Newspaper Page Text
I\lm>*i0rl? SM?w?tt y^ |.\\111..N? 24J00. *^^;^ra.?-* ?*???? \EW-YORK, WEDNESDAY, ?MAY 28, 101:5.?18 PAGES. at * iil?l/ 'I* /\XI* / <| * Vrl? Iat it*? ?f s>? \ork. .Irmi'T ? II' and Hob?a???*. * IMlK li O.M. i r-.-X 1 EI.SEWHERK TWO CENTS._ il Rig Western Railroad, 7.500 'Miles Long, Unable to Meet Maturing Obligations of $2,250.000. FEDERAL COURTS APPOIMT Two Named in St. Louis and Two More in Chicago for Chicago ? Eastern Illinois ?Stocks Break Violently. 27.- Thomai H. West, ?ard of dir?-.-tors of Company, and B. it. 1 I E ad Company, I ?r the rail? road receiv? r.? here took : hour after tl poir.'" - nidiar- ? . by the United ?A ?? I : In ? !hica| the appointment ? -? for th? ? t .- -j Frar Walter H. Pan born, who came her? * peclally to | the 'Fi ' ' '?' the North Am? I i? d tO he 'i'ris. o to the extent o? ... finan? ial ?. I Ji m< * i'??? ; no!, : resident of the Norm mpai ? Immediate was the ma? ! of thiTt-tim? notes ? ?ad for ?92.t25O.O00, nt inter? Th? . ? the affajrs of - had a dirreasing Influ? ? time, and ? ?? n Toakum of th? .;ne to i?t. Louii ? id aa to ' pursue. At first it waa ru? ma m? n .le tide the ? . v. '.- :. J . : o*d went into b? ? ? I became I - that , ? tltiona ?a ? atmen! of re? " : % about of at? ? '? resis thut th ? ding Lehmann and Nagel Apply. The?e rumo: rifled in formal a] waa pre orn late this FYedei ?'? Lehmani S teal, at" ? -.ting preferred t.? i. a/ere In no with the railroad, thua ntment of I and Mr Wesl wh ? many of the the road. Mr. ?-ship iporary until J ? us from I - ill with the r Mr Wt at ami era. Th ? -, of St. Lo< ? ? Th- on for the appointment : ? ? -ourt . ? | nm ?? prln? tins in behalf ? rlcan ? 'on tment of Mi ? any la ?nderet? od to h - it? ral for it? 'outinne.l nil fniirth page, ?l?lh ???lurnn. This Mornings News. LOCAL. P^lte all. i ? ' - ??. i 3 Hall. 5 . 6 Mall Order Men Crltlclae F'arcel ' ? .- i i lai 7 Truat'a Birth 7 Thlnn?- ' . ? Memorial I'ay 7 Cri t Iclaed .... 9 f Arel tecta .... ? . ? ?tie.18 ll (?r.ilnanee. .% 18 *18 ?'ohala.-; Ma) ratlgal 18 18 QEIfEBAI?. ?*:v h. Bhuna fttsaa ?* ? .? . rere' Manda., l [?ne Thi? Week . 3 . 3 ******* ? ned. ?* ?? A?< .?. . '.,,: ? 5 p?wt?a(-e [| |U||.) Authorised. * ... 8 ?"Imson ?.n.. I rOHEION ilkan Aine? 4 ** ?? M18CELLA>-.OUi " ' r Women . ? . 8 . t ................... * oaatii . |f | -.i .11 .11 ?a. 13 and i* 14 nn?l 18 .17 COAL MINE AN INCUBATOR Its Superintendent Hatches Eggs Over a Hot Spring. . B- fotofraph to ti.? Trii -, ? Big Run, [vim. Ma* . i 11 : don, .?-up? rlntendenl "f the 1;;. inirio?. urnr here, hsa turned II ? -nine int?. ?i;-. Incubator. London ! laced ' ?? ? nt? -thr? ? ? Wj at ?? . rga in .? baski i si I them m ?i small dr> room ..f th*? i I il water continually bubbles ?? nperature vari? t degree - ? Har.gii .; hli basket <.i . rk*. s. t**l ?? S?..,111,11??- ll.ll V *,, th.- ?i-.: would had thej been in ?in Incubator. Att! . for in? cubation, \. in. r-sterday, the egg? began t? nd this m< 01 had twei w -one healthy ? I ft".?tii i?:> t? entj thr? eggs -? TOOK MERCURY BICHLORIDE AS B. S. WALKER DID Wife of Bronx Druggist Swal? lows It by Mistake-- Rushed to Hospital and May Live. Mrs Rae Cl ? saman, thin ' - ' el t'heasman, ?i drug? gist, ol No, 11 - ? _' Pos street Tl - Bronx. ,s In a serio? on in Kordham Hospital suffering fi hloride ..f mercurj ? ' .' ' than usual '? n th? -? - Bandera v. alk< : . ? \\ ,. on. i la ..ti Thursday nft-r a w< ? ? allel. M ri to her med? est iti the dark? ni oui tl:<- tablet and swallowed it. Im? me.;: . .in,l her 1 whit-?- of eg s and called in i>:. Dupfa of So, 1100 i \ f> v. minutes later I >i . from Pordbam Hospital, after applying a stomach pun j her t<? th.- hospital. She was conscious hut in pain. J>r. Schorr hoped the 1 . : for she ?.sa? n fuir condition ati hour afterward He ios ever, it would be Imps*-, . to kn?>w f? r sis or seven day*, whether j she would recot r r. Th? ' th?* heart and i, rgans. ? a> DIDN'T DIE AS WALKER DID Detroit Man Took Poison, hut Doctor Made Him Live. Detro ? M..;- 27 Th? m ? M i . e who wanted to ni?-, and who read in the newspapers ih<- ?-?mark of ! .title of mercury I that and who then swaHowed ele through at ? ent of Di ? ? :.*in. e took I ? tninc. He tal. die. Hit the sec? ith was badly burned; s I reg ? ? man injected bl? irbonai ? ? when he called, r. 81 ? ? dang? i EGG MAN IN PERJURY NET Judge Orders Charge Against Bookkeeper for Firm 111 the ' T t r- ??j Dlsti i -tid Henry A Gutter si Disti Attorney, t>. r.. i? ? f? >r <- s rommlaaloner with Qoorga W N lor b bookke? formerly In the employ of Wiiiard P Bros i A B ma, of So. 139 Eb eg] ;?-?:. perjur) axa mut him. Savior was i ? bring i" - ? . - Inv? tigatlng - , ha I 1,1,1,.-.; railroad freight . .,,'.:- ? ;.- ru - aj-ed Whll? ITS Of ths railt Hi .. ? umlnlng tl ? ? rasures, Saylor said th.? era-aires had ? em] ers. The i ind Jury, ? uller, that the enti les hs i -raft" and that he : changed the? to ??bkg?'' brokerag . p. Brown, head Of the Arm, had ordered ths i hsngSS, he said. Wt.iw- waa brotiafhl ! ? f? rs ruda;,? contempt of court bul Naylor then rhanited his tSStlniot ;iIlvi gaid had mads th*- erasur? his ,.,, ? ? on. Under cross-sxami third story, .- orders for erasures had W. H. Sanfor?! head of the . fores of wi'iard P. Brown i Bons. $10.000 IN_CL0TH STOLEN Drivers Helper Missing, Too? Police Get Empty Wagon. Herman SfoHtS. a manufsrfir. r ol at No '"? ' ' - - ? Btrsst form( Msrcsr Btrsst poHes last i I thai *? evsnbolta . at about tW.m. had itolen from In I in Merits saM he had sent Charla As il the driver, to the factory in Wash! - |0t 111 bolts "f ekHli \ach ???-?? tos41ng the wagon his hell"-: remained In the driver? BSS< bolts had been I..-.- ? I Al ., to tad his heller an . ? ?, a ??a: h, tOUttt ' B I ? d ? rosbj boll of cloth ?as miaalng a? Mas the hslpSI COURTHOUSE DECORATED FOR ROOSEVELT LIBEL ACTION idc the bttildinc ai Marquette. Mich., where trial is now under wa* I I JACOB A. RIIS '? USES AXE ON If! THEN OIES IN FM I ?Swift Justice Overtakes M Who Makes Murderous At tack on Mother of His Three Little Girls. ? ' WOMAN MORTALLY HUR Says He 11 Kill and Escape, b Crashes Down 78 Feet Whei Trying to L< ;ip from Six-Story Roof to Another. Swift of No ''?'' W< ?? in the form of a ill to I ? a poll? ' man aft : ? - The r ? ten da the hushai .t of her i .i m nl drunki ? weighing 1ST? fr eighii cr a hui i of tl ? ? ? 100 foll?n ? I a v. ? ?,. ago S d him I ; ;,| hi i ? du a uh him. A ta ? ? ' I Irinking a fai . Wife Obtam? Court Summons. '!<???.. ? ?pre? ?.-. ? !?? gol fro ? di ra i htm out agaii ng that it v ?howli ? ? mona foi . the Hat.?-m poli? ?? ourl pon h and I. om and wh.rh apparently h< ? ?? for the j. irpoae and si ? hi r with that. His v ' . : ? Jf"s 01 ;h?* three childr< ? bet h and Helei boring women r.m t? ? ! Ameterdam ,n en le |] ??? ? ? ? ileaaon, <?i the w?st 100th atreet atatlon, on tixc?i poet. She told him that ?? man wat murdi ? wife ? an to th?- houae, but b) thia rowd ren had gathtared et ami hail way.". When tlwy ?an ? ileaaon ? oming I up cri?-s of "Cheeae it- the ? op ' ? ? ; lit eman : . and w?-ut down Into the baeement, hut Colllna warned i>y the ?-ri' a, had lied t.. the r?.??f. Qleaaon found Mrs. ?'"lia.- lying on the H? w In .t - ndltlon. A tunned to pun .id a thud in t ? k fit* ? -,u??.l his ? I? ?i in?.' from the i \ i it to No. Ti cal?ais had slipped, failli . ? death on the ? ? ment l.i low. Said He'd Kill and Escape. f tl ? ' 1 that Collins li.i'l told h a Wag her ?"?i then make :?? Mi a. i folllna a en to J H... d Wt ich.t Hospital, whei ? said .. fr.'in .? ?r.i. tured skull and In? Injuries. The thr? ?? ? hlldn n wer? tak? n In ehargi Mise Kathei ? Keei ? ..r-.i.i nie? a of Mi a, ? lolllns, ?\ ho l!\ ? <i ?? ah her, ?iuing ? thered ?n tli?. ttreel ie, ?a hlch )??? In . . the r??-? ,.r ti,.- "??..-?? reet | ? il sent out tu clesi the atmet. i..; i; UHIIAItU i' ii. \ N WANTED TO BUY 14TH ST. Harlem Boys Had Purchased $7 Worth When Criught. ? ? ? i ? la ' ? ? ? No II Weil H I ? ??f \ **" . . , ? I (.it ? ? r.o ihe tting i HAMMERSTEIN PAYS MORTGAGE OF $240.000 London Is Now Wondering Where the Impresario Got the Money ? ? night i : ' ' i ? ? i . th. ! . ? . ? -1 kng 1 . ? e that l : m a : ht t he p ir.-. but even thla la regard? the I ??unir ; i ? ?. FALL IN PICTURE PRICES But Antique Chairs and Bean? vais Tapestry Are Booming. ? UM ] Paria, May 27.?Two sales of p and old furniture ? hlch took place I Peilt 1200,000 \ marked fall was ? In l he pricea <.r piel ? For Inatan? a, four decorative Lagren?e, "Lee i IH monts," for whi? h 112,000 ?. . ?,,,1,1 f, r 10,000, while a eel of Aubueaon chairs, f?.r which ?120,000 wsa asked, brought ? 12,000. a piece i ? Beauvala tapestrj tono ira dea Dleuj I whi? h $30000 ? mai ded, fei bed 130,000. TOWN BREAKs'bABY RECORD Eight Out of 17 Homes Visited by Stork in One Night. ' B) T?>?r?ph la Th? Tl vr? Minerva, Ohio, May tl The \.:inn.? ? Paris, n??r here, boasts of ? ra ? it ? u i ranging the - ; illation. Although th? littip hamlet contalna nni> ?<?vi.nte<*n ? ? i , three girh wen bom there Bunds) night The babes all ? Mngly When the vlllag morning a was ?>.> And new male ?r rlvala in th.? homes "f Mr.?? Robert tter, Mrs. CI? de Bhldler, M ? Rimer Haynam and Mr? s. luiiitt i ; i ri the homes ? .;?. ... ?.? \nthoi . Mi?. Peter 1 Mr?. ? mrar It v r rate of iMrsaas the Pari? 1 will 3?>?>n he too small t?> go om? modal., ill.- rush Of children. ' STOLEN BABY IS FOUND IN BRONX Four-Year-Old Freda Libowitz, Kldnapped Sunday by Annie Boyarsky. Deserted Af? ter Curls Are Cut. HUDDLED ON DOORSTEP Taken to Station House. Child Is Identified by Matron, but Has Only Hazy Idea of Her Wan? derings. ? < ar-old Kirl who wss kldi app .1 from her ? . N'.. 41 ?I 1*1 n<h Yoi ?-. by Ant.. ^ Russian girl, ?- in East :.\ She p hid her long i urla i .-I ? - : i las Log hat I it i? i - fors entire ? i nd many thousands of school children In E?as1 Sew i'ot ta k . ? ? non. Mr hid whoa ? va ise. At ? nd the jo I no Idea I . ' Identified by the Matron. M I ? gil l .n.d warming I ? ? Aft? r | em she wai sat ii,1.1 the : M? - b i tenant of l.'-i with ? m Keon, "f that i n ? nt to The Hroi ? ?is soon as ( a k*i t of ' girl i ras ling about on the floor of I ? ? n'a t oom they ran forward, holding out their arm?.. The ?gnlsed th? m and : ?, I to laugl , The ta o wont ely Identified the child and were profuse In their t ,u?:>s t.. Matron Bullivan. Pati olman Tra avenue i - ho found ti ?? Lib? ? ' said he ? liking in what he thought nan a bundle on the door? f No. 451 11 ? ...'?.I tOOk l.'T to th**! nt t.. loi mis stal Ion, s hei ?? I ? s Is a mal i - ' Child Tells Her Story. B? ?..?? i ? ?ni?' taken home, llttl? told her storj a ? be it she could Bhe left her home a Ith Annie ill i o'clot H in si tern.ion. and thai aftei riding In cars fol a long time and v..-,ikinK for many ! -Mir?, she and Annie wsi t t.. a doctor's office, where the physician told a her > '??. and treated it. Aniii*- then t?t>ok hat to another house. Preda Bald, where the* met a man Ths next da? (Monday) Amu.- took her trotn ths house, sad on Monday night ? . in s hallwaj. festerd ly ths n?!.? ?,..m>- mors in trolley can and ? d a lot That was ail Preda ould remembsr, sh?> didn't know when ..r \sher? she had last sssn An n... and didn't know how ?h-> .ame to 1 ?? f..und In The i;r.,i,\. The fact that th.? LibOWltS had been found mm announ<csd by the ? Until lat>? last niKht. in the hops Annie Boyarsky might bs found In th" ntrighborhood. Ths police still hope to obtain a sufficiently accurate - ? srhers Pteda Bays fhe and Annie spent Sun.lav night to enable th?tm to And It and thus traes the Boyaisky girl. '? - : - taksn babies fr.'tn their !"??' * ?? this. About ? r ago she took Ruth Fiel* hmann. daughter of Mra Abraham Fleisch?1 ? if N'.? i i.:t Ma.?is..M avenu? ige In front of the Mount Binal Hospital Two days -, d t-s-f.>r? '? v .-r' found. The irirl had walksd the street*. ...nt.* ? gl t? for fur ?h" and herself. COLONEL SWEARS HE SHUNS DRINK AND ALWAYS HAS ROOSEVELT OCCASIONALLY TAKES White Wines ?- ?e?ry Madeira Mint Juleps Champ.iqne Br.-indy in Milk ROOSEVELT NEVER TAKES Cocktails Whiskey with H.qhballs W.-iter Whi?Uey Straight Red Wine?. Beer ROOSEVELT LIKES TO TAKE Tea Milk M'neral Waters MRS. P. C. KNOX HURT Hurled Out of Auto When It Skids Near Atlantic City. B] to The 1 Atlantii I'll M Mrs. 1 hilan? der C Knox, a"lfe of the former Be re? tsry "f State, n-sa hurl'??! froi kidded In a m n t h<?, road to thla i ?? :. ? : . la aeat, leap? .1 to her found her in a eeml?coi indl tion He had her cat tarmhoua? and aenl f? i .inn. The do? t??r found Mrs, Knox ? ? i erel) from bad b ? ? ? . ? rt. The 1 mi r Be? retai -.- and m K ;. , hotel h? t?'. Tl ? | me out ? ? ride and ??? ere on the . AUTO RECORDS BROKEN English Chauffeurs Make 914 Miles in Twelve Hours. 27 w ?;. Bi otl und L G. Horns! l.V30-horsepower sutomoblle, to-day broka the world'a record for twelve hours, overlng 911 ? ? 640 This was at the i 76 20 mili from a hours w? : | v? ? ? lirah reatad i i In * ? rll, Ifll, bj ?'?: milea In twenl a pei .. -. COLUMBIA JUNIOR MISSING Mind Unbalanced, It Is Believed, by Worry Over Examinations. Worry over th?* belief tl I failed m hla examinations is I ? hs? i the mil Ben Chatham ? old, atudent in Teachers i ? Saturday mon luthoritlee ol . --. ? r thai ? ? i if . mid retur \.. 41 Weal 121 with h I?? ? ? le Feet 9 Inches When last seen ? . ? ? . i |10 In his poch TENNIS NIGHT AND DAY H P Whitney Plans Big Indoor Court, to Cost $110,000. Han Payne Whlti ti for a*' ind? i ? ' iwlmmlng pool in a new t?ull?lin? hi?? gymnasium, at Roalyn, which wi'.i cost 1110,.1 Thi : has pied 1 The ; Isna call for a itruci ? meaauring ?',2 b 129 1 The i and artiflcl ?I lights will I??? arranged ao that pla k,. on ntght oi in addition t?) the couii an.i I will be n cl ibroom o LABOR MEN BLAME RALPH Tell Wilson He Is Hostile to Compensation Act. Ernesl B?hm eon ? t the l'entrai I 'ed< rated L'nlon, i last nlpht that by d ' ' ? h? had aenl to Preeldent of tu.? r?solut ona i aseed bj it prot? ii agalngt the all?-??;?".! hostil?? attitude of Joseph K. it-alph, Director if the iiure&t of Kngntvint" ami Printing, to nen'a n ai letl n a I Th?* preamble saya Mi Rali h I sa dis couraged applications foi petitions sad daims for benefits under the act The reeolutlona r?tit? that tha freedom con? templated in ita passage la prevented In the operation of the act, und that the law flhntjM be extended to Include In Its ben lits worinrs In son-hassrdous employ? ment.?? and all p?snoM contraetlnK dis aasas known as Industrial I OPPOSE COMPENSATION BILL. San Franclai o, May ct B* i vote of -, to 1. the BratiMTbood of Rallwaj Train t..??ii. in ''??nv?ention here. registered op? position t?. nicht t? the propos?-.! Work? men's compulsory compensation hill non before I "n?:ress. DANISH CABINET TO RESIGN. ? openha*?n. .May ?! -?The I?anish Pre? nier to-day Informed the party Isadora that as a result of the recent sled the government would r.-sUn OH June 1?. **h.ti the Danish l'arlla'i.ei | r?assembl?e. ATLANTIC CITY TOUR. r?nna>lven-.a Railroad Memorial I'.n II! t?> 117, in. beard !.<-?? ???> New v. rk Ma, M suit o T n-,\n Division Paaaenger Altem. 281 Fifth Ave, ? ? A 1\ I. I Never Takes Whiskey or Brandy, He Asserts, Unless He Is Ordered to Do So by His Doctors. DISLIKES HARD LIQUORS Doesn't Know the Tiste of a Cocktail or a Highball, and Only Once in His Life Has He Tried Beer. WHITE WINES AT MEALS Roosevelt Tdlr of His Lifelong .Sobriety in S10.000 Libel Suit Against Michigan Editor, and it Corroborated by Friends and Physicians. Mar?iu? tte, Mich , May 27. 1 I i'.". - ? .,(? rudd; ? alth. tun ? . i h ?? he id and a ??'?uar. jaw in tl -n of twelve farmers - and woodsmen in court tO-da) and g haracter for .- "taol b t..t,-., - t nevei In his Ufa His testimony and that of oth. : i i rxroborated such a des. ription of sbststnlousnesa if the ? u. man u ' . years <-f life in performing the duties of President of th< I : Btstes saw anj thlt - ? -, : ? ..ning to ti lim? pie toil? : - ods SI d 'he mines that d, as charged in an editorial by tl ant, Ceorge A. Newstt, his iiiun'*? lid I ? ' It, nor did his mann? r. When Mr. Pound, ?is COUnSSl ? ' | .-L- tO v called M ? olonel, who had Leen Inconsplcuoufl amon>.* and visitors, . "i briskly tors i | Now tell thl ;> at v.ho had Prseidenl fuiste.] his chair to fa? < rs in th?'ir box snd proceeded '?> - directed. At i liblk Bometimt ? ?? .?.?..-. mi . ? pa two; on an average, i one glass i f Ths u- Itnssi in h Btinct, eh..; snd dd? d. aft? r a moment v, ;;|l ' mph ISlfl ? . I do thSt in put Judge Rebukes LauqHers. .1 i C? F^nt'isan. prt \ ins* over the i ourt, ; There was a fine bed of mint a* tne . ? ? -A is lei : ' ' <"??. :i t-tur kl? i ? :; mint Juleps in a | v light i ' - - : ? I IS ? ng for t he . lie i'hv al? lured out to him ' ? othe- ? I touched nothing ese .n UM in I | the ductor, apparently out of a ?Ah <,. I at the er.i vt the trip measured s was left and found that I had rjn ? HOI ? IKCS'g ?? ' Lion. Mr. Andrews'? mann*?" tssll ?: ? aoftly. ? mly s hen a a than his quest i or. s requite does his rotos \* ?-: h times h.N t"tie3 seem to . B d v.'.a\vs. , nel Boos? i s? si s ss tractable wltnsss, snd Mr. Andn i mi * t.? , hangs hi?? mony. He Intel ? - - a minor natui bul the Irrsd a.s he seemed t.> be at refuting s his i ? libel, sis Stoppsd short and waited for the ruling ' ' e court. Detests Whiskey and Bear. The wit;.ess expressed a d?H?BStatlo*i for whiskey und beer, ?if ths latter h co ild reensmber having taken only o:. ? mouthful In hi? life. That was at th. DeUtSChsr Club, In Milwaukee, wher he aras urged to pay ths tributs of a amber brew which forms one of the city's Issutlng indus? tries .\s for whiskey, he got II m - under I r?.t?-st on InststSPCS of his dOC tora who put a tos spoonful of it in a goblst of milk srhleh they somstknes pressed on him on occasions of extr?-m fatiRue In the midst of po!ltl?cal cam? paigns. In epitome, the former President's testimony showed that he drank liquor ..r arlos irben oomptllsd to fur Indis ? n or when the i'onventionalitiea of pabilo o.-eajilons req'iir.-d. except that he took i glass of light wine, rarely two glasses, with his m-i-is. m? h of the nanssillng tost ?m was Introduces] t.. indkats that ? plaintiff's physical \ig..r, his fun. ti perfection. h!s violence of s-serclss and lis immer f'.r w..rk could not exist in the person of mm snag go drunk, and ihat not lafrequest!]", as