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m DEFENCE 10 PNCE NEW THEORY Will Contend Body Would Have Floated Had Mrs. Szabo Been Strangled. NO TIME FOR GAS TO FORM prosecutor Says He Is Pre? pared to Refute Idea? Expert Discusses Its Probability. pi to Th? Tribuns 1 y?u-. ?. V V , May 25. ?A new mMyw ' : "?:it ^ ' ? p0?a ?? Bsabo's ?b ?tlh was ? Intro? duced l! lS und? ' , . ents us ea ? purtor. which will tlnued ? ' ' - will svei f Mrs before ? th?'> water, as allet-ed j,.. the | ber body would have Boated II it? id of sum i ? t that ? ? ? -its', tlisl. ?.strict Atturn? y J. , "n the this ? ? ? v ? - girt ; ? ? theory. Me so 1er lira ??ta bo wt lei fur K?s to I j,f,dy a" went don n - ' it i i bed] ? ? Aside from in Inhling ?if the for? theory I era for the <!? ? kwpinc -a-ions for Gibson's de te secret. fsi he lear .-tri. t Atl ? ? . ? t | ? vv .-v."-, : them as?. Is Tniversitv?will rx? railed for the defendant. Every precaution is b? by the people t" pri ? s from upon tho Gibson nstsntly ?nd I' rnej W won ?-aid this ild be maintained until a v?rdl '. ? r ' ? . ? the tlisl s ? ? ? ?? w. ? ? rumors that the jut v p?red Wltl ! rlstt i I "itton said there would be no ?a The Juroi tak?n out rr.otorins this afternoon under guard : Attorne? railed to the pnv Hopos | ion has I in tho courtroom. these wo ?' he curtailed, and that the I ' ? '?. . ? y othor ; ? - me unfoi? occurs th? Its ise all in I ion. It is not lik< ?V Ott ? k? up more than two t then a possibility that Thurs ria- > . Wilson ? day ths ? ntroducs no IP ?nvictinn of ? although it is sait thai Q b ferei physically as th? of his ord?al ? ?M -al. hlj i L This mon SSJ ?? .-.-..?. ft tier 1 Im He i i ?andy and nor n ?' 11 of sweet m?a-? ? -on. of tl -- ? authority on drowning ai-d IM atl i gh| that now long a Bat t be jjsrssed in th? two ess? B ! ? .-..- . ? ??. r)ll?*?d 111 tli?? GihSOl re that on? side might B ... fas other. ? . ? ? tfbr ? ? ry Foi In State? l ? is upon : ? Btl : ? ? lalL The smoui ? * ? important pan In body would I the si ass In the ..f the par? nig ? ? termine fa i in s Mali ........ ,.r. ti ?? Boat n than s Person i ? ?hin '''* tempi ? ir?> was normal '-???- ? rature , nd In that cr??' putrifl r, sccordlng ? th. itions "'?' ?? auch a ? "?Ould : | S try so-- | . ,;,.? , -, , "VOTE BUYING" IS CHARGE Grand Jury to Probe ?alleged Dlegal Acts at Last Election. The cr ? d H h and 2?".th Al - ,'t In tliosft ? . ?nlnary in t,0n ?a- William A D? ?id \\k< it Assistant I' st.-l' t * No one is namsd ?? ' ? that else! iflctah. may ?> invf. . Th? Honeet Ballot Association alle^-ea that a hole was cut in one of tas booths t ?District to ascertain ' *' h bad been "hi ?we cast as directed it Is aiw-ired that In on? . ., |(.t p*i?> ?? "fcuy" toiaa. it Is h!m. charged thai "saults ?vere rommitt?-?" by thugs hir?-d ?*,> csptslns and tiiat nom? of ??>? Watch? rs Wei BBlttSd pri?1 ??"tes wi.irh v.oro. their i s ? Watchmen now have union. Th? on- | ' the Arcu-rban l'<-d?-ra t|**i( ?Labor In this dty have Btartsd "? ??aniz?. the watchmen ?-n,ployed by the ???ner? . ourse of ? M? ? n t, hm? n has been 'orrr?.| M?etinsi heve bees enOat <" ??" "'H more membera preparatory to HskiriK ? behalf for a shorter workday ?U,<J k,et"er working condltlona. TOO MANY STRAY CATS; PROBLEM FOR LEDERLE Health Official Would End Backyard Concerts If He Could, Despite Mayor's "Don't Care" Attitude on Complaint. T*very youngster in N? w Tort mn make himself "solid'' with Health Commissioner Lesderle by capturing strsj cata snd turn? it.c them 01 i-i ' ? t\ foi th?- I'i ?. wntinti of Crueltj to Anii. "Thers me too many rats In Un1- city," fommlseionei ) i st? i day, but be ? Informatl t.. boss the stray snimala rould be .-.?(?iRht. The soi i? ? \ ..?? with the Commlasl? however, ?and its manager, Mr. I tool, said that . . . : i of the society would hv on t be Job at ? Mayor Qaj tint's philosophic> last when he told s 11 van in Brooklyn ? d at?.ut the bo? kj srd on? ? ? that be through such pow-wowa, Isn't the way of those who have complain? d to the i ? Health ha**s felt it ited In many letters that the ??<?!. an?up" cam] ?iv in such ,arjs numbers nos that tl ares ? mei a ? ' Actsording te figur?e compiled by th? so? . small animals were humane? ly destroyed last yesr, end Si per cent of that nurabei represent? I esta Th? number of cats kiilf.i i.\ ?;;.?. lias iti. ress? I month i.- month during the presea! Hi January 11.SSI were destroyed; in February, I2.SSS; in March, 17.S2S, and in April. IS <?ne nf the principal causes for th? ? numbei of straj cats In the city durti i th? i result ol tin-lr | belns thrown out bj their osraere, who re u is mu.-h chespei to set a new cal when the) come bach t.> town in tii? fall than to pay board foi on? all summsi It Is .-. ? ?- law. th-. so letj saya 1.1, cats m "flgui? I other kind of traps, and no nooeee, tongi otto ; : .ill ? 111 1..S.-.I |i> ItS . ..II.-. ' So fai the RKM ' ? '' IS pt..' (:? 8 foi? l's b) agents of the ! "il> re pus?, puss, puss," in m< call? d, bul fea n apond. MILLER ROUSES BRONXI1 League Objects to Removal Street Encroachments. The Centi il Brona Prot I "f pi o pert) own- r? of the North bide, will ho . bt at Mull? ? - Bi street and Third avenu? ? t sgslnsl the ordei of Bor? Miller for ' ? | of it encroa? hm? nts The less ? - that it is u fellow Bronxlt? croachment which thej say they have ed on his n the f?'im of? a wall front of his h .s. Seven I thous ilsrs have be? senl ? Borough President did no! build th?- w it wa i then It haa been estli ? nigh ?Pr?s .. ? : Trenrj ? . eclared the plan \ basem? nl shops ai SURROGATE ON WARPA1 Lines Up with Anti-Murp Democrats in Bronx gate John i', i 'ohalai I ? sed with the a'.ton. I ? in ta" I>? i ? v roll! v\ hO have - ? ' I Tammany organisation, in vv : r, Justice Hani. dominant figun B ' Ian bas n? ? bis own views on public or poltt ? ,.n v Us? ? ? ?n. While the effect of the mov? ? i <?f influence ?if Charles !?' Murphy, I ? of the sit ?at,.m than be result tO lie nit. tolio: ezpr? ed hltnsi ? j la) "n ? momy. "l ha ? ? ??rs of part) In i ? ? ? n of political faith than I of civic expediency. *?\ *? must - ? ffb lent boroui ion ai.- i ? ii e to the pi i he Bronx, at not to , esdei gangm/\?1hot to DEATI Midnight Battle Fought Nea Terrace Garden-Two Arrested The sound of n fired In rapl ? -? : ? Patrolman i >os ns, of ti lion, hut r) Ing it?.i ? tonaid I.? alngton svei ! nlKht u little before midnight He ha ... t, tndred feel smut. 'i lck-s? t man, i unnlni at I : int.? inm. Behind tl ? thet man, taller and slimmer in lank grappled with the man ? ? to him aiai covered the t.. I? n ins gun. He managed t<> hold bol .v until Pstro msn ' ('Neil si n, ? d ??id the .a whom be bad pursued Into t>, pollcen >>??'*? Miller, i menu.? t "f the Terry Blley gang, ein that Miller had shot his brother, Jeme ? -. known as "Jim Tin brother of the dead man sai?i that hi ind thai both I his broth? i The i ".'? "?' !.???.?'?? v?ss found In lh< italde ('aim ? ; irden, si ? poatte TeiTsee Oarden, In Mth st set, jus ?,ff Lexlnston avei ue ? bod] w Ith fo'.t . mpl i ?' ? :"'' " ? , ? ? r.volv.r in th? : tress..- of X". 141 : street, Kiv? had be n fired with thla gun. Miller S up on ? ? larf-te ol homlcldS and i'ii by was held as a ma? terial w t',' i '? -? live i.?" man roundi I up ?;? era, who will be hH?j sa witnesses, VETERANS MARCH TO CHURCH ' Many Military Bodies Attend Ser? vices at West End Presbyterian. Th. list R? flmenl Amt ricen \\ a- rstsrsna attend? d tin ?a. | End ?Prssbjrtsrlsn Chun ?la? ?ither military b<Hilea whl h wsra pre - eut wsra Battalion n, Boi Scouts; Kar ,;,i.. ? S|.ad'..)i of Naval Vstsrsns, npOSSTSll Camp, Spanish-American War ?uns I'.ter I o,.p.if Post :k;, O, a. i: i. D. Morgan ?Post, ?'T. <; a i: . A asoc?ate Boossvelt Camp, M\ Uimola circle. Ml; O. 0 Howard circle and Woman's Relief Corpa, ?i A. It Ths War. Dr a I Ksicwin, tita pas* tor prsachsd th? Bsrmon. Before the ser? vice those takln? part marched from 9??lh street up Hn.adwav to th. ??bur. h, which Is In Ifdth stre?t The parade was h. I by the Subway Hand. NEW PLAN SUGGESTED FOR REGRADING PARK AVENUE W. B. Parsons Devises Scheme Which. It Is Said, Will Save $2,500,000. Opponents r.f Borough President v Anenye plan for Improving Part avenue at 14th street will su ? ? ? plan t" ?:? Qaynor si the bearing In ti..- City II..11 n.-M Thui ninff. William Bai. la) Pai of the old Rapid Transit Commission de i ? ? ??? plan The pi opei t) 0? end ti a i lollti plan will '??>k M ? ?... nor t" withhold his ap- ; provol of the plan which Mr McAneny sed until engineers have exam? in. .1 th? Ps rSl Dl plan. The proponents of th? n< w scheme its.. tag? follows "it would provide roadways end *i>lc walks on i ? than the C plan and woul tunn? ; at ptreet, Inst? a I of mot Ing it noi ? . ? . " un 1er th? ' '. it '?:.;. a ? s wide ? for all kii.ds ,if trail! et 1 ? ? ? ? ? . ?. sal ?1.1? n< only iOj r the new i Ightly low? ? 'ii avenue the tin a ? | ? ? ? -..1 ISd str?et treet, ? ? Mi McAi ? . ? ? ? . ? ??*ri. ... to ? m i f..r - ..lit ! I? ft. S subway kiosks would i.? provide for, glv? or? room for "It i> estimated that I : for by th? ? Tnis ?oui i be t of the W?| ? ? < t of the < ?ollls* PACKED FERRYBOATS BUMP Prompt Action of Crews Averts Serious Panic in East River. i.;,. snd B i k i nd Ess! I fen line, ? hi? t. ; un fro st to i ? ream late yesterday afternoon, andonlj prompt tile on t..til boats The 1 Bi sas the -,j i-, .i ..i t.,.- i?.? i i h.-r i ? ? ed In man) ? a,.i,, i ..... ....,.. do ked 111" Bow? i . i .. al nd let the ? and t.1.. n re? i irn? .1 to Nan ?/o? a tied up. A MI ... : I WtiSh Cap* . ,? out of the slip, ami. thoi ? ? ta h< sded up ?;i. the for? ?? of the cum nt turned her nose around and so .n.- her Into the a as comn I ' '.i|. tain Charlea Allen. ii.iiii boati w?*rs . rowd? .1 ?? ' ; ?? engers, bul i he i I . d th? m il..n i." s. rlous go bad bei n don?. URGE FEDERAL INQUIRY Socialists Complain of West Va. Coal Field Affairs. . 'harleaton, W 1 s , Ma) B The e?r?m? mitten ol Socialista whlcl ?as sent here b) the national rommlttee "?' the par! to Inveatlgate conditions m the cool re s. m ? telegram to Benstoi K.-rn to nighl urging the na sesga of the amrs resolution foi a f.-i.-mi Inquiry into the Wt at Vlri I lotion "it is Imperative that the K.-rn r--.. lutlon so : i the n.- ? "Conditions haw Improved consklerahl) llattiel.l ? a.lmlnlstrn tlon. but Hi? re ? that the fed? eral Constitution ?as set aside In th? restions Th? I nd raentsl rights of eoshlp were den!? d pai srs were sup. . i and posts] las . ? ? -i iti.i.-r raise of law and ..r.ler the military and civil authoi H ? .t ited mob law for constitutional government Armored tra?na, with machine guna pesired deed? ly fire Into bomOS Of del St* K I? SB men, women snd children The Benste ..?.-s the nation a n Bvestlgstlos of the l"n? raiga "i iswleasness In the min gtoti of Wt st Virginia " The Bseseage was signed by Kugene v Dabs, Adolph ?oiitier and Vl'tor I,. Berger. "MOTHER JONES" TO SPEAK HERE ? Mother'' Jones for thirty years a lahor Bgttator ??nd organizer ..f labor unions In the mining districts of Wesit Virginia and renns>lvanla, who was released recently from a West Virginia lall, is expe.-ted In New York to-dav. where ehe will he a BpsakST at a meeting In Carnegie Hal! this evening other speakers ?111 h? Joshua Wanhope atid Charlas Kdward Russell. ?NS AROUSED BY MYSTERIOUS IRDER Namen Elsoda, Once Chief Musician to Abdul Hamid, Slain in Brooklyn. HATCHET WEAPON USED Homes of Poor Throughout Colony Plunged Into Mourn ing by Death of Former Court Favorite. There Is mourning in? na the r"ft?en thousand Syrians In grsater New fort over n ?? mysterious desto of Nsmen c who irsa at or... time the favorite musician of Abdul Hamid, Ins deposed sn "f Turkey Elaoda received the I'i'vv ?? ,- eventuslly killed blm on I a night of April P. a" in- was sleeping In in. at Ko in rlenr] Btreet, Brook? lyn n.- died m th- Brooklyn Hospital on Mai .?.. following an opera! on which, it was hoped would save hi- Ufa !? lil/k Hadded, of Ko M i'.rdeii Brooklyn, ?tu? sttended Eteods and ??ft? r eight days' trestment recom mended that be t??- taken m ib.. hospital, toi?! ib- police the mufdclan'a ?leath ?us doe i" a blow frmn a hat, bet The pbv.-l sl the Brookl) a Hospltsl gave th? BSme opinion l?r II.old ?1 It is said however, waited several ??a-h before no? tlfylng 'h- poll? ??. Detective Crowley was ttien ssslgned to the CSS? t' ,t bas been batlbd at > ? mm by the reticence chsractsristti ot At b-ist in,,' : th? ? ? Plsnstlon afforded Kisoda s friends, vvi... are enraged al what they term tin? "In actlvlt) "f the poHce." These friends say : ? e to bring s il t least two artest?- In the cas? 'an DS obtained i: ?le i slice '.I" their dut) " Michael \ Bursock, of the firm of Snr soi k Brothers, cotton brokers of London, ? i ..^ the lead.-- ot ? he .- : .?i. colon) m Manhattan, told fester? .la. ..f the affection a- i .--??? - which Blsod ' i bv ib ? B) 11 nis of ?his city. Never Accepted Pay. "When aorrow oi |o entered a .**??: an ? ::i v,,.s In- ai ?ably . a I- d ? t h.- i alti . glVi I Ided ?est to -, ? '..:?..;' k bj h * woi derful ? ? ? r took any pa) . a ltd drOW n?. distin, tlon ? ? rest the dwelling - sl th.? pom an.i those .>r the rich 'i'1 I ? ? . police to t . t.?r ti t It Is. I \ ni i Mi Bursocs the Bret per ??..n i . -, ln t!.t- buk?-* B vv i- a?? . a . . r bread . Hem f street i t? i? emplo thst whet I the door for ' in i ? ?? ... ... *ll I) II.K ? ?.V . , r, 1 Ids of th? Kl? ? fon ?A . ?? > 'the ndll sent f." I ?i M . ? i he i Who bit I to ??ff int?? lie ob?rent talk It i . sd iff? te?l ? ????pi till ?'ir. t Detect I v< v...? I,..tin?.I .,!?! bad n long t.ek with ?? .- The detect lined ... place al Inh ? I sd 'be ihm- n ? w as to th.- n!. ..ants The funeral "f Blsoda wss held last M ndsy, and th? .itt.- ?,reek Oitbodoa ? , ... ... :,.; mai k of respect the i ? ?rrin wai ough the streeta te t he ssting "n the flng< i s of the ; ,b? ,iiera 250 LECTURES ARRANGED Programme Announced for In? stitute of Arts and Sciences. More than tu., hundred and fifty le t ..r.?i concerts slready have been a ranged for the iir-t year ??f Columbia University's new Institute of Arts s leifees, wi,i. h is t.. open in October ai .1 continue until April Th- list ..f lectures and redtali announced resterdaj b) Mil? t n ,i Davles, formerl) of the Brooklyn Institute, who win i?- m charge ..f ? ?.?? work, contains talk?- b] aome of t: s n os| pu .minent iti'-n of ttie day, snd ?? by Quartets and soloists snd concerts. The Columbia Unlverslt) buildings are t.. t.. used aa fai as pos Ibli but in the Of the number ..f applications b? Ing too laiK?- it '? probable thst hulkUnga in the rldnlty of MornlngsMs Heights win i.e taken foi special occasions n the vvoik Ktovvs. special gentrSS will be nr ganlSSd ?n Haib m and at I *o luml us ' Irett ? rshlp coupons wl 1 he is '.,.,i with" it charga entitling memhera ,.f the in ??i i tut?- t" r. <i n?-, d rates st apeclal entertainments which mav be oft.r.d in addition I. the -et programme, Amone U.S.- are ti.- Oratorio, tin- MSBSlah and ?I... spring concert t", th?- Columbia Uni? verslt) I'.siivai Chorus. Members will ? h.- prlvllsge of pur. hasniK tlcketa at rsdtassd rates fot the conosrl of the Phllhsrmonic Boctst) of Saw fork. A. J. LEVY'S SISTER WEDS More than 200 Guests Present at the Wedding Supper. Mi?? Evangellne Lavy, muter sf As? semblvman Aan.n .1 Lev v. was married yesterdav afternoon t?> Abraham Barofl at tne Attorney Street Temple by the I:.- Archibald Klm-.n MISS Levy was Kiven away by her brother. Her hus band i? a graduate ?if th? Columbia >? hool of Mines, class of * 1 '?. M. than two hundred gaiest? were present at the wedding supper Mr and Mis Maroff will visit Washington and K?i a?* far WsSt as I ?en ver on their hone-moon .'??urney. ? , i GIRLS' MEMORIAL FOR M'GOWAN. The ?dns of the Washington Irvine HiKh School will hold a memorial service In honor of Patrick F. Mcijowan at the ?rhoolhouse to-morrow, his birthday, at 3 p. BB. President Churchill, of the Board of Kdiication. Monslxnor McMahon, of the Qramercy Neighborhood Associa? tion, and students will (rive short ad dreseec A Kirls' orchestra and chorus of 1 l.iOO girls will furnish tnualc. ? ! THE HABIT OF SAVING SAVING is a habit not so very hard to acquire if you once commence. Our ten-year mortgage helps you save because the object is so good and you are under agreement to save. Every interest day also you have the privilege of Increas? ing your regular payment. This mortgage will interest every home owner in Greater New York who needs a mort? gage of $10,000 or less. Write any office for par? ticulars or call. TiTlE GU/?VRANTeE AND TRUST C9 Capital . . $ 5.000.000 Surplus? sil earned i 11,000,000 Iwe h'vtty ?> T 1 73 IBSBBJ St., BTUya. i?VI Fulton St.. ./am?li a 1 IN SULZER AM Former Senator Calls Primary Bill "Positively Wicked." LONG BALLOT ONE DANGER Believes Four-Fifths of People Are Opposed to Abolishment of State Convention. Korn,er State Senator John <; Saxe in a statement mads yester?lay attack?*! Governor Bulssr*s direct primary MIL S..n..- of Us provisions, he said, Sere "pOSiti* sly wicked." "I have worked and VOtSd Tor every direct primary bill eXCOPt tTSO machine j hHis and the ''"Id. compromise bill. and. I am still a sincere advocate of direct primarles bul i am sti ?ngly opposa??! to Governor Bulser'a bill," he eald "With? far I al amen.ln that bia excsUt ney I is hill onablj be defeated Here are some of th.. features of the Mil srhlch, t., Mr Bsse'a 'A.i' ..f thitik Ing, ?r?. "unerlae.' if no! "srlcked*': The shment of committee d?signai ?ie striking ..f ti.mbiema from the primary be it: the ? ment ol safe Independent nominations; the : hment of th.- state ronventlon, and last, t, .t not least, the inandatsry units of representation "it was Charles R n ..i.e? e/ho err?te tl e - "tmt.ttt | d Into the Hin- '. trin-i;r,...ii.. direct primary Mil." sni.i Mi I ? ?? "Under the Hughes ?.- ^'.-m. non a t art of our law. ar 11 ma- h! ?:<? members j ike eonteatlng d< ? ' ? - : ? i , Itad claim? ? ,t five .1 iys w era not '???:? ' ; . srnor Bulser'a do? it tau- aera from the antl? - ? Machine Petition in Darknesi. "Moreov? ? are to be -. ami all may bo Bled al l petition in darkness and Blea it si ? aatl?ma< hli bo opportunity w hat. ..f k- ? the m ichlne N u< and no oppoi tunlty >.f it Do I that no ? srlckixl?" Mi. upholding tli" ne eesity ..f part) en I at the - . ?>. Uona, ? ? to awild m s ind rot? Intelligently. ? m of safes ?si ds of In? . '.: Bsss i : again let In l slous "In? dog or mushroom" column, purport? ? . contain Indei ? mlnatlons, il ? lay the manu. re of fraudulent Indep? ndent nomi ? l ? "Most voters." said Mr. s.ixe. ''r-emem? i < r the enorm? ?? <, lynor Bannard Hearat election of ISSS, contain? ing not lese than nineteen columna, with Ma*or i;..' noi i name at tha head of t in d Mr l'a- ? , j ,,f The reason Por that saa th?? ? of the Indoi i n| oi muabi.a column "! nder the Isa then there was nothing to pi si ent Ms) or G ame from ? m.- at the hesd of eighty columna and Mr Mann ir.l s at tl .? head Of : t) nine The abuse ?as cured . m.i the Court of Appesls has up? held the new law. Offers No Substitutes. "Governor Bulser'a Mil repeals both of ill.-?.- prohibitive clauses end offers no substitutes, it selcomea buck to the municipal electtoo ol IStl an eighteen foot ballot, made up of tour or five hon.-st nominations and t ? f t. ? ? - n or tarent) frs dulenl mushroom columns repestlns the nain, -i in the otl er columna " Mr. asas saM be believed a referendum would shosi a four?fifths rots of the cittsens in favor of retaining the state ? oi:\ ? litllili "I think moat cttisens resllae." he ?aid '?that with the lar?.- and comptes popU? i.-ition and rarjflng conditions ?if life iti the Empire State better state t could be tu.m?nate,i h\ convention con? ference than b) haphazard deslgnstlon Moreover, no candidate could make a campaign for laomlnation to any state efllce, Governor t.. Bngtneer, in* 'lu.lints- juiiges of the Court >>f Ap. sithout an aipanslve otgsitlaetloa in . ICI l.l V "What . hance would temporary organi? zations have against the machine organi? sation, whl' h Is making ihOOB every day In the y.-iir'" BIG SHOW FOR WHITE WINGS Performance at Hippodrome Ar? ranged by "Big Bill" Edwards. A big Mil ?of\iiie acts) arranged i"- Mf*sg un?" i,, CommissloiMr Of ?he Btreet <'leaning I'epartment. kept :t.'i"0 white wings, ashmen, drivers and 0 OS men In a I.mtlnuous state of tnei ri? ment at the Hippodrome yesterday after BjOOB. Th.- PSIft?IBSIIIS was an Invitation hffalr, the audience being limited to em? ployes as a reward for faithful ser? vice during the rSSSBl "clean-up." The entertainment was ananged by Commissioner Kdwards. with the co-oper? ation of the Shubert.s, owners of the Hip pi.It on.?? , Albee & Mnrdo? U, of the t'nlted Hooking offl.-es, and the New York Kdlson Company. Seversteen a.'ts were presented, "Big BUT* tnnklng a real speech, MayOf 'laynor talked through the Kdlson klneto phone picture?, the band of the Street Cleaning department furnished music and ever) body had a good time. j "DR. BOIL'S" NO MORE COMFORTS THE SICK Sanatorium Founded by Noted Surgeon Closed and Fixtures Go at Auction To-day. NOISE CROWDS IT OUT Thousands of Leaders in So? ciety, Art, Science, Finance Have Been Treated in the Pioneer Institution. Th? private sanatorium at No H Hast -???'?d street, known as "I>i Mulls." where Qaotmt Crocker, <>f las Pranctsco: I H. Her riman, William C. Whitney, John D. Rockefeller and man) ?.tier noted persons I Submitted to operations, will !,?? dl.sman ! tied to-dav. The .tool- Of tile institution ' w.i?. closed on Thursday An auction sale will be h.-,.i this roornlng, and before evening th- furniture and hospital tlxt ir? s will have been sold. Kilihteen vears ago Dr William T Mull, who die I in 1!??9 at the heij-bt of his ...???er as a surgeon, opened tue sanato? rium In the low. red brick building at Mo 37 Esst ltd street, srlth Dr. John B. Wslker as his sssodate. n? fore bis dsatb the Institution great until It Included the buildings nom No. .'{.?; to i.l on 33d sti-f and its niessaga ?>f hope for the aflii? ted bad spread serosa the country Dr. Walker, who has continued in 'barg?- of the hospital sin. e the death of its founder, asid yesterday that the -1 would Include evsrythlng aithls the walls of the bulldinga ?t was possible he said. that a similar institution would be opened by him and his associates in this .itv A feu weeks ?u:.. the property occupied! bv th- hospital Was sold, Dr Walker an noundng Ht the time that the noise of building operations in th" vicinity made the Institution unlit for the ?'ate of the While th- Vanderbllt Motel, at the esstern end of ti.e hospital property, was being built thS ? Mttlnual .latter of pufllnK donkev englnee and automatic Bteel rivet? ers i etai ded* al? acence "f pstlenta "When :t became kiiowii that a loft bonding was t., be erected at the other end of our property, at Madison avenue ami lud street.'? Hr. Walker ?aid, "WS [decided to sell our property. I vowel when the Vanderbtlt Hotel was built that i wo ;ii never go through the esperience again. Rest ami QUlet, prim?- r-.j .t-.t>H f'ir a hospital, are not to be found next to a modern OBsCS building in course of construction." i in the site i.f the hospital an office building is t.. be erected aoon, it is said. The sals of the furnishings and fixtures cots, mattr? tees, ta? bles, chairs operating tables mnt prac? tically ?-very other appliance or article of furniture m the buildings The doors of ,i on Thut i >r Bull s ssnatoilum was th? ; I private hospital In th.- United States Al the time of its foundation lv.O the was rapidly; popular in Europe, >, .i m r? msli ed f"? Dr Hull to initiate the movement m America The venture aas a success from the beginning. HECKLE SOCIAL WORKERS Public May Ask Embarrassing Questions at Conference. The ststus of ths social worker win be discussed st ?' inference at the Church of the a-. , :,>;?in, June 13. 14 ami '..'? The conf?res ?- s in i ?s?|nn of the sods work? -is w Ith his co worker t.. that of his relations with Hid from this to phllan thropy'a relation '?? so ??? work, to economic and polltl? sl Persona sttending this confarsacs, after the payment of $1 as a proof of real in? ter. >t. mm- ask lio- SOCtal worker?) themselves any qUSStlOOS they wish,, no I matter bo? embarrassing. DAMAGES CAR TO SAVE BOY Driver Runs Machine Into House When Bicyclist Blocks Way. John Halterman, of No Str.-?!. tan ?. i automobile Into the alile "i a frain north in Brook svenue, sl HBth street, Th- ib. i ? Isy, and wrecked l ? front of Ihs machine, so as not to um ?low n 11 rlst, set snteet a bicyclist, of Ko ?.**?- E .si l?Btl In the machine was Mi. 11... v i w ife. a't. m; t. d to rid.- ahead of the sutomobtlc through a nano? b?MW,en the side of tue house and th? for- he could resums his north? wsrd course the sutomoWle entere?) ti.e i a ssgewsy, Bselng his dsngsr, ChrUtl lumped from bla wheel in the path of the m,,. hit.e. BARBERS' STRIKE NICKED Bosses and Shavers Reach Basis of Labor Agreement. The strike of the barbers In Manhattan and The Bronx will end to-morrow, ac? cording to statements made yesterday by shop owners and strikers. The barbers organized as local No. .175 of the Indus? trial Workers of the World have greatly modified their demands, which now, with the exception of the demand for recogni? tion of the union, differ little from the conditions offer?-?! by six of the boss bar? bers' associations last seat Julius Browner, pr?sidant of Mo?? Ba*> hers' Association No j. yesterday called a meeting of the organisation for to-night at PsothSVSa Hall, No :*!?> 5th street, at wbl. h terms of the settlement Sill be de cided upon Boas barb?se cam.? in groups ail dav ysotsrdsy to Garibaldi Halls No 3.1 Kast 4th street, for the purpose of Signing, and It was stated last evening that one thousand boss barbers had signed agreements. Th>. fOlsOWtng are the modified tie. manga. The working hours on ordinary working days to i.e from I h m. to 8 p m . with an hour off for dinner; no woik to be dope .m S indavs. and on Sat? urdays the working hours to be from 7 a m. to 12 p. m. The men are to get a day off every two weeks, and the houra 1 of work on legal holidays are to be from T a. m. to 1 B. in. GIRL IN "COMA" FOUR DAYS _ Fatal Case of Scarlit Fever a Puzzlo to Physicians. F.llen Dillon, nineteen years old. of >fO. US ?entrai aven-e, Kast Newark, died yesterday at her home from scarlet fe\er after an iHnes? of four days which I u/./.le,?. all the doctors in the neighbor? hood. The girl was taken sick on Thurs LDd lapsed almost immediately into B state of coma. Baverai times her vitality h?osme ?se? bu-.- a.s to make the attendant physicians ?believe she was dead. Not until yester? ?Say the nature of her Illness discov? ered, lite doctors say It was the worst ease Of scarlet lever which they had i Decoration Day Niagara Falls *10 Weit Shore R. R. . S1 1 25 *'** * 1 1 New York Central Tickets on sale Ma?' ?8, 29 and morning trains of >\i 30. Returning to June 1. Catskill Mountains One way fare for round trip via West Shore R. R. Tickets on sale Mav 20 and 30, good returning until June 2. West Shore R. R. One way fare for round trip to all points between New York and Albany. Good going May 30, good returning until June 2; also Sunday, May 25. and every Sunday and Holiday during this summer. Adirondack and Green Mts. 1000 Islands One way fare plus $2.00 for round trip. Tickets on sale May 29 to June 14, good returning within 30 days. Harlem Division Summer Home Seekers* tickets are on sale at one way fare for round trip to Pleasantville and points north on May 30. Returning to May 31. Special Fare Bulletins ffvinif full particular? of Holsday E*ci!r?doat, may be obtained oi Ne-v York l'entrai ticks) n?'i.n'.. <r Bddreesi Travel Bureau, (?rand ( astral . ?nn laals New York. New York 'Phone. 6310 Madison Brooklyn 'Phone, 167 Main TO-DAY'S SPECIAL OFFERINGS IN THE LEADING STORES. From announcements in Sunday and Monday's ?Mm* -Dork ?? dribunc < m out tlii? li*-? ami ???n " ?l?h .*""? " "*'" mw* *"" ma"" weary ?lep?, la,or? ?ml mm I? anno? anee. ?|ue?tloii? will be gludly answassd if addre??ed to U.imiin? Hep!.. ?o?m 010. Tribune Building._ FROM ANNOUNCEMENTS IN TO-DAY'S ISSUE. Ai.t'MW n., a (()., Pifin .,?.?. :u-h sad n.'.th ?t?. win hni.i to day an Important I ?,,i- -f arosssa'i tallo? mods outing ?uit? . ? i ?epai its skirts sl sausoal 11 m fjOWARD "MOB ?inU'Wi. No M4-tf?l i ;. ? Ich ?i . ? all attention le th? ? tension heel that relieve? arch ?train and ! ?iii.p... t? neeh sablea ha mi-ton shots, gee M sad mi WtM ltd ?t . ?re ?eiiing furnlshlasi for the c?*un- ! trv bedreeas, lacladlas v-i?-en Anne' chair? mid four pont | "I. ?.limos \ ? ?? . n-> n ""Vest BTth ?t.. ad? vert?s., iiieir Imported lloursonk por. 1? f<\ p: |, .-? itt \ ti t ?in iiiii<r?. \ ib w . - ->ith ?t., luv p.. inspection ot their facilities for Hi'irum snd | fur?. BOOBRf I'lKT POMPANT, Broadway and ?Vsrres 13th snd B4th >i?. snnon attractive lleplsy of men's >:>n,* sad ?i.miner ?uit?. ?ilk ?hlrl? and ' Sol>" eocke iikuny S ? <>-. BTth ?t. sad Fifth ???.. welrv, pearl?, diamond?, ?iher bronsse, clocks vetches, china and StatlOMI >. FROM ANNOUNCEMENTS IN YESTERDAY'S TRIBUNE. AMMABAU * -?ritAtf-, Brooklyn, announce i ?.,..? ..f wesMn ? ItSTB ?uit?. serfs tad lall.i. tor HT BO; ostrich raataers at \om lhaa ahaHeel?, ?nil aa underpin rd mi> of h?lr ?cud?. AMU.IAN (OlII'AM. SfOS -"?? B1 ?nd St WtM ?9? St., a'lvertl??? It? pianola ? for u?e in saansMt eattagea butina lews and aboard yacht?. Al.TMAN. I?.. S (O., Mh ?ve. and 1'lh ?t . are having ?ale? of women? tan.>i made outing ?kirt?, children? whit? and col ersd waahable dress?e weassa*s white esleglsl pump?, silk die??e?. coat? and ?rasa ssmsaer sisases and biark ?ilk?. BIOOMINtiAI.KS'. Lexington to 3<1 ave. be? tween .'.nth and ?n?h ?t? . ?re holding ?heir ifinl annual ?al? of Oriental ruga thu,; ha?e been used In ?tore decoration?, and ?mall .nd medium ?Iced rua? re? maining from their re.-ent big ?ale?. IIKiAvr. LANS, No IB 'Vest i?ih ?t.. an? il, .ir.. ..f maternity garments i combinations gown? ?n.i ?tip? OUSODfO, .1 Hh * < ?>-. ""h ace.. ??**?. and ?t'tii ?t?, aaaoaaee s asa ?-ne? ot ? i . > m talloie.l ?ults, ?lemi . ?turne? daaeine frocks, afternoon and ?treet dress?e ?he.-r ?ummer millinery and 'see ?nd net l.lou?. ? 0BBENBt*T-SIKOLL COOI'IR iO\tr\NY, Hth ,?>e betweea l*>ih and l!?th ?t?., ?dverttSSS .1? U?ng ?lern ro*e?. lawn ii.nw.-r?. jSP?eil nece??ltie? and refrig? erator?. JAK? KM.. A.. A CO.. No 3?4 .Mh ir?, call attention to their dry .old air vaults for the safekeeping of fur?. Remodel? ling and repairing are done at ?ummer price?. STKKN HHOTHKRS. No M Y, . ?t 23d ?t.. ?re having remo\?l ?ale? of women? tailored suit?. ?nee? and ?ft'rr.oori di???es. evening go? im ?port coat? and uphnlRtery ?nd laie cm tain?. A ?ummary of the -penal offering? of the leading ?lore? ??III be published every ??ondij ?nd Monday In the New-York Tribune under the ?t??* heading.