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GAINED ABILITY TO "THINK BLACK" AND TURN IT TO WHITE Luanza , ohe of Mr. crawfokd'.S MOPEL.VlLLAGtS The Story of One Who "Bored Into" the Dark Continent and Made Himself the Mental Interpreter of the "Festooned Minds" of Tribesmen There. OUt ot the heart of the Central Afrlcaa Jungle land eoasi - ataocato Bcotctanan who has not ..., p ...... u for twenty-two yeara and whoae neck ta all thal ttaw haa been a total etranger t<> the clean touch of a Iin. n collar. L>an Crawford, y. R. .;. s. and Bataatanary, Baaa you with a flashini: ? ye and Ulis. in a ? of mueta and WOTda thal make po. how for more than two docadaa he baa been trying?and Buceaedlng, be it added ?to Bve within the Ethiope'a unchange* able akta that ha may Uad the bla, k man along the patha thal me said to ba 1*8* aerved only for souls that are whlte. The neartst bank, the nearest shop a thou sand miles away. and once a tapae of a year and a quurtcr when no word, writ ten. pnnted. Of BRO-QB, bOTOd thrOUgb tO him along the tortuous. Jungle-awathOd goat track that is the main highway from Baagualta <>n the west east to Ihe mla* sionaiy s cliff-perched house over Lake Mweru. To a Tribune reporter the other day he Bummed it all Up thus. as he threw out his arms in a diver s gOBturo: ?l took _ pluage nito the black man's life.. into his duty llttle hut ot dleeaaa, dowa mto bla aalnd. And day aad night two atraama af b:?.k id.uni-iviviiitd by a _ie of enrved wrlata and drooplng hands falttag slowly from Bhouldera to nta.t.-BoUrad over me and thruugh me, washing out?(with an upward movement tt the hands patt his heart)?my thinking White." AS THE BLACK MAN THINKS. Thinking white? It is his own accurate phrase to set apart the ways of the white man's mind. Just so does his oppositc phrase?"thinking black"?gather up and contine ln those two worde all the twist ing, wriggling logicleaa ambu-t-ades of the black man's thought. And so, havitig wrltten out a clear deflllltton of "thinkimr blitck"?a dehnitton th_t OOVera five hun? dred pages and has just been bound up into a book by the Qaoffa tt Doraa Company?why, naturally, there can be anly one title for such a volume. and il is "Thinking Black"?just _o. The strange experiences of twenty-two years of unintcrrupted life ta th. loiin' gras. have gone into the book, but there has. been smail need lor dates and BOt much for names. Mr. Crawford, bavtag "bored in" in MM, "bored out" ta MU, and out of the mists of those intervenmg years he has composed h shiirp photo* graph of th<- black brain in all its dOVOf Binuosity. In his talk with the rei>oi'ter the othtr day he threw the flaahllght of his wenderful mental vision back into those mists to reveal the Kthlopian mind ln the actual process of making IhOUght "As Africa, the land," said he, "is full Of palms. fill of feetOOaed vegetation, even bo those palms and festoons have invaded the black brain. Talking to a nattve boy one day I used the BOOT Uttl. phrase, 'Htaven is beyond the stars.' I spoke that pUtltudt. I say. The boy .elzed lt and poured lt into his mdttag pot of thlnklns black. FESTOONED THOUGHTS. "Three hours later he came to me again, and gave mt his own translation? his own, mind you. And what do you thlnk it wus' Listen: (and with a siow. deltclous cad. n<??.-. he poured out the black lad's melody). " The Btars are the llghts He has left burnlng along the dark road that leads up to His clty.' "And there ia your Shakespearlan blank verse." cried Mr. Crawford with a wave of his arm. "Oh. you bkssed beggars & la Flfth avenue. you and your coopexl up, watertlght compartments' The lmaglna tlon ls all gone out of you; there ls no change; lt ls all the same from London to Paris, from Paris over Into the Latlns ?the same hobble Bklrt, the same llttle tln gods. "And from San Ftanclaco to New York it Ib all the same?the same Anglo-Saxon. the same ideaa. All along the llne the people shake the same old chestnut tree and down come the chestnuts, tumbllng about their heads. "You snatch them and rush on. Vou are livlng too fast. It ls all hurry?hurry ?hurry. You take llfe with a zip. lf you bolt your food you upset the gastro nomical apparatus, and then you bave Indigestlon. Your nation ls b?lting its life, and sooner or later lt la in for na? tional lndlgcstion. "This silly thing overhead"~wlth an upward, open-h\nd gesture toward a etuster of taoaadeaaenl gioben?"yo,. shut yourself in and then you try to bring ln the llght. The aattve says, -You are m?k lng an enemy of God.' "The glorlous imagery of your thought ?you do not put it down when you vrlte. The word llei. there"?and he rested the back of his outstretched hand on the ? t ?, ?!(??,?? ?hlch he leaned--"but lt Ib I wooden and deadL Vou have lost thi tii.- cadence, th. iiasi. of thi t j. Mr. Crawford, nevertheleea, 1.7.- Inatllled irit,> his Btory oi "Thlnklng Bia a thing thal si . ir.s t.> qull t with I.: !l ?.:. ited tbat be h ,.1 emerged ti.. Jungle ?ni. a voi ..t. ilei> fer :i ? 1 ruaty. Had ha kept by hlm a cbotci i,,i oi rSnghah claaali 1 eal i. .Not s... ? Ti,, gn ..t. -t Joj "f my Ufa In A ha aald, "waa In gettlng away from youi 1,1. rature. 1 live ma an) word 1 bava 1 1 d in my and 1 will glvi you some thing BQUlvalent In the i.ubaland tongua ? 11; theory ln llfe ilwayi wee, "Truth li far Btranger than flctfon.' e/hen blo .1 wa.- runnlng far thleker than ? Central Afrlea 1 made it a point in tive to reeord the IncMent 101 poaterity. v-1 auch la the curtoua l 1 on sisti ncy of bt.- tbat 1 havi come b ica to my own iiata ong afterward an.i .??? fuaad almoat to betteve >uy ??wn ra ard "A natlve aaw me tbua writlng. At laal ti:. Mi , ol w ha! 1 was dolni his brain." And Into the bia. k man'l ? . Biy i.s ba ltpiatid lt Mi. I'lawlui : - irprlaa, a burt note, a aound ol Borrow and ptty ta tb.- tone: '"Ara you Imprlaonlng worda ." " Then a*a;n ccenea thal upward swc'i' of t! fl arm, as tha miaatonary ? at t,',. t ut: Ii ty of the writti-n WOrdl "'?.-? ing an eugk? Iraprieonlng a liofl "' Let us turn to tba paujrea of o.s <.wn i>.,..k te Baa what Mr. Crawford baa Beoompllahed by way of inakitig a vcibal BOO of wonls. Moat of it was wrltten In tha nildet of th? blacka, by tbe light of a campflre 01 a crude lamp burning BflflaJUtne, * Hke llnsetd oll. Th'- author Is "thlnkltlfl black" from COver to COVOT. Orover Cleveland had just begun his aecond admmtetriMlAf1 arhea Mr. Crawford sat down in Benguella to wall for bia band of black canieis who w.-re to lead him through tha mountein gateway and along a thouaand mllea of' hok<-ii trail. "th<- most famOUfl slave tra.k in th. worid," as he calla it. Tnis eartwheel mt ..- th.- ina.n hlghway from Benguella t. I the far interlor. 1 I "ln thia >< ? pentl ifl iath. '. rawford, "wa bave tha atrateglc key t< I tbe citadel of the black brain Thlnklnj ? .;? thla, vei ly I o! ,. .na: ? walklng, and ? f a I thal 8 ? ' ' monotonoua Indlan file I trall oi ?? i ? ' a wbole ? .... anlng In 11 Bhall aee, th< thlaa b lt aa the i ...-i who wenl hlm did it 'i . . ? ;...--. ' ? ? : aand anc-stors. and icl th. I of thi negro type thal t.> thla day th? ir aholi outfll of the twentfc lh cei try A. P i gn be I ?und 11 i od wed on Bgjrptlan monumenta ..t the aami ceatury l,. . . llenci lb. Bai tu Bong: \ arell-wai i, Biu i i- 11 rn. ... ?> \? r? greal Klas; Snd v. ? bei ?; ? ... ay, preci dent, nol prlnclple, blai k law, .\n.i any Aftli >?? d tale. for around rmlnal word dOBI n hi. a: like law. j,: ohll.itioli. ,:,.' . ? ? ilon, plan, < P . ? ti | in liaa ti .ii of aattqulty, the Etantu ti I io, ntli... tlai kilt, mortar, peslle and OUt ?/, MOSHlDlS S"oo Cf?V WlVES The Mop H_adr_-S dc_s as much LXECUTlOri ??/ _? rlOODL_ _<lc2T cooking ware af tha Moaaa pertod, Kor ... i wi w." .. r al thla, for la nol Bgypi ti.. door of Afrtca? Moral: A thoi i . daj in Afrlcan mai m 11 Tim< igfa ai tha Pyraanl la, ?"it Un Pyramldi laugh al tlma.'' .- ilavcry t?. pn ? ??.!? nl is a note thal ad very often by Mr. Crawf ird, U had not a llttla to do with lha thal /;?? was all of ibJrty-two montha Bg from England t.. goal ... tha .;.... ngaaaa Hilla Ha found thal ra ruit Ing carrtera for a fouraey waa aaaetly iii.. worfcl "J a ??;"r machlne. Hi had to ... money into the politii al ma ?' bv ,rv .,i tbe dl tt ?? t being i aavaaa d I I ould bfl gM out Tl.< B f'-t or evi n v... ks al ?'? ti",p. thfl eara are m i, h. Id up by atarlng trlhi?* mi ii. wl o bloeked tbe trall und* r tl a ?' making bl.i brothera arlth the atrangera aad alkrwerl i. ta ba opened ap .-?ty or i. ar or . bad i ? n anl laftad Tha Batlvea wen nol Btroek wlth awe at the neweomera i,v bo Biaaaa Untoee tta white mea eouM prove aupedortty, ilon of it would not be ad* mitt. d. As the author exprt sea H'?? black man's thought! "Why should h acrape and bow t.> peraona with n.> more Bngera and toee than he has himself'.'' And the feettng of ractal anobbery be .s berevar i.- go< . Toi here," be are dlseover the black sona of Adam ta be Bneb born Phartaeea thal .h Afrlcaa trlbe thlnka it* aetghbor only b eoarae 'gentlta* mob. th for tat, rlghl aeroaa Afrtea, and thcace right round the giobc, these taunt namee ara m ^DeAVr-FORC* CKOvKBA VANTU) AW ACACIA THOC-U DOC- ViOT ADD /o *? Tl_AVELLER.S.dOY Dan Crawford, F. R. G. S. and Missionary, Tells How He Spent Twenty-two Years in Burrowing Under the Skin of African Savages in Their Native Haunts. pe?Bfl along the line, -ach tribe BBaMtlng ly raga oi rlghteooaneaa af tha aapanna of tb- other. ??f oourae, it La alwaya the ,. m man who la tha allaged "had 'un,' aay, aever, never No L The Blhean aata dega, aad the Lubaa aata analla, there f.,i, aacb revll.-s the other on this touchy point of tribal diet." SOME APPETITE TEASERS. As for thfl g.ii'-rul subjert of eatlng. tt,.- reader of "Thlnking Mia<k" may sud denly ba aehwd with a gaatrettOfnte .r-Um ,?,? .,,,,1 th-n BB he rtUBfl BCTOafl a I BflBBBl mention ??< th- dlet that th- author was f,,;,,-,: ... eccept from time to time ln Heu of in...- dalnty thlnga. Water ol all eolora red, brown, blach or green ., bia thlrot, wbii- "graui bolled t.> an emerald gmalM form what he calLfl "a fa'moua toad " Thouaauada ol rblU auta, taken arlth a good ptm b ..I- mll ar.d another "f kunger, he downa wm. gueto, whllfl locwetfl and Boa-con steak have tukl-d his palBtfl Reta and analla, <i"cs an.i caterptllara ara thi dleti i.- dalntb - "f the blach man menUoned by tbe narrator without date as i,. his own share in thelr ; tion. But as fo* Bgfl fn Ifl. ocga-the piais BWellfl fortb in a paten to hich heav. n is ii iii contreet le th- other thlnga? "' dlet" thfl* are rulb-d. "for." says Mr. I'rawford, "WbOB the negro rnenlai palla, when thelr ineal is talnted, when tha.Mnd "ii la -an.-id. avery time you craek the ahell ?t your breakiaal agfl ln a h. .ith- n hoi i :? ?u aqual tha erowned ( Buropc " l- is .. never talltng Bourca of aatiafao tinn to thfl author of "Thlnking Black" thal ha bagaa bia real Ufe ln Afrtca (.ped up Inatda ? - oi pact .m.i entuvtd ato. kada town. whera atale, flflflflr air, bee hlvc buts an.i the common porrMga bowl formed tha portion of alL in this viliage of "Chenda," or "Pilgrlm Town," aayi tha author. "a kindly old graiidnioth-r [ saw to my eornfort FaeMa and wrlnkled, 1 thla genial body was only on- of the with-r.d oM has.s' of th- n.oil-rn ex pioter's book of traveta, yet as tha days paaeail an.i wa pot on family talklng terms. here was a BBBIIllllglj repellent old negreaa developed Into a charming dow egwr artned to the tinger ilpa with Bntah end polleh. Llateaed 'o your verb Nda PandUla (thank you) with a pretty i leflead .,1,1 hlusb. With her <'ld hard, corrugated hands she Btlrred my DOrtidga day by day, -.Kikitig all the nuals with tho alac rlty of a glrl in her teena Heaming with slmple truth. th" more this old lady talk* EXODUS OF BROTHERHOOD OF FREAKS FROM CONEY f { a NO NOW we are going /\ aar fua '" Happy Amy -T~l- Happy Amy weJgha 6if NI? NOW we are going to have ,- told me s pounda, so when she starts out to palnt the town ba has aa advaatage over some of us. All summer she oceupics a sub retaforced conerete throne in Crasy Town, at Luaa I'ark. and e_er ctaee Bpartan m If-reetrata ta abetatainii fioin repartee Rhlla fraah yoong thinga in split Bkirtfl ejaculate "My land" "I'h.ehe. lookUt thaa-at"' "Kor the Lord'a Ba-aak,:" and so on. But now, in com? pany with some 12,000 or 18,888 oth'r amusement park folk and their wlves and husbanda and afBnltlee and eamp follow an, ehe ls going to take a blt of a VBCB* tion before the wlnter's resumption OftOll Ve who have nicely appolnted ottlce suites up ln the Woolworth Tower. pre pare to shed tta m now, and k?'1 your furniture a few blocks away from Clty Hall Squa.e. Kor Happy Amy's VBOB* tion plans include a trip up the tower to the sightseelng gallery. Her mouth BOt wlth formldable determlnation as she told me. She has ascertained that the .1. - vators are large enough and llkely strong enough. She ls sure she wlll RO up (and I am sure the Woolworth Tower will go down). So be warned ln tlme. AN ENGAGEMENT ON ICE. "Do you go In for any form of winter sports?" I asked her. "Skatlng, for ln stance?" Happy Amy gave me a look. "Well. I've seen streetcara ladcn with passengers spitinlng over tracks on the frozen Neva at St. I'etersburg. and brew 8ry drayn." I hantene<l to assure h.r. But Bomehow it dldn't sound quite polite. "I mean" "Young man." she Interrupted, "I once had an engagement at the lce carrnval ln ' Montreal. They got me on to the lce ' where there was only a foot. and aft, r ! Id rr.anagid to get ashore three acreo in j the bist part of the outdoor rlnk had to I be roped off as unsafe and I K<?t a bad I cold ln the head and no more lnvltations to that annual festival." This BCattertag north, south, east and west ,.f the aiiuieemaal park folk around outer New York. from North BoaCh and South Beach and Midland Beach and Pali Bades Park and Coney and Brlghton Beach and Manhattan Beach and the Rockaways af is ona ol ti,.' Mgged ahrupl labor dls* torbanc. pheaomena ta thi BeM of nn?i .,, ecoi on ? - v. i it la acan aly a dla turbance, bo Bmootbly doea tha army ?.t ni, rebaol ..- ?! caterera ami show talk gllde off Into th.ii new ..ibits. Som. wlll real througboul the arlnb .. some ??? -ii tak<- op other fonna of work; Others will wmk els. v. bl , ?? Bl th Ir trad.s, and "ii" 11 wiii 11 bome to i. - rope, to Afrtca, ta Aala. The rlpplea from thb outflung maaa ..f workera wlll radlata aeroea the Atlantic nn they lap the Bhorei of Moroeco and Bgjrpt, aeroea the Pa. Iflc tlll they lap tta ahoroa of Japan. This has ia. n the most pioaperoua aaa* son th- . ut parks hav.- > \- i known, due ln no small to tbe asoepttooally Bne run of the weather, r.ddly enOUgh, however, there has bOOfl laeklng the aaual season's noveity in amueetnenl devtees. Ko bow aontdvanoe to thrlll or oaptivate has made Its ap pearanra Beverxl aurprlaee, however, aiu promised f.?r n.-xt year. It ls the food srllejs at the amusem'nt parks who hava been making the most money, and, moTOOVer, the men who sell food eheap. The owner of a franhfurter and BBndwich bootli at Coney Island, wlth a 18-fo. t connter, ls reputed to have clearcd Jj'i.KX. net proflt this summer ?all on ni, kel sandwlches. lemonade and coffee. Indeed. lhe sandwlch and cheap lunch placea have been making far moro BBOaey than the expenslve beach restau lar.ts. With few cx. ept.ons, the expensive placea don't prodOCe much net proflt In the eouraa ,.r a anaeon You hardly realize, nntll you have. BOgUfl to mak. a llst of them, the great number of ttades and calllngs repreaent? ed in a modora amuaamenl park. They are pr. tty wdl all there, excejd the un dejtaker?and he. too, ls represented at Coney lelaad. though he doeen't Bad it naeeaaary to take a booth on Surf ave? nue and "bark" for trad,. Klrst, '.here are the Conatnictlon men? carpenters nnd painter.-. and dOOOf-tora and el> -tilclans. Then the i ooks and and ?lah eraabera The "spiciers," the tteki ers. th.- galdea th.- gataheepera. the I "movi. ?? operatora. tha pbotographera, tho noveity deaiers, the fortune telWs, the wild beast trair.ers and attendants, tlie rffeura, tba ?BanVtana, the Bbootlng ... men, tbe try-v.,ur-skin eoofrater ? ? pf .. .|.,/.n kinds. thfl BBOn and boya who reauraaga tha erockery of tha eraay kltehena, tha aellera <>f drlnka, tha bath houaa men, tha freake, tbe ettendanU at ctalty Bhowa the Baaa who start you down tha awltchbacka and mnaieb roo oa your trip through th- UBdergTOUnd nv.T. ,.;!,, of a bundred-and ana gew ,-,?., t..,. caharet antartalnara, the try rour.welgbi av a, tha mern i^round at t< ndanta tha otUgory la andlaaa. Most Ol them are i.raiil..! aml have their wi. ? aad chUdren llvlag nanrhy. And a week Or tWO of nild-S-pt-mb-r will see thO lutter dlelntegratioa af thlfl army of tbtr t.. b thouaand buaaan belnga teertng i< i ?e from their rOOta and drifting off to new Bflldfl of endeavor-aomo to Brooklyn, .- oaaa lo Afrii a. MAGIC OF HASSAN BEN ALI. rfBBBBB B?a All will breathe a slgh of rellef whan tbe inst of tbe Berbe, the Arah tribesm.-n w-ho have been appear ing ln Flre and 8word at Luna, have been safely shlpped aboard a cess-1 bound for the Mcditerrancan. for Hassai ls under bond to the Immlgratlon authori tles for every man of them, and must kiss goodby to a sheaf of 1100 bllls for evety one who 1? not accounted for at the end of tho month. ttaaaaa ls I.unas provider of denlrena of the desert. If LBHBA wants a trlbe or two of swarthy sons of Mahomet the nianagement nonchalantly mentlons the fai-t to Hassan. ovr a postprandlal . igar, nnd Hassan does the rest. He went to Northern Moroeco for the Serbs appearing ln "Flre and Hword." Two of ii.r.i flava brought thelr VOUed wtves Blong, and one of th- ladi-s has. besldes a baby, a llttle boy who will be havlng tl.e time of his young Uf<* all winter. boldlng forth to his untravelled comrades at home on tbe marvels his Amerlcan year has shown hlm. Mme. Carmen. "bo wears a bang and three w-st African rock pythons most <f th- time and has two giant polsonous 1./..M.I- a gUa monster and a tiju mon ster-and a handsom- husband close at 'hand. In rrazy Town. expects to go to ICUbfl. for the winter. taklng along tho 'aarpeatl and the monsters and her hus? band and two young alllgatora from the Bvergladee "If you're Koin' to put a ;,:, .- |g the paper eboul me." warned Mm--. I'.irm.n. "remembor i am N"T b neke charmer. I've no uaa foe those i'm an expert ta the art of aducatla* ?nakte BeeT" I saw. and for BOelBg was r.-wai.iod with an latTOdUCtlon to Bill, a Dlneteen fOOt python, WbO was in a BUlky BBOOd when WO meaMire.l him arltb i. ruler, an.i ahraak up to alxteen feel Bve him haa i.n ^,-tting anappy of '...te, Mm,. Carnven explalaedi so he has heen ImpeBChod, and now cute llttle Martlti, who ls only twelve feet long, has been made boaa for th.- ,|. monstratlons. U lo n Mm,-. Caitaea nnd Mr. Ulll BBOre and Hill and Muttm and I'ompany gO to I'uba, I'rank I'lthen. the Arni ! less AUtO Speed Kietid, will ba drlvlng his 4o-horsepower Miller car up north, and ElBle the Btootrk Lady (alias Tereaa the Tlnglitig TeaBB.. alias Yera the Vlbrant Volcano), wlll be slmcking harrt BRed young men who haveii't been shocked for years. Tho Armless Auto Bgeed I'lend, who halls from Steubenville, ohlo, spends most of tho year hittlng lt Up BrOUnd tba Mlddle. West. He has two very short Btumps of arm and the drlv? lng wheel of his automobllo has four holes. Stumps are clumped Into holes, and thus ts the BteeriSg done. Ile cranks up the englne with his foot and Ilta ln a new epark plug wlth his teeth, but he confesses that he ls handlcapped when lt comes to punctures. Tho apeed clutch and brakes he op.rates wlth hla feet. A SHOCKING VACATION. Elsle the Kleetrle lady ls going to spend a vacatlon on Manhattan before going on to a round of Southern fatrs. And when Elate spends a vacatlon, she told me wlth a worrled shake of the head. it ls Just one sweet, sad song from dawn to dewy eve. She has the faculty of haiiding out electrlc shocks to every one who touches her, and she slmply can't help it. No, sir. f.'l-ie the i:i,,tiic Lady haa gotten into all sorta of hot water in her tlme. "ln fact, TrOUble ls me mhldle name," she assured me. "I'm goin' to wrlte a book about meself one o' these day_. ho I can't t.-ii rer much.' MavertbalaaB she yieided aufTlclently to my blandlshments to give me a brief synopsls of its advance proofs. Elale spent the winter of l-? ln a small / town in Ohio, where there had been labor dlaturbaacea. The powerhouaa aaea had w.ilk.-d out and all the trolley ears were Btalled. ilo^ever, tlie in unl. i| all ty pre vall.d on her to take up quarters in the powarhouae from 9 a. bb. ta n p. aa.. ana ,iit that tlme tt.e ears raa smoothiy on. Sh., lnsist.,1 on going home to bed at 11 p. BB, and ears that were not ln the barn Bl that hour had to stay wh, r.- they were for the nlght. But the Btrtkera rupdrted her to the Pubtlfl S< rvi. e Coinmission and a court Injunctlon put an end to her ef forts to benetit the community. Sklnny Jack ls one of Chlcago's sons. Whenevur dlattagutobed visttors and famine comtnis.sioiis were in the Windy Clty. the tlp was paooad along and so lt came to pass that his sylphllke form used to drift across the lawleoapa BMBtB t.-sti mony to the prospertty of the Mlddle WesL Sklnny Jack was ambltlous and a menagerle elephant dled tn town one day. Uardly had lt been carted off to tho can nlng sheds before he had obtalned a re duced frelght quotatlon and come on to New York In Its pachydermlc stead. Mr. GampettS found hlm and all was well. AN ABRUPT YOUNG WOMAN. Mme. Gabrlel, a vivaclous young wom? an from Berlin, who comes to an abrupt termlnatlon a few lnches below her high walst. ls going back to a vacatlon in Germany this winter. Unllke most of her fellow artists, she does not swlm, as she fears the shock the llfeguards would get lf they brought her to shore and then dtaCOVered that they'd absent mindedly left her legs out Ambroae Channel way. If Mme. Gabrlel is half a woman, Baron Paucel ls all a man, every Inch a man, and he ls twenty-seven lnches from the crown of his massive dome to the Holes of his flilken hosed feet. The baton is by way of being a gay young dog. Although he ls a good deal tmaller than some of the dolls the llttle girls bring ln. he fllrts outrageously wlth the ladles from noon until mldnight?and klsses them, too. The baron is twenty years old. speaks American. French, Ger? man and Spanlsh. comes from Italy. has a pet eat whom he, likes bathtng in the Coney surf. and watching the movies, klsses four or nve hundred mar Contiaued on aerenth page. the more the scaiea of prcjudlce fall froa your eyes, and you begin to see her itrlk, ing resemblanco to aome Engllah ladj you have known." In Lubaland he met Just euch another grandmother who had been cook for thi trlbal chief and thereafter foreverraori regarded herself as the chief cook of all cooks. Bolled dogs were her speclalty, she said, but when the writcr's servant hoy told her his mast< r ate aggB, whlch could be eookfld in a Jtffy by ! r. aking Un shell, she bustlod away to gi I some u once. Nor does she forget that the ih?Ui must ba broken. "Ia beat oockaura man ner ahe now g-ts a stout Btlck, smaahej It up Bhetl and yolk together. th? retult ant enaelette betng atudded all over with lagged sh.-lls. stlcking out like carpet taeka." ln the Lutira Vall- " Mr ''rawfort canaa upon a whole town ln thfl terron of a war with BBOCkeya, "blg reuow w lowa, who atand up ta a man and right hlm." They swarm down on the corn Betdfl Bf every lifll fflBl time, aad it it an annual affair for the aatlvefl to rally ar.a beal th-m off. "Tithing tbe . urn" ther Call it. Tlie flght has humar tOUCBaBfli both si.l-s. "When a negr.. wunds hia ) monkey fl Ith an arrow." ba - tha author, : "in a Jtffy the army BUrgeOB af il quadrupeda wblpa up th. arouaaol j moakey, aplta vMaeemaly over tba apot ! tears off a n.ors. 1 Of berfl freaa a tr* end ruba in the reeultenl med iaa, aa> ting and rubblng agair. md .uain for i eere." Agalll and again haa be enjoyed a feut on monkey during the tlmi of (aaflal dosena of them, as be - anebel ii lanana vlnegar. "Xeveith !? M." he goei on. "a long goodby to monkey stew Never no more. Th- last I abOt gr-t ha bullet ln the hffflflfll; but. BtandlBg boh upright. be tragically put h;? h,tnd oi the red. oozlng blood and thrai tima thrllled me by polntlng I ? ? :iy atkb wounoV Like a K. C. foi the prosecu? tion, 'j'accuse,' these three mute but eifr nuent appeals to hla wounds stabbjd aa with remorse." WAILING IN THE HAP.EM. In the distant land where the misakffl ary builds his house. in tne country ruM ovir by Klng Mushidi, thera - rnuck aafll for the godlv man to do ' n B July d*T be wrltcs: "More ex- ' womeB, whlch maana more putrefylng tkulla iaa clouds of Llucbottle tlies Skuili heapel no long ruatlc Ubles, skull? har.s'ing upea tr...s like hat pegs, akulla with yt?> ing mouths tbat would not ghut evw fl death. Thia lUuebcard businei'.. TttVO ber, means hard detective work, and tb Emperor apenda aleepleaa nlghta rtUHf hia own harems. Flve hundred (atd 8 fractloiu w ives and not a padlock ln t*? land " Tho suffragette. too, ia abroad la Kbf Mushldis land. At Munema "court r*> sip" brought 10 the ears of the mlssloc. ary news of an unusual item in bw hyaaaaual fold of lus u*yai highnae. "This woman?no alettern Bhe!?dared ? pr.ach in a dark, hlntlng way," writ* tlie narrator, "the far-off dream 1 WOaaaa'a rights. but King UUebeard P* wind fll it through h-r rival. With rt* grettahie vulgartty Muahkll eallai tb propagandist "a goat' for auch ?ilf BpBBCh 'Vea. my lord.' Ifra. Amaiofl pouted, 'even the gflgta are a BBOflal rtiar' rlaga, for the fem ile has as good a PaB of horns as the Hilly.' " RADICAL TOWN PLANNINO. To get a dark and tangled maaa of? lapi.iatcd huts. Bwarmlng at every cre?? with biacks, cteared out of the way ** a lon,,', straight street bordered by t? or three room huts with plenty of ro* between was the problem succeflifulu ?? plied to more than one natlve town. On whole trlbe took up the Idea with ?, traordlnary enthusiasm. and tbaa ha* tatlons to the ground m more ado burned thelr long time nionstat blazc, and at once set about TK'i,vAJfj. them actordlng to the clean and ordf plan of the mlssionary. y Elephanta and llons that hadJ? J. shot stroll through tho png< s of 'TW Ing Black" ln a casual way. and a flafo glory deacends on 'the two women slew a crocodlle with penknives ind cther lone wldow who brought a m'*2L lion to hls death by a tlmcly apP?ctt* of Hcalding water. ^ Spendlng a night perched atop a "*?? hut with flood waters awtrllng a" *b\Z says Mr. Crawford, was about the * evenlng's entertalnment he ever *"l!I Nelther did he enjoy the wlld night **^ he took refuge from a sudd-n delu8e * deserted hut. and then. when a re* ing flash of llghtnlng came. founi*tfatf escape cut off by a aerpent raerlnf across the doorway. He came outliir0^ the side of the house-made a n-1* ?* on the spot. ln fact. and without ?'? for the raln to slacken. . g "And when are you golng d1kK -. all?" asked the reporter of Mr. C* lord, as he said goodby. "I'm on my way now," aald ba