aw&ttttt WEATHER To-day, saow or rala. TEMPER*. TIRE YESTERDATl Hiah. 611 las?! se. lull report I'ace IS. (set 101 ?. B? Th? Trib'ine fnrlafirm 1 NEW-YORK, FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1914. PRICE ONE CENT In CI1- of New York. Newark. .Ier?rv ( l|r and llobokeft. I I ?Ml III id. T\AO CENTS. VILLA DEMANDS BIG RANSOM FOR TERRAZAS'S UFE Aged Mexican Must Pay 500.000 Pesos More to Save His Son. LIMIT OF TIME EXPIRES TO-NIGHT Rebel Leader. Already Paid S650.000 in Gold, Deaf to Appeals. MAY ASK BRYAN'S HELP Bulk of Great Terrazas Fortune Gone, but Villa Insists on Random or Death. gj paae, 1> ?., Marc? rv?General i486 Ten-;-./;.- appealed to-day tc Marlon L?tcher, American ronsul m t'hihuahuci. DOS? In this city, to sav* his son Lula, ishcee life has been math UM ferfell If 500.000 peeoa raiieoix Mssey is n?"? wo-;i'' pay the sum de -1 -all that ha had in the Chihoa ink. sent the prlaoiier seas i- S from the pnlace, wher?* he had Bill rwed to live under ?.vit h his family in one of hin father's Women relatives some ?ppealed *o villa to release aha, hut Villa ara? adamant ? llentJfleoa had Pancho Villa ? r In ?.. ame rdrcumstances think he would 1" restrained in in ited with the conadder? iUlon T hav* shown Don Luis?" Villn ret "So. Pancho Villa's head would have been placed on a pike and paraded about the City The Terraaai Casaity have lu-ruroulated Its great health through oppression of the peo? tie, aad Boer the people demand repara? '?en" ?Jurerai Terrazas left Consul Letch tfh room and appeared In the hotel vobby. visibly shaken. His beard ll 'hite and his figure belost 'he medium ?ie walk? with a cane. He v. . eaSBtded by friends and relative?, on 4j4JsOSS faceB anxiety for the yon and lily for the father were plainly errlt? ' May Appeal to Bryan. ?v-.nal appeal to Secretary Bryan Iggeated, but the eld man only ihooh his head. The appeal, hoerever, Baay b* made, unless it is pos ; money. Th? great bulk of ths Terrsksaa fortuna, normalb '?tlmated at lee.OgO.Oi 0 gold, ?rs tied Be i,y tic confiscation order, and most able in foreign COUn? pent in the last threi i to-night that, the most i tie way r,f a s. t ' of the matter is Villa's refusal -il ?a Milrtl [iiyjr, ?-. onrj rnlrjriin. TVs is M o rn ing's News. LOCAL. Tar?. Defeat h W 87. Le-wleis . ] ' salng Drt - - ; pi Disguise . 1 led... l . . . ,. j ? esses" ,. 2 La,?. 4 eles .. 4 . I ? - Urged . ? aaan Belfca al lr?..rjr.?- . s - " --il Rah . i | -'. ?} ? tTharged . 9 . na . 14 .14 OEwraAL. . i ills l? - . . . .. 1 Bendita Onlj 3 ? - ? , | ... i Job -i . a ' ? " ' ?*? sags . 4 ? tora tee.... 4 MI8CELLAKEOU8. . 1 a ...........'.\\\\'.''t 7 7 . .'.'.'.'.'.'.".'8 a i I "' ' .s rfcats . io, u ,-nid 18 .13 .13 ? ?: .13 DEFEAT TORREON REBELS Federals Said to Have Put 3,000 to Flight. I B] CaMa to The Trll Mexico City, March P??Advices re ^?i\.'il from Torre?n Bay that Osneral R irdo Pans mads a' reconnotssance in fores t.? ths north, (^countering ihres thousand rebela near Eteakrn. a complet? victnrv for ths Pi it?rala la claimed. Ths rebels after an en K.'ipemetit of nevera] hours tied In dis ?? it la Bald, leaving four hundred dead on th? Held. JSAY VILLA CRUCIFIED MAM 1 Federals Hear cf Atrocious Treatment of Ohihuahuan. [ By ' abl? to T8m ? Itunt I Mexico City, March 8.?Chihuahua advices accusa Pancho Villa .i new cru< 11 it la Bald that Villa took with him from Juarea to Chihuahua several Fed? eral prisoners, whom heftept lhreer drink. A resident of Chihuahua named Bernardino Vllla loboa living near the place where the Federals were confined, took compas? sion on them and secretly supplied th? ?a with food This was discovered and Villalobos waa sentenced to death. Villa, it is dei lareii, ordered that h< be crucified and his limbs broken one by one. ; ELLIS CONVICTED ! OF WIFE MURDER Chicago Jury Ignores His Plea That Loss of Her Love Made Him Insane. Chicago, March 5.?William Cheney Ellis, uf Cincinnati, was found guilty to-day of murdering his ?rife, Mrs. Eleanor Hoaea Eiiis. in a Chicago hotel last October. Punishment was ' fixed at Imprlsonmen! In ths otate :>cni tentlary for fifteen yean. Bills claimed that he had been driven ; to mania by knowledge that hlg ?rifa I had given her love t>? Fred O. Cauld well, of I'.rantford. ?int.. a young dry merchanL He followed hta wife lure several daya after ghe fame to Chicago OU a Plait to relatives. They celebrated their ninth wedding anni? versary with a dinner and theatre party the night of the murder. When found with the body Ellis ap? peared dazed Me had ?slightly glsshed his own wrists and throat. He at first < declarad the tragedy was the result of a suicide agreement because of lus business troubles. Before the Coroner's i he changed his explanation. He testified that he alone wag responsible for the killing, but that he had ?n?ant that both should die. PARDONS FORCED ON TAFT He Says Innocent Men Were Convicted by Public Clamor. Boston, March I.?Ex-President Tafl deplored the Influence of newspapers on jurors in an address to the students of Boston University Law s, boo! to? day "It is proper for newspapers to com? ment after Judgment on a ease,*1 Mr. Taft said, "but it is the trial of cases In the newspapers before judgment that has led to much of the crltli ism of the court a Why, when i ?ras President, I hnd to pardon two or three men who had been convicted by public clamor nhr-n the- were reaiiy Innocent." POISONED, TRAVELLED FAR Youth from Long Island Col? lapses on Reaching Bellevue. \ young man ataageied it',ri tha office Bellevue Hospital laal night and col? lapsed si the entra?e? He waa raised to his feet, and rnansged to gasp out: "1 took pa?ses by mistake; please hnp ma!" Up was hurried to ? ward, and it was found that he had taken nitrate of silver iras In a rery serious .onditton. Ha said h? waa Joseph Kenishl, sevent^-n years old, a machrnlst'a helper, of Cedar Qrote, I/on?? Island, and, t>. th? amas? f th? doctora m d he had hurried all the way frora Cedar Grose to Bells vu? for treatment. Thi delay may cost him his Hfl BROADHURST NO ALIMONY DODGER I Playwright Bares Big Earnings to Court, Despite Fact Wife Is Suing Him. The frank statement of his income h George Broadhurst playwright, made In ths separation suit which Mrs. Ida Rajrmond Broadhurst la bringing i ?tra?nai him on the ground of abandon meni earned the commendation of Jus tier Cohalan In the Supreme Court Mr Broadhurst'a atatement, In the proceeding which hia wlfs brought for ti?<- awarding of alimony, was different from thai of many non who are being ?tied by tbeir wives, whoei efforta, rnosl of ti.? ttrni ar? to reduce their alimony ? g , apai Ity Ifr Broadhursl aid that hs h id earned IS4S.614 In the lasl seven reara making an ant,uni Income of 148,130 n.s n.'.M recent plays have given htm ;,,. income of 1204,514 In tha hurl two viar.M On th? financial ihowlng mads by the ? , .. | ijrhi Jui lice < tobalan fixed the alimony kl 110,000 a y ar j..-mlln^r th. ,. and an..""I Mrs Broadh 12.000 '"' "?'"' ' ! ,"' -N,r' ???'"?", . hs ' omptolnad thai her husband ii ing much Usas in th? compan) oi Diva Waaraldi, aa actress, FREE TOLLS REPEAL URGED BY WILSON ?Relations of U. S. with Europe Depend on It, Says President. INDICATIONS POINT TO SUCCESS OF PLEA Brief Address Delivered to Congress by Mr. Wilson in Person. irren. The Trlb ins Bun in ' Washington, March .".. - President Wilson appeared In the. House cham? ber to-day for the sixth tima and de? livered his message to Congress, plead? ing on this occasion for the repeal o?" the provision of the Panams Canal act which exempts American coastwise shipping from tolls. Despite vigorous opposition in both the Senate and the Hi.use there seemed to be little doubt to-night that his re? quest would be granted Mr. Wilson asserted thai his n for asking the repeal was thai every? where except In the United States the tolls exemption was regarded as a violation of the Hay-Paum efote treaty, and he further asked it in support of the administration's general foreign policy. Because ?.f the aide diversity of ? pint' n. even among members of hi? own party, on the tolls question, Mr. Wilson's reception was not so flattering as that accorded him upon former oc? casions. Sharp? rcriticism among mem? bers ,,f Congress also followed th? ... - livery of the message Repeal Bill in To-day. When the Preeident entered tl s chamber the applause lasted for pos? sibly thirty secondi The demonstra? tion at the end of the reading of the message was likewise of brief duration From the standpoint of applause there ; v, as 8 distinct contrast between the re? ception of to-day's message and the 'iies-ages relating t,, the tariff, cur? rency ?'.ml the ?Mexican situation. Initiative action m the matter will be taken to-morrow, when the House In? t?ntate and Foreign Commerce Com? mittee will meet x>< consider the mes sage, it vvas ?aid to-night that this oosnmKtee would report a bill to Hatty repeal the exemption provision. In the : Senat?- to-day ?Senator Chilton, s Dem? ; "cr.iUo member of the Interoceanie Canals euniuaitee? rhfrtnuced an amendment to the canal :ut Which would give th" President authorltj to make or su.?-;), nd tolls by proclamation and to prescribe tolls in cases exempt? ed. This would put it up directly to the Preeident to ?limin?t?? the ex? emption. President's Message. In addressing himself t" Congress Pn aident Wilson said: ?'1 have come to you upon an erran?j j which can be very briefly performed, i but I hf,g that you will not measure its I Importance by the number of sent? In which i state it. No communica? tion i have addressed to the Congr nb carried with it graver or more far reaching implications to the Interest of t).lUntry, and I rom.- now to ?p? ., Upon a matter with regard to wh: h I am charged in a peculiar degree) by the Constitution Itself, with personal re? sponsibility. "I have com? to ask for the repi al of that provision of the Panama Canal a.-t of August 24, 1012, which ? aemi te vosarla engaged In the coastwise trad? of the United states from payment Of toiiu, ,-nd to urge upon you I he justice, the wisdom and the large policy ?if such a repeal with the utmost earnest? ness of which I am capable. "in my own ludgment, very fully considered and maturely formed, that. exemption constitutes a mistaken eco nosnic polic) from ever) point of view, and is. moreover, in plain contraven? tion of the treat] with <;reat Hntain concerning the canal concluded on No? v? m'n?r 18, 1901. Bui 1 have not come to you t.. urge my personal views, I bave com.- to state to you a fact and a, situation. Held a Treaty Violation. "Whatever maj he our own diffcr i i.'. s <>t Opinion concerning this much. debated measure, Its meaning Is not debated outside the United States? Everywhere else the language of the treaty is given hut ?m?' interpr?t?t ion, and that inti rpn tatlon precludes the exemption I am asking you to repeal We consented to tim treaty; Its lan guag? WS accept? d, if we did not orig? inate it, ami we are toe tug, too power? ful, too self-reepectmg a nation to In terprel with too atratned or refined a reading of irorda of our own promises just because we have power enough to give us leave to read them 88 we j... ., ? ?Th?- large thing to do is the oniv thing we can afford i" ?I" 6 voluntar) withdrawal from s position everywhere questioned end misunderstood. Ws ought to reverse our action without, raising the question whether we w.r right or WTOng, and s<> once more de- ? serve our reputation for generosity and the t'deniption of every obligation without quibbls or hesitation. "I ask this of you In support Of the foreign policy "f the administration, I shall not know how to deanen. As the polleetnan was falling i ? i uiiad .-"it his revolver and Bred at j M. ii' orj That shot went tru?' hitting McHenrj I in tha gtomach. As McHenr) fell, j W>nn fired again, and the BCCond bUi 1.1 strut h st- sens in ths bav 8 r*1vs other poll??emen had heard the ? ? lag ami they trame to Um scene quickly. The* held the woundt I um n and Patrolman BtlUwagon cau| tin, Who hSd run t" Mar '. avi lid Madison Btreet On Martin waa ISO in property and a revolver He locked up i'? the nates avenu? on a . hariT" of burglary. Tii" thr.-> wounded men were re-j moved to th.- hospital h> Dr. Bmlth, HER JEWELS DISAPPEAR Mrs. Peters Says Window! Cleaner Also Went. \vh. h Mrs. Samuel T Peters re? turned to her home, No. 11" Bast 37th street, aft'-r kt shopping tour yesterday afternoon, ahs found thai |10,000 t.. 115,000 w?.rth of Jewelry had been stolen. Mrs. Peters wsnl oui aboul 2 o'clock, and ahortly afterward a wltrdow ricaner calledL Thi servanta seeing nothing unusual In auch a risit ad mltted the man, who proceeded to ? lean Wlndowa No on? ?nuld recall aeeing him go, hut In- was gOfM when Mrs. Paters returned. BANDIT ROBS MAIL C - Obtains Several Sacks of istered Letters and Esca? timbla, S. C, March .-, \ 1 ?bed the mail ear of S ern R. ?-, No. 11 < ?fiarles! Columbl Joel as the train re? Columbia. The robber covered I clerk ivitii a revolver, secured eral sacks containing registered and Jumped off the train No at have ' ? '?? made. ! G.AMT8 ARF HOME AGj ' World Touring Nines Are r at Last. mi ;? Lusitania, with world baseball tourists on b< Band Hook at ?_': is o'< thl morning and anchored off tling Buoy. II waa anowini that hour, and the thick weather la ? d to h \.?.- ?as*, according to the de? tectives, is his real name. They say he comes of wealthy parent? at Esaton, Penn., and is ?* graduate of the dental college of the Untvei .? of Pennsyl? vania. He is >iiave, well dreeaed snd ha? * .?r'n'-'.v'i vein of humor If.' offered the police a bos of cifrar--, begging them t.. smoke and make themselves rom fortable whlk searching his room, and ho kept th.'in amused with funny atorfea Detectivi i hew trailed him to tii? wpct list atreet house, where h ?? sags that Fari. . was wanted .-t the door. The man i une 'own wtthoul . moment's hesitation. Policeman Qeorgel started to pall oui hlg revolver, but Pltspatrii k sri i'i" d him. When sh< saa her husband In hands of the police, Mi-, "arley u?. came hysterical, but Parley maimainoil hla good humor, 11. denied he h 11 eves asea 0 sorg a before or had ? been in Bunamlt Later, before anv.j thing had been said about the kid-1 napping, he - ltd, ' he poll? "You are ? trying to eon-! rtect me with tlu> chap who 'Kidnapped rut" COp down at Summit; bUtl you're wrong, i know nothing ahout ; it." Bul thi ? mlnuti. Um deb - tlvea say, ? was making 0sorge wince by reminding him of their tin?? ? brough u,.- . ountry. The police found in Farley'? rooms a Jimmy, a brave and hit, a kIus* cut-? tor. a putty knife and an etei trio flash lamp. Parley aill be arraigned at the West Bid? i'ourt tin-, rnornlng on ? > barge of hsvlng burgter*? Cools. Farley Jenled thai h> aas b burglar. Th.- poltee say thai In !."?. he ?ras sen tanced t?? ten years' imprisonment In PhiladelphlS for holding up and robbing a harbor master and was ralBBBCld SftST Bsrvtng two yoara The) say he also served a rear at Reading, Pansu, for stealing ?*opper ?rira There arer? a namber of burgierie? h. md around Bummil late m Januar) and early In Pebruary. Policemen Qeorga snd John J. Gannon w,-r.- s?-t,t out the night of Fabruai\ |] t.. smteh the fashion able resloentlal district in plain clothes They were klcmapped h) a Bupposed robber, who held them up a it i; a revolver, POUCE AGAIN QUELL I. W.W. LEADERS HERE Two Meetings of "Unem? ployed" Dispersed in Quick Order. DARWIN J. MESEROLE ARRESTED SPEAKING Another Agitator Also Captured?Is Defiant in Courtroom. TANNENBAUA1 FREED IN $7.500 BAIL Berkman Plans to Organize All Unemployed Many Kept in Cells After Raid. Developmenta were rap'.] last night in the "vnemployi d" ? ituetl ?n with which the i ollci ha? e been ailed u ?.PC. Following the Mil. St of 100 m?>n of ??>., I. w. u tor breaking in'o a i hutch We In. S'!.,- n fht, tl last evening broke un two meetings in Rutgers Square ami arrested Theodore Freeman and Darwin .1 ftfei !"'?? on charges "f speaking in public without permits and refusing to moVS on wh'tl ordered. Alexander Berkman, the anarchist, made arrangements t.ganlse ->i? ?? ? unemployed of th. cltj and to nold ntghtl; meetings in Rutgers Bqi I .i-ei man h on the churches au h tofore. Frank Tannenbaum, th?- young i W, W, leader, was released on hall ,f >7 ?Vsi furnished by the Bouthweetera Bursty Ineuranca Company, ami will be given a heeling at '_' o'clock t -, afternoon. Theodore Freeman, who was ar? rested in Rutgers Square, la an in? dustrial Workers Of the World agitsv* tor, and Darwin 1, Meaerole la a prominent Brooklyn lawyer. The men were arraigned In the men'a nighl court. Freemar, ran found guilty and lined SO, nhiotsf re .vas u.wU).-; ta>-laay.^? Menerole, who fays he Is a sessjotial friend of Tlteodore Roeeewejt, was die charged by Mails'rate Ten F.yck Off;r to Pay Fine Refused. After his dlecharge MeeercJe weal to FYeeman and offered to pay his line, but Freeman declared thai he was net guilty and would not accept it Ha was taken to the Madison Btreei police station and will probably serve three days 1n lieu of paying the One, Freeman was taken Into < u.siody 88 about 6.90 O'clock He had !.. | n sttoll - ing through Beward Park, button holing men and sxhortlng th.m to gather at the end of the square Ms was told to move on by the police, but gave no heed. Qstiming 8 I towij around liim at one etui of the aquars be mounted a betV h and bagM to haraiigue the men. "In Fran.'?' they had to -tart a i SI ohitioti to five the peoplf ' rlghta." he declared, "and thai is what trill happen here. What right had tue pe Ina to arrest al! those men last algbl They went to a church to g? t foe shelter, where el^e could th. y go'." Patrolman Jacob Kolsin h? re inter ni[it?d th" speaker and told turn to OUlt. When he refus? 1 he was placed UBjdaf arrest and taken to the Mad: son street station an?! later to the night court. ii? stats I that he was tweaty-thrse, ? ' Rus) ban and tl it he had no !!? had only seven CCntS on hi?> person. Ifeserole, who lives at No. IM Wash* irirton avenue, Brooklyn, appeared In Rutgers S?;uare at about ?? o'clock and began speaking to the loungers privete l?'. Lieutenant McAuiiffe gave h"i ? arnlng, but Meaerole atetad I I K i ss merely asking the men to attend cting at C oner i rnion, and i ? i i ermlseion to n ? ? ? sen. McAuiiffe telephom d Headouartera and returned with the Information that Meaerole would be permitted to spent if he confined Mmeeif to the subject mentioned When Meneroh rnovsited ?he form, however, h< an bed Into a esit? leism "? thi police for th? :r handling of the I w w. situation, and broughl in meniio i of Um une npto] ? ?! rd "unemplo) ed" M I Isspril up beside Meserofs snd told him to quit speaking. Meeerol? i u placed und' r arr? St. Alexander Berkaaan, In the confer? ence al the Frari'ir- o I', rr. - SCbOOt, a .socialistic institution, declared that the dty would be canvassed snd the unemployed anthered together, i'he> win meet nightl) ii R .t~. and will then proceed to a hall that win he hired for the purpose. Thsre w ;i :. made bj prominent socialists and>!- and the BM 8 will then proceed t?? atorm one of thu churches. Tannenbaum, wh?, was arrested arith his followers in the Roman Cathi Church ?" BC Alphonsus Wedni evening, was HTBaglaSd In Jeffeff Market Court y, .sterday afternoon remanded f.-r -i bearing lo-ds HI bail was i.used from i.' t? ST - I w hah tmount w as latei sat in t : Hi: US follow, rs, and tin- v om.i i Qlissls Miiier. all of whom wen sei in UN raid. w< re taken to the cbi?f