Mett.'i0tl( ffitilwttt \*?. 24,540. POfllj < .,<.< . ?MBan* Hc i BOglnaar in charge; BSSam ?' ft a"'d Ld'A " " Lpaaa. Btate ' ?* laborera: '4 A B:- ? and tne D.nbar Con ..,.. j 3 I . 'SaL'-E-.SAN.E AND VISFEAS | '. OFFICE. t... . j. gtawart, d'vl?on en tmatt" ? ? ' tT?- * < I I ? -a *41ld u " : - ' tha . , ing to |4*rt?.h ' ?* ? ' : thoao - i Ban ' ? ? 4 . I I . , ghway Igvtai': 'v:th ' I Jl* ' a had jpai ???> a A Hi ?? . . .- laraoB t Uttc* an t elght Oa?.?i -aa- ? ? ' ?. get Ytut-y o-n it. at hls aomi i tha .-?t)ga ?? Inajletrrn - ti Ce.a*t 5'>-? as to Namea. makS i-ub d ror 'aatla.^ ?m tOOtOt 9090, third .olinnn This Morning* New$. locat, r*g*. . . ' ? 1 1 . 1 .1 . a a .g ... 4 4 4 4 -. i . . 4 6 a .... ? 9 ? ? : ? 13 ?* 14 ./'' ' " 14 i 14 14 .. oratmaL. .. i ?h-Mp ' ? ! ****m\A j. - . . ? . l j ai IW t " ' 3 i ?**aa ",' I 3 r'" ' . . . 3 ' S*a_B J-j? tj._4 ., ,_ . i*i'?a4a .3 ... * i 3; ->.,, lu?ci:'ti-AHEoua 6 7 7. I 10, 11 Hd 11 ia 13 . ... ? 4* 4_ ...... 1_ ?**. Tammany Boss Says Hc Is Ready tn Appear \\ henever They Want Him. Tx befora the a] ? ? Grand Jurj the ailegcl ..andhagging of Jam. Btewart by .in" of Tam many Ha.l. nnd evldence of a ? "ii- ' 4 ? ? V and '? - | ta "f the Tamman; ganlaatlon ai Delmonlco'a on May 28,1 ?- Govornoi Bul rr Tho form rnor waa bofore 'he 1 Jury for nearly two houra, dur hifl Btory ? ! - ' '?i.oririan'a thi BXPOSg hy lf he didn't atop trylng to! "aandbag" hla cllent suxx* $150,000 al contrlbutlon arhlle bla canal contr:< ta xvere belng held up ln ard. Additional evidance *ar- glven hy the conoi ' ' arge. Th. important rhaee of the general eatlmon: that | -? nt ? meaaage to Bulzer by I John H. Dadaney offei i ,,ff i mpeachmei t 8ulzei 4 nneai !???-?? W. ?or-.. B ?er told the grand Jury tha: the arrnngemeni xxas to ha\e Sei ? er decline to - ota agalnal B nd thal - d mak* hli ? ani Go ei Ramaperger and] Sanner were to refraln from voting on , .ihica) gi tndfl paaaanc* on ; ? o nminiitee thai xxorked Up thej rharges M - **** tnhAi " im" - against him. Sulzer Ctaaoly Questioned. B i aa *?' ? ? roaa ever: member of lt waa reported I ?' john Doe ln . , - .--.?... - x- ? .,.- the John j toe - daj D etrlcl ".ttoi ' t a maaa I I |a aald to he acattered upatata. reneon Mr Bulaer'a roarjpear* BT1re | atmtfl M< Idoo to day 1. onl'- irnta'txe r.r--* pmentfl yaaterday, Indlcnted . -? f?f. ?. tman int.ncir* to poatpone apponrance or* Senator O'Gorrnnn ( rrohomtrng wltneaa Bovaral I ..? will he called first ani ?> . r || he rxamincd furth**r ?ahi of th? i roiTitaod docn ,-idencfl bofora Mr O'Gorman Thia eudden turn in affalrs was ro -i.i ec nn Indlcation that impori -? .boratiot. of Mr. Sul/.er's tl Bonator <><;ormatis allcgerl Ol G-affnoy as "Mut-phx'e V.agman th? man he atrnl d up the .-otitia- rtoew." may not hr forttl r-mtalf*. Al any ra---. I pmcea ? leaaer lmf*4**rtance an*i signifi Blue of Mr n'Gormaii's toatln ' ... ..... K that Mi H ilaer araa a llar perjurer, Charlea F. Murphy , ,i a Bwooplng denlal of the rV al Tam? man] ' ? , novei tuch moet i [never scn. Johr. i? ai ? for hli w tglkgd wlth ? alonfl i*? least Blnce li1-a m-nitna 188 T knew 1< ?? . aoti of a n,rin hfl xva, and what hr- wu'd do he Ha!d ? .,. ? senator f^Gorman coma to vou and ti ' ' o" would I Murphy Makea Denial. H S. na*..' I ' I lOI 'nan th. lubjoct r t even hnow thai Btewai.? . _?d i oeruinl) didni - man waa hla . ar tha Bu.** rK-mlnntton untll March ? last. tar the date Bulacr ? n lha te !' v;,H ?" "lU luncheon l - ? ?? ? other k>b, nor did ... - . - trl I ,, _-__ i tn*! hun Bovon aa) thgl i kngn hin.' aaid i ? a*4U r- " ??. * ??-????..?,,,) CoBtlauad ea aacoad pape, gJlb uiliioia. TOOK $3,500,000 TO MEXICO Shipped as Freight from New York by Bank of England. i ?. Mi I le \ la Jan. 23 ?>n tha an > hare to-da: of lha little Norweglan r. Johanns -? n maal 11 (rom Vera Crua Mexico, it ???> laarned thnt the ateamer had carried to Maa* o t imni p.4,,4. atquivalenl lo 18, r.iaxMHi ,, American k"'<' ThiS ItlKllf". WAX BOII1 1" t tl a** I'.lTl'av nf Rngland In Mexico Cltj bj iho Bank of 1 ng and In London. i< araa shlppad as t*n<_KfiK-* in six bl| cheati g< Brli D. Glbba and Henry J. Boulvin, r. i>r. .* of lha? banh B hn _h> tii?. money from Noa York After thf money waa eounted and welghed on arharf ?i Vera Cnis Gibba - ? mpai ed 11 '?"? the Mes sl. TAFT P0KES FUN AT BRYAN Ex President Tells How Talk Aids Digcstion. William h Tafl ipeaking al a' ?! ? Internatlonal P< Rallroad Men's < "lub j ea- | terday, said: "1 am beginnlng lo nf Bympathy for Brother Bryan. Talk seems to be n aarj * late digeal lon m Is >s"" wa- to - ' thla al and swlndling world. 1 hope lo make a k1"""' job of lt. I wlll 1 . ? havi r< ? ami llbarty." ?ii . :.. . 1 of the oplnion that ? tbe man ai rlved I 1 nlshl from Philadelphia and Immedlatel: k-lird himsa-;f. FORD MONEY FOR U.S. ONLY Bars Aliens Who Send Wages Back to Europe. Detroit, Jan. 22 Porelgi _end th?''< n,r"* ,h<"n' ? , , _ome da: ar.- nol ellglble to th* . lollar a day Joba at the Ford auto? mobile plani ??We Intend t? discourags this plan . Bcndlng monej oui nf tha United gtatos |ub1 Ai s"r'r> n'; v r (8"-" '"^,,'' f. t.. Kllngonamith. tha seerotaryi lo ,ia.. -we wlll nol dlacrimlnata be? tween th?* forelgnara an-l tha Amerl , bu( w4 wlll dlacrimlnata botween th? forelgner who ke< pa 'ns mona; In this country ?n.l ih* one who does not, ... , noi onlj "? u-np the mon< ,? the Unitod Btates bu! to keep 11 right hera la Patrott." CITY'S "C. F. M." CASH NOT C. F. MURPHYS Reformers Shockcd af Initials on Calendar Reassured hy Prcndcrgast. I Oi ' IOW dog funil.? and v|a* ?,,,. o< Charlos rrancis Murphy T?min?n> iiaii aroae to horrlfy clrla uphftora eaterda o en thei read tha followlng Itam whicb appesrs on the lar r.f Ihi Boanl ot Batimata tot to-ds - . . aV> -ftoaa-rl of thi ' ontro ai roeoav 5_5d.nal ? tranafar of unancumborod caah twTancea In corporata *toi Mwii ,? Bcrouni entitled ' ' ?? ?* Moiieva available foi pe-roaneat >m ,.,,. p? .nta f. orporat* atock . lawfull*. ba lai ?ftosolutlo 1 '"r ?"'"!' M_, . 1 ,.. 1 ;i- ChamhorlalB m\ 1 rh'.rf mveatlgator for Mayor Mitchel, . .,.,1 nn tha run f--r Ih- PhUUICB Di ?neni to Bnd wil whal tWs m: a* t9Tiout t- y M 24" fuad waa, an Nk h? j_..i IntO 'ha* clrvator all ? broath ha mal Controller Pran* dergaat, who i aplnlni d lhal lha latti 1 1 n ? wora n?>t the Inltlata of anj lan.'bui -. f"r "Othrem ts Fmi'l Mow * ?n,, fund "??',- * rogted bji xp* Ial a * ,.r the Leglalatura to carrj unexpendedj t^lancoa et cotiwrata stoi H approprlv tlona. 't noa ?""?? ": '" ?hou1 ??l - (BjOOOti ' ?? OontrolH 1 sa: - ha li I ,? lUfgeai thal II be uaad 10 build m ick needad achool b illdlngi NbW SUNDAY HARRISBLRGEXPBESS iuZrinng nexl Simda: tha New J? A m . Ub-rt) Bt s Ifi .' N', week daya ror feiaaton, Bethlaham, Allentoan, Roadlng and Hwrlaburg, w?U t. run on S4__<_a.a aiaa-Ad-.L SECOND U.P. STUDENT KILLS SELF IN WEEK ? VV. T. Towncley Sharpens Bullets Before Firinj*. Fat*. Shot CLOSE FRIEND TO MAN DROWNED SATURDAY Tuo Had Arranged t<> Sail for (icrmany Just PriOf t<> I irst Tragedy. Phi ? ? Jan. -V - Wardwell ? -it,.n T..X4 ti, lej .'.'i archlted iirsJ Btudenl at iIm- Unlveraity of Pennayl tweni iwo ? ara old, com ti ,i buIi i.i.- to . ** '.' ahoot Ing blm ? ? .gh ihe head on the i *ai bl Koad, a ehori I atance from tbe Morion .'tirke! rlub -.-"'f courae. H? x. -,,i of Kddlaon ii McCulloufh, ? h< .' rj. ti' xx '? ? roa ned ln the 1" lan an R er on Baturdaj. and ? ? ? ? ? ? ted to Buiclda. The i X-.. Btudenta ? ? d had ai ranp, M.I" ' f"; Oet ma n; ? He attended hla i laaaea as usual x-ea . 4n of laal ??? enlng ng al thfl P?l Upallon ho iso, to frfltiti ? nll ?? he belonged. He ? ? - nighl .it h a home. bui aroafl morning nnd lefl the Hamp i,.n Court apartmenta, where he ra elded xx ii h hia par* i There ran be little doubl that h. ivenl a*4 iy with the flrm intention of tnking liis llfe. for he had purchaged ? ? ...'? ?. ? ? Bhai ed the btilleta to a polnl befora he loaded lt. The man who dli overed the body ? ghtened :n:.i ran away. L-atar ned up al the Merion golf houae and told ih?* ateward thal the*-" xxas a ?i^n.i man lylng In ihe tatuA nearby. Thi ateward Informed Captain Donagy, of the Mei i"n polli e, and i tonag*. ** ?' ried ..x. ? nnd tooh ? ' tha body. Voung Townaley lan bj tiie *i.|e of the rovoh er ** ith x* hi. li hn had ihoi himaelf fltill * lutchod ln hla han*i There waa a boltel wound ln hla temph Jual over the ear, and tho ; tned i" lh' had paaaed thro igh , - .1,1,1. | oui over hia lefl ? ther ihe young man'a fgthi r, '... i Townetey, manaaji of tha Nan.mai i '.iiu ??? of thi. dtj. nor any m mb. i of hla familj or frlanda ? ihed anj liRht on the moftva for the ?cl ih.- family say tha* he had not melancboly, an.i ihe moixtwaneaa rentlj xxas only notad by some of '' hi added he ? ared little for t i ,, ,,, >. ? ,i member of Ihe Ma?k agd Wlg Club. and laal : ear a ai ? membei of the ? w-nj aa Hnns sii, k. Hi" *i' '? ctive, in "Maid in Qor manj. ' the club'a annual production. . MAKES DEAD HEART BEAT German Invention Demon strated at College. Phi ad* Iphla, Jan. -'-' ln thi labora ,,,, j ol Ihi lledli o ' Mi irgli al ' '"Urge to-da* in M x Ullman, profeaaor of phyaiology, cauaed a hotnan hean. taken from a dead i""i io pulaata aa in llfe by means of an apparatu- re r. -, invented n Garmany, whlch haa nol before been In use ln thia eounti - An electrii llghl attached lo tha de Ida th. hrart. and en ablaa ihe operator to obaervfl avary part of the orggn'a functlon. Tha In atrumenl 'r ejtpoctad to be of great benefli ln th" Btud* and treaUnenl of heart diacaaca Thr apparalus is tlie Invention of Prof4*asoi B, v Gabb, of Berlin. HAS $37,000,000 SPRAIN State Trcasurer's Wnst Weary with Oheck Signing. i -. .- . ? - - ;r buac ' Alban:. Jan. 22.- "M: wrtal la eprainoij.'' aaid John J. Kennedx. State TreoBiirer. to some friends to-night whom h. waa dining at the Ten By< k "Met with an ai ? Idani T* "Nr. |ual from atgning ehecka ''tie (HP.OOO.OOO, payabla lo the attan Bank of New Tork; another ,P4. (,,T 18.000,000, .md then othera for K .,,,.. | m. re mattoi of $10,000 fjOO. ? 'h my poor wrigl Then th*- Btata TrflaMurat azplalnod . . the ehacka, totalllng .?.T7.'?*n.??r?. w.;r- tr. take 'U' flhorl tortn ootea laauad ..,,. thi Btate 'rs* ? r*- " antlclj a'^n t (hi ' ond sale of yeeterday. * REYES EXECUTED? Ex Member of Huerta's Staff Said to Have Been Slain. 4*. v. ,, i ii . jan. 1*2. Ii ir rumor* d lo-nighl thgi iv-V" *?? r" ***** hrr" Ited m tha i.enltentiarv ll ib im .... nnn thr report hut lt |g ita redltad ,. ?,,,, of thfl late General Bernardo Royoa, and -ne of tbe |m priaonad Daputtafl Ha xxas form..' j Minigtar of l.afllleg *>? H*8fla*tt*fl Cnb _^_ Hale's Son Seeks Congress Seat aad Ut I ' ?? * ? <*** h newapaper to. ..... of ? x . ,gene ttate, anna j eandldae] for the Repul L'ongreaa aon.ttaa lfl the rirei M ,,,?, ,,., on in- '"tn.flnl of Aahar Hjr, .. ne aaid bfl wouM be Ini laacfli p> tne flfflBkaa ?? **? pim itm4itn MAYOR AGREES TO DANCE Accepts Invitation to Ball Planned by Suffragists. Mayor Mitchel wlll dance ai thi bai .?. to be gtvai I ? s *JVomen'? Politii al Ua '"i al tha '' I ??nt1 n the nlghi ??' "?' I and .??. srlll Mr* MU hol A dopuU- j tion. conelatlng of Mr*.. John "Wtntere Brannan. Mra Calvln Toaskiaa Mrs Marcus M \inr;< and Mrs. Emanuel i ? Btcin, wenl lo '?-"* i flty Haii yeatx i .in* f.. Invlte Mm w n ?? ? tal ? ..i three minutaa of -.'?ur tlme," the? promlsod hlm; and did laki onlj two minutes and a half . me ? . of gettlng >1 har guests thf- M ht I'* RieanS Of a V"t 11? on th< ? l corner, I ia Balvatlon ?| h.. unll u l.n* bOI IOW4 'I a ? i riatn ? from tha a< mj and tc-morroa mon \e Mrs John Rogers, ! and a numbar of other aromen i.ika- theii tand a< list streel and Plfth | avenue lo s*U ball tlcketa to ahoi win drop iii* price, ?'" centa, Into tha Kritk. OFFICERS HURT COASTING Five West Point Men and Three Women in Crash. (Ilghland Palla, N. _"., Jan. 22 ? s ?- rs of tha i nlti _ Btati i MUitai * demj and thrae women were In? jured ln s coastlng accldan! at. We* Poinl to-day. Their boboled ran lato a sled drawn by two horaea Mrs Oeorge Vidmer, wif* of ? cav? alry captaln, a*ae the moal serlously ! hurt. Ueutenanl James O. Bteeaa bad a lei brokon. The othera Injured wera Captain Vidmer, adjutani of 'tip pooi i. i itenani and Mra. Oeorge H Balrd Captain Prederli k B. Downlng, Lleu* tenanl Dan lei i Bultan and Mrs. John bi on. NEW YORK MAY NOT GET RESERVE BANK Organization Board Seri ously Thlnking of Pass? ing This City. l*iaan Tbe TrlBuaa Pnre*n l VVashlngton, .lan tl. tha mara __n of 'ii" Pederal Iteaenra Organlaa* . ommlttaa ha*.o glvan aarlous . deratlon to tho propoaltlon to pa-** v-.r'. in tha ii:-? ? ibution of fodera! reserve banks may b<* atatad on the hlghesl authortty. N"o decision ha? been raached aa r' i nd the Proaidanl said to-daj that he did not know --.her.*. Ihe reaerve banks ? locatod, bui ll ls known to urged on Becretary M< I thal 1' would ho an exceodtngly popu lai Rtep to paas up Sett Ywh and ita o .,|] ? ttraata anu thal h* la HTlOUal: --oniMering tha proposition. u ia recalled tha* whan J. P. Morgan appeared bofora tho Benata Committee on Banklng and Currency he remarkeJ thal in ln"- Judgmanl the greal essen tlal was ihe eatahllahmanl of s strong i;..,.,.. , i nd thal ll nould ,iC v.. ,-?- auch B bank in Bos ,, ,. . Baati rn dtj otl er than Sott York, rather than to pui a woak bank i" tha empira elty. it \n known thal 'ho Proaidanl has under eonslderatlon tl*0 nomination of ex-Senatoi Hanrj OaaBaway Davla for memhership on the Pfcderal ReaervB Board. Mr. Davla ls ronardpd as still B domlnanl Influence In thal faction of the Domocratlc pany whlch achleved th* nomination of Uton R Parker for th* PreMdency, and ha ix ninety jroare old h** Is ?aid to be still in posaesslon of all hls mantal facul ties Th?> Presldant made tf clear to-day :l,Ht he would not nam* for -,ho Pederal Reaerve Board any man Who " is an ? candldate for the ofllcs other, ,,r courao, than John Bkolton Williama ftirnttn-. named?and auggeated that if .. .. fnr' 'n-r- mgdC public ll "OUld matertall: eurtall th** v,bn* House cor respondei r* Prealdent Wllson hop'es to nomlnat* nnd hava- ronflrmrd tho mpmb*r_ nf fh* Yr-tsrri dUting tal.mlng month. BO thal th-- board may oe raad] to organ Ixe b: March 1. SLAIN BOYS FATHER ACCUSED IN COURT Woman Polnts to Him as BeinR Seen with (hild on Day nf Murder. London, .Jan. _."? * day of sanaaUorui eulmmated In * seene utaitiinK and Intenaaly dramatic al l s reautaad la* queal ?featerdaj ?n tho bod) of tviii.o hfleld. the flvo-yaar-oM ho-, arho wa* found atrangled In a Laondon train R fortnlghl Ago A wuinan ?anio f--r ?a/ard tc mj she had aeen tho boj waik hi?* hrtiid In hand **ith a man on ihe Bftornoon of th* nvirdot. tVhat 4,a?a.m?*d .,. astlon from tha |urj thrn. led to b dramatic apla Aahed Whether Bha had soon tho man apam tha* iroman surprlaad Um court i. fut- ing she bad *?*"-*, him thera Than aUowlag har ?*.??-*?'*? to wandsr round ti"- couri ahe Snally lol it p"?t on the fathf-r Of thi* bn- and petnted ,siiik fing> r al hlm. ?j hat '?? th* maa," the a'4?*rt*d. Mr?. Btar MMd asoanad I don t!' and her buaband, Jumpini hy -ne. ahouted "It'sa Ifaf" Tha Inquaal ?a_ thaa a_j-_n.ed for ? ?cek. WILSON'S ANTI-TRUST BILLS MADE PUBLIC Measures Define Monopoly, Prohibit Inter locking Directorates and Establish Rules for Trade Relations. INTEaRSTATE COMMISSION CREATED Indorsed bv President. Fundamentals Will Stand, Though I>tails May Be Changed-?No Regulation of Stock Ex changes?FULL TEXT of the Four Billa Preaented. THE CHIEF FEATURES OF THE ADM1NISTRAT10N ANTI-TRUST BILLS Unlawful reatraint of trade defined bb an atterrtp* *o dieorlminete fn pnce between purchaaer? of commod.tiefl with th? purpoae er Intent to inuire or destroy a compatitor. * After two yeara from tha approval of the aot no pereon ehell be a diraetor in more than one corporation engaged in Interetate or foreign com rfsrce or of any bank or truat company which ia a member of the federal raaarva ayetem. Violations of law to be punlehed by a One ot $100 e day or impnionment. The words "truat" or "conapiraey *r\ reatraint of trade" aa uead ln the Sherman law are defined aa meaning any agreernent to pi****x*e*nt free and un restricted competition in interatate or foreign commerce, and fluch agree ments are declared to be unlawful. Interatata Trade Commiaaion to replace Bureau of Cerporatlone and lo assist businaaa and the government In preventing violetione of the Shei? man law by aiding the Attorney General in term ina* Ing unlawful ooncfltiona. lt will corporationa to full information regerding their buai r.ess and have unrestricted acceaa to their reeorda. [From Th. Trlbun. Bur.a'1 | , Waahlngton, Jan. lt.?Tha admlrrla trntion antl-trust billa, defmlng monop? oly. prohlbltlna; Interlorklng dlrecto rate?, establishing rulea for trade rela tir.ns anrl tf-eattng an Interstate Trade Commtaolon, x-,er. made pubHo to n'.Rht. Senator Nowfcnda and Representa Itlve Ctayton Jointly made pubtto the [Trade Cornrnlaalon bill. and it -*-*ta in? troduced ln the House hefor-* adjoxirn ment. Tne t-emaintng three billa were Iglren out. hut not lntrodnced by the Clayton anb-oommittaai of the Houa-* [judldan COmmlttOO. Normal lntroduc rf tha meaixures probabV arlll be I mad( .imuHanenusly in the t-ro housea. The bflle ae now d-*a-**-*n ha-m tha o K. of the Preetdent, ln *??*ho?o poa*j Beeston they were for a day or more. Tf chang*?a are mada ft wfll bo House proceedtnga have demonatrated the necesalty of modlfytn** thera. The fundamentals of tbe bllls *-il! atand and become !a-r In advance of maklng pnbKe tha bllle President Wilson Indicated to-day that there wrmld be no leglslatlon at hesslon relattng to rhe regu'atlon stock excbangee, and satd he lookerl for publlo heatfln-fa on the antl-trust bllle. The four billa now <"ra**-n and a flfth meesure to regulate the le-ruance of rallway atocks and bonda, repreeent the adm'.nistratlon'a programme affectlng bfg buslneaa for the preeenL tnat ?hl- (i l of *V1 UNLAWFUL RESTRAINTS OF TRADE DEFINED The blfl dedntog BntaWfal reatratnta ana monopollefl provldafl it tho act approrad July l '?*? "*' tltled an acl tO rrnter. trade and com merce aaain-r unlawful raatratata and monopoUafl la hareby sun'-mented ani amended by ed-ilnrs IhatatO the Bectlon 9 That it ahail b? daamad an attempt to moimpoiize trade er ^ merce among tbe aevernl Btirtea. or with ?, nationa or a -part ...ereof. for an*. --:, ln lnt*?tate or foreitn coanrnerce - Mrimlnata ln price hetxreen d.fferent aaeraol commodtftaa ln thflM-moor aaction* or wmmunttt*** *"* .... orlnunt to thereby lnjuro or a eompetitor, *l-**r?a4Bi*t* pur , ,,,,.- r,i- of the selter 8'nv.lded. that nothlBI htf#jln rontalned shall prevent dlacrimlnattan m prlce botwaan P*rebaa ..r, of commodltiea Ofl fl4*-****?- of eOOer ,?ce lfl the grade. ?uality or nuantfty of the commodlty sold or that make. onl** due alloxx-an.-e 'or dlrf-renre ln the C*Mt of tmnaportation; and prox-lded ,. ,. .othing horolll rontalned aha 1 PtO ?-> rcrsons e.igaged ln B-Hing goods. wvmm 07 marehandiae m ********** ?* foreign ,:o,nmerce from eele-tlrig th-Ir owTVuatoinara. bui tbta proYtahm fltaatt nor a Itltorlaa the owne- or operator Of ,?, ?,!?? ta radllng Ita pr-*di*-*te |n mterfltatfl or foreign comm-rce to re -trarily tO a-'-' the -an*e to are* ?ponalble oeraon. flrm or -*orporntlon arho ? to purchaae. Be, non '?* That it ahail be daatnad nn -ttempi i" monopollaa trad. or rjommerca among the aeveral BUtaa. or with 'wreUrn ,. or a rsrt taetoot for ani paraog ln mteratata or foreign *-*om***grca to make a aale of gooda, ware* or merchandlae nr fix a rrice ehargad tharefor or nis-ount or rehate upon su**h prt-e. on the eondl ?on w uHderstat-dlng that tbe thareof flhall not deal la th. *moda, ware, ,?- mer.'iiandlse of a eompetitor or com peUtora of th. aetter .. TM, n.jihmK eontalnad tn ,, ?r Metloa lfl boroof .hai! be taken or held to iimit or la any way eur U? the moanliig and effecl of the pttrtl rttana of ieefdofli - ?f IM" -c{ Suapenda Statuto of L.m.tationa. j . . That xMi.nexer tn any suit 9, rr.."-ealng. nll OT rlmtnel. brought ?__ nr OH behalf of rh- -ovirnni-m lindafl lie proMalona of this get * "nal *Jdg ment or derre- shall have heen rfltlderad to the flfraet that i d-f.ndant. ln trtolauon of th* provrlalona of thla aot, baa entered into a contract er coni-Inatlon ln forro of tn:st or otherwlse. or conaplracy ln -estralnt of trade or rommaree among ths several ??_??? or -orfth forelgn natlona, or has monopoltied or artempted to inoB-po llse, or combined. wlth any pereon a* perBBBB to monopollza, aay port of tho i-_d? or -ommerce among tho aaverai Btatss or -wlth forelgn ___tlo*_a, tha *x tstenee of e'jch 111***aJ oorttr*-*-, oom-ina. tlon or corsplracy ln -4?4Mtra_nt of trada. or of B'.ch attempt to eonaplr* to< monopollse. shall, to tha fali extent to*. whlch auch Judgm.nt or deore* woul* constltute ln any other proce-sdlng aa a*stoppel a*. featwaaa th* go"4*_rnmont aadj surh per?on, constltute aa against auc-t; d?fa*ndant conclualve *vldeno* of th* aam* faa*ts and be concluslve aa to tha aame !_?? BUoa of law ln fax*oT ot any other paxty ln any oth*r proeeeding brought under o* InvoMng the provisions of thia act ln rdi cases where any pareon -Who si__-_i have been injured ln hia bualneaa oaj property by any pereon or oorporatlon by roAtnn ot anythlng forbldden or declared to be unlawful under the provlslona of th* act entitleiJ "An aot to protect trade and commerce against unlawful restrainta and monopoltes." approved July 3 *Jm\\ aad who at the tlme or prevloua to the InaU tutlon of any such suit by the United Ptata*"a as afcresald has a cause of action under Section 7 of pald act or under 8e-> tlon !3 of th's act against any defer.dant tn a suit ta hereln a decree or Judgment hsr. t e?n obtained as aforesald, the atat ute of llrnit.-Uon* applicabl* to such caaea shall ba? s-spenda*! during the pendlng ot such suit and shall not agaln becorns operatlve until after the date of the flnal der.ree or Judgment ln auch cauae. Se. tlon 13. -That any peraon. flrra, cor porat'on or association shall be onUtled t* sue for have lnjunctiv* rellef, la any eouri of tho r nited Btatea havlng juria _ld on over the purtles, asalns* threat aned loss or damage by a vlolat'.on of tbla B ;, v hen and under the same conditions ?nd prlndplos as lajunctlya rellef against thrratanoal i Miduel that wlll cause losa or da-tiage ls Krai.tod hv courts of , to afford m*ans of redln eeuBttng eommon ial paper, to estabiiih a mor?. a-fecttve BUpsrtsaleil Of banklng la 11-i?*? L'attod Btatea aud for otha*r pui ; -- aad a private haakar and _ per* ..nn arho I* ? dtroctor la a:iv stat*- bank or trust oeanpenj nol operatlng under the -m\n of the BBld ad ahall not h. ellglble to bs i dlrei tor in an.v bank 01 banklng as ociatlon or trust companj oparattng undor the peovlsloas ot thg af04' MU a-'f. I ". Tha* an\ r> ? ahall *- o lat* Bectloa ' <>r BactlOO 3 ha?reof ab_H ? be |UUt) "t a inis'lonv ar.or, and ahaii be