Y. M. C. A. HUNTERS FIND Millionaires Fail to Escape from Collectors by Fleeing the City. FUND INTERESTS NURSES Workers Unite in Paying a Tribute to the Memory of Mrs. Janet McCook Whitman. Millionaires who iioprd to Bnd refuge nt week-end | ? euburban re? tr- -i?- esteidav o\erh>oked the enterprise of the Corps of fair mono) setters who ar?- pushing the hands around the money .? tin? M^i'i-*- th.- ai cumulation of n li'??M..i building fund fot th.- Young Women's tThrtartian Association and th Vo'ir:- Men's Christian Association Sev? era! pift? ranging into the four and five fere rlaaa followed sudden trip- of the women eanvaaaera out of town. Some of tin ?? . ? Wt ?? . ill) su? e-?f'!i The aasounta of -jontrihutlona made on sst ?rdav and But-d*) will be announood at she noonday luncl.n ."??t.i"<> of the fund whl? Is to go to ti. tresnen'i organisation, Man; of tii. trained nurses ar?' snaking contributions ranging fror** BO! to $?' I nursei ?? nterested In lh? project, par? 'tleularly becaua? th? Toung Women i <*?.r:?t-,4-i Aaaociatlon is doing a heiptui Vork for nurses Miss E J Crawford, ?jjsatKsral secretar) of the Voting Women's ?; riatlan -aee? latlon's e< ntral cluh s hi jest? i ?lav that the financial aid from th? mursM wo? Id be one of th? feat? - ?the campaign M m Am,h llaxw? ' tendent of the training school for nurses of the "Presbyterian Hospital, la said t?> have i more for tie* profession ih.-?Ti any on?- .? . s ? ? Mrs lanel McCook Whit? gss Bh? IS - ' entit? y of prof Othei membera of th? team are Miss Margaret Bes Goldlng, Miss McMillan. M m Amj F. I'.-- ? ? Misa Pitcher, ?Miss Edei. M m w Itroan Mise Ward, Miss iTrancea L-urklns and Mrs, Lyle. Man* work? is for the fund p.?id lu? vt' esterday to the memory of Mra McCooh Whitman Th- following atat? s s ?.-i\?-ii out : in making Monday Woman's Day the lead? ? ? ? pay ii Ibute to those who are living and active In their set-- and women, tut to those ?who have served faithfully In the past. arid who cav? so large a pait of their In helping to make possible th* ? ? great project. "Much of the devoted work that i.? noa being don? is being silently rendered in m? mor] Of Janet McCook Whitman Hi life eras the Und of inspiration that makes those who knew her eager fur Und In the pi l ? terprise th? ght opportun I geventy-two hours' campaigning without a let-up Is causing s severe strain on ol New fork's beat societ) woi ? Th. "Rosebud" team, commanded by Mis-, Perkins* the | sdrons," under M:*- Plorence M, Bto-* ell; Min B. R i-. Oould'l team Miss El ? ? I ?Ti?i the team headed b* Mi? Nathaniel F Potter have been working more than twelv. hours a day, getting to bed some? t nes a? iat<- as . oV loch In tiie morn? |ng Leal night was the Ural Urn* they ?. ? th. cam? I . i !>? gan. DEFENDS WHIPPING POST ?Governor of Delaware Resents Outside Interference. i g] i. leg-, i I ? .. "fttbaas i Wilniinnton. Del., No-.. II Governor Charlea l*. Miller strongl] upheld the ^whipping pos? In a statement to*daj ?n "foenonoi to newspaper article? and let? ters he had received follow-in?; the Intro? duction of a resolution In Congress by Hepreaentattve Bvana, of Montana. The (Bovernor said "The rotnts and other authorities of a**eaewsu*e eriH administer the Internal ai idirs of ?ii?- commonwealth regardless ol an> attempted Interference by a m?ni her of Congreso or oi persona in other ?tat. s who an Ignorant <-,** **osidltlons hea-s it, .-?? sw?r to ahualve Utters demanding that h? "suspend the whipping poet laws. P.- says: "Only the I iglslsturs c.-.n aasend or repeal Statutes." Tiie Covernot- S8~p"*0Seud himself as he InK personally in favor of this form of punishment, aa it is the "most effect!* e liai ; 1er to Vicious elimin?is on O'ir statute books.'' M<- declared the pool irould be effective lor tii*- punishment of persons convicted Of "while slave" traffic, a condition "w< ?lo i oi have In 1 '?-law are Tii? Governor added that tne whip? ping post ha?) been the fundamental pun? ishment m Delaware since ICM, and it are ild continue In us?- until the people oi Delaware, of th?-ir own a**cor? other* i.s<. The -racialist o? Wilmington adopted lions to-day denouncing the whip post a a "degrading, humlllatini* iit o torture ol its victims" and pledging support to membera of Congreso from of.' Mat-:? Who an- trying "to r? move tii is blotch from Delaware." Th?- r. so! .t ona call on Delaware's Rep? resentatlves al Washington to ceas.- their ?troit?, to '"perpetuate a form of punish? ment which s ? disagrees to a dritlaed stat FUNNY ABOUT THIS FIRE Patrolman Puts Comic Supplement in Locker. Blaze Follows. ??ii i.is trau to report for dot) in the W*o*tcboater police station laat nlsht. Patrolman James Bcarletf picked up th? eosntc suppl? ment of s dunda) newspe? p< r ii? slipped it into his pocket, re? Saarksag I0 himself: "111 gtOO that to on? of lh. luj.s on! tii. block to-usos row." i:< aching th? station bones be placed I tin comic sheet in his looker ano wentl into the (lormitor) to see how many of Ike f.tlr*a ti men on n.??-rve wer. ?le. p nsg A ton minutes later he smelted smoke with th<- aasiatance hi? locker, the Ma/.?- in which had com o d i" lockers <>?: either sid< Kffortg wore ma?ie to sutlnguish the Rre, but they tailed, so two of tii? lock? ora, one ,>r them g**arlet|'s, wen- to . t Into tne street Tber? short ?mk sras of the lila .'? THREE AIRMEN FALL IN B, Lifesaving Crew Rescues C and His Passenger. San Francisco, Nov. M. -Three a\ t?.rs tumbled into San Francisco I off the Panama-Pact-c Bxposlt grounda to-day in a ?series of conte and exhibitions with hydro-aeroplar Their machines were damaged, bul i body was hurt Adolph Sutro. grandson Of ? forn Mayor and capitalist <.f this ? -it.v. a i arrylng a passenger In n machine bis own invention, when the ?raft dl\ forty f.-et Into the wster. Both rr were rescued by a lifesaving crew. NEAR DEATH ON STROL Artist, Hit by Stray Bullet, B lieved Fatally Injured. A stray bullet will probably cat the death of Raymond Burns, an "ft I living al NO. 01s Walnut street, l.o Island City. Burns, who ha.i just returned frt a trij? through Ariz.ma and New Ml Ice, was walking across the railro brldgi In Pores! Park, near Ills lion at ."? o'clock yesterday sfternoon. is presumed that a person engaged bird slaughter fired tin bullel th caught Burns in the I? fl side and pet tr.it? <1 the abdomen. Tin? young man fell bul regained i feel and ran lioine A physician I all Ian ambulance, ?huh took him to t I Jamaica Hospital Because >.f Burn: Icondition the bullel was not probed i? ?JEWISH FARMERS CONVEN I Federation Holds Big Meetir Here?Has 1.04 9 Members. The Federation ol .iev\;s!i Farnaera America opened Ita Bfth annual conve tion laal nigiit al the Bducatlonal .'? I al ?Bros l? ly and Jeffer* ??Ire-: Three sessions will be hi ' d;iy up to and Including Wednesday. The federation comprlsea ;? membersh ? Jewish formera acattered tin,cm i.ut fifty-two i. ca? oraanlsatlona in f?n teen atatea At the opening meeting Is nlghl aeventy?one delegatea were preset anting Neu York, New Jersc a snls. ? '."m'-. ',? n and Massa? h setts. Alfred Jsret?ki, president ol the lewii tu ral Aid Society, told of the wot whi.-h tila organisation .s .lotnK to h? the .i. wish farmer*. The spiaker t..id tha loana thai his organisation had mm ;., f nable tin in to pay their IDOftgag and help them buy supplies "it is your business not only to encou age those who want to become farmei irho are fitted f?>t the work.' he sai "bul t la mi it i.iisine. s to dlsoourai tliow who wsnt t?> i.orna (armera ar i .-.re not fitted for the uoik." s FAVOR ROUND ROBIN IDE, I Ball Clubs of Two League Sure to Have Series. ; ? "hi .ii:... n\.v '?'. The "round robtit among th? aisteen duba ol la American Aseo Istion and the interna tlonal i-.-.-.K'ie is i ;... t.. :iii\ assured, a? cording to President Chlvtngton o* th former organisation, who is ju?;? *,.ic from the minor league convention at Ci lumbua j Mr. Chlvlngton taikpd over tin- propow iment with the magaatea of th ? ?? ,ii,i;it who were gl the meetini rind said that ?ill th.- .lobs, esospl Koch ester, which waa not represented, ha? ired in faToi of it. President Burrow- ?.r thi Interns?ona ? .i th?- plan, end st the srlnts j meeting of his league will appoint a com I mlttee, it is expected, to confer with i :-tee from the Association regard detalla of tha s? i lea. COOL TO CALITHUMPIANS , Freeport Church Would Checl Thanksgiving Mummers. H r. sarsi h le Th.- tv Kreeport, Long isiani, Nor. If, \n noyed by what la termed "the unseeinl? t" Of > ? in n>r people, who parade ?i? ifhns OS Thanksgiving Day. tha of h\ lal board of the Methodist Church ba: petitionad the village trust?es througi ?. u \\ Valentine, secretary, to pre\ cm nisi loings of the raltthumptana be? tween 10 and 12:3t o'clock on ThanhagtV Ing morning, 'luiina; which time a unlor ?ei i ne is t.. be held. The parade ?if ragamuffin."? has bren a feature with tha young people of freeport for many year*, and the fact that the \il larpe trustees have referred the ?petition of th? ?hurih people t.i the Police Depart? neat baa cast gloom among the youmt folks, many Of Whom prepare their cos? tumes weeks ithe.'id of time for the arnrin' festival of paradina the streets The rsgamuf?nt aay tbey imve never annoyed the rhurchgoera or disturbed the Thankagivlng asrvlcea TEXAS GRAPE JUICE FIELD i New Law Provides Specifically for Bryan Beverage. Auatln, Tex. Nov l?i ?Two new liquor atatutea with so-called "blue law" clauses bseoma affective ??t midnight M?m day, curtailing the tiready restricted ?ale Of intoxlcaatj In Texas. ? ahlpmenta of ttouoc Into "dry" territor>, Bl?ket sn apparent att?mpt to put grape ink-.- in . ompetitlon with Intoxicants by provMtag aped?call) 'or Ita transports* tion. l.iquor dealera era forbidden to soii.it business b. letter, ? iieuiar or In any other mam.er ir. option communities Boma lawyers OOOStrue this t.i mean that newspspei advertising of u?iuor may be atopped In "dry" communltiet The other law requires the ?losing at . p. m. of saloons and of any <>th> r buslnssB run In the ?ame <>r adja? anl rooms with tha bar. HEAD ALMOST BLOWN OFF Youth Shot by Friend Who Didn't Know Gun Was Loaded' f m Telesmph le tm.? Trtttoaa i Mill?, ill.-. V J. Nov. M.?Leroy Robin? son, eighteen reara old, sen of suas K..hinc?n, of Prngston. was shot and | Instantly ?Hied by Teddy Lewa thirteen I yean old to-day RoMnSOfl and a com? panion were driving near I'lvidlng ?'reek When Law* SdVSIICed to within five pa-es j of the wagon i? nd levelling n kuii said. "I am golriK I? shoot you." Th>- nhSlgli of birdshot struck Robin ?...i full m the fa?? ThS head was al? most blown from the body Laws said he dMa't knSW the gun was loaded. Coroner Simpson will hold an Inquest. t (MI m PERKINS IN PLEA FOR ?PENSIONS 5,000 at Civil Service Retire? ment Exercises Listen to Vigorous Speech. BLAMES BAD LEGISLATORS Financier, Who Believes System an Investment, Says Selfish Lawmakers Retard This and All Other Progress. ' A few less i>oiK-bnrrel hills and a few more pension bills would reHtilt In S con? siderable net saxinir in money and a con-, eidarable Improvement in ef"Idency," de? clined Oeerge W, PerkIna at the Hlppe drnm?- yestords) afternoon apeakins st the "Retlretnenl Dey" exercisea >.f the National Association of Civil Service Em? ployes. Sii.h a result la nol ?:k?-i\. however," Mi Perklna added. "There la mot-.- par. sonnl Klory, more headlines, in a preten tloua public building for Podunh than a proper pension plan for postmen. "A pi'blic building. ?In re none is needed nt ail meena so muck more hi tha im mediate plans of a CongressmSH than S pension fot the comparatively few elvll I seivi?e employas In his district thai bo regarda it a public duty to vote for* the i ubiic bulldlnt appropriation) psylni no attention to the pension bill." Mayor Kline, who presidid ovei the meeting, in Introducing Mr. Perkins i" the ihe thousand p. is.",s who filled the auditorium, railed him the "kins bee In th?' ireatesl hive of in?instr\ m the vorld. ' The leas.m tl-?- people COUM not ?>? 8 passriJ .. pension bill, Mr. Perklna laid. lay i?, the Failure of tha voter?? lo eleel t.. office men <>f Intelligence rathei than profeaatonal politicians Wrong Men in Public Life, ??'ih.- prob?Milt] of aeourlns an act pensioning f*lrU aern?ee employes ,-< fsi removed from the presenl day?" ha aald "There ha-- been a marked deterioration m recent reara m tin quellt) of tin- men representing the people !" office aecured through polltli al channels "in my lodgment thi* is large!] do? to th- fan that w.- have been as - arise! Ingly bus) with oui commercial pursuits ihat w<- have pal?i liltl?- attent;?,:t t.. who was put up for this or mat office Tha result has i.e. n that men have aoughl of? fice for their own pecuniary reward and their own glorification, aith migbt) llttlo, if any. bon?.??t. patrlotl? purpose behind tinu ambitions The) have ?mo- inteof? ti. ? end have aoughl ti"- position ,. a man would K" Inte bualneas snd gain, caiini nothing whatevsi foi th? kin.i of publl. aervlee rendered ruins even thing foi what Ihei Indi? ... eile! make out of it "Th.? oid-f.ishi?.,i.-?i Idea ??' - ntsteetnanllke questions snd .mlc problema baa gone almosi ani ? ?t of fashion, and th? average laglalatoi ..f t-.- ; day la made up ol about one poli pmti..t- j lsni and nine personal ambition That ??tat. ?-tter education j than ti.nt enjoyed In sny ether country.! ;i p. ,,',.;.? r- id] ''r.,'.; ? ??? ' point of to master the world, snd ret I ? . i almosi hand snd f>...t bj poli? ! ?dans, who were leglslstlng from Iheoi and not from pre? lice a pension, tha apssksi aoM waa Just as much pad oi proper compensation ?? the monthly Ha!ar\ it was I is belief thai pensiona wer? ri"? onl) riRbt. snd there? fore should i,e allowed, bul that ti.. I paid sa ??? pure*) rold-bl.led busin? proposition Pension at art Inveatment. i hsv? watched t)->- working oui si ; this problem In industrial, raiiioii?! and other Unes," be aald, "and i have ?et tn s?-, ?i casa where beneficial results have not follow.,I where the prlttdple baa leen appli?-.i properly, honestly and equitably, in m-, Judgment, beneficial ri^'iitx have been sa ;:rent to ihe em* pi?, er an t were opened at 1 ..'clock in the afternoon, nnd In les* than an hour were shot in the] facen of a thoueend persona ?she would have goae Inside had there been room. it.-sid. -. Mayor Kim?- and Mr. Perklna i the apaakera Included Prank a. Vender- I lip. president of ti,.- National ? if, Bank; Congressman Jamei a Hamffi suthoi el the Civil service retirement pension bib. and "Big Bill" Bdararda, Commtaslonei of Str.-et <*l?-anin>; other apeskara wars Andrew \v McKi . president of the National Association <>( ClVll Se-vie- Ktnployes Mlles M Daw son, exp.-rt actuaty; the Rev, I?r OeOrgc ft \'ar. de Watet, r. ?tor ?.f st Andrew's i Church; th?- ttev Francia .J Bulllvan, a I chaplain ?>f the Police Department; La-1 throp itrown. member of th?- Congrcsslen* I al committee on reforms In the ?-Ivll s?r Vlce; William Al. I 'alder. Congressmen from the fith Distii't, Charlea i It angla. SOSO data editor Of 'The Chief.'' and Her? bert N'. Csssoa, chairman >.f the graotei New v.irk ?ommitte?-. Adverttsina liaagua of New York. I ?tiiers 00 the platform besides the above w?'te Hhlnelanu? r \V;,\- ; do. I'oiice Ceaaaaisaaoner, and Oeorga w I lx>ft, . was shot In the le??s > er lar dey moniln? try two thieves whom he and Special officer ItothStaln found r.?b bli.K a .-nr. The thieves exchanged nhota with ?he officers as they made their es- j cape. I BAM FOR IK ON TO-DAY IT GARDEN Contest of Entrants Begins in Hackney, Harness and Roadster Classes. EVENING HAS BIG EVENT Foreign Officers to Ride in .?in? ternational Hunter and Militia Mount Competition for Judge Moore Prize, The teal beginning of the honre show. s.> I far as th.- enfrie? uro i on? ? i tied, starts ?o-.in' in Die morning special sttention will he paid to ha'iwievs. with si", en Ientries in the -*ompetltlon, and In th"* [afternoon harnebe horses will open the I p**ograrnfne Twenty saddle horses srill come next and ?hen roaulstera win occupy the ring. There me t *\ snt) -nine ? ??tries. I the largest roadstei rusas in the history of i ti?e horse show following the Plats Cup rompotltlon. In ?which the foreign ot*fk*ers win ride in uni? form, there win h?- tandems, ladles saddle (hois?.?, hunt l?ante. In which the ridera appear in hunt nnlform, and Use after? Inoon will wind Up witli the heavyweight I i lass of qugllned hunt) - s Tin* iiiis* event ?>t the evening is an In? Iternatlonal contest, In orbleh all ?he for? eign officers will ride. This is called for I'M O'clock, and Is for a prize offered by Judge William H M.t Thoroughbred hunter-, mllltis mounts, ladies' phaetons saddle and baraeaa horses win complete the programme The foreign army of? I fleers th< rdBcera and directors of th? association snd the udgea are to be en? tertained ''.i1* evening al .? supper al dtteri. 'a aftei II i close of ti i ahou Those Invited at. Paul Moore, ?'? L I Bolssevaln, Prederic Bull. Robert A flair? ? bairn, .1 VS Harrtman, Alfred B Maclas , ? William ii Moot,-. B i gtotesbury. Al? freda v .?i deihiit. Recinald i 1 andei i.lit. ?; Mitriiii Wharton, Colonel P \ i K> m..i. Ueutenanl Baron De Meslln, I Lieutenant Marquis D'Orgeix, Lieut? De Lasaardh ?? s, Captain \ ? toi Myesem i Lieutenant Lat Comte Albert de Oultre I m. nt. i 'hevali? i Edward i>- leUlera da i Moi inville Ueutenanl N K Hetberg I Commandant Feline. W I, Llndsey* I Hogir, Captain i* M Itewa ? RJchardaon, Majoi M i" McTagaart, Captain Paul Rodea? ..? i aptaln J. R. Linda? tni:i George VMtnei Ms Kw Do lias II .: g, i 'aptaln Walker Bell, IV. K | Bloodceo '. (Tharlea I Ba idouim I l'on 1 dei iloral Koch ' sptain i ? >! red I Bab 00? :. Captain ' f* Ball Dr R W Cai ? ?;. on. Willing, ' a ' s Burr, |i , r* 1 j w r? ?.. ?? .-not,, i oxhall P Keene, Major It C I'n ,;?>;. i ?** \ Btad? 0? orge ii ii time. Harn C? >it? nl ' -l l: Muur? I ling, ' ? 'i. de snd David P ghai p : Poilowlng ' the day'a programme I" a ni . ., ? ? I. two ?? i ?. ?gins || | 1 flits ?' l 10:44 k m ' . | - s ' ' ? "? ? 'isas II i?*? '"' ?? m -1 ???.?? < i ? .? ? hamplonahip, ? las* II Ma m tins I ? ?? he - i 11. lt:te I a m. IttOslnS -' *;' "aSckm po? ?iio i ia?? in ?Jurfsli ?i ala hsckney 1 . BUI. ??,.,.. - ? .. ".. ? . ? if aft*?*? ?** ? ? 'h?r(t-t,. I"la**> . ? Prelli - liona of I ?? ? i . ? ,-? \> in I -?? |> m J'elr ns I 1rs of >ar- ] ... M ?ta. !:ll r III Ii, Igli s twenty as*MI< ? l . i . i ?r ? r ? v. . ? ? i.? ?-? | IS f ?. Un? ? .- ? ?? of llft?*e? ??'.?? - i i tu - l?aoslas "*n un . . 4 |S |. m Jails a ? l-ull??' ?a.lii;. ? ? > Is ng ten? I ?rn?*a? iinra?-? ? ? i i ?:. |. ? i ludg sg bree un ?? ?mt ? : "ti .*. 10 p i.i i.ni-jini: ?leves quai B? eight, < ii'?? 11g 5 s si Re?reee ? t. m ludgtns Rft**?n KerneM hora?i. ? ?a?? 4.'. - 10 p i-, Itjdglhe* fourteen esddl? berses Clsss 99 v S .'.<> |i .i.i.'.i: . ? -aea fho? R ? I phsetOBS, 1ii.ll- a In dilve. ? ;.,?? ',T B i" ?. m Judging Stall ip-h m . . IOS -.i .1 i-1k ' ? ?tal ' "????iir?it.K-1 ... ? ?, |*ss i? -.o p p 11 ? ? ? ? Aging Ihre? ?? ? i ?? ban - rtddi ii (. uto ? ???, ? ?? ? r i... .,?!.,. i I??.-] |***| ELOPER IN AUTO CRASH Mail Who Lost Heiress Bride Figures in Accident. ' otit.oi E) aotdi "i Bs m i i ? lia S I., ??h., sloped about two y ara age with Mi*-* Dorothi Lushser, daughter of .loim W. Luaheor, president of ti>. North Ward National think, and was fereed to give up his bride when her father had th martiag? annulled, figured >?? eterda) rswrnlna i" an nut?, smashup In Newark, ByeoMt, who was driving In F'ark Place, nee i Ike terminal of ihe McAdoo ?peed line, in Newark crashed Into sn unto ?irivpii by formel Freeholder Prank !.. Driver, of No litt Broad street The j-'iaHs in hoi h machines ??s broken and Frank .1. Smith, who sshl hi* lived Bt No. i Broadway, Nea Tork, a passenger In Rysotdt's car, was cut about the fa?-?? with iiyinK glass His cuts nrera at? tended al the City Hoopttal The oiin*r occupante escaped with n shakeup OPENS NEW POLICE PRECINCT Waldo Cuts Slice from 38th, in Har? lem, and Adds It to 37th. 1 'ommlsslon. i Waldo Will ODOR ?? '" " police station this afternoon In Harlem it ?in ii? the heodnuartiTS of the no**' LiTth Precinct, al No. tm Weal UM Mice? between Seventh ;n?i Rlsjhth avonuee, foraaerl* perl of ?*???* Mtb Precinct it ? ?????nils from ll"lh *-1 r. ?t on the south to Ittth atreel on Ihe north and oast and Weal from Fifth SVOnUC to St. Nhhola^ and Manhattan avonuee. Benloi membera of th?* force ;ii Ihe oh] station srere given their eholoo of quar? tars, and many of ?hern went to the n.-v 1'fiimt Captain I'airici- .1 Qonrln has been transfsrrsd fro??*. otTi?-e work si Headquarters to take command. MONEY IN 15-CENT TURKEY Right Raising Woul 1 Yield a Profit, Cays Scientist. ? Pooton. Nnv. i?. Turkeys al il cents a pound are possible if th?* n-fht ntothoda Of tjitsinj: them arp us?-il. I?r. Charles P. Hlgftino, pathologist for the Dominion Of I Canada, said in a lecture .?t the Harvard | Medical lehoel t..-?i;,\ '"The dis'-Hs?* of hhi?-kii..oi bag been th? Sauee more than iinythlnii flse of tto -'-.ir.-llv of tnrkevs." he siilil ?Thi*.\ ? ;m he raised at a small i-ost and mark?t?d prodtaM*" at || i^nts H pound. To raise turkeys aurrasgfntly they should h?. batched by artUefral insana ami should hr kept away from onltnary fowl." !"DRY" JEJ)SEY__A NIAGARA Saloonkeepers Indignant at Re? port of Sunday Drouth. The person or pergom whoclrctiI_.ted the report nn BstUTday thai Newark and Jersey City would be as dry yes? terday as an English newspaper de? serve to be arrested on a ?barge of conspira? y in restraint of trade, for if anybody who wanted to couldn't purchase Interior d?BCOratloni yester? day 1m was either blind ..r insincere. The ?atoo-akseperi were angry, f buy was greater than on other Bundapa sad in Jersey City there was little change. ?'bief of ?Police I-^nii, of Newark. said he hadn't been given any apodal instructiona on 'he excise quaetton. The Jersey ?'Ity authorities t.ilkf?! sternly to the polUemen and then tried t.. concentrata on serious literature so ihm they wouldn't inuxii right out. FAILS TO FIND LOST GIRL Father Searches Racetrack? Daughter Threatened by ItaH**.n Not a trn.-e of Una Hardenberg-, sis teen yeari old. daughter of I.O'tl8 Harden bergh, who disappeared from her horn on Thursday, bad been found last night. Her mother is pi satiated end la Loins watched over bj her two married daugh* ters. Mr- Ethel II?.bins, of Mo. *** l-ik stre.-t. Oravesend, nn?i Mrs. May Turner. of Na 113 ?Incotn avenus, Bast Nsv York. Mr. Hardenbergh, accompenied i^ De? tective Henry WTeymsn, of the Coaei Is' an?l station, spent \ .'st\ tallan In tha streeta, but si,.- fought .-.<> vigoroual) thai be sraa forced t?? ti?-?-. H<- |i said to have ahouted aa he ran "in vet you yet! She haa never been o-it slone at night sin, ?-. TO HELP CASUAL" WCRKE..S Convention of Unemployed' Unions to Co operate. Asks l..ii,,,i oi gsiUzaUoh? * Ut .1. :? ? i . , invi ntlon of the i nemi lo? ? -i al lha Mi.1.1 ?? .,- i.? ? ? "... M Bast ith sst? rdai. to help them h obtal - ? relief b) various I? ti\?? enactment!, fk I vU asnd? r :;.. eoi ?? lion aaid. ? ? me of ti.? leading t. Matlneea U...1 ,v s.H .-it 2 Nlfhtl ?? ?? i?i m?;iit, ??..in,,,,,, _ iiriiiith in Bnsllali "?-U B.S-1? T,, m? Nlsht, "II Tniintiirr." Rl IOn ****** *a* ato. Ki.iuM.s SS?rVr THE LAST?>AYS?r *?? ROMRaTH *? Mr* A ROUAN H?I.I., THIfi \l*l KltMlON. ut ;?". Song GEORGE HARRIS, JR., t. RaaIIsI i tlelwta Bie. ta IS. rHetasra*- I'lano. nOVIIOI j | ,?,,., ?,? M?r, | AK,u. ;M?| |.-|?H, \ve. lo.;.?, ?in. Edward i \- in- mK ???iii *?t. i'..-\ii.. Prank ?berMan A h J". M? .'.. . ? ,l.i?|..r. ThlnkniK Dog CKHTKIV* I-?III?, AITS-i? Blanch?, H-maiM ?iran.-ill*. la.-k WH Tllcker, lt?-?v A Irvine Moth?. CTI A! _-_!* _J HAM Mi: ,".?. "si COLUMBIA ! Burlesque " lew Kelly A TIIK HKHMAN ? Mat Teda?/. N HHOW. AMUSEMENTS. ?till A? .4.1-44th Dly.Mta. ' Rest Se??a 11. Kv S. I.'.-ki People, Csralral i>f *-'t>or?a. -*0 Klre Thrills. A- M - ttr- K - i-C- A gulfnsgetts Patrade, nmigliis Auto, court ?>f Munor Flrat gtsaiMT throufpl Panama ?anal. Sun. Night, Mme. Irunip? Aida miri Orvlllr lliirrulil an?l ether artlata In Concert. S? SHUBERT E?F Bvs I Mal. Sat and Thanksgiving nt '-'. SHUBERT FORBES ROBERTSON'S FAREWELL TO-NMHT HAMLET OKKl Kl OF KI.I.IOTT PosUlvel* iiis in?? sngsgemenl in ?Ireatei New Tora.) TO NIOHT s1 I P. M . ??lleinlri." Ilso Wed. Ifth, 24th ami Mth. Tup. lith, 13d, SSth aiKl Mati'"* 27' h. "I'aaalng ?if the :i?l floor Hack" ?nil '?Sarrami*nt of .IihI-ih" rPorhes- Robert? ?i.ii sad Qertrude Elliott In bath). Thure. 2nth and "*7th. "Mies and Men." Krl. 21st. Tims aSth, MSI JOth, "Mrr chant ?if "l-nli-r." ?HI- flrat ttm-.i '-'.?i Ma- --"-'.i. snd --'at. Ere. Stth, -Ugh! That ralle*.*' playhouse '^::^,;^;; ;.. ?" family cupboard MANHATTAN ??"JK 5 jg?P To-night, Tura., IUiI Muht? at gtlg. Mat?. Fhssdai anil \\'iln.?il i. al -:!.*>. PAVLOWA \i.' k ?< an i*?tHnpanr sf galeeted Artists. To.nlght, ' ? >i :? ti f r, i?-" a "in?, l'util, n to the I - To i-orroa Ms) . "atagti Plut? .h..i '.'Paquita To-morro-a Night, "Oleelle ?Ballel in -J seta). 50c. to ?-."?" AMUSEMENTS. WINTER GARDEN!PS Vt>???? THE PLEASURE SEEKERS*" 44th St. Music Hal|--;:,;;-^ ? ? Management ?.. ?. ?.-...,,,?r UAr "'? Japan. Jiu Jit?n Ola*ti?to-->__i-r Tiie During ??c .-?. Erg? 25c to SI. Sun. ronrerta, Matan*, IVKK. Bv-*a si:. Mala \\, ,| ^ s.,,"~**rv A Pi?* Thiit Hol.tH the/**! Tnc*"*t ?M.? Mirror lp to N.lur, OURSELVES -r i-3JL| no St.. nr If! Ki ? :m. Mta U ??i., wt "Th- Bride": "Th-. Black Mi.V-' playa "l-n D-*.li?liii|."; ?????-??? ? CASINO nWA T*3i*TH *** '-"!r.g. S v OH-S^AW The Ki.nul--? M (jaira I Hfl on Earth * (?MKUV. K-.ga s in M;,, To-mor*-? t.. THE MARRIAGE GAME maxim: ELLIOTTS THKATrs k. ?, jstrs the lur? :inth St. Th. Bra S 2*. Ml* W. AT BAY w,w?i Tim?, BOOTH :"'" v ? * '?? ^fmGRfATADVENTUfit PROFESSIONAL WOMAN'S LEAGUE BENEFIT Tlt-MOKKim AFT.. I I'. ?.?., \|i*.RP GREAT ALI..STAR PROGRAMME SKATS .Ml?. r?> SI..V?. M'eel Lml. l?Titli u oi ? \ i ? .. y ""*-? 4 Mats r';,,^1;1 SNOWKHITE,.^^ MTHtar TMiv rn nj.V "l,^;.rt*E? lu-UAT ?-f" ??'"*-? _ , . " A "??'' -' y nnnf *?** ?**' f; ? >' ? - ? ? S r?Hlu-;;:. laurette taylor 9993 II I su?..--? -" 'PEGO* MY HBAJR.? M-AV ?OKK'S I.i:\IIIM. THEATRES AMI M l??-l>, empire ",,-,:.. ::: w,,;"v;.;'?& j new Amsterdam ETHEL BARRYMORE -run* i i*r"ri r- /? i"rr? TANTF THE LITRE CAFE 1 AtN It By Ivan < arj M A ?' M - M I 1 Vi'I-I! VI r"' ""' rir B'w?) Bv. H j?. N-M Aeaeterr?Mi Theatre??Jperl?L -1CI-,U,'1 y ,,? Than t Bsl -''-" Kest Tbiirs. ,\ Kle? ,,-. TO Ml.Ill l-TI'ST TIME t\ X r. ' ri; ___ _*?? i.~...V':'."' ? ?'""TI-REI I W\ ?. ERLANGER preeenl ?"'? N*'?', **"?"? n,r- ? " ?* * WORM In ? ,, Aft. ai.,1 Mahl, Oi THK IMMnltrw wv ,,, !M ?| ? It m und liUC COMPOMER THE STRANGE RICHARD WAGNER WOMAN fMeeater Him. Ba p. s ..--?, ,- - PlOOTl Orean i?i, u M Hi; MI 0,"nA ASTOR ' ;\' PtrW ??e. a ST. ? - LIBERTY r n ,T YEAR'S BEST LnRlblit ) ; - MACDONALD | SWEU HEARTS _E M'.mt Sorel May in War*. ffl-MET' Mti HUDSON" ELSIE FERGUSON Mai -.??".- Wed I - I? ? v. it \T BI'NTT" I'M' I', ni THE -? . ?T.'II T___a_?i I w S Bit?? V-IO.E \'J ?M BEST FARCI" IN WARS* ?*? GEN. JOHN REGAN DOES "' IB I WE IRISH BUT __ V. ?RK - I.BVERI.l N V \'.?.i:i.I> _I1I I IP_ 'C B'waj, i ??'?'. m Evi, ?i l" M? CYRIL MAUDE THE , MAN INSIDE CRITERION Bl\ '? _ DAVtD BEUA-CO'S -ATEST \SD ? WALLACK'S Bw,y * :""'' **?"-*??"" :,0~ I ,MM VN DRAMAT,< DOES "' ?R , HE IRISH Bl T MORE i I.CVERI.l ' S V \'...i:l.I> DAVID BELASTO'S [?ATEST IND MOfR Ml IWrk??llnuuli- Bill)?"Beset] .ind tl Bars?*." \\ \\. i:i??.i.? I H It. la. ?.ti?' TIm- I.Ik.?I !?: - . ? . M ?? - _______.??%__? KNICKERBOCKER HARRIS " Hl" u DONALD BRIAN HENRIETTA ( ROSMA.\ THE MARRIAGE MARKET THE TONGUES OF MEN GABRICK v ??-cohan'S'n,:\:., ,';,;. fannie ward ^gg? I'opiiliir .*>'??. tn |LM Ji?tlsee_l?_hv ?.?.h s THE MADCAP DUCHESS \ v v. ,. i-.;,: .-il B ??? Damasrd Oooda I Mai Sal - - i with INN SWINBl'RNI TYSON'S THEATRE TICKET OFFICE HOTEL MANHATTAN MR. W. A. TYSON BEGS TO AN NOUNCE THAT HE IS NOT, AND NEVER HAS BEEN, CONNECTED IN ANY WAY WITH ANY OTHER OF? FICE USING A SIMILAR NAME. i \I!VK4.IK HALL-il -1 * ? ???? TO-DAY (MON.) ?m LMENDORF EASTERN INDIA III I III 14) IIIIUKI I IN?. POPULAR PRICES 50c to 11.50 1,000 ?i-.: AT 50c DCDIIDI IP TI IK VI'UK. TI F.s. \ir. ntrUDLIU West 43d St. \.u. I? at ;'::.0. OSS St. John's Guild Kt'p??rts of ( Ifficers. Aii.lt eSS bj| Dr. J. L. Magnet. Son**S b) Mi?? Jayne Herbert, ?>f 4 cntiir? ?ip.-r.? (oni|iaii>. STEREOPTICON VIEWS and MOTION PICTURES of the work of the Sea-Side and Floating Hoapital?. Opea to the Public. Ailnilaslnn Free. "eliinge u-^;;,;;v,1;r:,^:::?i WITHIN THE LAW i jam; hum. .?? m \i.v n KNER LONGACRE ?? "?,VcT?,:? ; ADELE RTiriS rruneMa y *? u ,- \S wifh Margurrll? Clark. SYMPHONY j gee t e t y o t If es > ?? r it v M li.TKK IIAMIIOSIII. ( ontln? tor. Ne\? Tri. Aft. at .1:10. Next ?un. Aft. at 3. S? MATZENAUER Beethoven Bymphoni Ko, <> **l*a**tarsJe.>' s. ma "ti sale as Bos Ofltoe, Aeollas Kail. RFIiSCfl w*"" '*'" s' Swalngs l 13, ??-?-^**'?"?? Mm? Tbtsra ? gal si - 18 WARFIELD ?&15?*., REPUBLIC u" *,? S;--;*? ;?? ;:;;" THE TEMPERAMENTAL JOURNEY with I.KO DITKK HSTKIN. i AitNt4.it. HALL, Tasa. \ft., N?,v. te, at : JOHBF .Mi PIANO RETITAL. (Stetawey l'lano ? \1 magetnoBt W0LF80HN BUREAU. AKOI.IAN HAIL. Wsffu Aft.. Nov. 19. at 3. It. .tt.il by lbs Dl?ilngulali..?l rianl?t, u-ii.ii-.lmB ACH AUS Mst- of Leudos i'liarltiin. H.iiil.vln Pl.mo ACADEMY T ?VTiii'r; "TRILBY" /MADISON Square1 GARDEN \ IT, 1*, ?20. tX .: I llerntnf ?ft? n ?ni ? 1 ? -.? 1> \ M ..!.,. I'- !?'. Bared'a Bai Scat. In t!.. . two uppet uall??i '? - r. ?orved. Great Exhibrtl.i of Horses Iu*??rnatloa-J Eventa I - ntti-en?? I in . ?i?arh 11,-ljjiaa.N*" ,. .ijiaiiin i .midi" - Mi'lttf* SI . -t'. \ MIIII..I.HIII-" ? .. P*r* B. F. KEITH'S NEW YORK THEATRES COLONIAL MARIE LLOYD a -M M nuil? ii_t.. to, UNION SQ. iiiKa??* ? Use, OeTsOh Bar no?, A " ?*?"?*'** Mi BaaB ;, u ? BK '.'' l'i. - KIMIMN?.' _, _ _ _ ' B> __r ?"-Al JtiMVa L?fT? DAI flip F *B1l?aa^\s_-> HARLEMI-;,; (?ll.l:. II.Ills.-. TN \\ V\ ? K?..-.-VS0."?-.|i $i .-.u. HoVi W ? l'ail- Ma-.:.-..:.?a-:.?..- Hak. - METROPOLITANA I.? iiiic lil . ill h (.i.'"?i ?enauer, D*-,eh-?m>? Ca ? ? *"' Conductor, Toe?*anlnl. .. _?* Wfil., .?- s. Ms?'* Haie. : ***. rrlu(,lli.u,ii,,;?n-/ K ta - that., ,n s i . Hohriiir. Boi kl? llnelll ?.!. Lut,. s, ?Il i'. - - . 'oral . '.,r,,l.. i',,i., ?,, a oV l-'rl.. et T IQ l.olieit-jrhi. K ? "',' ,|,-': (d-?bet) i:i,... Brsun ? ' " ,,,,V:' Nul.. SI t, HuMii In MS-IHf' Hem-M I, Mstaensuer; r_i - ?n?ata 1er, ?suroU. l'ond . Toa . _, Next tVet-k: Moo., al *- I Bun ??-?..* Kornla; Itertlnt-lll Kcottl B* la i ???i.iosm** HAROMAN PI *NO ? ' CHOICE BEATS KOK A I.I nl'KHAS **, mandli Hotel Tu.mm- 'i ? ,,?1 .is s?. I'l.o.i. :?'??_.. basa "?> iiriiioiin.??? ' ? Tyeona __ -- TaiBiaila Hull. **_**** Aft.. So?. *?> "_!2 PADEREWSKI Ti.-u-i-? ?;.:.? \i It.? . >t'l. ? ?' \ Billa. MK' How Wild animals L. t'ARM-'?.IK I.YI'KI M. Aftornm.n. *, |L-? 7th Ave. nn?l 57th IB. Eve., ?:*"?. ?JT-'?t} All vr.it?. H??M-r??'