Newspaper Page Text
SAY BRIBES GIVEN TO HELP BECKEF Witnesses for State (ie Money to Quit. Accord? ing to Report. PLOT MAY BL PART OF ??SYSTEM'S" PLAIN fllynn NU) (Jrant (intimen Re p.ic\e Asks Opinions of Uoff and Whitman. s "the ggnjtem" still frilling to stan* Backer? Thtt wai the vacation ? - BBS ' I x ?- t- i tant aril testify al ?'"?t tb tr ' ' itien ti , ?' . tied t report ha'l It that i .. taesa ?? ** teal ?- tonnectlm acker s to . - , ? . . -i hang. eatlm >ny and ? the - nd the ef/oi I a ? bee* ? ? ?aM t* . Jos* ph A. ? scker'i of the i then I B no M ': til it. - thai *oi tlon fo < g] Ihai look i ? e-ffee .... to I ack of l .... VMthOllt .? tloi' Bbay. "In th? ? i:- ? ? sntlr? ?? tlnct. . . . i. ... pert. en < onti Ibuted : . Ih4 ? ? ? -. what ? may be, m th. > havi t aald that t ' erdi t. tb? tment and ' a-. ?-> fund for my ? ? "Let ni" i .?and that : ? and for all aa absolut ? .i this tall that a Cali 'rial mai Charlei 0 W?hle, counsel for thi -f^ref-t. d In th?. ? - ? I ' strict Attbr ?Vliltit 'hat the i ie against Bed M (V< - losod to i ? ? .????'.? bandi oect i with : elifcVcd t the 1 ' ? 1 d til l\ iiitman : lly of granting t! a reprit "f B* -. -:? Whltn -r,at hi bad ? ? unalti -, etltlon for i ? fl - u i tiiat the ? . ? er hU'i leen ti ? ? mom I would vaks wmi - and Bnd : en to their come to ?.r- tlon 1 t%i..-.f of the mi g fea the < , weil? I Iprll BO Intention of < 1 ? it have writ ? i ' - . ?Yr.itman g ? . ibtllty of - ... FM .-. in th? ?a lettci from the R* i. ? ; s T' ml a sting < GIRL FOUND DEAD IN CANAL IDENTIFIED Vleum, an Orphan. Met Death on Wav Home from Church -Foul Play is Theory. ? teraoi N Ba h H ? body I rl a ?.!?? " aaal rereaa Ryai f>ha '!' Mil '? - ?r:.! ???letI m ? 1 iti an r>: ocle, Pati ? ' ? I ?? ? been Ii ? . ! ? ? II l!k< ! . - ? ' . . . ' i ? -, ?. , | | ?.? ., ' - .'in h. ? , t?,w Maze you seen the heap of silver dollars m the v.indow of the United Cigsr fttors, m the Fleitiron Building* Just sol'O th? Bsn FranUm Qui/ picto ', ?phs and gat your share. CROWD WATCHING TRIBUNE QUIZ rRT7F< IN FLATTRON BUILDING. SEES RACE BEING UNSEXED Dr. Riddle Says Social System Tends in That Direction. Tl tern tend ?. th? ording to Dr O ; : IdU ol tboratory at ' told Bpr ag Harbor, who Ii lured laal nlshi before thf feminist foruni of Columbia t"ni veralty in Bari H 11 "Our present morality late marriase. ? mingling of tl:. sexes with? stimulation make foi ?? dilut shadow; sea d< ? ? mt," he said ? .ii?-- con ? itions shou d ? I t. rm luct o? soclel ? ' !'.?? r.i. - ." -? M - large!) a . ? absorption ol water Is a largi ?: terrai Ity t< nd* to pro ? ' - ?:? ..ii ? ? ? sex. BANG! AND APRIL I 'BOMB' ROUTS LOUIE First Came Leiter Threats, Then a Loud Blast from an Electric Bulb. ' rur.i il v.. - - T' ' lh avei . ;, a; ' Al '? " - i " - morning. 'i would s cru? Lo . ? . , ?EL.-! , ,? thraat? ... - n waa ? ' . M .. gle ;, ? 111 - ir. end at last h? ? . ?? .i . 17th '?'?"?? ? doubl. ??ut was reached U the door a tltjr o wai - Ti? ll. ... i d?ni ig at Louie's ? rhlch ?? oS with s b ' : ? l-night. I all. ALDERMAN'S PIQUE PREVENTS EXHIBIT W'endcl's Action Bars City from International Exposition at Lyons. . i ? ? . i. ??. ; ? . tii*? Mderman ? .-. request pack Ii the cxl I ? without i if. | f the . lion from the ths matti ? : | '? : art! of ; " i the ei ' ... sw th? ?tre ? ? th? bill el 'he t will be srm ? ? Helm - e???? Procures Her Father's Release. ?. ? ,! ? ? ? Patrick White, s Weai M"* ? ? ? ii i ?,? . .,f ,, | and lewelri ?? ?? > ' iiti i ?/p^rty wui recovere?* 7,150 SILVER DOLLARS USED ?N TRIMMING UPTOWN WINDOW Money To Be Given by The Tribune in Ben Franklin Quiz Contest Inspires Repartee Around Flatiron Building. Th* Tribune's 7 t. round 'lollar.-. II be | risse to < asei ' testants In the Bei Fi ankjin Quiz. ; town debul In th.? wind..?? ?.f the i in f.! i . in the ? ? '? ? m shining, new = i!ver dol ? ?! thr glitte gneti qualities di awing I i ? .1- of shrip|)?-is and business trot? s tuation ? f th" \?i- Broad* ? .-?nd Fifth ? neous ? et to gaa< al ;hr treasure. "Prettj soft 'o e a window trln ?i.i have that stuff to trim with." ?aid an onlooker. "Anybody Who COUldfl I ttrad |h1 to ?-??1 ? ? . "How loi _ ? take 1 Mend. tl s li for m\ ? ?? - ppoee you laid a those a inrs in a row?ho* fai *-o r. a^h'" "Froi i here 1 lh< eight of tlon and part way bai k ? e level, the "About to Harlem, I gui ? - ? 1.1 ? r\ hi II tl I all tl . ? Where do you rowed ? fri prtnl I. of "Anyhow [ wish th*. ? -,vere yours? uli.c " "Thai 11 meant ?i ?? i ? Bure. T< ?? i gol 'em land'i as gon.i at? i i ? I tha cop "whal hi '? de if i imaahed In the window, and ? : :i? U : ? "He said he'd ' ? :i tho'i' ? ?? "Lei count IL 1 'hat ? ?a ?--ii ain't It? rl I this ,. ? . .- ? ? ? . ' a special ofn ? - -? ?? ?? ? ? Perched i ? ? ^-?'.ITl tO nee al . B I He wai trying lo of 1 !?:? firr-u ;n The Tribu? REPORTS 11 ROADS CONTROL HARD COAL Jersey Committee Calls on At torney General to Act Protits Are ,300 Per Cent. Bl . to Thi v J., Mai h \ ?? ? i ? ? ? ' eleven railroad companies ontrc ? ? : ? re ne . uai mine i and that the.*, extract a r rotit oi 'ti":e ti: ?? Bl cen? from the ont i A lembly :????- til '.eport to-?Ia: . with the recommendation thai th.' a enere f thle state act at one? i that cow the n - dealers an i ansplcuous. The at\ en ralli pant? - a hi is shown control thp great bulk of thli coal eei The Phlladeli I holds . onti ol of a : ? :? ? nmlned coal; n?e i. Valle] th? New lersej Central, tha Pe? inie Railroad, th- Delaware, Lacka . \ Western the Delawars .\ son Canal '.'m?an' and th? Brio !:< any, ..-)?,.. traction o lent eratori ? oked ami throttled bj combinati> Ihe commlttei .< ? iti ttV control of the labor o poi tatii ? JOKER IN GAME BILL Jones Measure Permits Killing Animals at Any Time. - Albanj, March II. The laboi ? ' to safeguard th? d? ? otl ? i - - animals will be wiped o-? ? ? ? pen if Ooven sign? th?- new game net introduced tssembl' man J. Q. Jot ; ?? Who l1 ? Join II :? - ' irernor 1 ?? ? the bill to-n-i"' r hlch Is srli ? th. Jones 11ll, limits th? saa elk a:..i ?!? ? i ?? killed bet ? t.iK. i H, an . ? to Jai The Iones bll ? ? "elk. d ? ducks - !?? t ime HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. Delmonicos The Dansant Tuetdaye, fhurtday* and Friday* ?1 (o 6:30 o'clock IN THE PALM TRELLIS : EXHIBITION DANCING: MISS DONNA BAIN MR. DONALD CRANE INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION ' Iu?1i:ik '.-.? ?|..?,0. ?^-^-'-?-?-?-?-??'-'-'-?----?-?--??i-ii-i d_fl_ DURYEA'S 47 West 72nd Street THES DANSANTS Srilurila? ?>. I lu il SO, \<IhiL?|.,ii ?I. ? i||i Ira V prliui , ' bi i.i.?- ???'??i b Ml ? ' Ml . ? i. a tina Ha ?* Hesitation a la Duryea" full ? I A ! i ? ? I - , , . II ??I IM s? and ?63 an<J ?37 \l,.i |K?i M. Irl ? II loi. SEES END OF REVIVALISTS Methodist Conference Abol? ishes Evangelistic Commission. Old fashioned i ngellsi ? ih. \. v. JTorl ? ? i lie! Ep i opal Cl 'itch. The , fen ? M" ? ? '??? the | commU Dt. Jamea I. .).;?.- bu| f the Brook I contended that th* Of th* ? ?-. ? v.-tion on t ? itrlcl superl ? ? , ? . Bald, ? ? mil ? . t - i.v. n a Ithout caltli A 11 ? ? a- . anl) ' ? ?? ? superintend* an.' ? ei ?? itirnther? I take th* ? ? ? ?si. n Lowrie Now with United Fruit M. L ' ? th I - : ? ?? ? ... ?? (Be :: ? iger of i he United Frail C< arlth head .?uart? - ai Mo ? The company open p aei ,--e to 1 . ? gag? d in pa - 'itlon i its. iM tf<rft?xndfrjit* The Greatest Men'? Furnhhing Store Lighter Weight Underwear Athletic Union Suits. 5?r and 79c Regularly S 1.00 & $1.50 Medlicott's White Liale. 98c. val. $150 Medlicott's Mercerized, 98c. val. $1.50 Grt?tSpecU ? :?'?."?'. ? . ?MSsU Culi lf\^ 1 ' Shirts at $1.25 Crepe, M.idi ,? and Mercerized. Sires 14,14'3. l.rl.S'j Gloves, 98c $1.50 Value. Cape Skin.(jra> uede und th-moK ATTACKS HARRISON PHILIPPINE POLICY Malcolm Peabody Says Effort to Placate Natives Proves a Handicap. COMPETENT ADVISERS OUSTED, HE ASSERTS Mistakes Way Cause Governor General to Reverse Himself. Missionary Believes. The poll of Ft i Burtoi Harri? - ... the Phillpplni - him not mi ely tl Ami man residente, bat a.s.. the reaped of the Filipinos, according to Malcolm Peabody, o Boaton, arho recentlj re two yean a ork in th" lalanda. Mr Peabodj said I . anv guccaa i adralnl?i might attain In the futur? muet he red in gplte of the opi I and igual d eng* ndi red "Harriaon beg ' Fllt M hr'd give tl:em all they wanted, ti i foUoared that by g ttlng r I of moat of the coi ' ? Americana In oil m Peabod] ''r took Queton, th'' nail at leader, a man who i^ ebeo lut? ly unacnipolous, a? hla chief a-. and ?? .'':>'?! t-i || ten to an; Imei oho had had real "xr^itm'* of the "In ?! t. Ui effort ' ?a been to placate I e nattvea b) giving them every? thing they ^nnt, rot ?eein?; that what the*/ wanted, ?r *x laaal ahat Qiezon wanted, waa to cripple- nts admtnlatra* i tion. that his own ;.ower rntgllt he cor? respondingly inc aaed H< Burrendered ,--jre. exerted throu??T'n ture, for p reduction in 'he ? ? r \ . , n ?i i - ' ? i B Cut Pay of Americans. Mr. Taylor, for Inatance, Dtrectoi a' R-irTiu of Argiculture and a nnn arho haa done ? ible a* ice to the islam!? by *he< ktnz th? rinderpest, a kind rf ra'tl? placne. ?a? reduced from 18,000 ? '?> He reatgn* i Captain sleeper. Director of th? Burea I of Lar,'!-., a ia ?-ir fu it?, I7.0M to Jfi.noo He, too, re T man found he didn't have ike shshtf"<t tdea of how to run the office. He ca led Harriaon In deal .-.-ktpp him what the head of the bureau ght to do, i ? t waa all a rlaon toi.i him he dldn'l exactly and referred hlra ? ?? Captain ? : . -n n I | | ? . ' Ighl 1 ' 0*8 ? i? ? Bleep* : goaf that he now rained his time at IBM a and thai the government could have ? that price, and ro le*? The re. ",i5 the ,;.- _-.- ration of the bu : o? : for <' nie werk? "Quezon's ...i ? eh he haa played heen to separate Harrison from I Ben ^ho gh( i prepared the native? are for self-government "To ti _ - Un t.? Ben I " Carpenter, icutlve a rotary nr M : touch with 1 Yearning for S p ring clothes? Why yearn '. Variety's here. Price is right. Style is right. And as for fit-?candidly, we've nei er found it so easy. For instance, men with deep chests, slim waist? and hea\ y hips steil) as easily fitted in the most modern shapely clothes as our slimmer friends whose build is obviously adapted to these new models. Suits for every size. Models for every build. Careful! Quick changes in under? wear are best made slowly. Medium weights for now. Phst Company, Three Broadway Stores at at t Warren St. 13th St. ? Mtli St AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. WINTER GARDEN THE WHIRL ,','.', WORLD ?UIIRFDT ? anuotiti m., || PINAFORL . Sam Bernard?Gaby Oesfys ? - "? " - 111- H.I., ?,r |l.??| >,rr,l l,","M "'' ' '' a a ?k ?? ii? m l k?"g-~?* ' 39th SL "" x The MIDNIGHT GIRL n ?.l oiii.i M \< i IRLAKE. OOMAW L?l?kS PRIXt KHU. :i;i i. , i c MARRYING MONEYS lit ? r.ini ?.?Ml I 'i PLAYHOUSE \ iiii i jn niV TODAY i ?K misos i ha i count .gyaija. w-eaij I YRIP AMAD' "Ml "? '? "? i??? UM A H Kill Y V1ACKA> r UMiiiKiii ?i\\i\h i i i un i - yri nilJlkiTTn HIQHjinks ," HtLrWANItu Mm Tn rla) t.\ \ BATE* FOHI Ihr IIMiUhll; ?I WIM- I I I kit l> ? \s|\l? i ?J I '? ?? M ' On llo rile. I'?.'!'. J I...? > WiM Iml. ?- llll IIII ill HI K -WliH Ii ni lUpUC Dlklp ." ; i'11"1 Utlrrlns ?! DLMnunr. ninil llu,r? ? ?n?r. lili ?? Hi - n , . > Manliatliiii 4l|i?-rii 11 on??-?Mm Wad LAURE?TE TAYIOR " muM* ?rm *-BATS *ow CORT , - ? ! i I ? II I \ . PAVLOWA CORT Snecial FRIDAY, at 2:15 i., ..i ii,, i in.-. ri|?<rial liiHIsaol Hals ... , , , I 1rs I 1IIQCTTC TAVI AB a FF.l. O'*? permlrs LAUnCIIC lAILUn m mm in pin ?.mil Frsarema ?<< < i> i ,n a l \?i Flail i> J- ii*rti.-> Msaasie. 1 Friers ?>?* +> ?: :.o. Bas *? SU |J ?>?>. sltuat.on throughout the entire archi? pelago, to Moto Proviaoe to succeed Gen? eral Pcr-difng as Go\ernor. Tn dot"? this he deprived Harrison of th.* most valuahle man in Manila, and put nun ?hw be is riot needed, f.,r Mr How dlteh, who was secretary to Pershing, hits had six months' experience there. and would, in the nature of things, have led ' ?? ra!. Bishop Brent's Advice Unheeded. "Leal v igual B - op Brent, who kit w? the lateada hotter Than most men, went t,, ?.,.,. Harriaon in Bat Harbor -nd told him not to mak ? .-ge in the policy ?-?! peraonm of the government till lie had bean there I (rear Had Harrison fol? lowed hla advice '.<- noold lave kept out ,,* trouble He irent ".ere green as the moat verdant crass, however, and proved easy for Queaon and the rest of them Who are howling fnr independe? e "He failed to realize the thorough ne?? with which the Americans already 11 * sir work, or how they d it. or he would n??t have :' n - or, at leai t. i like to think. The\ ? tin - ? I p. ti. ;.. ?> by man; faJiurea and mil I and these their auc repeat The teal truth of the mat* howev? . la that the Amer -, ? .- . Quei own In. "A I) hasti and III - lered n odi refu - ' g to be transferred to Baguio, a rammer '? -Tt i | mountain!, for th* months On the fa ?? of It thia * capital .= eems in* M the natives claim, hut In fad the extra the incr* I "In a ill soon chang , ai lila at? titude wll what It will make KLAW & ERLANGER LOSE Paul Armstrong^ to Keep His $1.000 Advance Royalty. '"? .ne I Albany, Mar th Si of the Court i\ rala - hUa Erlanger, th* managen th* Ir s ?it gg pg : g, the : Ight. Th?1 tl: Armatrong to write a pla adltton being that ?' ??? to the au! ng tl ' i c* rtain pay? ment of t, ? ? ' 'rom the i aftei - ty. The I ? paid. hut after ?? trd the l .. lying one. and refused to accept II I I turn of the $1.Oft d playwright th Co :?? ? de WRIGHTS TERmT" BAFFLED SLOANE Manufacturer Says He Made Offers on Patents, but (,nt No Satisfaction. r* , f , ?en urv,, . Plan. ?1 my - said not a,.,.i, iti tn(. corn. '*^a "I a-knowu.ij,. q* . rpjrall ? . . *emi ill ..,.,. - - . ' " ? - ' I - - trie?! ? ? i' ' ? , able tn g?t || ? _ RACKET STREET IS QUIET J Hence Residents Want the A f dermen to Rename It | I ' inapp ? in th- . Q '? ? i Ml .... ?,, ? - ? ? ? -? ? . distan' AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. M.u rOBKI IUDIM, THEATRES rv" -'? <<!?iv_ rHKSl THEATRES HAVI NO DEALINGS WITH lin n-u\ CO. Bl? | >| \i?. , \N 111 Dill \[Nr I? 'I BOX "HI? I MA?DEADAMS;;!7,:A;V?NEW'MSTERM,, MAF b?lUe'bURKE ,-"jERRI ATHENS UTN HUDSON GAIETY HJ_8 it1 "LADY /\l^illl_llll FAN" ,ALONO CAME KM? HI KMiH Kl R. '?" DC| iCRfl r?-dsj Matines Fssmlar, ->?? te II W. ?*????? JULIAN ELTINGE FRANCES STARR le??' THE CRINOLINE GIRL mm n liberty c A D| THE RUL Loft SARI R7"3S FULTON Vxr7 HISLEADIN? UW| WALLACK'S ^_^_^_ CYRIL MAUDE ?(JRIMPV ?ENSA_ "* S ??? ?, - ? ?"- in ?i ?i ... ?Ill MONTH *?tl -I? VI RAGE. <?><>. nflUAU'C hands ? v, wunaii O ,. i; ([A_ G3AND MitHioii, ,t,M, lJiW^1!M'^;)ITIi?in3! "im nan ?i tue lonesome PIM II H.r/IUIIIl MfcJMa^ MADISON SQ. GARDEN GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH TaJ I ?Tail His fl&RNUM&BAILEYll IN I CgggJ tM wizard m?mm t lag PeraMM MM ii.iii.-t \ t*te?* 3MO Caatumea 85# M**U-lan? ?*t-*n?rj MONSTER ZOO?FREAK CONGRESS \imi-??l<?\ inae, a K^Reeervodgeati EVERYTHING, *0C ? 0?C-.. , gl. gl.58. i Braaeh tl? u??t unices ss S. T. Centra '-1 \\,-?' :?_?:? it ? i ?-? " -1 ? REPUBLIC - TURNED AWAY MONDAY NIGHT 2,000 R1GBAGG?T "The Baited Trap" RJOHS - I "SAMSON IS SIX REEW ,1 H \KIU v KlHUH.IN I nUrr?.il Film 25C & 50C '! i-i? . I it. ELTINGE ' lavaba* 2 t HE YEUOW TICK hm.:.i. n*,?fl Kau Wed ? Hat. .MM roil I \i; Mi.. Ill glJg MM rO.DAV. jhn'iu f BALDP?TE play PARK. V, "CHANGE IRVIOIG PLACE l HI A I Hi 111 I III l<> \UH >M \U I PYGMALION rito? riiM a niniTU "?i ? v ' fiTM AVF ,??,in > ? ? ? ??? ip 0in art., t K#fJ u,:1_ , ;,,,,,,, -, cornice METROPOLITAN orra? _ _jWn\M :. -i ?i.i Tliur. ??I '? " Oretel. I'H^'iU'" i.,~ H?** . ' -' 1 v, ? it.? - ' ? r? ' '?? - , j w ? ' i arm" century ?; ---% . #& , -Tren-a ' ? VERNON CASTLE .... ..V II ?\fl* ?g I \ I"l Pr? ?li.lilHN ?__* ?uprr* Mu?"-* To-SightatjcCgL GKMKA1 HIM IN" "x V" .ri???>-a-a-a-- ?ia-a-a-a-a-ar ? I?rill< eatlttdrai St. JoM ?? i I'M"1:.*!, i?i ?i ' THE PASS?1 COLONIAL PALACE NEW YORK ,,l Kit:?'" , ?IIVN I '" ai LAST 100 DAYS OF I _ ?I HI I I 0?a u,m * ""??T* MUGKAPH WEBER'S _,',.?> , ,,,r. N? I -. H[)OPt ? Hall - H\MMI lt-l"N v rOLUMBIA (Bf^ ^.?MHmi.n.".; ^V ?a.?irai* I?.""" ti . ' Vpi* : Lis Miserable^ ?p Hu??? . f