Newspaper Page Text
[ J.p. Irish Leader's Home Bombarded with Stones After He Declares Himself an "Anti." ANOTHER HYDE PARK RIOT Men s League for Woman Suf? frage Told by London Mob to 'Go Home and Make Bombs." Dublin, M?*? H - John l?ilIon M. P. surround? d by a band iffrai ? ? : ?? th? lift*? House on ?Saturday, told them thai be ^,,uid nal tii-iii every time, thla mornii - ?air. i ?Ilion ? real bombarde?! with atones. Many w-' miaihed arrested on th" ?,a,, iking the fanlights of ? he United Irish 1.? . about th? sam** unie. n. M . 1- \' ??? bei suffira -. -t ported from Preston, Lancashire, wher? ?? white marble ? ?>;<? fourteenth Karl of pcrb> in Miller Par' md stnotl ? ?iuid tar Another suffrage rlol <? curred in Hvdo T'ark yesterday. The M League foi Woman Suffrage had been ?M ?? meeting, minen! work? finessed a crowd of several thousands ? ? ?- bu1 the ? r< Wd k?;?t UP running fire <>f Interruptions) shout* ? one ami make bombs " ami ??-marks aboul tin- burning "f chur? ? und the attempt 10 blow up St. Paul's. After half an hour's endeavoi ri hearing th?' !<-.<.?:>:<' gave up. and the boul to withdraw when the crowd broke through th?? ranki ?he police. The wagon wai overturned and rartl>' wrecked. The i diAculty tn pi th?- speakers and eventually had ? i*1 them to the sta'.-n f<?r pr? tection meai I mi ? suffi l?lanted a flap Pal ilonable pi prom? nan?-, and started speaking Men destroyed the "flag an th?? ?.-: an until th? '?? ' The Rev. Howard ?? n Trua ' Bt, Cathei Iw s, at liatcham. which was d< - helu sei vl ? ibllc hall and spoke at l-npt* id: ?Then fais ?" me about flashes of lightning I tlii:-- w ith malicious i Hi said that he - uf i<-tt< i - acts. An examin?t! ? ruins of Par? ? . H : ? ? ? >. hlch wai ?? - ?troyed by Cn ? The ? hlef constant? bei l rj '??; mall OOP? ?if th?- pai" r. t- it "? "Parington Rail n pi may. B?eme Asqulth end o ?mi.. : Th Hen:; M< I -: ?? former Loi I Provost of Dundee. About SI?" ? , .ired to rebuild it. KAISER AMD KING TO MEET William May Try to Win Alfonso from Triple Entente. Madrid May IP -King Alfom man Emperor a.;; in.-'; in Hoi iar.d ? ?f th* interna? tional regatta in the - ing to "The Tribuna." This rnincant In *? lea sf the K ard the Tri Pie hnte- -,:>!;. foreahadowing a Franco-Spanish military elllan? ? sswtualltj whlcl "! Of Cl; v el (III WELCOME ALFOMSO HOME Spaniards Proud of King's Pop? ularity in France. twjil f ? on hi? I Wltil ? ? buslaan VasMn : re weil I ?s..:.?; I tatloi ? and dlplomatl r'iUrie-s | i,?1 the ?lue?;n a? : tb. ,i.?-:i Moth? a'w to . ** oa his saf? CARDINAL AIDS IN RESCUE Mayor of Rome Also Helps Af? ter Factory Explosion. Rome, raaj u.?An explosion oc? curred to-da> in th?' Aiataz/.i Rreworki three women and a tfrasj were buried in th?. r*U Mayor Nathan and ?'ardi?al Merry ": Val the I ??r stai "?? happened i?> i?' passing near by. tan t?? th?? s''?-ii<- of the sxplosloi }*** ah? ... , they could. % ON SAVINGS OR SURPLUS ? No better argument for in? vesting m New York City realty Trust Mortgage Bonds need be advanced than the Present unsatisfactory condition of the general security market. ? If you are an investor? nit ' ?* specuUtor?ask for our new I Booklet 6. NEW YORK REAL ESTATE SECURITY CO. a?-??*u oagg ?i5i?^^Xi___J^ YORKJl PENN CALLED COWARD; QUAKERS FIND FAULT Philadelphia Friends Take Steps to Stop Ex? hibition to School Children of Pamphlet Attacking His Moral Character. Ma: il.?Members "f the bava th? business and moral backbone "f gtat? i i Phl adelphla that William Penn, the fatl? ? \m ' ? ? >? to tins ? ounti y '-? cape the 1 ting of s d le In Ireland with the isband "f : woman with whom ared 1 ? ? . ? toi ' o? tti.-- more Influ? ntlal Quak? Phii;: i m memorialise th? city week '< questing ttu which I \v 1111am Penn up m Indepen ? Hall 11 ? ?'. so thsl the i "i children h Phlladelphls ? fed u. A plan to ma i moi arhen collectlo ? ? ., Indei.Hall. id? tu ??f >S< ? ? Mi Brumbau matt? rs io that th? ? Hail in claaaea and vlea and atud] th? ? lcct!?. Ana on f?? thi ? ' ? will ?'.?lit ' ... inless the ? . .... William Penn fend paints turn as a man was l i i?? of 1 and a turncoat v. th <?f Society of Friend th? mem? "er? of i ha? fa th wer? fight du? or seek tro Th . \a hich || BUPI I Augusl C th? ? ?nth In w hi? h \\ 1111am ['?un left Ireland to com? to - try. ii?- land- ?i her? In Octobei ol the entitled, "Hletoi William Pel . the Call of th? erted enti who ha?.- exam ned th? efulb believe II we? writ!? ? harl? - B ? Snake in tu.- Ornee." it is a - ? - ? ? William i ?. In .. c nan p] B ? - mem ty of Friend did not ' man ? ? the t thai of Peni should h? mad? the subject of rfdi end that the phis ? a,lota,-.i t-i think William I'-ri:.. wiles, mai I I a low? iras i who (id - ? "9 ? William i n soi.ii?.-: m Irelsnd "and we pi ? st, like most sold Thai ic ... , . that th!? Utiautl liant! ?au.i ? Idren in Philad? Iphls ma] - ''.in- to the m? th.- Boclet: of 1 ? ? - - parir . ? lepe to put a Btop I d< faiii.iti- ? im? "f William T*. tm HOW T. R. WAS NAMED FOR ALBANIAN THROf\ Ismail Kemal Docs Not Thii Candidacy Will Be Seri? ously Considered. at | Mas 11.?Ismail Kern "Presiden! of the provisional gover of Alba ni . n oui Inter-? lew with regard to that "if Theodore Roosevelt d< hip of All?,.:. . v ? aha ahead of all other ? andldat? s " Ismail, who la staj tag Cecil with other Al snlan d lion first ai Lhroui " Am? ri - ? -iskniK him wh< ould fill tl - ? !!'? a swered thai '? R able to do so, bul th r 1 he sugg? sti? s? riota I; i mall said he ? ? evell but h*- ?lui not think be would able for Albania. "It might l.? i . add? with a". "that Mr, Asquith or tl sen of ? ? let? J, PI? rponl Morgs should be ? Th? g? od men, bul It is a sei time : ' think it ovei ? isi??n is mi ? lion i II miKh! !? ? d hi did nol | SUTHERLAND "PICTURE SAL ! Stafford House Collection To B Disposed Of Shortlv. Bv Cal London Ms ! l it la und? thai negotiatloi i ? rgi ? m the sale lion In London nes fford Hou ? m steri the proi sri ? th? ). to 8ii Williai who to th government ? :..iik the na guests and as a . London Muse im ? stion ??f tii ? ? ? ' i. ? the fore. The Duk? a number ni pictures a b< 'i i? nt!.'.?m ' ears ago, b Its ol ' ? English :?. retained Thi n ri ? moi ? I ban threi I plctun i sint? rs of reput? still in tii" Butherland collections Hoi n..' i. ? of 1 bes? will "in markel it Is no! yet ] oat Ible to i ?. ?. opon loi on w 111 tx m ? ? e CYCLONE JN FRANCE Aviators Fly Before Storm, Reaching Ground Just in Time. M.--.. i: ? ins dlstri? i foi . ..i - - ound Vltry-Ia-Fran i lenl itorm the With a large nun ? .. .: ? . Two mintarj svlators, on a fllsrhl from Rh< Ims, rao d bom ? the i orm and reached the ground lusl av it broke Tin' machlnea were wrecked and one pilot i a ? BULGARIA FOR PEACE Greece Warned Against Dila? tory Tactics in London. London, Mai 1 h< I irktsh del? Loi don lo-d ??? foi ,h' : conf?rent ? Dispatches from Bofts li ???' llu> Qreeh govei nmeni li ti Inj to ? ? laj ths conclusion oi peace ??<? refusing to accept tii, terms "i ? ? treal draw? ; :,. am si ?-?!.. The Bulgarian government however, has no? tified 0<reees .,f lu d '? mlnatlon to per? no t'.irth?T d? ??? tlie ? treaty? i ketlofl betw? sun menaces the sltuatloti Thi m'^"1 commission appoint? d ??? I ;?? two k"' - . i nmei 'v' ? Itb th? ol. ft ??'?'?ll,nK m?- datnu ? ? ? ? uted towns mat t.-rni'Ti'-s m Maeedoais bav? failed .,, reach an agTeemem The two sets of representative! bav? arrived at ahsoiui? )? spgoettS and I'r??? O'-*l*l.!e eOOClUSSOOS DETAILS OF THE FAILURE OF ROTHSCHILD LOAN Only 6 Per Cent of S55.OOO,OOO Issue Subscribed ? Protest Against Middleman. ?London, Ma* 12 I i i I "Th?' ' ftei ? ?' : ' 'in tim? The long to new ns al ? ? In th? f the great F ... . r financial d f ? man) ?? the r?volu? lerwritii |; sn event v n?l m l< Ii III"! ? '? - *' ? .? ? : Ar. the ? pi? :.-:.. ? . . the public ? ?;. ?mu m oui mon than .v,.?.??mhs??i . ? : Perhaps I ? cumstan? e of ell ia that i ed "it no- .-??" ?. i... at thai or i"*.' r evei ? maiket ra*;-* i thai :li> pi 1: is anotb. t pi -i , : an ? middleman nrh ;'.':? i--..-- nan i -. 1 MOUNT VESUVIUS ACTIVE Americans Climb Volcano After Crater Collapses. M IL?The actJvll ' : ? ? reached a : the moui l.itn - n.i.i I.? ? . . .. . ? ? ? ? 1 i 11 ? : TO OPPOSE BEEF TRUST Argentine Breeders Against American Monopoly. B . Mi ? l '? iii' Ko- ernmenl la taking m? asti ea to o] ? ? f . omblnatton In A ? - Una Tu? ' 5oun? II *??- HI gu fully into n at an earl ? - ? ? iiii favo .. Ths ne? on th.- sn-- ailed boot ti ual end the ai tine Rui si f at ailed .? mi ? of . sttli br ?,:* ra i" prot? l tes An ??! I? sn monopolj Th? ' iltur? the mansgers of the Amere.. ? I tigeret- ! u.c. plants b. ??? :? mak? sn ??>planetlon ' of tic ntlom -m BREMEN TO LONDON BY AIR French Aviator Makes Remark? able Six-Hour Flight. i.iiriu-.h. Ma - 11 Tb. i ret* ? i Man el 0 ?Bris as U ? n-1.- on thi sttsrnoon aft? i .,,.-), The" ? r? tb ? m-1> rlday In a monoplene. H? mad? g stoj si i ? uaed bis ?Slghi at M M a. m ? At Calais he took on i fn ?i, Btoek of petrol ami i roosad tbx i ibaanel si great ] . i...-., i end * ame. But he .. tb? Tbamea i ....... er 1 I eit-Jon n- Sew j ,n.., the ' it ? al sn altitud? ol 0? feet, I KOd arrived si lu-ndon si I o*< I? i. m the sfteri ooi . i i.,,mi.--i i- unlawful the aviator epparentU s i ? of] "? ? ? at 111 I Ths poof* In the sty, ? COUld Plan ' ' ' ! '*'" "''"'"-"I Th, passasa s-*rosa lbs <'hanr,?? ^cupMl twent* minutas, ?h.?*h to a saw raoord. 1 AMERICANS KM BY KING VICTOR EMMANUEL agricultural Commissioners Are Welcomed in Rome by Sover? eign and Consort in Person. ADDRESS BY R. W. MOSS Dr Kenyon L. Butterfield. of Amher?t, and Dr. Clarence J. Owens, of Washing? ton, in the Party. Romt Ma: - ri-anu? . ? ng a deep ?n? teres! in tii.- Visit of th?- Am-: lean . mission -Ain h i.- i?, atud) in Roms and European capital! th" quasi .n and : i . u ?i man) mem ' tn- diplomatic ? 01 pi wen! t?? th? ... dt?) to mee! e A lia?! . . ?. . ? ' 'appelll, pr?s rk m o: in. Institute, d that o? nlftcanl ? (he Instil ???.? tii? aendlng <?f an ?.tii? :.i! uomi from m?- United Btatei t?? (. ?? ' The great American L'nlon ' h? : . through th" publli ??ti?uis of tltute ,,i the ad I Me resulti ... . ? i" ratlva at tu '.it. which i i."i exist m America Thi! ? ommli has come here to gathei Informatloi with) rl?ea to thi ? tablishm? m of Imitai Institution! h Amerii.? -I '? I " ? M ? : ?? ? ? ??.. tur? Blgnor ?m.?i th? ?.? egat? Rep- I ? i; W, Mo ?' the | -?inn. said: h ? i ... . - it??/? thai thi of natloi ? ? th? ,?? ? (teem it a in?;ii honoi an.i ;, groat : ? spoil i ? ent for a mlssti ?s tn.- hon? in? of ou . W.. ? ? 'i?i Work) in f useful Info ma* Our natloi its ??f ? et y can a ? ??? have ? ? -, tiona natltul ore it tl ? ? ? >? k. < ailing ? ' i '? :. among u?. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? . ? ? ? . ? : ? ... ? ? ' ' : ? ?? ' ' - . "I \-l;. ? I ? ? ? ? X ? ... ... , '. tl ? ' . ? ? ? '. ? , <? the ? WOMAN TELLS HORRORS SEEN IN ADRIANOPLE Prisoners Left Without Food und Water. Gaunt. Hope? less and Cold. i i. \ ?-? mai mi" ? ;tli th" Bl HI n Red "taT ? mem ? fi without food thei . : Thi .?i. -:. ? ? bul < - their bungei grea ll . t? mak? ! eat tin nd ?i? v i'ii ?-' ' ? Th? Hi an?) w? -n '??. I. ?]?? ? ... bli and cold, bul th?.idltlon ? Thej bad no attentt? an) i.m?. ? " "!?? ? ?en t?? give them .i ?hink "f ?\-ii"i '?' ?' pk ? ? ' ? ? ? ? reponed t" 'i?*- sun i? Ibi da* anil to ?i,. , old at niuni Borne hoarse!) ? ior, one <?: i?^" prayed, aome groaned i :??? d m ag ' iuii Hi?- majortt) la) in a d imb p ? tiene* a,ni silenl misery more touch H.,:?!- .,: in??ans Theil were sunken in their h<a?l??. their heeks fallen Into great hollows, then bones pi ?Je ting through their skin with bungi r, ami their lips ami tongues ted, i'la? kened ami us? leas With m- help of some American mission-1 .,! |es .' soup kit? ben a as started the starving men. Man) ??* them wan pasl rat n ,!- bul at the sight j ,,! iir ink men who were seemingly al-1 moat dead ?ai up ami begged for watei ?,, pitiful hoarse tones, ?i:Inking until bi i. n ba? k exhausted. ?i,,. ,,i um? drank litevall) with theh ? last breath, wmi? lo one man <?>? log given waU r Um n would i"- ?'?'? , other ci?os beside him who v?. ? ?n t?i lick up in?? drops ma' ftii. m trj tu pul his un?,')- in i; ami .it leasl havs thai ?,., pun k. .! v..?s bnposalble i" il" much for them -hu? the) bad i" ?tn? m this non Ibis ws ><f dlseaai ?.i oaiue, ' hunger ami Utirat THANKS FOR POPE S RECOVERY Sclemn Te Deurn Celebrated by Cardinal Rampolla in St. Peter's. I;?,ni? M.i> 11 ??? *<?" :n;i 'I'? ''* "?'" "?? - In St POU r * t.i-'i.r hi <'ar dina Rampolla In thanksgiving tot recovery of the Pops *l*bousaads attemi . ?i tn- ?? n !? ? ah ttie churchei were Illuminated I ag and at st Petei i fourteen tr.ou-1 ?. i m end lar bee srsrs stlllsed m inumtnatlng the tacad? and cotonnades Ti.tin? of lUumlnatlea was an ??in? line o' Co-astantttM cel?ebratlng Um Jubilee ..f th?- (r-.-.ioni of rh.? Church. W. &. J. SLOANE m\ Cleaning and Summer Storage of Floor Coverings Thorough cleaning and storing oi~ Floor Coverings during the Summer not only improve their appearance when relaid in the Fall, but add to their wearing qualities? Summer storage also affords an opportunity to have Floor Coverings altered to fit other rooms, for which work we employ skilled labor, assuring complete satis? faction. It is advisable to specify the date for relaying, so that there will be no delay when Floor Coverings are wanted. Our charges for prompt, efficient service of this kind are very moderate and include insurance against loss by fire. FIFTH AVENUE AND FORTY-SEVENTH STREET i-ir;Tir.far?-1 ?**Va? *? | ira?^^^ Join In The City's House-Cleaning To-day and Every Day Keep your home and place of business clean with an "lectnc vacuum cleaner. It sanitarily cleans floors, walls, curtains, por? tieres and upholstery, and will brush your clothes During the last four years the cost of vacuum cleaners has been cut in half. Four rooms may be cleaned twice weekly with less than 5 cents worth ol Edison current Call at our show-rooms and see the dilierent types ol (leaner?. or upon request the manufacturer will arrange lor a demonstration at your home or office The New York Edison Company 55 Duane Street At Y our service Phone Worth 3000 Branch Offices for the Convenience of the Public: Address 424 Broadway 126 Delancey St. Phone Sprint? 9890 Orchard 1960 Address 362 E. 149th St. Address 124 W. 42nd St. 27 E. 123th St. Phone Melrose 334U Phone Bryant 5262 Harlem 4020 FRIEDMANN SUED BY HIS DEPOSED AID < ?nllini?.! fruni Mr.i pas?. .-o f.t: a? to rnake threats of it?rions I viol, tc ? ic il?related, aad bad triad In i/atiOUS ?a;s to t.tiv linn off. He also r.*ffrt"ii to Hi' mtittiiition that while . ?-. latsd srith l>r Friedmann he had been sbls to obtain ??Msssoston of the "turtle irerm sacrai," Dr Bturm did ?sol wan) t.. ?li-mss tin- point, Lui ?aid that blaokmailins methods had boon iised In efforts to have him dlmlose what li?- knew the turtle ?lanns snd that at the time of Uta sjpTniriR of the Finn? r-Fried mann ?ompact Kir-ni-r had asked ?-tu: m to make an affidavit mi ihe* WbjSCt Tin: l'hase of the I'neiiinanii-Stiirm I ittil.i -..jrlt'i is giving the turtle fferru ?ili??rrll)iite!.- ?Steiler, considerable **or riment il?' bad Dr. Frtodmanp II s itatemenl saying thai Sturm knea nothing abou! the vaccine, and had never ?been where h?- could iia\.- ob? talned I be sere! tl.- also d* nled that he bad evei given Bturm anj ol Um ira i merel) allowed i>: Bturm t.? malts an ini?'? tmn in a pattern once, as .. [compliment. That's all Bturm knows," Dr, Friedmann declared Th*? Berlin man would nol make any comment on Bturm's sut! 'That's ? matter im a lawyer," was ins comment ?'.til I. Sch?re, who represented Priedmann m the Burner deal, said last nlgbi h.- had nol been consulted bj the physician ami kn?".? nothing ol' the Bturm suit Mi Ernst, Di Arthur Friedmann's attorne;. Intimated thai tus ? lient might in addition i" bis action for commissions, make an additional ii? niami for $!".'. '?"' personal services rendered m the commercialisation ..f th- turUc germ MANUEL WANTS TO GO BACK Confer3 with Supporters Before Visit? ing Fiancee in Germany. i irfaj, MS) H -l-A-Kin?, sfgansl of Portugal ?real to Lugano ?aritserlaad, on Krida>. and, aecovdlng o? th?? Barias Branch Offices New-York Tribune l-OR ?.ADVERTISEMENTS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS 1 364 Broadway Bel. 5txh ?d 37th Streeti HARLEM j 263 West* 125th Street j Bel 7th and 8th Avenu?? paper.?, conferred lbs whole day ?ttn the tuyporler? of ;l"' BBOsnuf-chy. H?- left on t-Hturtlaa for ?jerman to \'.->:i hi? BanCSa, Primes? AuBU?ttne Vie ? f liohenzollern