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Open Champicinship Golf V LawnTennis__f_J^ * Rifle jhoofang_ Golf InTcutosfromGreat Britain Show the Way to the Greatest "Pros" and Amateurs of This Country in Play for Open Title Vardon and Reid in a Tie for the Lead at End of First Half of Big Tour? nament. RAY TWO STROKES AWAY Herbert Strong in the Same Notch?Francis Ouimet, an Amateur, Plays Brilliant Oolf?Champion Still Has Hope. [From *. tt*M <""r>rr?-p.->nd*r:t rf The Tribune 1 Boston. Sept 15 -With low totals of 14", ! unusually low for this ooureo, Harry Var- I don and Wilfrod Reid, of England, led j the field at the end of the tirst 26 holos of the national open golf < hampionship tournanunt over th*- links of the Coun? try Cluh, at BrOOhllna to-day. Cloaely followlng. only two strokes away. to be exact. came "Ted" Ray. an- j other Kr.Kli.-h tourlst. who waj tied with i Herbert Strong, the Inwood professtonal. The presence of Vardon and Ray near the top was ln a meeeura expected, but i few looked to aee Heid quite BO weii to j the fore. while as for Strong. there never] is any telling what this '. ng driver may \ do; it all depends upon his puttlng. I H prominent playera cama cloaely in the arabe of the leedera, Matcdonald Smith and J. M. Barnes both gettlng 130, while George Bargent, Alec Rosa, two former t;tie holdara; Waiter Hagin and Prancla Ouimet. th. Maaaa huaetta amateur champion, wero bracheted 4\:th Ul ? john J. McDermott, th,- bomebred trom Atlantic Clty, wi,.> turtea haM aron the rationai open tltle, began well enough with a 74. bul a woful puttlng iapea dur? ing the second round was reeponaibla a 79. His total. ;."'3. placed him ala Btrokm behind Verdon and Reid, but. lel it be added. he was not ln th*.- leaet down cast. Real Fireworks by Ray. The real fireworks of the day were set j off by Ray in the afternoon Ha had made j a 79 on his tirst round, a acore thal looked .ommonplac* as compared with the 71s returned by Macdonald Bmlth and Alec Roaa That same 1'J also araa ehots Uhind Vardon, and Kay knew that ln order to keep in the running it b i up to him to do somethlng out of the oidlnary. The way he made the ball do blfl Md ding on the second round wiii never bfl lorgotten by the great gallery. Flnfginx? lt to aeomlngll impossibie dlatancm ofl | the tee. slammlng up to the green with tba servtceable nlbllck ard then COBxfng lt gantly arith the putter. last ? ? champion of Great Britain always had his hall a willir.g Bervanl Out la 35 and bome m th*' sam^ number of strokes for a 10, Ray bad tbe ml tlon of e?tab'.ishir;g a new com; record for the course. When he flnlahed, Charles B. Macd'.nald, founder of the National Unks. remarked: ?'That showed the kind i ( golfer Raj la. ' After his indifferent flrst round. and real- ] izing full wall tbal ti.*- eym of the world , wore upon him. he rose to tba with this remarkable performanee it looks as if e.ther Ray ? Vardon WOUld WUI the chair.plonshlp. and I shouldn't be at all Burprlaed lf Ray be the man." A 30-foot put for a 3 at the second hole was Ray's f.rst apectacular eflort la the afternoon He diaeouated that by tak? ing an a-xtra put on the third green. but rlmmed the cup for a I at the dllUC .lt third hole, where so miny cardfl have been epoiled this week. After hia ? there and another al No. 3. Ray electrlfled tne gailery by bobng a .'hip Bhol fr-un off the aixth green for a 3. The Beventh h..i*- ls IM rarda, and her?1 apaln the big te low, after failing to ho.d the green from the tee. Blm Bl mnk the masnie shot for a -. He reached the turn ln 35, and when he made the next thr*e holee 3. 4, 3, a -? ? ? d ln Blgl t. To the home hole Ray, taking his nib- j lick. laid his approach tO within Ive f.-et of the pin. Had the put gone down he would ha\e had a t'/j. but thls time the rubber core turned aside Just as lt ap- j peared ready to drop. The gallery I groaned in ajrmpathjr, but a few aa*?ondfl j later cheered him UhgralU as he left .iie paaa. His card was as follows: Edv4_rd l;0> Ir | Out . 4 | . 4 5 4 a 4 f Iti In .3 ;, b 6 6 4 4 4 4 Out .4 3.44314 ln .,. 3 4 3 4 I 5 8 4 4- g 70?140 Sprig of Heather Helps Vardon. After Vardon completed his morning round of 75. arhlch included the usual number of wasted puts, the flve-time open chamrion of Hreat Britain received a preeent from Duncan Mailnnls and John Boden, two prominent meml.ere of the Soottish <iolf Club of N*-w York. The present wa-- | sp-ig of Scotch heather. and lt was claime.l by the donors to possass the aame mystic qualltles as the rabbit'a foot. At the end of the day Vardon allowed that his short puta had not been quite so cor.trary. Vardon really didn't have any lurlt; that is. nothing long in the way of puts found the bottom of the cup. while on two greens, the twelfth and the four? teenth, he tOOk three puts. Thls twelfth hole, for some reason or other, has never been kind to Vardon, who has yet to get his 4 there. The short seventh has also been somethlng of a hoodoo, for his b< at thua far has been a four. Vardon'a card for the day foll WBl Harry Vardon, South Herta. V.ngXanA: Oul .4 4 4 4 6 6 4 4 I U In .3 4 I 4 i> 4 3 6 3?3ft?75 Out.^ 4434444 637 In 3 4 .". 4 4 4 3 4 4 34-TJ-ta "?U'atch little Wllfred Reld, if he gets a good start," observed A. H. Findlay, who has beer. lntimately acqualnted with most of the leadlng British players for a good many yeara. Sure enough. Reld played along as steadtly as h r>>< k, his only mis takes being on the greens After a 75 in the morning the Banstead Deams profeaatonal got going at top apeed. puttlng w.ll, esp.-rlally at the tenth, h<- sank a good one for a 2. After OOmlng I" arith a 7- Reld had tO aefcnowledga oongratutatlona on aii atdea AUTOMOBILES FOR RENT. B ash 7 PABPENOER Packard touring car, li<gir. d-\ nr m<.nth. 1*11 Amsmrdam ave. Tei. Rivciaidt 1004, Glimpsc ol tlu gallery watchii of the linki al the Country (.'luh, Brookline, yesterday. ?nd later came a cable meeaage of en couragement from hli ? lub. Hla i raa ia followa: u ||fn . ngland: . '4441 ln . I | l I IT?75 . I 4 4 4 I I 4 4 Jn . : i I 4 . 4 | I i ?'? Amateur Shares Honors of Day. Aproj m of ngral ?? -. r*i Ouimet certalnly had hia ahare in a way | tha ahowing of thia brilltanl amateur araa llttla Bhort of :? marfca - .: ting i tart, a h< n ln be took ' ? two holee. An over ap-: . ri ai.d threa flrat 6, while Bl tO n trap OOSl . him dearl) at No 2. From tbat tin ? golf. He ? om pleted the morning round bi 77, wenl oul ?? rnoon and i ? v' bolea in two better than 4's. He bad a "<> in sight then, bul t-. tro ible prevei i trom gettlng i better than a e. His last bluader l at the Bhort gUteenth, Whera he popped I a mashle shot into the trap. His tOt-l ' Ot 131. Only four strokes behind the 1> Bd eis, makea thla brllllani amateur atlll a factor. l?uis Teliier. t"ie French profeaalonal, turned ln 152. wblch gava him flfth ; m company with C D. Thom, of Bhinne I.. . ; i Hem " ' , Ja k McDermol preaent champion, and Jack I divl ed tha 151, while Jerome D. Travera, ll ? Champion, had ( tiafled with a Byed aound i moal ? ] Herbert Btrong, of Inwood, fl did hlmaelf. He made few miatakee, played with rare coaflda r. 8 aa I ' skin Hla i ai i araa aa folli wa: ? Inwood 4 4 f 4 *-? |?4I I I .I I S 4 I 4 2 4 I g ln .3 4 4 3 i i i 4 V-4A .4 144 Jaok Dowllng, tb? Bcar*dal? homebred, ' had nothll - . . Of ::? retun a total ol ? ?? day. Fredertck Herreabofl aur] rlaed a good man) bj ishlng with 163, oni la "ebind let in tba national arnat. ur . ham ?:lp at Broa kllna U ree >? ma ago Herreehoff won ihe medal In tl ? q ??* f ing round, ahowing thal thi eourae suits Alec Bmlth, afti i a start, g.l B 73 in li..- afternoon, but even that left him ten atrokea bach ot tbfl leaa. Rain Makes Greens Slow. The weather conditions perbapa arere mora favorable to tho lnvadinK pros fr.>m the British Islefl than <" thfl ontrants irom the states. lt ralned heavily untii shortly before the Btaitlng hour, and the' falrways and greena loal much of th.-ir keenness. Overhead leaden gray clouda blocked BUt th*- sun and the air was h.avy with humidity. Tho Bngliab ptayera, with thelr long carriea fr.,m th< tee, galned an ad Ivantagai over the Unlted .stat.- repre Bentatlvea, who lost much of the effec | Uvenem of th*-ir drlvea w^en the bail dropped dead and without roll on the I heavy turf. Vardon and Ray dtvlded the early day ' gallery between them and the BpeCtatOTfl ; w,-ro well ropald for tbelr long jouni.-y 'around the course, fot both played Pbe j nomenal golf at tim?-s. In ,.. lilh cual im, the -omm.t- | tee threw out a n ?? wera i.. -i -ti..ko?. woiae tn.<:i tenth i Thal ' ally renwi ed thoaa with IM or w..r.-< NeW pa.r Miko Brad) a I I ba Bral a.*., el 1.43 o'clock to-morroa n Vardon and Hmei win drtve -ff. a little lati r McD< and Herbert Barker up. Ray dedai ed he a | ? > .-tart flrat .'.s ?? ?? bi lei? d tba i would bfl better fi Th-' bi O : ? Edward Raj and M J Brady, J. W. j ? son and Mj tl H M ir-1 ina R G li ? ? . ' : ? ' H. li ? .-..I J. J. Mi Dei Ma< fertand and I ert A ndrea , I Andrewa and G< rga i immlng ?'? D. Travera and Joe Bylveeter, P. I and B. s Bvana, Tom Aaderaoo, Jr., ond .1 R Thompeon, T< tn \ ai don ai d ' ? 'i ? Ier, i lan y Han pton and J O'Ri Mai donald Bmlth and \ ? e Rooi Reid .md u c. Pownea, Jr., To?n Mr i and i ra I Herri bofl .i Ior .md <;. orga ' "'?*? Peter R ? ? Bmlth, l: >l 'l I Bl Ippen, Jack ii nd Jack Kutch R. ( Mun I Ala Belwood ' ? ? . ? Btrong, a bye AN AGE LIMIT FOR GOLF Forty-Ycar-Olds Enjoy Good Day's Sport at Glen Ridge. ? ? Glen RJdgi ? all of whom had tO t.e fo. ' ? old ..r more t , : ? peted ? ? yeaterda]. There wai i M holea medal < handh i h W. B i i won tbe net prlm with 174 i ' ii 184 The net award I t to E Jonea for bla . ard of I ?...r.n by H. B. Mclam rltl I E W. Congdon won tbi tfl hola puttlng Utlon with a Tl, whllfl Dl W. Q Bi" ighton wa ? ' ? holea with M W M. McClun l tek tha , i /? f i tb< beal - on ei th laj at tha twelfth bole, over tiie pond. Ha ???as tha only man to get a 2. ? FOREIGNERS WIN AGAIN Incogniti Club, of London, Beats All-Philadelphia Team. Philadelphia. Bapt la,?Th? Incogniti Club, ..f London, added to its laurela to day, Thfl forelgn team defeated the All-, Philadelphia eleven in the two daj cricket n ati h, al ih- Merion i .1 ib, al Hai i rford, b) elghl wicketa The bome playera acored IM t ina In the tirst Innlnga yeaterda] and made 104 to- i day In tht- BBCOBd mm Bl bal Tiie visitors roUed up IH runs in thelr epenlnga inninKs. and needed onlj 7'. in thelr aecond to Bin tha nutch. They batted earefully, and aecured the victory. making M runs, more thaa enough t.? win, with the loss of only two aicketfl Scores in Full for First Half of Open Golf Tourney The ncores in full for the flrst half of the open championship tournament fol? low, thoaa with totals of Iii.*, or Letter contlnuing to-day for another thirt>-six holes: Virit rounrl Harry Vnrrion. F.nciand. lh VV K Rcui, Entrlan'l. 7:. i-'riwtiri Ray, Rnaland. ::* H?.il.ert Stronar. lnv4o..d. 7i Ma ?..! Bmlth, Wykagyl. 71 J M |4?rn?-i. Ta.oma. 74 Qeorge Sargent. Chavy . haaa>... '.'.. W. Hasrln. Rocheeter.... :i Alea Raae, Braa Hum. 71 ?Kr?nr|n Ouimet, Woodtand 17 Loula Tellter, x., Ekmlle, rma ? 7>, <? S Tl. slitin.. ... k Hllla... 7t> Im k Hut. hit?? \ raj ? ? .i .! McDermaMt, Ai lantl. Cltj 7? ?Kr-.i Herraahoff, N'ai i >? i... 7;. Jaa k Bhlppen Mak atoua . si .iciin l?.4?Uaa. ??" eradak h ?w .' l"..v* n<.?. ji . i aknioni. 7r* .ia. k i toealdaoa, Ok n la .\ -.1 D Travera, I ppa i Moeti uir 7s H Aiidrowr,. Kew I'awi, ?;; Klnu-i W Lei inK. Ar. ftla '??? T.nn Andereot) jr Oakmoel U Akr- Bmlth, Wykaayl . *i .Ih. k Hobena, El Bl< woaxl 71 ?;? i impSell, Cawintrj i 'lub . 77 M .1 Brady, Wollaaton . >>S A if Murrai Kanawekl . 7? Myopta . 7s .*-, Morria t'oumy. sl s>.-' nd round. n 70 74 7!t -... 76 7s vO 74 76 Tl 117 14 .i'. li:. lia : i i .i iti iti i i ui Ul 4 IM ' i IM U| IM it; 1 .7 '..-.7 Ul lll IM IM I H Hanipmn. Nnr'h Anlniar ... Tnin M' Ntimata, BaMt. r. J R Thompaon, ru'sMfdr-fiis P Robertaon. Fall Rjvar . n ii Harker, Roebu. k ..... R a Macdoneld, (Inrtaaatl.... I Murra>. H'.\al ||ot ira . t\ W I'ummli g. Tatratnl i. .! II liiylnr. I^ik' Hld* . <;.-<>!???? Low, I'?;,!11.n.,i. )" II Belwood Qarden .'Hy. W s Povareue, sknkia. .1 Bylreatei \*? v,.rk Matl ? amphell, ( <.,tnir\ I i il Kari Keefer Ottawa lt Thorapaon, *";ian ni.ig. Tom Vartkm, l iBwental. ?H S Bvarta, ll, Im.ini .-.rlinr ?i 0 An.ici?"n. Commonwi iith wiuie Maguln Houeion . "om Bonnai Mn klenburg. W Ma. fartand, sa.Rkiu. )" M. Ijtia. Columbli . K O'Brlen, Watn-tb?ook OTHKR BCORKfl I. niark. Rlvarmeda. t Ryall, Waumba k . ?il s. hmldt, iv?.. ttai Tom Mulgrew, Cooperatown \ .'laik. Weanmoraland .i Dtnewa 11, gtanton Helght* .. r K. i rik';in, I ledham ? \ .; i..h ka oo : Bek nui Sp'f ?' ii AnalertMa* Wlnthrop II i. Boa lon, Tedee, o ... -i Harkbarth, Hlraedala. . Bdwarda Town.-. llartfurd. 'Amaiaar, ? /V'r* &?>* .. /4*m74*OAl art?r <T*t*4 ' V ... .... mjhip. Tempting Bait for Boxing Bout llillla lllibla. Iba BghlWetghl ' ti-i" pl.,11 i.f lha m.rlil. ln, I***" <>rTr*r?-.| <|l,lil.ll |,i ri.rnr I l?t illltl Ih.i . ta*n l,.l.nil t.'.lll as lll. .1.,I.nin Illlll.lrr. nl Mia.l I...H ?.|.i aar.- I.iir.l.n. tlir l.iM ?rela In O. t..lMT. Ililli l.ll....n ?ir..l Ut offrr lo Itl. Iila ui **iin I rmn. BM .. > .--.ti-rilii. . lliimlrr rr i.nllj r.liirna.l froni lb* ('eaal. whttt b* won ???? t ,,,'1 Boula, Ini lu.ling ii Iu ml > roiinil .1 aa 11 ti .lohiiii. Kllh.inr Blfblfl'fl r**|M*j "iii ba aaararlj awalleal Im ihr- "taaa" lirr.-. HARD TEST FOR AL REICH Former Amateur Champion to Meet Carl Morris To-night. \1 R| !? I; thfl iBtl -! b"l" foi I 'V. wi ight ' i .i" pton hlp ' ?" ii ?'..[. taal li Madlaon Bojuare ' lardi ti to ? i f"t mer ai iteui champion, who la a phyalcal man-el and ij* confldent <>f -u.'????-.-, arill faci ? .iri ltor< rla, tha Oblahoma Iocomotlve engln*er, at t..n rounda Whlla many boxing "fana" believe that Relch'a managei la aahlng too imi'ii of hlm nt the outaet of ln^ pro ? .1 rit.-ei r, the former ai;,ateur, who a i. ''ii et Allenburat, S, .1 , yeeterday, ?aid that Morrtfl wlll ba down and out before the tenth round la ended ):.>l< ii aeigha UI pounda, and ia ?> f.-.-t I Inche* tell. There lan'i an ounea of Buperfluoua fleah on hla aronderfuilj bullt j frame, He ia ;.*? i itrong aa a Bandow, ln aamut h aa he haa handlod arelghta la amateur competltlon i"t yeara Hla 1 hati'iH and wriata ar* abnormaJlj devel* oped and there inn t a doubt that bfl eaa hit with iroraonctoua powei Relch'a weah point in lach of nng aa* ? . but ha -*ui ba weii handled, Bad a Mo rta lan'l much at Bvotdlng attach, th.- form.-r amateur bellevea that he can >?? ..I ?? a kaochout Morris, arbo bj well knoarn aa ? gluttoa tor puniehn**ent aad in ona of tiu* l.tKa-eHt rnea phyalcally la the ring, wlll maaa bis (flrst b"\4- ln r.' ln t***or* than a y.-ar. He in ? feel ' laehea taii and weigha Z>u pounds When Morris waa iwuiulad for tae rounds bv Jim Tlytn two yeara ttso, ba waa tjrean in point ef rlni hnowla-adaTa, but he has been IlKhttng Bteadlly ever fllii' e, ; wlth the re.sult that he m).i he wlll flhOW n i. i >_r Improvemeat In form. M"tr!s ?,i* 4-<Hint..I oul When he boxed th.- late Lauther McCartj in i:"2. bul be declaraa tii.?i it aaa a Baae, ii* tateada t.. gn rinht after Retch tO Bad OUI an qulckly as possible Just what the hammer thrower ran do, EDDIE FOY SHOWS SPEED Hollenbeck's Stallion Has Ita Own Way in Pacing Raee. i: T' HoUeabecb'a irajf ateUlaa Eddle Koy flhewed to., inmh Bpeed for ita rtva i lll the L' ^'. par.. at tbe ttCOtti tnatlnee .f th.- Circult, held at White Plalna yeetarda* Tin- baraa \v..n in thraa htialatht heats ln fair lline. despi',- ihe beavy going. The pauraa v*as lalued at Hackett and Hall Taste Defeat for First Time That Is. as Partners on the Courts in Doubles Mateh. LOSE IN STRAIGHT SETS Mathey and Pell the Winners in Tourney of West Sidc Tennis Club. Poi the Brat tlma tn tbe hlaton of thelr p en thfl lawn i. ii.,,,, .1 ii ii i k< tl and tVattei M. ii . , taated thfl bltti rni ? ol d tt il yee* t, :,-. in the mml Rnal ro ind i I h on tiie courta of the w . ii Btde Ti nnla Club, at X3Ath atreet and Broadway. lt f.u i., Deea Mathey in.i Theodora j:.?. it p< li to lurn thfl trl k by whi h j the famoufl pair xh .1 ral I ihlrd on the national llal laal aeaeon after wlnnlng the ' n itlonal clay courl ind the metropolitan , < hamplonahlp wew beaten al * -4, *?J l The ? onteel waa In the seml-nnal round Bnd the lower braa kel of the flnal ro ind Blled by Dr. Bwlng Taylor and Pred I, ,1 k T i'i- I llnghu) aen. a ho cama | though by the default ol Watooo M. \\ aabburn and partner. { Tha doubli ? mateh ovi rahadowi 1 all ?? ! for th. day, and it attracted a goodly gal , lery, Pi 11 laal ofl with lh ? kereke, foliowed MISS DELLA TORRE VICTOR Defcats Mrs. Henry Fletcher in Lawn Tennis Mateh. Ahrayfl Buatainlng bar ralllafl aad foretng thn ball through for paaaafl Mlm Qertrudfl Della Torre **on lhe challanga eup Bnd th>- aromen'a cbamplonahip tltla reeterday <>n tho lawa tannla courta of the Oreenwieh Countrj Club, at Qreen wich, i.inn. Btandlng aa tho challangar, Mlm i'ollit Tone dofoatod Mrs Henry M Pletcber, tba defendlng 1 hamplon, ln atralghl aata nt 7?."., t?2. Mrs. riftihor silRhtly OUtpUtyod hor challangar ?t the start. with tha acorn at |> I on eamos agalnat har, Miss Dalla Torre grudiiiilly ?ot better l>a. <? aml .11 r... 11..11 t.. h.-r BbOta Thi'io was plrnty of s|.irlt an.l dash to h.r ralh.'S. an.' 111 cloelng Bba mther eaally outplayad Mrs rieteher, who plueklly battied throuKii to tho and -a MIXED BOUTS UP AGAIN Attorney Oeneral to Render a Formal Opinion on Case. Albany, Hopt UL?Attorney Oon-ral rar ntody is looktng up tho law to ggoertaln tba XeKaX status of the ruttng of thfl i st.ito Athletta Commlaakm prohlNUng spaninif giid boslng between whltea nnd uegroes In this stnt.-. Tho Attorney Oeneral, aftar a recent Iconference arith Frank tf <>'.\'?,i. chair* man of tho*. oniinlsslon. BSprOBaed the In? formal optttlon that tho rulo, if bustii In (.. Hall. M I Ha.kctt. reak l tor | ? ? ? unounted to a .... - r \!.-,- |B Th.' tirst two .' ? i ki ed tt and ? nd ran into ? !.a.i of i I on gamea I i pratty volley Thfl formei tthtaatai lofl a i :? . :' his I J;:'?* tif i the ot I oppoelta court. . than began 11 hght tbi ir ... to the net da ?'?-?'*? 'ohbs ..... [t fa n and tha Bat it was the san.o in l aet, arith i pe . drtvtng with I lled atl all and I i ... Ur reeled ofl loui gamea' tor tha mai ... unary followa: Ui, .. . wblea (aeaol-daal .. i?_ii Mai :' K*-SMY.#I. ? ter M.mii lu.i, i> I, ? '- i r Bwlne '..>:? ?r i.nk ? Krai ia lyaan ietaeiad Wataon M W .1-: '??n and 1 artner, 1 y da I 1. .. r, anl ...... ' ??4; ..n.i Mi 1.1 ??? :'' Ale?n _ serund i"ui:i ind iu-1 .>-. tie . ,., uae' ind Di laaeway. U -2. * t: Hrylmun snd Oatcoml .'.? fa -ted IJndley anJ l. tnd Melll. k ? >- h w.i ihi urn an 1 M: rt. k. i> *e ? n ln and , | More .: ! Ha ath, ? 2. ."> i flnal r~in.1 !..??" 1 ' " . ? ? ound) ..-"rat* g. : . ? .; H- ylreun, rt 3. JI?4. ?olely upon the i?'int of raee dlaerlmlna* tlon, would not stand B tOBl ln <-..urt Mr Carmody wlll render 1 formal opinion on tho queatton lnvolved ln a few daya Promotera >'f a mateh between Bam Langford, a negro, and Ptank Moran. white queatloned tba ralldlty of tha eom mlmlon'a miing 3 Cricket (AIE FOOTBALL MEN I Captain Ketcham Denies Rumor That Pumpelly H_s Water cn the Knee. HARD DRILL FOR TIGERS Harvard Coach Gives Up Idea of Making a Centre Rush of Trurabull, a Guard Last Season. fR.' T>!oKr.irh tO Tba ""rlhun* ] New Haeen, Sept is ? A'though thrr^ raio football playera ar.- ln ti-..- hospital L'aptain Ketcham Btated tO?nlght t.. i -.on.. waa In a Berioua condition, and idded: "Pumpelly bna slmnly a allght tnuscle Thera 'a no truth in tho repoit that ho has water on tha knee. Ho w- .1 I <? back arith tbe iquad within a week. ornell has an atta.-k of tonalllltbi Hla throal was lanead to-day ar.d ara oxpect him back on th? grlllron la throa laya Karblaon'a Bhoulder la aUgbtly brulaad and ho erlll return to prectka next week." Th? pollcy "f liehtonlns: th*> pn t; ?> beea m of Uw warm weathea and the rffocts of the sevor- drill tbfl t.rst of the wtek waa ontlnued to-day, Morning praetical was om!tt*->l ar.d the afternoon KTimmage erae BBJOrtened to nfteen mlr. utcs. A thirty-ydrd run by Wiison, at; quarterbaek. was a feature. Wiison and Wisa-r ea^h scored a touch-) down. Pendleton. last year's tackle, waai shlfted to guard. Jini Reilly. ti..- Annapolis coach. wa? present. Captala Katebam sprang a aur prlafl by irtfftfftg tho gates. sjecret practice has nover been ordered befora untii two or tbree areekfl after tho season . Tha line up to-day waa as foiiows: Left and, Avery; lefl tackle. Talbcf.4 . tard, Pendleton; centre, Ketoharr.; right ta kie, Oabaan n I, i 'art*: tek, Wiison;! dfbaek, Wlaer; rlght haifoack,1 Uerkle; I tlll ack, Bavage. .-r.i['h tn The TrfbUM * Princeton, N J.. Bept II -Thfl Tiger* hav.- aettled down to their dally lona;. r-crimi I the roal hard work efj tiie football season haa besun. Only aj week 'urr tbe Brat game, and the team has an lmmense amount te! learn I efoi a then. ste*K fa r an hour, artth the regula l i ly on the offenalve Line - * rder of tl ?? at quarter, called ior play aft.r play ?'? i ? : - Thi Prln eton i Scal ( ft wa followe: Bhes. left a tt I He3 nhp r, lefl \v. Bwarl t | rlght ? ick: H Bal fl halfbeck: ? balfbaek F Ti okman I j k. ? H - ' '. '? b iil ??'? i :-. at Han ard to-day I - . tho weather was a i have aha 'it given np l of making a cenl iast t guard. 1 - . the leadini comli g it. All l ntraa ar.- grea n, with the exoeptlon i '. who played on hbi I I subatitute :a*t - rangier l . but Btrong nor Buch .-. I Battle, ... ? id this morning, and w-ae - ? ? . work tn combtnatlon arith Hard wtch and Brlckley. Mahan and Pndiee were iched at querterbeck, but the latter is not comlng g ao weii ta !'??? of laat year'a teaat Piaadiay haa baen with th?> 'varalty BOjuad for two \ ? ira and has tho ebaaci when Hr.-. llqtM of the poaitlon bla keener of football ls llkely to make him the favorite. Hanover, N II . Bept l" ? At the operv :m ot college to-day about atzty fraab" men reported for fo'.tba'.i t.> Dave KoreTi and went thro'.gh a Ugbt drill ard Mak* :? g pra "? a Tler, from Oak Pirk, ar.l Bpean from Chicago, aro th<' two most i.n. . ll Oh | Middletown. COnik, Sept II " ' 1 ?? :i advanced to tho diKf.* '. * : stiiiis" Bt RTealeyaa ITnlverettyn whleh open.'.l for ;ts elghl I td y\ f thls morning. Among faculty announcementfl was or.* ? ralatlng t.> the game II a*aa atated tiiat in addition to Daniel Huteb* Inaon, 4,f tba Unlreralty of Penneylvaatat i - apedal football coach, Dr. profeeaor of phyalcal e I aaalated by William tiunter, di of Captain Jama ? i Wendell, the cradc hurdler, who arlll coach traek bbob and train all teama and B B. H ; lfl both OUtdoor and ind"Or a* who wlll look aft.-r the freshmen team, tha awtnunei a and i Under thia faculty Indon alded b> the Pennayteaala "ayBtem," * arinnlng football t.-am la axpecta L Rlchard Cleveland, a son of he :-i? Prealdenl Cleveland. ib a candlde** xor the Exeter Bcbool football eleven thal OLDCROW Reg. U. 8. I'at. Off. Ra. Y E America's Finest Rys WHISKEY HAND MADE SOUR MASH f :,?< ?' STRAIGHT PURE RYE Wi: AKK THK LATtCKST H<>TTI,KUS OF OLD-FABHIONED HAN1^-jA ?OUR MASH BTRAIOUT PUR1 K vi: i\ ::iskky in the ***?,-k H. B. KIRK & CO.. NEW YORK. N. Y.