Newspaper Page Text
J. K. M'GUIRE NOT ABOARD CARAC Wireless Message fr Captain to Tribune Spo Plan to Arrest Him. LITTLETON MOVES TO SAVE FOWL Raises Question of Jurisdic for Politician Indicted as "Bagman." John K. McGutre, formerly tbe ? r" of Syracuse, lad Jo* n Do ? ited t?-;n"i ! by Dieti let Ait" Whitman A ? , of the Re I "D" Hn< - i ara Mi rjuln ?as said to ??. trip to s,,it'n America, ?ras reived by The Tribune las! night. - aboard. ead: I flea, November "Jam?! K I ht nol i- - board. CAPTAIN B8. CARA? AI Information ? ?' 1'1* \Ur,. -.-.-? thai .lam?-: McQuIre, formerly the "baj Mayor' Syracuse, Indli ted Monday for vio.a ,,f the ??'? ? rporatlon I iiciti':^ ?i political - ontilb ttlon ficu ?ration, was returning fi rica on ti.- of '???? 'Ane. ,rgg H m Quire, the Indicted in brother, testified last week that .la K McOuire had sailed f- B ea the previous weak. He ? dei Indictment at that tima Assistant ?District Attorney Clark n arrangements to have Detective Eda Leigh, of the District Attorn p?tt down the bay <>n tl*..- revi to meet th?- - eracaa on Thanksi morning. Lelgb will have with him t>? ti- h warrant for Mi 11 sued on Monday by Judgi Craln In ?; -? - Mona. Martin \v. Littleton, who wl Everett P. Fowler, the Murphy Upsl bagman" Indicted foi extortli a i>rk yesti rday on the n - br- hiT'-s to have the trial taken out ih's county and away from the Juris? ??f Dtstricl Attorney Whitman. lie appeared before Justice Vernon Davla b Crin Inal Branch of Bupreme Court, with k mol (Jon of the grand Jurj minutes, s time hi red 1 ??f the Indictment on the ground that anj ? i-. --u committi lummated In either Cortland or Oi dags -Mr. i'iark. w ho OPPOSI ? ! * ? nmatlon "t ti.I when the check of - Hull, the Cortland Count] contract in" ? .is mai I in i ii ounty by Ai thur Mcliean, tbe Democratic Btate Treaaui ? : in oppositl io I.II ttlon for .'in in-]" tioti of the grand lui ai d . Wedni -, New Tork r< live ?if the Union Oil Company, of c? -.. fmm w horn, it la chai g< "? ?\ gn contributk ? iterday that the Brst Inqulr! -- Ith Mi ' lulre cat from - >? Tammany Hall. A? ' '"i -lit explained It the appai ? ? en to use the M . ??? i which wn< btoadly en sttempl ? ? Highway I i artnw nt, aa an additional waap against Qove? r fl ser In the Impea? m. m proceeding? Karl-, last summer, before Bulser i Impeached, and whai ? F ? nnlng the work th lat< r rulmtnated In the < 1 ?"' ernoi. - 'oi dit sai-i, Arthur . n i ame to I Im for Inform?t) as to ? \ ? n hat kind McGutre had put up t(i him. iluunberlain la ?he aame man : i,v Mr. Whitman at the John I laat Moi -i ??? t" admll that attempted to u?i\is<- Condit of what i :_-h? t.i testlfj t-. before the grand Jut ami particularly to advla that ought nol tu bring ? ? Democratic party or the si?',- com? tti As Condtt understood Chamberlaii m, he wu thi re as s repr?sentai to on 8 mm r. As the Tammai proceeded, however, it wa? disclosed th , ' Tammany's most power! ??-. s ich as W litara 11 it int,? ti ?f.-iir through ?Fowler's "hold-up" se following M 's small "hold-upa," Noi Mack and Aithui A. M< Lean ware more or lei general line alohg a hlcfa the ?i Ou 1 had baen ? pon Tau mai y droppi d an 1 ? I ser from l ion. t m -ht took his Informa-i * , of I- m Boroi gh Pn ni- : ? of Brookl Mi a thai it might be 1 tory 1 l-nriK f'" ward In th? :,?? Bght, I not have ? portualty to talk it <>v?-r with Mr Poundi ?i!,<i the matt rial 9 as nol m i m tii alga. PAVING GRAFT HERE DEAl McAneny's Office Claims Credi for Elimination. itlgatlon h Attornej Whitman Into upstate "i?av ? 1" and the ret elation of the me ? ? the Barben asphall inti repr?sentativ? - of the Borough President' g t ? ? ..1 the gi .'i- ti ? onopoly h ni on the ettj until 1 i how the grip had been broken in tin ? m, ..i thi .i- > ? When the proaent administration cam? ,, ..-ft? <-. t'-iii yi ..i - a??., the ? companj i.-J everything it.- ..un way according to the statement Issued ri"i Borough President McAneny's *. t r j. * -. n ? u was the ?nil' 1 tmpanj t hlch , rude asphalt to ? pmplj with in* Manhattan sp< I ? This a bscause of s r?solution passed bj s in vJoug Board '-i (Sat?nate ant Apportioa? I .. -:t. < ?M th<- lll'i'l'.M ?if I?? >r<Ml_ Ii I':. .. - McAuen) this resolution was 1? p. glad and tl ? way opt ned for - 01 tl'.n. This was tin- Bl -' ? t.? w was ? recasting of the speclflcatli that bidder? hitherto excluded wouM haw- s chance. An Illustration of what tliia meant waa .ift?ini?ii recently, whan inn- bidders entered the Bald fur s pav? ing joi? m the Borough ol Manhattan. Mr. M< An? ny 1- out of tin- Ott] BL P, fjoodrich, oonpultlng englnaei >-r thai o?sii ItaaMint'g dsparuocot, who hua THE LATEST "THANK YOU." _S?_ ?*"** 1 .ad) nt N? m. \\ hal ?1?> \ ir \\ ? ?tes fi ?r v. ?min. ?;i\. nn ]!* >? ?1 ? chatre of tii?' I'.ivn . ?? t" the monopolisl r d "When Mr. "????? -? "' Borough of Mai thai action taken by a !>r< ? loua Bo Estimate ? .11 Manhal lan Borough ei ? ? ? ? ira? a feet, ? ? lion? ?? ???? drawn; no bul an expert had not i ? ., : ? ? ttcted 1 [r. Mo ? ? ho had ;? ? matt? ?? t, at ion? ? ere don? ? now I ddln? "ti i ira? la 1 ? v. The reeull ? thel ? ..?.it for ird than ?????? - md. on .??? if our Inaiatence tl : bet? ter quality of pav? I ;B0Y ORATORS TO COMPETE Columbia to Give Prizes for Best Brief Discourses. An . on 1 ruai luml ei i" Inter? ?t In pi the liicn iiii-l i ? ? Vorfc Btate The ! till? a III be pi l"*e? "f $50 and fl *.. b? aid? ?which ? ? will ree? in, dal. B< el ? boy? ?ii'i be accommodated In tin , t.-ri-.m it Columbia, the -. con-1 ? i. at? %\ i'.i be held at ni m ? ? thi i oui the stat.. The t each , ;' ; I..-.?..- will tx i all ? ? ?ratl? I ' . ,iii< illa? tive rath? i more than t? ti mlnut? - The prellmii ? l be lu ??i i,. ' ? ? i. nuai ' i in oi d? r thai the Col un i., i. The prellmjn - will be hi l< n \t bei , Bingh? ITalo, .**.? ? New Rochelle, Ogdennburg, Pattehogue, ? Loi . . ; COLUMBIA TEACHES 13.229 College Freshman Class of 32 o Sets a Record. ! ?.-. ? which \?> i ? ? ? . '. ? '.ila I *ni ..... ' ? *-<-??? 11 ? il T? .r h. i v:9 m th ? iti>- iiiil-.e? ?-it? a |ol he yeai ?.' I, ?? th ;i'il iluplii atlon omltt? d. To "five t??tiu. ?i. ? to i armj o,-' Ktudentf ? ? DO? r?rof< ?aora and I ? with a t',t.,i ,.f t.?. ? -.-?-. and in ..????? Columbia College ha? 141 r/tudenti an? u '.. .- ? f ?5, th? i-i geel In ? ih. ,,1 of I.a.?. 156 rjf Phar . m. thi 8 hool of Mi .li. in.. Ill ; \i. hit. .tin. and I i-' the .-*? Im-iI of Joui nail n-. 10$ INK AS MUCli_AGE~CHASER Unusual Appetite Whetted by Articles on Doctor's Desk. i John i'. I? i ? into th? phy_f* ? ' il,,?.-,,?tal Corpa m th. Better}' yeaterday nal drank a i>?>tti?. of mucllag? - | ? -akfast He then !,.<>;. th? other bottle from th? <i>-?-k it was th? red n.k - ' t., casi. <i"\M, the Mi>t. bul th? phynlciene, ?a itli tii<- crj. "He'a eeten the mu< Hag? i ,i t-i him and aaved the ink. A?t< r rot ?? ?? Ing m? di? al att? ntion from .- ? ? ? end Whit?. John te? <>;n | panled Joaeph l-> vin., the watehmai the berg? building, t.? the police ?tat and by thi** rout? h? arrived, still wlplngl 1rs Up*?, in homerlc lashion, on hia ,".it, aleeee, at the Belleeu? Hoapltal, irher? ho Mil i??- oeeerved ?is well as attended Hit aJUnenl la not Lndlg**etloa ALDERMEN LIMIT MAIL TRUCK SPEED's Vehicles Pul linder Usual Traffic Restriction***. EXEMPTION ONLY FOR EMERGENCIES Department Official - ails I a* Unfair, and Says Ortlinaiu:c May Etc Ignored Th? i.r.iir. Hint I ,, iton ? i i-t I | ? , ? I | ?, ? I |. , ? ... |ij i? . Board of II i ? ?;? ? iha um? \ ?-in, I? i . ki mpl fron ' 1 , et. ?lid Poll ? I N |?.i: I? ? 1 . ? , lion, ? i wes rhali m.?!,. ?? i">' led to I t ha 1 1er th? Board ? ; , ? ? ? human llf? I i ? > - ! provlalon wa? mended lh< adopl on of I it i,a.?-.,i th? i.".-."l unenlmo Th? oped to tin amendment cam? from iw j Poatofflce l ?? i rti ? hlch wa? i ? ?.??.: al i pul In- heai Ina on the an m?nt mi Nov.m??? : .: i, Joseph Btl ' latan t Poet i I ? ? He ? ? ?I an unfali ..?_?.iri -1 vehlclt*. ? ting tin- mail?. [ - ?Id ?t would met? i lell rrippl? ?. - v .??? ?,f th? < It* ii. cont? nded I the fatelltl? i i uttot ?i b the ? automobile? wen* i.? ?t <-\. ? i i om pai is-*' v. ill, othi ? . liirlPH Th? i---- ernmenl repreaente! ? \? ? ni ?a far a-^ t?. Intimate thai th? ell ad >". 1 ? .ill the ?pe? ,| ?,f th? ? utomobil? ?. and thai ti .- ?ame d< I du lea might be maintained whether ? ?? th?- amendment wa? adopted ii temaini t., i., seen a-hethei an I ??? ? n be ialeed ..-i the! ? or? thi ??? ? ? i a? | ... ..1 publl.lie?, < irle organisation? i?ii?i privet? - ? -. ? ? ap-l pear? .i at the h? ai Inga In fa - m of th? ! amendn - Th? reporl of - i apt* lei - ommil t> ? ?a Id In pel t : "Th.mmittee Ih s'a- i tlatlca i ibmttted from the coroner? of pee of tii- Borough ..f Manhattan and the Kation il High** a* Prote? lire ?So? ciety, and nt i., i dele ?ubmltted t?, lb? committ**? In tii- nature of wntten com munli atlo ng an opinion fi om i ? ' ? poiat:-,n . 'ounael'a of?i t Prom u ? ?? ? . d?te lh? committee limis ii.. fo lowli i fa? I? "That nal.?. ? ? ? ?..|?t eonditloi i ? ox I mat? ? di Iv? n ehl? loa ar. 11 ansportlng tl ? mail? througho it the i ? ;i-. The? i,\ custom ?" to ? ration, oi ? ol.I legal i inl't. ha' ? ? ?? th. right of way In << i p hlghe h ?, ?nd In addition li;?\.- bx ? n ffl i., i.?. i. -in. ese* pi the pro- [ vision prohibiting rechice? driving \ , tuai ?tntlatici conclurivel) ?hoe thel I State? mail majgona bai?? i eux .11 nfteen death? thla yenr, ??even ?ln< ?? ' >. ptember I, The dumber oi motor ? wagon? m u.?.- during tn<- year average?] I? ss then " !?? r dnj. ( Hi tin*- I - at leai ehli I? oui ??f ?vei v . Igh ! leen la deatroying a human l? r?- every! ? -i numb? r m i.i,,t.a v. - in N'.'w Venu * * i t > is estimated al ? ? and the number <>i death? for th? 'i'ii,T.-'i'i- one v.-iiii-ii: ..-it ..f i-v.iv go kills a eittaen, aa agalnal one out "i eighteen mall wagon? "The commute? appreciate? the efforts ,,f the poitofflc? authorltlea to gel the j beet and moel economlcel mail aervice I for the city, it alao appreciate? th? : that the great rommerctal Interceta of th. t demand ti,?- beal mall ?enr?e? i,?*,? ?Iblc II i i-!i. . a liow-v. i. thai th "? In man hi.- Il !" mor?* im i.' than th? . itpateh of ,h, malla Pot the ? reason? the cmnmltt*?? i.-n?-- s thai v?hi''-s ?cerrjriBC Uolted i-tat?- raatl ? ... , \1 , - ,,r Kill ? ... In ?I 11. ? itofflci luthoi ? i ?. whirl Hie fin .- ' ? , ? ? . ... . . i ? . each oi a ? ? . ? . . . | ? ni en to flflei ANDY. 78. BRAW AND SPR> Even Provost Husband*' Re members Merry Skibo Laird. '?:'?? ' ??*.... m . -. . ? ? :l^ K t ?i ? Mn t hi er. s ? . . . ?pint? ? \mong thi rro n ? etre la nd '? i ? I gi Kit hi ' ? ? - i '. , : ? ? ? ? ',. . \ Perkini Ja< ; i'raa r?.? ? i ,n ,| m? Pro s otland ri< i- ? -m? at skiii ? ? , ? Provosl llua I ? ,| --?'ii ? , nt .iinoti;: thi ? - ;>'?- ters, mail) w anting ;?> know If thi rant a < o? i,m Hi.- laird explained thai met elj ? n oflli Ial ?'! 1rs nollt ?? ? -, in i ed him l mi engo, :',,. .1 i ? i tm - ?enI .i ength) t> e? gram the ' '.im, ige Haptl I < "hurch, ii - paatoi th? Re Thomas I!. i get remembered ih?- Ironmaster w Ith sincere gre?ll ? . -.- a , .ibit i-i.itn from \tistn i. algned bj pome on< whom the laird did i ot H n- ai 11 . pi si -? o llanthrop* and wlahed him ? happj New \ ? ?u Mi Carnegie wa? foi pear? and said i, ii. . \|.ti ssed lii-i.-- If i i. i . s. ami saiil that he and Ins .,i,i nol attend the the lire* ? here auch w? ? pre ented, snd he avoided the magasin? ? wherein such "flctlo i" was p .t ii i pe lie ?ii.ih't like the Idea ul ra? ni Mi i burcnill in the Board <?f i dui a.i.n Bald he gave ihore to the i , ion rampalgn thai even he himself knew snd didn't care If he did He liked the thought thai the railroad? sin,uni have high i fri Ight raies parti usuall) gii en for Mi i"*arnegh by his daughter was poet? : ,,Mi,i because <<f tbe death >.r ?m?- of his relativ? a, Utogether Mi Oimegle, loved and -i? i.t i good bli today, OLD GUARD SALUTE KLINE Veterans Reviewed at City Hall, Then Make Merry. m ,. or Kline n ?? lowed I he ? At fjuard Veteran Battalion si the City Hall rester? In y in tm i, celebration of the isoth snnl? i eras r y of Bvacuatioa Day. Major B. B Iggs i ommanded. etcrans march? d down Broadwa) ??? tin Battery hi thalr winter uniforms, ilnl win ti I saint.- of IW ?nt'.-. un- gtUM froen Oovernor'a bland had sounded ?he oldtlmrra broke tanks aad weal i" th? lint. 1 I'la/a for l'ii.'hcon. e New Haven Road Pays Taxes. Hartford, Conn., Nov M stat.- Treae urer Roberts received lo-day from the New York, New Haven <v Hartford Kaii road Companj s check for Bl.-tP9.238 M In payment for taxes The amount Is culler by tU2,tt*fM than last yeai This was due to the lowei market price of UM a tuck 'DOUBT STOVER IS IN SAN FRANCISCO Missing Park Head's Friends Believe Hotel Story Joke or "Fake." NO "J. H. FRANCIS" KNOWN IN CHICAGO Men Who Registered Have Not Returned and Film Pub? licity Is Hinted. Pin Prancleco, Nor, M Either mom on? hai p'.-iif-.i g hoax on an Innocent hotel clerk or Ih? moving picture peOpI? are preparing for publicity la the gen? erei opinion here to-night regarding the reported appeeranc? ai .. hotel of Charlea it. Btover, th" mlatdng Park Commie ?tonei "f n'.-w v?.i i? i '?t -.. Th?*!-?* art- ?evarel pusallng feature? ai.?nit the registering of th? name? <>f "Charlea B Btover Nee fork, and valet" and "J H. Francia ol Chicago," ?t th?* st Prend? Hotel, to-dey. Mi., report thel Hr. Btover wga at th? hotel ?as Arel pul Into clrculetlon by a man who telephoned t?> all th? news? paper? thai h? had ?leen the mlaaing Park C'ommlaalonei In th? hotel lobby. Investigation dleclosed ih? neme? ?if Btover and Crenel? on Um reglgter, but th<- hotel clerks wer? beaj i i i?. who had pul them there. A ?tranger, they ?aid, ! ad reglati red during a rush period, m?-*.il?,r - ,i something aboul looking after i. - bag ?.??? a nd depa i t--.i Th?* man ilhl not COflM ha. ii UhJ thej could not ?tren ret all ? hal h? look? -l Ilk? ii. ... i ??.- h,, ,i neither mover," ? F im - ' or th? \.ii? t had retui n< d to the hot?, There are tboe? ? ho belle ??? the whole thli -; to i"- th? dev. ??f ;' .mpa ny to arouse In n its turns to be ?xhlMtc I ???, '.',.-? Day, which are t,, ?? ? ? from ft lend? ??( Mi Btov? r to tin-m if he i- oten. Word cam? from Chicago to-nlghl thai th? tumi?- ? ?( ",i. H. l-'i.u, la ' o.-: : .,t ap? peal ? m?., i Ih? ? It) -i;'?-- <"?? | '??? Ih? ?ok. ? ? . it a hoi. | ju San ? -..i i Park De i .-?? tm< t,t ott. friends of the mlaa ? '?a M Patchln, ? ommlaaloi. Bl i ? 'a ?* ?! tl .t he had ? ? I all ?' D : m i of ron ? th ".I. M rhi th** ra? .,...???' to i.i ? .? -. ? had found i othing , ? ?The I t D? irtmeni thoril of 81 bj thai nami. he sa ,| Ma i or K Urn 1 ? I no word .n th? ? If B '. ? it 11 ?::?!. _? ; .. ? thai Ihe ?? ?rer? two Ira :? i him In B in i ? eaterda ? I ? .\*??l _>:__? | .n - i cago at ! p n Sa i .i ?:.. ' ' . ? i , too Limite.. o..t of ? 'hi? ?l . .*? Ill o ai l terday, >?r ;- i |. .,?:? ? ? ith? ? train eavea \\ ?ah ngl h lid hav? ma.!.- ? ? ? ? We? ..ii Ivlng In Ben Pranclaco rday, Ih? rport ' m I'.uk ? mnml Si found in San Prend? ?>. i.,.ui?i 1-' i.? Ro? . ? ? ? i .1 n i believe II " Mr. Le ? ? I that th? ?a > Mr. gtot er .i ' "He wouldn t know wiMI i. i ii h .. lim, .. He didn't i- lleva ? ? ! in !.. ."l ? -a i. >i ??! ? I'm ? ttlement, ?? - h a , . -,. . . .' Mi Bum -1 might - hoe i.p an) - ? "Ha mighl b? In s.m Pi run Is? ." laid Mr, Oilman "it la t,_i far to. m< t,> _,.. ? ' fal enough -'..r auch i trip O 1 ...-.< tl? t..'ii|>t. .1 t., ?.. an.i :t ?r Mr. Bogan ?au ilm In - ? "i Prlday, though, Mr. ?*i',i .i ? taken an all ?hip to .-? ,n i*i ii |a< o " ' i '.? an? la Mi Btover ? a? ?-v. r know n to haie acquaintance with, ?rpord m^ to perk official?, was _, former A? semblyman In thi? city, nn.| h<- had onlj communicated once with th? latter about ?ome n??at . lub matter?, if Commlsalom i Btot er ?,.t as I Ban Pi am I -???>. soi.f the pa ployea believe he will go to Japan He ?, rived a lai?_>? numbei of chen nt th? time i' pr< ientatl?. Japan? se cltl .*. - . |.|.- . nt? ?I -'.?>' "r Ihem to th.? ,-ity. John N Bogert, ?rhen aeen al Baugei Take ? shot at our hurry-up outfitting! Scurrying like mad to-dayI to supply tlit- lust minuteI wants of men and boyi -slif*? I > i 11 ?__; off in Thanksgiving? parties to-morrow. Everything men and hoys ft/ear. Ever}' t i i ? 11 *_*? to play with?| sporting goods of every variety. ?losed all day to morrow. RoOBM Pkr Company, Three Broadway Stores at at at Warren St. 13th St. 34th St tier?. N*. Y.. laat nlRht. reiterated positive? ly that ha had seen and talked with Mr. sto\?T tn Washington last Friday morn Ing. Their conversation lasted for a half h.'iir. BOgail -ai-I, ami lie insiste.l there | was n.? possible chance of his having besa mistaken that the man was Stovt-r. PENN. RAILROAD INDICTED Charged with Rebating oni Shipments of Grain. Philadelphia, Vov, 16 \ federal grand I Ian her.- to-day returned six billa of Indictment charging th- Pennaylvanla Railroad Company and others with g|v? >lng or accepting rebates in ship? m-nts of grain from Western points t-> IPhiladelphia, The Mil contains ?t*\ j te???i counts aini charges th.- Pen~neyl?>| AMUSEMENTS. vanla Railroad Company with failure observe the tariff as to dcmurta,! charges. Thr second Nil namea th* Penm ? vanla Railroad Company, Harre? f? Miller snd .lohn 1'. McLaughlin as ? fendants, ami contain? seventy i,,,,.. charging failure to olmerve ;,tli- J""* as to storage and other terminal ih?n gad receiving les? compensatleg i ? eight. In another Indictment .T R, Xfoso. Morris I'. Miller, Harvey <? .\-|?1>r Thomas St. Sloan an,I John I" M,' lit* gre charged with i onaplring ? mit an offence a gainai ti,- i tiiti i .->.,-,, AMUSEMENTS. MU TORK1 IK \I?IM, TUCATRE1 IM l> Sl'tfEHHIC E1VIPIRF B ? **m ** s :" M' l-vii mr, T9?my Tom.- g s,, ? "gmm i MATINEE?, thi* WERK I? '-? TO-DA1. KiH'H * gAT. ETHEL BARRYMORE TAP CRITERION la the N- a? t "ont TAIVTP '?' '' "-'?'?'i"" ' 'iamb r?. arai^aa- ...,., H - ay. 44 ai i.- ? (3:1.1 Mata Toda Tow ?? -. Bai ai - i ".. PJ^iM". MATINEE*" Till?? IH.IK a* O TO-DAY, TOM'W A ?AT. THE MAN INSIDE ? brama f tr*i Ime ? Roland it Mollnaux FUI TON w' "'s I VLIVI1 . s jo Thankaglrlag Mut. tomt'm. NEW AMSTERDAM l itr? Mat. Tom'ii (Thankeglvlac ii?)," THE LITTLE CAFE i. :? ? a c. st. 8. M '?"Um M \\ \MM 1.1(1? \M rilEATRE. S|.e , '^siii^r.V1 RICHARD WAGNER In Motion Plotui _ , .... ? ASTOR ?.I <?. M. t (?II W?. , yARCO SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPATE ? GLOBE ?j ??(?Mil him; It'I I IKI.M. THE MISLEADING ^1/'LA0Y LIBERTY ': ; ;, BE GAY TO DAY CHRISTIE j MACDOM?LDJ SWEETHEARIS HF.t . \ M? - ? ,y m -i i.yi.t ?? ?'? LYCEUM ELSIE FERGUSON THE STRANGE WOMAN HU?SO* EXTRA m ?? i\i.;: rn M< ?RR< ?W. \\ II IT HI XTV nil? I "i; till. Ht m i II GEN. JOHN REGAN "n--, - yon THB ; 18H Bi T M( iRK ' I.EV ;rI.T *? I W ' IRI.D hM( hl.Rltni KRR, B A Ii H E * " _ .... MATINEE** rill? \t REK **'" rn n\\. inii'w * ??AT. DONALD BRIAN THE MARRIAGE MARKET ? ? M \ r M(>\ RA? MME. KALICH RACHEL '?\\K COHAN'S THE MADCAP DUCHESS ' '; RNE ?il I I ' T**> With. BR .Mi. IE If Fxtra Mat. romorrn** tot \ale*ile*e*l,'e* Wallack s ? ?MIIMWII %e ^ i'?i'l I \l( MAT. TO-DAV, .Vir |? $U Mr. CYRIL MAUDE W1HHE-4 Ti? \s\ni \( I TlllT OWTM T(l THK 1.1(1 VI Mill-??. (?I HI?, sit, t OMIIIVDII \M \ II GRUMPY ] HI ?ill. \ll\M?o\ mil rut rRi.-J. Ai.i I'l.w- i'iih mi it:K'1\t?. TION IN M.W *it?l(k ill iilllll! VIM* m II'?- HH'I BTOIBE. \M? Uli | ios. I IM i: TO At T "?.HI Ml", " I OK \\ |\. i?i.i i- 111 i * i tiltil? ??*? (ireat Aclor ?a ti dJi-jht? e (i ? : ? , st thi. - A r???! ufo--, lmnk pin; kind - ? |_?j| W et -, I HI KIM.I EH . . J t ; , - i: ? 13. k Hal POTASH & PERLMUTTER HARRIS HENRIETTA CROSMAN mm M(?\ . ni( i??>K.\T?. TO-DAV. LOUIS MANN r a o Q i p _ ' uAn n i o iv - ?? . is. FANNIE WARD ^S?""' MADAM PRESIDENT " u" i ful I'lav" ir if \i Real Art In a Thriller. * ?N.VTimt? Time?. ? Mr M lud poarar to escl I i ifi ? . - . . l . .. ? ? ? n-f t ha t ine Imp GRAND : i ICI | WINTER GARDEN '~ THE PLEASURE SEEKERS 44 MUSIC HALL .. . Baal BMta H. Ei I. .. _f .porta. **? Eira 1 A- M - E- R- IC-A . ?? t ? , .. i mail ? am" ' I -|? g . , ro igt Pat .una l'anal. (FAREWELL FORBES ROBERTSON ii- -'. llslOStt -??' IS ? ?'"tr E.l ,. , ,. -, llillillrl ? ? llurU .-. "?K? rmm-nt ItWtM m rat?:l Mil ? i Mes I'll?.mu- -ii, r II.1.-IH SHUBERT ? M.?, ii .m ?.i . rsltw : il , V . te. i |?bl Um' r.i'i**.' '?'? ' ' ' ' PLAYHOUSE ' ?fm FAMILY CUPBOARD OUKSELVES BELIEVE'ME. XANTIPPE MANHATTAN OI'liRA HOISH OPENING TO-NIGHT AT 8 SHARP THeTmARRIAGE GAME MAXIME Ef.LIOTT'H nu \ii;i ' _- ~. .it; rrilllltn THE- LURE HOP 0' MY THUMB . ., AT BAY ?*???"?>?'????:. BEST ? tl.EN'T l> 1 III \.(?lii.i; 111 II I HI Id ll\t IN Mil WORI I? - I.ATI ?-I M?\ KITIK-. | CASINO OH, I SAY! -.' ? - - - BOOTH rruneJJa _\gf - IS *mW ?Ith i!ars;-.i--:!f "?..-k. is i n -i si: \.-< .\ s Bl - , i TODAY GI_I_____i____9 ? W"v. Ev? ?t:.".i? \| . i -.11 Uriil,.. ' Ihr It' i, U Ml-k. 'Ill DmImMIIf." ? I ? I OIIKIIl DE WOLF HOPPER \M? \ ( O.MEAX1 ?'I "" Hti.t.i i: mW in? WHIP." "r'XTKA MATINEE fO-MOKMOW._ CORT III - A LAURETTE TAYLOR Tl 1. <?' >l\ III \I(I LMENDORF ( xicM mi HAIX, II **< NEXT SUNDAY AT 8i30 NEW-FIRST TIME YELLOWSTONE PARK POPULAR PRICES 50c to $1.50 , I I !'. II \ RDM \.\ PI V! METROPOLITANA I'oiiIkIiI It I ' I tl? in. 1 ' : I Unir?, rtoankaciv. l?.i? Hal . ranlf* 1 R.i ?,! II' llnir^. it - Mitiion l,-?,-.iiil. I- '?? *M ' Iri., it - r,?ri? tiadunoir. ? ******* i-. l:? t ??.--.:..! Ill i.. i "hi. ?? Ma?l<' Elote. M I i. Braun ti ( ???n.I , Hrrtl , Next HatS. Bl ; I I ?lirn-trin. V"r?tHU* , ,|... - .- |- \.. ??? _ _ Wed. n ?< Ha I In un \|_?< t>. ?? ? ____ Tiirirnrn < H? M B. F. KEITH'S NEW YORK THEATRES ? ^ nnl nuui j, a Sorworth; ?.4a1e Rltchli , COLUnlAL , , Thornton; Va Dly.Mal.'J ' i: ' ! v ' ' I ?uni ru I-'.*? s* Pr' ' ' ' ' "'" k ' " ' ' HARLEM riu PKH K ,,,., K ? n,,i >i !'.?,!? Mai l" '?"? I*' '?? ?"?' i ,ija \ PKTROV v. K M.IMI HERZ, K v V , , ,s M \i:\t:i.i.- " I MAN' HI Rl W--. ,, , lui ,,, ROO'T T. H MX EH ? ,', ,. ? ,...,- 7 . 8 Othl r It?.: I tl ur-| Kpn s\.-i 4itii s.. Ev?nln-rsS-)S. D-LAouU M..-K Than ? Bal al I i 1CT WCCVC Poalttraty cloaln? Da? WARFIELD vtt'nn'tT.i DCDIIDI IP "v ,! *r > O"**" '* s " RtrUBLIU m.. r?i, ru i i ?? THE TEMPERAMENTAL JOURNEY ii o i?:tkk ii-ti in. CI TIN?lF w i;,i Bl ? '' ,|H '"' "*** CLIinUC Today.Thur ,vs..i ,: i.v EXTRA MATIXEK IIIAMiM.lMM. I?A\ WITHIN THE LAW \Mlli ,IWK (1)111 M >lir> Turner. ? nuraoDC u ? '? ,v' ? <: LUflUHUnC p,,,, m,, T,?:,. soctofl.OO. ADELE '^"(AMVHMK I 11 I . n ' 11 ? ? *. PAUCE SYMPHONY |||<(I?( II. ( "inlii'1"' \l I I l(M?(?N *l MANNLS CENTURY , >?-......?. r. ? 11 ll.TEII liHIKii-i II, < ??ii'l'i'i"' M V I* ??I \|?\1 \| I I'KMMIN \l I -'?:,,;',- M ANNES ,' . ?n - i . ?i I! \ ? i ' \?-??liiin II?" (?I'KliA I KMK\li'''"K mn -?i \\ i -i li.'*'"*, VV..-K mu? N vi"m \"u.M, Estl Mill I' II ?Inl.-innti??"'' **"* \Mlli "II W-l | \M? I.KI IT' \--:>ll?in Hall. Iri. K*/~e~. V??> 's "' |2 Edwin grassE Tl? i.. ta ?t ". ix ' n'. ? Mai WEBER'S; ', i- -5t TRAIT IC IN ?SOILS I':.,- U 1 - . . \l m.i:inu:J HOW WILD ANIMALS l|U rHANKfKIIVIXO DAT t'ARKROIE l.VCEl'M. ?, , \x ?.-Vi*' < U{N,':,',hl M?ftas? rn3o& ^ i ! ?hera ft i ? ?? ff-a-Wf a TiCK?Ts | :;Vn.i !.-,.N.?-'. '?."" OLUMBIA T ;7 Burlesqui i mi Chopin Pro-tram, (Bielnway i'unim ||f ,,ims ikiiii HI "??'l l> .u ?..--j .*..? M," u,,if.>.,i,n BureauI" . *?****? ., . AMMEKHTEIX*?. "" II I it.*h 9'*' IRVING PLACE THEATRE H l : v ? r % Nl*|hl I ii i- Mat, Ka^rrnrnlufi. pjuiy B*a I ?_ v ?*,?,",r* Mill?i*aS ' ?P?flCUVOK MI-HK 14 St. Ai T.?KE'HBHOP **. * " R???1 h 81 NrlUon. ?'r.l ?Olutsll irvinf l'l. Mat.D*l*f. I WINDOW." wl?l>..Mts.-0 M To., 0 oliirr?. "?, ?- i,m- ' .;.W.?.V ct**K