Political Alliance May Follow
Commercial One Between
Eastern Neighbors.
Statesman Believes That with
Japan as Ally Chira Can Re?
sist Co'Ttout? Powers and
Aggressive Nations.
th* til -; ? :
?ill th. least that pa
.?ted u. tue r .
pole: ?
han. - S rat?
end the ..?
mo--' ?
? - : Thal t.
sequential r?->
???-?, ?..
-Rv? teemed imposai .i.? to evi
... -? -il to
i tat? t echa
i uoutit H,- ,
st In i
! ibars would
,.? ? .
m? latest vision of th.
? the In
thai i - a? an al!'
? n.e w. prava
.. :..i saabl
nation t" rt-i?it-: covetous ;"? ?
-, tons.
Strong Hold on th? People
the truth of It .
fat-set is wrong, .11 if he .
rv and a dreamer, a? beyond all
doubt be is. for hi? huid on the ;
of C: - , : .
of th. Brat water, and SO fa: le bs
provnl himself ? J
H- '
may and a dream?
differ?"; .
? ??'"I ' tO
??erve tr?ese ptople WOU .
? ?
:.ned. and
- deration.
-i orulem ?.' Th.
the ot
of bii - ? -.. . ? .i
-. tha tu.- aal
?WS the ? .
' ' '
? ? e
thro?* ? lerfui ?uccess of boycott?
if eeuntriss failing into
BBSfBaQi III? ver- fact that lus N al S
la taaiiie tall natter up lends it an ulr
of internet."i a. importance ai i
tha fart tjhat the JagSUBSSS hi. read) and .
aflMag to snt ? Inte a eoanpa i which]
i'.vtsi thee* su? b advaatag?, an.,
a situation which ih of Impoi is
*??r> BSM
Not Good for Oth?r Nations.
Japan is more than anxiou?, ?h?
termlnsd to he pi Ina
tisch la the aim of her I ?
' ' her ; , haa already ma U
treat strides la that dil?
uid great truth, that - ?
Sag itronger it. the Ya* |
the Brit'?:. wh>. ha* e always dominated.
'h? ur?r if th? Ana
alliance among the ?British peopla In this
'**lor. Her age? ? .-d DO?
i-tieai, rasara t*hrougf* China, gathering In
trad? wbbcb lends i" atsks Japan rich
*i*d Information and influence which
tend to |lve Japan the dominating I"?*1'
ho*! wh: h will snoaai >?? latee bei statss
?n? hop?- bei ImpregnaMs
?' la Ingicai. sana and Juatlflahle. I
?rireth |ta| 1"' the el ? ?
bas) Sri i immer? ?a !'
s ash pari ' ? ? *-*erld
It ll Quite ?.vident 11 ?
?en has ??'ii e over remplet fi i le I
?mi? Hew unpertant tats will la da
***-idi **ha*??l ? ? the extent of Dr
Suns inr.'.e-r. * K'io Ming
'???t. o: Mal ?nal i ...
I ana*ortt> :r. the Nat".nal Aesemblv, h. ,
h und";'
*f ths BSgSaiBBliaS B_d there le |
?ashy that ?i? ?in -?iras ?art for tha F*rsa
*SBSW, So.-ie of l.i
!*' ?SaagMsted this, deelaring thai
fiiih-kai i> , faltar? ai t pr Sun
?Houid rnaV? a firht agalnit him.
In Intern?v .llvinial-1
r sdent, and in pubMe
***ee'hf? gun Tat??*ee haa shown his
'?auiinri toward the Jspansse and his de?
*?"? to Ha | w'?h them He even weal
??? far it: a spaael lasatn the other
"?S*/ ?i te aaj that It ?A" .laT'an. and no
Amarira | whom I'tima should !o
?"?IP II? said that ther" were "-'?i: i
,hou?h'. - ighi to take Am?ne?'?
en ),and. but tlua he did n"t i
think the BMgSl '.'irse. Japan being ! w ???- ? -k?.. ??.? ?
logical "beat frier.'..'
Undiplomatic Utterance
BSarcely th? utteram ? * s
"Satnrtian and assuredly not diplomatic.
?. - sa " '- <??
'?in H? j. in,1C|, p|veri to (hat tort of
'|"tS. The othf-r day In Tokio I.? ?<
'??r**l that he did not b. I..-?-.? C
"??mm "a n,?.,? ||k? Moogolta.'1 bul thai
7* "J?-*- ? c |a**S*ard India, and
^?tVhei, n., go| at-urtsf] la that ?iire
Z**? no on? would *u.p h?-r Knowing
Yat-ien and hie rather saeamtri.
^?ai attitude toward ?'?rid affair
p*1'*1' It c?rtain that he pr
j" Tdnd that If ae thus taunted England
"* ?*ould t-et KnBlanrt'.. hei. in eombat
'?M Ruma.
cevit ranmaer your .?.rrespoiident had
"?<br.?ifd Intervlea In ivkin** with thi*
^??OVit ?.,?? gariflg wie I- i . i-a.'l.- el,,.? -
t|*,?*'' '' - -r ths petal
? *"**' ' - ' ."-- - uri?-s|iiinfleiil that 1)
?SB u?. KJ ;?*".. ,,<.?? v,it|, t|,, pekinis'
*?rnni.nt ?hlek at thai ?Im?- wax m a
J^***?' t'javard getting the Korelen om?-e
?aaiie MbUe, In full and complet? de
? --.???_, m nju mini i ?Miipi-risg ur* |
__!._''?*" C4U*'' against Rmala In the
matt?r?not In the hop? of '
MI-- N \\'<T
i - TI ?
iermany, wh? -? mi i I
drlv ?
fui arm v.oui'1 i purpoi
making ihn world ladet .
? gOOd p ilii ?
Ir xx. ...
' thti v.
"You are a
m ti,?- affirm?t! ?
I repli? -? M- i
suprema in the Pacific and Am?
Panama Cana' Ame->can Aid.
T ?... [ p.-: I:
JapMii s atrength in lbs I ?
thrOUgh t: '!i!s **?
.?re much it
\ gtanl . Iraei I?
navy :
your correspondent told Di - -
x alna
? pool
.sand tons and fifteen-In
???h is tecbaicall) b
tO an and w.tii I
Sun s.- , Ai i i
> a Lj.i . ? i ? ehe ?i:?Jr ?
: ,jr lu
Ths 1*1 Hun k<x' 8 hi?"' h
Intervies ...
H? le. t relu ??? whe
. - entertained m a mai i
ui?: world
ularly when tha gusa! Ol horn r is
M? n
all national!!
ful s? aten throuj
Japan mal f
UM land.
I .n ??aid mat i.- had gone to *t
pi.r. ??, ascertain tin- I testings of
.lupan?-*?* toward China Ha had a?
keen there (or sis ??i aeres reara as
wanted to know, pg | bseaW
he returned to China In 1911, aft?
? - abroad, be fourni |
us o! tha Japam ?? .uni er
?tig i' stri" | - '"i tii-m '
tins trip la- found
? . wbola-h<aartsdl) slneera m tha
friendship for China and he hsllava
hlna'a ful " ?- ??, ? m ? leasi i >?'.
. .m, Japan
11?- s? off ed at Hi. r.-por!.- of Japansa
ii,i and said he knew than a
intrus. Th?? Jat-atiei??, h? declare,
with tbeli greater espertenee am; :
In world afiairs, wer.- ? ?
join with China i' .? commercial slllanc?
read) t" work fir Cbtaa'a sartterasea
und In. the ta
? ?- even thought ?? potttl? a
alliance would >??? a goad thing, eon
K that th?- Interests o1 tha ta
nattons wars id?-;
The Japanass understood ami wer?
ready, be continued, but th? Chinas? wer?
not, and so in- IntM I ?;? t ts ?h-vote him
self t?? a propaganda t" t?-ach the ' luin-.-i
asopla to lib? and, most <?f an
deal With the Jap.Ui-h.- gS M tx-i'Uii.-.-. |
matter of intern.itlonsl Importance, tot
a | ,.- . ;s j.,, an? m friends .?:?
BSSSfttl m their afforta Japan and Jap
.,.- -x Koods will bava a ?treat advantag?
?i. im- market i; lapas than la a graal
deal of agitation m favor of SSpanSton
Ctally. In ' 'l?u a A ' laiio-.'
? Mon ha- i.? en f"i mid an?l it hu
? ? i - king of all Japan's leading states?
Tas i'iospect of Japan getting the upper
??ii.'uim-rcial Hand m China, w her" st'*"
al-eaily ha* a goad hold and has made
herself f-lt by ever?, otn.-r nation, will
dorm.??*, prSfVanl gay territorial ati?r^i?
B|oa on her part at this time. So It BBaJ
I,,- i-onsliiered that for the tune hellig
Japan will let South Man? hurla alone, a*
far a? any BCttU?. ..-./in?, there is aon
Sigmai in?' ". '.ciiiiun; Max 10 The
marriage o? former King Manuel of Port?
ugal with I'rineesn Auirustlni Vi??tona.
daughter of PMaeS Wilhelm of Hohen-,
sollen?, is to take place in ??eptcuiber,
this year.
Mother of Bride To-Be Makes
Announcement of Be
trothal to Duke o? Cioy.
d?*ry ]<> i
i '. ? - - ? _ ? ?
to his 1 n spite of I
B to the '
Bhown ' '
'In' ' ? . , . I:
.: ? he Ho
lly li ' ?
n afterwai
the ?
Q. a Lalshms ?
/ _ ?
man I thai duk? ,
it I? not ?lit
' m..-- Lota
l.s tl.e v lie al ' ? I ' ik?
"\*\ e ha ? * 10 he,:, .,. t'.-??'; ?
? : ? -. . ? ? ?ad l a ol
l rib h tin -?? ?
tal;- l - . |h?
m?diatisa .1 1 ?arme n so llltj ib i
Tl.e ?- , '? ? ? ?
4 ... ? ? ' ?' I thai ' ? ? ll ' hail
? ? ? .-;..ri from
? he 1. - '. un ' -orps 1
At. ? ? " Isbmaa is
band, ' '"int- Lo tant
Drastic Bill Which Is Likely to
Become Liw Introduced?
Applies Also to Colonies.
!??? 1- Mas 1?. ??. pill 1 rohlbitlna th?
Bale or use of opium ami other noxious
drii-*s vas laid before th? Chamber ..f
Deputies to-ds b F?lli t?hautemps
ii.-iiut* of Savoj It expi - ? th.- pub
in- feeling m regard t" ths
In? rea a ..r th? us. ol di igi li '
.imoiij; students, artists ami yo mi man
and women m K'""i ?oclatj. and ?
daily ?mon? the offlcera <>f the navj
?ihe id!', is \carmi\ approved bj In?
fluential Senat "*?*- and ? and
probability ?>f passing both
.- -.* Parliament. It i? the most
draatl 1 rer praposed. it forblda not
only th.- sal?- but th-' C|l*CUlatioi
handlinK m Frame and all the Prom-h
..-lotii'S of morphine, ?o. aine and other
similar ??ubstatv-s. MCOpl f? th? ei
plldi m-eds of ltidusti' ."? pharmacy.
All vtalsttOOS "f the i.r-' ? ??-; ? ,.: I3 the
Smoking of Opium in public or m pri?
vate, in? .11 pehaltles rarylng front two
t,. siv inoiith.s ?jnpris? runei l fot ?
?.ffcnie. in a.binion t-. baa*/) ?""?'* All
H".-"in? ? ? la no matter ?-? bal d? | ?
taCUr the ?un?.' i'.nalti.'s a- th- prin?
cipal ??ffendes s
The propos.-d lui: WM draWg up ?iftcr
?? with C?lestln Hsnnlon, the
Prefeot of Poli**??, and it? appli?-a\tlon
will canee a trem-ndou*. ttphoaval m the
m?ndame, artist!" and smart Hohe
iniaiiism "f PSrlS ?n*1 "' ""' "-, *'1 sta?
tion? in Toulon I 'li.-rb.mra and llr.-sl.
Wellington. N /? M*> ? '
1 1 the BtWsh mall ?*?< "n" '"d'auaruti
wai eaved when IM vi-ae*.: ?u,i 4, bjaje
on tl.e Manajat? cosat SNtaidag. A
terrific ?torn? is raftn* and in? ii._ni.i
li fast breaking up
F'ifg Comedy Plea for Repoj
lation of France.
i rabie te 1
l'a:..- M iy 10 ' i.? Ti Miblefi '?
The Unwelcome f?tn-at." a three
Imond Fleg, i lu* ed
night al the little th?s
' hall
: -
of th? ? .. - i
the -. but not reallj unw
ranci a soi
I but s
youthful couple of 1 and t i ??:' l?
couple la au.'pti il t.? 'h- neu ? ircui
: gem? m i??; th? "i
? ? The I? ading |
a th Inim : ling, sentiment s
?ln.ii.'i j i?- .\i Gladys
. . ,.
.-? bool oi Park
? "III?
Distinguished Audience Hea
Faurc's Lyric Poem.
M 1" -' iabrtel Faun ? I ?
'P?nelo] ? ' wll wet
Re? i',i hola given to-night
time in Paris at the Th a tr- ?i
< 'hampa i '? ? ? flrsi produ i loi
). xx sa at the Um? dee - Ibed In
dlspat? I, to Ti?? Tribune fro
Th< must? la In certa
eratl bul
- and ?ii
?h that Insure us ? ? .- wl
with the gei
.M M ura toi? i I
the part of r --? ?
i?ut hi ?
to-mg: 8
la ;
liai ? ? ira. n Mme Meltx
It i st brilllai ght.
Parialan audlei
? -
Coroner Decides Meed of Pun
?Miment for Driven Who Had
Killed an Old Woman
afu !<> K. ' ; ii :
r at Li ratei m< ? I oat terrl
? t.. an auto
- ? ?? _:er in n ea
.rid killed
The e\ ?
?d that affe
np from i ?? ester fi an
man 1
? ? : ; a woman i : ?
? ?
an ai In aman
i., the i^i- enget
-. ti " The passen
? . '
? of ae?
rad expresa?
it both d ri
er eu pon thi
? ra? i positive dl
that tha womai - left on ti.?
.... ,i
hi i.e ii.ddi.-d. that common
?ade such a
!? in lie hid blOOd
? ? of it, and hs hoped 11
\x oold m to both
This p the most dr.ih'.u pmvlshment
.-' er Inflicted In England on b m
guilty of no mon a than
? . an old " oman 11 '
aftx-r this exhibition of lmw .st. rn und
.?,. n be the lues
gi r be In dan?
French and Germnn.s to Discuss
Ma) 10 -Mor- than four
memtx ? ? Oei man pat
llamen! to meet In Berne
to-morroa and Mond ?a; i -?? to :<n
Invitation from the Bwlsa Partial
..-.a I ? I ? 111 e : ? ? ' i s
||y arrnstu?
BB This Is
probabl) lb? event of the kind in the
??' the 8 "rid. and It is kopsd ttiar
a ?.?"* arg la International
The . .?? the ?,.'?? eatra
dinar) I eotass st a tuns of un
usual t
Btrtas are us
?-??? inn to Indi ata thai iper*
? ? ma) be, the t" pis on
both aldea ?f tha t"sg?-s rea!i> a.
.-? ?: ? ? ? ? t 1
ting l" entirely experimental, and
hen? ? mu. h apseulatlon on the
outcome if the mint sonfsranoa i? sur?
al it win deuts?ssa ks repeated la the
futur? ? ?'. i.m?- a large factor in the
'. of peare.
Boiler Bursts Next to Ambassa?
dor Herrick's Residence.
Parta May I"?A holier explosion oc
??urr?-il n.-'.t ?loor t<? the r?-?1?i..-ii> . of M s -
ron t. Herrtek, Amarloaa ^tmtsaasadoe
to !? ? mormiiB. killing one and
injuring thraa athsr araratmsa The fsnes
Burrounding the ambassades ? house
: little tanSSJM ?it* done.
'it.- ambassador ami bta family s>. in
Hone att.-tilling the International Agri
cuitural ' onferan? a
Ti,?- 'noil, i vas attuned t?? an ?rncine
employed In drlvlag piles f?., .? new
house i?? be coaatroeted Is the Roa
i i .in..-?.' Pi ? im?
Hamburg, May I an ssVlal notlca
published in the Hanover "Anieiger"
?m order han been made that the
last carriage shaJI not b<? attarhed t.?
railway trains." as It Is "always subject
t?. unpleasant shocks and oaclllatlona."
Austrian Diplomat whose diary, now publish?*., tells of many thtttfi
hitherto unknown.
I -.-;?.-,. v;f- tppoKYl MT AKTOIME APPOXT1
? *?""*?? met of Ka?
li tha ,he.
Favors Arab City o? Aleppo for Seat o? Ottoman Empire
?Constantinople's Prestige as Diplomatic, Social
or Business Centre .Already Gone.
1 UM '
. 'onstantlnopli The ai|
aie n te
airea ? s of ti
I to the rai sevei
already bave ai
other l
?Sa |g asps
?gat, ai
ness house
? Bulgarian ..;
Th.? Qertaans, meai
an de?
M ? ?
Il i. airea I
' ? several U ...
????? mad? for 'be ai -
t Maki ? ?
Rigid Airship Built for Arirn
Use Makes Its Initial
The first r'gid sir
ship built for the ?"frenen ai m
I L- il? till
week al St. I yr and as far the expert
red to ha - - I.n boo
??????.fil!. Ths airship was taken out o
it* niV ? Ifinistsi
of war and ? nut through aom? * o
lutlona ovar the ac i
? ? ? .
? in the nu
- a f-.r taking 'h- a rship in am
.-?it of the
Tins Bpieaa airship ?i iff er? from lb?
s fact that Its rigUK)
it? obtained not bj nv-.m* of aluminum
but by hollow w..od t\ramewor
ered with canvas, u consists of eleves
rtmenl witl total length ?*i
.. i" ?? - ? diameter >?!
Each compartmenl la filled
ballonei whicb adapta
the rigid tram
? sort - f trianrular heel es*
- re 1? agth of tli"
airship, with a Bllghl de****ssntton lora
and aft, where the motora ers sltuated.
There srs two Chii motors ..f *.*
? .lind?is ami 1,800 horsepower, ?--i' h
,it winch "i- ' " w.leu pro| el?
lera is feel In dlami tar? Theos pre*?
- ? attai bad aft, blgb up on
Mcb Bide of the rigid frame, which
constitutes one of the original f? i
? ?f th? m m alii int'
The transmission t> eff>et.?.l : |
Oblique shafts '_'.'l fert in IriiRth. With
"anil.n points and three supports. The
Bteerlng ?? effe***ted by sertlcsd bt planes
fixed art. the BUUlltMton '-oiisiHtiiia Of
four horizontal plan.?, also attach i
a* the r>ar A -unes of
Ktr.-t' bed .?- roas the ? i? ?*?an i
menta tern In il - fora ari!, and
lag join*'! offer? a BOild hold, whi-n
?eerniits of anchoring the almhip with
tha BOB? i th- wind. The culm
paclty of the airship i- given at lt,OfJ0
feet and its probable. speed Is about
fi>rtv-[j\. misas an rmur.
The airship behaved vary well, snd
the facility with wiu.-h it asMl
manmuvred in ami out af th?*
along rails 100 'aid- Ion*?' v i? ja-te i
Lai i- admired
Men s Trade Union Has No Hope of
Successful Issue
rleuthen. <;?*-manv. May |l - The real
miner?' ?trlke In this dlitrlrt. which be
, The 81 - bave ex*
? ? ? hu!
ht ir refus thron? m the
present political condition, and sax?
. - ?ntlnue t?. hold tins
::? of
v ar un?! th?- new bo
empire ai ntry
Th?- Bultan iranti to mm, tha
Minor, wh
1 to the pn - ' 'onatantlnopla
The Bultai ssai to prefer aa tha t I
... Its I eppo, a hi' h is aaci
aa the at of Turkiah
Aa Alep - - ? 1 tially an Ars
. a
fortify th- spiritual '
- ?
f :
of la entioi
t new hi ad Khalifats
gan en A is bean called off by
Sing ? what I
? ? ... 9f attain?
.? . the
? ? ? quit woi K These
First Volume Published of Count
Rodolphe Apponyi's Memoirs.
Diary Brimful of Episodes Re
corded with No Thought of
Their Seeing: the Light
rf->om Tti? Tribun, s ? orr.tron tent !
fan?. Mag -.-Count KodOtPt* lp*
ponyfa JouraaL eorartag the atlrrtng ? ??
i...., :i??n UM to Un, written m a light,
f.i-i-lnatlng. Witty, Indiscreet i*!n, is re
niaikahl- as hearing ii? evidence I
the sprightly noting diplomat had the
eiighteart aatloa ol the -' irte
value of his not? s jotted
lay without thought ol futur?
diary of Gouverneur Morrta and it-'
supply a sort of eoBtmnaffloa of ?he
riHl of Washingtons eir-oy. v.;
lbs para? aal friand of I
leans Louls-Phlllpp? - moth?
\. sosa - -
went on In Par.
l?g UM last ?M-? ?it I. u:s rCVl ?> ???
Rea olutlon ra hi i I in
Prance as we'i as la the - te*,
?'ount Rodolphe sa h? w;.-, famtl
tUed. cants
rv-th' la waa tin
of hi- ? ??iisin l'nui ? I
Austrian ? ?I bec ime m
rite at court ?
?'mil Ans i ; .
One is an j-d through
aiiil -
?: dolphe had a vei ....on
of Lai
the ? ;
a a tbaati
< 'our;: Uuii??: ? -er*
prince of ?I
from the Ausarten
ir. court
f?.r the marrlai
sr an Austrian princes
? .?- vx adding wltl -j?
Loatsa araa bra ? Tai
. :
was .a the militar
In ?.-:?
' ?
hack and kl ked him vntn tl.
Until he xx?- ! N*J
he \x.,s l.l? own "hoi -
itrew I
him t
the I
to his : -rate
ful to M ?1- JulKH?
II .
-aven; me from as sas
- as I l.av
Count Rodolph? Appoi -.s
hrinif'il of brlpht little episodes and , ?>
"tortratta ai
dor, the \
iiims?'!f. The Bouvenh -
New Day Line Steamer
"Washington Irving"
This new floatii'?. palace of steel and glasawtll he open
for public inspection during a delightful special trip
Up the Hudson River
Saturday Afternoon, May 17th
An unusual rhnnce to see the finest and fastest river
stenmer in the world before she enters regulnr service The
fiftv oil paintings hv famous artists illustrating the Irving
period will be on view The decorations include reprodti' -
tiona from the Alhambr?: the Old Cock Tavern of London.
Irvings atudv nt "Sunnyaide" and from many o'het in?
teresting historical placea
Special Tickets of Admission Required
To avoid overcrowding the Hudson River Day Line will make a r karge
of $1.00 per ticket for the trip. Tickets on sale at the Company's offices.
Special Inspection Tnp Schedule
On M.? 11 It-.? "W?thin?i<Mi Irving " will Usve D?brow. So??? Piar. **"?
Y ark. t 48 P M.; Wm? 4 ?n?J ?3lr??? 8 00 P M . V. Mi 1 2S??h *???..?.. 2) P M .
r-(,.m n? lo W,ii 12Bthlarssl si ?-00 P.M. and Was? 42a?J BSBBSl ?l $ M P.M
Regular service daily eicept Sunday will be resumed from New
York May 16 and from Albany May 17.
Hudson River Day Line
Deabroasns Street ?Pier NEW YORK