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GREAT EAST ROOM DECORATED SIMPLY Gorgeous Uniforms of Dip? lomats Give Warmth of Color to the Scene. HUNDREDS OF LILIES WELL ARRANGED! Flowers Fill Every Nook of the Drawing Rooms and Furnish a Brilliant Spectacle. ?:. Th? Tr.tuiii?? H.i? ? Washington, Nov. B.?While thousand? of i ? lied the other drawll -' n.oi'i- of the whit" House, the great Ft .?? i looked almost i old *"lt""i ils . .?? . . im] wir.-?-. .; Colon si i'iiff on the I the gold brocade draperie? at mi? windows irere hardly sulllclenl to re . hill Hsd it not been for the of the diplomats and the richness of the costumes of the worn? :- the hug? loom would have .. d ill warmth of color. - as tiie I n.'al party enter. ?1 th ? - Room they faeed a tail screen of pain ? fit m short to tall ones and ? ? !?W shape behind the . t : m the bane "i the palms were .' either ?Id? of lOA dal?. ; '-' as at the W?ddltlg Of -Mi. t reit snd Nicholas L-angworth, the huge Bevr?s vases seat ;.> tie wiut? ih, m b] the President of Prance many yean au" The] are s;'?>i to be the most perfect produit of th* potter's art to he found I? 'his country or ? and wer" ? r the;; beauty Of shape an I ? -- ..f the Mue tone. Hundred? ol long-stemmed white lilies each vase, ami these \\. re wed t.. decorat? th? corner of ihn white satin prie-tlieu antl to mnrk the etaadards which upheld the white satin ? - foi mini the ah ? ,\ half hour before the time appol i-.r the wedding guests began to arrlvt rclatlvea of the families from distant, ,.f the country comtni Brat, man:.' ' ? of them ?toppina In the drawlns rootna before going to thr Bast room to admire] the Bowers The diplomat? w. re amont,* the earl'. ; ' eomera. The French Ambassador, dean of the corps, aad the ranking minister. ? Se?or Don Joaqu?n Calvo, Minister <?f i i'osta Rica, were the only member? of i th. eorps Who ha.l < \ < i had the honor "r attending a whit?- House wedding, both having aeen Miss Altee Ro?evell snd Mi Longsrerth married. The diplomats Were grouped immediate'- : U t.. the riirlit of the altar. them sioo.i the members of th. cabinet and ; their wives, th? chief justice and ai < iate Justice? ?f tin Su i reme <*ourt and thflr ?rives, and those representatives of i official life >vho were ludd"ii t?. the wed? ding i i n an inclosure near ?rer? the relatives ? Of the faraute? Who Were some degree? re- ; moved, and to the left of the aisle were , the unofficial guests. This party num- | bered many of the men who were with ? the !*r. si??.m during his ions years at . Princeton, anil ?ven bach in hi? school , ? The Immediate family of the hi Ide, In- . Cludlni tin President and Mrs. Wilson, weie ranged akmg th? sld? of th? aisle to ' the leit. and to the right; in s similar j on. stood Ura, Bayre, th.- mother of h. brldgeroom, and his other near rela? tives MRS. SAYRE AN IDEALIST; HUSBAND UPLIFTER OF MEN . Tl | it il.iir.. Bur?tt. 1 Washington, Nov. "."..-Mrs. Pnncia BoWSS Sayre is the second dauKht? r "T the Prestdeal and Mrs. Wilson. She was -or? en August -??. MIT, in dallies ?111?. la . and was educated by her mother an<l a Herman sourness until sin- entered a privan s honi in Princeton at the age ol ? eh . ) . ars. sin.' eatered Ooucher College at Haiti nor? in ISM, and In IM she was grad? uated, receiving Um Phi Beta Kappa Key. After two rears of the usual expe? riences Of S young woman In society and trawi abroad, she began in the fall at II**? to work In the LighthOUSS Settlement In Philadelphia. Bh? spent two yean la ?lis work, devoting half of each week 10 It. She became an a. ttve memher of the fOUAg Women's Christian Association In IM2. In addition t ? this, she conducted the "GlrlS" department in a leading mag? azine, an?l wrote artn-les for fashion magazines and other women's papers. Mrs Bsyre is cewstdered the hcauty of thi fSmlly. Whll? si;, is distinctly like her moth?-!-'* family, she bean ? slight ? ? rnatem ? t.. bor father. Bhe Is slight, ..f indium height, with ciei,r cut regular .ut large, expresalve and rather almond shapt ?1 and her skin is clear an?! whit. . her hair 1.- Straight, silky and l.loiide, she wears It In' two braids arSiSd b?t In ad in simple coronet fashion. when sslrasted aer .;.? beeot_e ?lark a i?l In ? toe? Hgbta With a wealth of ?Jeep COtcrinl I ha*- tin usual hu.- white teeth that eharactertse tin? family and of nei greatest attractions ;ue her ?rtaalag saelts and soft nanti? rotee and n ano-1 St.-- possesses a gulch Intellect and a keen Bens? if humor. Without r? fi n it'? to his pedigree, the Short CSJreef of 1'raiuls Howes Sayre has been such as to distinguish him ai one of the LOHtlllg nu n of America, a pro? moter of thitifc-- which are t0 benefit humanity. rl> BOOS not helieve in the old aaytag that th.- otan of a rich fatbei tioujili to tlo to spend money and keep ..[ disgrace, Mr. Barn has ?Jone far more than this. II?- has already adtled to th.- Splendid record left by his lather. President Wilson's son-hvlaw is the pea of Robert Heyshsm Bsyn <i^_i-i9ut*, whs built the Lsbigh Valley 1*1?Broad ami was later assistant to th?- ptesidcnt of that mad: up an?l became general man Sg*M of the Bethlehem iivn Wor'.s. now fa? BethWhsm BtSSl Works, ami was i resident of the Beard of Trustee? of I.ihigh fniver-lty. Th? sturdy Steck n om which yeuni Bayn sprang mi Ins father*? st", b repeated on that ?f his mother. who nil) lives at llethlehem, J'< nn. Mr s.i'.i,?'- motber was Martha l-'inley Kevin, the daugime of John Williamson Nevln, a noted theologian, and Pt?*dd?nt of Franklin and Marshall I'olleKe, at lAacastar, renn, bhe is descended from Hugh Williamson, of North Carolina, an? tl the frar.ier-i of the Constitution. Mrs. Bapn i.? a sister of the ?ate Robert ?!. Nevln, head of the American Church In Reme, Italy, aid she is the liist cousin of Kthelbert Nevln, some of whose muslcsl compositions formed pari of the iii'.s.'.ii programme at tin w int. Houm Wedding to-day i'rautiM bow. ? Bsyn VM born in Uai** THE KAST ROOM OF THK WHITK HOUSE DECORATED FOB THE WEDDING? 1_ JESSIE WILSON BRIDE OF FRANCIS B. SAYRE ? ',ti!ii,ii.<i! from (l??t pUgt. through the Red corridor, bul during the ceremony, when Mr. Bayre, unac? customed to the Preabyt**rlan cere? mony, knelt to?, soon and in his ? v its ment dropped the hand <>f Miss Jessie Wilson Just a second tOO soon, a smile, almos; teasing, played over the face <>f th?- bride-elect as she turned her eyes upon him. The ceremony was one with double lings thai is, an exchange <>f rings. it lasted only nine minutes from the time Dr. ?Beach said the opening words until he pronounced them man and wife. The service was s combination of th? Episcopalian -? t- < l Presbyterian forms, in tii?- latter the word "obey*" Is not Included In the promise ?.f "to love, honor and obey," but upon the bride's sepeclal request it ?hs Inserted. As the two ?pledgjed their troth, the ?President and ?Mrs. Wilson stood hand in band to the left Of the platform. 'Who glveth this woman to be mar? ried by this man."' The President stepped forth, took the hand of hi-- daughter and placed it in that of Mi. EJajre. "I, Fran? is Bowes, take ?thee Jessls w.Irow to t??' i: > wedded wife," re ),.,<!. i? Mr. Sayr?- alter Dr. Beach, I "and promise and CO I mini, 1?. i'.,r?? '?oil and these witnesses, .?? be thj loving -?ltd faithful husband, la plenty and in want, in j??y and in sorrow, in sickness and in health as )?>ng as we both shall live." Th'.- bride repeated 'he same except that t?) htr "response Was added "to b*. thy levin,', faithful und obedient wife." Th?- minister took the ring from Dr. Orenfell, the best man. ?handed it to Mr. Bayre, who, placing it on the bride's third Rnger, repeated the pledge of '.?instant faith and abiding love." The bride took her ling from the hand o? her maid of honor, and sh<\ too, n peated a pledge <?f faith and love, and placed it on the hand of her hus? band. Ther?- was an Impressive scene whin, m i losing Die ceremony, l>r. Kay-V re psated th?. Lord's Prayer in solemn ton?-.-, speaking siowi?. and distinctly. The entire ?bod) of gueeta- even those diplom?is who spok?' hut little English realiz??! the solemnity of tin- words? and repeated them with him. There Is a place in th?? ceremony where it is cii.-tomarv for the luid - ???room t<? kiss the bride, and while nil th?' young people quivered with expec? tancy an! craned their necks, Mr. Sayre let the crisis pass without even ton? hing the hridf, wh??se cheeks SfCTC already tinged with pink. Il was in the Mine '<><?m, when- the bridal party, head? ?i by the President and Mrs Wilson, r? paired just af;.-r the last w??rds of the .?r?tn??n\ thai Mr. .**'ii>re. who is SOm? what ihy, plucked up his courage, aft?er some Piles Cured in 0 to 14 Days Umaslata ntuui ibo-mj II PAZO OINTMKNT full- locura It, ' h c. 1 *. 11 n? ! Hi,.,line ,.i i'r??uu,t ?flrat apptlrntton slvc-a ralkf, "-tv - ? C v ?w(tt Pan?? teasing, ami kissed the brida Thi? : irned the i ink glow on her chseki t.. rub) red and ?he never looked mon ? ?lui in all h r life. Gu?sts Hour in Passing. The Prealdenl and Hit Wilson sto d at the door of th?* Blue Room and re ., |i <! the guests as they entei i. i !.. y ih? n crossed the room t't the round window, when palms snd Bow era most of tin tu gifts of diplomat . mad? a Leautiful setting, and received thi ongret latlons of the guests. Tins was a merr) scene, free from all stilted formality, snd pul even on? at sei ? Kor nearl) an i.onr the guests passed throi .?'. the Blue Room to olfei their ? iiai lona afembei s of tl iii-'i. Justices ? f the Supreme <'.>uri the diplomats and their a.\es, ? ? "lark snd the leaders "f Congnss greeted fini the Pn denl snd Itra Wilson, standing it one door, and i sssed on to Mi. and Mrs. s-1 ? r. Among them were man) ?.id friends from Princeton University snd v> i' iatii' College. Dean Henrj B Flm "f Princeton; Harr., a. Qarfleld, pi*esldeni of Williams, Becntarj lf< Alpin of Print ? ton, i ?evetand m. i lodge and Robert i'arretl. who wer?- BBSSSberS of the board of trustee? when Mr. Wilson ,it print .'t..n Colonel El M. Ho ise, Charlas R. Crane, of Chicago; Wlllfam p McCombs, - hsli man of the i >? mo rrati'- National Committee, snd lira McCombs; Resr Admiral Robert Peary, U. B. N.. Oovernor-elecl Fielder of New Jersey, the New Jenes Con? gressional delegation and ? host of others, the msjoi It) of them, exi the officials, being iron-, points outside of Washington The Russian Ambassador, who vas among the Bml t.. arrive, n.i.hing the Whit. House at :!.'"?? o'clock, a fini t.. depart, thfc ambaasador havmg jusl recovered from ? slight ?llnesa The Braslllan Ambaasador and Mme. da ' lams also lefl ? arly. The Bi ? re? tary of State remained for i short time after the cenmony, looking on me happy seem-, mid then took his depart? ure, having experienced earlier In 'he day a rush of business at his depart? ?in-ii. No Wine Is Served. The state dining room STSS the mocea of tlie guests, and it was there that th? positive ideas of both Mr. ami Mrs. Francis Hows Sayre ?m the subject of abstinence made itself known. In the hug.- .nt glass bOWlS was a d lirions looking concoction with whK h to pledge the health of the young couple, bul it was made i.f the unfarmouted juice of white grapes, with lemons ami other fruits to give it flavor. Hot there was n.i 'stick" in it. n was probably the fini time in all their careen thai the representatives of foreign ruh-rs hive expressed the good wishes of them selves ami their sovereigns in a simple fruit punch. A feature of the refreshments new to most of the foreignen except who vvere h. re in the Taft administra? tion were small sugar cured hams, cooked after ?in approved and old recipe, whi.h adorn.d th? tables at in? tervals These wen- carved a? ?ranted, in Slices as thin as a wafer Tli-ii then was a simple salad, with tiny iii?. . nits of the Southern type anil dainty cakes and ices. The bug? cake, dl .rat. .1 m white and pink and beating the initials of the ?.rule and bridegroom and tin- da!?- ?f their marriage, win. h was pn s.-nl.-.l bj th?" ?ent?l class of thirteen girls at lin- S.-hool of Domestic Arts and Bd? ?ne??, adorned the ?entre of th? I ibl? in ih.- stab dining room. II was cot and ?erved to ih?, guests and spoke worlds f?tr the skill ,,f the v oting COOka, The private dining roam was dosed to the visitors after the I'resi.Ietit and Mrs. Wilson, the hrlde and bridegroom ami the wedding party ? ntered. The only niemlicrs OUtstdS the wt tiding party wen- in*, cary t. Orayeen, tin President's aid. end ma? Helen Wood row Hones, the ? ?msin of the It ?Sid SU t Hire th?- britles cake, gbout which ?o mm h has been written, waa pla-. d. ami th?? small party enjoyed the pri? va.y whit h th.' bride had Imped rni-iht attend her ?redding throughout. Brief? in Whit? Satin. The bride is tall, ?lender and gra?-*: fnl. although somewhat athletic In build. She were with much gnu-e her trailing hrhlal robe of lustrous whMe ...t.?, ?,,rilv ilruueU and trimmed with *?? ? point lace. Tin- folds "f the ?bap were caught with small clusters orange blossoms, thai flower furnl Ing the design o? the embroidery wh outlined the open n< k end esten? no**, ti the side ??f Hi?* skirt. The alee* i were siso embrolderi I n i?,i a ? re tiiush. ?1 a frills of point lace. The square ? ?. train, several ?yards loti<. ?gave en I pression of greater height to the bri The Ft.-ii, h tulle .'11 foil fr. in dainty load t<> her feet and spread i on the sweeiMng folds <.f satin wh formed h train it was arranged i ?ut, ii , ap fast ion, with point la small sters of o? i . ? Kxni i? it In pin, ?? ii. ar elthi r . er, while ti sprs ? <?! th? blossoms were icattei b< i' and th? re donn Its length, wore as an ornam? ni th.* diamond i ? danl si ven t., h?-r b. the btidegroo The large shower bouqnet which I 'bride carried was composed wholl* !? .?ii? ? and Mm f? rns and m w nil |uani ? "f gaus; s hits ribbo? ? t r ,iv .-Hing go? n ? ??? mini than her traili ? w...?.|ni< go? n. lb?- p bill ?Un gll II ; b?r a i ?;..,i bt com'lni i" hi i ital iskj Phe going away gon ti aas ? - green sib? Uni. made ? Ith Ihlly draped and reaching w? i" i...? 11?? ankles, .it?d t?.si of i dln**l* natty *?! ape snd decoi it? a Ith f i" buttons, snd molr? ;-?ik ?>?. i flnlshlni 'i!i" bal of *""*- < moire ol Ih? im? shade as the goa II i ??!,ii trimm? <i ? i touch? ?'? ? eli ? t Hei fur i a*ere i eh eted bio. ',. fox, the entlr? ? .?stun il and st] lieh Colors Made to Harmonize. - Margare! Wilson's gown was ? I light link . hum? us.-, and OVST it f I chiffon of the same daint) color. TI dit 'n __-- ? * i ? i - ? - ? i feature of her toll? I ? i .m a- those of the bridesmaids, ws ;? flaring Marie Antoinette collar ? ? : ? un ??. hu? ?Trench siiu hv ?. wired t I bold it in the proper position. Tli I flowing leevea were finished with ?i? ?? frills of -.h.- same soft lace, and wit the ??"?.? n was worn s bal "f pink nmir i||v**i la? ??. the latter mate rial being used in such waj us t?? lern slrlness to the < reation, ?Miss Wilsoi carried ?? cluster of pale pink roses, Ths costume of the maid of h??no was duplicated in those of the foui maids, except that the shades >.f pinl ton.d from the palSSl .Inn to dSepCI totes, until the gowns Of Ih?* Dialdl walking furthest from the bride wen ? i.. ,- pink. The Mowers they carrie. blended with the i oatumes, and sllppen ? sactly matching the gowns were worn, each pair ?I? .-..rated with a cluster of brilllanta, forming the bu< kies. The maid ??f honor and es* h of the bridesmaids wore the bracelet pre? sented i" her b) the brille, and so In scribed as slways to prove ? reminder of the event, Mr. ?Sayre and his attendants wore regulation morning ?costume, the bride? groom wealing s tie ?>f the pales! gray, while those worn bj the ushers were inore pronounced. ?Each arore ? single white flower m th'- left lapel of the coat, as did ais?? the minister an?! the i'i? .?ut. n? Dance in Eaat Room. " After the ?.iuit of the guests t?? the ?liiiinjf room many of them again re? paired to the ?Saal Ho.nn, and as th. Mantio Band had broken Into a series of dance ntjmbers they enjoyed the no\eity of dancing a! ? Whits House ?wedding for the second iime in the his torj Of the bouse, s<? far as an?, one ?an remember. The ?nests danced at ths wedding of AH.- itoeeoveB, bul only In ih?* Red ?Corridor, and not as generally as tO-day. The bridal party also took ? few turns in tin- Fast Room, and the KHM took <?n a merry, homelike ?phase, which must have delighted those wh.? had exp'.t'd the e\?'tit t<> bs stilted. I ?ne ?>f the features of the mus?, al I ro-*ranime given by the ?Marine Hand was that the "Man h N'uptalio," com? posed by Ethslbsrl Nevln, ?the cousin of the hrl?l?-gro?ini. hail been play.d at ?mly one other WStldlng thai "f Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin, and was then pr< SSntad to Jissle Wilson, that it might i,? played al bar w?*?iding. The \'it e-l'resldejit and ?Mrs Thomas H. Marshall were mlss??l from the gay throng <?f guest?, and there was con? stant inquiry for thrm. They were de 1 talned in Arizona, where they went t. ?? ) visit th?- parents ?>f Mrs. Marshall, an? will noi arrive hen for a weeh Thej ' sent n, the bride ? set of bt tul Ifu rhlna. which was bought and packed li ; Indian tpoMe. Miss Wilson ?enl b littU noie t.. lira Marshall, in which I."*? d ni r at light with tin- gift, ant! ?..m! m was so dainty snd exquisite 'hat i n remind? d her of th? donor New Home To Be Ready. While i uch of the heavy furnltur* which was given t<. the bride was not ?enl t" th.- White House at all. but U her home in Wllllamstown, Maas.,othei things are now being packed, ami thi m w home will be in readiness for th< ai couple when th.;. nturn fron il;? ?i* horn ?? moon trip. Among the relatives ..f th.- Presiden! and Mr- Wilson ami Mr. Bayra who arrived to-day Just in time for th? wedding wit" .1. Wilson Woodrow, ol I '. -i . ? Mr ami Mis. Arthur Vi-Mt, li 'i Mitt !."ll and J. R. B) i tie. of ? ??? Domingo; Miss n Conde, of New Vorl.. Miss M. Cratty ami l.ouls M. Hak?: ?? Of New York, IfiU Helen HogUfl of Philadi !| lui, Mr. and lira, Charles If. Hathaway, ..f '", I', ?in. and Miss AUOS A | p. tr/elb r. ol Lancaster, Pean?, all ..f whom regtn t. r. i -.r th? Powbattan, that lh v mlghl !"? near the White Housi. Three trunk*, ami only three, fa|? lowed the bride from the Whit? House, . ? ".,.- raid t?. be because iht would att.n.i the football game In New v..ik with her husband, and memben ?.f the famll) probably would take with i them to N.vv Yi.rk su. h other luggage ? might m ed. There su ote featun of tin- wed? ?ling win. h Impressed all thoss present, and that was the number of qtllot, scholsrly looking men ami women who wen "Touped m the Baal Room during till? ? ? I. 111?.U.V. The little ?l.night, r of Mr. Tumulty. aecntary to tin? Pr? aident, and Mis. , Tumulty was present at th? wedding Upon th.- sp. rial Invitation of the bride, who ha:? mad? much of a pel of her since tin- famll) tame to Washington. Mr. Say i ? presented to each of his ?ushers and his !?? st man a small d..i moiid stickpin after the last of the three rehearsals of the wedding at the whit" Houss yestsrdaj afternoon, They wore these at tip Wedding, and the bride: mands wore their bracelets, which were ulso pr?ts nted to them yes terday. Plans for Journey Secret. The calmness ?.f tin- brids and h *r simple dignity Impressed every one all through Mm ceremony and the roe p iion which followed. The President was grave through it all. smiling only occasionally, but Mrs. Wilson was just as bapp) as one of her girls, ami it was hard to realize that she was the mother of a family ?if three grown-up daughters, one of whom was marri'd to-day. Ever) possible effort was m_de ?g Mr. and Mis. Bajm to Keep secret their plans for the ?redding journey. That they an* going away Is evidenced hj the detail? furnished to the pros?! regarding Mrs, Sayn-'s travelling eos tume, Lu! ?verj tun- attached to ths Whit? House refused to say a word as to the plans of th? .voting couple or ? Ne professed absolute ignorance. l)e apile this, however, several trunks left the Ulule House early in the evening i.'i th? Union Station, snd so great a premium has this poltc) <>f ?octety put upon their plans that u host of newspapermen watt lied every port of exit from the Executive Mansion all evening, each hoping to lie the fortu? nate On? who will get upon their trail and reveal to the world the ??.ins?- pursued by the bride ami brlds groom in their efforts to elude Ihe ?y?S of a sympathizing but curious public. In the case ,,f th.- bUrt While llollS.' brid? there was no attempt at secrecy, it being officially announced at th? Whit? House that Mr. and Mrs. Long? 'vorlh had ice.pied the offer of Mr. ami Mrs. lohn it. McLean <<f their country home, Friendship, for the first t' \ days after tluir wedding. While this announcement served to satisfy the m wspaper men ami save?! them from ?n annoyance by the representatives of the press, it also served to guide a number of mon or less hilarious friends ;,f Mr. Longwortli. who, after gathering at the Metropolitan Club and drinking i?. health of the brid? and bridegroom in numerous bumpers, ob? tained ?lie services of || section of the Marine Band and serenaded the newly VM thled couple the greater part of the night. Friendship being within com? paratively easy uccesa of Washington WRLD DRAWN UPON FOR WEDDING GIFTS Hundreds of Tributes Rep? resent Finest Craftsman? ship of Various Nations. HISTORICAL VALUE TO MANY OFFERINGS Largest of Floral Presents Is Re? production of South Amer? ican Volcano. -?-rom The Tilhuiie Tliinan 1 Wsshlngton, Nov. IS. \ trsal nnmhe <>r handsome pr?sents wire show, red upon the bride, some ol them the gifts of the ' areelthy, others Just simple offerings from , liter friends and some from those she 11.u?i befriended In ways known only t?> . tiers? if and the donor. Many et the pres j ? tits were used in connection with tie i n tertainments in the nrblta House, which preced? <i the wedding and at the weddlna* feast, thai yreatei historic significance inlRlit then I"- Riven to them. Prom ni<* President and Mis WTI1 there wa?J s handsome set of ?linin? mom furniture, tie- bride having expressed a ' wish thai iii. furnishing i f her new" mlghl totvt also as i reminder of her fi lends .md kinsmen. ? .Mis. Robert Ff. Bayre, the naother of the brtoegroom, preeented 'be luid- with .1 silver tes sen let of much simplicity an.; beauty of d? sign Bryan'? Gift Furniture. The -rift fintn tin- Secretary <?f state and Mrs tVllllatn Jennings Bryan was s Sheral >n t,.? _____ mi,i , hair. i"i .m the Secretary of ihe Treasury nnd | his daught r there eras s silver service The Secretary Of War and Mrs Harrison ? tit a rare old Chinese porcelsln va?e. ? i.' t."i for them by Tiffany, of New Yorh The Attorney Ofmeral sent s silver centre* pleci end a basket of flOWi IS The Postmaster General and Mr?. Burle sen sdeeted s beautiful bracelet of fold, st with rabies and ?Jtaiaoails, whieh was j wora by the bride at all the pre-nuptlal entertalnntents From tin- secretary uf tii?' Interior and Mrs Lens there was ? handsome vase. from the Secretar) of Agriculture and lira Heenton came ? splendid pair of old i English brass sndirons. The Secretary of Commerce and Mrs. RednaM s?r,t s ?losen decorated fish ??tistes, each different, and ail painted by s noted decorator. The ?Secretary of i?ai>. r and lira Wilson and ! I their daughter, Misa Agnes Mart ?Wilson, | s.nt a silver vase eighteen Inches httgi, , Rmpire style, hand engraved and inarfcedl \ with the bl I'le's last Inicial While th.'te w.-m a general understand" 'in? thai the White House wedding had i no ofn. lal slgnMcance, and it was inti ! niat>-<i ?'.iriy that presents were sot es ? j,- tad fr-.m th, rulers of foreign coun ? tries, th?' diplomats Stationed in W.isli I ini?ton remenih.T.-d the evei t gracefully ! and s?-nt many Rift? of far greater hls i torie than moniv vale I Gifts of Ambassadora. The gift of th?> ?Trench Ambassador and . .Mm- Jusserand was ? heavj silver tray with sbonj handles, richly engraved sad ! marked with the initial-- of Mm in?i The? alBO, following a CUStOM of their country, sent a ptsce of tapestry, The QorrnnM Ambassador and Countess son H,rti?t'?rff smt a pair Of silver lOVtng cup?*, ?it Oerman design and uaiquts workman! i Ip Tie* Italian Ambassador end Msrchlon? issni presented the bride with four handsofn.- stiver eandlSBtlcha Th.- RuS ?lan Ambasssdor and lime Bakhm? ?.!i,t',l as their lift an 'imhrell i handle of __nber, studded wit* diamonds The ' Japanese Ambassador sent s large ?piece of ?beautiful Japanese embroidery, Softer Don Algara, drat secretary and Chargi d'Affaires of M.-xi?*??, followed the rule of other bachelor dipl?mete, and sent sn offertes of Rowers with his good wlahaa in the abaence <>t the Aostrs-Hun? Carian Ambassador, liaron I'rleh garlo* dlnek, chargi d'affaires, and Bsuoness ?"Swtedlnek s.nt ?? huge bask? t ?>f Bowera From th.* British fimhssssdor end Lsdy Sprint RiCS Came I handsome gTSSO leather case, mounted In -?'?id and hoMlns a halt dosen heavy sold coffee spoona Krom St-?or Don JoaQuin Bernardo Calvo, Minister <>f Coots Ri.-a and the oldeot diplomat in Washington In point of s?*r VlCO, .?une an unti'iue silver tray it, craved With lotus blossoms. The ?Spanish Minister nnd Se?ora dS RlanO s?'iit a handsome ?liver nun, h howi of old Spanish design. The Minister of I ruguay and Se?ora de Pena and the Miss.s <ie Pena presented a jewel box or silver and tortoise shell. Lotus a Popular Emblem. The Minister of Ouatemala, Beftor Men- i dSS, sent a silver bowl engraved with the lotus Bower, The Minister of Peru end Mme. de P ?'?*< I sent ? vieuna rag of rare quality, which had the distinction of ?being us.-.i ?>n the ?lais where the bridal I party stood for the ceremony. From the Minister <?f Slam and Princess Tra?dos i Prabandh was S large and handsome l flower holder, hand WTOUght and de.o- i rated with the lottis flower of their rotin,. try. The Minister of Panama and Mm? Morales also sent a silver flower howl Probably the rarest gift from a diplo? mat in the point of historic Interest waj the mirror of lacquer work sent by the Persian Chsrgi d'Affaires ??rid Mme. All Kuii Khan. The mirror Is protected by ? lid of laeousr work, and the lasted em? blems of the country, such as birds and flowers, form the decorations, all done by the fames? I'erslan artists of three hun? dred years ago. The whole Is inclosed In a handsome Russia bather case A number of the diplomats mat hue? baskets of flowers, thoae from the coun? tras where orchids predominate sending basket? of the rarest varieties, while ?oth ers ?elected American Btesttea The President of OOStsmalS sent a large silver centrepiece, flUed with rar? MM and white orchids, the national cab ors of his country. The Minister of tltiat?* mala and Mme. MsndM sent g stiver y-dit. holding two dozen Amsrtcsn reesa I large gilt i.asket of r?Uaw rhryntbt mama was sent by th? Minister ??r b?> ; iui'i and Mme. HsvenRh, Dr, AlhertD Menbreno, the Minister of Honduras, ms* a largs basket of AsMrlcaa Beaettae Orchids a Favorite Tribute. Prom th. Minister of Bolivia ami Mitif, Calder?n there was a basket of ferns, American Beaut) ream ami pale pinker? chlils. the pie? e being of Btgantle "Ue. Th-.: Minister of Salvadot ami Mme. Due. , nt ,-i silver basket of pink and mauve oreblda Another saperb gttt was ,, goit hacket of spl.-ndld workniatishi*. from the Minister of the Dominions ***** public and MUM. Psynadn A larg- ;i,i,1 basket Of fellow snd brown orchids tied with broad ratls t*t* hors, on which was atasspsd the gold dragon of t'hina, was the gift of Mr. ("hang Kang-Jen, chnrive d'affali.-s ..r China. A dainty little basket of lilies of-the-valley and white rOMS ?*? ?eilt by the Minister of Venezuela, Se?or Ivoias. Most of th? iarger gifts to the bride wtn ,..nt I. th" Supreme Court, th?: Senate and House and Ilk?* bodies, while from t'i. friends of Mr. Baym ?ami -mm exceedingly rieh gifts, especially fiom Old frh-r.d-" of his father. The Supreme Court sent a large sUv?e ceetnpteei fur ?lowers, which was US?d on several oc casions prior to th?- wedding The Sena? tors s.-nt a sllv.-r service consisting of a nt mber of bandtlfffT?*' PfaCSS arranged on ;i large silver tray, all ouly inscribed. Th? g!f'- from the members of the House was the neckla?e of diamonds and th?' diamond pendant which has Ue?n ilesctibed many time?*. The New Jong* delegation sent tar? rare and beautiful Oriental rugs, and the women voter? of Northern California a rich silver BSrvfce '1 h.- Wheeling Iron and Steel t'ompar.*,* workers .-.-nt BOOM neavy pteOOS of *_iI vei. Mr. ami Mrs. Andrew CSTBOglS SSM a doaen heavy siiv.-r plates richly chsesi Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wilson .-it a rare silk Pentan rug, and Miss A!l?*e Nevin tare anctent hand-wrought Koman lumps. Antique? Among Gift?. Ti.. i'- an ?ISO many g;fts of aati'-ue mlrroi s pi- .-,-?? ..f ?.ih? r, sad chest Mass and tint la. e Mrs. James W. I'ai ? i.f sent several yard? of rare old Hru? sels la.-. Colonel sn.l Mrs He - Ttxa?, ?* at . -vi?-., m cut n'as*". Tin-re w?re embroidered ganm ?mailer gifts from th" s h..o|girl frlenda while Qoucber College ?iris s?nt a ra?sl of hand-embrofdered linen sad a stive, I .. Thi Admiral sf th.? v,.. .,?.. Mi?- Dewey sent a silver pltchei Mr. S?d Mrs Hugh Wallace pr- s Splendid bearskin rug, a huge v>. h ' eh..t by Mr. Wallace. Displayed m a conspicuous place this morning was the beautiful band-ei ?red -kirt. pnssnted to th. brid?- at ?m White House last evening bv Miss Beckte K ron ft '.i. I"- id pr. S?er, Miss Rlckera, Instructor, and Mrs c. G >iu.. social dir.-ctor, of th.- factory '???? Watt Mth street, as ti .? offt m g of thi - . Worker? in that plant. when th? ttto went t<? the whit?- lb. is.- to presen! th gift they w.-re not onl) r.- ? ? i ally by the Presid? nt's daughter, als.? .-bowed them her othei girts, taking them about the White House and ? - lag tb? arrangements for the wedding Huge Floral Piece Given. The largest tloral pie?*.- that WU ST?! carried into the Whit? House ma? sort this morning by the Minister of K.-'iaJ"" and Min-, cordovey. it represented Neust t'himboraso, the snow covered veteas*? peak, which Is the highest in tiie Andes Runge it was four fast high, six feet SgUan a? th? has.-, and made of white chrysanthemums. In the clefts were deftly placed trailing orchids in ton.-.? of pink and gray, representing lava. At the top was perched a on.lor, th? hir.l of th-' Ar.I.'3 At the l>as.? wore ar? ranged in chrysanthemums and orchid? of yellOW, red and blue the coinrs of Ecuador. Baclrcllng the entire plata wem ryprtpedluin orchMa **h? h grow luxuriantly in BSUadOT, Thousands of blossoms were BSSd |n this Structure, and when it arrived at the White HottSS in an automobile truck '?<? required savers! mm to hit it and carry it to the Whit" Room por Ute. Thon th-1.- was a ?guasas to get it through the doorway, and when It was within, the Minister of llenador had pre-empted a large corner of the marble entrance hall. After ? onsitl.-rnhle .shifting about, I. H, Hoover, who managed the doral arrani:*-* ments, as well as other details of the ?redding, ha?l it shifted In front of one of the enormOUS mirrors, where It ooiipiod the place of honor ami elicited much I '?* miration from the wedding gUSSta . . J!9 At^S{rWf*%i r^tsmsmmmnm'.^