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GLADYS ROOSEVELT BECOMES MRS. DICK Ceremony in St. Bartholo? mew's, in Presence of Relatives and Friends. EDITH LOGAN BRIDE OF D. W. DILWORTH Wedding of Eleanor Hinton and Delavan M. Baldwin Takes Place in St. George's. irtholome? s ? 'horch a ? ???i of the ?redding I \; - '""?-*? volt, daughter of M-it. m Palrman R ? Mr. end Mis _vana R. Dick. ? ecorat? d rimplj with chrysanthemum?, grouped ibeut i my war ? '?? I " Bidnej Usher L th. ? .;v. end ? few The bride, who ?as escorted to the at t?r by her father, ?rore a gown of white latin with a i '?? ' e of point lace ?nd a Lg (,; inged with ? ?p . ffect ? was of lilies. ot-th?-vali?-v Lj ?sit? orchid? Mrs. Btuyvesant ? ? .-t the bridegroom, was matron of hoi ? -i Misa Jean Row? ? r "l the bride, muni of honor. alike i-i white eatbi brocade (Ton an?; j ?j.y i ? hats of white ? Ink and bord? red with ? on R. Dick, |i wa beat man. and the us1 ? BtU) i. asnl Fish, jr.. ge iSmlen Rooa? - D. Grant, J. Austin AnK-r> N !. Tilney and A. S Mather. \ rmall re-ceptlon followed at the home of Mr. Roosevelt, No, Ml nue . thos? : vu .i wer? Mr. and Mra ?Mderick Rooaevelt, Mis. Jamee Rocea . Mrs. Jamea A. Rooee*,? II Mr and Mrs, Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., ? It, Dr. and Mrs. Richard Mi and Mis Bvans R Dick, Mi ?. Eva.-..- l; Dick. Jr., Jlr. and Mrs. Lang Ms Oeer, Mi and Mn Julian Dick, Mr. A?s?.n W. Hard, Mi. and Mrs. - ? Mr and Mrs. _dward C. pottT. Jr. Mia? Ina K ? Kli.-< Ladew. Mica .'vie Watson. Mr. and Mra. i M. intt. Mr. and Mi ? Do Mr. and Mrs Mi and Mi a. Fr-ederii k < ;. j Mr and Mn I Bf-fore a large and faahlonabl? gather? \ ghter of Mn John A I In Bt Thomas'? ? "hurch : - W. Dilworth. son ot Mi ai I Mr*- lMe*,*h R. DUworth. '1 he .han.-. I ter .di? a and nus. Thf bride entered the church w brother. .Ir-:.:. A Logan, wl e d in w lute ?atin ; with a court train, with which ah? nt la :.?i White . only o: -??> band oi | Manonda hi. und Bt Paul de Binca] a |OWn was ? of i?ir.k ? ? B :nii.ant tunic ol j ??(?:d he f with wrii<**h ?;.<? *???'? jf. htewn tulle, with ? loi of the Uta* a ati - ai t > * ? i a mull ol kytma tu ??? fi on ?nd yellow orchids The otl wen Misa Voulettl Pro Un Mlsi : .1 Miss M..r. ? Th? j w? eaaed alike In with minaret lunl I cold hue. Thej h were ..i Tail William De Fon -* Ma < wa? ? < al lOOt nil' I 11 Barth, : Begi Robert . ? .. i.. . Al thui l ? n?r. J. .Ma- y Wlllel Hint;. - ? h. 11 a ? O'Brli The ? i : . :: '.,,'. v. rnest ML Stires, and tion f?. lowed at th? home of M No |7 West -r-''<ii atreet, which was I iecorat. "-.merican Beaal with i.h.s Mr Dl woi th ?nd his bride will apend | U.4.: ,,,n m the South, ami on .-, ill slay for a short unie With Mr.-. Logan. They will ma. ? land. - -i at the Church were pa )< : a a Logen, b . Mr. and Mra worth Mrs i... ?renca IH forth, .ichn *j. A Let?bman, formel am ? Ueadoi, Mr. and Ml - John Q A. ..;, jr.. Mrs George Jay Gould kr-s. Anthony J. Dresel, ft . Mra -lay Gould, Mrs. lluhert Vos. Mis. Edwin Gould. Mra Georg? i. Bhrady, Mr?. Herman oelri? ha Mra Fred?rlch Devlea kr. und Mrs. Oliver Harrlraan, Mr and kr? j. w. Alexander, Mr. and Mis. T. k. Carnegie, jr.. Mra Frederick Bdey. Hit* Julia ] Uta W. K doctor. Miss Mildred Rive?, Mra Oouverntur Kortrij*ht. Mr. and Mra Giori,,. Rose, Mr. and Mr? William Mr?. William J?- Forest Mam.?-. kr.^ari'i - ? Pel In Mr. and Mr?. Prank I. Polk, Mra Fr?derlc Neilaon, ***?? Stephen H. Brown, Mrs. Charlea ?* Alexi 1er Mra Franela Burrsll Hoir- j ??in. Mi .o. i D B Pratt, Mrs ; w ing. s Bryca Wing, Mrs. C. Paa Hudsoi Mlsi bi -ui.i Bros n, Misa ''m tis. Miss Maiie Taller. Kathrvne ?*'e*l?. M,-. Hope Hamilton, Mra Roger *?' Mlnton, Mrs. J Allen Townaend, arle? <;. Ayre?, Mr. and Mrs. II. ** Beb? Frank Washburn *** W. u hltewrighl Watson alisa blleanor Hinton, daughter ol Mr *"? Bra Alfred Pool Hinton, was man '!'"? to DtUvan M Baldwin, of thla |'.!u* >? ? tei noon In Bt <;? or?? - Uur,K i decorated with ?.alms themuma Tha Rev 9**t Heiland |-erformed the ceremony. ?kjek *u roHowed by a small r?ception '! ,h' ?""'? ol Mr. and Mi i Hinton, No ?treet. The bride, who iy by her father, won - '^n '?' * hit? .san,, ("rimmed with eld tull"1 '*" '' "' "IM'"<'' ''lossoru?- and a , ;'*" ''" ??!.- carried llllee_of-tha val? P *?*" "? iitebel inn M" *HH ?"? ?ister'i maid of honor, and lt* ?eahel Hinton, Miss Rocina fm* Roth nankin?, Miss n.,i.,i!iv Balls* i EZlJ* Baldwin Hii.i Mis? P****y DomlnU-k were th? bridesmaid-? *tr.;,i<i oi - dressed in yellow '?' ehine. with hat of brown x ma ??Is wore yellow ? ?. with u- heH <.f drown tlt "?"? ?"'?** "f brov n velvet trimmed i?2 ?w" '""":,r"1 *,|r ')'1"' ??""?'i'1 i i ..mi n i- .,! yellow rose** n)*h g. Baldwin, ?,f the M DEWEES \V. DILWORTIT. bi groom, was best man, and th? ushers wen M rtln 8 John P Ran William !?'. Lawi n, Morris Qrores, Bhel I n . ' Baldwin. Ai't.r their weddll and Mrs. their I ? East 70th si ?? daj ? as of erford, daught? r or Mm William All} . rd, to Hir ne) whlcl took ? mother, No. 121 Wesl ? i ? ',,. bi Ida, who was ? * . . |,\ !.? i I |*Oth? : . ' h.i- ? I Bl . h n of white .-hat tr,. us? . . mbroidi red In p> si is and trimm? ? . Un iiar Wllllama ?? ? on "f honor in place ?? Mn Rufui M Qibbi of Baltl o stt? H.' "ii ac ? ? fai Mi Will ivn ? if t:old l,r I Su os? - Mra Hungei - ford, i? k satin I ?:)? K. I bl? d the i .i. Hai v. ) \\ ii R w ? i.'it and Edmund Kirk .-.,,, i..i.,,,o b P.. . N ? .-? ? ? oi St Bt< pi h, and a ?mall : l follow? ,i Among : Is wer? Mr and M *_ Oeoi g< I-*. Blackwell, Mi and Mi ?. ' ii-?i l. . Mis. 11. Mort. i,..?!, Mr Mr? Walthi Mi and Mr? A. A ' on ? -. Mi .".-i Mi t-dward Hun ... Ilddlebn ok, Alton \ ictor w ? ? . MANY BUD RECEPTIONS Debutantes Also Introduced at Dances and Teas. ? W? st in the receiving [all, Mis? P Kra . m v. i.vsi . Jo W II Ii, I. : i Ei Mi - i '..i i Mull? ?- gave ? reception i - terda - her home, No ? Wesi ? ? ? i .leimt of h? r 1er, Mlm Margaret Muller, Miss M?ller, who wore s gown <?! spricol <oi ored satin, w? assisted In ?receiving b) Mir? Bv< Ij n S< ?tt, Misa Mildr? d ?Dennis, Rhode Tani i ? and Misa Jan? t Whit Mrs Charit rill glv? ? small Ighl at i,, i country place, Bun ridge Hail, Weetbury, ?Long Island, to Introd - daughtei ICathr) ne Bt? ele. Mn i:ili?.t Wane,, will glv? a lunch? on to-ds ??' her house, No, Bl *w*. ?t ISih street, t?>r Miss Dorothy An nte daughter of l>r. an-t Mi., w ?in.un B And? rtoa Mra i-'!,,i-ii?k Kernochan, Mra ?Hood hue ?Livingston, Mn Ollvei Qould Jen Mrs. Herbert M, Harrtman, Mit* . ;-.,it?,ii H Pj ne, Mra Han y i'a> ne Whitnej and Mi Id ' Vanderblit u ? -?en in charge of the Charity Ball al the Rlts-Cariton on Mon : ight, II la for th? b.It of the | ?,-A . |,.u ,,t NO. K!> ?'.-?lar ?i.. . ? |j| - dinners win be given i?n viou? to th? entertainment, t<? which the hostescea will afterward tak? on their Mr and Mra Quetav E Kiss? I will re? turn to ?town for th? ?m Morrle to? n, N, .i . on Moi d Miss Katharini F" Culbert, daught? r bl ni mi... William Ledlle Culbert, ol No n i..,?t :.;iii street, will be Intro? duced to i.<> ?l ?? i" i1""" this after lioi'll Mi- ? Bi im ?1 v Big* ?"'?? ? 'H gie? :1 rf" ...ptii.n this often.n sibber house. No. 130 Kapi ?Kth street, to Introduced Miss K .tin, rlni l'a Wllm? rdlng. Mis William I." Waid, "I No. 1-' \\?-si 7'?t h stre.-t, win Introduce her daughter, Miss Vlpglnla i sntr? Ward, at ptiotl thil ait?tii""li. BULL HEIRS GET $10.000.000. j K;,eii... w is . Nov j:, Th. V. ,11 of Stephen Bull, -? '? ho died ? week a?--.., wns iii'-d for probate here to-day, The raluatkm of th? estate is setlmated al $iii,i.k.,1 .-i Th? ,,ni bequesl t.. charlteM? Iturtltutloi ? "' BMM to s h,, .?i orphan asylum. Th? bulk of the prop. ert) ?ras ^mn i" Ihre? daughter? uni on. son JAMES H. HYDE MARRIED Bride Is the Widowed Daughter of John G. A. Lcishman. I B) - I'.; i :- NoV, ."- .I:gn. - i : . Louia de Gontaut Biro were ? i to-day in I'uris. the cli II e being celebrated at ( ol the - ? ? ?? .... ,, :.-r ri.?-- bride \ > i e her brol the Due de B. Lehr, tho ?' the bridegroom being M ron T 11? r i i.*k. Atnei lean Ambasaa? 11? in-, i it-w s. 1i The religio.- ? ? ??? t..ok pia< ? the Am? i i an ? 'hur? h of the He the Rev I >r S ..... W .-i-.. .? i., th? abe? : . ? in ti.- i nit .1 st..i.? of John t ; ,\ i.? i-1 ? .?? rather ol the bride, thi It? ? ? l na- ?i?- . 'ro? ai -i w..-? ...|. nd? I h I t On ? i a iKign) ' ? Natividad T?r i :? Ami a; sau...- was In LYNEN ?FAIRBANKS. Passalc, N. .1 . v. ? M ??"airt.ariks. .Imiiii.l.r oi Ml an.I i red? ri< k P Falrbanka, of No I ? " *..n a . < nue a.. man I? d t>- nlghl to George 11 I. i ? ? of Pa Bii hrlechl performed bj I H ird W B Btryker, of Wheeling, W l"a I ? ? Ri ? w i lordon Bt nth .. ? ? t --f BI John'a Bpiacopal i hurch I y, at 81 ? Church ? ? : Bingham, of Brooklyn 1 ? were Doroth) Barlow, of l'a* aie M irlel Brokaw, ..f Chatham; Oliv? Whitman, ?>f ? I Ma rlon Whll : ' ? ? \...ik W Blagdon Falrbai the bride, ?.i i ' . i I TI ? uaheri Gerald Whitman, "f ,\. -.? s, orK. .- -i i. rlei Hum? i-hi. ? g, nf thla di y. Beca death "i Mi I s? n'a 1 lh< wed? ding w as a n del ?? ? Onl) -n- mix i ? ?? Imm?diat? are ? -m STEPHEN SON?ZABRISKIE. ? HackenMi k, f" i . Soi 1 bi wedding wi led ' m a B-1 i,i,,i Reformed Church her? this evening ? h< n the Re? Di v" n loh? on mai - i led Miss Kflle i 'onstsni ?? Kabi ? daughtei -.f Mis i orneliua i / ibi lakle, ol Hackern ack and Raj muid William? Btephenaon, ol New "fork He w?i as? sist...! i.v th?- Rev Adelbi 11 < 'hapman, "i ? alvaiy Hal-tist 'hurch 'I'll- hi i-a was attii.d m White -liai linns.', Wltl? tUll? .ni.i pearl trimming Bh? carried whlti Viol.-Is Miss Florence Bt John wa? the maul >.f ! ..? DT, and tie- hi nle.-m.i ids w. I ?? ?M Miss.s Lillian Dougherty, "i ll.ok-i. Lillian Rueckhelm, oi Chicago; Natalia ic "?er, of Vickaburg, Mis?. and Mar? garetta Holmana, of New fork Con? stau-.. Zabrlskle, th? two-year-old niece of the bride, daughter of Mr. and Mra Frederick C Zabrlskle, was tie Bowei girl Th? bride belong? t.. one ..t Hack? n hack's oui. st and wealthiest famllk Bh? la a aeoond ?ousts of Mis Mar) B. Lili. deceased, who died al bei home, No i^j Riverside Drive, New York City, on Ma] 23, leaving the bulk of an .state ..t 16,000 - Ml to Columbia College, Rutgen College and the Reformed Church ol Ann i lea ? VANDERBILT PLANS SALE Will Dispose of Surplus Stock of Horses at Newport. : B T.-ii i'iii '. i- Th? TribOBi | Newport, Nov. l'.'.. For the pur] si disposing of some of the eurplua atoch of horses .t Oakland Farm, Alfred ?; Van ?.eri'it has announced an auction for De? cember :i. Thi? will le th. third annual hors? sale at the farm Mra Jaunes Oreevenor, who hai beei ti rued of Misa Hose a. Qrcovnor, has re lui ne I to N'.-w Voik Mr. and Mr*. Henry a C. Taylor have gone to New Vork for the winter In. and Mrs. S. C. row. 11 are in N?W Haven on a Vtell lalwanl C Knight has r. turned to New fork aftei apendlnga fea dayael Clarea? don Court. Mr Knight .?.te<i as god? father at tin- christealng of tha child of his son-ln-law and deoghter, Ml an 1 Mi.. BMne) ? Colford, ji Soldiers to Play Wild West. A Wild West show Will be t-'it.n ,.ii Thius.ia.v. Frida) :""1 Bal urda > by the :,i Battalion Field Anillen si mth etreei and Franklin avenue Th? Bronx. A staK- coac'i hold-up Will be OBe Of tin many features of th*? two-a-day perform* saeea SAD FATE OF A CARELESS SIREN Very Amusingly Set Forth in "The Mislead? ing Lady." SHE DARED A VICTM TO BE A CAVE-MAN And He Surprised Her by Carry^ in**- Her Off lively Farce Well Acted. "The Mlal? sdh s L-adj " \ i la: by ? '?a,1, s Ooddard and Ps I Dk kej Al th? Pulton, THR CAST 1 ? - ' ..illt-n Lewll * Sinno ! '"'''' * ' ?ni ? II .William n s?m? " '? rnu*e) . i: i--..., i ? . . i,. -, Stephen VVeatherbee.!,.|,n rumber ? K. rltspatrlek. i;- .... Butt? .Flunk S,: . '< Im MrManoi . vu,, rt ??II ?"**?*?*. . m Merrill . ?;.... i .-..,?' ? M';- " ft? ??!' . |non Ru? k Urs tohi '-? ? \,i.. \\|?.. Jone u. ntworth . . ? ,\ n,,,,, ?Vl '?' '""-'' ' lane Q_lnn BuehsnS? .Friin,?-!? Savap,' a fresh, Ingenious, melodramatl? full "f hninor Snd surpris?-?, ?as ptSjed si the i'it. -i TI ? i enlng. it true The Mlsleadinc l-edy." bj Mr, Qodderd si ?i Mi Paul Dick). of the authors of The Gho**l snd of it- llv? ly. una worth leeini house part? on th? u ?? Hudson, and Miss Helen Bte? ? ? ?- one of the guests 8h< wss a very attractive young woman, snd ?ranted to be an art? tre.?.??. on?* of the men guests in th lions?* ?ras a pis; writer, snd the leading pan m ins play was thai of ? ?Iren. Miss Stride wonted t" ?play the part, but no body thought sh, "nad it in her/' So they mad.- ? waiter, according to whi?-h she was t" exhibit her arts on i"nn? Mr .ia?k Craigen, another of th?* ? Mr ' 'rali. ? heck from Pata gonla .-i,,,! suppoeed to i.?- ? s>.rt of dia? mond In the rough. The fill I only tOO Wl II, and ? the ?imple ?trangei I > I ? feet with ' omplete i ucees? and I ? oth.-r guesta popp? i then -, id? ? rougl ?I? " is Snd ? Ill I ?ins In f un.- t" I ? propos? Salur I ? Mr Craigen was not snd h? ret ? M lag so . le I'-, her llghtmlndedi - H" tOOk In ? S .In u.t .?poi tin'-' spirit, bul objected rather bltterl) t-? ths oust tted s none ? oman of M ttracl to 1 him all the i : Imltlvs if do? marked batteries of box, whde it did nol p? -nt him to u ?? ? m ms w< apon, hl? . ? . ? m ended del ? .- quiet, but foie, fid ?/oui lust s bo t starting at the mom? ni i le ;ii>?? ? ? ? ,? h? d to ssy Ihr? ? the gil he,?,?, end ?? ? tbers i nsh In Just In Urn? In ths distant*? la f? Ils. The I ? ?h-ondsi k csbln, In th Juei light oi M i '.kink- through tn. It te to tf pot thai ? brought i ' ? ? it her ? .. : : Sdl is, ?I I ... 1 the i thon ed I with enull to leed the . . .....; ? ? f from the of th? no? relentlei ? ? ' evs ' . ' i." an ? of a nelghhorln BUP . . . and Oth? i Bl f th? Mr Krank m. usuel ton? le In the ? on Ing of ? . I th? wt> II ?ingli I th? "Mai s.-iiiai- ' to allun ? ? karg?. And under all tl e .?.? n ? ontii?.-,, mi. .i solid n ? lodi a from? ""ik?for Mr. < id don? a rather unronventtonal thins and oeopk u. | ,- ?It, I him ? 111, h k. < I -, ta ii ,,i d ti oroughl) ali? .? a gn at d<.. of '? ? rath? r ? i ii ity of these ? In the end me rebellion In n ?- happily tarn? d la due to tn. g? ling "i Mi !?? s I Bton? at tbe cave man .inn Misa In? as the -ii I Ml Stone s i ipp slway? authoritative and .?i ,.,-,. quiet ami vivid in t le mon melodramatic moments snd ca? i ) Ing ell his sen ne? with I with )usl the right Uni? h ol , and patronizing humor, II rough stural ?-?? nil.m.n,?n,, regard f"i h? i slway? were re? vealed it ?as a finished performance, ?rltn the pi? rant suggestion "i a civil? ize.i p. i ?.,i sill i" hind II Mi.s Buck ?iso played ?with such ?-"??'l taste an.i sim ei It) that the moi - tn ous ?cenea In the Adirondack <*a np had a most 'a*" the quellt) >.f far.-.- si times than "f light comedy The ol - M.-re capable snd the whole performance distinct!) ? ntertalnlns A ? THIRD WEEK OF OPERA "Lol-en-rrin" To Be Mond.ay Bill ?To Sing "Tosca" Saturday. ? Lohengrin" ?rill open the ?l week of the Metropolitan ?apera season Monde) nlghl "i'n Hail" in Meechere" will be 1.1. .t'd Wtdneada) evening. "Siegfried" ???ill he Thuredej ?svenlng*? oi ara, with PTemsted, t ?her, Alton, Vi ins. OrlswoM, Retes, Qotits and Ruyedael ii.rt will conduct ?'avail, ri.? Ruotlcana" and "Pagliaccl" ?ni i.. sung "n in.i?-, night In the former will be I ?? stinn, Inn-Inn?-. Mini bourg, Crietalll nn?i Qllly. The east or th.- latter ?.?. ill lie lUd? H'" i. CSrUSO, i Amato, Reechlgllaa and ?Bada. Pelaceo n ill conduct ?both "i" ra? I.,- cunt.s tTHoffrnann*' ?ill be tin Satmda?. matin?' I ill. Wltb Hemp. I Aula, hei flrsl app? sranc? ? - ? llulletta; Hon. M a ni? ours, Buchene, J?rn, Ollly, Rothler, i?.-s._iit"ia. DMor, u? Isa, Rada, Re? higlian, Rossi, ?Segu? and R ij ad ?? : Pola?.??> will oondu?t "T-jeca*' "in '"? -lv"1 ?Hturoaj nlghl (,,,? Ui_ I,, n.lit "f tl?? Italian Mem ?.?>!? nt Instil t.- and Hospital, the cast Including lanar Maubourg, MartineUl Bcottl, ROSO!, Hada. I'it 1?'"I-i. B?gU? and Toocantnl ?rill ?"?odeet loss. Ilotniaim ?ill I?'''- at Um Bunde) Sight ? ?itie.rt MiSS l.onlse '"X and 1'a.s nual? Amato will alng The s?tira opera on i,,rstra will ke ?Mreetei i?y lUehard I Hsgemaa, RUSSIAN MUSIC NOW THE VOGUE Concert of Mme. Alda Proves Best on Its externals. I LA FORGE FURNISHES ARTISTIC HIGHLIGHT lle-st Tribute to Slavic Peoples Given in Recital by Bromberg. itina ?' ?* m wi .V w "i ? ? ? ' ? t WOUld I a- ? I- -n ? them \ ith anything In the character of ?i ..-ir pagan an? - ?tor? l ? third da) of th? week the repr ?entative of hurmony when he was worshipped, and isle do? ? ??? necesaai M hsrmon ? tl enw of a de. ade or so mual ? ? day tins ire? ?% ad ?o ? thai "ii" mis ? have I oyok,* a ilion ..'.-i f at II me ml song 11?-, I) ric and Inati imeatal, bul ?.us always and only. Th.- opera ? _ the n- ?r ? van ? i - .? - old in this town. . : English used the day to ? ? ?? If n?ir table) ' the Al? van.Irian ? ? . '! .I-..1 in Mas Ml .1" ? : Hi ? , i ..\ ?? *.. thl of v Irtuo o piano fort? mlrnhl? ting an artlsl Mr. i ar) tone, ? ho alna? w ?-il. bul ha i not Ii that he nas no ? m ? r.. .tal in the afternoon. Mn ? . es In) command* .. i ?? ? ? w hi h have little t.. o.- ? ipai ty, ? ? . m the evening, and under condition? modeal In and not objectionably ob i. vi i....... . - i, and Oi-' R Orch**stra strove to make . ic of th? lai .1 ot th? ' '/.m- m ultan?.- il bul In i b - in th? - enlni N'.. .1 ubi all of th.*.s<- -.? rencea mut ht t-. ? ntertaln ?omebod y If th? world'? Interest In other Bo there must be mod? i ? ind discrimination. Mme Alda'a audii m ?? a oii.i mi ... ?..- . , , njoy ov? i iga n i i pretty i atei nal incid? ni- In an account ol them than to be loi.i how much more entertaining th?) w?n than her alnfftng and now the artistic high the affair were th.-s. provided by the accompaniment ol Mr La Porga and the violoncello playing of Mr. Ca sini. s.- f.-i bearam a ii? a becons - a ;. Mi vu-, iiui.-i has become ao ? i with the notion that R music is summed up In tha miscalled "Pathetic ' aytnphony b) Tschaikowaky thai aincere admirera of tha composition? of the Muscovltea ?re Inclined t.. Habt ?by ..i hla national com - its, for I ?? ?s mphonie Path?tique" has long bet n, not a patriotic preachment, bul a plago? from which ordin?r) concert-goera would I.?- ^ia?i of deliversnc? for a period Laat nlghl Mr Alts? huier made a ?riser effort at propag?ndi?m by producing s dainty novelt) b) J??ra?f?H neither Finnish, . Russian, bul charming si .1 ai*-., a proper, though unfortunate one. In per? mitting Maurice Warner to pla) the Qlasouno? violin concerto Thla failed of its purpooe becauM it was not autt> ? i? nii\ well played. ?m the whole, the beet tribute to Rus? tan an was that paid by Mr. Bromberg at his modi st recital In Rumford u ill, Mr. Bromberg asng folkaonga ami art . t.,1.1 hearer.? BOOMthlng ahout their meaning In Introductory remarks, and mat h more by einging them with ? good volea and nice appreciation of their beauty. Th?l b?auty la grast; uniqoeiy ?o m the e?s? ol tha folkaonga and al? most :-o m the casa "i tha art aonga Thank beeven for the unspoiled element m Russian s*""-! n iv K. WHAT IS GOING ON TO-DAY. 1 i.. ,.!iiu -i.-ii ??- ll>? American Musiiim of Saturai in.-'.-:' Metropolitan Muai Ait. N' :\ '.'" /."->I"-*I' .?I Peril Van i'.,;.. ? |.,,i?. \iii?"uiii ?ai n.- aquarium ? it] t'laaaina Bshlbitl**?, Pubtk ufaran Build? ins*, fifth ??-' a?a aad i.i street l'ut.ii.- lecture? at tha Board >.f Education, 1:11 |. m Msahattaa Pufallu s, i,,? | -,.,. vv- -t Houston --i"ei. sear Vartck, Th? i>. pert.m ot t'ot.????? ???i.i Labor," John V. w is!., en ii. ? '? ii"..i lui. iinii .?n.-. m -i of Ursiustot) ?veau? "Th< Philippine i>: na? It public s. ii?...i !?? p..n. itt-eet, ?>Ki ..r Irnrt-n-dain avenu?. "Hlnduatan and th? Himalaya?.' Hunt?) A. Hunter; Cooper Unloo. Third avenu? .ml Ith atreet, "Patotlag In Kram**,'1 "-.lexandei i v .oi L_er; Ba*l Bide Hous? s. hi, ni.-m. *?it*i tu-, i ?nd EmI in--?. "Our Educational ?nd I .Iterar] H?ritas? Dr, \orm p MaeVay; v M .'. a Hall. No .? Weal 13th ?treel, ? n-. n ? Brand," ?ic, Profaasor j ?j. carur 'i roes 'NEW FIELDER IN JERSEY First Baby To Be Named After Governor-elect. : Frem ? StHfY CtrrtUpUttAmUt "f Ti;? Plbtiat.l Trenton, Nov. :*.".?i;?ivern?.r-*'i?-''t James P*. Fielder went a step nearer to tlit-* Hall of Fame to-day when bel received ? letter saying thai s baby had been named for him at Chats worth. Ths baby is James ?Fielder Gerber, and was horn >>n ?Election Day, .?-?> the fond father wrote the OoVemOT- I elect Mr Fi.-ider will not i.? Inaugurated for two months yet, and from th.- looks of things bis name will be as popular for babies as President Wilson'? wael ', a hen he was Oovernor. ?MASSENET'S 'THAIS' | SUNG AT CENTURY ! Lois Ewell Appears as Alexan drian Courtesan at First Kn?-?sh Performance. 'i,-.,. ol M< xandria ha? p..I through man) m?tamorphos?e, hut th?? strenges! 'of ail ?re? th? on? ah? ac rompliahed lesl night, when ?h? found herself einging in s language which thel ?lanegemenl .?t th? Century Opera ?"om-1 ? SSBOVOd nt wan _n_gttel_ Truly. I i the aatonlshed public might i r) 'Thais. I thou srt transleted!" Trsnelated. In-1 deed, ?he wss from Miss Mar) Oarden ! to Mi?s (?well, from Muni'" Re ? o, i.ens Kreldler, ''rom Charleo! ' . ?'? Oustsv M. i gman ' 1 ? '. taken all In all. las? night's j "Thais \?as int at all a had perform if only there could be left out of, ml th.* extraordin?r) Jargon which! was ?upposed to h?' oui ?beloved native ii ?pial-. ., good deal of it was unintelligible; for this relief we have p? ! - . ii,. patriotic feeling of th.* ?Ingen ! to thank, for s?it?-l\ even Kmt rieran artists love the language of their youth. If, ho?V .bo- to i" i onstdered se? ll) ,n their attempt tO giV? to the public ii]"-r.i In English, 111 ? ? \ must "p.ra In Knis'lism The.? fslled to do so. last night. Miss Ewell'? Thai? waa a rail,er gentle ifter the panther oi Miss Oarden; she sang , the music far better than did her mor?* ; faino is n\ al. and In ill hi ? tnti ?? attire that rival ? as run a ?i?*a?i heat. Mr. Kreldler'? Athanael was far ; and SWS)' Ihe beSl thing h?* has do;.- ?0 ? fa i at th? Century, it was ? very cart? ful st id-., both m make-up snd In enact? ment, of the m? n performance ??f Mau? rice Itenaud bul In this case e good copy lia much better than s medio i>- rreation. ' Mi Bergman's Nieta? mue an excellent 'portrait of the Alexandrian voluptuary, I . the -m.?ii ?parts snd the .horns were ?de? late, th.- ?cener) more than that. : Air H tend i el < -ondu? t.-,| Thai? is a very popular lady, ?a many of h.r ??.it have Men lioth In life ami afterward; when, like Salome snd l??--' the) have descended, veritable avatars, upon th? stage tnd Jules Massenet wn? ? man of th? theatn ? me ill hi.* Head ; ml as dear i. I Vision as ?Ver Were Sei ll'e Or SiidoU. , ii.- knee hli public loved perfumee, ami In sprinkled his score? with rose wster i m.til he became tie most popular musl clan in ail France There is plent) of rose water m "Thais," even if then ? Ino rose? Last night's audience was s ; : lt*g? "m. _ OPERA DATES REARRANGED Public Demand Causes Change in Century Schedule. Th? \1"' n? ha?. ? aim.I , d ?nothei re ? ,-llt 1,1" ?lie S'il, dille of Ope, ., ihe Century Opera House. Owing i<> the demand for a repetition of certain operas, ii,. ? e'ltiii-y i ipera ? 'ompen) u 111 pi a for the we.-k beginning Tuesdey, Decem? ber :'?". '-a Boh?me, ' matead of ' Manon.'' The latter win i,e .?.uni, during the week of Januen -' Tha ?week beginning lanu .ii \ | "The Ta!, s of Hoffmann" will i?e repeated. Th? reel of th? programme of operas announced up t?? March M will remain unchanged. The Tales of Hoffmann" tik.-s th? place ??i' "Mignon." which op .,.. ? production nil! be announced later, To Protect Liberty Bell. The idea of tHkm_ th? Libert] B< n from its resting piece in Independence Hail. , ?Philadelphia, aer?os ti?-- eontlneal to th? Panama Bapoeitlon at ?tan Francisco, ?. ,,, ?i"t appeal t<? member? ?>f Huguenot [chaptSTi Danghtsrs af th?-- Revolution, | In New- R??, In II?- Miss Kath'-i in?- J I '. i ? arviiie. th?' regent, is circulating a peti? tion in that city, Bsktng th.- Mayor, the getect and Common Council? of Phlladet | phla to vet.? the plan. 1 ? Su?-h a fourn?i>y,'' the petition i***eltes, i -will emianBer the safety of this sacred I relic .f American liberty. Therefoee, w? i, sp. ,-ti Uli) petition that tin- lull may he forever kept In the ?acred shnne where Ha voice lirst .sound?-?!." MRS. BURDEN QUITS LENOX Sells Under Ledge to Misa Olivia E. Phelps Stoke3. '[My T Ip-jra-ili ro Tiro Trihur**.. " isnox, Nov. 2". Miss Olivia K. Phelpa BtOkea ?* New- *i ork. has bought Inder I>dKe. the country placo of Mrs. Joseph W. Burden, of New *iork. The property comprise? about six acres, and is assessed for I20.MS. Miss Stokes will make l,enox ber summer home in the future Mr?. Burden baa toassd ? country place in Hernardstiu.. N. .'.. Mr. and Mrs. ?lark <l. Voorhees have returned to l.v tue. i'onn. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Ja ne way have returned to the lied I.ion Inn. ?stoik hrldge. from New* York. Mr. and Mrs. I*. J. Wynkoop. of New York, are also at the Red I.ion Inn. Dr. and Mrs. Henrv 1". .Jaunes will leave here to-morrow for Milton. Mass. George PoDeck returned to New York to-<la* . Mr. and Mrs. Havard I', lav iiif-ston. jr.. have pone to Philadelphia to pass Thanksgiving with Mis. .lohn Striithers. Miss Adele Kr.eeland is a ?nest of Mrs. John *-'. Harne.?: in N.-vv York. Miss Kmily Tinkcrman. or Washing/ton. has arrived at her <ou:itr\ | 1 -., .- m .Sto.k brMge. Miss o?rtrude Par?a* is vtattlag Mrs. Samuel Frothlngbam at overlee. W. Rowoe Benaal bas joined Mrs. Hon ??I at th? Kinriicut villa. PIANIST CHARMS HEARERS Josef Hofmann Shows Master Touch in Recital. Buch i- th.- plethora of ptanlottc rieb?? with which this . ii- h?. nt:. ?howered thai it ;- only th? greatest .if artists wlm , an hop? for an. genefOU? measure ..f support. J.-sef Hofmann la on? <>f these fear, a fa.t ?buadaatly testified tu by the large audience whi? h ?rreeted him at his second plane recital yesterday afternoon in ?ar n?>Kle Hall. Yet ?ven Mr. Hofmann ? ould not h.l that auditorium to it? rapacity; surelv ., most emphatic ?videnOO of our present pianist!?- oversupidv. Mr. Hofmann was quite in the vein, and hla choice of a fioethoven-Srhumann LlSSt proi?ramm- Rave him opportunity to display all that lis art POS??????, both <>n the side of th.- virtuoso and on that of the poetic Interpreter. Those who were fort-mate enough to h.-ar him play th.- adagio '?' Boethoven'e Sonata Op teg, ber? awav with them r.n lneffaoeabl-i mem. iv of poetic i>auty, OBITUARY. SIR ROBERT S. BALL. London. Nov. -> Mr Robert staweii Had. Lowndean professor of astronomy at Cambridge University and for the last twenty-one yean director of the cam bridge Observatory, died UMlay at the age of eev?ntj -three Sir Robert Hall was bora in Dublin. 11. w .s ptof?MBOr <>f astronomy in the University of Dublin and astronomer royal of Inland from 1*71 to UK, and wa- knighted on January -?">. MU. H? -vas a I'orm.r president of th-: Royal Aatronomlcal Boelety, th.- Mathemsttcel Association and the p...vai Zoological s-. ciety of Ireland. He was th.- author or aeveral treatleea mi mathematical, as tronomtcal and physical BUbjectS, lnchid Ing "A Treatise on Spherical Astreneaty." "Startend," "in the Marry Realm?." ?Th.- l'anse of the Ice Age," "The St'.!.' ol th- Sui;.'' "The Earth"? B?glnnlng8M and many other works. In UM Sir Robert married Plane? ?< ?llsabeth Bteele, daughter <>f It. W. B, Bteele, ?lire? tor -.f the Selene? and Art m laeum ol Dublin Hla wife, four sons and two daughtera survive him He was ;, i,,,-, . i t -rich leisure time on in.- jrolf link? and cruisim; in the waters about England. ALEXANDER BURGESS. \ . -andel Burgess, ?isty-Sv? year? old? member of the New fork Cotton _*? chang? for more than forty years, was found dead in Ills room at No 1 (.' Pierreponl ?treet, Brooklyn, Monday. lor mans years he bad ii\e.i m Bay Bldge. Mi- Burgesa died from heart fail ire ii.- bad besa a broker sine? H70, with an OflCC at No l."- William -?r-.l. anil is reputed to have mad.' ?nd i,,st aeveral fortum a ?-. OBITUARY NOTES. THOMAS I". I-JBFFREN, for many manager ot th- Postal Telegraph? (.'able Compeny's branch oflice at No. II v\. ;? "'"h street, died anddenlj yea* t. rday from heart disease in his home, \,, | . w* ' l?th atreet Mr. HeUtren ira? well known m the hotel district having aupervl?lon over the telegraph .,i;:.. m v ariuoa boatlei Ii a DAVID MURDOCK PRATT, prtotnsss ter "I' Klmna. N. V . and preSidOBl of th?> Se- ?nid National Rank of that city. died '? eaterday from a tumorou? growth ..t th.- heart. ? ? To Cast Challenger's Keel. ? ; England, Nov. -?"- Th.- iea?i ke.i ..f tin- Shamrock IV, wbtch is to try t.. capture the Am. ricas CUS next year. :- to !.. cast ber? to-morrow. Si, Thom a? Upton, alth a few fr?sala ?ill attend the ceremony. Qood progrees has been made m the preparation Ol the material foi the ?*lial lenger, and after th-' ce?tttg ..f her heel th.- advanoa in construction ail be rapid? H. D. UMBSTAETTER KILLED. Poi Hand, Me. Nov. B Herman I ' Umbataetter, of Boston, a writer and former editor Ol Th Hla. k Cal ilne." died ??t hla ? ottaga a' Lovell t day from a wound received in an acci? dent As Mi Umbstaetter waa climbing a wall his rifle was discharged, the bullet penetrating bis body m DIED, Am-.M. Letltla K. Porter, Mari? m Halst, ad. John J. ARNOLD Died ?uddenly, ruesday, No? vember -?'-. >913. Letltla King Arnold, deurl) beloved mother of .Mis. Perci vai I*. Ketterer. nul beloved wife of Archibald A nold. Euneral service a* ner late residence, No. '?'??'? West THh B_ m, iri.iiv -ventng, November '-**. at v'."? Interment private h a i STi'.Ai i Monday, "November M, IMJ, John J ii.ust.-ad Funeral eervlca at his late home, No M Lincoln Place, Brooklyn. Wedn-mdas afternoon, No-" rember -*?? * o'clock. Interment at Oonove. N. *?? PORTER "On Tuesday, November 2b, 1913, at her residence in Farmlngtoa, Conn., Miss Maria Morgan Porter, in the ninetieth rear of he nue. CIMKTKKIKS. TIIK MrOODLAWK < IMKTKItT. 23;>d St. By Hail-in Trata and l.y Troiiny. Offlcp. .0 Bast 21.1 St, N. Y. ?KFICKS. M VIN OFFICE N-.. 1.1 ntreet UPTOWN OFFICE n.. i;,,i Broadway or any American (?isrrb?. Telegraph Office HARLEM OFFICE?No, 15,' ?_?? tSSth