OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, August 27, 1913, Image 1

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1913-08-27/ed-1/seq-1/

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ITOl* iWIii \? 24 ,'Vn To-day. f.lr. Tomorroxx. fair. nlth
\ JiAAIll. .XI -t.O.M. hrisk aoulhxxrst xxin.la.
In CltT of ??? York. I-raey Tlty and Mobokl
.xhibits at San Francisco As
sured, Despite Refusal of
Government to Take
Part Officially.
Director General of Hamburg
American Line Heacis List
with $50,000?Emperor
William in Sympathy
with Movement.
Thr<-":gh tho efforta of Albflti Ballin.
f-.r, ? ? ? general ot th-- Hrtmbura:
Amer.an Btcamahlp Lmx-. Oarmany
w." iend i aubatanlial <xhiMt to thr
Fanama-Pacifi.* Expoflltlon flt
flfancla. o in 101*..
Although tbfl Gcrnaan poxcrnmont of*
| ; tO tak* i>art in the flX*
Mr Bfl?ln evolvcd h I'lan f.ir
ndid dlflplay, arhlch la to tta p.nd
I ot v popuiar aubflcrlptlon.
a cordlug to ? cablfl mf flga ro*
ceixed yflfltflrday irom Hamburg at the
the Hamburg-Ami r.. m
company, Mr. Ballin lad tha ?uba**i1p
tion llflt '-xith |5U.00(1.
}i, ia paxtlcularl) anxloua, it ara?
said. thal all "Jcrmftnt* ..i home and *n
this co intry as xx-. 1!. who hax" thfl ln
terf.-' Of th*- Fatherland at heart gnd
tan flfford to d*? ao, arlll make Ubflral
contrihutions for German r-'presuita
tion at the Panarna-Baxifie EXPOfll*
Mr. Ballin has been ln confltant enbia
rommunication rexently with WiIIi un
<;. .- .-director of the line in
this dty, .ln regard to bla ezpoflitlan
pluns and som>' Of thfl dfltallfl Wt f
learntd here yeaterday.
Mr. Ball?''fl Idcag in no way flren
ilfljatfltl rn d***nan<*? of thfl ln
rial g.ixernment lie is* a clOflfl friond
of the Qfltnnan Emperor, and WOU
haxe nropoflcicl thfl flchenae of public
rlpUon without the LmptTor's
Government's Mistake.
I'irector Ballin. DOITflVCr, fl<*-4**Ording
tfl Mr. Bieltfl.. bflUflflflfl that the g.-xtrn
ment made ? great mistake in not ar*
ranging for rflprfl?ntatlon In Ban
1'ramiseo. Thi- t'erman 6oxt.rnm.iit,
II was said, rlexided n*.t to exhlblt ' '
cause Of the dflpCfl? Iflfll '-n th? fltfl 1
and machinery trad-****. Whiio this rea
?on was purel*4* a commerc-ial one ar.<l
in no aray fltfactfjd by politlOfl. Mr.
Ballin publlcly .-aid that Oarmany
could not aftord to neglext thfl oi por*
tunity offered to h?-r by San Fram is. o.
ln h.s determination to make th?
movemtnt a guoc?a Mr. Rallin madfl
?one txc.edingiy Uberal propoflltlona
ln his mflflflMifflfl jrflfliteitUy to Mr.
{?"ivkel bo offared to take the entirt- 8X*
to Ban l-'ratn. is.-o in OBfl "f his
ship? by way of th.- I'anama Canal fll
a nominal freight ratfl If thfl "mmis
Fioneis of the I'anama Pfldflc Bflcposl*
tinn would agre< to flvti thfl GflTtman
flxhlbiton tr**<- of eharcfl fln aolcquatfl
and desirable fllte in thr* expoflltlon
pvnflMla for th*-- erextion of buildings.
? _r Ballin." said Mr. Bt-Ckflt
?'auth*.rizxs 118 tO sav that h?* dflflirflfl tO
rreatfl an latflMflt in hia plan ln this
oountry. Hfl Ifl anxious that Qflrmanfl
her*- who malntain an interest in the
Fat her land shall contnbute from h
x of national pridfl
"Hfl is xvilling to make great xonees
ln fratffht rataa from Ofltrnriany to
whlch In ItflflM la ? i on*
i --.ble item. H<- will ask th**- Iflth*
rnian ' anal fommission to r.ermit him
tv- Bflnd thfl ship through the lanama
Ca_al if that iratfl*"flra** la na-flrlgabifl at
the time.
"Mr. Ballin thinks a free site should
be j..ioxided a.- San VrtUM iBflO 8 tson
trlbutlon to the German flotflffprlflfl.
Throughout his entire bUfllnCM
nner Mr. Ballin has striven to main
-.. ng bfltweon thfl two
t ..ntimi-*! *.n fourth pi**'. .?*? rolumn.
This Morning's Mews.
tVhitman to Tak** Tisrer Nomination.. 1
Bnuggllng Charffjfld tfl Thrf** on I.'.ner 1
ifl Panama Bxhtblt Aafl ?? I
' Ki-kn l-ri-'in t" Rflturn Bhaarla. 1
Dfl I.ancex N1.--.ll. Jl Sf-retlv \V< <1 . 1
Tammany Man Name Whitman. 2
u Mttchal'a Adx lc? ? a
FUpabUi -,..:. 1 usi'.n SUt**. ... 1
. rfl" Btlll WflJl "Oo" a
. na To DflbflU. 4
on Whltman'fl Aid.... 5
: '--i Air Olrla Don'l Faar '-PflBoha". 7
. . ... n*-;, ror "Vork. 7
. ? laifc Rafldy for Babydam. ...14
Hoapltal Hi ro Takea Poloon.14
Totteri M Moom.14
Kllma May 8olv? \m... i'r..ii*-m.14
f llflOfl | Mflflflflgfl J'...-'!"?"'"!. *
Thaw Abandona Writ. 3
?eaata Operu Ineoma *Taa Mght. 4
N A m Trlad to Dflfflfll Buchanaa... 4
latafl ' '"n!'-r. 4
Crati i uii'i* Apportlonad. 4
Ql] rm Attai kfl Lynn J Arnold. 6
!.,.,.i ln Hyfljlflnfl. *
Amari'-an Follt tO BflrllB '"hanri'l .... 3
l?aafl Dflfflfltfld (tai iflaii Alm. 3
?or in Pllghl lor I-'.'..""". 3
i.t l&aBployafl on Btrtkfl. 3
_ISC B IaltAgnC O V B.
14 x- . "
<'??tuary . 7
Th.ntn.al.a a l
V\?,riu.8 ?*?" 9
Airn-. aud N.i-.v. ?
jVeatl ? . *
riinsj . .?
?'"tnaaeial ar.*i Markata ? io, n ?'>* ia
BflflJ Kfctat-.ia
**.... ,,. vx.,.m
... .
Wisconsin Boy, Arrested ? 20
Times, Astounds Criminologists.
Ra Ine, Wla., Aug. 26. -Rlchard Tuc
lovaky, six yeara oid, was commltted
to-day to the Stat>' Induatrial Bchool
for Boya. Ha la to remain there until
twent] -out.
Iii'hard has eaueed thr police more
trouble than any ten grown-upe, hi?
t-rtmea r-msring from plaln burglary to
hlghway i..l.y.i r>. in arhlch ha used an
unloaded revolver. Twenty tlmea hi?
ramo has been entered cfi thf i
blotter for i rim^s thal arouM I
placed "ther boya behlnd prleon
bara. Even crimlr. i been
aatonii I
Threati nlni* othei th a
knife Indui ed aumi i >i The
commltment la of th< t
in the atat. 'a i rtmlnal ra* orde.
Medical Authorities Will Re?
port Which of the Colonies
AfTord Best Fields.
[By i
London. Aug IV- Wi kllffe Roae, nd
miniatratlva Becretary f.f th.' Rockefel
? Sanitar Commlaaloi i lled on the
? i.n.-.rd liner Carrnanla to-daj for New
York at't'i aeveral eaaful eonfer
regarding ihe extenalon of the
(100,000,000 fund I i llghl d<
and myatei throughoul the
world. He arlll bear later bj cabla or
letter front Brltiah medical authoritlea
rf-^ardins* the part of the Rritish Km
plr* r<-*7r;.rdrd bi* th- m aa the rri"st far
tlle apai for Inatltutatoa <,t aubaaquent
campalgria a?*alnai epldemtee.
lt i.? probaMe thai the bubonlc plagua
in India end the aleeplng aickneaa in
Afrlca will be ihe flral dieeaaea t" ba
New Grafting Method Used
Successfully in Hospital.
Bu.mmlt, N. .1 . Aug 20. By adopt
ing a mfthod of sk:n gr:ift\ng unique in
his own experien.e nnd. .??', far BJ he
know.j, never trled before, Dr Wllllam
H. Lawrence, Jr., head of Overlook
Hoapltal, has aaved the right arm of
Charlea P. Waltera, a prlnter
Waltera furniPh'-d hlmaelf arlth hia
own skin. )n? arm belng placed in a
"pOCket" "f the ln;ng CUtlcle and held
therr- Immovable whil.' it was trans
planted from its old to its new locatloa
Tl." "pocket" was '-nt in th.- skin of thi
abdomen, -?< siit above and belo*ai belng
rnadf and thf skin carefully separated
from thf fleah I'fwreri the two alita
Into the p;!,, thua made the skinlesJ.
arm was thrust and, when m poattion,
tightly bandaged. Wtthtn a fa*w daya
it was poaalble to reroove tha arm and
Ita ne*a aupply of akln.
Professor's $1,000 Flies Away
but Returns Again
Profeaaor laosiea ("iinnmi'hnm vhn
teaehea Latln m Bt Francla Xarier
College, had $1,000 atolen from hlm ln
front of a aalpon at Jaekaon avenue, in
Tha Bronx, night before Iaat Laal
nitzht the profeaaor had the $1,000 iia"k
in ins pocki t again.
Tha profeaaor aranl mt'< Ihi aaloon
I., talk polltlca arlth aome of the young
men who bung about. Two of than
mi* the $1,000 r.'id arhen Profeaaor
Cunnlngham atarted iiome they foi
lowed hlm. A llttla later the prof.?i
araa found lylng I" ,h" ?***?* hv Mv"
paaaeraby. The bllia wera mlaaigg. The
profeaaor aald ha had been attacked by
liis two aaeoclat a
Detectlvea <>f the Morrieanla Btatton
found two men yeaterday who admltted
they knea where the profeeeor'a $1,000
waa Thev went with tha detectivee.
Brat t" a garage al 70th atreel aad
Weat Bnd avenue, where $ftO0 waa
hidden under an autotnobita aeat
Then thev want io Cedar 1'ark. in Mott
avenue. where the other $808 was hld
d.ii under a boulder.
Subsidy for Athleticism Not
Liked in England.
[Hi cabla t" The Trtbaae )
London, Aug. 27.* The eppMl fOI a
publlc fund of $600,000 tor th.- purpoae
of ie ealahlaatilng <.reat Brltaln'a au
premacy la aport at th.- neat uiympic
games loofcfl llkf endlng in a fla*?<?.
Although the fund has now baaa "l"'n
ten daya tha auhacrtptlona amount ?niy
to $24,000, this smaii Bunt being BUdta
up ehtafly by large dtmatkma
Thf rajaponaa of ,t,p general public
tr, th*. nrtoeal has been negligil'k.
His Friends Urge There Is No
Good Political Reason for
Antagonizing Demo
cratic Voters.
Disgruntled Rcpublicans Fail to
Entice District Attorney by
Offer of Pctitions for Pri
mary?Fusion Situa
tiofl Still Muddled.
Dist-ict Attorney Whitman was
dcsignatrd by Tflmirmny last night
for hts preser.t office.
Thnt action and rejection of Mr.
Mitchel by the Independence League
caused the fusion situation to be
still much muddled. but the leaders
exneeted a cliange for better to-day.
William Randolph Hearst. in a
statement, Heciared Himself a free
lance m the campaign. He lauded
Mitchel. but again denouncer!
Prendergast and Mr.Anony.
Whitman refused disgruntled Re
puhlicans' offer rf a designation for
Mayor hy petition.
Gaynor's "Boomers" remained on
the anxious seat awaiting the word
"Go!"' while the Mayor stayed at St.
The entire fusion slate was in
dorsed vestcrday afternoon by thfl
Republican judiciary, borough and
countv designating committees.
Mitchel's demand was rejected by
the Independence League. Prender?
gast and McAneny were discarded
and other candidates named for
ControHer and President of the
Board nf Alderrr.en.
With th- pr<-at*rpecl thal Mayor Wlll
iam J. Oaynoi \xiii formallv ontrr th<*
hold ia .in ir for
rfl-fllflfl tiOD t" 'la. . ti:. thr* .tt nf a gr.iup
nf dlagruntlfld I'.- pu.:.- ?-?' .'?
mlghl ri > to dei Ignate l?* ;?? r.'-.^r
trtci Attorna) x\ bltman
for Maj '.r bfl for. thfl Rflpll
pandfl r. ?? i.t -.^ .? ..: .1 PltlgTflflfllVI 11 i
mai k i, and the m mlnai on of Mr.
Whitman "Of I'i U:x t AtlOl Dfl
TaUnman* Hall, ihi fusion aUvatlon
. ;!*-<l laat night
Hoarflaar, thflffl nflre la<ll4*atlonfl lhal
th*- l'i:mn innrx RTOUld g?-t toxethfl-r
for tlu- s'lpl'-n "i thfl tlchal I' x.im
?aid f.ii tlie baal of aUitbortt) ia-' night
that I !olon< I R ..,,...
frotn ihi Wi lerday, arould
itemenl urging the el? ? ' :->ti >.f ? ?
lefl tor John Pun Mit< hi I and I hfl 11
tir<* fufllon ti. k.-i Th:.*- t Wlll
come to-morroa or Friday, II a'aa aald,
Dlfltrli' Attorn* Whitraon
-dflfl-fld b) iiadtra and othflf l
on his retui ri to the II frotn Bn
Woodfl laal niKht. When he xx
whcthcr he arould flt-capt th? Tamn
noanlnation f"i Dlfltrlri Attornaj h?r??
"i bave just : ?.*.? nnd
am nol pn pfl i ed to make ? i
nnflnt ar pn a. nt J ua rnosl ajrat*
itii-fi f.-r thfl compllrni nl pald to m<
aii thfl polltleal partlfl n of thfl eit) In
th<- unanlmoufl nomination for n
tion t" Um offlcfl of Dtotrlel Atttcirnflj
I ,.rt;ur*!'. regard thi* flctlon "!' my
felloaf - itlsfl na afl ? ?"**? <t trlbutc lo
th<- w.rk *.f thfl ofllcfl ar.il lo tn"
and flblfl I tflntfl, a*. flTflll as t.. m ? -
flfllf "
Tammany Acceptance Probable.
it \xa*- undfliratood frotn frtanda ot tha
i Hflttici Attoi ney lhal he had ptrav ti
cillx d.-i-l.-d t.. tak>- thfl Tarnmitny
notnlnatloa Th?y aald tha nomination
. flnac to hlm ed flnd arltl
rcnditlonfl ol ani I Ind Rrom tha ftral
it xxas undorstood Mr. Whltnaan
-*flj*dc*d inn)-. n Bfl n Rflpubllcan nnd an
- rgflAtflfltlOn man. an-l OWed mOflt I
part) and xx flfl guldfld b" il Iflflad* 11'
ad\ il fl,
aii th^ Rapublloan Iflfldera, ln<*ludlng
Samu'-I B Koenig, prcaidi nl of thi
, ounty ? ommlttflfl, and Heibatri r.ir
?ona, flrflta aflld to bave urgod him tn
,,, ? epi the nomination. In flddltlon i"
this. il xx u undaratood thal evarj lua
tiec "ii thfl Buftratn* < tourt ban* h in
this distri. ' urgfld hllfl 10 fll'?'"l't thfl
nomlnfltlon, ao thi ra iroiild ba no doubt
,,f his flkTM 'if">
Tha aituatlon thal lndu?*ad thflflfl men
I-, urgfld hlm to iuk- thfl nomination
xxas that Tamman) Hall probably
vi.uld haxe nain. d Aflfllfltflnl I'lsiiat
Attorni Prflnh Moaa in cafl? Ifr
Whitman had come oul ODflnl) .ind
?purnfld ii"- ri"miri.ui..ii. Tba Oaynor
paoplfl mlffhi hax*- Indorflfld Moaa,
xxluh xxi.ild hax- r.nd'rtd thfl dflfflflt
of Mr. Whitman po?Ible II Araa
polnted out to Mr. Whitman thal thfltfl
xxas n.'thniK flrrong l? ?'?.-? eptlng a
Tammany nominntl4**n f"t tin.- placa u
Tammany In th? pa?t lnda*Md Kspub
la an flnd in.l-p.'iid. nt ? a ndida t.-s fot
t li*- I - n-h.
Spurn Tiger, Say? Seth Low.
Among thotae a/ho urged the Dtstrlcl
Attorna) nol to ?oi opi thi T?mm?ny
nomination flrflfl former Mayor Bcth
I/Iin. Hfl flflnl thfl folloa/lnf mefla?g<
to Mr. Whitman nl BrflttOO Woodfl
?if tha Tainni.in Domlnntkm for Dta*
trict Attorn?y is orTerfld jroa i h..pe
you x. iii apum U as thfl unclflfln thillK
it is. You arould nol n.-.-.-i't thfl Tam
m,-,nv nnminati-.n for Mayor. Do not
nccopt it for i)rs"''(' Attom.-v. Tou
would n"t flCCflPl fl ii'iminatinn fr-.m
thfl -.systrn..' l,ut ,h" 'AVBtMB' U ? nly
th- anpUcaUon to tha pollca acniofl pf
Tammany mortUfl and Tammany metli
( ontlnu-d ?o -aflCtaai i?ug-. a**4?*nd c?.lum-?
lUrged by Friend, He Tells Astonished Father
of June Elopement with Miss Alma Roes?
Youth Is a Princeton Undergraduate.
An elopement that Included an auto?
mobile trip of thirty miles ar.d a mai
riage whi h had been kept se.-ret .'or
alfnoat three months arere diseiosed
yeaterday, when DeLancey Nicoll jr.,
aon of the lawyer and promlneni D.m
ocratic polltl. laa and Mlaa Aima C
Uoos. ..f Monmouth Beach, N. .1-. Ca*m
feaaed to the young man'a father that
?; 1 .. ? oui '?' ?" ll - ? '. ' ?*?*
photogi >: ? ll a
i>. had i ? ? n inair'.' .t al rVi .hold.
I .\. .1 . "ti June 11
Thi '' ? niar"
riage waa mi da bj '" Law ?
R I, | ., trip tn th,- ? lt) from Mo*
moutri Baa< h, where the oupla
? | wltb Dr. H ?-? ?ni"'ir
? Ho ighti - I'.-rsundfd thal
waa belng made In keeping the mar
... . .. t rtgei oung Nicoll,
with Dr. Houghi ?
i.. Lan. ? Nl oll, Jr.. wh.
nd a mei f the 1
Pleads in Court to Return
Property of Matjistrate
Corrigan's Mother.
rrigai a friend al
. . iuenofl
? ther wll rt ? i t a ? p ilnl lai a
. Harrla and
Prank llartin w. ' before
judge Poati r, ln Oen? na. on
' . ? ? rr. Hai rla. ap
earning for l
f at*
I, g ,,,,. the pn pert; of Mra Corrlgan,
i aked ; ? apeak to th.
Hi told Judga Fi st- r thal Mai
mothi r waa ihe I uat peraon
ii. the world from whom he wo
anythli g. Ha d d not .- ? the n laon
foi tha i<igard ln a hl< h h< held Haa
latrate Corrtgan'a fai >"1 h*-'
wa.-, anxi" IB lO I.?? Wl ll ' ? ????" ??'"">
1,. 4,1,1.1
-j i. return of thi Bhaa la bj hlm, of
courae, would bf >.n "'.: an adi
of guilt, bul without atopplng lo welgh
ti.nea qu. n ea he promiaad lhal Ihi
?hawla would ba n turned at oi* ???
? Lai me ao, Judga*. |ue! foi an bour
ir won'l take mora than lhat and aa i 1
;, ,,,,,- K|ong wlth me, and I'll have
thoec i ii ? thli gi righl down h< rc Thla
is Btralgbl a;.i- I wouldn'l gl ?
?o ,tatl Ifou .- nd Al' Thomaa wlth
?,,.. ;,.i.i I'll be back here In an hour
tvith tha Bhawla l'd aooner you'd s. nd
Thomaa than ani ona elaa, be< 8 ?*.?- I
hnoa hlm and I knoa he'a all rlght."
Thomaa, a date. tlve In Diatri. I At
torne; Whltman'a office, waa called,
;,,.,! ;ii ih- dlre. tion of thi.irl a< -
, ompei.i Harrla on lha queet of the
Bhawla The two returned In a Uttle
nore lhan an hour with lha mleatng
property. Tha ahawii wen handed
over to Cnarlea P Boatwick. AaaiaUnl
j .;sir;. t rVttorney.
Beyond aaylng thai wenl "uptown"
ilhd walted al "a place" whlk HarrU
s.,.,,1 ., meaaenger foi tha Bhawla,
Thomaa would nol dlecuea h.s trip,
Maglatrate Crorrigan waa oul rt lown
laal nlghl and Harrla would make n<>
,,,,,1 tr . Bplanatton of hla act
Harrla and Martin wlll ba arralgnad
..,,..?? to-daj before Judga Poetar.
When aneste.i Harrla gave hla ad
dreaa aa Na HT Norfolk atraat, and
Martin aa No l?H Bowery. Thej ????
,? :,,,.,i ,.nnolaaeura ln art ob
locte. There are thn e grand larceny
Indlctmanta agalnat them Beeldea the
,?,,?, laea ahawla lha) ajre charged
wlth ataaUng flOO worth of palnUnga
,,,,m thi W. ? J. Sloana Companj and
,,?.,.,. paintlnga from Jamaa McDer
m,,M ol No. -'Ti .Ma.iiS'.n avenue.
Ml..s. corrigaa'a Bhawla araraatolanoa
May -"'l from the etudto of Aima i,
Moerane, at Ne, 1711 Madlaon avenue,
where they were atorad tempoamrily.
r. ralearapk <" ?"*?'* Trtbeae !
? ||nlth. A.k. Aug M Three Mi.-es
wiN.m af thla dty. baaa ahlapad aa a
pouri'l watermelon as B Bift to three other
Mlaaaa Wilson. the PraaMeat'a daughters.
rlass of '16k said last night that he and
his hrlde "Just got tired of waitlng"
"I had known Aima for two or three
yrars." he said, "and we had been
f'irmally engaged for a long time.
That is, it seemed long. hut 1 BUDpOM
thal was bacauaa wa didn't aaa tha uae
"f waitlng. Father. of course. wanted
nif to aaralt nntil I had flni!-h'd at
I'rln. eton.
"We just got marrier] aithoul tell
ing any one aiiout it. We wanted to be
marrled quietly, withoul an elaborata
weddlng. -s" we K"t ln a machlna and
wenl Lo PreeheJd. Tha Rev. H. Moora
Blake, of the Proteatanl Eplacopal
.'hur'h. performed th.- ceremony.
Then ae came baeh to i?r. Hougbton'a
home. where wa were visitin1*. and that
waa all there waa to It
"The only reaaon we kepl II aecret
waa becauaa a*e dldn'l a*ant it to get
out, on aocounl of my college eouraa.
No, wa won't Hve wlth mj family, hut
will have our own home"
I'tv Houghton'a explanatton was
bri. f.
"Aima and I"' Lancey took me in'.o
their COnfldence," ha said. "an.l told DN
they had been marrled at FreehoM. i
told them they wera maklng a mlataka
to keep ll aecret, and ao I"' Lancey
and i came to New Vork t" tall lua
"I have known Mlaa Roea for a num
ber of yeara Bha is twenty-ona reara
old an.l ? young woman of unuaual at
11 'i a* ? ompliahmenta, ad
nni.'i ? all who kii"w her. Her
fatlur. John Hyde, dled two months
before Bhe waa born, and her mother
marn.'i Bydnej Hecker, going tn CaH?
fornla to Ilt " Mlaa Roea was adopted
_nd aducated by her aunt. Mrs. Rk a
ard Itoes, WhOaa nam- Aima took "
The elder Mr. Nicoll araa phlloeophl
ial: "Whlle I have known f'>r some
tlme of my aon'a attentlocta to Mlaa
Roea," ba aald Iaat night. "i hoped
that he v ould poetpOaia his mani..?'
untii he had completed his eoliega
md waa eatabliahad In life. Thf
young . ouple. however, like ao many
othera, dearHded to take the matter Into
. . an handa"
Mysterious Bale Yields Candle
sticks and Sables?Woman
Deprived of Ring.
When tha North German i.loyd ltner
r.hfin came ln from Hremen yeaterday
..? | landed har paaeengere in Hobnken
Deputy Burveyor laaa Harria'a atten
tion a ?? ? attra ti d lo an nnueually
lArgr bale of gooda which had t>een
pul under tha letter "i." Thinking it
was part of B fi'ight sh'.pmcnf. he
aaked the baggage maater why it waa
pul aahore wlth the paaeengere' bag?
gage, Ha waa told Ihe hale belonjred
i.i Mr and Mrs Morrla Llebermann, of
? :gO.
iftei the ordinary baggaga of the
rouple araa examlned Harrla aaked
them if the greal bale was their prop
iii' Llebermann admltted ownerahlp,
but aald ti"- bala contalned materlal
uaed ln hla factorj In Chleago.
Harrla aald the bale mu.it he opened,
bul the owner proteated. He said hla
WOrd ahould ba taken, as all his foreign
purchaaea had heen declared and .x
? i in hla trunka.
Llebermann'a rafuaal lo open tha half
arouaed aueptclon, and a cuetoma ln
?pectoi waa ael t" work "ti tha faaten
ing.-. When the bala waa opened a
aearch dlecloaed ta.atly aable skins
and four ailver candleaticka, all alleged
tn h.<\e heen purchase.! ebffoad b) Mrs.
Llebermann and badden in tha materlal
ln the hale.
Tha aable ektna and candleaticka wera
eelze.l and pt nl t" the Appraiser's
si..r<-j Tha coupla were content to lat
the Konds go, hut as they wer.- about
iu laava tha pler Deputj Burveyor iu.r
m- ordered thal Mra L4abarrnnnn
ahould he aaaarched Bha was t.-.k.-n
aboard tha Rheln, and ln har clothing
h woman Inapector found two ailver
plecea and two ailver ctgaretta boldera,
a .h.-mend rinK concoali ?i under her
fl ? alao waa taken from her.
On the same steamship i..m.' Mrs. M.
blnovtta, accompanied by aer
mother, Mrs Benjamln Breler, of Phll
ndelphla. Bhe declared $1780 north of
dutlable arttdaa, bul a aaareh of har
clothing revealad a '-"rai neckhace, a
larare quantlty ol hami mada lacai -
nibj pta and a man's gold watch.
Whlla Mra. Rablnovlta was taiking
wlth the Burveyor, her father ?as
.ill.'d into tha room and asked what
ha did Wlth a watch he brought o\er
from Burope undeclarad la Novemhar.
Special agenta sent mtormatlon to New
Vork that Breler brought over the
watch, bul lha Inapactora who axam?
lned his baggage at ihe time were un
able t.? Bnd it
Breler denied that he brought BUOfa a
wat. h to this country, but when a
watch which fittaad the descriptlon sent
from abroad was found in the son's
povket, the son admltted the watch was
given to him hy his father last y.*ar
as u Christma.s gift.
The watch was sint to the Apprais?
er's Stores. along wlth the watch and
jewelry found in Mr?. Rabinovitz'B pos
Mexican Foreign Office Issues
Statement Indicating De
sire to Resume Broken
Wilson Consents to Postpone
Going to Congress for 24
Hours on Mexico's
Urgent Request.
Lind Leaves the Capital and
Goes to Vera Cruz, Where
Another Note from Min?
ister Gamboa Fol
lows Him.
| IV- (ahl?> tfl Tha TrKaine 1
Mexico Clty, Aug. 26.?-The tone- of a |
Btfltflfflflnt issufd to-nlght by S?*rtor l
Oamboa, Iflnlfltcr of Foreign Affair?,
BflMtna to indkfltfl a dflfltra by the lf?x*
Ican go\?rnm.-n? to tak** up the thr.- .-1
of thfl negotiationa with the i'nited j
sr.itf-s arhlch xxas brolten arhen John j
Lind left t*lfl < apital for Vr-ra I'rijz rhts
nv.rning. Th*- minist.r's statem.-nt
xx u aa foUows:
In order t-. Cfllm thfl natural anx
Iflty if the publlc orcasioned by th**
negotiationa arhlch hax** i.*-*n carriad
on xxith Mr. I.ind. th>* i onfldflntial
agent of President Wilson, BeflOT (Jam
bofl declarefl that up to the pr?nt
thera la no raason f< r alarm.
"Sm.e thfl l..-cinning HflXiCO has tried
i*. malntaln ? i*on*clllatory attltuda, al?
though ar thfl -am-- time a dignifbd
one, and if th*- PraaJdenl *.f th.* Unltfld
Btatea ci naidera it opportune t.. ? i ?nlt
t,, Congreifl th** ttatui of the Bfl*
fotlationa th?n Mexico la rellflved from
'he tfldl Kgreement and from the tus
toma observed in neajrotlatlonfl of this
? laflfl, not i" give prentfltura publlclty,
ami wiii bflfltfln then, tnd only then.
to mak>- public ln thrlr entiretv flil thfl
do umentA arhlch haxe b*->.-n received
ur whirh may be recelVfld flt tliat date.
?"rh- aituatlon la far frnm belng des
jerate it can only be callfld aarioua.
an-l for thla rflflflOB it Ifl dflfltrflblfl that
the piihll** flhould bfl dlflCraflt and re
?flrvfld, alnca thi- la th** hest manner
in arhlch they can aid th-* -f-ivcmmr-nt.''
Another notlceable indi'-ation of aucb
B desire xxas ia tlie mlnlfltflf 'fl <1> ? !.ir r
tion, in anaarer to a tjucatton put to
hlm. that lf Mr Llnd should return
fr-.m V* ra Cllia bfl flTOUld he xxeii re?
It is thought possible in some . Ircl I
her? that th-- IfflXlcan go-.rnment may
be prcpaiing *" carry out independent*
]y snme of th*> suggestions of thfl
Ami-riian irnvfrnm-nt, and thuix, **.hile
ma'ntalning thfl princij le of non-inter
ference by anx outside power in do*
mefltic affairs. IfflXlCO might conciliatt*
Amerlcan publlc oplnion.
Mr. I.ind rapeated, as h*> left for Ver.i
Cnia this morning, that during his
stay ln Mexico h.- had been treat-d
with every rourt.**y.
M. I.ind xxas flCCOmpflnied bv Mrs.
Lind and Lulfl d'Antin. an flttacM Of j
\m.-riian Embaaay.
Bc*oraa .*f Amerlcana tilled the train |
on xx hi- h Mr I.ind mad.- thfl run from |
hflTfl t. thf | "rt -.f N'era < ruz.
I'aul I..* Falvw, the Fr. n- h Iflnlfltflff
ti, Mexico, donlea havlng racelved in
?tructlona from hla ?roveriiument to
recommend Mexico'a ?ccept*nc? of the |
Wflahington fluggaatlona.
Mr. Llnd anl Mlnlater <'amb"a a*-**
flgflln ex-hancing notflfl, although Mr. j
I.ind has left thfl capital, and Presi- |
dent Wltoon'a other ag.-nt, Wtlltam
B?yard Hale, has plannad to Iflavfl to?
.--?nor Oamboa'fl not.*, xxhich he sa>s
is in reply to "ne bfl r>-ce|xed from 'he
Am.riian Fnxoy, was sent to Mr. I.ind
at Yera ('ru/. tO-nlght.
Th** c-.x'.-rnment understands that
Mr. I.ind xxill leave Yera Crur. for the
Unltfld States on Tliursdax. Mr. Hale's
insirii'ti"ns Bra t" haxe lieie to-m.,r
r, \x and Bflll <>n Thurfld - .
Yera CTllg, Aug. 28.- UtflOdfld bv !
twenty-four Se.-r.-t BflfVlCfl m<n. .l.'iiri
Lind flniVfld hflTfl from tlu- Maxtcafl |
capital at 7 ?"." o'clock thlfl evenlng.
Hfl xxas flccompanled by Mrs. Lind.
Rear Admiral Prank F. netcher,
commanding the aecond dlvtfltM of
the Unlted Btatfl* Atlantic Bflflt, an l a
raprflflentatlVfl "f the Am*Ti>-an I'on
.siihite iii. t Mr. Wilson's . nvoy at 'bo
t.*rminal station. It is AXpflCted that
flftcr a brtflf raflt Mr. Llnd arUI --"
aboard th*' bfltUflfltltp Louislina and
g.-t into COmmunlCfltlon xxith Wash?
ington by arlrfllfl?? Ht dccllnfld t<>
mghi to mnkfl Btt) statement.
lt is b.-li.*x.-d hflTfl that Mr. l.iml's.
mlssion ls end.-d and that Oeneral Tre
xli.-.'s fluddeii "'all to MflXtCO <'i'.''
m.-ans bfl xxill BOOn MfllHIM th.- t'rrtt
dency, Qfln?nU Huerta taklng omma-id
in th<* field against the rflbfllfl.
. ?-?-'
Water Now Deep Enough to
Move Large Vessels.
I'anarna. Aug. 2BL?Thfl Hr*J lanre
Vf>ssel to naxigate the Datun lyike 8flC
ti,.n of the Panama t'anal. txve nty-f.iur
mllflfl I" b'ngtli. a s'ntiov dTfldaTfl,
knoxvn as No. 82, lefl its mo.irmgs n. ir
th** I'.Htun lOChfl this ruu.ning an-l
?fljlfld under it-< ..xxn st.*am to a point
north of ihunboa dlaa.
The dn-.ig** xxill beK'n t/ie remoxal of
I.vi.ikmi cubk ynrdfl of iiii dflfrosltfld in
this locallty by tha c frrcnta *>f ihe
t'hagies RtVCT. Th** Ucedge has be.-n
tied up in ''atun for (rexeral months.
waitlng for the Iflkfl Vci rise to a suffl
ri.*nt h.-ipht to enab'ie lt t*i make the
Labor Day Traina "from Atlantic Clty.
?pfljctal Ponnaytva-na H. R. traina taul
l*?axe Atlantic iitx- Sept 1 nt 4:'ie P. M .
xxith dlnlng <ar, i nr Newark and New
York. at IriO P. Ut, flinlng car, and 8.00
P M. for Kllzabetl /. Newark & New York.
This the Last Chance Given to
the Mexican Executive to
Accept the Proposalu
of the United States
IFmra Thr. Trlbu<V Btauaaev 1
Washington. Aug. 26.--Havlng com
plied with at least two requesta from
the Mexican government to poatpone
pres.nting to Congress his viewa on
the Mexican situation, the last one of
which came late last night. the Preal?
dent la to-day dftermined to brook no
further delay, and will to-morrow fo
to thf Capltol and read his meaaage.
unless Oeneral Huerta rc fdes from
his position and aci epts the proposala
mad- by the I'nited States.
The Presidential message is belng
utilized as a weapon against Huerta,
whA apparently has become . opvtnced
that it would be an evil thing for hia
interests to have the commumeation
rrad t<> .'ongress. Huerta was in
formed of the President's purpose to
aend thf message last Wednesday or
Thursday. He then asked that actlon
pa poatponed for a while, although he
had BUbmltted what was derlared to he
Mexi'o's flnal reply to the American
propoaala. This gave Mr. Lind, the
Preaident'a Bpecial agent in Mexico
Clty, an opportunity to continue the
di.-. uaalon.
Huerta learned later that the Presi?
dent contamplated dehvering his mes
Baga "n Monday. Through his Mintater
for Porelgn Affairs he asked for a poat
p-infrrifnt. This was granted, and he
was told that the message would go in (
mi Tueeday.
Then came las* night's re'.urs' fog
,-inother p'Stponement. with Mr. Lindjfc
mdorsement. This waa alao ccmpli rd
w:th. and the President did nol gO/tO
thf Capltol to-day as he had planned.
ln the mean tlme Mr Lind, underr :n
s.ru tlona from Waahhigton, has t,. r.c
from Mexico CltJ t" Vera Cruz. Thnt
l-f will come dlre<-tly home offic>ls of
tha adtrunistration will not adm '?.. Mr.
Lind has told the Mgxlcan go*. _rnme::t
that, as far as he la con-er'srd, the
n?Kot;at'.or.s haw eoane to an en 1.
If thf Mexican government wants to
ta!k any morf aboi-* th<? alturitlon, or if
it has any detimte proposals to make, it
can find hlm in Vera cruz.
Playing Ita Last Card.
The admlniatratlon is pkfying its last
card before tha Prealdent#goea to ..'on-,
gr.ss. Huerta is having nt Iaat i nam e
to gft into line He is *rold thal thiB
must le the Iaat p">tp. memenf of UM
meaaaga The impatienee of thf Umted
States is being furth>r, emphas-.zed by
the departure of Mr. I f nd from Mexico
?'ity. At the same tJnio it is under
Btood tbat canrtain foeMgn governmems
are makina: reprcecnfJttiona to Qenanl
Hierta. urgmg hing t" recede. It :a
the hope of thf admlniatratlon that
Huerta will do Bofoefore i o'cloch to*>
morrow, when tha/ Preridant vrill go to
the Capltol.
It is poettlvely / tated that the United
I states governirient haa not dev. .?.? 1
| fn>m the con'/Utiona orlgtnally pro
poaed to Huertj? by Mr Lind. It ll
mitted in an ofttClal Btati ment. giveg
out from th.? Whlta Houaa thrit Mr.
Lind madf urtain ' sipplema>ntar>'
auggeattonfl r I il what theaa arera s
'not dlvulgi rl. It is merely stat?-.l that
they do no/ in the sligh'' ?:'? :r-?? af
feel 'he orf/ginal proi I
Prom >.ri authoritatlve quauBtar M :a
learned l/ial theaa arera the ^propoaala
whi.h *y.r Llnd made to Oeneral
Hui rta:
First--That there ahould be?.in aqree
ment to a cesaat.on of biostil.tiea
througnout Mexico and a defmite
Second?That provuion be, made for
a f>ee and early elect.on for Pres'dent.
TMrd?That Huerta shoidd not ha B
cana-lidate for the Presidency.
Pourth?That all fact.oas Ba] >
afcide by the result.
Statemcnt from the Whflte House.
poiknrlng !a tha statement laanad .?t
lha White Houae:
"l.ast night, about marinight, after
'the , mfercnoe b.tw.en the President
and tha Porelgn Retottona committt-ea
of the tv"> haJUaea, a dispatch was re
ed from Mexico Cltjij tn which Mr.
Llnd unlted with Sefior 'fiamboa, Min
I later <>f PorOIgn .affairSK in re-iuest'.r.g
the Pfsid.i tO lostpone his addreajs
tn the Congreaa untll Wednesday, in
order to anord the anthorities at Mex
1. .. dty opportunity for further con
ildentlon of the propoaala of the
I'nited States, in view ..f ct-rtain iup
plementary suggestions made by Mr.
Llnd. The !'r. sidenrt has, of i-ourie,
ronaentad, an.l gxpanta to aa*Ku*aaa ihe
Congreaa al l p> a*. on Wednesday."
This statement h-as not been ampli
fled hy an> unoflVial announcement.
At tha Whlta Houaa and at the State
Pepartment the offlcials adopt an air of
flnality. and intimate that patienee haa
i. as. d tO ba B \irtue.
lt Maana QUtta plam that the adm.ai
latratloa hmves that Huerta ta yjaliUgg
under the presaur* of the Impitad
threat of the Impending message to
Congress. The fact that Huerta .'e
Opened the negotiations and requestcd
that the president delay laying tha
case before Congress ls what gave rlae
to the optimism displayed in offtelal
clrcles Blnce the middle of last week.
It was declared to-day in authorita?

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