Newspaper Page Text
I\few*i0rl? (Ertbtme Vol. LXXIII....N0. 24,481. I...!?., fair. I 1.-morrow, fuir, wltli moderale ?ni'l? NEW-YORK, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER IS, 1918. I? PAGES. ? * 1*?I? I f ' L* /*?VI? / ' L* \''V 9ht lly o' New York, ierres tlly and Hobok?**. Ill? V, KlStV. \ Vj.\ 1 1 i>im iiKiii im?i < ? N r?. ARREST M'GUIRE, IS COURTS ORDER Former Mayor of Syracuse Indicted for Soliciting Campaign Funds. CONTRACT OFFERED AS BRIBE, ALLEGED Accused by Oil Agent of Promis? ing Favors for $5,000 Contribu? tion 8 Contractors Testify. jam**** K. M?-<.unf. foi-mer Mayoy <*f 1 later tii?' legislative for Mi?* Barber Asphalt ?Paving Compen: **-;is m?ii't??i jrearterday b) . ? SeOt 'tis ?grand .i'",v 'OF .iolati? n of the section of the corpora t .m? law prohibiting a person fr??m ***>? Ud?ng s political rontrtlnition ?frota n torporatlon. A ?bench warrant was ?..? for McGuire by Judge Ctain. ?iror-?'' H. McGuire, brother of the ?ndir!'?J man. testified on the stand of the John Doe Inquiry last week that James K. McGuire had eaile-d <>n ? trip ith America about ? week before, luent in rut > by I ?istrict AI - an'a dete, tivea failed to ?ho? his name on gny recent paseen ge* si >f boati ?sailing either to the tp/ca es or ?South Amtsrica. Violation of the ee? tion under whir!-? y . was Indicted Is a mf-pdemean or, punishable by one year's Imprison rnrnt In th? ?penitentiary or $?V00 tine, ot loth. May Indict Fowler Again. Eight upstate contractors who testi fied si the John Doe Inquiry before Magistrate McAdoo yesterday ?afternoon told eight 'different bul s! - glflcantl) similar stories of meetlnga with Evereti P. Powler, "Murphy'i up i agman." it appeared ? ? rtaln that from the masa of evidenc? - i add'i ed there i se? ond In? ilctment of Fowler under Ihe same i ..?? laid -it .I-un?.? K. Mi - ? - rday bj the grand Jill t/ler'a previous Indictment was oi tortton, hssrrt on the evl _- - n< P. Mull, a Cortland ontrai tor, who swot?- thai K"U ? ? nod him with trouble if not "com McG rday was the evidenc? ?given ? 1 Jurj h week ago bj j - M. McGuire, : m? r Mayor of .- V',1?"" earn- , ? Ion for the i temc-i ratic ?'"iiimitt. ? fi?>:n Fil'tr* US Condlt, , ?les Vork'represent the Union "f < 'ailfornla. Condii himself, u?? a wltn? terday j ind .1 u >. ' rr ?borated this Btor; , an.i add? d t urther an. I'll'-lt ?IcIH?B. Arthur B. Chamberlain, .-ii?? Bout) * k-r in asphalt | end road oils, with sn office si No. 7 and ? ho ?was formerlj employed temporarily for the Union Oil furnished the i hief f?ea I i ? >f the John Doe Inquiry. ii ? ted by District Attorney Whitman's examination of this man had attempted to Influei ?' in"!. <*?.tl?lit MHS t.* the ?grand Jury. He had fllce by telephone on '_'. which ?as the da) sfter '??(?r-'- H. McGuire had ?been forced by Whitman to admit the authorship of m telegram. "M" Telegram Trips Brother. ?? a? tin- beginning of McG ?*?r? [down, hn?i his reluctant diet loa- ' ? ins connection with the Har? '"i and other asphalt companies in . tloa t?? th?- Tammany govern the StatS follow?-?! in ?? natural n < ice. t'hamberlsin did nol gel in touch ?> ' -it that ii.i and n hen It was ?i Bunda) thai Condi! was t?, go ? ?? ?ii?* grand Jurj he called him f? rnoon si ? tondlt'a boms In < ?m iiiti<-(l un third |>u_?\ s<*< ?>n?l __!_____ This Morning s News, -OCAL la?-;' ??. ? ?> Ruse ?? leet (i<>in ? *it>-.... I j : ilrs Indicted la Orafl Probe.... ll M. ?'. a. Campaign Bads To-day... i ' tsi Is Her? IP U Feast .I ??'' - r < 'ailed Smuggler. 3 .. r..\ U u;,ls .\l,,i?, y Hack ... 3? Karl .| Widow? d Mothei - Pension. 5 i leldei Calls h Conference . 6 ' >v "Ul I I.. , !?, .SS4 ,,;: ', . Rai? g his ' torn aii ?. Pankhui ?t. 7 j !'<f?-!-<! Moth? i -Teai hers . 7 ' alisa i. ??. k? ,,.i.'ii ifaki a i"??? it.. g v.iiv \,i -un for Roaenkavalier?.. . s? \ penda st?.?,?-r .16 ! 1 I PetH Waldo. 16 ? Mal?n? ?-'worn ?u as Collee-tor.le ? ' ? ? Rates I GEIfERAL '"'??' Kigiiiing Ai..?nui Jaarea. i ''"-?*-" ? - I u? Ipa Rah? ai a Wedding. ?""?tar Troul i* In Mexican < ?il Campa , a ?**""?'?'? Opens Currei i ?abate. *? nada Plead tot Higher Ratea_ 4 j ** Begins Egg Trust laqalrj. 4 1 to r;>i?i Asphalt s??ndal . e *"? M Holland, Actor, i??a?i. ? Mtmii "i t.'i Neckla? ?* Th? ft. .. a MISCELLANEOUS. and ?lav**. e BiltorUl .s . 9 Ul*"' . 9 Obit, ?taaii . 9 *"""* .10 ,.i;.I 11 ''?'?'i?' mi and Market".ia end 13 ***** i;-i?t.- .. .. . m U' "l?, .15 **r->W'>'i_ .15 HELD FOR Rt^BBJNG WOMAN Three Locked Up for Taking Mrs. Russell's Jewelry. 'i in-?-?' men wars arrested last niKht charged with robbing Mr?. Cattaarias Ruasell, ?>f Pittsburgh, an aunl ol Jus Uce Cohalaa, at 12th streit and First avenue ?'ti November 8, A pair <>f diamond ?arrinps. valued Bl |000, was stolen while Mra RimmoII was visiting1 N". 106 Bract 12th street. The robbers r;m through l_th street, pursued by Mis. Russell anri a woman companion, but thi y *4"t away. Detective Qrottano rounded up three men. At the ."th street Station the prisoners described themselves as .lames Carrtgio, ol No. 200 Piral ave? nue; Joseph Lapanto, ol No. ill Bast K'.th street, and .loiiti Randusso, <>f n.'. r*>i 18th strt et, LEAVES MUCH TO PUBLIC Money and Works of Art Given in Will of Miss Kate Warner. The New Y"t-k Historical Bocletj re? ceive? ?100,000 an.I the Hume f_r In? curablee gSOkOOO under th.- will <?f Miss Kate Warner, who died on August 14. Miss Warner waa s daughter ?>f the Andrea Warner, president <>f the Institution for the Savings ol Mer? chant*' t'i"rks. noa th" Union Square] Bank. T<. Helen Wilson, Prank Wilson and ? John Wilson, cousins ol th?- testratrix, ' ?lninK al N??. 130 t'liiHi.n avenue, Brooklyn, she leaves ***_&,'WO, $10.4100 and $10,000, respectively. Another ' ouein, Kate W. While, uf Lindsburg, ; Kan., receives?flV-OOfi. All books, paint? ings an?! ?ither works tif art are lelt to Alexander Wilson, s cousin, who ais.i Ii ? \<-. utor ami residual*] i. gatee ol the ? st ste. The executor is directed by Miss Warner to (five to the Metropolitan Museum ol Art gad the New York T'liHh- Library such works <?f art and i.?inks as they nay desire and keep those remaining for himself. Mr. Wil? son also receives the Interest of the testatrix In the proper! "Tos '_'''. and 28 l.isj" n.ini st ret i 7 IN BALLOON GRAZE DEATH Knabenshue and Passengers Lose Control 1.000 Feet Up. ' Till m- 1 Los Angeles, Nov. 24.?After soaring ? thousand feet in tin air ?is gracefully Bl ..ii eagle, and m.rkniK the tup from Pasadena o ? Loa Angeles ami re? turn. Roj Knabenshue t?-r a few mln-I ut? s to-day faced one of ths most seri? ous sit Mations of his aviation life with six passengsri In ths basket, a water pipe l.rokp and the ?n?lrv of th?- hugi dirigible stepped lust as Knabenshue was preparing t?. land. Fnsl tul', the ? raft shot upward m hundred feet a minute, bul at the 1,000 foot level Knabcshue who had climbed through Hi?- netwoi the gas bag and the descent begi i M< i: I'-I'.w in an orange i" OVS grabbed the trailing ropes, held them fas) until Knabenshue had emptied ? hi ?-? ' ? hag .'rid .ill u ere saf? 12.000 WORKERS TO STRIKE General Electric Men Vote to Quit Labor To-day. Tl ? 'I ? ' ' ?ni-. Nov. :i At .? mi ? ' ?.i the Electrical Workers' Trad.? Alll ? ?o-ni;:iit. ending at ii .':" o'clock, - \ 'i"?i thai t \\>- Ive thousand ? pluyea S1 ?'!?? local plant of ths General Electric Company go out on strike al ??morrow morning. The matter had been i" tiding sin. <? las) "'?i., and ii aas hoped until to nighi that t npe could be . ulJy sel tied Howi v< r, after the conference, which started this morning and did' nol end until late to-night, it unaimously decided t<> strike. The trouble started ever the laying off ??i several employes because of scare? |?y of work, hu! the union felt that ? ol their membert had been dis? alleging that old ? mplo . were laid "if and ) oungi ? pmplo] ? - rets Im d PRENDERGAST MAY JOIN REPUBLICANS Controller Ready to Return to Ranks of His Old Party, Is Report of Friends. William a. Preadergast, Controller ?,f tin- en; of New Fork, who left thf Republican party last year to enroll in the Bull Moose organisation, is ex ,.., :,i\ to rejoin the Republican ranks. Mi. Prendergasl at pr?sent ?s in Paris on a vacation. ITrom several ?.f bis friends m Brooklyn, it was learned lasl night, howev.-r. that Mr. Prendergasl will make ;irt ariri<?"in<em.iit ,f his change m pol?tica upon his return. There an- several things, Mr. Pren? dergaat's friendi said, which bear <"it assertion, when ih?- leadership of the Progressive party in Brooklyn, th?* post left vacant by the death of Timothy L. Woodruff, was offered him recently, Mr. Pren-Jergasl refused t<> accept Instead <-f enrolling this fail m the Hull Moose ranks, it was <ie clared last night he turned in a blank sheet. Another thin*; ot significance, said Mr. Prendergaat's ""rienda, waa the ia? t that his secretary, <;??.r>-? Tin-.-ii. who left th.- Republican part) with Mi. Prendergagt re-enrolled with the Republicans this fall. .\ t. m sreeka ago, when several em? ployea were discharged from the <"? n troller'a office, the greater number of them were Progressivea from Brooklyn. in other ways, it waa ?aid last night, Mr. Prenderghsl had shown a decided coolness toward his adopted party, amj thai it waa a certainty h?- hud quit the Prugi ? ssi\ ? s for gi mi. ZELAYA'S ARREST FOILED BY FLIGHT Disappears Mysteriously from City to Evade Ex? tradition Warrants. MUST FACE CHARGE OF DOUBLE MURDER Deposed Ruler Slips Away. De spite Sleuths' Trap-Said To Be in Canada. ?Agents of the Departinenl ??f Just k a sough! to arrest General J, ?Santo? Zelaya, th-> former Presldeni .?f Nlcar sgua, in this city, yesterda) ??n b war* rani f??r extradition to Nicaragua where ii<- will fs< e ? charge ?>f mur? der. The accusation Is lh< r?*snit >>r the execution of ?Leonard Oroce .nd L-ero) Cannon, th.> Americana ? ho [were suspected of being Implicated In th?' armed movemenl sgalnsl the die tator. Zelaya, who apparentlj was in? formed of his Impending arrest, !? ft Men Yorh sometime ?Saturday night or Bunday morning. As \% o ?? announced excluslvel) m The Tribune on November r_. Zelaya, af? ter eluding th?- Immigration ??iti? lals, landed secretl* In New ?forh from the Htt-.imsiiii? o.-?-;mi, on November ?"? . ? ompanled by J. Mai las his f??rm >i consul m England, snd registered at? the Hotel Victoris. He ?wag said to '< ?? plotting to return to pow? r in Nie-j a ragua. The publi? .-iti'.i, of his arrival In Tl ? Tribune caused Zelays t.. move to th?-! Waldorf-Astoria, where he remained until last Thursday, n hen he dlsctn ered thai his movements were tv-in--' watched. With his youngest snn and Maclas he quletl* moved uptown tn| the Hotel Hargrave, Columbus avenue | and T.'d <t>???. | The ?Seen t s? n I? -? men followed the party to the Hotel Hargrav?. snd it ; -vas thought that the formet dlctatm waa trapped. But Zelays hss friendi , Mea York, which ma; have accounl ??I for the fact that i nlted States Com? missioner Bhlelda waited In rain In his In the Ft deral Buildli i - iterda) ? afternoon, i \i-- ha ?? '/? la a brought befori him al .?? n ! arraignment Rumors flew abtrat the building thai th.- Nlcaraguan had elud- | . d the Bet i el B? : \ \ct men snd had to ? 'tinada. A reportei of The TrHnine ralh i upon ?feftor Msciaa al th?- Hotel Hit- ? "(rave lasl evening to Investigate a i*"i "it that th?- ? ' . I?ia .?-??ti and S> i"i??r Ms ? had bt ? i h> i?:, agents oi I en mi i T!u received Ihe r? i?"i ter In i he lobby, and although be Bhowed algia of un? BSlnesa he i in tl? d< nit d the rumor. He sdmitt? d thsl thi B< ret >. i ice men had ? slled on him hti baggage* ind thai of ''?? nere] Zt-Ia \ a '??.i'? un.ilia? Ii? ?I Beflor Maciaa usi txtn mi ??? >? - m t.. discuss the ??? i" t? ?. ? ieneral /-? la >>?? Hi ? equall non? . ommittal on the Bubji ? i of lb? ?1 - poi tation of hlmsell snd the.t ;:? I Zelaj>? i" Barcelona, Bpaln, nh< i? u, -, had i ? ten drlv? n bj the r?volu-1 t ion of < le?era i Jua n J i.- U ads At the hot? i d? ? ?? H wai k ai tu d I hai < ?eneral Zela>.? no! been s*een about the hotel since Baturda) night. II was thought thai he mlghl ha* e left the pin' ?? ?.u _ inds; The baggage, th? ., m, Mi,?i. waa still In the house, bul the hotel was being closelj watt hed i,s s?. ret s. rvlcd sgenta t?? preVenl . the di parture oi ?Seftoi Mat laa and young ?Zelaya. The latter la an?,m i ?A ?nt v j .ars ?'Id. Since ins ?arrival In Nsa fort Gen I (inliniKil '?ii ?????"ti'l PUge, Ii.iirlli <oliin.ii. MORGAN TAX REDUCED I Assessment Cut from $5,000, ! 000 to $3,600,000. i.? s la I Jasa I-? dj si ?i one ol the i **.< utora "f the estate of J Pleri.i Moi ! gan, sppeared before Lswson Purdy, Tax Commissioner, yesterda) snd sp plied for a reduction ol the .-..--? m.-nt sgalnsl Mr Morgan'a ?. late Th? assessment waa s:?.?hm?,?mh?. consisting chiefly of the Interest: In th ? Arm <>f | .1. p. Morgan ?* Co?, ;? large p?ri ??f the | ?assets of which w< to lUx ka snd tai , pai'i bonds. Th?* assessment urns reduced to fS.IMNJV x N ?_ MITCHEL GUEST OF COLONEL GOETHALS Police Affairs Here Discussed? Mayor-Elect Fails to Call on President. I its ? ?ab*, t" 'i Im TiIIwuii i Panama, Nov. 24. Mr. "and Mrs. ,i??hn Purroj Mltchel were guests ??f Colonel Qoetbala at a dinner to-night Thsy dis? nss?'d the New York |ioli?*?* ?iijfstion, ? but no offer waa made to Colonel Qoethals, who would not tecepl th?* cAce. He s.i'.s th?- ?'ommission'T ne? ?Is al> ?, int.- suthority "f ii long term. .\tr. Mltchel la avoiding all .?n>?i_i ?i?. ni.-inds He failed to call on the Pan aman President, which has caused crit? icism The party will \isit the Qatun locks to-morrow. . -m ??? T. M. Emerson Stricken. w .,.,,.i sa to?.. Nov. '.'4 Beriousl] 111 Iron? .out?- Indlgt -'"'?i. T. I". Km?-??in. presiden of the Atlantic ?-??ast Line, t<> nlglH waa takes aboard a spr.-ini train wtii_-h lak? '"'" t?> hla home In Wilmington, N. C, Physicians ?irM-nbed his ?omlltlin as "extremely bopefuL" ?PRESIDENT HELPS REHEARSE WEDDING Takes Part in Parade Like That in To-day's Cere? mony at White House. LAST ENTERTAINMENT HELD ON MAYFLOWER Hundreds of Those Invited Arrive Mr. Sayrc and Bride-Klect Have Bi:sy Day. I From 1 h? Tri?.un.- Rui SOtt Washington, Nov. 24, Bscttemeni ai the white n,.us?- to <i?\ exceeded that on Mat. h i. when one Preaidenl wenl out and another rtune in aa Chief k.\ ecutlve of the nation. Thi excitement incident to the marnai,.' a? 1:30 ?>'< in? k to-morroa afternoon of thi President's second daughter, Miss fee git Woodro? >\itson. and Francis Boa. i Be)11. Th.- most importan! event waa the I rehearsal of the wedding at I o'clock, Iwhen the Preaidenl and the entire Iwedding part) took pan In ih>* paradi | The President was on hand ready to rehearse lus pat t even befon the othei m? ?1,1.? i ? ?T the w< ddlng |* it> ai i l?*i d, I and tor the um< all formalltj and Btate matters wen laid aside ami j?.> ? ? ?: supn ma The .Marine Band was itatloned In the marble rorrldon Jus! where ii will ' be to-morrow sfternoon, and the entire I mualcal programme was played in full t.. th.- grand march of the bridal pro ? ir, from the Slat.- dining room to : data m Hi" Eaal Room, All ..f th? ?I- "i ii *"!'? . sa\ ?? a f. v (lowers in th? r-rasei arid some minor details were in place, fust aa they v.ill be to-morrow, and i the wedding, with its hundreds of distinguish d wll i ' ? soothly tu ne.i roa ??> d"i the rehearsal lo-daj the ? m Hi i'?- ;. marvel, v large num? sritnesi ed th'- trial marrfa '" t!??- platform and th?* gra< eful m rang? m< nl ol bi Idesmsldi at", uafe ? ? v -|-..,,. Whlti i i were all -?n hand i ? utok.?-: .n Hie ' ei emon . Diplomats to Wear Uniforms. ? that tin- m> ruh. i ? of tli< ?p i-orp*- had decided .-it the lasl minute '" v.-.r th>-r res pi en dan I uni? form i ightened ?nteres t m the ? !t miiiniH. .-? L? h? as hi illiant i it.' ?. n ?i** htst i rar laki n place in lli" I Si lltlVI Munm.ii. Tlir ilipl*??? ?? tnUoggfmm i th< te\.I'V" * j. Jn ' .1 . h An ? ? - !..r it present d an *".-?. i - crd lo ihe diplomate that h a special ? ?mpllmt m t.. Ill? pi ? .il? m. thr ?un and minist? i ?? - i..' sap? ? pear m ti,. n foil uniform??. Thi m togethei w nil r-ie nnlforma of th? militar" and i-'-, ?-.ill Und ? little more of lal niinos|.h? re than was al lirst ? \ .? .i? il. ?tut I Hi pan Ra?. .? lu,, neon to? il- Wiifi.ii T. Grenfi II, the beat m- n, il " h., h clergymen "f ? rerj do? nation were t?r.?-? nl Carrl . automobile* Hf>p- passing t.. and if t'pidh m th?' wiii:. House grounds Ths Prasldsnl focaoali his usual gam? ol .-"it gad devoted tl ?? aftei noon to ' .Idlng prepara! loni Try March to Altar. "Alien th?' bridal part) aasem.1 In the ?tute ?liniiiK room to the Btralna of the Bridal ?'horns from "Lohengrin,", the) ii - ?? 'i bj mu.' iii.\ in? ,n Blow teps along the rat ? srpeted i oi rldor i uni' ra the ited Blue and Oreen rooms, and BSMoea Into ths historic Bssi Room, where an altar massed m palms ami flou ers has bei n erected. I 'hat les i. ans Hi ghea " and i >r (?inllniir.l mi lilil? page, llilril , <>),,mn BANKER ACCUSES BOYS J. W. Harriman to Press Charge of Theft of Auto Clock. (?s. | I, W Han unan pi, Mil.-nt of the Harriman National Bank, will .i|> p'.u n, iii? Chlldrens' Court this morn?' irm r?, press s t*omplalnl against Win* fleld I'.attison. ,,i No 180 Ninth avenue, and James lit Donough, of No ."..'?.*-? Weal 38th street, hm schoolboys who are a? ? m ed "i attempting lo steal a clock from air. Harrlman'a automobile' laal night Mi Harriman was a bou l t?. enter his car, which "?is drawn up in front of ins home, at No. _?"? Bast ?"?ith. street, al fl o'i kx k when a boy darted from th.- st?ii'?aik ami wrenched thel i im k from its leather .ase. a patrol? man ggVS ?hiise Running a*eoi lo sixth avenue the' boya hoarded a northbound trolley car, i.ut were overhauled by th?- policeman and taken back to the Harriman house. Mr Harriman pi-?>mi.?*e-| to nn-ss the charge of juvenile ddlnqulney. - ? WISTER'S TURKEY STOLEN "Virginian's" Author's Virginia Bred Fowls Taken. I n toAtropt t.. 'iii.- rribu?i I Philadelphia, Soy, -i. Owen Plater and his family looked with marked fa\or upon the growing at traitions of ti roupie of Virginia turkeys that strutted about the poultry yard of their Old V.'ik Road .ountry place until to-day. A Ihtef Rot the hinls. ami now the novelist giuat buy "" uapodlgraod fowl for his ThnnksKlMtiB dnrier. NoThanksBivini; ilirui**r complete without An0o-*tura Bltteri. Delicious appetizer. Advt. fT)tr r^ttncis. Soivmj ?2\??yj-4m' HELLO, NEW YORK! Y. M. C. A. TALK? ?We've dot to Raise Ov ! $500,000 To-day, and W( Count on You. DO WE "INSIST"? YOU BET WE D< ? Our $4.000.000 Campaii-n Lnds Midnight?We're Short It's Up to You? Goodby. Three million o'< loch has come a gone ?m i? Young Worn? n a snd rou Men'a Christian asso? lations' tlmeplei around the city, snd the Joint comm t.*.- in . Large of raising ihe M.000,1 building fund it to-daj working to I <-nd thai some one s '?i supply enough to bring the luir hands ioroU sgaln before midnight to-night. ?T< terday vas ? greal ds> In the aim. i of whirlwind campaigning, bul to-di , the l ? si a- of Hi- .aim algn, mn.?i !-. greater. Ti,.. |,*iof? rollectora reported .*?."."> '-1 t.. i hell credli for t he twenty-fu ending -ii noon asterdg). TI bringa II ? total up t.? $3,427,247. M?-> than ---?"-'"-?-???-??k* mmt be raised to-daj ti,.- oi.j. et of the ? smpalgn la to ? ' d, ? i Know "f no ? ; ? In this osunl whl? h has Basa f??r.?d t-? ?>xt?*ii?l a. ?nr I paign for'?Christian association pu d William Ft llowes MorgS of the executive '?1111111111.-. after tl ". hi ??ti ? esP rdaj, In i.?? ?ion, 1 bell? ? ? ?? ? did wH g< 1 ..'i ih.-u- tir?t attempl . had t.. tr?- ovei again, bul in th?? l'nit? ?? .? th? association has never rail* In what it s.-t out t" raise. New York Must Do It? Duty. 1 do ti"t '?? lleve thai Neu York w i?. th?* .it; to bre ?u this Bplendid 1 ord. From the luncheon to-morrow 11 -.,. 1 kers <? ni '??? n hlsked awaj In taa . ,,1 v to ih?- offltres snd hornea of tl ?rich men i horn wt have aa* ed oui f< ' the i"?n"f ??:' giving the last few need? ,-,,!-. T< I? ?phone aii'i telegrap p ill ; .a h be ? slled Into use. '?.? t?l worker will do his utmost to boost tli fund to the n ?1 ilred amount so rnof Tli,. totala b committees, ss si nounced yesterds*, follow: , ,-fi- .-? .|.i% ?J.?'OI ?! r ? Kli s?lej o iitiiltne . ??;*?. - . ...... . 1 ? ' ?_ . ,-.-.! ""?""'t*?* . ''? ? |-|... I'- ? . : .. u.,-,.--. ommlttM. ? '." ????? ? . ' ??? Tl,.- .-.. .:?!'?.?Ml?:!"??*..**n\t* total M'"?'l.i.? 4.:.-> .? ,,. . * total ? ? lat* ? 93.431 2) ?if the s: :.".<'.< km i ci*edlted to the exec Itlve committee s I in?.'*-? ,s;?s condl ttonal on the fund reaching M.OOtXCS ? ,,.,,., Thia was the aame glOO.ttOi ;..,,,, ,,.,1 on. rrtday, conditional upoi I f-j K*o,000 being raised by noon yester -, s the figures show, the fund wa more than ?172.000 ahort of tins smo n with the sn?*?.<?<N> subtracted, but lb( donor agree to continue Ihe off under the ' ma mentioned. Failure Would Mean Big Loss. ir th. .oininitt?-?- fails to produce th tuii M.OOtXOOO to-night not only wii ihis smounl be lost t?. them, but i ! great ?i'"1 in******1 "hat kag ?-?*?? glvei conditionally, it is understood thai John i>. Rockefeller*! i?'ift of s: .."?? m h * > announ? ed the lira! nlghl of the cam* Ipalgn? ?v,ls ?conditional upon the sntln fun?! being raised withm th?* speclfle tlme. The workers f?*ei that in allow? ing themselvei until midnight to-nlghl the) are tmt exceeding Um time limit ? i two weeks, Bines the actual ceUecfng was i'"' i""ii"n unUI Tuesday, Nov?**m her It Among th?* large individual slvers iresterdaj were the following: The Ward Baking Company and Bugene ?Delano, $5.000; James a. H?*arn & Co., 12,000; Mr* wuiiam R. ThtMnpaon, of PittBburgh; Gtsta Hoatetter, C. H. Mathewson, Mrs, Samuel Brldghsm, OeorgS B. H'iw'loln. Jonathan Thorn?-. MojreauS Delano, Mr?. Francis P. Fc-r nald, l)omm?*ri?h &? ?*o.. Horace E. .\n drews, Mrs, ?Ftsaieis ?Carrolta, of Cali? fornia. ar"i ?r,,lir snonymoua glvsrs, ?M.IHJO. John i?. Rockefelle**, jr.. gave $28^000, which raissd **** contributions of ?he Rockefeller family to fdOTMMO, ?Uni w?--*k |_?,000 came to ti,,. commit;??* from ?Mrs. John I). K???k?*f<'ll?T, Jr. Vest? rda>'.? < ??ntrlhiitUm wa.s Obtained h?, a member of Mr. H-M-koMler'.?? Bible ? las*?, wh" H- t-*?I on hltai.Bg of Mrs. < ..iillnii?*il on flftl? i??|*, ttxth , ?iiimii. it UessJe \Vj _41 h^ooa?j-ow Ib \\ *V//row' /f ^\ r*oro ?*B #?- ^/ JA-\. ~**ll*^y/?^ F f*tt?$toft <? _*r r^rayasse T K>#?\a\ AiryJ S fa? i < \7Jso Ra* sSylvst?*-. hS- kernte J*. PRISON FOR FOUR IN NECKLACE CASE Mystery of $650.000 Thefl Still Unsolved (iems Not Sought by Americans. I ? -., ? ? ? ? ? < ? ,.v.r I London, Noi. '_?"> TI i ? irtain ?vas rungduwn yesterdai "" thegreal 9660, 000 not klai ? m- sterj and four men gi u with Ihe rol.rj were sent to prison three ol them for long terms 'at penal servitude, though ths ?rune ..?n brought home to ih?- thieves, ti.?' time end mann, r of its execution tin *. great a myaterj as ever, 'and non ir.- never likely to be solved. , xhe following mete th< sentences on ? ? .1 ,m.'s Lockt It. a Jeweller, . Joeeph Qrlxzard, a diamond mer i, hanl seven years al pei il m nItude; li erman, a < ommiasion agent, |ll eara at penal servitud, and , ? mmended for deportation; Latadr Qutwirth, a broker, eighteen montha at hard labor, also recommended for .i. ? i. was brought out that Locket! had one? been convicted in America. After the cour I closed Mas Meyer showed ths precious pearls to a num? ber nt faahtonabli women win. had been watching the trial. The gema ..i i.? ?ti restore.) to ?? piueh-llned ?ase and looked rt ill magniflcenl They acre then safely packed un?, a leather bag and Mr, Meyer took them away. Hi said: i am ?; m.? to take them home and niw' them a bath. Thai la what they want badly. Then- 1- no truth in the ? rumor thai a rich American is after them i can't tell you who wants them, bul ? ill i< t you know a hi n th? | mid' The Question non arteei sa to who will ?ei the reward of |90v000. -?? MERCURY VICTIM SAVED Woman Who Took 3 Tablets to Go Home for Thanksgiving. ??? ron ?? ; mi h m .Mont? lair. N, .1 , Nov. 24. Mia, Anna uf Hloomti.-I.l. Who took till?'.'' bichloride of roercurj tableta Novetn-I ber 11. will be discharged from Moon ' talnslde Ifoeplial In time to spend Thanksgiving Dej with her family, it vv.ts said tO-da) at the hospital. Mrs. McGee'a rt overj la considered remark I ahie. sin- is looking forward with great joy t<> the family reunion that will take place on Thanksgiving Day I In celebration of her encape from death. Mrs. McOee, it is said took the pol . son following a quarrel with her hus? band, but they have i.?.me reconciled, end he has \i<-it??<i the hospital daily. Mrs. M<tle?' is the BSOOnd pCSUMI treated successfully \,\ |)?-, Verhack. the house physician of Mountainside j Hospital, who aaved the life <>f Timo* Ithj Pris.nil. of ??lan??e. after he had |taken three mercury tableta several 1 months ago. ? ?;? BLEASE FREES 100 i AS HOLIDAY GIFT! 1 Has Averaged Pardon a Day Since He Took Office -Total Nears Thousand Mark. I By Te!-?Kr.'tt>h t?. Tli.- Tillmn. * Bpartanburg, ?s. c. Nov. _i. -u-.-.e hundred prisoners will receive ; heir freedom aa ? Thanksgiving from <;>> amor Goto I.. Blaaao, it was announced to-ilay. They will be let out In tim ? to eat dinner at th< ir homes on Thursday. The palets have all been algnod? This makes 882 ?as.s in which ( iov - erimr Mi.-ase his extended Executive clemency atnee h?* assumed office, in January, 1011 'nearly one a day, He has been growing mora aad meta lib? eral lately. ? JUAREZ CENTRE OF THREE FIERCE BATTLES AT ONCE !_ Federals Circle Rebels and Attack on Front, Left and Right. VILLA RUSHES EVERY MAN TO THE FRONT i Fight Raging Within Ten Miles of Mexican City at All Points. ?DRIVEN BACK AT FIRST i j Revolutionists Give Way to Open? ing Onslaught, but Rally and Check Enemy. R* I? . ?,'rapli to 'lli?> Tur-iin?? I El Taso. Tex.. Nov. 24. Juarez la to? night the irntr?- of the prize for Which mors than twelve thousand Mexican 1 troops are lighting !? what is reganled i as Hi" crucial battle ..f the revolution against President Victoriano Huerta, Fighting is in progresa aoutheaet of Juarez; south of the ciiy a greater battle is bel?g fought, and wast, near ' Flores ranch, s third engagement ?a i under way. AM three battles an- being fought I within ten miles of Juarez in either , direction end practically that close to ' El Paso. Wounded rebels from the battle east i of Juarez, opposite Helen. Tex., began ; I'Omiltg Into Juap-'Z soon after KO'clock this afternoon, and several BUCCOOded In maklnf their way acroaa the border ?o El Paso, wh?*-re they were put in hospitals. i Every available Constitutionalist soldier in Juarez has been rushed to the front. th<- ?avalry. numbering .?.bout seven hundred, being sent w. g\ to stem th.- tide of approaching fe.i ? tais there. Infantr*- numbering 400 wen -"'it I to the southeast and left th?** border city on the double quick?unuaual for Mexican soldiers and showing the anxiety felt. Heavy . atinnnadin*** plainly was heard in Juarez after ."? o Clock th;*? afternoon, arm a great deal more d;s tlnctly to-night Rebels Driven Back. Kiuiii th?? opening of the tinhting southeast <>f juare-/ the rebel* ware driven back, but after I short retreat they made a stand, and until darkness grew m> deep that the opposing lines could no' Le s. en they held back the advancing fed?rala A detachm"nt ol rebels hurrying to the relief of their comrades 0Pp< Bed n were llred ?n by th?- rebels en Igaging th?? federals under the Impres? sion that the reinforcement? were f?-d Ierais vvin. had Banked them. The two detachmenta fought for half an hour before th?- mistake waa dtocovered Nighl lighting aas continued at Pi o'clock, with Indioatlons that it would be continued ah nighl to the s".,th of Juarez. Near Tierra Blanca General Mercado^ commanding the main roderai army. engaged Vllla'a main army at i o'doi a in the afternoon, while taro wines of th>* fed?rala moved east and area) of Villa ami BUCCOOded in ?lanking his position. Supplies and ammunition were serr to Villa's front soon after ?> o'clock this .?v.iimg. General Rodr?gaos .ame into Juarez from the front and return, d t>> th. south to-night with the carleada "f supplies for men. boraca and guns. At the same hour all available <i< alry in Juares was moving out in m effort to intercept the federate. The lighting was g.ncral ai that tun.- ,l! along the rebel front, the fed?rala hiv? ing come up .m th. Mexican Central und engaged the .entre as well as t' right and '..-ft wings. Villa Short of Shells. shells are being dropped by the fed? erate into the tanks of Villa's ni?n. shortage of ammunition prevente Villa replying m kind, it is reported. Sounds of battle could be beard i" Juare/. as the troops marched awav to reinforce the two wtnga Th.? town :? alive with military .a tiviiy. loverai yf the rebel offk** is left in automobiles for the BCOai of the fighting east of Juarez. The r?bela have alw?ya, until Villa's assault on Juarez, marched past Klor??.?* Ranch to secure a poaRloO to attack the border Cltjr. They cum ford the liver there and ?an get aroun.j the mountains opposite th.? smelter ami then move down the river from the northwest. A ferrerai attempt to flank the rehel force at Hauche, slxtcn miles below Juarez, was ?decked by the rebels after h ?lose rang?- battle, which laste?! for two hours, late to-day The federals Were driven bach with severe lOM and had not renewed the attempt when a party of Atncri? ans 1? ft Hauche in an automobile anil reached here to-night. Foreigners Fleeing from Juarez. All foreigners atv having Juare,. . rapidly as they COB ?et actos.? the bridges, and hundred? of Mexican fam? ilies are seeking safety <>n this side Rebel troops prevent th.- natives from bringing their household Roods out Of Juarez, and great piles of furniture