Newspaper Page Text
Baseball ?> - CONNIE MACK TELLS WHY HE LET LAPP AND PLANK STICK Expected They Would Come Through Against Matty Better than Fresh Men. BREAKS WENT OTHER WAY Harry Hooper One Point Shy in Batting Average and Loses $1.000 Bonus. ;.. la out with the allhl f< not put: hitters In plSC? of Lapp .-:., tara? ?.f tiie ?aride aeries, which Matty wen after ? Connie breaks aa Iroa . i- excus?e In an art!? Saturday Evening Post." Clalmlns thai "Big Blx" ha^- an adran atter oa hla Brsi trip t.? the - thai the charm wears off in Mack found that Lapp i time he faced Hatty, . . . ? Doyle the second time and Th.r.i"'?? be count H ?? Mm for further improremanl on ? ?s for I".uk. ('..nine de.lare?! that Ed? il, tli, t!. ball harder than any other ??layer on the team during the game, havin(: .. . aaf?t] ?ad bedng robbe.t ? her on another try. ., Mod to let Planh linger .,, ,,,.. ,.0- teat. Bui the breaks weal lb? 0ther vva-. r??ultln? in criticism for the ?aaager and a '.ate defence ol hla ac tlons. _ Billy hath, the ?COUt of lha Yankees, In, f.,r two moatha' ? ?jrhkb h? Bled with the Nati?.nal ???.mmis _ion T eclared that it engaged ?jggg from month t.. month, and ? .-.,-, and the conamlaslon ?^ported this ?lain*. In another finding ? stated Karl Henna, of .. Cardinale, Into pni?i stand : laed bas? ball without the in? fliction of a fine. A half dosen hase hits carefully insert? -, ?reek of th< a? aaoa would ? ?:: . xa ti- ll.SSfl ?" Harry laer >.f the Boston P.e.) ?: promised a bonua of rovldlng he hsd an average ??. ? The ofBdal licun-s show ? t shy ami turned handful of hits wool ? ? t Th, ,.- ? ..tes have gol in tiieir ,. .... anil Arthur Chafer, the II? ti. He left . in Loa A ? lay fr,r .' ,. he will h.- marri. <l He Of the th.- (Hants will he few -*"? ,|''' ?1M'1 ? summer. Eddie Collins, th.- sla ef the Philadelphia Athletics, has turned down a flatt? n 11 _r :n the out la??. The N.w York club of the Feder?! ... k f--r Eddie, it i^ said, hit he re? nn was ?if th.- Brooklyn : to the Toronto and not the X, ?,. ? . ?:i. trainer of Ul? i " . Will Rll South with the Hrooklv.- : ;.erhas !.. xt spring t.. help Automobiling ?-?. put the men m condition. Robertson also win teach tii.-m bow to run properly, and in this mariner Wilbert Robinson hopa? t?. i ?? th.- ?pood ?.f his men SLOW TIME FOR SWIMMERS Osgood Wins 100-Yard Contest in Columbia Interclass Meet. POOS marked the final events ?if the int. r- lass swimming me. I at Columbia University yastarday after noon. II. S. Qsgood, T.',, one of the most promisinp sprintera 01. the 'varsity tram, won the luu-vard swim from s-rat. h in the slow time of I "'.. Osgood caught Harrett ami El? hoh*. each of whom ha.I a handicap ot two se-onos. m the (0-yard mark ami had an easy tune in BSflmming m front. {20-yard swim won bj .1. M. CUveland, M>; i. seconds); p. Agramonte, Extension (scratch), aecond; 5. II. BUur, '16 (2 sec o. dsi, third Time, ill'' 100-yard swim Won by H. s. Osgood, '15 (scratch); *'. ?;. la? hoi/., 1:. ?2 sec ends), second; T. Barrett, 11 (2 seconds), third. Time. In",. '."-yard swim for fat men Won by .T. H. Cleveland, 'II (2 seconde); M. .Ma/..-. 14 (scratch), second; S. H. Van <!-? Water. "i: n second), third. Tim. 0-.2S2-5. WHICH IS CONSERVATIVE? Life Member of N. Y. A. C. Writes About Coming Election. To the Editor of Th.- New-York Tribune. B ? Evidently the presa agent of one of the ticket? pul up at the New Y?.rk Athletic Club put the ear of youi sport ? ; .lay and Induced him to insert in a prominent place on your sport? ing page th.- fait that there was a fight on in the New fork Athletic Club and the statement (not the fact) that his ticket, headed by James ?.; Battoraon, waa backed bj ti..- conservative element ..f the club. 1 if 1 ...'-??, we res? ?gent with a vivi.i Imagination, but when he distorts facts, or rather makes statement- direct? ly contrary tu the facta, the memb? ra of the Club who know ?Jo not like It. - s..-1'a?e.: ? ? ?. atlve t??*k? t la compoaed of men onlj "in* of whom lias been a member ol the club over twenty ? : al bave been member? less than ten years; whereaa the so-called opposition ticket, by Implication a radt ? al ?ri., baa <-n it not one member who has been lesa than ten years in the club; three of them have been members t..i' .-ver thirty years ami one has been an active and devoted member of the 1 for over 1 ?>rt>? v >. Aa a matter ?-i' fart, easily . idgi : the 1 ? rsonnel composing it. this so-called -.U":; 1 ckei la the one back? d by the beat < eni and the conservative ? ? ? ? tub, w bo want t.. uphold th.- policy initiated last year 6} the 1 res? ident, w??am H. Page, ably seconded by the vlce-presi-dsnt, nud t.. h engthen t ?. ir banda so thai they can cai ry " ?' this policy, which la 'hat ..f a true ana ?voted to clean and gentlemanlj athletics and Interested sole? ly In giving to each and <vei. member ..f tie ? lui. th? ? -; ?*??? ai.d ? nj'.y tnent of th.- advantages which he .?!?-?> cmt"s himself with his fellow-membera to obtain. Those of up who do not try t.. pain Sd herenta b) fais?- pretence? or hiding the \\ :.? s,- platform is the Indorsement Of OUI ' ar.d \ i.^-|ireei<1'?.t ?ml the strengthen Ina of their hands so that they can earn out the policy they have ? ? king tbe ticket om of oui ? . - saful and , truest amateur athletes, Dr. Graeme M. Hamm..mi glad !f you vv.niUl g)v? t" th I Of faits th.. > im ?.ron.. gave t" tin garbled ac? !. SO im one of your reader? ***? ?u he deceived til r,. ? stands f?.r. NoV( .;:. A 1.11'K .MK.MBKK. ' ** Horse Sale s Golf s Joe Tinker Deposed as Manager of the Reds Wanted to Usurp All Authority. and Directors of Cincinnati Club Said "Nay." NO SUCCESSOR NAMED AS YET Question Will Be Considered at the Proper Time According to August Herrmann. Cincinnati, Nov. _.*,. it was officially annoiin. ed by the b?,atd of dlrocton n! tn?- ?Cincinnati Basebell Club late t.?-d_> thai Joe Tinker, manager <?f the team last season, had been deposed. Th? officiel ?tatemenl follow.-. "The oHkren and director? of the Cin? cinnati Exhibition Cotnpenj desire to an? nounce that the) could not come to a satisfactory ecreemenl with Mr. Tink'-r t?> act a? playing manacer for th? ? in clnnatl team next yenr. "Tho question Involved ?nd nol pertain t,. ?.?lary. .Mr. Tinker seemed t" believe that !?? was entitled, if be .main assumed th.- position as playing menacer <?f the |{?-<K t.. usurp all th.- suthoiit] reefed by the ?tockboldeie In the executive of ti.-.m and the board of director? of ths company. Cndei thees condition? th? director? decided not to r< encase Mr Tinker a* menacer ol lbs team for oeal yeer. "A? I" ?l,o ?rill in..nai;.- th.- team next yeer is a question t"i th?* future, and will l"- tak.-u 11.? aid considered at ti.. proper time." Aucusl i lei i i resident <.i ths ?aid no :'ui th? r Mat-in. n! Would I.' I by th'- elUb at th,?- time lie in? timated that within a f. w days there would h,- something additional t.. sai? lle ?lui declare however, thai at pres ? nt t!ie club has no ?me in slj*hl to t?l?> charce-of the team In IM1 it l? under? stood that Tihker ?rill n * * t i?'.-t his rel? . i outrlcht 'lin- new? that Joe Tinker was not t,, be of ihe Red? came as a crea! ?ur prlse to th?- fans ,,f this ?-?t> and its contributing territory. on < ? toi-?i I en official statement given ..ut that Tinker ?as ?atlsfted with conditions and had sl?gned hie contracl *? player and menacer. ?Later II was learned that ti," ?creemenl botwoea Tinker ?nd th. otllcia!? i'f th? Club had hi ?-a a t- I I t,Ve ole No indication of th? nee manacer ha? POWER BOAT OWNERS MEET Amendments to Racing and Other Rules Adopted by Clubs. Dotegatei from forty-live power I club? and ya? ht ? lubs ?rere presen! nicht at th- snnuel meeting oi th'- Ihn ?an i'.??' i Boal ' ?n h? m ??' '?' " i Waldorf-Astoria, al Whlcb 1'ie-l.l.nt II-: j man T. K?.?-iu.r p*1 -id-'l \ nninl amendm? nt? to th? rectnc ?and othei i were adopted An Importanl addition ?ras mude t" tl -'t1'": '" rectal ' , ...?i, prises so thai ?t non r. ...i? that n?. amati ur ? ont?sstai t shell b? ?allowed t" . . ?.,, ;, .., h prise aft. : ? ntei .? ?o an eftered. -i,..- mattei of boata racing um ? , GOO inil-s m lenctb. as m th.- I ra< e ?rai diacussi tho own. - still '? melnli l sn sinat? -t sft<: ?winning ??? ll.-W prise n ?ras laid tn table until the Slvt r --f t. n be .,t> d -|-,. __-j - - sis? ted f.'t II i ???? '? ,]. nt n. 'r Ko- ? ? ? larj. M?" l? **?? Whltak? ? . treeeui. r, Oeorge C. K In ? irer. Henri ?< ?Ojetee_ AUTOMOBILES. AUTOMOBILES. AUTOMOBIL-S. ^\ The big thing in safety needs is "Safety First " You can't afford to take chances?you can't afford to experiment. Get Safety First?on slippery streets?around danger? ous corners ? through crowded traffic ? over country roads and treacherous moun? tain passes. You get Safety First always by equipping your car with Goodrich Ss2__ Tires Best in that Long Ran?-Bett in ttte Short Stop The XhicY, tou-rh rubber finger? clean away the mud, oo?! and slush? pnp the roadway and firmly bold your car to its course. Under the Safrty Tread i*? the Goodrich Unit Molding?a fundamental Safety First factor?an added railea(-e feature that meaos lower cost per mile. The following are the prices on the beet and most practical anti-alud tiret made. You should never pay moro. Your dealer will gladly aell you the famou? Goodrich Safety Tread Tirea at tbeae price?: Six 4 .I?.*).*? -"7x4?_.$"*f-.l.S 35x4 . 36.90 36x5 .4,1.1.". .16x4 . -7.7S 17 x 5 44.4". H.'.xI'X. 36.0,* 36x4},. 37.10 ?.'?'< .|11. S5 30x3 . 12.65 SOxSV**;. 17.00 32x3^. m.10 33x4 . IS.I5 NEW YORK BRANCH: Broadway and 57th St., N. Y. 38i5}_. 57.30 Akm*,Oh_*, **"*?h-* m AH r******t>ai Ct?mm The B. F. Goodrich Company There it nothing in Goodrich Advertising that tan '" in Goodrich Goods ; ? er of the ? 'Incinnatl l:< da been given b] -in' toi s of the club, bul it la intimai, d that the release ol Kleider Jones h- the ? bk sco Am? t Icai have some t**earlng on the ?ituation. li is also bellev? d that Tlnki I ? ,h w Ith the ? im inn.iti i lui, as ?J | ghot '- lop it con ? rn< ?i. ?nd thai ? ?i- al ?rill soon be announced In ?rblch I - - ? ?rill b nan? Tinker made a name for himself as shortsti p foi tine ? hlcago Cub? ?rhen they v er? In th? Ii pi Im? snd u Inning i" ?> nanti II?. was ti ?RedS last Winter In pan of th.- big ?'? ai whh h i i hl Frank ? ha- ea to the New York T? "MUSTBETRADED'-TINKER Deposed Manager of Reds In sists He Will Not Stick. . ? . ? he trou Id novel 11 ,-. er on lb? t- am from ..... ? : not re? tain th? Iher yeai i"- thougl ? . : i.un.i up th? team ? ? - :t. ,i he ? ? i ted be ? to i-- a , i II bad basa in- pia-*** ,.i ssees n i ? ?ret? h tie m m ? III Id W'h.ri !.. Hon I Increased ? tn led, ss ? ? |i Frankie Burns Shows Speed. Krank I? I Ihe world of speed ? ? itpointlng Artie Edwa the fast local box? ten-round Brown ? I ?roll i : holding liiirm? to ev? two I th? reafter the lattei earned an ound Other Sports NEWARK MEADOWS" ROAD NOW ONE OF BEST IN COUNTRY Its Opening Will Be Celebrated by New Jersey Motorists in a Few Days. SCHIMPF TO RESIGN OFFICE Brooklyn Man Unable to Remain as Head of Contest Board ?Mr. Ranney Back at Office. New Jersey motorista Intend to have :i big Urn? within tii?. oext two wecka arltli a celebration over th.mpletlon out opening of the old plank road acroaa the Newark meadowa between Newark and .!. rs. y in- The Ih< ? ? la an up-to-date parkway, one <.f th? beat In the country, and to keep pace with it committee of the Basa? aad Hudson Count] Board ol Pre? which exen i ? m ?lcl on over It, at a i.?????lit meeting held Frldaj afternoon, changi -i Its name to I ? pn '? ?? tlous mi- ..i Ei ex-H idi on Bouli ard Joseph H. W.I, of N? ?rai k, former presiden! of the l I Automobil? of Me? Jersey, Bays thai the ale? gan of the m.i i il i not ?rill I ?? "' torn? mumpaw and Pa a enuea n? at?" The Communlpaw ?venue li on the ? ? ?!? and !'?? ?? I ?? Newat k aid?, and each lervea trance to the new bou ? rard II th?l ? -,. .1 after the manner of the old road there would retch ?>f roadwa) from th? of Newark to the J Cil :? rry. The et lebration ovei the m will i?- taken part In by th? Board ol Preebe ? . The New .1. raej Automobil? and Motor i Newark Motor Club, of Newark? oat other organisation! The N< w J< i -?? ? Auto I Motor Club, .11 conjunction with the motor re? ta ? . ? tors of that statt ? . ? ,; I an agitation againsl the Issuing of II? ? to .iiive high pow? r i ara, It la acci? dents bave occurred In whli b ? ? pow? r !..v It is get .- nil the ending of ins preaenl term. William Bchlmpf, chairman of ti,- ? ? ? board of III- A. A A i ?i he bas held since the laitientable <|, ..Hi of B imui i M Butler In the Gild den tour I I i M i at tria t,. resign ?.t tii.- . n.i of hi i la I term, i. ; : ? railed upon t?> hold ov< r. He la the head of .i aHveramlthini ? the work ?>f time. Who of conjectui th? position >\ i l ? ? off? rod i ?ai Id Bee? *?.ft. he, Ilk? Mi B? blmi f, la also Im? et In In aomi ? ?. - <* a i... h trade up the rules for the coming | day t'.wr. Um auspices of the Motor Deal i test itlon app? ? have plai ? d too little or ; 11 pen? alties on minor ti ?i cracked wli Ex act I) the same i alve, Htnl this would be ;i .itii defect com? i with which the otl form of ? t Ranm , i e-pr< sld? ? I firm ? ' I months, due to Illness. Mi Ranm ? ? the last month or two in New England, and ap i- ara to have I : i a th, Johnson Allows Less Than Two Runs a Game Great Twirler of Senators Leads in Lffcctiveness as Well as in Number of Victories. WHITF- SOX SHOW STRENGTH Cicotte. Scott and Russell Ran!. High in List Ahead of Connie Mack's Star Twirlers. Following the mPtlmd of r.inkinn pin-h? ern which was tried laiei year, the ofl dais of the American Leagu* bav? left out the -Mtii' .- won and lost and I fcivon the ?-arned run? DOT ?-.'am- in th. averages which ?rere announced yester Ti i- chana? has In nowl?< aff? 'ted the i lalm i of u ait. i- Johnson t" the h sd< i i hip. I'iist m rlctoriea h? ? ??? 11\?-n. ?s, alloe Ing the opposition LOS ?atI...I runs per game last season. Clcotte, Bcott snd Rui ell of th? White Bog are ?econd, third and fourth on thi hst, forming s pitching ?tail more ef f ?dive than thai "f the Athletics Bender lead? the Philadelphia twlrlers, i,-it :.? number elghl on the list, Fslkcn i.,m being ninth, Gregg tenth, and Joe Wood eleventh. Bhawkey ??f the Ath l? tic? is n imber fourteen and Plank num? ber twenty, pist ahead of Russell Ford ,.f th? Yankees, aritb g mark .?f : . earned , uns pi i game. Ray < 'aldwi IL number sixteen, leads ths New fore Half Tin- averac* ? ,i!' Ihooo who pitched five full "fames or more follow: Al HIU No sf limar- I ??' ' ? o1"1*1 "" Date, pitcher, clin* -um pu ' ???! <?'? w byopp. i-:i:. b l m ?n BH s?? WT. Bail . 1 Johnson W? -, . 47 M 12*11 - " M ?-' ? g - ? .- ? ?? 2 , ?.,,,.. ??! : ?." . 4.' 21174 '."? ata ?- y - g w ?? o ?t KuaMii ?in iso. r.i si? mi -t.* m ?-' i Si y-,; ' " 1 *??? . ?-?" ??in. ?v. . *v* -n. nue ?tea ?.-.- m ? g ?a ? ?? i--?? S u- M-.-I..I. nev.. as tu m ?so s? 4-. a m as ; ?. loi ? it?ri.lir..-. Ws?h. .S? MS4 -?.I 200 M W W H 110 . B - ?', 7 ,,,.,.,, , ?>,.- ..* !-*>'. I.? WS M 30 l ?0 o 1 0 -M k p, 11,1.'r PMI . l" 931 1 ?IS 90S M ?'** II::. . ,. J p. S 'C!,:,',,. ci., a? :???? . ?0? ?.???; w ?s s as m 1? s wj ,? ,;,,.-, . |." .. Il ?S5 J?'.'? teM MM ?1 14 1.1 I?'. '?> I t.' I ; ?.'. 11. loti 1 11., ...? .i?, ,-.i si s si iaa - n U-mard. Bost?n!! 43 WO 993 M ISS ? I ?? ?" " p. mu on SI t. ..." n M** '-' ?__ -' ';l ? 1" ?, ?J " P. faldwell, N V. .21 "?' ? ?'"' '.! ?" ?_ ?' ''. "? 17 /..o-.I.K :.. H.lioll . 17 JO > ?a? ?'? 1? M .li h, CM? ??;" _ ?ma -?ti ios 933 s 0 ISS ?"i '.?. I : ?"*- H i?- . -.t.". i.i .:,- ?t) i o M JO l-la.,:;, PI Ha ? ?I -'- ? ?'"- ?"" * . - - ?_l I ' K? - ' f"' - Detroit . 23 l: ? ""o - i ?on ?" -f" ' l?i :.:! ,,,.. __ _ ,- ,. _> i'.'h.ri. l'-.-i ?n <? -.? ? .':: ?.-??; '"- ? ! H ?--- - ? r:T'!!-.?N r,5 S? sw .:? ?'. : is S S -o 2 ; '?,, ; ?i- ' m -?-? "?-' te? n is - >? ???? n h ililei, ? n ?. ?_ .,, ... . . I .,, i. , KKN S ? g . S S i !;: S?". ?? V . ,S S _ m* i* " a ?''?>:? : ? ? ? a S . ?- ?f * ;;.; ,; | ..n ? Ho?( n IS ''s -" ' ' /: ' -i HWr.Ne? I - g g * ^ ^ 205 loiri r-s White, ' M? ??? ? ,:'.? ?*??*?????. ?'???' ni'?, ''-s-? u! 4' M Hall, l-<'?'' .J ???f. , __. l__ S I SS 71. U v; ?? lian. lioMni, M :j4 . ? (. g ,_. r; t, ...,k,, ir";''' ' 5 p\ ,.-,; 04 ,:. M ? ? :? tf m ..,.-. ?**' l' " .,, .?r, got ISS i'* SJ ? .s ?Pi I MiKh. l'hi' ... m .t-, ro7 |w rj M l0 k| M. 47 I..-1WIII. Ft t. -p; 41 ,._,, M M ,, ,;, -,-, 4ti oallle. ":"s!,v,?, S i.?-7-, 74-. ES. m s?. *' ??? ri SI Wart-ep. N?"A > '',. ,.,'T- . - i.? ss 7 H ;il *.. Mann,..... *'?"*?*?? ::.;.; ;- ?5 ?. 8 m ? ??? m n ,_??.,. w??h- ?? ? -..,-. (i.H U( ?,, M .-, i.-j sa M llou? k. PMI ? ' '.'-i ? i.? ti 13 ::?? ?* |:' SB .*. BOg. PMI " \!. !;-. m. UM * ? ?? ':-' ;:' >. ?' ll.'l, ?'I'".- ? -J" g ' ,.7 |S 47 .1 W W L,??f__J>'S____;: W 57 ^7 M M H 1 -1 ? 1 ?*??>? AndlrLon. LioMun. Marine Intelligence and Shipping News from Near and Far MINIATURE ALMANAC ?iinri.?<\ Illi S'intet. 4X-; moon i!"''?, noon - ?-'?.-? MI'lH WAT':!'.. A M. P M Ban If Hoah . Governor*i isl?n I . I:M H? a >?-?.tat i -? WIRELESS REPORTS. Th* Oscar n. resert? i u M al - - Bandy Hook al I a m yesi rds . do. k Thursday fen i*:,, Oceanic, reported a* fi?o mil's ntn sf Band) Book ar 11 a t.. doch Thursday fortnraow , i| ?ni Unco i a? '"?"?"? miles . ..- ,,f Ban l? Hoot i to .lo- k Than ' - INCOMING STEAMERS To-r> \' i ron i .in?? .Tampico, Ko? 13 , .Ward ? i .London, Not u atl Trans roncho.("?auruton, Nov it.. ..Mallory ran i-.. rutr.if.. N-r. ii Gees -n.Puerto Mexico, Nov* If. Ana n Comal.Mobile, Nov in .Mat lory ?. kaonrtlle, Ko? 9 ?? ' ? ?, , ? *s i -?.'.' text, ? THL'RSDAT, NOVEMBEB -7 ?..- ?? n.Cristisnsaad, Ko* U...Sc-Am ? ... .Boutnamptoa, Nov k? *>? Btar .? .. Sot 19 . Booth * , ? 23 R U - P '-?|,||, MS 1,1 ,., - V . ...... go Not n it- d i? ?Mi tai .n . - Kov 18..U i' Co Pre?,in . .liambur?. Nor IS H Prov?note.Malaxa, Ko* it. Kov ? - We, hawk? n Clbi sl si. Kov 13 .... ....Near ? \i ,|, ??? . . .-.., kaonvtlli . Not Zt PRIDAT, KOVBMBfel Uvei*|.I Km ?;?.Colon, No* i.'.Pan R R .? ? ..Den oral ??. Kov If....... ? ? a-n,. No-.- ||. Phatnlt El Vail? .Gal ?? ?ton, Kot ?Brings mall OUTGOING STEAMERS. It i DAT. Mall : .. Una ? ? Fran ? Havre, French.T?Oam ; ?am ? tiampton, W B >* ??!> s m , La O'yra, Red D I M a m ' ? irta, lamali s, r F. 0:10 a m : Algonquin, B Domingo, Cl...12:00m 1:00 p m :. , an ?. Ward. Udo m Kroonland, Antwerp, H Btar ? i rto 1 o, i.-ui??tan. Matantes,-.. ? u ird ? Ki ? . irli ins, s r . ? Colorado, Oalveeton, Mall'y. ? i ?s m Huron, Jacksonville, Clyde.? 1:00? m THL'RSDAT, NOVEMBER SI I h II i *i. H A. 1 00 |. D l '*' ? "i '" I ; tg< ' I p - igen, ri A i, B in In.' i.. Ii ? . ]- ' o m :: iro p m i:i in i. Qalveston, Bo ! . ? 00 p m FRIDAY, NOVEMBER H Phlla'ph i Mand? Irlle. Bellte, t n Fr*t I M ? m M ? ? ??., 1,11, ?. ! ? I . \|.a -l ? n,T Rlci !? l:00pm TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. ci.. ? (via Han Fn 11 ? Nov. 21 Il .lut all. ' Fran la o>- NU? .... .Nov. '.s ? 'orea, Chli pines i via EmpreM <??' Nov. M U ? Phllli , -..n ! r.iii, :?, >..- I' B tl*SI . N'ov. 00 ? ? ? ? . , * ' ? . . 4 i ? -. . .Dee. 5 ilawall, Ban - Ni m Zetland, tkunti ? ? -, ; ?Vi nt .Deo. 11 Ina. Philippine? . \ : t Ituoka Mini .De:, u ? . in Fran, m ... ?Monga . Dec. Il ill I il ,i. :-. Ne? /? aland, Aiistr . " ? -. Dee. 13 SHIPPING NEWS I Port of New York, Tuesday, November 25, 1913. ARRIVED ,. I I . . .. ?, l V. -.- "l-1 Ja Co. with i?i I? ;. m ? to Oel - ,. wir li : |. ? lee, Ar I m ? Florida, Port .' .in oil ? -rf 11 iv II i, m. ? ? i Kaon **.'? ??* port N . th? - >: i 1 ?minion Ba ? ... ? Itli . . ? i the H '? ?lih 3' ili*-i. 132 : '. . | at I ar at 2 p m. iBr>. Pydnej C B, I the a U la 7 to David .' u n ?? n. In bailase ? Si amer Baals O Ule, rhiia-i->iphia. m w n 1 ? ?... in Lilian. Paaaed In ?juarantlni at !.:io a ni Steamer Sabine, Brunswick ro th?- Mailorj >- Co \tirli paOBOafr? an-l rn<1??- l'aaaed In itln? si 12:41 p m. Kteamei Keltrtaarovo (Br), Beata y- 0 ii Buettoa a-. .? . 17, Moni -video -1 and Barbado?? Kot I0, via Boston S, t-. H F t Co, with mdae. Arrived at (M . a m. ?? Jooepb .i. Olorgli .\",.r>. Baltlmor? Not 3, io the tttantt. Frull Co, ?r? ballast. Lefl Qu .ran :. :i.? ?| -, .'.-, . riteamei Anil,, la (Oer), Yokohama Srpr 1. Bhanarhal ii. Keehiag II, Hong K?*.n? M ami.i Ocl ?'. Hareng 13. Su??t an.I Port 'i and UgiM-a \o-, i, to Funeh, Bdye * ' ' '?? II i m N.. \m\.-.| ?r tlm Bar ar 7 a m. ?*?? ?ini'-r ? ?i> ot Columbus, Savannah Not ;.', to ?ii- Ocean Ba Co, with paaeeager? and mil.?* i In Quarantine m 1:11 a m Steamer Huron, Jarkaonvlll? Not *t*S ? irleeton 9, ro th? CI ?M? s- Co, with pom !,.??-? Pai i In QuaraatlM si tUt I in. Steamer Mayara PertS Amber, ro th? Trlnl .'r.i shipping Co, in ballast. Passed in Qnsr antlne at l:M a m. Kteami r Bai ice Not IT. Ma] i tuet is an,I sa.r .lu.m i\ r.. the New fork an.I Porte P.I o I? Co, win, *% i>,,?-ong-*r?. mall? and mdse. Arrived -it r!..- Be 10 1". p m. 24th Steamer Byron .it-'. Bueno? Ayraa '*"*? SO, Montevideo 31, Ban to? Nor rt. Rio d<t Janeiro B, Bahla 9, Trinidad 17 an.I Bar? bado? IS. r,, RunU ,<?? Daniela, With at >**Mn iin.l l?:t ?te? ? . . ?aengi re, mail? an.I rn.l-. Ann ,-,i al the Bar .at I p m, 24th si.'.iin.r Caledonia tBr), Olaagow an,i Movllle Nov 15, to Henderson Pro?, wirb v i ? IDS ?< ond cabin end BO steerage pas? era ? .:.'! mdae Arrived at ihe Bar <? i "... :. ..i Had itrong weeterly gales sad v.'if I,...??. seas N-.?;i- ail the p??e?ge Steam? Cari Sch?rt (Oer) Port Ufaos Kot 13 Sama Marta 18, Colon 18. Kingston ".. and Santiago d? Cuba 21, to the Ham? i American Line, with -?; pasaengera, malls and mdae, Arrived al th? Bar at B 17 I in. Steamer California <i*ri. Hor.wux Nov (, Bilbo? ?. and Vlgo IB to the Compagnie Qenerale Transatlantique, with 2? cabin and 71 hi., ran,- paaaengera and Arrlv.-.l Si t ?h-- Bai ai i lo I ':i Bteamer Kursk fRuee), Llbau Kov it. '??? penhagen u and Hallfax, N B, 23, t., Ben? .. Boyi a n ? Ith 12 Brat, is,i w copd rabin an.l 120 I ngi rs nnd rn.!?u-. d St Hi-- H.h ai .". :;<> a in. RAILED. i? Hamilton, Norfolk and Newport New?; city of Montgomery, Savannah: Chil? ien? Rang? tBr) Baltimore; Mat?enla >m Francis ... Palbtnss IO?r) Mewport Newel Rayamon, Ken Orleans; Val Baile? (Ital), im (Dutch), Rotterdam; Mo i.auk. Charleston an i Jacta??nvUle. STEAMERS AT FOREIGN POR'". 11 ED. \ ? No -?". noaihara tBrt. New Tort -i Vim ent. I * V, ??t? Gibraltar, Nov 23 Oieenbank Itlrl, New Tort for Catania; Franconla ?Mr), New Vi.rk via Fremantle, No '-'-? Anglo Egyptian (Br), N>** I ii Kot II Max Brock lOoti, Sam I : i - . , ? Palm --. ? ? Port Natal, Kov 23 Conlaton Water (Mr), X?w v,,ik, Btratbspey (Br>, N?rrw Tort. \'.h , ii...,..-. Not ?4 Canning iBr), Now York. Montevi. Not .'4 Vaaarl tBr), New Tork I l.ahla, BiO Liabon Kot 24 Roma tWrl, New Tort nni. ? Ml? haela for Maraellies, ' Hull, Kov 7" Toronto (Br), New Tort. . Kot 28 Bol fei? .' ?- ri. New I ? . . Bi.. v.? >.>-k Nov 22 Indrakuala (Bri, New v ri . - t, Nov 23 Indra (Hr), New "fort v.j ?te. Nov ?h h,-m ?Non, New Tort vte ? Barcelona, Nov Dde flo ?Spam. Ne? \ .. ;pn. Sew Y? 'k. ? i Kov 32 -I M"lir iN'.iri. .->??*? ? York. \'.w Tort. Malt 24 i ira lOer), New ToH for H i i fBr), New Y.irl s,,- 24, m Mauretaaia fBr) \ | . ., Mil ?wai i (Br), Neo fort. BAILED Kew fort. \., :?I - ,?? l .-lat-s ilian? ?fron . Ne? fort. tal), Ki t? Y"i k an? ? lia'... N- vt t rgen tlaa ( Aust) Tri. - ? N ..rk. ? mis, New Y?>rk K. N iBr), New ...;?:,. N. w Y-.rk l?.I .Un. N< ? V-r' i-.ii, ? \ (ItaO, Se* Iphia. H;,, . ' Nlth IBrt ? ? . Ne? ?? ? K? m York PAWED ut, Nov 14?Ciar (Russ), New York WHAT POLITICAL DIVISION COST. i ?rom TI ?? Bs ractiae Journal. i :..-.. moi ?el? I n" New : ad a plurality of ::'."'">. it the . Profcreaalv? atrcngth hat been united, aa it once w;i?*. ha srould , ,i .1. ranted by 7.1?, according to the oe-Ctal flgum. It la antd Jerney hn?l ? big atay-nt-boma vote. ?.OW ,1 ( irtm , **?_?*-'-?'???**.,, WEATHER Bt'flEA. k. ,' ?*7*\J A\TJ**tem sjutiu :*.*,*f. ../.> THE WEATHER REPORT. Ulli, id It.-.ord mill ler.'ca?! A truugk g rrom ii' t?eetral Mala? BtaU? ?I:.- ?pp. ,- l.lU- r.-Kl.?ll I'll" . i/aik i hut . turn d turnt lieht lo? -?i ? ..,,? Rala? siso .-.?iiiiiiu? ? ls i ? .. ?;, i is slly moni sf th? Rocky il,, m Um Esst sad ?Sooth Iba : ?u sea-trail** r.i?r , older Is t'" AU u . Bl it? i sad Um il bal temp iturw - oaatd l ,,,? Un- .?? ...-"?.il av.-i.i_.- Ui ' |Ct, ' ?w r tO. reinaiii.t-r ut i ? , mmtmhut murmee, ?a ? raie, with . .,;,,, nbov? 1ht, ?j?ruonsl ?\eruge ., ,,!..,? will be uoMttled ?Il i . irln? u In..?!?] - .,., ,| ..., ley. , ilon sn i . . - Ri -(l.nil, ?nd probal i*, on Th n ihe Mi'i'ti'- Atlantic Stau - "-?-r th. Bort? ,,,, 'in-p.-i i..-- reslon local ?nos ? ?? w,.ir,.-?.i.?v nlshi '"' Thnrtrasi I? l m South Um plain, itate? sad th. Northw^i . ol Hi- MlwlMlppI River [her ?m be ?nd 'iiiui?-ia-, In the N Ktale. ?tul'.- there will be ram \\ ;,.,, ?m probsbh extend over th. Northwe.t ,,,,-- tn TI ursdaj ni'! Thur-KUj nlghl i, W|U _. naMwhsl col?l.r on Wedne.d?y i? ... ihk.. rcflon ?nd the upper MlwUalPPl V*l .,, i,,,, ,.\,-r th- fern. 11 ? r ol th? ? al In 1 "wind-? ?long th? north AtWntlc ?i I ,., ,,,. ?e-nrh . Middle Atl.lHJ?'. Boeth .ttsntlr iti.ln to ? i:.,.??. Gulf and \\ ?t Uulf, -, , ,?i, lowei l.k? -. modqrate ? ? northwMt; upper Ink.-?. mo?lei .'? ... i ,ii.| north, prol ? alas uot thi hi w. .ni.-?,!.?-. nie*-' ?????' "?Ttii p.'fii.iii*" |,.re. :i?t f?r S|ie<lal l.??tilille?.?I or Knst <-rii NOM York. <l?n?l> to-?li?>, ln?-ul ruin? Hi nil.hi ?r to-morrow; ???hier tomorrow in inl?*rinr; nn.dcriite ue.l Is north?, e?l wind?. |',,i- S'-iitlii-iu N?'??' Kir-Uii'l. lair, tn dny- to-nuMTO. un? Ulcd; modwate MWthwMt to north?? il wind?, i-or Northera N?e tnsUnd, ?se?nl?d sas warmer In dar, rala al night or t -morrow.. o-morrow In tt. i to tt?>r ? For Delatrare and New Jersey, fair, ?lightly t..i-r to-day; to-morroa unsettled, prolttahl) ite south an.I southwi ? ? n Inds r,.r Eaatern Pennsylvania, Increaamg i ? 11?_;11r i?. warmer to-dav; ?" ? ocrew unsettled, probobly local ralas; light t,. mo-l i ml. and southw? si a lads For w ?1 rn P< nnsylvanla, i loud? Uval rain? a* nighr or to-morrow; aomewhal co| gr to-morrow; moderate - ut-> be? . iMe i ot u - ?tern Ken Tork, clou ' unsettled, probably rain sad colder? ?.iu loth , \ land snd the District ?.r Columbia. .v i. .i ? n ,.,. i to da) ; i" morroa Hi? , I. lain; light t,> n . tg llitoiidil-.. Sa. m, t: * p m.Il QbservStlOM taken ar I nit?,I Siafi? twather Ian. gas at I p in I - ?tl ? la-, follow : City. Temperature. Weather Albany . M ??Toudy Atlantic City . '.' Clear Boatos . ??lear ' . '?? Cloud} Chi? .go . Cloudy Nets Orleans . M Rain W i..-ni> . >.r i'i..-j.|> Washington . M i lear I m.i| Olli? ial RSOOfd, The following ofti? , i.,i record froea the Weather Bureau shosM th? - hann.m in the temperature tot th? lasp i?. nt--fuir hours, in esvribarlsoa With the -.or?! . Hag date ?.f last peart IM . mi tau: un. Ig m. a.. :.: I p in. ?**. it Is m. 31 M :i|. m. ?I tl ?i.. M .".. il i> in. ?o ?j; 12 m. ?-' M U i?. in. 40 ? ' p in. ID 4s ? HiKtw.-t temperature yesterday, IS ?logree? ?au i p. n, i; lowest, >? (at I ? m ?; avenge, 4*.'; average for cerre?poodlng date last year Lverag? for corresponding date last thirty-time peers, M i"- ?i forecast: Cloudy to-day; rain to-night or Thursday; muUrratc west to northwest winds.