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THANKFUL 4,000,000 SALAAM TO TURKEY New Yorkers of High and Low Degree Celebrate Day of Cheer. "EATS" FOR HOSTS ALL OVER THE CITY Charitflble Institutions Provide Dinncrs for the Homeless? Prisoners Fare Well. From tir. to tlp of the Thanksgiving tnrki - Li a pretty wide atrelcb ,vni" ? to reach, yeaterday, froaa the lordl ? B in town to the rOW? of thi poor and the un forl ? ? folk In aii manax i i I ?ii and low. ha i a cbanci to undei ihe arlnga "f thi national Ti- ? thal ry one waa Uon of Tl . : i| ri oul lo youi :, ,i . laa wi ? ' ., ;. ' i , |,.? . l'i. ,l,l> an and four mll di ii ao al tl at. man) rnoie than ? ' ? ? or an"',b< Bul - BiBoual t,, much, ., | \* aa that thi re on the parl ol . mla ittona, kvllera, eharity I ladtviduala to kax ? ow a margm as nbera if thoae who dkl l.or of Thanksitivi: . -nkfnl for. ! i.. effort to -iv,- the unfortunata at l, ast n litl a taata of tba I aal began at astei lay mornlng, al Bower) Miaalon, when tbe bread line opeaed for the winter apason and a tho ? >.md men i ?,-. i. ed hol coffee ami No i rkey at that hour; that waa - ? Good Cheer by Wholesale. H.;t Brat, o ? ock, th< dlatrib itldb of 800 baaki La faaaHlea the dlnner Itaelf for 1.880 im i.. bb Im ,,f pea. ovi r laal bi Thi llna of >? ? for - " in '.'li greati r to I ' -i ia an effoi I to I ..- m on th ? dlnner. At I rery branch of tbe ? o ? Ion algbt hiiidi. ,i ol tin- derelicta In "New York s aaddeal !. ,1 f,,r nnder the dl nt il- ?V. Hoot. it i. announesd that the doora i opea at booii, but by ten o'clock ? ara waa a long Uaa waitlng for the i tte hour to come The hungry onea nl In loLa of b hundred. There b table raaervad foi woman, and r tbirty of them were aarved during feaal ad more of the Bowery folh arera taken care of at Ood'a l'ro> Houaa ln BrOOme street. just east of the ? ? ?? ?? - ?? beaketa were aaal o it to deatituta famlhaa The work was ti nnder the dtreetJoa of I tendenl Joha Mxera who had a number "f Barnard College ar.i Normal Prepara tory School girls to help hhB a.- walt A thousand Chlldrea wi r? given then turkey at the f\\ a Polnta Mlaatoa Hera Mr. Turkey had to vle wlth eandy and other sweeta for Brat honors. Three hun? dred baskets wi-re Beal o t to la-edy homes. St. Andrew's One-Cent Coffee Stand. at No. 81 West Baghth atreet. was one of tr.* bnMeat eeatrea of Thaiikaglvlag ehar? ity. Four hundred baskets for thoae who were aick and to < ome themselve* ?were handed OUt at the door. whlle about two thouaand Baaa, women and nhlldrrn were fed in the dinlng room. Memorial Dlnner. This dlnner, which was BBtahHahad twenty-one yeaia ago by Mrs. J. M. lAmadrid, wlfe of a wealthy Importer, laa been continu.-d ln her memoiy by Mr l^amadrid every yeur BlaVCe her death. The kitchen waa ln charge of Theodore Sehmldt, who has prepared the dlnner ?very year eince the beglnning, and Mr J.amadrid was apsisted bf the Kev. Maul i-nn C Patera, Miss PhyUJa La t'ond. the aoioiat at Mr Peters'a Bunday American Theatre aerviees, Mra. Vlta (.'oxe. the ooclal work'-r. and a number of Othera One old woman told Misa I#a Kond that ehe had seueral Brrown married. chlldren. "but none of them had a*>k'*d hor to dln ?<er Another woman told Mrs OOXa thut ahe waa thirty-one and the mother of t'ti chlldren. She aald that her husband earned $10 a w^ek as a truck driver, but drank |8) worth af ttquor every week. 6he was gfvaa two baaketa. other Thankaglving ft*ats were the Wllllam Woldorf Astor free dlnner at tha Newpbo>*s' I.odging House in t'ham 'bers f tr> <t, Mrs. \\\ Hayard Cutting's dlnner at the <ilrla' I.odging House. Mii-s CJrace L?odj,-e's dinner at Harlem BOJrW Home, Kmlen RoOOevalfa dlnner at the "West Slde Uoys* Jlotiae, and the annual dlnner for tba i?J"f given by the Bl Boclety la the old Chinese Tiieatre in Doyers atreet. Ia addition to "'eatfi." there were ent? rtainments or reliKious excrcises as Well in tho evening at theae ptaaaa In the afternoon the International Brotherhood Welfare waaorlaiioB. an or aanirntl"n for niigratory Workera and llliaaaplOTed held a Thanksgiving rally at .Manhattan I.yreum An admlsslori of 10 cents was eharged. the proeeeds to ko ,1 improvtng tho condition of heaaie and naemployed men ciuring the wm|er. S3lvationiate' Thankagiving. l-'rom the Salvation Army aVaadejnBl h 11 Bt West 14th street a number ?f wagons weie ptnt out t" gather up a'l the drunks *ih'i could be found and j,e; s.iaiJ"d to return to the bawrraeka to get a "haad out" of hot coffee and rolla. Tiier" were a number of husky inenibera of the BTBB) on liand BB treat them geotly, with force if BOed be in the dty departni'tits there were about 12.0O" peraoaa la charge "f tha De partment of I'harltlea who Barved with turkey tUnnara At th.? Munlcipal laadglng Houaa ln Kast Mth atreat, d?rellets wara aarved. oth<r jnMitutlon* under the departmenl when- aervieaa and dlnnera were given were the rny MOBaa Metropolltan liospital and Clty llospltal on BlackwHl's Isiand and the N>w York Chlldren'a Hospitai and acbootaaoa itan dall's Isiand. The liiBtltutions under the Department ot Corraetlon were ai?o the aeaaea ?>f what chaar roaM be gtvaa ta tha foik locked up Lhera Bealdea the epaclal Thaakagivina fare for Lha l,3BJ lamatea at the ptlilttnt'BT ?" aMgchwall'i laland AWAITING TIIKTR TI'RN FOB BASKETS. a vaudevllle perfon Bprovldadby the ' TbaBksglvlng Troubadours," - P plled bj tha B. F. Kelth Clrcuil n ment Thi ra w< ra two ahowa one Ib tha ehapel and ona Ib tha roala ball, conalatlBg of twenty-one acts, preeented bj Nora -, . . |; t< hi.-. Jack WIlaOB and .. dosen other Kelth Th.- 808 Inmatea ot tl .- brai b work' : ?, ..ii Harl ? ai d ;. - I had it vaudi v. nndf-r tba 8 lapli ea of >' ? i,nd the lniiialcs at tba i ItJ P-lBOl : ..? .. :i* a'so aaw a epeclalt] abow. Turkey for Zelaya. Among 7i?> prlaonera In tha Tomba to j r.a\c a ahara ba .... v 7a laya .., At the \\ ? -? ? aevent) piiaoni rs were fed Bl Tille prlaon, among them I i iraham Blxl oni eara old, a bo a.-k>-.i to Le commlttad foi inlKlit stuiie in the !' KBl . prison :???..i a hundred al huti llai ket. ' - I ?? Of D3I n.l.t-r ? nf tii- " | Club" in Ludlow Btreet jall had ih- n !> ,t--t. bul there waa ea. appolntment. .Mih. "Qene" Johnson, w le of tha warden, who ua araa too III to do ao > eatei - da] The menu f..r thr day :.t Bing Blng . ?... ..? . llambui ??' ? ateak, broa n gravy; ralatn biscull brrad, wlth mllk ttiid Bugar. ? i . 'hi. k'-x\ eoup, roaal chicken, p.itatoes, t.n nlpa, ? ? .. i -.-. mlnce pla, ? coffee, with milk hh.i augar, htid i i ? Ing dlnner the i at a tlme, were marched to the arhen r..-.\mK pactures were thrown on ;i screeti, w lt li Belectlona from thi d Bonga by Miss ,m. be] i.- ' do*. nt Manhattan, intermtngled . bl r-ti h, made up Of Ol I) iii tl I <id.dly h Ug blt \\ hen t ii* men v ei a aboul to k rn thelr cella ona old fel low atood up ari.i called for "Threi ? ? warden." ESveiy man In l ? rasponded vlgorooaty ln oll of the hospltala th-ie w<-i- ape ciai Tbanksslvtng dlnnera .??.:..1 bi At th*. Catholic i'rotntorv 1,180 Chil? dren gOt away wltb 1,800 t:ik.-y. and !.'?_.. chlldrei I .nt aaa expected of them at the Hebrew Orpl un Aaylum. Beventeen hundred tmmtgranta al I Island wera Inltlated Into the wa] Unlted Btatea by having a Bpecial dinnei erowned wlth the national t.ird ..f th. day Thankagtvlni Day was celebrated al the navy yard, the jaii. the almahouae and at all the pnbllc Inetitutlona ol Brook ya with Bpecial dlnnera of chicken oi turkey The _?i- prlaonera at the Raymond Mr...t Jall had <hlcken. The arlfe of a prlaoner who t* belnir held for a nalnor odfenee called to aee him yesterdai Whlla she was nol pei mltt.d an tatervtew, tha offlclala learned from their ta'.k with her that kIi.- WM on the veraaef Btarvatlon an.i was wltb out svea the pcospecl of work Thej took her la fed her and eotlect-d some money for her. The !*.?j lamattt of th* ainiphoiise arere treated to a turkey dinnei aini a eonosrt. Thera wera about MM naaa at tha i av jaui to pertieipata In tb* feasl provlded by L'ncla Bam. * SHERIDAN NOT BLOWN UP It Was Man Who Borrowed His Red Shirt. [Bj T.-:.-Kr*ph ?.) Thr Tri__s* i rtaannn. K. v. Nov. 27- I'atrhk Bherl d.m waikci Into the ofBca of "The Beaeoa Kvenlng Journal" to-day and B-Jd ' I in n(.t dead, as >c.r aaarapaper Btated four yeara aana 1'm very moch allve, as yon .-> . Bbarldan aad twe other men < ported kllli d four yeara aaa al Un Klng aajuadaet, thaa below here ? v- was thal Ihey arere bulMlng a fire to thaw B99B9 dvriainite Whlch was ..sed for blaatlag h praaaatura axplosion happaaad, an.i three men arere kJIlad Onc of them was Identiltr.l ai 1'atrl. k ?herldafl baoausa of a rc.i Bhtrt, the eo_? hir r.f whlch hore his Bsjne Bl erldaa aald to-da ? thal he had raotnlas arlth a man aaaployed In obm j of thr br!(-kyards. and that evldently this man had tafcea the shirt arhleai bokmgod ti) him and whi.h bOf. h:s riarm "Kor llirei- m-.iis.' Hhd id.m s.ud "1 hava beea ee^eavertai to hear from my Islster, Mra. Tliomaa Dcian, al Na Bl Eaa! I9d atreet Nea rork Clty. i have not beard ir..m her becausa i i rt bbm me thoufhl bh 9ii Unpoator." r li VXKSGI\ \SCi DIXXl R VI - i ' RW*S i " i U. S. AND GERMANY COMPARED BY GERARD American Ambassador Hopfs for Generous Rivalry in Com merce, the Best of Garaes. ? Hamburg Ni any, delli - ? : t..k. ? . ? I I ', mi' on mon ground in th< and ni i ? l,: of ? ,... _... f. -.!.., l tm ? i ? \'.. i.ati.-ii w holl) devoted u, ? , ...... - ' ? : men blgh Id' als as U ......r..w \\ llaon 1 ..!..i w Ulia-rj J. Bryan l no v 'ii nation i o .-i i-- ? ? > dealroua '-f having Qermany i I,, tha i ?""? :'' San i i.iin.-.., \>. hl< i. ao .:.i polnl o -t Bea nga f..r Kuropean trade Nowhere ln tbe world, tin- Ambaa adoi remarked, had tbere beea hlgher bui ? s tl.nn in li.imh'irK. BOr gTeatSI . ourage and persi 111am ? ln bulld : .iii'iv waete aad a at< II ahlng a ... 1111 ? i ? ? ._ t.: 11 waa knoan and bonon.1 gho I l ? v. ..i ;.i Th.- gueata at the dlnner ir,- i .-i i I ? < . .i-i. r ..i Hamburg, the Pi of the Benate, many ..f th'' leadlag buai neaa incn. .Maj..r (;.-..i^.- T Langborne, American milltary attachl In Berlin, and Kohert P. Bklnner, American Com ?ial here. Rome, Nov .'7 Thankaglvlng Da) was a in(i h ana in Rome to |day. Tbomaa Selaon Page, the .tncrlcan .mbaaaadoi s.-.i\>- a dlnner t.< tha m.m b,-i s ..f tha i Imbaa ? ? ataff. At lha American College a dlnner w-ns given t.i tiie stndenta at whlch 99 ? were lald. Among the gui ta wera Monalg. nor bonatb Bbarretto, Beeretary .>f tba Uongregation of RellglouaAffalra; tn,- ut Rev. Dennla i Dougherty, Biahop of Jaro, Phillppinea; ne Rev Tbomaa C 11 Retll:. ( ham ? lloi nf th- Dio<??-.-_ of Cleveland, Ohio and th.- R?v .1. x O'ConneU, of the Dloassa <>f Toledo, (ihlo. AUTO HIT WEE RAGAMUFFIN' Little Masquerader Run Down-, Driver Rushed to Hospital. I'rank \~alsb, four yeara old, ..f No. 8 I IBouth (;-..\>- avenue, Rockaway Beach, who one ,,f ., party of raaamu-Bna IcelebratlBg yeaterday, in m tin- Roeka I wa) Beach Hoapltai as the reauli (.f he Lng Btruck by an automoblle. Tbe boy was tbe Bmallest ,if a party thal waa gotag aboul tin- Rockawa i esterdayaf* t- i noon. ? in cToaetng tbe Boulevard at Orove ave nue tbe aej waa ma down by an auto ni,.i.iic drlven b) Davld Jacoba, "t Ne 19 Wj.inii Place, Rockaway Beach. Jaceba picfced up tbe little fellow and hurrled with blm in th>- autoaaoblle to the n..spi iiii in Brunla attended tbe chiid, and f..und his icft leg fra. tui-.-.i. iii- alao had CBta al... :t tin- h<-:i>i and !.,- ? ? Aftar Baaing that tha bo) waaeared for at th,- hospital .la.ohs went t.. II-.? Ci.-k awa) Beach pelloa Btatlon an.. ..?? s.-ll lip. PUBLIC TO BE ASKED TO CHOOSE DESIGN ! rusteei <?f the Cathedral <?f St. John the DiviM nmi Afree on Exterior. ? )ia\e Bl f the < ar tba r d< thedral eaterlor. ? Pinding ? ? ? m a ' ea unable ta agn . i '., . .iii ln the ludg f the j I , | . to be pla< "d "ii eahlbll ln the i ? '."d i .'ii of the cathi dral ,..,., and the An bltectural ... Building, In BTtb atraet, nt ar Broadway BIi i,. a deaign, the R< r, ln Henry Lu ? ? | ,. , ;,!, .-,,,,i aai ii aida haa ? > laige foi . I'.w iiig. Tbe origlnal deaign, adopted aoma reara ago, waa made bj Heina <s. Ia r rga A featura of :t waa a gr-at . entral lower, ending ln ? eplre, lhal tompletely covared the great croaslng j ,\t the weatern end were two towera Other parta of tl.atatior were plaln, I and. aa man) held, ibe whole n i Blmple, dlgnlfied and Impn aalva Noi long aln? a Mr. Heina the nu - \ iving at-, bltet t of the flrm, was aup p .,. , : , i: ilph A. Cram, of the flrm ,.f Cram, Q.i!""> * Perguaon The new Cram exterior preaenta two com panlon aplraa ln place "f the one can ti.ii tower. There are other apirea and towera to the number of aeven. There is a aquara f""t of exterior apai e thal ia nol i ovarad wltB aome or namant. it la this maiked dlffarenca tbe "ii" plaln. the "ther florld, thal the public la i" !"? aaked lo de Idc between. a , urloua dlli nmi has aiiaen i on- ] rernlng Ihe new |85O,O00 aynod ball it was mon by the Iate Meaera Mor gnn aml Cuttlng for tha uaa ?>f the Bplecopal general conrantlona The, queatlon tromoa up, Doaa the convantlon owa it! Ia th" dead to ba ia its name f Or doaa ti"- dloceae "f New rork owa lt? i >r. flnally, do tha bruati ea of I i own lt'.' Tin re la no fund tO pay for Ita llght and beat, and yet it ia in constanl aaa. lt was said yesterdav that o 1..... t 82TlO,000 has been BOCUred tOWBTd the $1,000,000 aaadad t" eomplata tha cathedral nava, bul thal until tha mat? tir of the exterior il.-sign Of tha wh"Ie atructura la dedded upon work cannot well pro'ted. Crltlca are invited to give their vtewa on the two deabjna to Blahop Great <?r t,< the irustai a a T. M. EMERSON BURIED i Many Railway Officials Attend Services at Wilmington. ffUaaJjaitoa, N. C, Nov. :: Tha fnnaral of TlllBliaa Martin Knierson, pri-sldeut of tha Atiaritic Ceaat Llne Railroad, araa ln Id Bl St. John's Ki laooaal I'hureli h. re this afternoon. More than a hundred olll elals af 'he Atlnnti" Coaat 1-ine aml of other rallroadj nnd ataamahlp iines at t. !i,i.-.l Moal ef tha oftieiais i"ft hr-" to-nlghl for Waabington m attend the funeral ef wiinaiM ii I'lniev, preatat Bl af tha Bouthern Rallway, ta>aaorrow. WHITE HCUSE COOK ROAS1S BOTH TURKEY . President'i Chef Solves Prob Pr i Bted by Too Many Tttanksgiving Birds. I W.l* I t that two Thanfc Ing ti" ki ? s w ? by 1 lor . pf Weal R i . ?-.? Hauaa aara ind the ? ' r_',r> .. - n.- t b) . Bcrva ? ol the P Idenl and Mr-. ra, i b -flaaea ? . ; al tba .Un . ; arere Mi .. ? -i tin i <egare \\., , | Mi and - tt, of Atlanta. an.i M !i !? . k-nl IVilaon -|x nl an houi ln tbe ? ? . mornlng gotng over Impoi ? rnce and confei riai wlth WUllam Q McComba, ehairmaa of i .? i ' mai ' '..inmitt..'. Ha ated "Tom" Taggai t. the Indlana polltli lan, ? ho i al ? -i to pay his respoi ta Mr McComba d. lared that he talki d wlth lha Praald nl o Bevi ral mattera preparato return '.. Nea \ ork, Me a-s irted that h< ?? n of ??nt. . ??? ? _i among tba .N,-w iTorh Clt) Democrats, and that loag i i deflnltely declded nol to a< cepl ii" i<oa1 of .mbaasador t.> FYance. He trlad to make ll clear that be latenda to rena iln al the hi .1 ol tha national ii..H hln* EDISON COAXEDTO DINNER BY WIFE lnveiitor Returns lo Workshop After Holiday Meal vviih Family. I r-.,m '1 i..- 'i ribune . -. ? Wesl Orange, N. J., Nov. ". Thoaaaa A, Bdlaoo to-da) apt nl must of hla tlma in bla famoua laboratory here worklng on hla nea dl ik record aod lalklng "movle" machlne He arould have atuck t> his taak from ?'. o ? '....'k this mornlng, when ha arrlved al his workahop, throughoul tba aatira day had nut Mrs KdlHon called foi him al noaaa and __? ?i upon blm comlng boaaa to Thanka* glvlng dinm r "Tou are nol antlrely well aad shouid tiot work bo hard. i thlah you could tak>" t.> .i;. off, aa I thanksglvrtng f..r your ^.ttin-; better from your racaal lllaeaa,M s itd Mra Bdlaoa "Slttlng down aad gtvtng thaaka arlll never help tbe world aay," anawered Mr. Bdlsoa. ':'.!.- dlaner waa a family affalr Charlea BdiaoB, the lnveator_ aldaat Bon, (ame I MtM i isl n ": I from Bosteai, where he i? itudytag Ib tha Maaaachuaetta laatltute of t. chnotogry, Afterdlnaer III KUIIsob went to hi* sit tlng room and Uataned to gaaaa af bja nea db)k recorda Ha obbm t.i eaa ?jf Verdl'a Beleettooa whlch dni not miite , i him Calhng his wir.-. he apid: " t.-n to that" lha BaM: "it eauld fc* 9 little elearar " "That'a arbal i thlnk," paid tiu> ln_ vantor, "and I'm gotaj to make it cl.-ai er." He then Weat back to his laboratory, aattaaBed thal hi* arlfe'a own Btatement was BufBdenl aacuaa f.?r him to ratara to the wecksbop, Thanksgiving Dinner Was Fatal Rocbester, N. IT., Hov XI Oharlea Grla* w.iid, a wealth) n i.i. nt of Palmyra, and rhalrman of the Wayne Count) board ofj Rupervlsora, died Brom acute indlgeatlon I to-ntaht, wi' an hour afti-r ratfng hi?! T1iank__rivin_ (lumy. WILSON AT MASS; HEARS A WARNING "Rulers of World" Told in Sermon to Stand Fast for Peace. INFERENCE PLAIN MEXICO IS MEANT President and Bryan Attend Service Despite Protestant Protests Received. > Krorn Tha Trlbanaa Bureau.i Washi.iKton, Nov. 17. The fourth an? nual I'an-American Tbankagivlng mass was eelebiated to-daV at 11 o'clock at St. | Patrlek'a Churcfc In tb- inraaeaee of the PraaMant the geeretary ef IXata aad aaearal athar raaml?era of th" Caatoat j Chtef .1 sti.e Whlte aad Juetlee MeKeaaa j nf the Buprema Court and the luemhera | Bf the .lil'lomatie eOTpB from the Mtm- , Ameriean I ountriea. Preesaent IVtlaon Ignored the proteata | of the PTotaataal clergy af w aahington bv attandlng the aervteea bat the prece ()(,nt m9M ,,r by Presldent Taft. For aaveral daya the PraaMeat had baaa arged p?t to attend deaptta Um fad lhal announeeineal was made aaveral weeka BgO that he had expressed his intention nf beiag praaanl al the earernony. Cardlnal Oibboaa oceupiad a ae< I wlthln the '-hancel ralling 00 B thrOne tO the left of the altar. and ippoMta blm sat tbe Rlghi Rav. Charlea W Currler, Bianop of Matenaaa Cuba who preached the aer Bton, an eloquenl dlacourae cnaractertatag w?ir aa a BBenaee to mankind and etriogla Ing world peace, althOUgb Mexico was BOt mentioned Btaay of the aataaera believed that the ?armon had apallcation to eondltlona be :,,w tha Rlo Oranda BtoheeJ Currler aaM in ending bla lei moi "To the rulera of tha we I lf I micht i '? ip my llttle voico. i would a ,.. f,,r the reapona "hal v'" Bn will reai heavll) u ?;? o ? al tha ? ad, ,. i to rou i" thla a idlenea of tba I'nit.d Btatea xvll'? I" fp'"" o( < rlti'ism and of oppoaition ha ?? ael your farcB ; war. 1 WOUld my, from my heart, i;,?i bi.i 1 "l| imerican iaga with the flags nf the tmerli ni natl w w ei tvrlaed, were hung In profuatOfl aboul tl a church. The p?ar " ' upted by tbe PrealdeBl wa? drap^d wlth !nri;e \merlcan iiags. Btretchad oeroa rOfl was a banner bear inR- the worda ''Paa-Amerlcaa Cakm." The aei rlcra wara 1 red bj a luneh oob ; i the :? ctory, Itonalgnoi R u ? re. t,,r of Bl Patrlek'a Church, belng the bi ? Prealdenl Wllaoi was unable to re ni.-uii for ti." : mel aon Toaata wara drunk to PreaMaat Wlli m. Beci.t.i'"' Bryaa aad ambaaaador da Oama ol Braall, as the raaklng a^axtm-Aaaertean ttptoaaal Mon Bignor Raaaell'a toaal ta Mr. Bryaa - "When we aaa the reproaentatlvea of .. ..... j aople Joln togatjher here ln : . i r and aft'T.iaid :a a '-i ful commatuoa around thla tab>. may wa :., t rta btly bope for aon.talta In i ? reaulta thal wiii warraal a truer aad broader atgnlAcanea to Thankagtvlng Dai ?'.'" TURKEY IN THIS FLOTSAM Fixin's, Too, and Harrington Caught 'Era Floating By. Boaton, Nov. -". John J. Harrlng who aaya he came bj freight from Byracuae, waa trylng to be thaakful, though hungry, on Commarclal Wharf to-day, wh"ti bo aaw a Btarkaf imskti floating by. More becanae he had BOthtng eloe to <io than becauaa he Bzpected to make a haul, Harrington captured the baaket and aearly falntad when he pulled oul a tamlly-atxed Thanksgiving dinner. Bomeona apparently, bad droppad a , Balvatlan Army baakat off <"'harics-| town brtdgg, for the bandle waa broken. There was a perfeetly good dlnner. but lt was ii"t COOkad. liat- j rington bad | brighl Idea, Enterlngl a Bhabby lOOking ten"ni"nt he a I poor Italian family aboul to dtne on] macaronl and ch< eaa ii.v graphic algn language ha atruckl a happy l'.iigam. and .some lime leter waa prealdlng over aa enthualaatlo I turkej dinner party arltb naacaronl on the sid" and forgotten. ATTACKS PRESIDENT FROM THE PULPIT Presbyterian Minister Criticises His Attendance at Thanks? giving Mass. Prealdent Wllaon was i?ken te taak yeaterday for not atteadlng Tbankagivlng aenrleea in his own church bv the Ror. 1 >r .lohn R Maekay, pastor af the N'orth Praahytertaa Church al IMth Btrnet and Amaterdam avenue. "i am aorry te aay," aaaarlfid Dr, Mackaj from the pulpll Of the YVashintj ton Helghta Baptiat Cburch where a imlon Sirsbe was ln progreaa "that at this rery momenl the Preeideal af lha Unlted Btatea la nol to be found ?ver> ahlpplng in his own church. I have learned thal he dodded Lo attend a ehureb where BMUM Ul beiag eelebrated Instead. I am very aorry. i alao learned wiui regret the raaaoa he gave for betag praaanl al the Catbollc aarvtca Inataad ?>f one bt ? church of iiis own reugioa i(" ??rii.i he arlahed to oa aerva tbe areeedenl eatabllahad by former PreaMw ta "Peraonally, i faei that is tho weakeal aaouaa he miRht hava given, if aay Prealdent ever pul iiis foot through the bounda of precedent Prealdenl Wilson Is the maa lle ba- BO r-gard for BfQIBdeal whatever." Aa lllustntiotis, Mr Maekay mentioned tbe fad that the PraMdent had deofdad HH-alnst New Years rcceptloim. aad had said he would Bpend ThankaglviiiK'iiii'il.v. hoth infraetlons of the law of precedent at the Whlte House. ?' am BUre, however.'' Dr MaetBJJ added, "that Praaadanl W'ilaon atfmned th<4 ('atholte service only as Pri'sldent and that as a man would rather be ln hH own church. feel that it Is an Bngraeaaua net te critieise the Preeadani of the I'nited States, hnt he pi.t hlmaelf ln a poMtpn where I could do BOthing elsc." Prealdent wilson i? a Prmbyterlaa CLERGYMEN FIND LOGIC IN THANKS Numerous Reasons Sct Forth as Causes for Re. joicing by Community, NEW TARIFF IN LIST OF DR. VAN DE WATER Memorial Mass of the Catholic Benevolent Legion. Held in St. Patrick's. Mlalstera from th<* pulptta of &n th, ehurchea gave aasaaaga. of goed Cheer yeaterday to hundrada of thousanda. i? their ThanksKlvinK BMSsagee the mini,. ters told tha people of thelr oonc?puon of the meanin? of the da One asked tf are were ready to 'pay homaae to th* Kin< oa this his eoronaUon"; anothv spoke of the privationa of the Mlgrimj of thelr losses and bow they knelt do*_ and lhanked God for what they had. On* told of Ft. Paul, who "through perlo_ of adverslty became a liifht, through _ aplrit of thankfulness, to i-is bre__na_a An Impreaalve wrmou was deiivered ia the Fifth Avenue Preabyterlaa ('hurch by the Rev. .John II. Jowett, who aald, in part: "Wbera the spirit (.f true thank*?ivlai" aaJata you wiii not flnd a coadttJai of deeecratlOB of the bodlly, mr-ntal ar.4 10 . lal powera of an Indivldual or nation. The Thankaglvlng aplrit, whl h la a con fesslon of dependence on the Almtgtty, will act as a moral antidote and keep tha | !.'... 11 > \ II Pilgrims His Theme. Tha F'.ev \v.;!inm i, BaHtvaa, of ah Soula' Church, dellvered the Thanksilv. :iik nerrnon at tlie Church of the Meamn, Mth street and MadlBOfl avenue, telling of the privationa of tha I'llgrtmi. H? said: "They were aepa.rated from home _nl a!l comforts, but etlll. half starved and wlth the enomy ln front oi thf-ni ar.d ro hape af help from across the orean, they knelt down and tbaaked <;>>d Tor what they had. What had they to ba thankf'-i for? It was the to llva up to the p: in. Iplea ti.- tha rlzht (., .1 ita a commoBwealth of their owa founded i". thelr bellefa that they mi* thankful f< i that haa beea followed faithfully ever B-Bce. ' In Bt Patrlck'a Cathedral tho anr.ual memorial maa of a_ i eelebi ited Tha R< r. -am.i j. Tadbot d.'iivi red tbi Many bundreda of worshlppera ta Tnn t L ly ?on, ol I ? *{e took ??? -. "In ti ? . ln st. An "I irch, Har tam, tne Ri? Dr. G Van <\i Wat-r mentlai ad aon ? thouRh.t we ouaht to be thaakl They were aa followa P.' a tariff bill nioni; llnea of reduction, i >ctlon ol l'l..te.| Bl itl -r vo'?. an Incorne l the rlti ii mui ler tr ? to tl:* fo :? -; Maa'a Chrlai tba 1 OUBf Won ? ? - ? tion. the completlon of l and the OVI IthrOW of Tai Praise for the Presdent. Ia apeakini ol Pn Bl \an de Watei aald: "Pr ..lar, ar. author, i K| ei ?? bi ed tralai d ;.- i olleari Ir ceti ? ? i is an hoaor to thi and tba world Hi I Hls part] uai ple wanted II rev lai d." Th<- Ri v. Charb ? 8ti ?. al Obbm Metl "?'" i-i - opal ? ?'? ? Thankagivl . ' i - I tlon with tha ? onajreajatloi a I Preabyterlaa Church and Hopa BaaUB ' Church and the measiti I araa tim to plan e em| ; - ... * DINNER TO NEWPORT BOYS Mrs. F. W. Vanderbilt Cheered by Thanksgiving Day Guests. \ewport, ?: I.. Kw J *?* ii I, k w Vaadei btlt, 1 i -' ''?'"?'? ? Bfteen | eara, wa.> | l la a't,r' noon - I -i dlnner given l y her oadarji ausptcea of tha KlBg'a I -? -?n ?? nel '?? -? bm --? boya of thla < Ity. Mrs. Vanderblll haa ThankefftvlBg dlm n9% Bl ?? came here BBannouaced on ^aa_a> da) alfhl lo HV9 thoaa ln charaa "? the f.-ast ? surprlse. Tha b0,?*J caaaad thelr hoateaa with three laa~ - whea ahe appe ired durlng Ba dinn.-r. Mra. -aaderl 'r Hyd* Parh thla afternoon *-* Mrs. Shepard Gives Turkeys. Mrs Plaley J. Bbepard. I '? M*' Helea QeuM, yeaterday pn -Bted a 'u key to each of the tlfty married ****? ployad at tha Lyndhursl town. l-ist evenlnw Mr. ..' d M:S ^ ard att.iided the opera d n'w. L They will return t(. Nea Vork ior wlater Monday Are You Seeking Rest Health Recreation or a place for convalcscentf? We have detailed inforrna tion about every good Sanitarium or Health Resort tn the United States. Write, 'phone or call. The sevrvice is entirely free. TRIBUNE INFORMATION BUREAt Suile 32) Tribune