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Xc\v fiotfc ?ribunr. ?IIIMMIAY, NOVKMBKK '-'?. lf?l?. Owned ?nd puMl?h**_ daily by Th? Tribune Aesoclatlon. a Mw York OM?oration: Oitden M. Feld. President; rond? Hftmlin, Secretary; Jame? M. Barrett, Treasurer. Addreg* Irltiune Bmldin?, No. 154 Nassau street. New York. RIPTIOM RATttL?By Mall. Postage Paid, outside of Ureat.r N?W York: -_ _, I*al!y and Sunday. 1 mo,.$ .7.'. Dnilv only. 0 months.*? M? I?aily?' ? | moa "*.20lDally onlv, 1 year. *???<* L'ally arid ?und ?y. 1 >?ur. aSOISunday only. <". months.... 1..5 Liaily I month.SO,.Sund ay only. 1 year. aso rr.RtH'N RATES. I CANADIAN BATES. DAILY AND BUNDAT: DAILY AND SINDAY: One ment h. |1.M <^ne month.? ?!?* une fOOS. 18..".0 On? year. 8.50 BUNDAT ONLY: DAILY UNLY: 81 x month?. 8 07 One month. -Jjj* One year. 6.14 - MM year. *w DAILY ONLY: PfNDAY ONLY: One month. 1"2 nn* month. -J? One year. 12.*..'>',One year. ?SS : ?t ttie Postofflce ?t New York a? Reconfl Class Mall Matter. The Tribune uses Its best endeavors to Insure the trustworthiness of every advertisement It prints and to avoid th.- publleation of all advertisements contain? ing misleading statements or claims. No Barnes Republican for Speaker. The .\s-emblymen-eieet who in conference have deler..iiin-d i<- stand for revision of tho Assembly rain jui'i nut to -support any boas nominated can? dldato far tho Speakership of tho next Assembly ara taking an unassailable position, if tbej stick to it thoy ?-an ?win. unless tiio unenlightened and hidebound machine members of tho Republican and Democratic parties in the lower boose unit?' on n candidate in opon, tomen, bipartisan alliance, It la to bo expected that the next Speaker Will be a Republican. He should be. as that party Will have a clear majority of the membership of the Assembly. Hut for the best interest of the party and the best interest of the state he should not be a mar-hine Republican. He should not be r Harnes Republican. No man takinp office with the band of Mr. Barnes on his shoulder will have the confidence of the voters. No Assembly presided OYor by a machine-sole.-D-d and machine-elected Speaker can expect to bare the approYal of the Tnters for ils acts. The men who will take tho oath of oAce next January might as well understand that at the very begin? ning of their consideration of this subject, the hip post one likely to demand their attention. Mr. Ultiman, leader of the Republican minority this year, is being boomed as the "regular" or "or? ganization" candidate for the fcpeakership. He comes from Mr. Barnes's county. It is his mis? fortune that he is known as "Barnes's Assembly man." It would be his party's misfortune if he ever came to be known as "Barnes's Speaker." It will be the fault of the progressive, up-to-date Republican Assemblymen-elect and the progressive members of the party who hope to see it other than I minority party in this state if there is ever ' even n probability ?if simli gg occurrence. There Is now, in the reorganisation of the As ] and the work of that body under Republl ciiii control ill the coming year, un opportunity at band to regain for the party public respect, public confidence, public approval and support. This can not be if in the most important act of the new bodj it continue*; the traditions and habits which made the Republican Assembly of 1912 a failure ami a laughing Stock, The Speaker of the Assembly is, next to tho GOTCmor, the chief figure in the state's government Even a drastic revision of the rules Of that house, which would deprive him of some nf the arbitrary power past Speakers have wielded, would not in any degree diminish the necessity for the utmost care and wisdom in electlnp this im? portant official. Fortunately for the Republican party and the state, there is material In the coming ?sseniMj for the selection of a Republican Speaker who shall not bear any boss's brand, and who shall not take Ids political ideas from tho last generation. And the choice is not limited to one man. either. Nothing is of more vital importance to the U<' publican party in New York State than the election of a Speaker with the poBtlca* ideas, ideals and aspirations of the present moment, and Imagina tion and intelligence enough to realize that a po? litical party can only deserve success by striviup to meet the needs and the hopes of the people The Tiger Across the Bridge. Thoae Brooklyn Democrats who have boon strlr? lug mtphtily in recent years to drive the Tig?? back across the bridpe have been working on a wholly mistaken notion, Tammany didn't absorb Kings County when, soon after "Tat" McCarrea's death. the Hon. .lohn 11. McCuoey became the head Of the Brooklyn Democracy. Designation of IfcOooey as "Murphy's section boss for Brooklyn*1 is ? mis li'iiner, Brooklyn has autonomy. "The Chief" hinis.-if has said it. Murphy echoes now what the late Mayor GaynOT sjiid many, many months apo about Tammany as the Democratic organisation la New York County. It is unfortunate that "the Chief" does not keep more UP to date. Otherwise he'd realize that tho community, havinp at its disposal the much later Qaynor strictures on the rule of the Delmonlco BftWCtoratit must know how information from the Uiaiilo had altered the late Mayor's views. Mur? phy's talk about Brooklyn autonomy is purely l'i?kwicki;in. A Cure for Alcoholism. Mayor otad Jermyn of Bcrantoo has in mind the institution of pouce reforma which the into Mayor Oaynor would applaud, it seems that Bcranton lias been in Hi?' habit Of gathering her Intoxicated cele? brants into her jail and. in default of the payment td small films, of feedlnp most of them for three and four days there at the city's expense. The fines collected, Mr. .Jermyn finds, do not begin to meet the annual bill of about 96,000 for food for the?-., offenders. The preMn( method Outrages his democracy, ?uso. for It is invariably the drunk and dlsonh'rly poor man WhC takes | ride in the patrol wapon tu Police Headquarters, while the drunk and ?lisorderly citi? zen of means is bundled into a taxicab and sent home So ho purposes having every "?Inink," rich Of poor, sent bOtDC in Mtb? wfi_<?ii." In this wjiy he lmlit-s in satisfy liis sense of equal Justice to all. to BBY-8 the City of S.-ranMn $?6,000 I JStet tad gl th.' mum time t?. tempera Um flidor of those who are oat for the long distance swallowing r.-cord. V'.u see. in- bflg | shrewd M?*a. which WS share. that when the bead of ti'-' ll0Ui**ft **** '"?,'*' -Wreii home in th.- petrol wagon? to h.? aooordeii fimt a r?'.-epti<?n by his Mlghbori an<l then a welcome in the privacy ??f blfl own family, he will f???ek there aft.'i-1?? patronize (he water wagOO exclusively. Sex Fquality Inder the Law. Judge Hunl. "f tin* federal courts, is the latest conven I?? the doctrino of 9*3 equnlit... He has annonnceil tliat horeaftiT no woman convicted he fore him of gmuggUng shall escape a prison sentence because ghe is a woman. His observation has con rlnced Um, la- says, that many ?romtn, having pa ill lines, have gone off laughing in their sleeves at the government There i** a wholly commendable effort, in many slates of widely differing eomlitions, to make the lews equally lair f??r men and Women tO renmv? statutory limitations ?m woman's control Of property, light to labor, rieht lo her earnings, right to pos? sess her children in caae of domeetlc ditiicuities. right to bold office and vote, and the like. It is only logic tliit there ibaII be no sentimental avoidance of giving to woman equal penalty with man for the violation of any laws. A Great Opportunity at Rockaway. It is encouraging to see that th?* Improvement of the city's park property at Rockaway is being taken in hand with both energy and discr?'ii<?n. Numerous prominent landscape architects and engineers are entering into competition with plana, which ?ire to be passed upon by experts, so that we may h??pe the development of the trad will be ?effected in good taste and for the good of all the various interests which are to be served. There Is certainly a great opportunity at Rocka? way. New York is almost unique among the great cities of the world In being ?-?. situated Huit it can have within it? ?hounds a seaside park with a long stretch of superi? sandy beach ?frosting directly upon the open sea. i'.ut that beach has in addition the broad expanse of Jamaica Bay behind it. giving it a seml-lnsular situation, with both surf ami still water. in Central and ?Prospect parks great opportunit?s were greatly improved. In some respects the op? portunity at ?Rockaway Is greater still; at leant in its unique features. The Waldo Petition. There may be 5,(100 ?persons in this town who want t<> sec Waldo retain?-?! bv Mit?-h?'l as Police ?Commis? sioner; \?'W York is a h use place. But tiler?- are almost ."..?mni.o/ni others, we Imagine, ?none "f whom would mourn his passing ami the majority .,f wboni would sigh <?*.cr it with relief. The retention <?f Wald?? |,y ?Mayor Kline had this much justification, that Mayor Kline, in bis shoit term of a fow months, was naturally reiUctaul f" break a new man into th" difficult job of Pol lee Commissioner, with the probability that be would last only until January i. Ami then the Mayor ob? tained assurances from Waldo that the latter would ?cease bis perfor?e attitude in police matters ?ad pi??'?0 no more Obetaclofl In the way of ?leaning the force and rendering it mors effective. I'.ut Mltchel has fonr years ahead <?f him lb? eras elected as mpcb to reform the Police ?Department at to bring ab.nit any other needful Improvements ??i ill?, government ??f tin? city. Tin. worst thing be could ?k> at tlio beginning "f his term would be tf? retain Mr. Wahl". Mr. Waldo should go. ami we think will. I he Service of Iconoclasts. For tin* sake ?if robusi common sense n*e should welcome dow ami then th.- advent of an Iconoclast. The human propensity to Idealize tin- n_ur?*s ol bygone generations with aide splashes of mental pigment lias a tendency to warp our Judgment ot the present Th?? late ?Senator Lyman Trambull's testimony that Lincoln was smong th?* moel am bitious of officeeeekers helps us. for Instance, t" tteat move charitably our own public m?-u. it turn, th,* professional ?politician Into a figuro <>t' dignity and potential grandeur. Ami now ?Professor Bean!, ??f Columbia comes along wiih ".\n Economic interpretation of the Constitution of the United states." in which he ?points out that tin- "inter?-?!?." ..f thai day were largely influential in the framing of th.- Constltu tion. that "property" anil not "the people** demand? ed its, and thai ?ts fraiuer?. Including Washington, Franklin, Robert Morris. James Wil? son and William Blount, were, many ?>f them, land speculators and promoters beul upon feathering their own nests. ?Professor Beard is not drawing upon his Imagination. He baa original material to prove these things. The point Is that it cannot make the Constitu? tion h'ss a work ?>f political genlUS !?> know that its frsmete repreeeuted the pt-opert*- Intereets <?t their time: it cannot detract from what Lincoln did to realize thai he was an otBceeeeker by pro* fessioii. Hut knowledge of this sort ?an help us to a ?proper and more sympathetic appraisal <?f our contemporaries, our profeeslonal politicians, ? nr representatives of "the mteteets.** If ?they are no ?better than Washington, "Hen" Franklin and "Abe" Lincoln it merely means that the improvement In human nature is a most ?gradual process, (in the other hand, this ?an give such of ti*- as hnne a wink ins knowledge of our country's history no cause for grave apprehension. Begin Your Christmas Shopping. As a rule, a material gift Is the ?'as|(.st method of satisfying a generous impulse at Christmas lime. But it ne**ds little thought to convince must people that the proper method of dlwhargtng on.-'s full obligation to his fellow beings as well as to him* ??elf |S to divide the burden of expenditure between purs?? and will power. In doing so he will strain neither. The < 'onsuiners* League is just now pleading for a small expenditure of will as a reasonable ,-,.n- ' tribution l?y the Christmas shopper t.. the Christ? mas cheer of those who do his bidding in th?- simps. Every Shopgirl Wbo stands all day and half th?' night behind a counter on tOftUTOd feet, all the bundle wrappers, drivers and errand boys, look forward t?> Christmas now as an ordeal litti?. short of Infernal, and only because those wh?. are ?-?'li? erons with their money refuse to expend will power enough to ?|o their Christmas shopping earlv in the season and early In the day it is time to begin now to buy those Christmas presents. Bemember thai Christmas is designed t<> TIGHT TIMES IN WALL STREET. ^^?**e?_tSfi ?va_vvj Boss, could you spare a dime? - I could not, I'm a stockbroker! be n Christian festival, Mn?i not ? pagan orgj em bciii-iied with buman sacriflces a billion alleged mossbunkers were netted List year und transformed tote flab oil and fertiliser it wool.i be Interesting t-. know how man! of them ?rera bloeflah, baas snd other Food I M is *<> be hoped thai the news will he veril the discovery of a loi ol live psasenger pigeoi Michigan, providing thai II doean'i movs aome powder burning to< ton i and kdi ? Hi' ni nil. THE TALK OF THE DAY. Th? aafel) rasor Induatrj ought to i.m if all the world heeds a warning In "Th? Lan et" of th? of ii..- barber*? chair. A French sciential h covered on s shaving brush taken from n r< ;-? fi He barber a - ilturc containing Ihou anda upon thousands of bacteria. \ rasor bad about three times as many sfter having '?? ped on th? ; m i.i i 'i hand a i M had hi foi i. i t- of the i ? auggested is thai "brushes and combs should lw m ? hermetic?!!) aealed retainer containing a 40 per . rut lolutlon of formoL" i land id i lostesa ion ? ? ? ? t time) i never should have known you from photograph. It? ggle told me you w pretty. Reggie'? Fianc?e No, I'm not i-r-*-it>. so I have to it- ?nui be nice, and it's such ;? I ore. Have you ever in. ?i" Pun? ii. THE UNITED BTATEfl MAIL. Another on? ?lain lly the speeding mall wagon, Hushing th?- streets ilk-- s Juggernaut dragon. ' And mowing them doan Ai the crumpling ki is nipped by the ki? ??*...?- of the mowers thai paea .*? not her on? alais B) the postoflli c timer.? Craahing their cara through remaining survivors, \\ bile nevi r ko much AH a UlOUghl iln they give To Ibc- right-; of ped? .trian p-j Opl? to Ut a Another mm slain. And a loud cry arises, a cry that is protest sgalnai such demie i'.iit the drivers drlVS Ml As they plea?? nigh! nod day, Still adding their marks to the red right of way. ' Another one slain By the T". P. mall driver? Intent upon leaving no hapless surshors. l'.ut what arc the odds If they do kill n f.-w? In it not more Important to rush the malls throughl W. J. LA MPT? iN. 'Have you any employe who doean'i talk naaenallt horse raring and prlaeflghttng all (he time, t.. the exclusion of business?" "Yep." ''Where did you get him?" "it isn't a him, te--- a ber.?Pittsburgh Poet V?-ii can seo many things when Standing for B minute on most corners in New fork <"it>. On this particular occasion H was at *f_d Street and Fifth avenue. A delivery wagon, of tho motor Variety, cams arhlastng by. on its side ?rag the lettering 'Doctor, the Butcher." Two men noticed it. "That reminds me." ?aid one, "that uptown Miete ?f a man named Butcher who is a doctor.** "Well, look to the directory some *ime," sairl the ether, not willing to be outdone, "and you will find that there is Spring in Kast 28th street, Bummer in (Irand street, Fall in William street and winter on Broadway." Bh? A woman's mind is more active than a man's, i He?Tee, i admit thai while a man is making up his mind a woman will change hers S duzen t i tu- - .1 I Philadelphia Record. BOOM Idea of the extent to win. h niaiiufa.Hirers ! go in the effort to furnish goods which will appeal to the feminine love for beautiful fabrics may be gathered fr?mi a recent announcement by I promt? | nent nearby mill. This concern, on a list of nine' printed fabrics, says that 47.*? patterns, eovertng 1,980 colorings, are manufactured, which one would: think were enough to satisfy a widely varying line of likings and ideals. The Bzamlnsr?What do "TO? understand b] the conservation of natural reeourcee? Th.- Student It means that ymi talk for? \ er about your wat.r power and coal minus. Lut use ti..rn Bnffnlo Km-* THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN ?*&$> J___2te Public Debate. THE HETCH-HETCHY CAMP; An Appeal for Support in Fi_li Preserve Yosemite. i., the tidltor of 'iti- Tribune. Kir: Th? nstlonal committee foi i stloti of the Y-'.s. mit? Sal ? . ? t.? can . i,ill pro? of th?* i SOd th? fUtrtbe ?i <f th. national park. This ttet ?? < " ? ? .,l r..lil/.-.| to f.M'UI tlon of the rountry to ? ?? :? b -til m ? |< m Th? ? Ute Is 1 ?r ?Chi \?. i.; .?t. ? rcsldenl of Us Cons? ti'.n ? among Its fifty he su the Hon. Wll it i Uoal Olbbona, ?Profi p. ? i ? Flalrfleld ? "shorn, J"tm Mull .-? K? niiiin. Karg? nt, Mr?. E II I H .i Borden Harrirnan, ?CI land il ?Dodge, Mis. Emmono Crot rhalrmsn of conservation of tin- Nati? i '? d? ral a of Wo en'i Cluhi . Andr? \* w ? ie, i ?? d? ?; i. Last < dtaatt d end m other i i- reona. Among those opposing tins pie ? of m are an neon* heln rtlon <f th?? newspapers of th.* ce ,.f m ganlsatlons chiefly ?>f ti,,ii.-ii s,-,,|?-, such i the American,C itlon, the Americ in Burenlc and i t,,i lc Pr? r vat loi B? ?let) snd ? the Nation il FVdei stlon of Women's ? 'i< s in ?i i \ i ? srork. The ? irn ol the whole Ban Joaqu?n Valle) of ?'ulii nls m?' "up In m ' ' the bill. Tsfl has s ' Itti n ? 11gorous lettei sgal tt. taking Issue with Mr. Plnchot'? opp tune poll? ?? ii- di ' l( i? ?Law < limited, ??i. tlnguli h- 'i lands? a**.- srcWteri i member of the National ?Fine Arts Co mission, ins pnbltihed in "Th.- n Transcript*1 h csndld ?rtlcl? ?howtng o i lalvi iv that th? I.ling of the Heti I let) li'. ?ill ruin It.-? 1?, SUt] The advantages of other source? erster supply for the dty, In eoot, i?'?- v .??. i-, i- Ing pie ? 'it?-'i to ti:.- .?*? n.i Th? Mayor snd ?>th?-r "in. Lala hat*? bi ., nt for to relnforc? th? officials wh,> t month* have been earning th.-ir sahn at Washington lobbying for th? project. in \low "f tii?- Importance of the caui th? national I ??lniiiitt? ? ?amSSUf ask? t of tin- public in the effort ? the national park system tmm t! i ! ? 11.? nding calamity. B -i" letters of protest sii.miii t??* ?e at once to Senator? BSllhu Root end Jam A <?'<;?iiman, ati'i checks in any smoui '?? In I: H Hall, lt"??tn KO. lei Tribut ?Building; New fork. Ths adv?cales i Hi?- scheme ?have unlimited financial r< sources. whU? thoee who aie oppoalng must rely upon public rapport, It. 1'. .1? ?IINSi ?N. riiairinan N? m V"ik, Nov. .4, vu:;. ON PART TIME IN SCHOOLS Grateful Parent Deplores Penalty Hi Child Escaped. 'i.? tin- iviitur of The Tribune. ?Sir: A few days ago i oddr, < niimiuiiiciitlon to yon oalllng Httt'titlo t?> th, Inadequate seaool facilities af forded ths children ??r mir dty and wisi t" thank you tor th?' Interest ?Thick yoi rnanlfeeted In ths ease, as i t?eii<-ve it wai due I?, th.? inv.-silnation which you insti tut-il ttirough your r?-|)r?*s?-ntatlv?*. wh? called at my home, that th.* sebOOl an tbOritles have s?"ii tit tO notify nie t? pre ? ni my (-??u for silmlss?eii ?While i feel grateful f??r ths mode, It so ins r?i.ifh?'iislhle thut SOOk a oourse should be itseesearjr? Thors an doubtless a host of oth.r little ehlldre** ?'ii th" Waiting li?t who arc nilHsltig the advantage? <?f tuition t?. which they aro enUtled, to say nottrdng of the many who an nteeivtag only part time tuition. There should be an iirgsnlssd move ment t<? remedj tins., conditions und im medlate stone taken t-. provide ssstlng a.?.?onitn.i?latl.?ns f,.r ,-v. ry <-hll.| ,,f school age, If it r.-'iuirr?. the leasing of every vacant store la th.- -dty, There thouM I??- no ?lisctlinlnalioi, ,,, th.- mca-ur.- Of Hi?' priVtlsgSO, u it Is u unfair to pnivid?' hutf time ??selon? t.. some ss it Is to .1, ny admission to others. Bach entails a ?e ri..iis iiandi? ap to tha poptl who la denied eaual advantagaa arlth other ?cholera with reaped t-. th>* time <if\ to their i . Bg JAMES W BEL-UNOER. New V..ill. N'ov IT.. ISIS. MR. STOVER AT WORK A Friend Tell* Detail? of Milling Com? mittioner'? Administration. TO Ih? Editor Of The Tribune. sir- In Hew of flu- unjust ? riti. ism a' thi,- tun?- dl ? ted agatna* Park Commis? : oner Btover, I would lik.- to point out th?- valuable aervkea Mr. Stover baa ren ; aa Commissioner of Parka of Man? hattan and Ri< hmond for th? last four \ -III s. N'.-.ei m m\ recollection has there h. on ?? Commissioner <.f Parks who has given the ?ervlce thai Mr. Btover has He is a . on? lentioua and untiring worker, I man of sincere convictiona beloved by all of hi fii.n-is and n>-work?rs, *>? ?tit in the department ?nd oui of It, of a kindly net m . and a i aluabl? - it:.*., n, His Interest In the chlldr? n and tha peo? ple ..-* the whole ? ity has been of years' ?landing, as hla unselfish devotion in so- I ? and humanitarian work amply treati? ses. During ins administration there have been developed thlrtj nem supervised play centres and sever?! children'? s.huol farm?, and thla without the purchase of an extra fool of ground by tha ?ity. Ha secured the ground bj appealing to th? priv?t? property owner? ?nd making avaii able the unuaed land owned by other city departments .\ bureau of recreation baa been established, with an administrative head, who devote? his cutir.- Um? to the subject in addition to playgrounds Ihe park? of tii>- city bav? been developed la an enlightened manner under Mr. Stover ?nd great Improvement? ami additions such ?a eemfort stations in Central Park, cowtroetlen of tiei.i houses, cea* tin. tion ?>f storag? yards, Inclosing centra plots on Broadway b?t?*een USth sad ISd streets construction of a new Co? lonlsl Park South, construction of John Jaj nui Columbua playgrounds construc? tion of dr.tins in the parks, new concrete bulkhead along th.- Bneedaray, Installation i.f water supply eystem in several parka cleaning up and making sightly and prac ti-.ii th.- stables in Central Park ami re placing Of gutters and walks Many of tin??- ttiiiiK.^ .1.? not appear readily to th?? ?jr. and have he.n done in an intellig<-nt manner and with very ttttl? coal to um city. 'I'll, re has been ?xtOUStV? replanting of trees In < entrai Park. Dying trees have been replaced ?ad foresight used in re planttag, so that the new trees will re? plie.- th.- .i.i go th.- ysara ge on. lust? of following the extravagant estimate? formerly mads f"r reaoillng Cen? tral Park. Mr. Mover has revived th.- .sol. in great area? by ploughing and replnntln? at :? fraction of the cost previously eon nscesaary Until ItlJ Mr. St..\er was unahle to get in Bpproprlatlon for laving of new per? manent roads in < '-ntral Park. In that year ins Brat appropriation w.?s obtained. and with that he laid a portion of the West Drive. With an additional appropriation, se? cured this year, he ha? completed paving the West Drive from r.Oth street tb 110th stn-et and lui?? pavad Itiverslde Prive from ISd street to lltth street. I say these things in Justice to a splen? did offleial and an uprlpht citizen JOSEPH M. PRICK New* York. Nov. :?:., IMS, ADDRESSES CHURCHILL CRITICS Correspondent Would A?k Tho?e Who Signed Open Letter Certain Question?. To the Kdltor of Th-*- Trlhune. Sir: Your editorial In yesterday's Issue eonoernlng Mr. Churchill raises" certain 'iu. which I Should like v. ry much t.? pi.i???? i. f..i.. y.nir raedora Has any on.- of th? geatlsSBSa who signed th.. open h-tt. r to Mayo,- K|??,. protesting against Mr ChurchlU'a i ?ap? pointment ever ?pent a full school day I in any o::.. or ?or? of the schools of New York Cltj .o win. h th.- ...mi.,,.,, iM-oni,. are ?ending thcr ?hi.'ben'' Fi**?w 9th9P> trlM can tins?*, gentlemen have fii :t h-md information regarding c-oadltions, fren which to ?lraw th? Ir i it' education is s preparation tot hSt, wh.< at?? th.- "expert educators," unies*! they t?e th?- "laymen,' who uro carrytsf on th?* world'? active work'' it is s pi- asui? i.? ? ? daily r, 11er ? f :,? ir editorial peg? ALFRED DeB. MAfOM Brooklyn, Nov. .".. 191:. A THEATRE TICKET SUGGESTION Correspondent Recommends Agenc** Plan Pursued in London. T-> th.- Editor oi une. Ml : In tl?>- < 'It) Of Lond tl? k, t m ay Im !? ii.-,*s ?.f theatr? ? and al ? - ?if ? ? t ? i > t r i?-t i iffices" ?? veniently located. All tick? ta ?r? ii?li| at the box ??Hi. -. s, w here t he purchassd at th.* stands other egende? the pui ? cts dea* gad I-"-.iti,m. the agenl by telephone per? chases the desired ti? sets, th? : drawn at the box ??Mice si ths eg? i" .'??. ''?.?al the ?? ..?t"M ? I paper clip ticket Indicating the dal i?er of sdmknlons and s? al numban at an advanced coot "f one shilling r Iks DOS "flicc price. All unsol-l -a'- ar" avallable at all times at all oBi Why may not this plan be Introducid in New fork" A s. H. Nee Fork, Mov. IS, IMS. THEATRE SHOULD PAY AGENCY Reader Thinks Latter s Accommodation Worth Something to Box Office. To ths Editor of The Tribune. sir: Theatre ticket sgsncie? davs, la boteis, etc. practically i ties, hut that th?- buyer should ray s "shave" on s ticket is not just. r??r on? nian who buys s tteki t ss . > nvenlessi there ST? < ;??!it OT niti.- who art induced to buy bacanes the ticket otBce la sssa Many a person who DOU crosses I 9SS$ loebi to buy would no! thmk of trudging 1 to the ho\ oftnv. Thus, it is the theatr- thai ?bOUM PSf th?? sgent a fc>* for ?selling? ;is " -s t*1* theatre that increases it? | placing Its tickets where I of acc.-ss. JOHN B. LIVINOBTONl ?New York. Nov. 21, 1913. Mr. Barnes an Obstacle to Republican Success. I'limi The Itica Press: A cuiitributlon to th?? ?it. ratui? 01 cur? rent Republican politics thai wut less srldely r?a,i srs th? lettei of ward h. Bdwards, of (Ms dty, to PI lip I tent <"ok. president of the NOU Veil; Young Ket.uhlu-aii ?'lub, which ? ?'? ; in this naper featerday morning. -****r BSderards DnsQnlvocaily declared tiiat hi was in favor of the elimination sf ? names as the leader <?t the party Is ti?* state and express?-,I th-- confident opin? ion that !>*> p.-r ,-. nt ..I the Ri 1 '"? were of the same nun.I. There COB hi ** doubt of th ? eccurac) of hi? ?tawaasal or his Judgment . . . The Barnes leadership StSndl tot *** success of bossism. and In the pui HlM ?"? its object it has be.n ?rilling 10 s.c ii-ic* party sshmom conndanl thai M ttoofs fare better with th.- same leadership l**? Dsmeetratk aemlnlstration than " woU''* with its own party In power undei nt* ami progressive auspi. < . Heitrce it]' Marnes leader-hip has been an 0 -ta? ' t<? ?RepubUcaa see? m ol th? right *>rt' It has ruptured? the part) rent It ?? twain, it was leadership oi th? ***X*?L\ variety thai led up to and caused th? *-p"" at the Chicago convention lasl year was counsel from leadership <?f the ***n1 variety that ?aus.?! the sdmlntstiwj of Mr. Taft to ?I. pgVi from th? of policies tnat were then ?successful ????* if penned would probabl) hav? *** tinned him In ofti?-?- Mr ?Bdwsrds ****? neterl_e.s the leadership of Mr. Harnes?* ??destructive.'' Ths faithfulness sf t! characterization is attested by th? ?***" ord. it is no wonder that the ?etnsM** the elimination of Mr. Barnes la ?*" **S eral ami that K per ??? -nt "t th? Re*2? licans. as Mr. fcl wards says, takt *?* vi.w ?.f th.- mettre.