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EAGLE RECALLED! TURKEY GETS JOB New National Bird Sweeps Country, but His Term Is Limited. WEATHER BLAMED FOR HIGH PRICES Health Commissioner's Men Seek Out Undesirables Among Visiting Fowl. No longer, during thli weei al least, li the proud eagle the national bird His plai e as I ' und of the brave and the home of the ?tree ha bot n taa* n by King Tm h - transition waa only accomplished lbs i?"pic ?had i?"n taken. The Initiative and ?recall also wf'te bro ghl Into requl Itlon In making teh all-Important chang? [1 li aatlmated that Mr. I rhi the most over? whelming m lortij ever given a candi number of VOtes ca.-t for him 715, representing the nativi reign born whites and Wm*t ?in! not \ ote for I candidate are com? posed <>f Indians, Chinese, Japanese and itirs, most of whom regard fish :'??? Thanksgiving realstanco. ? int. Th.- butchi rs and ?poulteri rs in Manhat? tan, ?Brooklyn, Queens, Richmond and Th.* Brons have b . ? ? llngly busy anew? ring telei era for turkeys. Also er bo.?;, delivery boys, hOUSewlvei Of families and other Individ?ala who appeared at the markets in p. ? ?,,? ted ,. it tt.' Ir prandial favorite for Thursday's day of feasting, What mattered it that prkr-sa w< bit higher than wa? the case last year? Thai i - i Thanksgiving, avid turkey is Turkey, from the Bower, to Filth j avenue, an?! all the waj between. i ?own in VVaahlngton Market the ?best ?bo'i! ;:ii(l raised m Maryland, BUh." wie Quoted at from M t.. f? cents a pound. Iw you bought v?ur bird uptown. however, whether from choice or pro pilMlUlty, the price asecnd??l r,n a sliding ?Some of the more exclusive butcher shop?, in or near Mad-SOn avenue, j for Instance, ask-d -I" COnU a pound, ano | ? it. The ? aatd the warm we.ith.r was i. sponsihle for the ris" in Amors the several millions ?if pounds ?>f turkey now "visiting" the city, Health C?Mnmlssk>ner LederlaTa foo?j Inapt flora found some bird^ that were classed as "undesirables" and ord? red than do SLroyed. In a'!. MM ?pounds of turkey wen -i These turkeys' only . ? that they were "ancient." not ; t to grace the tables ?>f New Yorkers, bul the ?punishment fitted the > rim?'. While turkey and all appertaining thereto was soaring t-> th?* sky in price, the wholesale market prices for beOf ?-'it in the i;ty -.-.ere the lowest quoted in .??:*. months, the reductions ranRinf" from half a cent to a cent and a half a ?pound. Those who will jro "home" for the holi? day will he Well taken tare of by the tallroads. a large number of extra trains an?l servi, e equipment havinsr been pre? pared for the <?' caslon. "Hurrah for the fun! la the turkey done? li in ?h for the pumpkin pis!" ? EXPLAINS MAN KILLING ?'L" Road Motorman Gives Self, Up After Accident. a Ninth avanue elevated train, run by Klchard II. Harlow, sixty years old. of No m MeLsaa avenue. Yonkers, killed William Taylor, lifty, of No. .'.',1 West 16th strict, ?between lSth and :9th s*.;, ? ? > SSti rday martini?.. Barlow, a veteran in the service, pro COSded with his train to th?i end of the '.:ne and thon went Into the despatcher's ofth-e to explain. "I didn't see him." he. ??aid, "and I'm ?o?p_ to mak?' every thing ?'ear to th?> ? Me gat a short leave of absence, so he went to the West 17th streit pottos sta? tion, where he told his story. It had been his third accident, be said, and all were unavoidable, but this one "took the heart out of" him. He was told to appear at the Coroner'? inquest this morning. LEFT ESTATE TO FAMILY Will of Former Judge Howland, of Marine Court, Filed. The aril] of Henry i: Howland, at one time Judge of the Marine <'ourt. was filed in the Sun orales Court vest. rday. The ?state was formally estim?t?-?! at "more than | moro Iban ?I".?'??-? -real ? state." Mrs. A. ,1. \V. Howland, the widow re? ceived for life, in lieu of dower, the prop? erty at ?No. II K?st f?th street. At h?-r death it is to ko to ?Charles P. Howland, .lohn Jlowlatiil, of Haltmioie, and Fran? ce.?? I.. Howland, the Children of Jadg? Howland. who also are made tli? resui uarv legateea Judge Howland toft 9u,e93 to his sister. ?Mrs. Katharine H. Hcllows. ?le left H.tol to bis brother, Alfred <'. Howland, Who was an artist. The latter died before the t?-stator and the bequest was rSVOked in the ?odi'il Jud_e How? land asked in bis COdtoU that his ? \c _.. tors pay to ins atstor-tn-law, Mr.?. riara W. Howland. an income of *?%*s$ a vear. CONFERS WITH BANKERS Politics No Factor in Raising Funds, Says E. N. Brown. The second of a series of confer? nces 1'tween K. N. Brown, president of th?? National Railways <?f Mexico, and the road's bankers to discuss the question "t mooting the December and January in? terest payments was held yesterday, it was Mated early in the ?lay by one ot UM bankers that the political aspect of the situation was proving the j-reatest ob? stacle to proviiliiiK the $:'.,4<X>,?yv> to m?''t tb<* approa<-him- maturities This, how ?ver, Mr Brown indirectly denied without l'oing into details. Mr. Brown said that no plans had been made for a conferen-e to-day and thai there probably would be none until Fri ?Ihv. NOT SO BENIGHTED, AFTER ALL. F**rom The Chicago Nawa The Nobel prise for literature having been bSStOWCd iipun i Hindu poet. Ka bindiHiiatb Tagore, the WosSnen wot _ may see lit to i ?? 1st it* insular notions ??f Hindustan as expressed in tbo soulful couplet, "Tbo poie batdghtOd Hindu has up _ant? and makes his skin do " > ANDREW CARNEGIE ON HIS "8TI? I.IK'I H DAY. ? until. ?".'?> Ir wnO BLAKE CASE TO BE TRIED ? No Hope of Selllement in Sep? aration Suit. lion waa insdc t.. Supreme Court Justice Seabury y es ter da) after? noon on behalf of Mr.-. Catherine Ketch? ' am Blake ?nul Dr. Joseph A i'i;ik.- for the .. ' referee t the testimony In the pending separation sull of Bl ik< .?. ? Blake. This means that Mrs. Blake's ? plaint and her husband's answer will have their day in court The frequent pi stponement ?.f the hearing a.*- to all? mony gave ?troagth to the report thai an attempt at settlement oui of court was being mada This aras particularly so after Mrs. Blake ?rlthdrew her $i,non.tiiio alienation ?vil against Mrs Katherine Mackay. it Is understood now that all talk of a pet eabls ?ettle ment Is of i MARINE CORPS HEAD ' ASKS LARGER FORCE General Biddle Says Organization Needs More Men and Officers, Ton. Washington, N<>*. ? PLAN TO INCREASE MARINES. In-1 adequa- y of the prt ? ? th of the marine corps t.. provide for s suffi? en! j for.o at home when relief es pedltiona ar? ; ut..-, ut from the country la m ide the basis fur urging an Increase In both th? oil and ?nUsted personnel of the corps In the annual report of the commandant, Major dem ral Biddle, mail?- public to-day. "When expeditions are absent from the Unite**] Btatas." th? report said, "the com? plement of men et th? navy yards, naval prison?, receiving ships snd other sta? tions has to he red iced to such an extent ?h to Interfere with the efficiency of the ?tationa concerned. To form two advance ? regiments (one on each coast) will [require, on a peace footing, practically every officer ?nd enlisted man now as? signed to duty at navy yards, leaving th? yards unguarded In whole or In part "Under th.. department's policy of hav ln**- the authorial d enlist? d strength of th? marine corps in? -lilth of that Of the au? thorized enlist- tl Strength Of th? navy. ti.. marine corpa, as authorised, la at preaent HI men short of its prop? r proportion. It is recommended that a representation be made to tin- i 'ongn sa to provide for ?n in? crease as above, an.i In case additional men are authorized for tin- navy that the number given e correspondingly In creaai "The proportion ol officers to men in the I marine corps Is entirely too low, and on tho expeditions during tin- last year, though every officer available taken. the organization? were under officered and the companies tit re geaerally of 1:0 to i.'.o men each it Is recommended that the department adopt the policy of basin? the number of officers upon the number of en? listed men ?uthorised for th? corpa and that th?- proportion ol oStcers to enlisted men, which i- bow one offli er (line and stair combined) to l_i men. be Increased gradual!) t.. one officer dine and staff . . .Ii to .'" men. "in view of the undesirabUlty of lacrase* ing tiif commissioned personnel of th. corps '.:? time of peace In eny nn.' by ? than i" per cent it is recommended that the number of officera for the com? Ing year be Increased by thirty-four. "in thla connection it la recommended that lui-after Vacancies in the Krade of ??com* lieutenant be Riled, Brat, by gradu? of the Naval Academi : second, by meritortoua non-commissioned officera ?nd, third, in ?ase the former pao classes in? ri..! suffickmt t.. till existlaa vacancle? at tiie end of the ftscal rear, bj the appoint ni>nf of peraona from civil life not uhdet eighteen n-.r mure than twenty-two >?ais Ol a-t This probably ?/111 be (.'entrai Biddl'-'p. last report, ?a ins appllcatton ft.r retire? ment OB !?'-?>mnt t.f ill health Is now awaiting action by Secretary Da? ORDERS ISSUED. -The following army and navy ?rdan have bren issued. A11MV ?'olonel ROBERT L BULLARD, -?trh lataa to w'.iii. i Re? i Ht serai Hospital m , haagi - ..r-inmi. ?* dei srtment or M?J.r HERMAN W HCHl I-!., from \\.i!t?i Ar:-.nal t-> I'ra ni. t. .r-1 Arsenal. >!.',?., WILKORU .1 HAWKINS. . . t,,u- ?tatlos .?i Mee T? * A.-.-...?i ??1.1 Kport commanetss et* er, ii.i'.i provins Kro.iii.i r?.r duty; Lieu ,, ,,,.,,! Colon? l I ?*? i: HOFFKR, from skihI' Hook provins aroend to Watervllvi I list Meutemnl CHARLE? M H'l"KK.*-_, from il?x?k provins ?rosad t., l'iarikfoi.i Arsenal, it Lieutenant? ALBERT F. CLARE, SAN t a *ooit ? ?*? FORD W FRENCH, BERT R HUNTINa ' \ MEH r JOHN? ! ' ?N, R< "HER M I? ?N vi.i ?. I.i :?? ? M' -ni. HINER ..? ?! .1 \ V |. VVIIITHAM, : lonatu i, Jsnuai 1.1 ? ... | ? RM Vf El P VARVBL tn I i i: \ M BRT '. N r t. Fori ? . 131 h lo Fort Hunt 1 ! for I PRI? 'E, Mh lui NAVY It I ?'1'KTiN', ! ?pe kl It ? H H LIT M ? '. \? ? \ -i : I . - ' ? ?? ? .? MITH HEM1 i i.o ' i bal ..... | IEN ?'. ?v .,???.? ,i v? i ? ? i? ? MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIP"! The ' I Ing mov? m? nts of %?< .... repoi t- ,| t ? ' ? nt Nov. ?, ? ? .it ."*.'? .. I I ? H Ml...I Nov. 24 . froi i ? II ? ? .? ? ? , ?Island ? ? ?i ??? Ptsilad? ;;?'-> ? ? ? ; i l, i SALOON MEN TEST LAW Attack Act Mulcting Them for Injuries Due to Drink. Washington, Nov. tel Associate Juntiee Vat Devanter, ?,f the Bupreme Court, i i__ direction? toma) for the Nstoraaka ; supr. me Court t?? ?sand up for re\i' I cam in which Mrs. ?'hubs Bulger, a widow, of Lincoln, won dan from two saloonk? epei s ?m allega! ' that they ha?i made her husband an ha*? I Itual drunkaid. Mrs. Bulger sued under th.- I law, making aad"*onh<6ap?Bri ? n ble for any Injury caused by their liquor Bh< began her suit while her husband waa alite, all? King non ipp? ri B ilger died from pneumonia In mo, and sha amended her oomplalnl thai the liquor bad made him unable to realst rtlaosss while at '?.li his mother's funeral. The ?.iioon [ keeper? 'contend the tow is unconstitu? tional SEWER EXPLOSION SHAKES TEN BLOCKS j Many Injured Houses Collapse and Gasolene from Huge Tanks Floods Street. PittSUrgh, Nov. _.*>.? A s.oie or ni"ie of pbersons were Injured, many window? wer?* broken and ? n imber <.f buildings shaken by an explosion of (?as in a iiin? toot BOWer in the l?iwi? no.-ville (li ? Etttsburgh tot to-day The property loss will amount to thousands of dol?an \ party <?f See ri"n working at ? man bole In >Mth stn-et ??re tossed Into the \ boh MO f< ? t long and io feet Sot p was torn In Baaafrass Alley. A section .,: the H.iitmi. A Ohio EUllrqad trach w,?s iift.d from Its had. T?m ?ity block? ? n I shaken. Buildings wars damaged and persona Injured within a radios of throe miles Thons,nuls of windows were sbatt.i. d, at, 1 tWO dwelling boises In Mth street collapsed A s.wer lid, weii-hliif* eighty ?pounds, STS blown throujih a dty ? i i - - . ngliM hod ? Tiire.' lari;?- ?tanks, containing thousands of K.liions of (?THSolene, were overturned, and the fluid pour.-d Into the WrSOksd se.rers. ?Danger of a sec?m?l exploalon caused tin* dty authofittoa l<? ?nier all linht. ?M-ept ?1? , trie, sXtlogOtob-ML a fumaos BItod with molt**** mutai was upset, and th?* mili caught fire. Water mains la various parts of the dlsti h t wars broto n, Boodtag the si and undorminlng sc-ores >.f huiidini;.-. Many fainili? s a ? re or.I. red to vacate the ? hounes before *hcy collapsed. TIGER INSIST. ON STATE CONVENTION Gives Glynn Hint Not to Eliminate It in Direct Primaries Bill. GOVERNOR HOPES FOR LAW THIS SESSION Tammany Promises That Work? men's Compensation Measure Shall Be Passed. [By Telegispa 10 Tie Tribun? ! Alhaay, Nov. 2.'. it is not believed that Governor Glynn can gel ? dhreci primary hill that aboHabea the fdate convention paaa?d at th? session of the Lsglalatur? which convenes Monday, December *. Me I would like to have ti,.- opportunity t.? I HiKn ? meaaure making that provision, hut i? not making a decided stand f??r it I He i- feeling oui the legislativ? leaden [ with the Ides of whipping into shape i I measure which will meet their approval land can he psss?d without dragging out ? the session .m\ kmger than possible. In lit in- will tak.- whatever he can n?t. ? Governor Glynn spent to-day in eon? . fsrenoss over th? direct primary and i workmen, compensation billa Wl ? I provisions of the latter have t.p.-n prac? tically decided on, the primary bill la 'i still In a nebu tat to us? the I lot I ernor's nw n sroi di Several ase? known ?s rad?enla ant j clos? Ij allied with William H Hearst, *t I tended to-day's primar) conference Included 1? .1 ? ?" i-t.-?ii?. Mr. Hi ai I Herben I.. I-imburg, an expert t-n ? ii ction laws; w llllam 1.1 itgai ten, ! w ho manag? .i the late Mayo Gayi i ? ampalgn; < larence -i Bheai ". Hea attoi il \. ? ho ? **.!" cted '-. attend, but waa unable to get here; Lieutenant Governor Wagner, Bei tora Blauvolt, Murtaugh, Carawell and Pole) and Atta ? ney General Ca? ? at) Tammany Will Have Quorum Present. Mi Wagner has assured the Governor that the regular Dem* ? ? ? r ? ? ? ? i m other v.<, Tammany Hall will see that a quorum is present In both I He \t con fid ' ' that th* workmen's com? ' m ?uni dire, t pi \ bills w iil If passed, hut ).? an.I the < lu'., t ROT B ?! th? : Perno? ? ? s. * . -.?.-,? j ytinr . | v\ 1,,-n ask?d ii th?-*. Intend to al I ? ? ? t tll-' < i--V \ erner has been notified i- ti-- i- i .that such a provision cannot go through ? hat :?ri . flor t Is M I get t ? ??? -iii. i i ? ils to ?i ee on a [measure that deeo :.'?? r>> to thi' ?atenl Bven Mr Umburg, ? Id to have bcei the Goven ? to ?? mu ? ml r the vie? m i '.. i,, maki to what it ? "in its earn ntlsl f- ?tut ???*." i ??th- h:ii ?.?. follow the ??mm? ndat ? , In- 1'iili- i ? ? ..ntitui ol th.- ? ? . !.|crrt a*.I t ? ? tlon Of all p* ? We ti.i.i h tftnaaplata discussion of the ni"- '? iii r- ? ..f ? peoayos direct pris??ry hill, v .... tor thai - i ? ? ? ? | ? : ? t Vt?W ' i >.i a ii ?.t- r prit I, and to tl ? t consideration ghri Hem- n present and thi evident d< place ? credits ?? i in on th*. mal 11 m " i'iirti-1-r- conferencea will he held on the t.i:i this week In KewT? Ii tat ?reek la i -11 Agree on Compensation Bill. la- utena ni ? lot err,...- tVagnei : at the ? ..r iv ? i. ? tion - "'it-1 enes thl ?ft? i noon, and, arttk " ? ? . option of a few minor point !.!? tr.ry t.. ...I WH lil*n I 'I >?'. I t in. lud??l William T< mil.- Emmet, nt< iri? nt ?>f Insurance; Pi o Albert W. Whitney, of Leland Stanford University, who drew th.- Callfon i.?..n s Hen!..--, his a?1 Istant; John T. IfcDonough, representing 'he st it.- i'- l '?ration of LahOT, atid .?????.? tal laboi r.| ? resentatives. Th?- stuns of the < . I a'.l COmpanl??. which waa the prlnclpt? bone of conten? tion, had he- ii <?. Rnitely ?le. Id?-.1 ?in 'II;. ] an? t.. i., allowed '. operate, but under strtei state supervision. Provlsiona of th? hill ?grei d up..n me: Thai it i* t-1 prot?t I - nly employes in haaardoua occupation?, no! Including ! stats ..r municipal employe?, j That there are t-t be four method Iinsurance, ? state Insurance find, mutual ?t.pani-??-, self-lnsuran a ?ad casualty I companies, All payments are t.> be made Ithrough tin- statt- Compensation Board All Injuries an? to he reported t.? this , board, ami there ?re to be no private ?greementa between employer ami em? { ploy.- Without th- sanction Of th.- board Tin- state w in prosecute den llctloa on tin, part t'f an emploie paying th? n atice One nf the important point? >et to be decided U whether the state will paj entire ezpens? of tin- administration <>r j 'i..- state Insurance fund, which will bel a i...ut fgSAJttt a fear. Labor ni-n I.. the stud- should stand thla expense it ta expected that th?- drafting ..i th.- bill i?. completed at a coaference to-mor row. 'Woman Smuggler Fined $1,000 Ans. Helen W Pelouse, i>' Mo. ... Bai ' llith street, when arraigned yesterday before Judge Hum. in the Criminal Breach of the united Btatea Dtotrlet Court, entered i? plea of ?uiitv to an In? dictment charging her arith having failed in declare dutiable fins, wearing spparel ami lawelry wh?a ah? ratarned from air..a.i on th?? liner La Franca sin- was timd 11,???, which was paid Judge Hunt, in Anlag Mrs Pelouse, said. "Heretofor?, it has been tha ana* ' t.t imp..s.- tin. s .n tin:-!- t-a.-fft. The tines wi-ii- always paid, ami th-ii tli?* t.Mender-, IgUghlUg at the gOVOI liment, win Id motor uptown Tin* only way toi titter wealthy nomea From oontlnuingl to cheat tin- CUStOnU Is l.y Imp.islnif I priKon seatenoea Future oft?nd?ra aaajrl rxpe.t no mercy from asa." Wire Tapping Case Not Ready. Th.- I ilati i- t At torne] ha nt.t tained all tin- corrobotatlon hi- hellsvea in- can get in the wire tapping graft in? vestigation, ?mi the matter probably will not he pi ?sentid t?. the grand Jury until next week, when n?w _ran?l juries are ?worn In DROP 2 WORKERS; 14,000 STOP LABOR I i_ Big General Electric Plant at Schenectady Crippled by Employes'Action. MOVE MADE TO SHOW STRENGTH OF UNION _* | Both Sides Make Preparations for Struggle- Men Paid $2.50,000 Weekly. ?Schon? i lady, .v. v , Nov. 2.'. With i'i"rR than 14,111 employ?s of the General Elec? tric company voluntarily bile, this city [to-nlghl facas an industrial crisis, but It quietly. Aside from numerous meetings of workmen and orderly crowds j in tba streeta and about the bulletin 1 boards In fronl of the various labor union i moating bails there was no ex ?Item? nt Itlng troni to-day'a walkout of nearly ' ail th?? for?a o;' the kargast maaufaetartng plant of its kind In the world. ? Throughout the city there was an at : mosphere >,r preparation, in a dozen or more labor headquarters meetings were ? i, ,i ami preparations begun for what 1 many fear will ?be .? lengthy struggle, in 'a central hall heada oi th" various local unions ni't aid .?i ussed ways and . means or carrying on a strike should one be , tiled Meanwhile the Laders were In thoti -i.ii"! " r?t- that there , is no ?n ..." a . ? ? t Th? ? ? tplatned to walkoul as ?i "demonstration of I strength, t,, baow that tin- Oeneral Blec !?. ? ??? cannot crush unionism." The union workmen are not looking for shorter houi or more pay, th? '? poinl out, but t.rrecl whal they claim to be an . -crimination against two of their I companions Frank, l.. Dujay and Miss I Mabel i. ? ''??'tu "f whom have 1 a, Uve in union .in h s. The two Wei, ? . til,- company ? lalming their part "f i policy of m ? ? Discrimination Is Charged. ? ,:ii"ii v.ork- is, lio'.i eVel laying off of th" two in ? Itles In la circle? Th? I ? Islm tba' 11 ? i ? ? ? .?''s for the cur i. nt month ? weed bj more than $!.???? ? for Nov. :. Qeorge E. ESmi ? eral i ina |er of .,11 the company*! plants, in a formal : tei lent to-daj ??. i th il crimination was Intended. This was the inMted from th?? ..!'?. Howev? i,, i .?aid pr?par?t ons were ? ? with any emeig< i?..,i might In t?,?- conned on they I that th' ! . ?' ?nt' I'? ll,ale!, d all larg? I ord? ra Th. in town to-day of W, C. . ? - , the i ompan) 's plant .,t i.-. i,ii, '.? . rabia ,- th?- employes. The* ha WS? to union labor m ? ? bare to . in th" . i . p out ? it In Sehe . ??' .:- of ti.ompany as? tatine 1" was hora i oil I < ipa? .:??? to at? t- ?'i , ' ? ? . h manu* .? Among ,?" i ? ? ?,f Bckenectady th?' I i ?- .?;i ;. \,| th- ?,r(, |>, , t of a j o ?1 Well ?,.'!,? I lia w? '?.li i.' pa. ??..i ? ? ? ? I source of ? th,- un . Th? !? ? ? . r. a .... ??.:: i o? reinal .te i ?I that as loi,?,- M th? em ? :i statten Into th. lr own ? ? lalfl will sit back quletlj .- from th?? workmen. Union CoMectinq Funds. i' wa? learned to-nlghl tl it t, n of the :?? ?! union m. n i i | ? y to ' t fun? ? a for this, it ara i ?? ?! out ?ras for the moral effet t, as, was coming In they would be leas artlllng to r etui n t.. \ . ? ? ?truggle were I temporarily halted to-night by th.? cen? tral committee on rec Ipt <?r a telegram ? f'oti? oils Although the union leaders declined to make Its eonti public it was reported that it was from a high ?'ffl' i.ii of the American ?Federation of Labor, and that it aras not favorable for tin? calling of a Mrlkc. Impetuous frlernls <>f th.? employes ar*** urglng Qeorge It Lunn, the socialist Mayor <?f ths city, t.? appoint a number Ctal deputies from tin- ranks of the workers and remunerate them from the city treasury. The Mayor has not inti? mated he ?in follow such a cours**. Ms I tO-nlght he had ?nit been asked to t. ,.?? ? . I? - In th-- trouble. i ?Earlier in th.? any mho said that -not a sine]?, parson of whom I have knowledge ?shall suffer for lack of food <>r clothing while i am Mayor." His term expires !??? camber U. Union leaders to-night perfected plans for pi, ketlng th, works With tlie . \ Ci I'tioti of a few tlroiinti, f"r?nicii and watchman, the plant is unoccupied t?> t.iKht. KALEN PUNCTURED, IS THEN INFLATED Air Forced Under Skin Makes Victim of Striker's Knife Swell to Huge Suze. Imagine ? man pumping himself up with air! Abraham Kail u, twenty-seven years old, of ?\o. 243 Now Jersey avgnue, Baal New York, did Just that last niKin after be had bora itabbad in tin? lui. k by ??tie of three men who at tacked linn near his home, the blade punctured ins 1? ft lung. Relatives whl visited hin in FUish wi'k 11 < .spit .ii ? -ouiii hardly believe their eyes When they looked upon him. I ?atead "f his normal weight nhout 100 pounds, he looked nui? h larger, !)?? was nil puffed ii|i, tin* left fiile of his body particularly, The doctOfl ? I -? ?I tlie alarm of his relatives by laying that th?* patient w.? a victim ?>r ruth noons armpbyeenta, Th.- pumpbUb it was ?said, was ?In?* to an b?iii'; l'..r. ?'?I between lung and skin. Kalen will reeower, it srai paid. Be Is tnployed by his brothr Max, owner ; of a cap mania, lory, at NO. 846 i'rainl ?treat mu-hattan. There has been a strike of the employes. Threats had been nada agal?at the brothars, ami Kalen thought his us.-?aiiant3 were strikers. TYSON CO. SUED BY FORMER PRESIDENT W. M. Erb Seeks Return of Ticket Agency Stock Worth $6,000. MAKES CHARGE OF CONVERSION Court Refuses to Enjoin Hudson Trust's Turning It Over To Be Voted. Allegation?- that the Tyson Company dealers In theatre t!< kets was loslns? money steadily and that the concern had been In a had way financially In the last f?W months were made In a suit filed yesterday in the Supreme Court by Will Ian M. Erb, formerly president Of the Tyson Company. The suit is to 1*08*1 r M per cent of the stock of the company which Brb said was wrongfully coa verted. The defendanta named were the Hud S..H Trust Company, Tyson company, Wllli-un J. Pail?n, president of the Tyson Company; Christian B. Zabrtflkte, who holds a majority stock OOUgtlt by the plaintiff find Alice !.. Ii. Moore, secre? tary of the Tyson Company. Justice rendici?n denied yesterday Brb*a appii ?i fur an Injunction to restrain the ilu.l-on Trust Company! trustee O? the from turning II orar to the de? mis and to restrain the other de? fendant? from voting the Block at tho i..-! meeting. Justice P?ndl?ton hold, however, thai Erb b?d cat- - tion t..! . onverelon Qcotge .1 Baecom owned the MO shares of stock nf the theatre ticket company, representing a capital of $!".->" Erb aald ho furnlehed the money t.. b ly M p? r cent of the stiel, from Baacom, M per cent being controlled by Tyeoi A ('o. William ft, McOuire, ? former law partner of ? Hotchkiaa ? : the App Hate I'ivi ?ald that he got the money to buy the ptmk ?ad that Erb waa only a ?lummy in the transaction IfcQuira or? ganised thi two Tyson companion Zobriskte * lid he got his stock from McOuire, and that Erb Kay.- no money for it, He aald that Erb mismanaged tho affaira of the Tyaon Company, and that ,: i *??..??? incaah and aacuritlea to McOuire f-.r the atock, and that it be ? ? ? foi him to proti I bla ln vi atmi ? ? Zabi takle added thai he exam? i i the : ika ami discovered that the ? un In a negllg? nt manner and at :< great h?-, and bankruptcy was r . ? | - ? chance. Th? company Buffered a great loo? by g f..r different theatre? for last New i. .-?-. eve large allotment? of ticket? which were lefl on tlnir banda ?? of the defendanta t.> deliver-r-the atock to him. li- aald that on September Zl ha a tender of PMM In cash for th? stock ?nd the Hudson Trust Company re i-i-i il t.. deliver it. M . Moore, ?ecretary of the two Tyson cempaniea, was confldenUal aecratary of McOuire. She ?aid In an ?flldavit I ?? I ..| be? n ?i- po ed aj president of til.- Tyson company he Intercepted ? .or Of thi un the ivnv |. the hank and took Irom him |SM that had i. .-n aent for deposit This was charged ? i I --'.int. Erb s.u.i that McOuire had planned to build up ? theatre ticket library on the plan of the Institution In London, aad that he expected t.. ?i.i a business of El I. | lid th It the chief ? tnpany was the stand at i he ?\ aldoi f-Ast? lia, and i lose of mis? management a rival stand had h- en lo? cal? ?i t FINDERS OF NECKLACE TO RECEIVE $50,000 Major Part to Go to Two Men Whose Information Led to Arrest of Thieves. ; h, cal I? to Tb? Tribun? , London, Nov. 21. Tb? Ural step to? ward tii-- .-II.nation of UM 160,00*) tv ward offered for the recoven of Mai Iff* ?. is'm $650,000 pearl necklace, ftt the theftl ?-f which fnur men wer.? con? viiti.i ?it th?- Old Bailey on Monday, will in- taken to-day. it la understood that $41,000 will be paid to Brandatat iir and Quadranateln, whoae informa? tion led t.? tiie arresta, and $3,566 to Horn, who found the pearls in the street <?tii?-r gratuities ?rill als.? be recommended, aubjefet to the sanction ff the Commissioner of Police, to ?'lii.-f Inspector Ward, certain offlc?rs of tho detective force and other persona con? nected ? itii the Inqulrj. Tho total cost of the theft to the underwriter? will probably amount to $1SO,00(i\ for t.i th?- reward and gratu? ities must in- add??! some $20,000 paid for tho two pearls which ?'amo tu ?ght ! before the thieves were ?Treated, t<> fother aith th? coat "f the Inraetlga tit m in Prance and elsewhere, Hail the necklace been a total loss the liability of the underwriters WOUld ! hav? been mere than *A ?r*M M M I. The j premium received by the undenrrlters I was a little moro than .<."i.<nm?. CAMPAIGNING FOR 'FRISCO U. S. Consul in Sheffield Begins Series of Addresses. London, Nov. ts. Robert .1 Thomp? son, American Consul at .siietti?id. ad? dressing th?- local Chamber ofCommerc? t.. day, ?trongly advocated the participa? tion ??f tin- manufacturare of Bhaiaeld in the Panama-l'a.itic Esposltlon at San Rraadsco. He potntad ont that th. openini? Of the ranal WOUld bring about th? expenditure of hundrads of millions Of ,I..liars for harbor hh.I railroad faclli ties on the l'a? ?tie Coast Within a few years. In connection with whi.i, uhelHsId should do a larije bu?ln??*a ii? rag gastad a j.iint exhibit of Bh?fll?id Indue trlea Mr. Thompson will addles? the rntn m.rclal bodies Of London, Liverpool and Other cities on the Hume subject. Guatemala city, Wot. II The com mission,-!-.- of the I'annma-I'acliic Kxpo ?ition at San Kram rigen, Jame? P. Stutes man and Oscar Perabach, arrlevd here to-day and were wall received. Their visit ha armise.l great interest In the -?.position, and th? 'Juat.-mn.hin govorfc ment hits givea them ttie nssjutanoa of Its Intention to have Guatemala flttinKly represented. WHAT AN OWNER CANNOT DO Beyond a certain point an Owner cannot regulate the Contractor he employs. You can cage a leopard but you cannot change his spots or his point of view. But what an Owner can do is to select, in the first place, a Contractor who has an established reputation for in? tegrity, efficiency, and results. THOMPSON-STARRETT COMPANY Building Construction STOKES IGNORED; """ PROGRESSIVES WIN Jersey Republican Confer? ence Paves Way for Much Legislation. DEMOCRATS WILL BE GIVEN FAIR CHANCE Ex?Governor Not at Meeting? E. L. Richards Chosen Minority Leader. [From a Staff ?'orrfspon^?nt of Th.? T--!hun*\] Trenton, N". J., Nov. _."..?The Prof-r.'S?. ?iv" Ri-publicans captured th?, Joint con 'arence Of the Republican member?- of th? -ealalatora this afternoon, and pureo??*^ n havtag plans for the coming Ber-sloti i?l?>j,r? ?1 that will mean tho Introduction >f many progressive measures r1f*ht at, be ?it,?lilil?? of the session. In addition, he Joint oonferenee ignored th?*- leader? ship of ex-Governor E. C. Stokes, eybn, t irai etUMtmced early In the day. would iddreM the confenees on a party pro? -ramme. Mr. Stf.keH was not at the joint con ? riti. >?, neither was h" invited, althou-eh. t Is nal?l that some of tlie Assemblymen, ltd ask him to address them. Benator it?--? ?i. tha ?Republleaa bad?-*-of .;..- B< nata, aald ba had not head of any nvltattoo betas aant to Mr IftTthtt h? Mild tha name of the ex-(;?>\crn<ir wasn't v n mentioned In the confarenci *___, v. h.-* got ss. .1 that t'?.. laving i" ? n rdeeted by th? p*?opla, kn"w abat they ?ranted an?i could do their own :hlnking. < ?n<- ..f th?> faaturca of the ronfw**at?i ? th? ? of aavi ral of th? Senator? that they orore not going to ;?i low party ___Ulatlo__i to Inl ,.,.,? on m. ritorio'is Ulla "if tha i??-ni'i< trata t.-it In i ??n.? that la in th- ? . ? if the ?t?te," Senat I'm going to vote I ? to m cure tha beat 1? people of the Itat? . -.of the au ?hi .- '..; . ' "Wa to prepare Mil? for In* I if th? i good w. are not ? ?object _ave i??en put tn b* R< plan? adopted by th? .ill I'll! r"r the preferential primary bellet, rf I < t tl ? -t it? .at. ai i id? rtng bin ind raforma In th taxli tern of tbi -tat?-. Th? v."? k '?: ? theae ntae? ? o on given to individual Senaten, abo will act a? chairman of th?- ???mmit Mea having them In ? barge, ?Senator Colgate ?rill look after th? preferential primary meaaure, Senator trill look after tho tax Ug-riatten Ida croaatng elimination and mmmPf ... Edge ?rill take care of the cfllclency ,..,i . onomy mee Only a feeble effort otgg mad? to pre* rent tha adoption of a compreh? __tvoe_jl irogreaalva legialatlvo Programm? Thi? ?ma Hum Bmaraea L. Rlcharda the minority leader of the Efouee, who ea i to baa? a *'sit tight ' idopted on tho plea that If th< tUsnugW ?ana Introduced ?my progreealv? meal* - ? riv In the aaaeten tha Mao would probably be stolen by th?? J ?, tn-.v-'its A :'. w- others tried to help Mr, Richard! o?-* .Ut the advocates of h non arare so te** m?rous that Mr. Ki?-har<is an-i. 1.1s su***1 porters quickly tubalded. Tha aheanca of ? \-e.overnor Btokei from to ?! ?'.'s rouf er?tico produced conslderaM?" [oaalp His friande pointed out that by Out omlng the Republican candidate tot Soverner be bad been ehoeen ?the leader jf the party in N.-w Jem y. and they .?aid not und.mtand irhy th.* l??ate^ ltd not j??ln with the ?\ssemblym*n In la ritlng him. The Rapuldlcaae win hold another joint -,?nf, i?mea nomo timo nost month, at ivhich tu, asure? which have been pr?" pared win he dlecueead. PreVtoUa to the Joint conference Kmer NM !.., of Atlantic, was choseB nlnortty leedor after g warn Surf ni-h with John B., of ?'amd'-n dr. Richard? wants to run for ConKre? n the 1st Distii'-t next fall, and bethink? th? minority lea?tership will half h% h tiie-s His ^.-lection was rot vert' ?opular, however. - Are You Seeking Rest Health Recreation or a place for convalescents? We have detailed informa? tion about every good Sanitarium or Health Resort in the United States. Write, 'phone or call. The service is entirely tts?t TRIBUNE INFORMATION BUREAU Suite 320 Tribune Buil 'in.