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y. S. MIE E OF E Only Chance for Peace, Diplo mats in Mexico City Say, as Four Battleships Sail for Vera Cruz. WILSON POLICY OUT SOON Huerta's Determination to Con? trol Army Convinces the President He Must Be Eliminated Entirely at All Hazards. ?... Trtban- Buresa. Washington, Oct 28.?II becflme kaown to-day that Oeneral Vlctoriano Huerta intend. tobe chief of the armed rerccfl ol Mexlco after his wlthdtawal ,s provlsroaal Pre?ldent and that it lfl the conflfliiBUfl of optalon in th. diplo? matic body ln Mexlco Clty thal Amert Bn intervention fllfordfl th.' only ?olu tion of Um Mexlcan problem, all of whlck has been reported to the Btate Department by Nelson CfShaughneBBy, tmerlcan Charge d'Aftalrea :.'. | Mexlco Clty. Aanouncemenl waa made that the, battleships Rhodfl Island. Virginia. Nc ? raskn an.i Now Jeraey had sail. d (roflt Hampton Roada for Vera CTua to ro- j ? four battlcships of the second dl- ] ,-l.lon of the Atiantlc lleot atroady Rear Admiral Pletcher will ihlfi hi.> Bag and remaln Bt Vera Crua, rhlle hla preaenl command aallfl back to the Cnlted Btatea. If condltlona r. . b1| th.- ships will be retain. d Bl Ven Crua. II ii considered highly probable thai ihe decialon of tho admtntatratton to bc dennite poUcy. aa all the Intereflted natkma bave now beea to- j formed with a raqueal that they deker nny contemplated actlon until America enundatefl ber policy, la largely due to the attitude of the diplomata la Mex-j I ,, cit: ? oae governmenia naturally ?tuenced by thelr vlewa The riewfl of tbe diplomata were ro portod by Mr. O'Shnughneaay after meetings of the corpa iti Mexlco Clty, folleiriag the draatlc actlon of Huerta in hnpiiaonlng rertain membera. of COngresfl. Mr. O'Bhaughnaaaj learned that prai tl aiiy all of th.- diplomata thoujrht thal the only way out of the Mflxlcaa dlftculty was for th- Untl i Btatefl lo int< rven.-. . nd it was ih~<r DpinlOB thal it was the duty of thfl Unlted Stat.-s tO do BO. Spanish Minister Blames U. S Th. Spanish Minister. who is dean of diplomatic body in Mexlco Clty, wat partieularly rehement < n ihifl K.rc. He complalned that many Boan* - Wi rc being kllled ta the north, and he -aid flatly that it waa thfl Bpan on* ntion that the Cnlted Btatflaj , - reaponaible, and that this country j ,i take atepfl to bring to an end . troubles which were coatlng foreign Th. FTench-Mlniater was also critlcal Of thfl attitude of thfl United Stat.-s. Sir Lionel Carden. thfl British Mlniater, whose recent Bttorancea havo caused ?o much trouble, also ipokfl at one ?f the meetings, and it was bfl who mld that flfter the eleetion. Huerta Intend* ?d tfl becomfl chief of thfl military es-l tal.lishmeiit. lt is flaSUBBOd hflTfl that! Ur Lionel knew deftaitely that nuch Ita'fl int.-ntion. Tho dlplo* I n_at\ h ? i r, reachi d no d< B- ? Bhe or i ollectlve ni luakm. What M.W Prealdenl Wllaoa taken] of thi poflfllblllty of Huerta la rtrtual : ,1 of thfl (ountry tliroujih the .rmy Ifl not known, bul it Ifl belleved ihat he will not toleratfl him in such a ?trong position. and that Huerta's in* leatlon to remain in power in this way lustih.-s the Prosldent's .onviction that r? tl.- (-?<?.d of MextOO Huerta mnst bfl rianlnated entlrely. Huerta reached tii. Presidency through commanding thfl army. it has long beer belleved in Waflhington'i ofBcia! clrcka that Huert,, haa had BOUM scheme ,n \ l.v BtUch would make it possible for hhn to quit th. Presidency bul still r.-m_:n in eon:' . apparentlj. thlfl lfl lt All Nations Informed . retar; Bi van aald to-daj that not oai) Oermany and France aeri aaked by this country to tak** no Action In Mexico until the Unlted Sthte. bad made lls announcement, out Uiat the message wenl to all nations bawng ir.teicsts ln that country. Mr. i. Araa aaked why this action was tak-n al thla partieular ttflBS and if the State Department had information ta* dkatlng thal any oth-r countries 8Ct i KQy planned deflnlta and Indapsndont ?ctlon. Ilo said no. and that this go' - ernment had taken the stop menly to aatldpatfl auch actloa by other coun* ?,n. s?to forostall that action until the l'nited Btatea had had an opportunlty lo anaoum l its own plans. lt is belleved, however, that the situ Btion int. rnatioiially must have be romfl acute. Mr. Bryan would mik. Bo pr.-.l, tion when the American pol llcj wouid bfl enunclatea. Netther Would he comment on its form or prob* shie method of issuame. observers think, however, that the staternont wil! bi .orthcomlng la ? law days. That lt gtattitv PLAYER Tflpflflflfl in t-aaaJ.* " In delicflte skacfing, in dajnt? effects?in all tKe beautie. of tone coloring tKe BeKning is tKe in comparal-le Player. BEHNING PIANO CO. ?*S Fiftk A*V, Entr?n<_i on %9t\\ St REAH A l >_ i H \l. :'. F. FLETCHER. ? r ..|i.. right, Han is a Be mh i will be sent t.. all inter* sfd natlona knes wlthoul aaying. Mt. Bryan aald thla afternoon that England, France aml Oerman) had re? plled t*. lus repreaentationa and bad agreed nol to take any action, bul thal si- far aa hc knew. repHea had been r< . Ived from rn. other eountrlea. lt la believed tbat all other natlona will fol? low the lead of England, France nnd * ;> rman), Will Satisfy Europe. There la mor. rear* n than ever to be Ueve thal Preridenl Wilaon wlll outline b poll*) which wlll be aatlafactor) to Europe, bul arhleh providea for tha ?ettlemenl of tha Mexican dlfBculty by th?- Cnlted Btatea with no Interference or aaalBtance from Europi other than moral suppoi It la reallaed In Waahlngton that In order to ellminate the Intrepid Huerta tw.r things mual be a< - ompllahi ri the procuremenl of th*' moral support ol Kurope for the Amerlcan policy, what? ever it is. thus provlng tn Huerta the futiiit.v of playlng Euro].S afalnat the United Statea, aa be haa been doing, and diaabuaing him of ins ob viously flrm convlction thal the i'nited Statea governmenl la afraid to back up its Inaiatence on his ellminatlon by the uae oi for ? it haa been clear f"i- aome tim" thal Huerta'a deflanl attitude has been largely predicated on the aupport which he has r. eived from aome European quartera and "ti hla bellef thal in no circumatance would the Cnlted Statea Intervene. Conaequently, ln- has wlth Impunity refuaed to pa) tin- alighteal beed to Preddcnl Wilaon'a demanda an*i warninga Huerta's Last Chance. it |a believed here thai Prealdenl Wilaon has given Huerta Jual about hla last (ban..-. aml that in liis forthcom* Ing Btatemenl be will aound a note of warning which Hu.rta must hflfld; thal he will lmpress upon Huertfl with all alncerlty thai if the warnlng la diare garded draatlc action will be taken al once. it is Botli eable in offli li I ln l< i lhal there la much more talk than ever be* fore <'f Intervention, and ll la noa being acrloualy regarded aa the nexl atep in the Mexican bualneea. Inter? vention is just as diataateful t*. all claaaea of offlclala as II ever was. but the convlction la growlng thal it is the only courae to follow, unleea, per* chance, a demonatratlon of force will , auae Huerta to gel out. II la belli ? d thai Prealdenl Wilaon will exhauai all peaceful meana, bui :t la also fell that he has already reaehed Ihe llmll of i ? - nable patk i* ? No further newa waa recelved to-day of the pllghl of the i-'i.-ii' h i olony al San Ignado, In Blnalea provlnce, It now appears tbat the rflojuesi for pro tectlon came i" th*- stat.- Department fn.m the French Mlnlater In Mexico City. The state Department replled that thia country wouid do all ln its power. Aa yet, however, th*- depart m* nt baa falled to rotnmunlcate tn the Nav) Departmenl any Inatructlona f..r the armored cruieer Maryland, now al Masatlan forty mllea from Ban Ignacio. i nleaa he shouid chance to learn from other aourcea of the dangei i*. the Freic h colonlata tha ? ommander ct" the American ahlpa on Ihe Paclfie alde "f Mexico mighl t-ellj order thi Siai- land elaea hi ra, DISCIPLINE GALLS DIAZ "Go Below, Sir!" Orders Officer on the Louisiana. Vera Crua, Oct Sk Oflaflral FflUa i>iaz. now a refugea on board tba American hattlechlp Louteiana, leame'i to-day tbal the privUflge ef aaylum on a battleeblp carrlea with it certaln reatrictlona not un like prteon regulatloaa By order of the admlral *;enerai nia/ i? not permttted communication with any one from i-horo without his permission. and thfl admlral has r1v.ii Oeneral Dlaa to undenstanil that such permlerion wlll rarely he glven, The enforeemenl of thla ord*-r i? rigid-. "Will yOfl please ','0 below. _rT" Bflld ihe offleer "f the flecg, aaa?ting tn* gen eral, when h.- had begun a conversatlon with a man Whfl had brought his bagSage aJroard Oenflrai Dlai appeared to bt annoyed ioi an Infltant, bul arithout kaaltatl?n complied. Admlral Fletcher explalne-j that. while i,e was wiliing to plaea i la flaaahlp ai the dlapoaal af Ueneral Diaz as an asylum. h, oid not propoee tfl axpoae himseif to the crltidam "i maklag it a plaee for poaalbla ptottlng. The diapOdtlon Of lha:; and liiia com panlona bas noi bflflfl dfltermined, but it appeara piflbahta that thfl) wlll eveatu ail) |., h.t aahore from one ->f the b.u tleahlPfl, protably tha Loulsianu hertelf. wh* n she sails from MflXlCBfl waters tha llrst week !n Noveiuber. Oeneral i"az has expreeaed hia prefar* eiue for Havana, adding, however, that he was wtntng to be set kshore anywbere exoapt?ig at a Brltlafc port, alnea he wu? convlnced thal the Britlah atathoritlea v.ould send him ba.k tfl Maxloo, He lB? Qulred of Mr. Und, who visited blm to? day. if be thought landing him at Uavaiiu would embarrasji the Unltfld States It is liluly that he will be landed at Key Waat, rrom whi'-h port be CSUM pro<-eed to Havana lf n" Ptaasad, With rsfereac* to ihe fature. i?ia_ pra* f, to be taraugh wlth politics and ro bellloni ann' says he wlll ask BOthlOg better. ao l""*: as h,s countrj la in Wfl preaenl atste, than to ba paradttsi to n p?flc? sbroad ? i, jt :, atrange Inconnistency," Im i?.,!;h, 'that a battleshlp should be sr. | mtt ? placi " Thrsfl flrarshlpfl tin- Oflnaaa ?ruleerj Hertlia. th Unltsd gtatea crulaer Tscoms j ,,i!.i fiinbosl WheeMna *re nem am borsd ln tho Inaer bsrbor. Tho Ta.ns sntflrfld to-day l" tflkfl "'I Coat The poi l authori? ties oxpros.od BOBM ;.| pt. l-.-nsioii at the I nesr spprosch of ono ther warahlp. Mr*. Daniel Madero, feariag that aha araa ahout i<> i?- arr. Bted, wem to tho, Amerlcan Conaulat? this Rfternoon an.i; rematned Ihere aeveral houra. Bb* end Mra, Bvarlato Madero wera broughl bflta wlth husbsnds, wh<> were arrested by the federal authoritlea a' Monteray. i DIAZ AND U. S. TARGETS FOR MEXICAN ABUSE General Called "Coward" and a "Molly" and This Country Meddler by Press. [Bl c'_l,P lo The Tribune 1 Mexlco Clty, i *t lt. Sorernmenl newapflpera let looae a flood of insub* to? day agalnat iviix Dlaa. "Ki Impan lal" ruya that thoiigh it opposed his candidacy lt never ?uppOfled he w?a n "mctly." II goea on to sa> that ln- wrapp. I himself up ii. th. stais and Btrlpea whlck nns acrved "n- a wlndlns aheel of hls dead honor." flnd flddfl! "Ho hld in a Woman'l ?kirtfl llkfl n frightened peodle, vhi\.nn_: ;,11 over, and with its tall bfltWflflfl IU 1. i;s." The last paragraph is an alluslan to imm civini; his wlte'a health aa a reason f,.i n-.t coming to tho capltaL "Bl 1m parclal" also aaya MDlaa aought to bring auapldofl In tbi srorld- eyea on th.- rhlel tain. General Huerta, from whom he had ..; dlatlngulshed -ourteatea .md dla* . .. _. |,,. .,i?.i i.. baa flven th- co Of th.- North a n.-w prctflXt Bfll trtlt* f) ing flnd outraglng oui name." --ki Indep n llente'a" ? dltorlal :- Ifl '>"? tantt veln. II compares Waa with th- aflfl which donned ;. Hon'i aktfl an.i a.ids: .., ,|,^i,,;,. i,.-- i" ? n waUowed sp by a \ort.-x ot rldlcule The man who aaplrea ,,. i? preflidenl of the repuWIi has no rlghl io i? a eoa ?The AttltUdfl of lh? I'MSid.nt of th'' Unlted btatea in backlng the electoral tlckflti of those who fsvor th- rsbeta li t.? ii<.ith .a Mexlco flnd brandinK tboflfl ,,f the Bpholdera ol legallty, order flnd national dlgnlty" has assured the contlnu of provlsional President Huerta la pow.-r. gathered ahout hlm nll Ot norable and worthy la th.- country and "cons* ratsd him ln the presei I dlfll . ir. untfltancflfl ns lha onl) poa Ihle President "f the Mexicaii BepubUc" is . dltorlal opinion expreflae I t- -.t.?? b j "Kl Liiatio." n.?? ernrnenl "Each hom- brlngi newi -f tl 1 ,,f tin Huerte-Blsnquet tii kt l li il ? N1, ?? ,..,,. j... ? . - " it rontlnues "Tl* -? bave a double . nll i ? th? attitude of our Pn atet nl ?nd vltup*r. we almoal mlghl ,r" wli ked, unfounded ai :"r,r nf a forelga power Ir oui *> ffllra' MONTEREY BATTLE CENTRE Both Sides Massing Troops for Great Contest. . Pasa . Tex.. Ocl :".' *??? ? ??...?? . kst< rn Mi al na Bl M'-i't ? troop moi en '?'. cenl ??? ' Th< ''??' tor i ? noa < on< ? ntratlni aboul M aid t.. numbi i 1000 The I-'"'-. rali ha e i ? ? ?'' t'""'' tr. m Pl< ti u itt ?'? d Iflfl ???' ? , guard lhat place Kavan tte. .,,1 Maasa an lesdlns stl* ,.,,,! rellef f? ea aouthwflrd to Moatsrej ff..m the bordei country. Renewsl i f he? I - ? a? I lai i ? ?' tor to-morrow, k- ' tate naa flven as BO, wlth ?bo l M ? '? ralfl ds* -t rtnik tO th< Immense w? '?' >: "'' ' ... the rebel, ' ? twelve ?' ;.' w! never been unpackfld, four cannon ,,?,... go.OOO cartridgei and bora ? ?? REFUGEE LAD HERE Fled from Mexico to Escape Being Forced Into Army. Angelo Qarda, Bftflfln yean old. wbs mm bfl waa a refugflfl rrom Porto Msx? Ico, appeared In th? Chlldn b'a Court ? terday, before Judge Hoyt. chargfld wll i belnt wlthoui a proper guardian. Hf wa turned ov< i to tha cuatody ..f th.- Cbll* ,,.,,, - Bociel tbal bta rtorj might ba In \. atlgati d. Tbe lad flpeakfl no Bngltah, but ?< ord Ing to Ueorge Laao, ol Na M Rlvsraldi Drlve, who mel hlm on Tuesdsj nlght si Bd atreel and Broadway, Oarcla'a fathei whh killed ln lha revolutlon, and bl brotbei tanoa snrollsd In tha rflbal ranki Pflarlng thal he wouM t?. called upoa to bear arma he n>d to \*m i'm/. and ' .,.,. ped fla a atowawaj on ? Brlttah [ateamer, arrivm. in Brooklya two we.ks ] Ago ? ! ITALY FEARS U. S. POLICY If "Imperialistic," Others Would Suffer. It Is Said. Itome. Oct Mt?Thfl "Tntiuna." I om mantlng on tbfl Mflxlcan BttuaUon, potnta out tin- Italian Interesl lavolved. There aro abOUl ltOOO.O00 Italian* in the American contlnent" II aaya "who*.. fat wouM bs.alfsctsd if aa Imperialistic polley should triumph Ht WTflabtngton, becauae, ln addltion U> meanlng thfl ""' querlm ol Mexlco, ii would Und to th< snppr -sslon of iiHtionallties putalde flf th Amerlcan. Aa Italy is ?? l.atin oauatri *h?- lfl latSTflStsd irt thfl pit-s.-rvatioii of th-- Amerlcan Latln i.pui.iies." 75 AND L0NES0ME, TO WED Aged Man Takes Out License? Will Marry Housekeeper. iPima 1 h. Trlbnw Onrraaaflndeat. I Weat Oranga, H. J., Oet lt.?JOha O llansen, seventy-flve raari flld, to-day ob taiiwd a BMUrrlagfl Hoonse. He will marry Mrs. Annie Sherman, hls hou.scke. p.-r, who is flflvflnty-flflvfla yflara old. No .late \naa yei bsfla flfll for Um waddlag. Hansen, ?ho has marrlfld sons and | grandchildren, said to-day that he dsddfld iu u.-t married bflCflUSfl ho felt lonflSema I Hl* flrst Wlffl 'hed thiet- ySBTfl Bgfly and | alnce thsl tlns bfl sa\s bfl has been "the Imie'li.-st man In thfl world " Wln n flflkfld about tho IbrthCflCB-Bg mar rlagfl h- said "Aii old fool BflVflT <hangea hls mind; ? fldm man doea." SENATORS USE AXE ON The Secretary of Agriculture and the Controller Dropped from Federal Board. TREASURY HEAD MAY GO Committee Favors Reducing Re? gional Reserve Banks to Not More than Six?Central Plan in Abeyance. I rtom Th- Trlhnn- IJ'ir- ** ! VTaahtogton, Oet ?.-The tlrst step in the ara) of reaaodetllng the Olaefl-Owefl eurrency Mll was taken bt the Senate Banking an.i Cuitericy Committee tfl-day. it Increaflfld tiu- memberahlp of the f*-d .rnl board, which is to ha-. e control of the system. from srv.-n to nine. and elimi nated th* Ba* retary of Agrlculture aad ;he Controller of tiu- Currancy ?** ??? ..m.-io membera It has atvi vt been deflnltely declded whether the Becretary of th. Treaeur) shall remain as ;i nn-m l.el. |f the Becretan of the Treaaury la re i.iinr d the numbi r * lll ba Bxed ai nlne and th< term "f aerviee al nlne reara, one member t.. be appolnted each jrear by the Prealdenl arhen tlie ayatem is under operation Otherwiaa th*' number arlll be nxed at elghl and the term of eervice al eight reara. lt la probable also that the Senate committee will InereBM Jhe sal nriea ol the rnembera <>f the federal boar.l, which are fi\eri al thXttt ? rear by th< i.. lidlli:: Mll. The provialon of the Owen-Qlana rneae uir for th-- appointment r>f bu organlra uon eommlttee te eataMlah the ayatem was dropped Thla aort aill ba per* formed b) the membera ef the federal boai d Tha question Of the number nf regional reaerve banka araa saacuaaed at aome length, ai d probably *?- lll be dlepejeed of to*morro*ir. Bentlment oa th<- .ommittee is in favor of reducing the number te tl ? fo ir oi Bve, or al the moel aol more than BlX Tbe lacfltlOfl Of lecional bt nka in th ? three central reaervi i i'i' ? - n. w Vork. chicago uf.,\ Bt Loula aerved ,,s tht for the dl lon Bome of the mem era arera of tha opinloo that I ml ae Id ba ufBcient. Then . the queation whether or nol it would i e neei eaar) lo eetabUah ona al sj.,n l-'rar- sco, or posslbly at DflnVflT. It uraa auggeated thal tbe buaineee of the i-:..-trm I'nited Btatea and thr niore northcrn Bouthern atatea could t>e lrana*| ; ,i Se? 1 Ork, ll al Of tha northern . Middie W'e t and Fei B eal it Chlca ' and lhal of Jh. Boutta -it 94 Loula it wat tioi regarded - - ? ntlal that a bank ' tl New Orleana What* elected It li all . conrlualon lhal the Benate com* ;. , ., ih orry aal the n ? ammen la* . tbe . aaki ra thai tha numi et of . >!-. reduced i'i,.- r. tionahlp betweea onal I anki wbj alao thi l W ?? ' wiii br made on the . ,,.!? r ..f tlM ? ? m\ i oat t" ? ' gn itei i oatrol to the bond* "t the ird, thua ap _? it,. ceatral baak Idea ai d pai - v..,y i..i tha raaralaUea ad bka :, ? rntrallaed our*i ... . .rt.- baa temp rartlj aba ef/ofi lo d ?! tha ceatral i?,nk h tt ? ? om nltteeatai - ,1, t,, eie wlll proci ed to . | . .t>i thr regional ku.i l.ntral banh pla ? ? "M^ i aralk I rfei ted i fai ai unlti ?? can argm Tl* n the j ot< \, ui *..- tak*' on ihr taro i ?i i . rnodllVratlona adopti d thua f..' b) , . , ..mitt.-e do nol Indli -iJ*- a Bnal da rlaion t: ->t ti.wen-Olaaa plan wlll b* adopted. althougb II I apparanl that mambaia of the Senate rommlttee, take the vlew thnt thls mur.* be done lf cur? rency leulxlatlon ih to be enacted. It ia a matter of expedlenoy rathrr than of prln ciple. When the Olaaa-Owen bill has been remodillcd those Benatora fl*hfl favor a central hank will draide whether or not they wlll fdve It thelr appr*ival in the hope that lllglelfltkin ef some kind which wlll r*llr\<- ?he present monetary situa? tion can hr rip?=ed. RIGID REGULATION OF R. R. STOCKS AND BONDS ASKED Drastic Report Adopted by Association of State Commissioners. WflflhlngtOB, Oet l*).?After a lonjr and Bt times a* rlmonlous dehate the National | Assoclatlon of Rallway < 'ommissloners adopted to-nluht a r.port of the commit? tee on railway . apltallzatlon, suhmitted bf CommlflfltOneT Kahelmnn, of Cflllfomia. recomnu-nrllng rigtd federal an*l state su , *rvisl.-n of th.- Issuance of stocks atnl hr nds of utility and rallroad corpoia taiis. The report recon.mended: That theie be limitation bv law of the porpoaea fer whlch tie lssue of stocks and bonds ahall be p< rmitted. That authorlty be Klven to commissions. to see to it that th*- proo-.-ds of the sale of stocks and bonds are devoted to Ihe purpOBM for whlch th.-y are issued That no ato. ks or bonds be Issued with? out th- positUe approval of tha commis? sion after full inveatlgatlfln. Thflt i owir be glven to the commission to lmpose such . onditions upon the lssue aa ma; br- n?-<-essary. Tbat th-' t- gulattflfl of the atoeka and bonds of _iteretflta i ommon carriers be delegated te the Interatate Comntflrce < 'onimi.-.-ioii Finally. it was recotnmended "that Con* greas lmmeiliately pass an aet empow. r Ing the Inierstate I'ommer*-*- Commission to regU?ite thr- stocks and bonds of Intei I?irrieri in the manner and tO thfl extent heieinbefore OUtllned." Th*- eommittee'a prepflaal that there bfl no limitation ptflOed by law uuon the amount f'.r whl'b either stoi'ks or bonds shall bfl sold wa.s elimlnuted ou BCCOUnt of bltter opposition. The pror.o-ltion of i'oinmls.iionei Martin B Decker, of New rork, that ? commit* t,.r one from eaeh atata commlaalon be appolnted to provlde fee oalfflrmlty, ?o far .ik poaaible, ln tha aajuetment of expreaa rati - was adopted Th* membera of the .ommittee arlll ba named i.v then various stat- .'Oiniinsslolis. Commlaflkmer Decker. Idee la thal tha committee, II practieable, adjuai tha Intra* state expreaa ratea to confbrm t<? thoaa , rd?'r*"i b) the Interetate Commflrca Com m_aton for Intflratati bualaaa? NOT FOR SPOILS?OSBORN Collectors' Removal from Merit Plan Said To Be for Efflciency. Waahlngton, Oet '-"-, B) dlrectlon ?.f I nr Wiison. Commlaalonei Oeborn | to-nlght Inatructed Internal revenue col* tl at the re.-. nl ..' Hon of Coogreea Ib remoring deputy coHeartora from the protection of the clvll aflrvlce rulfla dld not mean -* return to the r-p"ii* ayatem and ?as done only for the s-ik.- ,,f tth Mr * ?*? ? "CoHi tora nre advleed thal th.- objeel ,.' -. <A prorlelon "f law ls efBriency, and only , - , ? am) thal an) tendenc) lo i . - - . aaa of appolatmenta merelj for ... : ,; ret ard, or '?" aa) thing that , ,\.,r- of Jh*- apoila ?) item, wlll b- n - gaided hh a \-r> aerioua rUeregard of I puMIC -1 ? ir*- . Hf**l thnt Ihev wlll !)<? rx I ,,, deal arlth iheee mattera to a . , i. ti.,- arhok eountr) wiH ap _aa HELD IN GAMBLING CASE. Rdvard Feiner, foweller, of Ka M Flfth orenue, ?t." raaaed the am st ..f John J. i;, ;.|,., lohr, the Barber," on a charga ef runnlng a gambllng houae, wea 8 ; ralgnfld to the Harlem Courl reflterday pn \m charga that be had offered to drop tbe . .... if Reteler pakl hlm WM to leave the itau He waa held In fzMt ball for ex* ' Bmlnatlon on Monda) BANKERS ADVISE SENATE Send Secret Suggestions on Currency Legislation. ChlCagO, Oct th-Suggestlons for the currency bill adopted at a mcetins of the Investment Baahattf AflflOCflfltlSB ln '""' \ontlon here were forwarded to Senator Owaa to-da>. What they were waa kept scret. The reports of tho committee on l*flis latlon. road by A. Q. Hoyt. of New York (Ity. and of the committee on taxatlon. presented by Krank \V. Kollins, of Bos? ton, flrflflfl adopted. The Hoyl report errttctaad various state laws. flflpflfltflJIy "blue sky" acts, whleh. the report de-lared, were erude, III eon aktarsd taghriatloa paaaad hy uninformed IflgtBtatora, dolng AOflflfl gSOd and much harm. Proflts, said Mr. Hoyt. have not In? creaaed wlth tho gain ln tho volume of business, a condition laruely due to re Btrictlve tagtotatloa, auch u the "full crow" |8W, laws wlth rsspacl t<> safety devices, hours of flflllhfl and the like. ??The Bnanclng of rallrbadfl la Ketting more dlfllcult," contlnued the roport "Unlefl* th?-ro ia a flhaagfl the prosperity of Um country arlll flfl affactsd serlously. flome states. like Texas, however. are dolng bflttflT in tne hope of Bttr8ctlng eapltal, and in othor dlrections (hflffl flTfl indicatlons of lmprovem.-nt, fOTCfld by tho gloom of tho situation." Tho Rolllns roport 88811 prmclpally wlth the Incoino tax law, the burdSUSOBBfl DSture of which, lt said, . OUld be proved only hy living undor It. lt was rwsolvsd to employ COUnSfll to represent thfl asso? ciation in t'-st < aso.s at law to deb-rmine the mesnlng of dtaputsd points. Bdmund I>. Kisher. I>oputy ControHT of the Clty of New Vork. ********* In? creasod wealth and new ************* tof Investment bankers under the propoaed new currency law. OUSTED, SUES GOLF CLUB New Yorker Demands Rein statement in Baltusrol. | Krom The Trlbin.- OoffIfl_8Aafl88l 1 Short Hills. to. J . Oct 23.?Willlam A. Kngeman. flf New York, has brought suit ln the State Supreme Court In a man* damUfl proceeding to be relnstated to memborshlp In the fashlonablo Baltusrol QoM Ckflhi I'pon going to the club re? cently Kngeman found his locker cleared of all hls effects. I'pon In .ulry he waa told hls house account had not been paid and ho had been automatically dismlssed from memborshlp. Kngoman donics his indebtedness to the olub. and asks the court to relnstate him. Justice gwajHAA has issued an order re <iuirlng tho club to show cause at tho No? vember term why Kngeman should not be reinstated as a member J. E. PEAVY DROPS DEAD Clothing Merchant in University Place Collapses in Street. Jaeob k. Psavy, af Na k> Baat s*th street. who was associated wlth the cloth? ing nrm of J. Peavy ,<_ Brothers ln t'nl veratty Place, collapafld in West 4.'d street yesterday morning. He was dead before Or. OKonnal arrived from the Flower HospKaL ' Mr. Peavy was born In Hoboken in 1*.7_. Ho enter?*d thfl flrm of his father in Untveratty Plaefl in ISH. in t902 h Btarted a branch store in Matteawan. He leavos a wife and one daUghtflT. $2 an hour for Shopping or Calling in Manhattan in a Yellow Taxicab. To get this special rate, you must say "Shop? ping Rate*' when you order the cab. This rate applies only from S a. m. to 6 9. m. Your wife and daughter are safe in a Yellow Taxicab. We know our drivers ?their records for years ? they are thoroughly trustworthy. They are instructed not to speed, not to go fast around corners, not to try and get through narrow open ings, but to go straight along quietly and moderately. That's our kind of service. Yellow Taxicab Company Call up Coiumbus Ten Thousand FlintsPne Furniture TOUNDED 16 .O *FUNr QHAUrr REMOVAL SALE NOW IN PROGRESS AS WE DO NOT WISH TO MOVE ANYTHING WE ARE OFFERING OUR ENTIRE STOCK AT REDUCTIONS MOST UNUSUAL CEO. C.FLINT CO. 43-47 West 23-2* St: 24-28West'24^St: JA(ew lorJt Ciiy