONG I8LA? D RB80flTi." b*in?i*ning with ?nap r llfiirrem eover to eovei pictures i ? Lons i-iand ? wonderful diversity of nira'irtt?,??- the wealth oi water privileges, sutnmei re?orts their rataa ate. tVoa 'ree distri ?n ofl e ... ?Broadway, i :.-, West I2i?h ?Street, and Fifth Are Rulldlnic Arcade. N. T.. or ? enl "X -" I ai Paaagngcr Agent, lR<-.-->m 3T4. Pennsylvania 8ta ? ' r *-' i .. ? i be mailed SRR *?<lRa min HOTEL CHAMPLAIFV ?LUFF POINT. OH IfiKE CM?MPLAIH CLINTON 00.. H. Y. OPEN JUNE 1ITH I , --?.? - P a I . i ? . i Bl 8 RO VI 'S . . . . ? r . . ? . - ?a REB n^ ? ti> "? t'A'' n ? t ET 1 ".ARAOS ? i ..1 ,1 l-HUl.l '??? B If V'<s! | 01 VT8 r?- Hate ? ai ? : ? aatsra * ? *??" . ?? B -a- ??" *? ??-??*?' aa i? Binptre fas ? FORT WILLIAM HENRY HOTEL LAKE GEORGE. N Y. ire .?t I / - ? I ? 'X ?. ? H ' ' '? VI ' ? FISHING SEASON NOW OPEN i j ?-.-??? - ?? ?I l .?a-.?.- s,-b ? ?? . .*??>"? f ???? as ? OPEN MAY 29f? ?m?.?m?m?&mm?m?$k ASUMMFR PARADISE ? resHI .i? o' ??? ?airi.4?"?a T HI- Md-i PurUPlnir UM RMOKt O? \MIRM, Uii?r- ? (ata B9-a ????? . Baee ... ??-??Eane'ae'l??!?? Si r?Da?tsst rt's? I HI SBBSsSSbsT. a? ?<m BsV SBSl tt# teaaSSp ? BDMDNB ???>' UBHCl.' ??.? fort ?ut um in vsT win? i noir.i M.Rin?. ^e, ay, repraef ;'?^ r ai ?-?. Ceuairj ??i reeBi traBe s<i?Bisf ALBPR1 ???'-."" Mgl ll* '" I'-'? MBPH H MAR ?. m i ?-i i nonri-1 > ?in? cm ut inn aast casas**?* 1 <"> Hulett'e Leadle? *? *? f O . <n i ?si ???lt-ni ?veo ?:.?*? Qetatve I? ??i a vr h WTA'*-! rr??p H? tasae iTaae MiCatsteaa*?dSa??i is. \?w ?i?.,, centra ?. ??-??? <i?w? trl I t?? i>? ??ar. a B?daea ?.r*ra??a d***ftg*? i ' t real :? m. en-; ai is? s??vi ?' ti?? >?-? r?->-,n.?"?rr aitl ataaaaais of 's- | a. i torga S K ( a atarp?"? ?t kaaittl .e? ss it? lafce Ht r>so.\ |U\RRDAY LIRBee M r ? IG4 : ''?? ? Olfpi I ? rr aaaaaai si Ainen ?its D a h vote .m i . * i ?n?1 Pi.;irr.?n a? r?mB3???lai!ona ??- ?"' Bl PxII i it) I!'.?1 OH - I 'r-e,r.t N ? ' ?nir?: ' in?? '*'? Broalw?? ??'f'TT r> a h. R R 1884SraaattBf w ? rix '\?; it ".???? ist o i ?r 9; Sarta Rrsei i.?BBARr? H ix :??? : ir- ;.? breas-?. Si P si v? ynKK O M R M 00.*XKX?OCOO?OOOOOCK?*OOOOv^ O , ,. ,. ,.' -, r ?? MI ;."'.?^''-? 8'ld leliRhtf*. : "" ??-<.:'?' ,<?.,V?'l -'.-?' fSSl jj V i tea, *nd on the main llf.? of tli. t l?-1 ?st and !"?:?? ???. It 11. In i lis X /, atsl MoiiniBlns .s A j? THJC GRAND SOTJEILj A m,. ? ? ... frorr. Nsu I ork easy of i?"ii With thrSBIRll ***sBC** hrn?l ?iraw O : ??? edil lo Botel srouada Rooena alnffl] di en Balte wttS O i ? ? - Benrica and c ilaina anaaeallesl Cla' itor sen all lleors S Rowling BtlUarda Tennla Mua t Beautiful ura!ks and drivas Bookls! *'lll **. i?R??on 8 ? THURSDAY, JXJIVE oOtti lOlQ ik r..\'> :iirn an-1 ' MH MaSItK intn h .-?i ? nv f :??0OOO(^.0OC)OO0O0?XX)000!. 9O*X)O<''<)OOOOOO0 m \--\f m ??in i? M \SS?,?- III -T. I I ? /n f/je Mountains of Berkshire HOTEL ASPINWALL Lenox, Massachusetts. ALMO.N C. JUDI). - - - Manager. On the Ideal Tour WILL OPEN JUNE 14TH. 1913. >? ? , - - "*. adit.ii a-ir! re?t ?rat? ll re ..-i >ui It la pre ta s?r - ,:-, r^aor? li^r?, adiaceni r.. Wast TarB Cltjr, beina Bui iBrae hour? rla I it a U ' te i ' muro- h ? a- sf ? ?' ?. N'auaatuei? ? . | , -, -., ???-??., o? A/kn ?r-.. .? altitude of iw?i (eei ? ? - reblen re telnet sea aad ?there ? i??? ? DESIRABLE COTTAG1 TO OFFER ; S CONNECTION W I! H III!. HOT! : SERVH ReprsscBtattvc! ,,"v,' -?l 1180 Broadway, \\iirrr bookingi for the sessos or ihortei psiiotii maj In srrsnged Telephone Mad. -s?i ^4H i NORM t^Mt M\N*.?.r.?.iiN.. THE ELTON, WATERBURY. CONN.. ...r ?-ar in th. *>-i,ir Ss<ia;atue|i '? *n : all Nest nrgianii r H-Mkahlrei IN THE BlRKSHIRLS RED LION INN stockbridge. Mass. ?iood r-o?d? a-W BOM jarin-? ..trietlve ., m . . v ... Traaewaj i re? The Maplewood ntasSaM Sot .? in ? m??? TO OPL\ M4Y 29th a.orl tot Bookl?: and let? Head Map ARTHUR tv I'l.t'MB. PENMSILTANIA PENNSTT.TANTA. prrsx?TT.TANTA L MOUNTAIN kt?OHTa ?4/ont\ i he ACK?WA.NVA RAILROAD MAY, JUIS?E and EARLY JULY WITB NATIRF BIDDING IN 41.1. ITS lit at HOI ft FORTdf? OIKR MOI ?I IA IN i-ROBI'IR HlKfe THIS A??? KNCHANTINI. PRRIOD Of Ikr TEAR AI n^lawarcWaterGap I** PFNN?sYI VANIA * lw? heer? freoa New Terk. via lackawaana R. R. re?e? wip. M.40 n ? ? -i. ???lee of ?he ?bodedendron ?3d leur?. SSI apple bloaaoma aod wild Sowtari which eeatraat ae ?toll ft?tfu LIT ? '? i? ?ude- green "oi ?t? of to. foree'i DEIjIWARF WATER (.IP lauded *?- I ?SOBS- 9 hi? C I IMA I F -Iti hieb altitude Ina-area eeo! br?. -??end tB?1fe ?? ?-Id-famed |?iid. bee? a? on? o' IS? SfttM BlSStesl ?renle .a tint climatic rondttloca a? all tlmn. wl'n ? total ?baenc. o' ?eei'ir.a o' 'he we?!d- i? al tua led oo ih. r.e?<i w?t?r< of rhe ma- for? bum Id Hi dampn??? and moaqulteej i.*-|<- n.l*w?re Ruer lo tre heart of th?i Bl'ie li'.dge \lo intalaa ? n -he |r?nd.<* ae?n?rv ?a?: of Ik? Rockt?! ll of?:- ?<-com Todellon? rauftm f-orn ?he 'ar|?r ho'ei - on a pa: ?ritt II ? hen' 'Metropolitan hoi' a? well a? moderate r?te ro'-U vipph r?c ???eilen? accommodation? to tm hem??ltkB, comforfible i?oirdlnt r-.o :??? all havlnc direct BMW? 'o a Loun'ifui ?upplv of natlr? freaii i.ietebi.a. poultry. efZ? end dairy produc?a BON are proUded churchea of all deromlnatlon*. ??.hool?. ?nep? baraari. emiiaernenta. ll.erlea and iere?ea io meet every ?.:??.,?'-.? The water iiipplyl? from pirren mountain ?prlnj? i? ?be unitary eq.iipmen' and drainai? ?re'ho rouf lily modern ?flVFRaio*?*?- *?*"?nv mllee of moiin'i'a trim ind path? with their ??.-?ems. waterfall? and ebaerratorlea threuSb fere?'? of virjln UmbOT. Iinrint. ho*-?*ebeck rid.Bf. euton-obll.nB ar?i acenlc trollei 'ourine Boatinf. eaooetaf. maior-baa'.lti batMnr an.; ?ahtnr (,o'it, urn.'.? trap-ihooUBr and eecriplrc K'.erv indoor amusement at the hotele and caatno?. nlrhtlv dene?*, mualeelea and virloue aerial en ter te lorn*?'? At TOM OB It.!*??- The run to ?hla reaort over ?ay of 'h? mimerou? route? rank? with ?be fenaeua teure of ?he BSSSSn and la beyond ?eacrlp-'.on In the ptctureaeneneia ?f tta i ?- - and th? excellence of Ira roada. MANT U nil Hlillh H01RIIINC HOI SIS. CASINO*? AND AMCBE-tEKTS ARF NOW ?PER To- full ? llterat-ir? an Mai m? Bad loljl rate?. ad-tr? = s 'he follow :ng. FtRure? d?r.o?? eepS AAaler (,an Home . a?tle Inn III ? er I i?.. H on.? ti? I nr.4l II?.t|.? RfvsnMs Hou?. The I'ok'.n., ? alil.nn < o'rag? .-.?10 :'(>?> I he K.tUtinn Hi? ? aseiei ? n,,, t H<**SM haranm- Inn Iti?. er I arm Ho.i?< I he Oek? Th? Howard ias a.-. M The In? Helle?, ue Mountain ll-.u?? I I-- I i|t?44 ...ill ( herr- ?mile?. Hotel ?un?et ? ?i11 .*K ? .<??? Delaware Hnu*e .... SB ISS ( ourteoa? l..dr? X\ I.* Rrltlge \ ??,? ||,,,,?. . no '-'.> VhIi?. Men Hou?e ?., '.-> SQRTlf \*1 "?TER '? ? P PO .'.. Millow Dell ?," CRESCO In the Heart of the Pocono Mountains If you love Nature there is no more chtrming section in which to spend your vacation than Cresco. The entire region abounds in mountain streams, waterfalls and beautiful drives. Nine Hole Golf Course and all other outdoor amusements. It is the gateway to a veritable angler,?,' paradise. Here are to ie found some of the best known trout streams in America, and nowhere else does the rhododendron attain such size and luxuriance. Rf**B0O PA ??? Radele? ? i|?r a i.w i .?... ?.,.???? . >i.pi? li?< Kork I ??t|? i a. Orleatel ???raen Bungalow*! p n '"?*' * AIHHOMS I'.ller? Meant Air. Heute i he Bear* Prl.e? i?i,?n. Rid?. Hon?. ' an ?op ? ., lap < en t ?P 0 I VNADENSIS PA r* II*. IA ?jr. '**. I. H?H? ?."??' ?p, i. ??....? leo . The Pine? . Tin.bur?! . mi i??. M??.? a Rrook Iren. Pre?er?e Ih* R.I? Mere " ?proi ? Ml Hun?. ?- ? Laurel ?.roi. . lap SO Pie? kaoh Inn . ? ?i? 4M I ?>i. Fell* Haul? . ?an BO Ulla B? . tap ?f? 'ilenralre I tile . pa. Rlldweod t ottai* ?an to M' I .?? I arm Cap. ae cep eo ? ?D 84 ? ap. 4S cep ae ?a?. 30 ? ap .10 rap J\ Cap as cap ?B <ep 3S (ep. 30 Cap 'iO < op A" ? ep 3ft Cap 3A C ep SB Cep 3*. * n HK*.nrviu.E B?er??tlle Heaae . The fteekre I.?? M.? tetlaee Mt. View Fern Heaae Wf. I ?nr?l i?mii. Paradite Brook Treat Feroa? 9. 0 l.AAVVA PA the Pepla.a ?ar, Beechno? I sttega ? ap 3?. Falre?ew r,p 3*. P O Mirra STEPI.INO P* The Rterllog t ?o ?a? ii.? i ottac aeedhoie?) ? otter? |lackawanna Railroad ? INFORMATION NKW YORK: Cor. Wall St. (or. Howard St. FR0\D\NA,l Cor 2Sth St. Cor. 42H 9? BUREAUS. BROOKLYNr 505 Fultan St. NEWARKi KronianeJ Market Sta vu*? iit,ur?iiii:r M? HAMrsHir,! - j i M *.?. HAMrniilRF The glorious w ni re Mountains Of Neu) Hampshire The most superb mountain scenery east of the Rockies; fragrant, wonderful woods, forest hidden streams and lakes?four hundred squan viilcs ! Gay Summer Colonies Linked together by perfect roads for motoring, riding and driving. Mountain air that makes you glad to be alive. Golf links and tennis courts on the very Roof of Neu England. Every other kind of out-door sport. Delightful social gayeties ? dancing, music, tess, theatricals. I AMOUS HOTELS mi. "?naiB a* TB' mi ? ? a ? tr-mi in --? ?OCT'tv TIBS SOVBS w'liririr.i.r. N a i arictn "*>o i:.-rr?triir T-rn;| :mi-*''?u ? ? . 4P, ITi U?, tar ?..?..i' I'lN'IIJr .MiTiT? B ? ?.?ri. m - rm **S"*B"f rUaSABT am rr?is ?oon? a s. ?.ir?ctrv ns ?ilT?N B*>r?i rai?tv > h ? ir? ut ne ?nr w,' .. \ t r??-' ,ti l'Hn-nv ? u - ?ruirv tm m *-rr nu aoi-4i -i .lar. uni n a . ?r.f ITl 800 ri? ??.-.ri! r b^L'-i ?? r. ornare '?s . ? - a i ?fi. ITY ?00 na ?. u ??.- ? ?airm?, ??vip.. > ?? ? ?r*- in i'?i mi i aairr.iin ?ot-.i . Riwrnan ff-irc? ^ ? - ar?' m m ?xv BOCVTitS ?et ?i r? I? ?nr\-T?l!f > a . ?r?. m Attr-irtpr ppoplc to mrrt from all part? of tha couiitrr. Nlngiiilioeut hotel?, famoiiA for 1 h -? i r ruisinr. C hsrniing boardnuf-housr*? **ith nio*i?-rate rstcs. ? SUMMER TRAIN SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JUNE ??S Son? for FREE BOOKLETS Addr... VAI.ATIOSIBL'REAC The NEW ENGLAND LINES Ri.oni *,?:l ?.? sia*??e. Bo?ten Ma?., ee .-all el lit? ll-Uel . ?in?-? I.I l?r-.??!>??? N. , HASBAI lit si: na THE NANEPASHEMET M tr.Hinii \n m < k. m |**SJ Opeoa June 18 Piaaai teeatsea a * ' ? Brer] room lis?, orean x.?> n?- - ' -i, i: r, Br?v? i? Hgi coNNrcnrix. THE MONTOWESE Indian Neck, Branford, Conn., Opsii* il? isih ????.??m .Inn? '?1 ? famssus an* ietlphtful reaatl 'or reuasj ? p??pi? and (amIIlee i.??. ???d at tn. wide?? ! p.?' o? Lena i ? : a ?? ?: ?-?urii ? .?aah^r? ?ne outd(*e* ? I Must?*. Dan? mg Rleatrle i.iahi? rtooms wiih Rath. S(r?minod?non? for 9JS S'n?! far UlaetratH booklet. IP, S. HH1 \? I roNNt.t nci i PC 0^ Greenwich Inn Crossways and Lodge bthbis in m it. x lualre T'atrensge Rig the Baend, Sfty minutes fnim Me* \nrk. > lolf. Tennl. Rath Ing ?nd floating, Kxielieiit table ?n?i i?r>ir? Plot aeahaatta Urn F. Ingold. Ma ager. 1.122 B'way. Thor.' 1 ST?* M?dl?on rP Al?\ I'-R ? i--\i: S rs V-l? HtBSxRIPTlONS 'or 'P,e T'll??in<? re. or e.i m ri?-?r I r.|?,xn OBSea, Ne? ISS4 Hroa4ws>. b?(?een Sath an1.' 871 its., until ?Jo,.- ni ASverttee in.nts recel? ??1 st the follow in?; branrh onVee at regalar rates unti S o x lock p ?n . \ i?. : , M4 Rth s?e . - ? cor C3d ?' ; 15S ?th a??. -_COUNTRY BOARD._ R'BRICH SSTBR t Of.NTT. R'ASHINOTOK IKS AM? ? ?Ol T 4t**>R* ?? '" s.lnniit'xii a?. N^?i R*ch?lKs: 38 inlnuts? rraaB ?. A.-H f?mll> Vionse. ??h*#r ???? -.?i.'e lo.'tii? ?.ill?-, wlrh prnat? ! ?-?rh? ihr?? hlo'k. from ?.?nor. ?isle tr?#s. t.igt, ?ro:n;t. tine hoating, Orinog. bathing and ?-??if; rats? reaaoi.ab.e. _ ? UNM-ITK IT. RBTINRO "f.vrr.Y HUME la i-if-nfl?;?* < ounty. Conn near ..?hurrcltee. library snd postofflce: rsn acroinmola-' one er t*u ladlee. no pulmonar: invallii.v reference?. C. H . Tribune Tptown OftVe. HS4 Brosds?? ADVCRTIBEMENTfl *,ND SUBSCRIPTtOXJ for Th.- Tribune re. elxed et the l'pt??*.n orrii-r - \t ? Broadway, bem<-?;i Mti ?n?i . ."."rh Hie, until ? e'etec? p ? Hietiles atanti reeelred st the foiioniag bra ?? at recalar ratea unrii I e'ele - \is. : .-?a v- ? - . ? gsa ?t . IIS sth are eer. ISM ?? km Baal i?th ?t 881 v er< ?tr-i i st between 7th sn?' Nth ???s VH.T B -a' li'.th ?t . ISSS M ? ? IfH let s ? near BBta ??