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Giants Win in Ninth ?* Yankees Lose to Cleveland & Superbas Beaten by Cubs & Polo ?? Chess GIANTS KEEP OP PAffi Ai WALLOP IHE BB Shut Out by Ames for Eight Innings, Leaders Rally and Win in Ninth. DEMAREE IN FINE FORM Army of Pinch Hitters Recruit ed by McGraw Before Otis Crandall Comes Along with Telling Blow. Th*? tlme honored jlnx of T.fon ("Kalamlty") Amea stni browaaa about Its old pflfltttrefl When the blond halred Ohlo boy bid fareerel] to the Polo Grounds bafota haaiing hare for cin.innatl he loohed f.'rxxard xxith considerable pleaa? ura to thfl fad ti n hi nalghl go on and win ? fexv ball gamea, bul he haa had a awahflrnlng Meetlng the Olant* under i itxagai b Blufl yeaterday after pltched a Bne game -xith th.- usual result. He araa beaten by hir* old -, .il* with the score of 2 t" 1. Amofl'a doarnfall araa brought about ln the nlnth frame At that tlme his team enjoyed a lead of one run, whllfl New . had fallad to acora. Baen the "fana*" ararfl half hoplng that Ame* wouM Win, but lt waa not to be. Charley Her? aog opened fire in the flnal InninK xxith a ?slnsde that boU***ced off the plteher's foot n*i McOraw becan his campalgn '?r vii tory. He sent I'oyle in lo bat for Fred Merkle. and Larry mad-* good wlth a larrupinsr slngle to right field whlch plaoad Heraog on third base Marsana wa- andar Mnway-fl long fly when lt flnally feU ta earth, bul 11 wafl eflay for Haraoa to erooe tha plate after the eapt? ure. Simdirrass then wai ked. an.l afc O.r.ixx- called upon more reserves. Bendlng C*hlef Mflyeia to hit for Wilson. The Mlflfllon xxarrt.T flrflfl pfl?ed, tilllng the haflflflli xxith Crandall conilng up to bat. Oth* itnich the Bnal blow, a sincle to antia B*M whlch nant Doyk ca*?ortlng OTer the plate aith th* wlnnlng run. Jn elghl innings the Giants were ablfl to piuch only 'ivp hlta ?ff Ames. Elghl x. xv York man bit the dust on Btrthea ]>eon's arerflt vlctim xva* Tilly Shafer. who tore great Imles in the Uni***tatlng atmoapher* three tlmefl un two occa sions thfl (Mantfl had men on bases and xx.;.- bl position to do thlngs. but they could not dellver ? hit that xvould hav acored a bevy of runs In thfl third fram* Ame* pflflflfltl BnodflTraaa and McL*ean after Murray bad tripi.d xuth txx,. out Demara* then fatmed. In th* seventh. with two on. McCormleh flled oul and Snodcrass wafl doubled off aecond. ai Demara* atartad th- game for the Giants. and for B*ven innings h* pltched graal ball He retlrad In tne luchy frame Man;.' McCormtcM t.. hit into ,i dounle play for hlm. which he might haxe done himaelf. Whlle on the nwund I'em ? ? allowed only four hits. and hfl laflUfld ?wjal llbV ln tbi' third inn? lng. bowflTflr. the Rhtnalandara |ol to* gtthei lor tWO Binglea, and xxith thfl aid of Kleteher 'fl ?rrflff siored thelr lone run. -andall. xx ho tinished the game. ked ror txxo btnglflfl ln his two innlnga. Ti-:- wer* two man out ln the third ftram* xvi ? I ? aatonlabed the crowd and BUXprlflfld himself by a hit to , . Hfl got to BOCOOd when Fletelier'a crror save Bescher a life. I flMttMOt, Johnny Bfltflfl, the k Mflubanvtilfl glaaa blower, ptchled ? nlfty Ij Blm ; that brouaht Amei, / bomfl i;, org* Bu of hits ln * in left fleld. and he pi. ked Joe Tlaaar fot hta *flpaclfll vi.-tim. Twk* th* Khineiand manager amaahfld the bail Mui-i. on thfl no* ent 11 aechlng Into left field. blllcd for the fcnc*, only t,, i ? - turn xxith the crach of the lat and, racing at top apflfld, gflthflr tti** ln in identallj Burna *rot bla dally hit. a txxo-hagK-i Murray waa alao ajulta bajay, Kathfl ring ln flaa fllca Fot thfl Reds. Jo* Tmker had his hands full. The men on the lln** mad* merry at Um ??? Pt-nse of Johnny Kling. and made off wlth fo ir Btolea baae* on hlm, Bnodgraaa dg txx.., whllfl Kletcher and got one each The BCOI* fOllOWfl -rfOV TORK i'I.N. INNA'l! ul.rh;'.H r dl. ' ' R.jrna II Ifll I ? fll lVaclttl II 4 I o 1 0 0 vha*. . !???-. I ? I Hfltti a. rl.... Ifll 100 Flfltcher, aa 4 01 1 3 i. I aai **'< ? - '* Herxoa. lb.. II1 Ifll '*??"'? - ?n Ml. Mll lb Ifll S 00 . .. r, aa . fl 0 I ? 4 0 M rf Ifll IflO Dodfli Iflfl 130 f 2 0 1 10 0. Kllni- ? . Iflfl 110 I I 0 0' Anita. p.... - 1 1 0 00 XXllvon c. ?X!,.*. - Dfl n ?? f M ? "orml. . Crandall, p.. 1*1 lotaia... Ifll I na 1 Totala ..Jtlflia >? ?? ti nintr- Innlna IB Md ? ". Innlaa iBatten for WUr-on ln ninth Innlna IHatU-d loi Dfl*mari arlaalnfl run waa ao rtt. Uow \ >.jk . " n ? " n ? 0 o l?J aaaU. o o l o o 0 o o o-i ?w ? .. h.ts?Tink'-r. thirna. Thr.. nn -.? By?Murray, BtoUn baata _.-n. , Fletehar. DoyU Lafl r .,.-. A ' ll, I Doubla piav TlBkflM Bnd Ka-an KirM I am- on hall f.ff : marflre, 1; err Amea. 4 Btruch out?By ? ?.n ? \-. - ? Hit by pltcbfli?By lofl Hlta?Ofl Ii.'ina-^.-. 4 In . lnn;. | . In 1 innlnaa. L'mpirea ? i? ; T0 FI6HT FEDERAL LEAGUE Plan of Powers Supported by Organized Baseball. ChlcagO Au-,' tl A new leauue. hav lnK the aanctlon of organlaad baaaball. and to be the waapon xxith arhlch organlaad ball xxill atta.k the PfldflTflJ liflflgaa, tfl planned by John PflWflia, deposed presi? dent of the ] ederal orKanizatlf.n Hfl left barfl lfist rnxht for a trip throuch ten dties to flnllfl! flUPPOrl for the new movement Pow?r* clalma the Buppori of certain elementa in thfl National and Amerlcan leasiiev, and ln Hptte of thfl catlflflflfl ot his plans this raar, he flXPflCtfl to he th* head of a third BBflJaf taflgU* M* hflfl I een in f-'t. l.ouis. xxher- h?- *-lal:Bflfl aup port; has panvaflflfld Chicago and now goea to Indi'inapolls. ClflVflland. I'itts burt-h, Baltlmora, Naw Vork. Montraal, Toronto nnd BuCfllo "> ooafai with thoflfl Intflrcatad Ifl ? ?ri'r"1 >""*?"?? aeheme. the detalls Of xxhi-h he is not ye. nt Itberty to make pablle, he said It in raportad that the l->deral LflOgUfl haa eut into the re**eipt? <>f ttaMrteafl a;toot-lati'in team* al lUa?a Clty and Indlanapollfl, and thal Powera may re ceixe aid from some flflaoclatlfla eluba aIutomobiles for rent. B AN'I- 7 l'Av'Sl N'fllKn J'?' kar-l i*..irma car. bovir. day of monih. Tel. Klxaralda 1603. Baseball Race in Big Leagues NATIONAL I.F.AI.I F QAlfM TO-OIY. (Intlnnatl st New York. (hl<a?o nt Brooklyn. *t i aala at r..ii?'teiphT?. IMIUltnrgli al Boaton. its or OAJOW IBgfBBIaAT. New \ork. S| I'lnelnnnll. I. I ImnC". B| Brooklyn. 4. Boston. 1: l'ltl?b.irath. 6. rhllailelplila. :': Bt. LaBBBi B, NATION M I I Alil I BTAXDIXO. W.UT.C. ?v!,,,|, New- Ynrk.81 U .??!? BTooklyn Bl ?- rSBl 1'hJln .Bfl 44 .eaaiBaalaM M 'j .?2 riltal.'Kh .?' 7.4 ^4 .888 < hb ag<? fi:i BB ."?:** Bl. LaalB BJ '" ??*"?' IMaYBUN \N I KAIilK I.AMKS 11) OW. N'ew Vork nt I levelan.l. I'liiliidel|>lila .it Bt. lo.ilv |lii?ton al lletrolt. WaaaUaataa ?? Chlcaea. tOM ITS OF I.AMKS M.STKKI?A\. (leaelnn.l. Bl N'ew *?ork, '-'. 1'llllH.lelplilH. .'<: Sl. loula. n lletrelt. ?: Boaton. B. I hli-agn. .">; aViiahlnarlon, -. \Mr.KH \N 1 r.Alil ? STAMMNI. \\. I . IM'.' " ' * ( Phlla. ' ,7B ..*? .??*" Boaton... Bl ? .481 I leaelnnrl.,1 4f? .502 Betrnll >- .<* ??-" *4l a-h' 81 ..Vil ?*!. l.oula. 4K ,. .<?* Ihitaco. ?:. 7.8 ..'.;? Nf" iork.10 ... *** INTUINATIONM. Ll Al.l IS. .. \MKS TO-l>\*i. Neaaark nt U?. heater. .leraea < 11? nl Toronto. Baltimore ?t Buffiilo. I'roalalrna e nl Montreal. KKSll.TS OF liAMI.s \ rMTKHPaY. Koehrater. :'; Newark. 2. Nentark. C; I'na lieatar. 2. Toronto. B| .leraea (Ila. 4. Buffalo. :>; Baltimore. I. Montreal. ?<; Vn-a Ment e, 8. sr wdini, or TBAna W. I- V t *? ??? r.i. Newark. 81 18 .?"?'<'; Montrenl "O Pl .!?? Fnrheater 11 5? .5A2 Toronto Ml ?* rMB Baltimore.K-, .;? ..-.:.> prm l.len'e 88 11 .881 Buffalo (44 ?t :.12 .ler'a (Ila. 47. *l ...*>, COSTSINDIANS GAME Newark, However, Comes Back in Second and Defeats Rochester Handily. i.. ;. aajrrai h lo Tha Ttibiiaa. i Rocbaatar, Auflt II Rocheater and Newark Bplll earOB ln a doabla-h. oler al Baaaball Part here this aftarraoon A crowd of ?..""" peraona aew Altchlaon lose his head in the last lnnimr of IB8 Brai aame and the home team came through with a vi'toiy by a BCOn "' ;: tn I. in thal Innlna the Newark iwlrler, who. with M.-< 'arty. wlll report to Brook? lyn t" morn.w, passe.l thr."- batatnan. \Yhen be paaaed Paddoch, WUllama foi lowed with a three-baaaer Oela took the relav aa Paddoch acored, and threw it over W. Zlmmerman'a head, Willlama acorlng. Qulnn atrueh onl and Mclllllan waiked. Martlti aleo walhed, and Altchl? aon thr. w the ball to tirst t., catch Mar tin off the bag. The ball went into the Meacbera and the aame wns ?\er. tn the aa ond game Ihe Indlai ply toye.l with the Rocheater team wln? nlng by a Bcore of k to - They outhlt and OUtneJded the team, and at DO time wa.s Bargar In the Bllahteai dangei Qulnn and Bchmldt played Ihelr last game In a Rocbaater unlform. They re? port to tbe Boaton Bravaa lo-aaorrow. The acore followe: FIH3T GAMK. R0CBB8TBR. I newark ahrh (.oaa Bbra io aa I McMIlTi. Ib 31" 1 3 8|N'"rthen. rf.. 4 0*. 3 0 0 Marttn, aa . 188 4 3 0 .iaffnif-r. aa IM 1 , Smith. lf. 40 1 2 0 0 W. /ImTi. If. III 1 0 9 188 o 4 1 Bwaclna. Ib. 8 0*11 01 Conroy. Ib. 300 11 0 o Meyera el a I o ti o 0 Paddoch if no i io K Zlra'a. Ib. aoi l 30 I'rl.M. if .4012 Olitiru. ?>. .. 401 3 40 Willlama. e 4 1 l ?; io Hlaalna.. aoi s 18 QUlnn. P.... 301 0 11| AllT.lM.a. p 30 1 o 3 1 Total* ....27 3 4 7, 14 4 Totata.. .. sa v s-jotii 3 ? re Btlt ?hrn wlnninn run war. I I?" ?-: .I 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 8-3 Neararh .0 0 0 l 0 l o o 0-J Taata-baaa Ml Baaltli *laWa>a-baaa hR?Wlll ? ?... hlUa-McMlllan, rtalaloeli. Doubla - Martln ??? C?mr ) Oaaaler lo Hia'? na i: Zlmmarman to HutKin.t lo Oela w K rrman Oaaalarr lo c?tz tn Bava Ina Flral b_M oa rrrora- Wocheatar, I; N>a\ari<. : nrai ? ?. ob baUaa-Ofl guinn. I: "ff Altxhlaam. 8. un on haM*aa-nocha*ater, 18; Newara, *. i m pirea?<r?a-en? ari'1 Nallln. Tlme?I 4? sr.'"M> OAMB. NEWARK I'.'-tHKSl! R at, r li pn a ' -''''r'1 l'? ** i Lalton rf. f. 0 1 4 0 0 M MIllaB, ft 4 I 1 ?r. M tt I 1 41 J Mi.rti., aa soo i Tto \V Zlmn.lf M ! I "0 Bmlth, lf 4 114 00 via, ina.lli 3 1 111 1 01 Slmniimt. :i. 401 I ,0 m, ? a>ra ? r " < 1 N BchmMt, lt- , a o o n o i Northeri r( on n 1 oo Paddock. cf. aoi n on i: Zlm' 3 0 i 1 r, o Prleat, rf 31 1 o oo Ofti b 18 1 1 88 Jarklltarh, e III ? 11 MrC'arty ho 1 '.' on i, Martln, c 188 n 3 0 Bararer d i o u i o o ?Willlama... 100 o oo ? ii-ff !? .. BBB 1 IB ? ,y ... 100 0 00 , Tota'.a . 881 Totain. BltBITlll ?Batted fof D. Martln in rlRhth Innlnar tBal ' ta) tor ll'.ff In ninth InnlnK Newart.o i o l o on 3 i-? Rocheatar .o o o o o o o 1 1-: Hltaa-OB D Mnnln. I ln s Innlnk-n TwO ,,;,,, bltaa?Daltm, W, Klmmarnnan. Oarta, Bao 9m , Ina, lf. rara. Y ZImmerman. , baae-Marm DoubU play-?warliia to I Bar aer Flral baaa oa criure Roenenter, i, i Noarark i rTral baaa bb t.aiiK?r>rr D. Mar tln, |; ofl namar. 3 ftrn.k ^t-By D Mar? tln 2- by iioff. l by Bareer. I i^ft '? ?'?<" ?? -Hiirntalpr, 7: N>?;.rk. 6. I'mi'lr'-a? Nallln ! aii'l Owana Tlme? 1 ig._ SKEETERS BEATEN IN NINTH Thompson Weakens and To? ronto Tallies Three Runs. ; Bi 1**?1aTaB*n*>| a to Tbe Trlbtua. I j Toronto, Auir;. 2f,.? Toron'o won the flrst pame af the series wltb the J. rsey Clty ' Bkeetera, whe hacadeataHy loet thelr j alghteenth atraight a-ame, bere to-day b> a Keore of I te I i A ninth inninc inlly Bf threa rur a torned lha tahlei on tbe Skeeters. ' Thompaon, whe had been iiit.hin^ ataadtly for ihe \!sitois, ii.-.v i p. and W Bradlc ? and Hoily u-d off with alnglea Than Coakley, who relleved Thompaon, paaaed two men. loixlna lri ene run. and Amby Me "onnell aanl a acorchlng alnale to left, aendina Holly and Brown over wlth tbe vainnlnc tallier' | The r.ore lollows. TORONTO .ikkskv C1TT ai. r h on u a aai. r h po a a i M ."nrll 7MI : 0 4 0 |>, h' n lf.. 7 1 I ? o 1 1 .''allahan.lf 4 1 : 2 00| llu.a 11, . 711 I IB ' *-Tfiult* 'f -0 11 0 0!U>ll? it 3 0 1 n fi n , Krt.v. rf , 48 8 1 8BlPartall. lh ( ? t :? 8 o Hn-'iifvir. 4 0 lll oo K<w.)iii.r '.'!.. '.-no ; r. 1 : wivniev.Sbii 2 1 10 Bhaw. cl .aoi i io I Holly M 3 1 1 4 1 1 .'ourl'i. aa. 4 11 4 0 0 I Broarn. . I 1 I I '-' 1 H1?Ir. c 3 oo 210 Haaaraa, t1 - ft n " -'" Thrrmra'n.p " 1 1 1 f. 0 rjaar. p. 00 0 0 li Ooaktar, p.. 000 0 00 1 ?nraham.. 1 0 n 0 on tPli k 000000 1 tO'Haira. 0011 ? Tntala .30*. II 21 '.'.? 3 T-lal'..K 4 6 *24 16 2 ?IlKitt'l tna Hearnt- ln the aexenth Inninr tHHtte.; ra*f ''.aw ln th nlnih lnnln? iriHn fnr ftcn ln .ht nlnih Innlnj INone out aahrn aaln nlnn run -.vai BOafOd. 'loionl-i .1 0 1 0 0 o 0 0 3 .'? J.I4...N city . - oooiooio?i TBo baea MtB gerBea BairMia ini" Baehan. Buaa Weiia. Kofhi'r '*-?. Thaaaaaaa, hchulta Ui,\\\ BtoWn baaaa McCooaell .--trutk onl I4v lltarnr. .'; t,\ Thoui|M,n. 1 llaats 'tn li.a 1 :?-??Off HaanM, li off Thompaon. 3; on* .... - le>. 2 I-?ft on l.aaea?Jcra*. I 11 \. 3 Tortmlo, fc 'rmplrea?Haya and Carpenier. TlBBB IM. E TO Find Superbas Much More to Their Liking than Inhabi tants of Polo Grounds. NOSE OUT WITH VICTORY Humphreys and Alien Start Game, but Both Are Forced to Retire, Lavcnder and Ying ling Finishing the Work. The ?'ln. ago Cubfl . roflflfld tlie river yflfl* terdfl) and entercd tin- boepltabt* do* maina of thfl Buperbaa whar* n ra*1 cura .... prorlded, wblcb xwis mor- than w?l? oomc after th- Btorro* tlme* .t th* Polo Orounda :.i-' uooh Tbe trlbe, under tne abb . a.f Johnnj LCvara toob baaii on*. mor* ?nd romi i d off ?1th rhe Brel gam* of th*- Bertcfl bj .1 wcora of I to 1 Bllpebod playing on the defence and head* i we runnlni bj Broohlj b ioa ed the game into th? handa flf tha mwrrj Wflflt* Binerfl fc*vera aenl Berl Humphrej . l te former Clnclnnatl tarlrlar, to tl.- mound, i"it the Buperbaa found hlm aaa) ptehlng and for.. d th- i 'iu. ago man ig?r to t vkt hlm ont at the flnd ol th.- fourth Innlng, by xvhlch time tlu hoti- liad bfll four runs on iiv- luts. among whl. h were . ,,nd t xx . dOUblfl ? l?.\. ' tered th- fraca* In th? Aftb Btanaa and held th. Buperbaa well in ehe* b, alloarlng oni) (ouraaifl tapaand Bhutting themoul For Broohlyn Frank Alien Btarted th. name. and led e'te. tive flgalnat UW rlflttora They chaaed him to the club boufl* In th? thini Innlng, when th? flial two men up ...nn?t.d for |ong hlta, Leach'a trlpl* ?nd Baera'a double pavlng the ara* to a pali "i 1 uni fc_rl 1 t.M.k Allen'fl place, ruxtl had ll nol b*e*an tor thfl Brrarfl behind hlm he wouhl bare held th** Cubfl Bflfe Hfl waa round for four hlta two "t -.x hlcta were bun tha a v. nth foi the wlnnlng 1 un ? nn of them \ .1 ti. to rlght, whlch Moran ahould ii ix- caughl ind 1 nd< d the 1 ringllng-fl Btrenglb waa i"efl**ognlaed by the 1 h!' an" play* ra whi ? ,m tha plate ni the tblrd Innlng H? Bral ball thal waa offered hlm i>> Hum* phr* | s t.. the 1 Ighl field f. ih i i-.i .. double .Ait.-r mi ? '??.-1 a ordei ? ? ? to paaa th* ta ? rboae batting prow< has placed hlm ..t the top ol lh< Laague hltt< 1 , ao I arl K"t fra* trane* ptirtatlon iwt* - Tommy L*a< b and Johnny i.x. tha 1 hlef fa< tora ln the H ipi rb . Between them they made foui h I Ullli d aa many runa Both l thelr poaltlonfl ln thfl flfl Id ln thi haa madfl thera faraou Bchulta, .." th- other hand, wa* gullt) ol an erroi arhlch eventua ? ilta d Ln lh* lyna acorlng thr*. runa In th. fourth The rlghl lh Ider ? l W ? ? ' l n> *??' away from hlm. On the mlahap Wheat pulled up at a< ii.-ii.i- Moran bad an ofl da], and ? ? baaflball befon ln tha thli 1 Im aratchad l fly by Pbfllflfl drou rlghl ln ri-Afil . 4 hla t*. l for .. im. wlth txx.. Baan on tha hafltr The ball couM ha. 1 caught ln the ? faahlon and .1 run . ut off. hut toatfl ad t.x*. rn- n tall Moran repaatad th* fltunt j,.,,. in tbfl Bfl ?? nth, Iflttlng ka thi ? ? nlng run. Th* Cubfl ? wafl through arlth a I talllaa ln tha opening frame Leach xx,,-. paflflflrt. and BVflrfl Bflflt him bomfl xx b*n hfl doubled to risht Th<- aianager raced hoflflflon i-'ish. r a erroi on Bali The Buperbaa Uad II ap ln ?'" Morai Ingled and tooh . ? on 1 ''*' ahaw'B out. adflranced to the lai Btatloa on Collina'* out and walhi I iom< on w hflflt'fl tiiph ?11. i;.uinj . 0 mted txxo raore In tha third Btanaa on .. trlpla, .. 0 Bingli In th* fourth thi horn* laara * orad lhr< - lln 1 ?- ? 0IH1 - loob lh* Ini? tial -.- k when I.- waa hit, and ? third aftei Bcbulti mlaaed M baat ??* fl) Th- foi m< 1 Newarh - lai 1 bi ? d home ?vh4 n Daubert dled Even to I do iM< d, .- tarlng Wh* at, and lalllad hlm aelf 011 MUler* alni ? ln th* **v*nth lh* Cubfl won out when, flftar i>\o were down, Lavender doubled and raced I.? when Moran made bla ?** ond Mbo* ?" on Lea< h - bit The ? "i - foltoa 1 CHICAGO BROOKI.TN al.r ri po a? I o aa \, ?, .?,. ? r "..? : 00, Horaa 't Evera. 4 . : f 4 ?|i 11 K, hulti ,rl 101 ! fll O .111.*. 1 pbelen lb. ? 0 l i 00 vvhtet, 11 Kali r. lb. Iflfl ll 11 I '?' \x llllama, lf 4 tt I " ?> -?? H l!i! larflll, aa 4 li 1 I t.0 II I Ai her, 1 H'phrl* a, p 2 "0 Ua .1. ler, p 2 11 .. 1 I I I 1 4.. I I .. 1 3 10 I 00 4 . . | n 0 10 1 11 0 0 4 11 1 10 Mfl 4 3 1 . ngi. , 1 ?? a at 1 1 ii Mllli 1 -I" 1 4 . 1 0 j u .xx 1 la .... 1 ! 11 1 '1 11 . .Mi ? *?! .. . . li 0 0 0 0 0 | II UU ru. i 0 10 Totala ....34 *.'- H II ll Tefl da Bll -? Ifl ?Batted ''?' ''? Ftttttt |n nlnth irimna tBat* t,..i fur adlllei ln dIb h lanlaa IRaa for W. Flacber ln nlnth Innlna .I I - " " 0 1 J ?"*? brooklyn .1 |e?flflflflg-l i^. rt .rn baa?a-* Il a?o 4. Brooklya, I haa- hlta?Evara L*a ? 1 dei nmlih, 'i Ini ?1 ir.. 1? blia?l*ai 1. >x Itflat. r*lral ta.n rrrora -' hk-aflo, 1. Bi**olilyB, 1 Btalan <ai<-r Colllm l' ibla plaura?Flahflr, ? 11 -.nd Daul ert; Humphrti ar< II. Bvara and 8?il?M Flrat baa* on balla?Ofl AHen, i ..rr i...m:i.i. 1. 3 BU11 k out?Uy xii. n I; i,v Humi hli* a, ". by YIokIIuk. - bj Laven ler, UD , | ? .---!:, tlumphrlea. 1 (Collina); b'y rtnflltn*. 1 (Archerj Wlld pltch?lavflaaai Hlta?Of Aii.n. ?,.lirl?*a. 5 In 4 liuilni*a, lnnliia-a. ..rt I ja tOOt r. ?Hr-nnun flfl i Baaofl SARATOGA ENTRIES TO DAY. B*IRgT RACT li".' Bdded; tot ata K ? ? Ihtflfl waia ol aad npavard Bla rurlonaa. ,;r,,v punal ' ' Mlaa Bruab. .],<i siitrix . tU Mohawh 'ial.if'-. ftpotllflhi . Ifl* Ann TIU). Hfl MarBi rum '' Kuurpa .j* Xobla Orand l*? L. ' Ilfl .t(U ?inrrn S.1I11 BEt*OXl) rai 1. Belllna; Utt aOitdi tor Btrat tai 1 :? on 1 tipward < mt ml ?? WorklnB I-"' '?? l;"'i*1 M* ' 0*.13 ?Kaliiika . I** lot- Deltml..",-| Mentor . i"'- IM nel ''".?ifl.1'" Tm . io4 Unpreflflloa . s* THIRD tiaci" Mltag; far twa*r*ar*aMa ^-''x firl'.nE. ){h, . 113 r.|,| |t,., .10. Kii.r-B. ir''' Huda'a Brother.. Mfl itn>ri*-ad . Mfl 'flarflaafllBfl ??uiitTii RACg THE HURON HAHDK IP; 11.000 BaMflfl: '"' '!;r" -.xeai-olda OW ?.' ; ri ree.alatefl ntha mllea T*n Polnl '?' 11 iflkln ."3 .-,,, k <>' lha xxiila. 19 Mrin Btli 1. Wl l'rln' >? Bflfl* ' ? ; ' . >???-? ' .100 ? rm itx.'i:- MM aflflofl; i*.r tin.--..? mal-lan lllllca ixnl ael.llnKa. lh- aad a liair r-j-loaga Hitrvral Qaaefl . I?" W'M Kii'inn 104 l^.lv K?rn. lox Hill Ktreflm joam lna '?'* Utt ? C ivanagh.ttn Applaudrr . "?* I .??-..> H'H Dornbra . in* Athletl* mrl.\?* Misii I'rifhi.I? Paaclnatlnfl .ira riblod . .10*i *< alk* r..- .10* A<idl?. M. IM Aao r..n .ioa liumlllutlon 1"- 1'irai i -barry. 104 B1XTH RACE .----iiiiik. MM aflflad; for thr**e r*Bar**al_ Om aiih Prufroaal. i (MlOrow*-* .l'*o UltTa Jui lUr IM *Brooktt< Id Afttrglofli ? Mll ?-M-; all.-.xxan. ?* nf n :Hliri? t IIAM II \l I . I'el*. fl.ronnda, .1:.10 IV XI. (ilanta \ a. .'In.-lnuatl.?X*lv. Yankees Find the Naps a Tough Proposition Cieveland Has Little Trouble in Beating New York Again. JM'CONNELL HURTS FINGER Spitball Pitcher Will Be Out of Game for Three Weeks with Severe Injury. I Bi Tcloaraph to Thr- Trtbaae.] Claaeland, Aug. ? - lt araa B more or kea half bearted realatance that the fanheea made agataat tho aaeaultaof the'sl er.- thla .-iftrrnoon. U'hll'- the Naps mahed oul Into ll e lead. Blammlna Ueawrge MeConnell all around the yard, the Jfan keaa aUyed mod >dy Ib tbe ?rear. Tha ;.. .,r>- \.;is t; t>> -'. Mi-fopii.'ii araa far from .-. pusala te ti,,. Koraaal Cltj Bluggara HU ofTerlnga w.r" maaaaged for a round total of ten hlta In Bomewhal more then Bla bintnga. l--,,,,,, ? cieveland aUndpolnt, aeerythlna loveij m. ? 'onnell had lha mlafort ... n ii . the nn.i.ib- hnaer on his ; itchlna hai d broheB by a llna drlve ofl th- i.I Uebotd m the MviiUi Innlna .,,?, ... . ?.:.,! te ?oll it artn i" threa -.a...ks itefoee ha arlll be able to ael Into tha game again 9\ hen the angular lad from the Bnnny Bouth l-ft. Flaher took i,i, pia .. and a u :*-!.-?<? -J for Ihn ?? hlta ,-mii "i. run Tlm raakeea met arrth llttle succaaa m aolvlng tha eur/ea ol Bla Itng. wh.. waa ?., th< ar for tha Napa Ha BlUrwed a ' dlatiihUI ad't "f bliirtl'S and ?aw thal it wm boI onltl tha name was pached away thal lha ranheea aoi to ng ti rma arlth the home i'i?i>- '-'"f ? innlnga ba beld Ihaaa la lha heilow Of hla band. nnaliv. howver, Bfl i,?,s.n.i up i" the eatcnl of thraa hlta In tl.e oarrenth Innlna, which aromo homa a ran In the ninth a paaa, ? ptlfeeasd baaa . . .i. M-,,r."i the aa.nnd aad laal i iu for ti.pp ?. Ithm t . n. Idli ?;. lah. n by and large, w ia ,,* a inperloi grada, but the haane team more arlde awake Tba I aeveral ' ....... m ? .. wai . nd rui HartaeU , .... tba only ? rror for ti..- Ifanh-1 Phillics Back Pitcher with Finc Support ? Camnitz and Byrne Missing. Phiiadcii -ug -?' ,:iv' ?' -v" ln: iui h Bne form and had i ? h aaeellent Irom I.-'I'eM -?nd 8 m..?.-... t). ii Bi Le da araa Bhat <mt by \ ..... a Boara af ? K't b runner paat i It.-a . - . ,k ln i*'? Innlnga and oB leyei la oai , i,,,, i amalts, whe ?< re ? , . i i , pbllai Blphla -i Iti hurgh laal ...,,, laportad t,. Dootn t..-<:?>. aa -..!. nor waa any wora) raeolved froaa them Thi ? rwa KHILADB. H l Mai ' J n" J! 2 1! i > . , 0 00 -i : ? IUMI .;'-!? _ I ' - nt Loula MIMIM ?u, baaa bl< Hll Ia>bran4, Doolaa. Throar ,.,,.. . nii-"rf I'-.... : la 1 ,.....' lt, : ' ? M WTay, Ki..." - M ,.?? Ueck.ath i rft oi -' l",-'*- ??? .? .rr nn- y. J . .r.- Philadelphla, i Biruck " - Orth im.' 9 ?-? BRAVES OUTRALLY PIRATES Win in the Ninth, After Driving Robinson from the Box. Boaton, Aag. II Beeton*a eletory ovar Plttaburgh to-alay by a aeora of I I,, fi rollOWed one of the most BSettlag th-innlna Bnlebea oeen at tba Na ' tit,n.-,i Laai -I- grounda here thla aaaaon Tbe last Intilnn epenod Wltb th**. Bravea thraa runa ln the lead Two errora i, Bmlth oni by llcDonald' and Blnglea i ii'ian and Carey, ? '.. h of v. hoaa later , a, allowad tha Plratea to aeore four tlmea nnd gave lha rlaltora a on* run lead Wlth one our ln Boaton'a half of tha ninth, ?. sinaii" by Myers, u douhla hy Lord and a alngla By Devllfl <ir..\e Roi> I lnson. who had n-lieved < ? Toole, from ! the box UcQulllan "".ent t? the idt.'her'a ?lab without wannlng up and paaaed Heaa Slnn bll tha Brai ball pit.-hed to him t" lefi for a sinKie, scorinaT afyera wlth tiie wlnnlng run Tha m or.- followa: BOBTON i i'iTTsnriu;n .il. r h 00 .t '? al.rh t.o *a Mh'mIIi-.., ..') | 3 IBlDoUa. Bb.... 4 1 I 2 21 M ? - ll I .' lll 11 CHay. If. ... ;. 1 | | 0 ii rllr.ll 7 0 1 1 1 0, \ 1.x Ib .400 140 S-.-f. ii. ..':, 10 0 0 0 0,\\a_lirr. Ba.. 40 1 3 & 0 M'i?.i,i.i.i 711 2 1 I : i Mlller, li, . aooi: 10 ilnfl'.tl, rt :. ? 1 I 88 ? l!a?n. rf . 8 V 2 I 00 /inn. , r . II a l '"' Mltch. IL, cl . i i 3 ?o timlth 3i, I o <i i 3'7 Hlmon. e. 30 1 l 3 0 Whaling, c 8 1 l 7 I 8 Olbaon. e oooooo l ii itaon ji 4 o i i oo,i, r, ol.. i> loo o ! o 11 1 8 8 81 IHyall . I o n o o (? tlx-vlln I 0 I 0 0 ii 'luiil, i .... A I 4 0 On jh,?, oooooo rtoblnaon. p. ooo o oo MiQulnaa, p ooo o oo Totala....ll 7 1ft 21 14 4, T'.ula.3'. fi;.;:il7 1 ?Battaad for Ooaaartly ln ninth InnliiR tHatlrrl McDonald la ninth Innlna: tlliille.l for ' Orlflllh In nlnih Innlna lllutt.'l f"r Slni"n ln ninth iiii.ina: 'Iihii?,| f',r .?T,,i,i.. ln ninth 11 'ne out vvhrn BJnntBg iuh waa a, ,r> I Deaioa . o ,i o : o o : i 3?/ -ah. 0 | 0 0 1 1 0 0 4 | TTTB tTBBI hlia-Mlt.hrll U hulinar. M?ran \llie. I^ir.l Hlta?.'IT "T"ole, II In a InnlnKa. ,,ff it.,t,iiiMin. 3 in l-l Innlna "fr M,ynlllan 1 ' in ninth itinnK Bacrlflco hii- Coanollr, smith BaarriAea fl'- Kmlth st lan baaaaa-t 1 I' .lan ft), <'?ta> |,la>a Manitu ll|a ' nn.l M>ar?. Hnilth, MeDoaaM an,| Mvaia. Waanarr, oa aad MINar Lefi aa baaea? l II iaurgh. (,. Boaton, 10 plrn haae nn hall.? , >rr Dlckaon, 4. ,,rr n'r,.,.!. 4 <,rr McQnlllaa, I llrnt l.asrt aa err-ra?I'liiaLiiiati, 3 Struck oatt B) ni, u?',n. 4 m OfToola, '. t'minre?? Hlnlrr anj llyron. Tlme? 2 1.1. a EASTERN ASSOCIATION RESULTS. Nt-w Havan, 2. Brldgaport, 0. I'tttsfleld. 0. Merlden. 2. Hartford, h, Si<rlngfleld. 1. ees. but hlfl filip arafl pa-rdooahl? and **as lofll in thfl Ughl d elghl oth?r eh?nc*fl that were wflll h.tndled. Old Wapoleofl LaJoIe Btama to Improvfl arttli aca The veteran Frenohman had no fewer than ten i to look after and hc sna|.*>?'*l up mn- of them. Inddentally, he tore off thr-e hits In as many trlpa to the plate. Tha Nana pii**<J up ?* Mlaalng lead ln the Bfleond inniiiK U-kju uwt ln colllfllon wlth B idt.hed ball. and he fltOM BfletKfld whm John,'on t.-ok thrafl awinga on the atmoanhflra Terry Tiirnar. another rat> , ran of the oid ??mu.-dai-era* row." drove fl rfnglng ifenglfl to oantra rtcid, acorlng Larrj Ha toob BflK?nd on thfl throu to the plate, and racad horn* when Uraney aenUy nrgad the baJI ootward f"r thr-e baaaa (Jraiiey ln turn raglflterad when Uteve O'Xeltl lncre?aed bla ?a*r?ga aith a a-allon to th* outftald. Blanding fan.I glortoualy, and aft-r Uebotd waa paflflfld ,??,.,??.?, drofrped ? nuk.- ??"???'?*-' ??> Bhotl centra thal Cooh mlajudged. <'f ,, un. ..'nmh flnd Uetrntd acorfld Chap* tnma atoto ihlrd l?aaa Uul Joe Jaeaaoa ira* ? aii. <i oul on atrlhea -? tbe i-ex.nth Innlng Nea rorh counted on* ru.. on Bucceaatv* alnglea bj Coog ,,... and HartaalL ln Ihe..tb another mn raaulted from ? Pfl?a to J aid; who bottfld for riflhflr, Bllm a Btaal of B04*ond and ? bll bv Malael Hngiw by l_Joifl, ONetll ?nd H?rt?flU? bol m* tallled a run for th* N?pa in the elghth. ?|do p ore folloa NKW CL-SVELaAND ab i hpea. UlboM. ?i 3 1 l i ?? Malael. ?b Chap n. aa i" - - 1:' '"^ ,'/ ? 4<. 1 1 ? ? Creo. lf. b. j; I 1 ?1 Hartaell, tb inhna'n lb ? '> o 11 *o Zeld-r, afl ?!?,, er Ha 3 1 1 ? ?? Kniflht. lb. Uraney. lf t\ 2 ? 60 \x ilior. rf TORK shrh jio aa :. 13 1 3 4 111 .40 2 .1 0 1 3 0 0 | . 0 4 0 0 a 2 0 4 n i | 0 0 4 0 0 00 1 10 31 iwoti.'i ? oiojj?o To..iia .:. atin ull r< iahi -?- "?:i ??'? * ii ?li.,n.d f-r Klah-r Ifl nlnth blBlafl _n<* . n B 0 0 o o i a* -s.w Tel*.. 0 0 0 0 o o u 1 1?? ' Two-taaaa hlta 'acki ?, Cha-jwjan T?**ae* I. blt-Orann "olen 4, ,. CoMw-ll Doul ? P '?'- '?*?'? ' ? ' ' ,'.,h*. thapman Uj -te e; .-..rr iiett nnell, io ln I - 1 lanlnaa t in l 1-3 Inn nea i Irafl I aa* ? " '??' '?" , Blandl?;i! "offatcfl-onn-ll I Hli byi ' Mrfl'onnell (U , M<-4'onnell. t. I ?. Blai * ' ' ' ? - I;!,)' . Now York I ' ?!??-**? O Loughlla liiiiu--: M. _ ATHLETICS MAKE SHORT Ofl Fall on Leverenz'in One Inning. Whie Plank Pitchcs Shut-Out Ball. M L* Ua Auk- a Tl ? Phllad. AUdfltlcfl w?Tfl abb ta bll Lav?rflni ln oni-/ ona Innlng, but ihis wa.*. anoiigh. the leagua leadei tallytng thr? runa >>n Baa Bnd an - rror Plaah, aa uaual, had th,. | b 1 i t ifllfl-d flfl i it th? Broa - . out, fanntng ? .-?? ''''' a. or. a . ln tho fourth Innini* Baker aingled an i . , i ,,. tt ? '? Mi I H..K..- acor* d n hen w alal lon fuml I. i lon* ? nough lo ??< i l? \\ -.bii ? . reach third I: looke l aa though Walah xxn?. out bul Egan rulcd hlm -. ? , Oeorge Btovall dtaputad lb*j declMon ?'"l xxh*. hanlahed. Co*/lngt?m. a racrult, takinic 11, .. ?, - .it flral baaa A .acrlnce By hj B?rrj aenl W alah I orn* alth the aecoi d run s. h ini tl ? n doul '?-' to ? entre, and , ored on Planh hit for one I i ? l followa pHIIaADKLPHl x !*?' IB i xi-iri hv.rf ifll 1 . ' ' ? ? r, 1 1 o t o willlama, rf. 3 o o i oo ii ao * o i : i M S 0 I: Btovall. 1 . 3 0 1 : " Walah, t ? Ifl ? o o II 1 1JI 101 I II Ifll ii i ii x.* a I i. . ?? m -, 111 '. ?il Alleator. 1 " l 0 r-.-H.a u i i -?' <' fatalfl ' ?Batled fee Ia arflfla to Blath i-mna i . , lelpfcla r, o n n . .1 o o o j ; Sl LOHII ,??????????? Two-I aaa I .i - I ma Bai r" .? hlu M , Innla xx alah ?-;..' rltl a rl. liai i..i?- xx llllami i -'?? fflrm Lefl on uoa I Iphla 10 i- Iral baao n I ? it i.i \- ???io. I off Ptanh ii ? .-Hj i,\p:i na iPtank) B) Plank. ii; by Laverena, 3 L'mplraa I ?*ri-. -? and I !.-,*.*- Vln.i? I I" _ | WHITE SOX EVEN SCORES 'Senators Have Row with Um pire When Chicago Leads. Chicago, Aug. ::.. <'hi.aa;o hunched hit** off Qroom to-.iax- and .i-f-.ited Waahlng? ton by ? Bflsoia flf ?'. to -, thereby eaen* Ing up gamee for th* year at nlne each The w iut.- Boa t?ok tne laad on Bi rger** honier ln tbfl hrst Innlng, an.l rllnchfld thfl gamfl on Mnglcfl i>\ iio.ii- aad Chap ? ? i:, aa erroi by Pofltcr on CoUlnfl* groundar, Bchallt*i out and Ruaaflll'a Cln* dnnatl baati hit inirinK thla inniiiK tha umptra gave ? dfl* -is!i.n ia favor of Colttna at thMt baflfl and tha Wflflhlngton playera aurrounded hlm. , Ha ordered Captaln McBrlde off 11?.- n-id. I McBrlde would not go and Qrlfflth, who alao bflcaroe rexed, refuee to retreat I Th- xisitinK manager italhcd aboul xxith I his playera al hla beela untll Connollj motloned the pollceman who xxa.i .tittin**; : on the vlattorr bencb. At the --iKnt of th- patrolman the Waahlngton man alowly began thelr ra* traat to tba piayan* coop, A tow momenta later McOreavy ordered the *iialtora' traln I. i off the bencb on ncoount <>r ramarka I from tbat dlrectlon Lord wa* bll on tho . knee hy on* of Hughefl'fl .-.xxtft onca aad , had to i-tlre fi oni tlie gamfl. I The icor. followa CHICAOO. I WABHIN'OTON ab rli pe a?- ab r h p* a <? -xX-.aN-r. aa. | 1 0 4 4 0 Mwll, r. rf . t 0 : I 0 0 3 11 2 10; Ii.M.r. Bb.. 4 1 | ii 3 l 3 00 1 |*| MtlHii cf... 4 0 o I 0 0 0 10 0 OOl liHii.Ill, II... 4 0 ': 9 2 0 ooo o oo, m 'aaa ,Sb,aa ** : ? 11 4 00 9 *J Oj flmiika. If 3 0 0 I I n . 4 13 i oo, McBrMe, aa 1 o o o oo iliapp. II. If 3 1 I I 0 0 l4*;.i.rt-. 21,. 3 0 14 10 .'..llliia, rf.. 3 00 I 0 B llmrv. .-.... JI 1 7 .1 0 Bchalk. 0... 302 2 I fll I'rixiiii, p... 2 0 ft 1 0 0 Itnaarll. p . 30 1 2 2 0 twiiliania.. 1 0 o o o n I Huahee, p.. oo o o 30 , tfluhflefar 1 o 1 0 00 Tfltalfl....M ti 2: 16 0, Totala.34 2 1! 21 Ifl 1 ?Kun for in -dftlitri tHattnl fnr CriM.iii In BOVOflBth InniiiK tlLi'l.-l fur llUKheo ln nlmh Innlng. rhl.n-.n . t 2 0 0 0 o 0 2 x?'. WhbIi1iikK.I1. 00000 100 12 i r-o-heaa bit?go-flw Tbrtfl he? Mt Bebalk ! Homo r'ni Borflor, iiitt?mr Ortean, *i ln 6 I li.iiliiKa. elT MuBlii.a, 2 ln I Iniilnna Bfli rlfl.-i | hlta Bhankfl, i'<n*-r. Btoton baw Henry. j ln.iilil.. t>U\a H.ikm tO Weaxrr tfl Chaflfl! 1 i* oi io chaafl to xx'*-iivrr. t^rt -n baaaa ! Waahlnflton, "?; Chiraga 1. Hli hy ajtebar - Hy l'lma.-ll (Henryi. h. Hugliea i\Xoa\i-r. | Lordi Siruek oul By Itusa-U. 1. by QlXMMa, I f>: by Hunlira. 1 1 'mplrea?('iiiinolly an.l Mo I'lme 1:50. ra rai i lb | lx.,.1. 31... i ?Koua. h l'...l..n. 31. < baao, lb ii.m1i.. et NEW ENGLAND LEAGUE RESULTS. Brockton, *>; Worcflfltflr, i (Bnt). \\ onester, 12; Hroekton, 4 (aecond). Lawranca, !>; New Badford, 5. Portland. lfi: I.ynn, 2. LoWflU, 12. Fall Hlver, L HALT CROSS-DUNDEE BOUT Action Comes of Death of 'Bull' Young in Vernon Arena. Loa Angelea, Aub. 2S.-The Leacb Qroaa Jobnny Dundee bout, scheduled for Sep? tember l al the Vernon Arena, was post poned indefinitely to-nischt In daferen.e to trm death of John "Uuir Toong. The action was taken at the suKRestion of <'ross hlmaelf on the grotinrl that it would bc best "to wait a whlle." I-'intbir Inveatlgatlon of the rausa of TOUng*8 death aia B r.-sult of injurles re <-ei\pil in t\o- Vornott Arena with Jess Willard probably will awall the verdict of tba .oroner's jury. Agltatlofl contlnuea for learai actlon to prevent priaenghta at Vernon BB Well as <-lriewhere in the state. ?? o-~??? VETERANS ROLL UP SCORE Defeat Richmond County Crick eters by a Wide Margin. in a poetponed champlonahlp c*ricket match In the aaaoelatlon aertea played al \\'< st .v, w BrlghtOfl \.sterday the Wew York Veterana defeated tha Richmond Cout) 'bvi'ii by IU runa, arlth i arleheta t? apare Rlchmotld County batted flrst and was ahb- to ocore only M runs agalnat the bowllng ,,f !?? Y Kr-Uy and L ' 'om.'.'-li". ? be f'Tint-r takinaf ."i wtcheta for -?'? r'iris, arhlle Comacbo tooh t for M. Al batting a B Durranl waa high tcore man of the game, he Bcayrtng 13 before belng caught, wbiie s Deane aleo played to advantaga f'.r ','< L f? Breta waa nol <.'it. IB when atumpa were drawn, tha Veterana' aeore beina H* for '. wlehets. I ,,.,- ^. ,,r" full"'. s rUCHMOND COUMTT .' ttitnporm i k-ii. . 5 Y i Halea b Oonwcho '1 n Turvlllo. c i'. .ni', b < . l*t c, n Monkhouaa, c Durrant, t> KaHr. 7 'i fnr: uia. i h ar, h Kelly. 4 y. <> Cl tltcnaer, e Btauidfaat, b Kartlf. , '.' L W. PlOUghton, ruti "ilt .?? 10 ll n r..-". t, Comaxrho. I Kv. Oraenlda*. b k'eily. a a. Byna*. b '?'imaih". IJ ,i i. Wobatar, aoi eul. I Katras ... . ' Tetal ,.Bl RBW TORK VKTBRAN B Paaana o and b VFebatar. tt B. n mandfaat, c and i- Turvilla. ? \. Hooklnim b TurarllU. " ! '. ?r, ' Bt, 'ir'itnn. - <; w Harman, b Webster. 2" \ . : . ? ,i.' >'. ?? ? ? ;?? fii.lK?. tI i. B Bn ta, not ,...t.*?' l.'xtras . J Torni "*. wlckarta). l"! R J I -ilv. W J. Mopt'n. J. B. Hr. t- BBB i' r i%. ||) d I nol II ? k- K.i:\. .*. '"r 2-t .'"?'?. ho. 1 ; .? ? ir 48; O Tun la, - ' r l ?? 18; Oraaenlalga. ' f"r s With .i wlehH to apare and havlng a : la of ?? runa tha eleven of tha ? .Ticket <'lnb rm-t and defeated Ihi team of tbe v.rnon Crlchet Club al Van Cortlandt Parb yearterday. The wlnnera tallled H runs for the loa ;. wtcketa agalnat Ihelr opponenta1 t" "7' . I runs. ;. .J Sf.'-.k, arrih B, ?as high a for tha AriKlo-Am.-ri. ans. whlle B. Haft. ?:. ii \v\ss and R. Ingfc law, i ich 11, added double Rguree An esaraptlonal Nt of bowllng waa accoinpHahed byT. Baber, ,,f the Anglo-Amerlcana, wbe took ?! ?rl< k. ta without havlng a alngta off hia dellvery. n Kaj played a patteat Innlnga f?>r 17 for t; ba Ing ti;.- onlj "I.- to gel Into doubh llgurea for tha Vernona TY COBB WINS FOR TIGERS Steals Home with Tieing Run and Checks Red Sox. Detrolt, A m -'? Tj i tobb tw* a kllled ?> pooelbla Boaton rletory bere to-day and Detrolt won tbe aecond name ..f tti?* aertea by a s> <>r.> ot 6 to 5. in tba Bftb linilnaT I'obb st"!e home valth the ttebag run end in the alghtb, aft. r capturtng rlooper*a By, mada -. magnlneonl return I(1 the plate, peerentlng Janvrln from | oi) the OUl The acora foUowa DBTROIT. B KVtOtt ah r h i " I I ahr h pi-a* Hu?h. a- BB 8 1 18 M"0[?r. rf II I 4HI) 11 i so Mundy, Ib... IB 1 I BB , wford rf a | ! I t 0 Bp. akarr ' IB 1 lll cf... II 1 I 18 Lataala. II I 1 188 ' ]: 2 : oo ,;.,, incr, ?>, II i 4 i o ? ib : o o v: oo y. rhe* Sb .41 i l 0 o 18 4 1 aa IB I 111 Mor'rty Ib 40 t i -.-? K'aiakar, c, II 0 4 11 ,, n o o on Laaonard, p, | i n ., o v .. . ? j 10 18 64 Ikadl. nt, p... 3 4 i o l o | "Kncla. io ,i ooo | i ,. oo o 004 I .arrlaan, c. 0 0 I '.' I 0 Tetala ..B811 STllll Totala.. 3'. :? n :t ?l ?iiit-,-: f.,r Nunamakw ln iixth innimr t .o o o 71,3 o o 0 x?A :, . 4 " " l1 0 0 0 0 0-4 Twa baaa i Janvrln. t ? .. | . Mo ...... i.ito ? ??* Lak. 4 In a Innlna: ntt Wllleti 7 in I' Innlnga; oft L?onard, I ln iH iiiiiiiii;?. "tr Bulleni I ln ns laalnga BaerlBce iiita? Mundy, Vaaeh, Cartrlaan Ktolcn baai? l^.u., ? \ ii , t*t i. Vaach ' i ,,..;?!.? -'in.Kf li,.iil,:,- ; Vi'. ?I '!?', !.? 81 inn l^.ft ,,?! baaia Poatow. I; i'etr"it. I Tlrat baaa ,,., balla?Off i.nard, ! "fr wnieit. I rf ilit iv pttchar?By tt.-n.t.r. 1 Btrw ^ OUt- Bj,!. I; h\' Wlltett. ? Dj l'., !;.?:.t. 1 Wlll i'it.-l--Hfl'.'-it. I m rerguaen aad Baraaa Tlaae 9M, CRESCENT TO PLAY CHINESE. The Crea cenl Athletic Club, ebaraptone Of tbe Amateur Has.-t'.ill liOBglie, wiil I'lay tha Chlneaa team f Hawall IJnlearatty at Bay Rldge tius aita*rnoon. it arlll ba tha last appaaranca of tha vlaltora ln thla vlctnlty. Tha gama wlll be eailed at -i^o o'cloeb. a MONTRAL, S; PROVIDENCE, 0. \t Mo'itn .il R.H.B. Montreal. ... I 1 M I I M i-l I I Proa Idence,.. 0 <? 0 I I I I ? B <i i 1 Hattrries M?.;ia\r.or and Huriis. Slino ami Onalow. BUFFALO, 5; BALTIMORE, 2. .\t Buffalo n.n.K. Buffalo. ? ? t ? 1 ? ? 1 a?t il I Baltimore... ? ? t 1 ? ? ? i ??I f 1 Battertea M.iins nnd Oowdy; CottroO ami l?can. MU. 10 H? Former Third Baseman of the Giants Released to Rocheste" by Boston Braves. TINCUP OWNS OIL LANDS New Indian Pitcher of Phillici Said To Be Richest Player in Baseball?Will Probably Becorae an Outfielder. Arthur Devlin, considered the beat tl 1 baeeman ln tba gamewnam bp araaguariu Ing tbo far station for McQraw at t*?e Polo Orounde, has heard rhe call to na minors and wlll follow the tral' of I y Se\moiir and Mlbe Donlin. Nottea of hla releaae to the Rocheater team af the Internatlonal League was serve.i oa h.m by the Boaton Brarea yaalerday. rigu aft^r tha game aith Pltlaburgh, wh n Arthnr had dtetingalahed hltr.self hy r-o 1 i Ing up to the bat BJ a hltter In ia I ninth Inning and popplng a w?ll pfcy d drlve f> right tl.'ld which brought ln ? a run that t'.cl tba BOOfe. Devlin was Wttn tbe 'Jlants ln 1!*% wb n they won the world's chamt'lon?hlp t d i played arlth N'ew Torb raajatarly for ae'.-n ?.? -,.i -, t,eiiic releaaad t" Boetoa tn ? aprlng ol BU. Ha has reen ahte to fl | [aa well as evr lurmg the past r-eag ; bai his hlttliitr. has fal!?:i off so bai' ' I that Stalllngs MU had llttle use for h | < v .-it as a BUbeUtUtB. i'. n TbacvPa tho Cherokee Indl -? pitcher iwcentJy Btgned by the Phiiitea, ? i ! said to le tb" rfchaat player ln basebiul. j ||f not better ott BnaJbetalltf than some t* the . lub ownera themHelvea. When Beu ? ba omea Of Bga m-xt April he aill rece' ririn to i?' aeraa of oil laada ln "kiahoi wht.-ii tha fnlte.i Pr.ites K"vernment holdlng '.n trust ft.r him. Tiie laeeaaa Ba Iwlll derlve from thla Bean*ce amounta to I [about ISB.OCi B l*ear, a-- <>rding to n-porta. ; Ben Blao haa a BMBI bank account laid Tha PhllUea ara eoonttng ob hia ,i.-iiV4: - i rine aaaortment of baaebal .... . , .,,i, | i.iniii haa hlm ln |tow aad il ;~ aald thal the InaSlaa haa Irun ata yarda in M aeconda ln a baaebal unlform at the t-ark ln Philadelphla, erhtla - owi I tn '? ferm wlth the rat. lt is doubtful whether be JearHopa into u Doota bopea t" turn hl? I and battlng to ac nunt by rnahlaf ! an iutiit-1 ler oul of bim. Howard Camnlta has heen in Pltn> 'horgh for th.- Iaat few daye maklag 1 pranwrattona t.. take np his ataode ln PbUadelpbla. He accepta the trade ln 1 good apliil .,ii i ualaeaa. you bnow, to ? he aald yeaterday. Oaa ! must cxpeet it. I ?i BOt dlacou juat i llttle brobam i >tea I pever worked for .. man Bjera fair than ''lark.-. and ha\e been too '.ong In baaahall aoi lo bnow that I'ooln la the same kind of a manager Cia-raace a/alber, the star eataeldee at ? aaa Clty club of tha ?? " ** has been traated tO Browna for Mach I Compton, tha itllelder, and Brlef, the utlllty inrieider. Walker will j.itii the Browna at om-e. Hed" Donohoe, a star pitcher ln the 1.1:7 leaguea a dozen yearB &go. dled at his home ln Philadelphla yeaBaralay. He was wltb the I'hlllles from lll to Itei, Wbea he entered the Al tt League and played ai?cc8BBl*rely ? .1. reland and Petrolt. ?? irtjr, the Newark eatcher, and Pfeffer, a pitcher from Qrand '"-' ??? reported to tbe Broohlya Buperl i* ref* terda | Jlmmy Oallahan, BMuaager ef I eago Whlta Baa, haa baaa Bdeflntteaf tnded I I Ban John-"'. - - * -u ,-, altercatlen wuh McOi i '?? | umplra In the name between the White ! Box and Atbletlea en Baturda) Heinlo 1 Zlmmerman, the thhfd baseman of the cut-. his nlso heen set down for mla ? demeanor an Batorabty, bla Bl - b de rldlng Rlgler at tha Peeo <*"?> -'"^ ha%'* Ing been mel aith BUJriieneloa He wlll not appear in the aertea ..t BreaMd PBber, a pitcher of the Daa MrtnaB dub of the Weatern Lamgea, haa baaa purcbaaed by tba Whlta Boa. Ha B *9 righl hander ar.d wlll report la the Bpringt ai Paletta, tba star right flelder of tbe Providence clah of tbe InterMttogal League, and Onalaw, the brat l -^r,n*n ,,f tba aame clOb, have been BOld to bo Detrolt Tlgere Tho wlll report to-day ? STATE LEAGUE RESULTS. Aibaiiv, |; NVtlhee-Barre, 1. Blngiiamton, T; Byracuee, ? (flraW Blnghamton, I; Byracuae, 0 (? aaa. Scranton, .'.. Troy, 1 L'ttca, i. Kimlra. 0. ? AMERICAN ASSOCIATION RESULT! Columbus, 12; ln.banapo'.K I. Mllwaubea, I; Bt- Paul.0 ??? e TRI-STATE LEAGUE RESULTSa Allentown, 4: Wllmlngton, 3 (flrat). Wllmlngton, v Allentown, 4 tsccorvi,. Atlantlc Clty, li Trenton. 0 (flrat)-^ Atlantlc iMty. I; Trenton, 2 iaecoBBB> york, i; Harrlahurg, OLDCROW Keg. U, S I'm. Off. R Y E America's Finest Rye WHISKEY HAND MADE SOUR MASH |,.-ui*** STRAIGHT PURE RYE \\K AHK THI LAROF.ST ROTTI-ERS OF OI.D-FASHIONBD HANP-MAD* BOUB MASH STRAIUHT PURE R YK tt'MSKEY IN THE WORld** H. B. KIRK & CO.. NEW YORK, N. Y.