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Colleee and 'School Football * Boxing Soccer Football * Billiards f Athletics * Swimmittg -o~ ? ARMY-NAVY GAME SEATING PLAN?. New York Club Tells Hou the Ticket Holders May Enter Grounds. GATES TO BE OPENED AT 11 O'CLOCK More than Forty Thousand to Set Football Elevens Struggle for the Mastery. John i'-. Fool ol the See ??,,.? ? l last nlghl th? ting plans tor the Army-Navy cam? .??lay after ? that th? tichela have beet -.. man, . :itram"<* to I ? , ,,?*?. *?. il v< ni? n i??i OU? section* 1 watcl i -,, -ti ui ?.? M ! *oet< ? urge? tlch? 1 h. Id? ra ? : their arrival at tlM intll th : nt?. Th? ? in ihe mi ,it 2 o'c ock In t aftei noon. The cadet? will occup) th? south ?tend, whll? th? Ii hlpmen m ill Im In the noi th - Ko une ? i o do? - not hold a ticket will bo ellowed to . ? 155th street and . btli avenue I ay <>? th? gai ? in otd?r to avoid confusion and make foi th? comfort "t" the crowd. Mr. Postei Issued the following Instr u tl - Gate No '. Eighth avenue -Spectator* h,,l,imy ticket? roi Section? i to 24, in? clusive, end for all section? upstaln may entei it thl? - ?Spectator* hold ets for uppei ?boxe? l ?" ISO Inclusive, and for lower i?,\e?. i p. 194, in? lustve, e ill ei I li -i ?tation entrai ? Sp? I holding ; ,??!*- for Section? i t<> 24, In fi r ail section? upstair? i ? i ? i > ? nter at this ?;.it.. Spectators holding ticket? foi upper box? s i t?> i SO end ?boxes i to J:?4 als., may entei al this cat.-. aa\ entran? i Spectator Ing ? n Se? lions l t?> 24, Inclu? sive, and for all sections upstairs may ,t thl? pat- . ? tipper ?boxes i to ISO, Inclusive, and for lower to i'?i also may enter at this gate ? oit- No :. Eighth avenue Sp? holdlns ' ' tlons 36, 37 and 2,\ will ? it, ? at thl? - ? itors hold ? box? ? SOS t" I4S. Inclusive, ?ill ?-nter nt thi.s ? ij,?t?- No. ?'.. Eighth i ectators holding tickets foi 34 and 35 ? ill , nfer at this gate Spe? tatoi i holding ticket .8? -., 306 ?-.ill enter at thl i crut.- This entrene? thai ishlpmenand th?- cadet?*. Gat? N? '? Eighth a - ??- tatora bold tloni ."' .'?'?. 2?, 23, ?."?, SO, 81, 33 and 33 will enter at this holding ti.-kets for ?boxea i:?" a. |S6 to .sT, Inclusive, will ? nter at this gate. Tress gnt? The mess pat?* will he 1<*> 1*1 ,? ml, at ?;?:?? No, i. ?Box? i l IS, t''i aii'i ii'.'. in the centre >f the north ?stand, i>av. been placed al the disposal of President Wilson. Beere ??f State Bryaa has been assigned Bos ISP, an<i is expected to be i ith?r Cabinet officers who have made their arrangements t ? v., th? gam? as '-???ests ?.f the Navy, and who have been assign? o en, \ tank la of stary Mc vu.o ..f the Treas* Urj ar.'l Attorney ?leurrai Mill? > nolda The Naval Academy authorities were ?omewl ..t surpris? I, bul - sed, to ?, > v? i :?.:?? its from Thomas A. Edison. He baa been assign? I i boa Other distinguished ?rbo will be In boxes m th. Navj si-i?- are Admirai Dsrwey, Rear Admiral WsJnwright, lioar | Admiral ('lark. TL-pres. ntativ? K. 1?. Hoh ' s,,n. Senator James a. ?OHlorman, <*<i\ ernor Goldsborough of Maryland, Prest* dent Hibben of Princeton and <'oion?-l Robert m Thompson end Lewi? Nixon, of tins city. If President Wilson ase? Ihe game, as h.- is planning to do. h? win i>e the firs! <*hief Executive at the struggle since Colo? nel Roosevelt i?*ft th.- Whit? House. Mr. Roosevelt attended the only Army* \?r. or pie; ed at Print stoi ?ral veer? ego. CORNELL ELEVEN IN SIGNAL DRILL Players Run Through Formations at Inlet Park. Atlantic City, in Bracing Air. Atlantic City, Nov. St.?Ideal football weatlier favored th? Cornell team to-day, when the men ran through s stiff signal practii*?' at inlet Park in preparation for th, annual ??-aine with ti-,?-- University of Pennsylveaie, si Phlladelphis on n--.ii ?day Barrett, who seen to have fully re eevered ?from the Injury received In the game against l_a.aye.te, ran Ihe team, and not ? hitch marred the work. 'ipi. <-.,!|\.i and l.thr show.-d up well in 'he l,a?-kti-Id. fli.-tr forn*hl*d paaSSS tO Ikettoa and fritz m soda being p, rfsct, Th?- 'varsity player? all seem ??, ??,. in gOOd Condition, and I?r. Sharp?- ?ays that only light practice .?.id be Indulged In to? murro**.'. The Contell squad an I ben ten-day .'rom tt'i..?*a. and -aill remain until Thure ia\- morning, when the player? will leevt f,.r Philadelphia. ! MINDS SURE TO START ! Star Fullback of Pennsylvania Takes Part in Si-**nal Drill. Phlladelpl in. NoV .-".. A fast ?Ignal drill made Up the practice of the 1'ni versity of Pennsylvania football team at the Whltemarsh Country Club to-?iav. m preparation for the came with Cornell on Thank?gh log Day, Th? fact that th<- Ithaca eleven la at "atlante City aeemed t.. be an added ?u* crntiv?- for the Red ?nd Blu? plavfrs tfl BO ?ft a fast [.ace, and th?' men look? ; like ?printer? as they dashed up ?nd down the field. Minds, the star fullback, who ha?) on the side lin?*-- because of an Injury to his shoulder, was in the practice aga :? to-day, and there is littl?- doubt that be will play against Cornell. The Pennsylvania coachea are greatl] pleased with th. form of tie team as a unit and expresa confidence of on.- more victory over their ?.idtlme rivals from Ithaca. FOOTBALL OVER IN WEST That Is. All Except One Game in Which Syracuse Plays. Chicago, Nov ti. Pee the first time in years no football names oi general Inter? est win be played m th? Middle Weet on Thanksgiving Dey. Nearly ail of the uni? versities ..;,-i coOegea ?round up th-.r s. bedulea last Baturdaj. I'.une. win,h has always played on thla date since Tbanagtvlng i'i.y con testa wer? abolish? d in 1906 by lhe "Big V.. will meet Texas I'r.lversity on Thursday at Austin. Syracuse, however, Bt Ixriis at St. Lout?. ARMY SHOWS DASH AND VIM IN WORK "Hurry Up" Yost on Hand to Help Polish Off Eleven for Navy Game on Saturday. ? k ?--. ? ' ? ' Th? . in?.] \\ . -t l'oint. N. T., Nov. 35. Th.e Arm'.'" football practice to-<iny. in preparation for the Navy game, went with a vim and .?ash tiiat destroyed any fear the coa may havi had that all il ""t going well with ti.-- loam. If the cadet? keep to the ?ame ?tandaM for the real of the week, they win -jo to New Y..rk on Friday on edge f"r their ? of the v.-ar. The practice mean; much for l>a!y'.- newest piny?* Tha head coa< h delved into his bag of trick? f.-r four mor. untried "thrillers," and they iii.-t ?ucceu at the banda >>f the 'vartdty. After the l?te?t Inventions had been tried out. th? regular? ?.*..;.? through a complete rehears?! of oftensiv? tactic? it is not likely that the coaehea *iii hand ?nit any more play?, a-- all eff.nt- I in- made to have th- men litter perfect in those anead" on hand and the new ??ode of signal? to he us?.I Then was a lively slfinal drill t,.-day. follow, d by ten minute? <.f scrimmage work, which latter drill WOUnd Up the "rough work'1 until the team line** up m New York on Saturday. Hodtrson went throuKh "MM work only. but b,,rh Benedict and Huston wore uamd in tho acrimmage. There was no ?coring. Th?- nan lined up at the middle of the ; Held for open formattono, and near the goal poati ?or '.me playa Fielding ii. Yost, Michigan's 'hurrv ..p" man. ,'??'. a COUple of days, and worked with the Army (.layers. "Ham" Fish, of Harvard, helped a1ho in tin- coaching. More Harvard men ?ri llg in the r.. \i ... iple ..f .la I Although the athletic council exhausted its ?U| pl) "f ticket! a week ago, there is still hope for those old Armv players who made their "A" in football ?-. PM the Kam.-, it was announced to-day that all who applied to Mr. Sultan at th. Hotel Aator, :i. New fork, on or before Novem? ber M would be provided wltl aida Um* Privileg? (By T?i?ai?|ih so ti,?- Tribune, i Annapolis, Nov. B Then was more se ?re; praetlc? at th.- Naval A.ademy this afternoon, and a short acrimmage was held, designed to try out certain t'.rmn tions. Th? coachea have been trying t-> bnn?r about a machin- -like perfection in the execution ?-f the playa end ?re giving final Instruction? in bod) Mocking ami putting OpOOl - - ! >. .! of th.' play. These bav? been< points m the work of the Navy team throughout the season. Confidence in the ability of th. eleven to win runa high among the midshipmen. 'JOE RIVERS THE FAVORITE Choice Over Cross in Coming Twenty-Round Bout. Jo? Rivers, the llghtweighl of Loa An? ?eles, is tbe popula! favorite ovei Leach Crem in their pcmlng twent: round box? ing contest. The boy? win eras? glove? at Tom McCarey'a arena, in Varnon, on Thunday, ?nd the winmr Will be matched t.. boa Willie Ritchie ton the llghtweighl . I amph.nship of thi- world. It I? that .lohnn; Kilhane will j mter the llghtweighl class after January jl II?- finds it Impu?Ibl? to do IL1:' pound? I ringalde and be ?trOQg. Kllbane will ti\ : ; nd arrange a mat?-h with Charley White, 1 Joe Riven or Joe Mandot. OLD CROW Keg. U. S. Pat Off. RYE America's Finest Rye WHISKEY ffiiqiffil HAND MADE SOUR MASH ?TmiMic STRAIGHT PURE RYE WE AP.M Till: LAROKST B0TTLK1UI OF OLD-PAgHIONH) HAND-HAUfi POUR MAHil ITRAIGHT PUJM KYi; WHlttUEI JN Tlii. WORLD H B. KIRK tSc CO.. NEW YORK, N. Y. Tigers Play Columbia to Tie Score at Soccer Day, of Blue and White Team Kicks Ball Into Own Net and Mistake Proves Costly. GOALKEEPER OFF HIS GUARD Princeton Men Outplayed Most ol the Game. So That "Gift'* Comes In handy. ?'oluniliia und Princeton battled t?. a tit In loccer nt I goals t? ! on Booth Field yesterday sfternoon before ;i crowd "f mor?- than a thousand ?l.Istors Colum? bio outplayed the Orange end Bleck throughout, -nd would have \v,.)i by s ?score of - t" i if 1 Dey, Um ? olutnbls rlghl back, had not ac< Identally dropped the hall Into th? ColuroMs goal ? ? the cam?-. All th? ?coring -was doit? in the first half, and from th?- st_u th,?* Bill? end whit?- bad tin- Tiger? on tie defensive Th.- i oinmhia forward, -?-??t off ?with a rush and had the jump ?m the Princetons i'?for?* th?- latter were full) awake t<> lb? ?Itustion. in their endeevor t>? k- i to> gether the ligera ?et Ceptaln Colquhon ? l :?'.' i olutnbia rleven ?-Hi' through and i,-,?,: th.- hall into the -let for the first s-,,r, of the game, eithtn tun minute? alter the ?beginning of pis). For practlcall] au ?,f th.* period Colum? bio kepi the hall m I'l lie ton's -nd <>f th? Held, hut a spirited rally b] th.- Tigers in th.- middle of tin- half carried tin ball Into Columbia territory, and Beck .s>??r.,i an easy goal en a try from ?lit??? ti>- in front of the n?M. A few moments later ?Princeton t,>.,k the iea?l when ?Dey, in an attempt to emulate Frank u'l'm-n. of the Herverd footbell team, kicked the bull itit>> his own ?_- ? ? ? ? I for the Timers' second ?cor? KrefeM, the Columbia goalkeeper, we? **o nonplussed ?t th?- play that be wa? ?caught <?ff his guard and made no effort t,, ?top th? hall. Columbia ?rani?* back strong alter thl? ??.back, ami within a :? ? minutes Sllver st'm p?ssfd to Bhanholt, who shot .? dit* Scull goel an,i ti? ,i ?t.. ? Neither team was ah',? t" ?CO < in the s?,.,mi period, although Columbio was lb? ,.r throughout and ha?l ?bol ??.f - * * WINS WITH CUE BY SINGLE POINT Levy Beats Lewine When Latter Agisses a Simple Carrom to Run Out. The victory "f Sylvester i. Levi m the ii.nd game of th.- national ? lea ? UU balkltne billiard championship tourna? ment yeotcrdo. sfternoon sfford? i si Illustration of the mui ulir control the? ory which Cblck Wright expounded In 1 he Tribune on Sunda\ Levy's n?rvea malntal ? d tea III H the ertsts, with th? result thethe defeated Irving 1 Irwine by the ?COT? "1 -" pointa to IH "n the taM? In th? Morn Ingstde Academy, l*_?th street snd ?Lenoa -VI n;e Ah the playera Reared th? end of th??; respective strings Letvtne ?renl to the front. He ran t?. within ?hie.* ..f win? ning snd then bungled three chance? to finish wlt'i th? laUl la I ?n ?? he f? || ion n on a ?Imple cerromi snd ? hen need . onl on? t,.>iiit ml?? d ?ji up snd ttown the table si,.,? by en eyelash !->?? Meanwhile negotiated dlfflcull ?hot?, completing his m-::,.' with t.?.?? shots ,n ? -hleli he had to rail plenty "f r< rertM engllsh to his old Ths f-'Jinmary follow ?: KF1 i.I'.mi?. . ?.ami: I -. ? ..i-r 1. i.- i (spel bsll. I. I B '.'. B 10, H". I 0 I, " I 10, 1. .'. '.'. ii. IS, l l, ?_. <?. n. o, n ". ?'? i i, ?i " I .'. .'. --. ?-? a ?. ?i I, S, ??. '? ", ". :t. ?*,. ?-. ?' ? " I ? i I o. n. I, SI, S, I, I, '-'. .',. ?-? 1 -? ?total, '-'-xi i.r.inti, ?versa? '?'-' ''?'' hlsl T im. -' IS snd I? Umiik I >*_ewlBi (Whltl I,hIIi 2. 2*. 2. '?. I, ?',. " 4, 9, ?'? 0 _. :i. I, l, ?i. ?_. i?. ?; i ?i. i? a .',. n. ? ii. 1 S, n. n ii n. 3 _. .-, i. .; ,i n ?, o, r.. 2, t, ?. s, o, s, o, o, la 24, s, g 1, 0 ?. 1 H. !*?. -4. I?l. I, II. 1 t,,t?l. I'?'.? p ??: ta ?veruge 3 MW. hl*-*ti mna .?*, -'4 mid 13. ll'fTr. H |, HlHtlk ijr. Howard W Hawley, of Danbury, ronn , won th? ?vening gam? In the tournament. In whhh h? defeated Charle? P. Mathews, t!,.- Brooklyn ama? teur, by s final ?cor? ?.f- 200 point? t.. US Ti-.e winner's overage was 3 tl-ll and his blah inns were 2'.:, 21 and 20. llsthews fell t.. an av?ra?. ..r 2 SI-67, and his run?' Were IS, IT and ' .',. l.\ rCNING OAMI Dr. Hewsrd ??' iia?i?% iwhlte ball.?? ?,. 9, I :;. : n. I, n. n, ::, i, i ?. ., t., I, | .. i. 11. 0. .-. 1. n. 3, 9, 0. 0. 7. J, I, **, ?'. '?. ., ? i 1 I, I I. (I. 1. I, 1. '?. IS ?-. 7. 4. I, 0, T, -fl Toti.l. !09 I-.'IM- H-.iK, | s .-. hi*)-, nilll t : SSd H. Char,?h P Mail,, ws (?pot bell)?1, 9, n 1 12 t, : 11. 2, .'. ". 1. I, ? I, " " ... ' : ' i ?i f? i. 0. 1. 1. I, 4. I, IT, ? 'i. I, I, 4 f? o. i <-, | Ii i < 0 Hi, II, I, t I, IC, I, l. in. | T.,11 . |tt points; ax.?*.-. -..:.|-r,7 rim, runs. II 17 and l? l:?f?r'? -BtlgeM l?e ? mnp i-Ab i AiN \r\i \sti:ks. .f tne Princeton a.r football team. ?hoi ?I the Trin ? ? bl< h Ja., k? s..n ?topped bj brilliant work In front >?f i ? net *i !,?? Tig? : bai i. ? ? weak and moot of the defensiv? play devolved on Ja-k son. Hamilton and Lsguardta, the Colum 1.1,, i,.,, lu, mort strong on th? defen? c and kepi the ball ?"it of Colutnbia'a terri? tory cororfatentlj Krefeld played his usual star uam,. at goal. I *rli ' nl-ai ii I .-|I\-i-r. In It., k II. ? -'.!?, I. H Peei o. It.... .... Colllngwo -i ?. i. m n - Da) r? it ... Fiber ;. .? ?: Uamoo i.i. : I It I. - IM] ii ?'? . Krefeld a SWIMMERS FROM MANUAL VICTORS Defeat Commercial High School Team by Wide Margin in One-Sided Dual Meet. . ? wh.-ti ii ? Mai i High H Hrooklyn, t The 8? ? -. er ' ommi taking i.v? Stai plasee >.f the six . v.-.r-, no tne Mm 1 1, the m. rcial cap) ..ff.nt .,f 1 feet ? ?>? dive .. im. m w pain . the ?t? ing Man ... ? rtsr. with a to hla I 11 the ha ' the fast tin* tt t 1 and the '.<**? In I 10. '1 be I 0? ? m . V ? ? ? .?.?.?.- . " ' I. M 1 art ? Palm? ' ' ? In. I 'om ? ? . ? ? 'Mr,I ; ! . . . . 1 . ? ? : ? ? liar 1 ? ?? I--- . I t "? ? - ? ' ?' Stan .... i r .cm 1 . nd 1. 1 ? ???? " ??lni l'ilr ! Tin..-. 1 I?? fon I ? v- Manuel H. G m-- i?l. ? h, ?'-.m ? Manual I : vi, VI m .- Man II ' ? ..mina ?m 1. . * May? r. ... nmen Irai, ? .1 vi 2 .". i u..- ? ..r.- Ma ... 1 Tralalnc, 1 .:, 17 I llll.' Erlandson Leads the Field. llul letl ? Vine? Park Th? ph Im lands..n. of the Qlencoe Ath? . . v\-.p th? ?? - ekly run of the .?-'t ; n "? v. J-J t? S :- vv 7? 1. I U - 1 I? 1 nt r. rrei 1 ?lub, ai ound - 'entrai last 1 . ? M.minai I- foil? - Runnel ? Time 1 11-.I..I-. n, ?.'??. v ''. 1 : Um?, Sal.v ' . 1 V. ni ira.1. . -/..i. m, A A. 1 Devine. ? >/??? n I v. . Hurlo-, I'nton Hettl? meni. tiro i.i.m,., a .' . ?M,., ?i n unatta hed i" ..a i.-1 ral A. i . i:. -t unatt lehed ? ? i...- - .?n. **-. ? v... M SCHOOL ELEVENS HOLD LAST HARD PRACTICE OF YEAR Final Scrimmages Point Teams for Big Battles To Be Played on Thanksgiving Day. TO DO LIGHT WORK TO-DAY Erasmus Hall and Clinton Favor? ites in Games with Poly Prep and Commerce. Hani practice for the local high school football team? ended yesterday. The High School of i omm? re?*, IN IVIti Clin- j ton: i',,'- Prep. Erasmus Hall; Boya High, Manual Training, and Commercial I and Day Ridge High m hool ? b ? ? - which will m. et In the final gamea ?>f the local season on Thanksgiving Day, had the last scrimmages, and to-da* will do only enough work to keep their muactea limber, The teatna have i.n drilled In j all the finer point I ol the game, arid tho?? I which lose vvin have no excuses to ?fter, ' While gi m rai mi- real ? i ntrea In the meeting of the High Bel.I of Commerce and De Witt i ''int.m al the Polo Qroun*] the game between Polj Prep and Erai mus Hall al Ebb? is Pi? Id ? ill atti ?? I al lention l" Knowlson, of Braemue Had, dec?an -, ?? iterday that, favored with fi Ir weathei a crowd ?1 25,0 i would be on hand The f?-..- mean? much to Erasmus, f,.r if the i. am ? n- n win . lain) the ? hami.ish!i> of greater New York i t. Knowl on la watching tin team with jealoua car. The boya bava been ? i ..n a training table, and nothing ha. been overlooked to make them ready to piav th? game of their Ilv? i TI ej ?h..vv the result? of ?-.,".! car?, and t> ere is -;..t a ?ingle lad on the entire ?quad, with the exception ol Carl Viviano, who ? ?t read) 10 plunge rieht Into the thickest of every acrimmage. Era? i? Hall la the favorite Playing a constaten) gama throughout the se., tha Bull an r.. ? ro ? to grt il hi agalnsl Adel phi, and ?howed Its auperlor skill and power In every department the game Krasmua will start Jimmy al -; ? , . Tut le al right half? back, Captain Ty Halstead at left half ..rid \ : ?..,. ;. a 0< -1> r or more ? os erl to be found In ?' ?,....??? ., h ? On? and all. ? , nod at plunging ? lin? ?? r inning the ends, while there la no fa found with their op? n In Jackson, si - entre, ?uppo and Cole, the guards, Erai . a . ? n?r? ? ? . t,, non?, ?nd i?i ?? i- ad'a pis ? al ta? kl* n quire? n- if ? ? lefi ... ,. Polj la banking high on tha power of Prank I ??> Tn ml i.? y, Jlmmj M? ? Ilardenbrook and Ryder to awing th? u-i-* Th? Blue ai-i ? ; Brondei one ol tacklea of the day, and -i are In rei riling ii*,-' : ? team I ?? i\ en along by I - - ? if ok? : - i ? ? - ; the CI ntoti lie? thiough its tinai i i.., ,. ? .i.i.i.i- ..ft. 11..,.,n. Bmartiag nadorl i--, ?t--1- .if defeat al the i amis ,,t \\. ? i:- and Blacl i? I in anxloua to wn nee o? i he t Ioriiw t- ? . ,r ?^ not tha : eason. I ?eep ? ? ? ? '. ? Hinten man tin-re rani*lea that II t-. 0 n Basai re of bul . ? . i..- ?rlped out, I bey sa-. < im i.-ii ha.- ? big, al ? t. am A? - ordli - I es. It ia one ..f Hi?- best that I i .. represented t ? school and if v i. torj is not won thla i -..n it will be through some unknown . h ..,.?.. king and trail i o. ?? no control Although the lose of Helnaohn at k win ijiidi.uhte.iiv be felt Clinton ha a ?fell ounded backfleM with s ? M Kensle, Power und llUeston TTe boya run well, ahon perfect Interferei and novel -t?.?. until bui :? .1 b) ' I 1.1 Gllmor? is a power on the offensive, and his power al running the ball is w?ll knourn to all followira'of th? -pon l-'r.-.i M....!.- and Orunow leav? nothing to desired ?I thi guarda and th? latter is one of the heal puntera In acholaatlc circles Por ibe ilrst time th" ?eaaon, ih? < om? tuerce team ??r.i'tisci ,,n the Ibid out sid?- the BChOOl, Whil? more than '."?' were on hand t.. pratch and cheer. ITrged b) Ed Maakind, Bill) M< .'uski r and inothei formet Commerce player, the team ?bowed a One .luv. to n, attack, and th.- linemen wen atrong on th? ib fence. .Ilmmv Parks show..! ?? mai i> Improvement In his work, while "Cupid" Ornateln practically won his place at the other guard. Th.- annual football met ting of the Commerce-Clinton Club was bold ?I the Wist Sid.- branch of the Youiik Men? Chi lat?an K* oclation last night Mor? than tive hundred students of both achoola were on hand and the night lively ?rlali their cheer? and songa [LOOKING FOR MORE "PEP" So Say-3 Warner in Talking of the Carlisle Indians. MenS-Md, Mass.. Nov. '.?:,. "Wer. down here in the woods looking for a. new sup? ply of "pep* for the f-atijf on Thsafcsgtvlng Day morning with Rroem," sai?i Olenn Warner, coach of ?the Carllsl? football team. Th?- Indians, while in training quarters here, are takiiiK thing? easily. ?lliyon, Ihe speedy halfbOCk, Is busy practlstag at kicking soais from the field, j but the vorl. of th? team as S whole is J being ?online?! to aignal practice. WarnerI ?ays Um players are oil on edge. COPELAND NOT YET NAMED, Dr. Herschraann Says Question of Trainer Is Unsettled. Boston, Nov. IS. Tin- sppointmenl of a. i*. Copeland, of New Voi-u. as trainer in track and field athletics for th?- Ans trian team in th? next CHyinptc games, announced In ? tMspatch ram Vienna last : nlgfot, has not been oftii.ially made, a--- j <or?iiiii- to Dr. Otto Herachmann, preel mint of the Austrian ?Olympic committee, j who is In this city, i?r. Herschmann said the matter t?ouM not be decided until ho had ?reported back to the Austrian committee. "i have been in Hew Yorh ?and have talked with many trainers," h<- added, "bul haw- not >'-t made up my mind just whom i will recommend for the position." J ?r. Herschmann seid thai Copeland wa.? ?n,?- ol th.- men under consideration. ? <i> PLAN NEW CHESS LEAGUE Metropolitan Players Would Promote Interclub Matches. \\ ?ti. the object of forming ? metropoli? tan league of chess clubs, in order to pro? mote Interclub relationship ?nd erran***? a a nodule of teem matches, a, ? ail has i.n Issued by William T, Ryan, president ? ?r the Steten Island ?Theos Club, to th? various i lube of the vlclnlt* to ?end dele? gates to a meeting to be held st th?- rooms <f th?- Manhattan Chess <'!.i. on Monday evening, December i The list of dubs Ited t.-op?rete Include? lbs follow Manhattan, tuen, Progressive, Brook? lyn, Brooklyn institute. Eastern Dletrict, Lyceum, Queen? Ckainty, Btaten Island, Hew Dorp, Columbio University, Hew Fork University, College of the City of N? w York, lei..-- QemMt Association, Hoboken Chess snd Checker ?lui. snd the Rl? ?? Chess Club, of Newark FREDDY WELSH WINS BOUT Beats Bloom in Ten Rounds at Atlantic Garden A. C. PYeddy Welsh, lightweight champion <.f Cr?ai Britain, ?ron decisively over Phil B.m In a t.-n-roiind boxing contest ??t the Atlantic Oarden Athletic ?Club lest night. With th.- poealble exception <.f ths first. ar.'i fourth round?. In ?hieb h,,n,,r- ?rere I .ven. th? sturdy iltt!. Welshman had all the better ?>f the ?going, sad were Bloom not .-n.- of the sturdiest men In the ri?e, ? iild never have st?*>>?i up under ths ?IK Bloom mad? s brav? st.ut. and poking a lefl hand jab Into the Briton's fee? scored \. it ?as not long, however, before Welsh *Jt?i_di,-?J himself and. raining horn.- heavy Barings, hooks and counters, mads the Wllllamsburg boj run to cover. It was i clear cas? Of S master me?'hani?' competing with sn apprentice. When it came to th? tiKtu place? Bloom eras at s loss for th.- proper move, and was seslly outman?uvred by Ma rival. iti the sixth round Welsh did his strong? est boxing, and ?cored heavilj srlth both hand? to th? head and bod] H?* had Bloom In ? bed ?way, bul lacked th.? power a knockout -? WISCONSIN SEEKS LIGHT Wants Information from New York Boxing Commission. itlne matters occupied the attention ?>f the .-'at.- Athletic Commission st its weekly meeting restordaj l*erliap? ths most Importent development w.i? th.- re- : , eipl of s request from th-* Wisconsin state Athletic Commission for a confer- ? trace, which will consider weys -nd meen? of sdoptlng .i ?cslc of weights and other mi.- along similar lines. Correspondence !? also l'Un, carried on with the Montana. ? i ommleslon. In view of the . ridencc at hand, i'atsey 1 [, tta. manager .?f "Kid" Ohetto, was . susp. nded fur sis months for permitting "Harlem Tommy** Hopkins to box at the Vender bl H A. C, of Brooklyn, under sn assumed name The club ??til? lals wei>* 1 absolved. Willie Bescher was permitted to claim a forfeit of Si?*?1- for weigh) ?iKa'.tiM Jimmy Duffy, beeauas of th>- fall ? of th.- latter to make th.* requtri'-d weight for a recent hont at Ryan's A. ?'. Bj : ncuee New Zealand Wins at Rugby. Vsncouver, n. C, Kov :'?. Th.- New ' /,. ?land All Blocks, the star rugby team ?rom th.- Antipodes, defeated Vancouver - here to-de* bj ? ?core of n t-> o. WALNUT HALL FARM YEARLINGS FAIL TO BRING TOP PRICES Twenty-seven Head Bought for $6,291 Which Is an Average of Only $233. BANDELLA HEADS THE LIST Canadians Pay Well for Captain Aubrey. Which Has Had Fine Record on the Track. Twi nt?. -s.-v.-n head ol VValnul Mali Parm, ttoat then >ear linga oi two-., ai ?old ? ? nt . ? hammer al the < lid G ,.;? .?..i.. harnea? horses al Madlaon Square ?erdti ? esterdaj aft? 11.n The . :. of thi? -t.M'k is always of th. abss but this year the embryonic ?el-britn-a did not brin-, the top prlci of th?. salt by any tat ? The i,.st prli -? ..f this lot h | ??a *,, Bondella and ah? dowa w W. .1. Thurston, of Pittsburgh for Mi Bond? lia la ,i good looking II Ij foaled last year und ?.s by Walnut Hall a . ? Bondaka Her engagements h cltid * ? Kenteeky Puturity, the Ho ? Ity, the II.irse fi. view pui ..: i Horseman, the Champ? .md th? Matron atakea Th? aggregated H,2M, whl h la in a-.erai?.'ot only I--'-' Frank ?"at,,- ? \'u?rt?*an trainer, who ha? for tarnt be( n locar.-.| .ni:. at the ("arden Just ?a the Walnut Hall .-to.; waa ?oing under the hammei Mr. taton purchased tiv. yearlings WU Mr Cktag were Charlea Mi?h. wl dg ,,i trotters all OTCT 'jerinaiiv; Ed Wi.tshir?, one of the best known trainera la l'.ng land, and C, Wall, '? - Berlin breeder, who --iune here to a Id to their stables. The top prie.- of th?- afternoon area paid for i "aptaln A trotting atallion, by Peb i ? May Kern. The ? i Of KM whfa h a HI so i" ' ? ? | bidder - - ame from Montr? al, H ?.*. Three Rivers and Toronto. \ Croat atarted tic i.i Iding on Cap? \ .? tey, and ho w ,ih Snail) knocked down t - the Toi onto h,,r ?em in f..; ; Th.- prim sail a follow; 1 2:1* b) Ml :h'-' ion, Long !-!..? . *33*i Bom Todd, 2:11. b. ?.. I I, ti h., ? .. '. Q........ M ?" . h.. ' ' -, I (*. Matthew?. 1 I I m . .: I la v . . 'apCa I ? - ',; ,ir. ?r, \. i ? ' - H" Khav? Aul rey. I), t twin Aubn ?. ? v . I 2 . ? . m . ir , 1!, I ? Votrk . '"' <.?.,?-? v . . K! M, rn ln?t< r. br Kafflr Ivxworl n M ? Bdns Dill " --' Ib.u. . ? .... h) . *' * - ? ? ?, by i Tlioiap? " N V Ml Oenevli ii. IB S h., b) t*. B. Phlllli lai Ma) ' en . ,-h rr. . |r . .',. ? r-hv K'iir: . . ; ? '. Ii .. I - i ?!?? L 1 '?'-', br. i Pr< , !> , !? Valid? ? ' I Caplti lo. 2:12' - ?*. in ? ?ral -i-*- Captiv lt? la i Dunr.vlll -er . .... MI Bedford'? 9 Hart i Bnlth, S' -v V?,.-r. Ut I? San. CI ti.1?. i ? ? h . b) Klat. M i rdaii 111 Servthe, 2*S0, i m.. tr.. 1? I i Mlerton Tllll? I i Hammermann, n, ? t W ?llantina, ir I' . * - 1 1 i ? m f.. tr., 1 Andona: r'rln.*-" V..W, "*"*? .. h f.. tr.. I, bj v. In: s*, .i t '-'? Fr-antel . I I, ? 9 Franlotta: ?;???.r*- il, m ? ?? dell, n .i .. . 'w Uli ?, ' - ' Heap _r>v?: -1' -, br . . n. l. * Late ell; J Hunti, -*i V i . . V.lll. !?: '. , r. |. I H dl ? -. .???? t 9 S II -** "?aarlaa, br. f.. te.. 1 a Osanna: H ?; Moodv, l> K] . ? 'oloael Tort? Mh ir.. ! tin? Hall Byb ??' v 4 King Benm tr.. I Nj..?" Kin? Bertha Bei l.i-vin?: ni K ' ?oih Dawkea br. f.. n ? ? OAo*yt; i ': I. .1 K entra? K Y. *** ? .' .ii'i. rh. t. tr ?tiret ? 'onti ?rv H V T - ??' Gridiron and Lower Deck Seating Plan for the Army-Navy Football Game at the Polo Grounds on Saturday. ~*~" '"' ~">" ; ?T I ri n I I Pi [ I I W *"' I jf/\\ X 11 ir Vs?rl?SVi STADIUM //\< \21\22 r3 24 *\ *\%x\ W " r 31 >N!0LO CROON0S //\20\ \J%_JLtiI x* /A /x v?. v. _^fc5?i-?______ctm;h \x// An \\ //\ 19 n\ \&$$^s&mEL?u utn_ni___iW?iiim]--m .AN. /VV / / N>. __<_*?S^ *IOO*H STAN. N^^^^^V /^ \N 3 f/xY NAVY ^?firH ?3 /K# millllHIIIIIIIlllll I nsR 3 LzJIJl I m,?=\ J~li 15 1 s 111 " II ! /e as f -, L?=____==-*==-.UQ w w / g-? c -?s?rvi ? 2 |H - -H \v-\ 13>^^^s JJfJJJJiJiJgfJJJdJJ I t?i/i II ir %v% army ^n I* \V\ /-, /^?&W__ SOUTH stand fA-^Clu?t|m^/ 37 // L_J \*\\*rX H // Jf^^^^mjirrrtrrt _.?ffi__ll**^_>? '/ ^H M\J ggjK ii .?? j |-j FIEIO AMD LOWER- DECK PLAM V Nfl [ j I ___??__? ? ?_____. p i -_??_---? . ? ?? ? I ARDMORE "ARROW I he fineness of the eloth ^ A/f^l-V^rl makes possible the satin *** \\m**aeKe*t V COLLAR 2fer25* possi finish heretofore found only in the very highest priced collars ( 11 *-n, Vr.tsoor A Co. Inc., Makers of Arrow Sunn