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Xt\f$gfk ??ribuiu*. MONDAY. MAY te. ISIS. OwTi.d and puMtshed dally by Th? Tribune Atasoclatlon, a Na? York corpormtlon: Ottdsn M. Re?d. President ?? Ham 1 In, Becreta .Iarn.?s M Barratt, 1 eaaurer. Addresa. TTlkun* Bulldlnal. N . 188 Nassau ??r?t, N???? Tork. S'-BP'R:- n I ?By Mall. Postar? Pal**, ou's'dr et .ir". >rk. inday, 1 mo 8 "'> Dnllr only. 8 months $3 00 Dailv and Sunday, ? m ? ? only 1 ?-?ar . S00 Dally a I year 8..V Sunday only. S month? 1 -.'. Dally only. 1 mor, .ay only. 1 year rOREl'.N B?" I CANA0IAM RATES. Dai: y \nd si Daily ? xY , One mnTh S - month . .8 "5 18 SO one year . . 8.50 NLT. DAILY O? tf.x month?. 8.07 Ona month.... *<? On? year. 8.14 One fer S * DAILY ONLY DAT ONLY: : B8j On? month 88 ? ??.- . 12.2ft.One year. B.BS it- ? Bl th? Post-*" ? i "-V York aa Second ClaM Mall Matter. The Anti-Barnes Movement Is an Ex? ercise of the Right of Self-Defence. lents made by Assemblyman Hinuvm. ai A sny, und ?'?iionei Abraham ??ruber. of thi> ?f retaining Mr. Bai man bsiTS the unusual merit of working both way* The>e two advoca*???? of l ' I enou-rh alone" policy say that Mr roijnty la?-t fall than any of fa lid in their counts nber thus pots Ouscams "Tafl jrot stout 30 ??" votes to Uoossrelt'e -t.?oo in Albany County: of the <*rit. ? ?ulil drive hi:. his pr who ha?? ?quailed hi- -? *? If Albany County had now Its original ex? tent an.i comprised ::.?<' of the upper part of the ?tate this ar_*".::i?.p,r ? tlPpfSBShS. But un dep szistinc ? ".r.iiTu-Mn.-s the fact that Mr. ! valiantly hei.i the party organization togetber in his own moderate slied bailiwirk does not appeal very Strongly to Republicans in the sixty-one other WOB I which his leadership failed slimally to gat* the organization Intact. What Is needed to-day is S policy calculated not merely to hold Albany County In line but to regain the tens of thousands of votes estrar . -??ar in other parts of the state in ?srhlch fldelity to the ma.-hlne is not quite so hi. ?flpveli.peii as It is in Albany The state committee should have at Its head a ! man Qualified to act as a missionary to those w, faith grew **oiii last year He rausrt be a man who ?ran appro? 'late the causes of their disaffection and thoroughly understand th??lr point or" view. He : 'i-iliatory. patianl and | ik<- >.f fence EaTCa Mr Ilinmnn nr ?.ruber is their e f fancy ran never have pl.t ,.rtM< H| b . >1<4 tdeal statesman for such a job M -' ..-ans In N>-v York an?l ( ?rountit^s ar<* especially desirous of a .-nan??? In state leadership, for the obvious reason that it Is her?* that the w were ?ruffered If Mr Barn?' ill the mon? faltar? h?-re. Much the same situa fion exists In Prie Bad ? r larger upstate .-.?un :'!.- Republican lead<sn do nor want t.. cet r'<i Of Mr. Rar- ,? rh?-y cherish any per fceiin*: against blm. The** are - - tine in Jus tiflable so' No Jobs for the Vo ek-ss' en who are preparing to bos Urs Ooas* ' appointing them to places in the F'ir<? Prevention Bureau when he has ap ?> nn'ii ranking below them in the ? 8 ?rsjrj lnterestin_* It will command all the more attention bed thsjj are excluded because "f "Tammany Hall polities" and the history of this ? ni from the ?'inning. missioner JoluiNon and Major ??aynor never SBSt thai a "usations that the origina] provisional ap;i.?n*- to this bureau were parcelled out among sssS 'i ' [NMltkal patronage. They *''r* -hi - mitii-al appointee?* carried ?n?-*lr eu irts. after holding lunger than the law allowed, in an effort to hanr* on to them. Obvii.iLsiy. such jobs, even when appoint? ments must be made from a civil service list, would not be given to women by any shrewd politician men cannot do the work r** quired do tur go far In the fa<*e of the fact that a?-"*eral women found places eSJ the civil service lists with good ratings and the further faet that much <*npttal was ma?le out of the efficiency of three ?aromen tried out as provisional appointees. The Tire Commissioner may have perfectly good answers tr> the women's contentions. If not. he's got himself Into ? peck of trouble. The women may not have *hSstas yet, but it is manife?*t they won't be deprived of Job? bocause thay haven't. What Protection the Birds Seed. In tho practical business of meeting the sa ?Cons of the American people in the federal proti?. f_on of all migratory birds Dr. T. H. Palmer, of the Biological Survey, Department of Agriculture, now lias the centre of the stage. It is for him and his |?advlserfl to draft a series of reguiatlona for the *n Drcement of the McLean law Will he give the birds l?the full measure of protection that the American peo lple as a mass sincerely desire and expect, or will he Iglve them what he thinks the "sportsmen" will ap Iprove? There is a wide difference between the two. For nv?;.".- a.le?juate protection for game Ihas been refused ?piite generally throughout the llangth and breadth of this land because lawmakers IXmre been told over und over that "the sportsmen Iwon't stand for it." I'nfortunately the term r'sportsmen" has been made to embrace a great I many killers of birds and game who are not Worthy lof being railed by that name and never were. Our Jlawmakers have been carefully trained to believe ?that the men who kill are the sole dictators of the late <>f the game birds and many others. Nine Americans out of every ten to-day hare In th?lr |r???*ad8 a well defined state of mind which pu ??onceden that the sportsmen, gunners and "game hogs" actually own all the game birds and mav die ite their fate. But every tenth man has learned differently, and the day of reckoning has arrived. Ninety five per i-ent of the birds, game and not game, belong to the ?people who don't shoot and never kill When. v. r they decide that there shall be no bird shooting any ?srhero in the I'nited States for five years that ?le cisi?n will prevail. The real sportsmen will con.-ur. ha gunners will object. The game birds ?lo not he long to the gunners any more than to the bs nr tha stationary engineers. The question of -vhat tho gunners will agree to in the line of real < ..tuer ?stlon is now a matter of academic interest only. Through their greed and selfishness in shoorln*; up to the "bag limit" and beyond the heedless sportsmen, the gunners and "game-hngs" ,,f ?nH land have brought our once bountiful supply of le? gitimate gama to an alarmingly low point They bmro ahown ub that the way to brln?. hack the birds U t_ ?axop killing them. If this spells "prohfbitlon. ' as some of the lt?llM'S sJready doclare, then prohibi? tion let It Ni for our bird fsnns must snd shall N? ?a ved The American people hope that the Serrsfnry et Agriculture will not base his forftv-oming "tegnla* rions for the McLean law au what rhe ?runners will ' -fand f??r." The? sole question is. What do the btfd? A Case for the Superlative. ?0 a ."st of kindly enthusiasm the Hi. ?an said: "("-aynor Is rertaln I y th** ???mpetent man we base ever hud in th?? ? -i chair." Llks many otilar complimenta this one tails at ?feast half th?* truth. Honor is certainly th? most compel ?writer, bearttoheart adrice glrer, haif-soied-wiiiie alt philosopher and general r*enaor of morals. niann-Ts and "White Way'' Mvolltv that N?w fort tnown Bines Peter Btnyreeant Be hi haaa th*? moat Indefatigable experimenter <>f his | .?un or any .,tii?-r time 11 -.erutns wherewith t" ilata u "run-iui."" presa Outside city Hall Mr. Gaynor has t.n ? mir greatest ?Mayors. If ho could onlv have been as unsparing ?.f foibles within the citadel "f govern me?nt as he? has been to flu* lapses of the "rnzba.; ? and the tango tea trottera! But ??enius is ! always likely to keep i fc ' us in the cloael It may be also a mark of his superlative greatness that to the rbtaes of his ?>wn adminlstrstloo he has been the kindest and to it- fanlts the blind? I all The Mayors by whom Manhattan has been mied. Race Problems Elsewhere. Japaa Is Mid to (M thai her Dation attached in what she regar : lerlmt o against her ?people In Califot v?'t curre - - thai Immigr?t?* n at Japanese Into Canada is real I ? four hundred a year, and th.*' South Africa lag 8 partieu- . larly drastic law for the exclusion of h 11 Asiatlos, I denying all right o? appeal to the ?- from the tleciaioa of the Immigration offloen Ami (Ta?ada and South Africa are Important m??m- i bers of the ? empira whi?-h ?Srsl of all powers of1 the urhita race entered into alliance with Japaa Hats Ulf to New York's Juries. i ritJCfl h?'r?-a!.<?utH of the will have t?? am?'n?i the old-fashioned bill of parti?-u lars in or,.- Wherever else bis put for the law's d?laya, uncertalnti?"* pointments, an alibi must he aceepted nowada] - the jury system T! - had fl Bplendld .-?ration, and its w ire making law breakers sit up and take :. done before within the recollection of the oldeet in- ? habitant. The reason fur this Is pis C tlsen ? ? Judicial administration, and when be ?reta OB a Jury he is anxious to do wha! be can to restora a fair balance between the Lass nity He l?.oks at the be lin<i ? them and Is | not overawed by bsir-apllttlng techa ? There. Bat comal I in the verdl'-ts giren recently in notable cases in ? which has gone far I acacy and Impartlalii f of item Technicalities contlnne to br? ? I times stii! nuil.? the good irork of hiriee But the *rlgor of the STerage mind o room ha? Btruck terror to those who had bocease a* CnatOBed to the ?dea that justi.e was too Inert and lea den-foot e?i to be ingeroBJS Even these gentleineg are ibont rt their hats to a Sew Tort jury. Discrediting the Gulf Stream. effrey speak dlarespectfnlly of t: -, f..r whlcb no? body who ever "crossed the line" In thoaa daja ?lame the tamooa reriewer. But hen? Kanaan, Arctic hero and ? - rjapby, ' in sober earnest discrediting the Golf Stream. The Gull Stream, be talla u -1 the Gull, D at all. That is to ? vvann ' water which saves northwestern Europa from free-/ imr up is n??t at al! the pettj tuppeai driblet whi?h trtchtas thrnugb the Btraita of Flexion. Juet what it Is or where u comes from ha ta aol yet quite snre, but he thinks if probable that depth of SX) fathoms or thereabouts there Is a warm curent flowing northward, the whole Atlaa iC broad which, Whan it gets to the latitude where it is Beaded, b< ly fr<>m below to make the British [ales and S.andinavla habitable. Maybe It is so In that caae it Is hardiy worth while for Representative Calder tu bother any more with his Hfheme for eontrolllnc the f the Gulf Stream, and for the relief of Kurope it may be , observed any Yankee trl?-k to put that oonti- . fient into a hole by damming (he ?Herida Btraita would be entirely futile, wherefore whatever hap? pens, we shall not advocate that would enterprise. The "Good Old Stuff." ! the jargons whi?ii man in a spirit ness has ptNtdnead, tT is jrnirntilm* thai ramea In for the worse berating ?Bright yoong mai writer?, who muid not fake their type hand without tapping out the purest |argoa of the ? wittily sbOttl their favorite JOttT I anlese The chotrtM ?girls wh? slwayi leave tin? i burning hotel in "s.-ant attire." 'he leading dtisen i who goes "under th*> knife," the prose-ui. r I the poo?- defendant, the tenenient In the flame. *he "probe of the peanut trust?ea.h of these faithful old - plods along t<? s .'horns . f j.-ers ? i.ften be hard to .-.ay Matthew Aruohl ones found himself talking so ronsfantly of 'Vultur?-" that ?i?' .lsk'il his Mendl to warn him when 1 ? I word. ?Unce then the jargon of "r-ulture" ha?? be ' .-?une one of the loveliest in current use. "! don't | know anything nb??ut art. but I know what 1 Ilk?? " m of Mr ???-iett Dtugsss'a original bromides \ And it still stands as the blatoric example of culture Jargon. IJrobabiy Boast e ta the real test of jar? gon. Word?, are lampoaod to atpcfsal Id* ??- But ! when Mod by la/y ?-r unintelligent or OTOrwOffkad ! minds they - refl fl minimum Of Idea and a ?maximum of habit The greut man with a . ! personality and fresh. vigorous i'leals to agprt - I use and abuse words to his heart's ????nf.ent ? an?l the wonis live and thrive. The thousand?? of little minds that follow pick up the stereotyped phras??s and?a new jargon is l?orn. Is there any game or trade or profession that has not Its jargon'.- When the villain says "F..i:t??T again!" or the heroine remarks that "We ?r.? dis? covered!" th?\v are uttering the purest of m?*l?> dramatlc jargon Ami how the ?/allery Lavas* I [old, old stuff! Those anonymous but (tlfted authors who write of summer resorts they have never seen have an equally rigid Jargon of their own. The "nerve-weary city dwellers" appear upon the pa .? to be quickly restored by the "ever-changing pano? rama" of "Nature's wonderland," the ?iescription Si which I ? ISk that the hardiest knight of the pen might won shrink from." A de. IdMUs ITS and intelllgpnt London Sfl "The Nation." givo-i an excellent illustration of fhi?? gran?! tie manner in ?iiscus.-ung thN who.? subje? t. The writer had begun his "leader" with ;-emenr "The rum..- be true." The great editor clearly could not let su-h a bald and literal -tatcnient into his columns. So he elab. ??? the following: 'The rumor would appear to he fully But even this lacked the last ton. h of authority And with a fini! bur-t of language the great pen ; roduced this final version "We in enabled f.. afflnn that the rumor Is replete with in*"?.' Could gWgeaMlsnssjS in editorial yOttt ?> go further" set that as long as human minds ar?> 1ous and gfren t? habits there wl'l always ST fhr the writer. It Is I for the reader The good old ??tuff always gets every hand In rhe house. So whv worry about the ind difficult and unfamiliar? luruest thing for trnme statesmen la learn is when to resign. The . ?sight to join hands with Mr BUlwell in nsklng a writ of error and seeking a reversal Thomas W, I.ewson is going to hunt a strange alarmed B H*? might Is on It. Tho Impolite diners who loft the room when Sor retar? : ? : i ? ggA . ; have The answer to talking" la not loose v-aiking. AS I WAS SAVING a ? ;. B repor re ire damn tunny" and thumped him in ? ;?'. Al? though we referred to Jeanne d'Arc in a frolvsnme. Offhaa ' spunky girl and than DO ...? Btje more ' .?ordia' - eg ? \g \% ?lid that is "g the ? : se. uro in th? sitlon and . ? -mnity | Exsinpla BrotlMr .->;-ast?an - artists ilnt. dressing him \ I him with sar- , coast?? .?ally indifferent onl. i | | an if at. u up saints wore r.o B golf. But : ? \ ? tars II ? and as **? - ? :nd it is ta Implv bv WOT : ... K on 'ho ??? | f. P. A ., and. here cot ... . ana a ? ? th? ' fa BSJ ? ' i an- ' leprosa i . ? ? ? . ?? in "The tlonal Eating ?? at? . o or . ; 'h of the F-fff ' i '? or they go. v ? grand] ?red hlMren, - ! that - . . . . BBSi ?f thing . muht be rung down at intervals of fiftoon m':- a !..rr: * . a : maxims, but are unalterably . this H?? who pulletii up 1 ers befon .d she who powdereth her nose in public, who shall V?..? would i ng up trousers from mot sunset Boeh i we ird **iilgar ' " N . the pull- i ?ng up from motives of foresight Wa bfl what happens If wo netrlc t th it prscsnti annoys us to walk about with o ;r tn sitting. H? h . ????? h i rude .?1 Is m the powder mill Except : ? kin I we : the following no rabia of aatiqu ???? ? it?" sr ? ? ? We bear thai the kna. k of . Rin< B Chap In the fa.e a: - ng exactly how mu>h he can do or b-arn or steal, * i..en reduced to an ? ACS ' btdUdtng Old bumbug H SSSJ "H th the nose.; wt4 kn. ? BSJ, "'live BBS ? m.m with se." i - ' ? Brau bssjrs but ?light re?! semblance to .'-1 forUBST ? B? Sad cri-w so. f.iko I-. ? ???o a? tho ago of nine, or the third stair from the ? m at an even earlier dato. r tudgS a m..-. nos?. A/tor ears of . ar. ful rssssreb amonit the nose-??, we ha\ ?s found , no man who retains tho no?? nature bS? B him. Happy mortal' Though ; US h? still has his milk MSS t) !.. H NEW YORK FROM THE SUBURBS Old man '?sing an effort to ' N worth of Un! ,n Harlem th I to be hi? father ?? farm. We should diagnose his trouble aj? caput pudd'nttis. -Houston Dally Post. \ Now Yorker SllUug **'ith . onuiderahie h?it tB Tho New-York Tl - that ?'ol.l-fa.??htono<l women In New York wore decent.'" Well, are decent women In Now York old-fashioned'*?Louisville Courier-Journal. Though tho champion buoy was found In a Now York slum, we shall refuse to advo-ate the general dis? semination of su.h districts?Chicago I ?ally NsBJS A st. .-rage passenger recently arrived In New York with |',.?.."?n in h|g sock Th.? psHOB "System" was SB -.v'?iu- .,n thsl th? new. om.T Is said t.. base cot rut of t?!.? m?-t-o? nits with his rull Ir.- i I - ?;io\eland r!..:n !>. nlor. A CANDIDATE IN 1914. MURPHY Tige, he's got to be respectable, but er?adjustable THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN A"?E5B orurn for ebite THE NEGRO AND THE PARTY A Florida Republican Presents His View To th?* Ed M me ibllcas ?i ?Mel 1 a ? ths Fifteenth a but ? If Mr Chan?'.. .... thst h.iv.> bllcan ticket, r-. ? ? publ: 1 ? . rrlng the nagiu rsn ? Re r- In - . many t.i ths ...... from ahita m-n th ? i hum.-, n. v -r r.'Kistf r or pH- their noil tnx ?o tn* ?'??uit is a great BSWSpapsr r?>port of bow ? tad th? F.-pub, tWO" ir i ?sinosr i ? tita B8WS| " til it is soma! ? or ths it < i of ta tor 1 isban ths t,. their msnagnmrnt it the gosanuraent if the iiagnisa Isft out sl ?-.invention sad ths voter? kn-w that Bs aauliai rasssd by nsgro ilslsgalaa ami otticiai* sroold Boon bs ??rara tsabntagly ItopuMteaa, to the ?treat ?at^sfHctlon of ths D??mo eratlc as well poMlcan | of this state JAJOBI E JACKWM I... f, Fla I :3!3 A DEFENCE OF THE FOLEY BILL The Argument of the Casualty Com-. panies for It Is Stated. Sir TOW ? ?-?-.-: waa no ?JOS td that ; i ; I y the casualty tlttngSnll tears" OSSB of the I*0la9 '" "? peneatt?)n bill But in ordar "hut the pub \ ty know ? . of their I 100 in fairness to Itss this a lit: .-rht? Th- inlea do not seek any is advantage orar ot da of lasaraaea wn-tn-r tbay be salf-taoar? mutual in.'-urani-e or -tata tnsur- ' They only aak. and I think may rlghtfhlly eessaad, to bs gOowsd to - in the field In SSjMgstttlea with I other three forms. Th.-ir dlaappolntll ? not that the Foley bill i ae*""raataga ?wst sthsrs, bu ise tney ? ?ompulyory state m -. ?hi h would wipe them out si? Bass alnes ths ?ssssad tir?? sross for anaplorassf i.ibiuty Inaoraaos < ooaapeati s have af nsesssltji b--en the "lawyers for the dsfsara, ' sad um anah hive had to use the common law t0 pro? tect their pollrjtioldara nn?l fh.>ms??lve?? And bear In mind, these poll.?? holders :ir' the emplo-i-ri not the emploies. It I? only natural. fh?-refore. to !o?)k for a blt toraaas ..f faallni from labor argon ti.ins toward eotnpaalaa. Hu? dtora i* a vast dIftVr?.n?-?? b.?tw????r? .sualty company defending the ?s of ita pollcyholder ander tha ! present common law of negligence and ? operating under the mandater? of a ..mpulsory ? BBPassUdSS lS*S The laws Now Jersey and Has : ? la dollars and .....ti shall be . sots anil when it shall be paid. It is ? ? will i aal ire They have B these two it,v I It has be?-:, argued tnat as the work ' max. der these . : have the right to say ? ? ? ~ ruetodlan of tha fund t which ha Is to be paid. Quite so. far that he be properly iecured in lot so in saying how j his emplo elf against -ayment. To compel an employer to a eeeurit) Is aas thing To dictate to him how he shall insure la quite an? . - -lato insu; ? - ? is -ong. Moreover. 1? Le : ^.prac? ticable. It makes everv careful employer Insure the risks of his ?ess careful corn rs and ieaves the arrangement of his premium rate to a state board more or less i influence *-f politics. ALJ-'RfcD S. HAMILTON. .Now r?BCat atS] -X). 1313. THE TAX ON IMPROVEMENTS A Referendum on the Question of Re? ducing It Is Urged. To ?he EdltO* it Th. | ? .ou not . dfeli.ii?- !'.. but aleo because I have been for a ?treat n.anv yeas - ..eiy interested In the the u..rk.: . : par i.-ly of ebladrsn, both in the . OlltsOII of ihlld Li \il of ? !!n--s .if Interest lead mo to bellave :n the fusion which I hope will be effeslad In the mu:.. : ir'les rwtt* Ing ? . . ? ' ' - ? . | ..rn ment may see the nece??slty of including not ' ' itlo-i ef t.:,- bad gov ernn: ! has been a rsproacb OB this and n.aay other of our municipal!' - the setting forth of sltlve programme of relief for It Lbsr 0f our citizen?! win.. either winning their bread by hard and not S n reason. often, of alohasoa, feeblenes.-, accident It within their own . ontroi an ? Ige of s*snt To this oieuonders . rpaid i ??? | lastly within i. i of WS asure that looks to lower (table rout is of im ? . rare srbi h has been ;ig before the I>?gtslat ire tot eeSBSUl . BBS looblng to a readjustment of the . ?i.'.-e of taxation on bui.dings and .alues. ai.d which contains a pi ton ' ?'?- BSatter should be aub tnltted to the people of the city for | raf. erer.dum vote, ought. I think, to be fa ? i In the platform of any fusion move? ment. It only submits the question to the people If they believe that the runts an tie lowered. They are the ones to be allowed to vote upon it. Those who have r -arefuliy studied the question be? hexe that It Is of Bsj-terSBt ?o manufact? urers, to the v.ixt majority of property ..??.nera. with whom the building or Im? provement is of more value than the bare value of the 1st; to all persona who rent buildings either for business or tor resi? lience purposes, to all laboring people and t?J the owners of small homes, whereas those who would be affected by it in an increase would only be the holders of property either vacant or under-dcval oped, and possibly some of the owner? at rapers not fully tenanted it ia not ?astMsaatry to isesss the provis? ion?, of the a. t. apart from the proposi? tion 'hat the passage of M be submitted to I ths ; ? I !'-w??re<l during n period of Bvs ths rat f the tas provoment? s OB tax or. ISS That ?S | ? ? .. - . -iie rats .-?on on the b aiding half the rare of tha . : - * ths bulldinp the total an rould ba BB 'mproverr.- I ba lacr i I trust tha- I '?' "acts s ? ? methods of submission, ar.c ?lkeiy to appeal to people as a I - ble to Include It In ths prog, fusion -am; ? HORN I N'erv Tork. M.iy If, THE TALK OF THE DAY. Thou?; D. 3 nine horses at o.iiy $49.">. or ; 's no doubt that I Which Jonr. around ? . Ro.-keiell.-r rarst? .?-s?*rts | -?-:-. automobile. He even drl town :ng through i"h day - is not of th? man i ? SSSt and th- I I ? .. a) her?? to-day to mal ?? i tcrrupti ma I i. give boss Pros . At o, crystal we.i : - ek pin a Ne* Tori -- ored guest I b**en tha ba? k in the TO'- " Am..tig : ? stones she told for ths ? - but as bnd tha ps ? irs sasn ? hall . ? :ng Bal hours I? t? thev ?-,, lined by tha 'lecturer ' What the ? ?* now? adays la BBors voadorful, i . it no more t :.? N , ? Unans Inoa read. 1 'ustomer i ? bbvj , ara * Steak ? laghsatl <!? od ?'".. . * bars giran ron the pronrtatoi * ate**'? A I'ans letfr to the of a French dandv who bnd 1 i-orii \.-w fork, where he l-.a 1 f'?' months lUSUOClni Uta people of U I ? of ?hrsas ' MM *' MB /?tartling happenings was a dinner In Nsa* torn to ?hi? h two hundred persons had ? 'he hero. BCOOrdlSMg to his story, had IB rsapead to twsatr>t?rs toasi* li igsra, ahsra he was the gnasB ot ths leader of N-v fork aodety, he was <*om SSOsd to sbak?? han?.'? with ?o many peo? ple that his right arm became ?lmaMed "!'or Pans society.? saya the writer, "he brought the 'turkey trott'?with three t'fl ami for hi? frl-nds ?<*?'*<"?? American oysters " Blobbs i d? i l sas s s i a asBBBB and song- ?hould be grouped t-?.?th-r Slobba It --.i?is to ma the? Bh>?uld Hlohh? ?v. m se ?? ?A me improve? with Pbi1?**Mphl