? Nm iatfc Vol. i.\\iv....Xo. i4,esd. I? ..???rliflil. MM. y,' il., iii?.un,, i--...1 iiinn. 1 NEW YORK, SUNDAY, J\ SM?wne WEATHER Te-emy. thnrtdereiortne. H ?11 111 .n ?o -iK.arrHi??! Ill?li. TA; I-*??*". ?'? I ?ill rriMirt on P??' t. r?rl II. PARTS 72 PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS? OatRANZAIN OPEN ATTACK ON GEN. VILLA Alien, in Washington Ac? cuses Bryan Confi? dential Aid. SWS CAROTHERS DISTORTS FACTS I elix Sommerfeldt Also Named as Constitu? tionalist Foe. QEN. ANGELES BLAMED Charired with Havini* Deceived Rebel leader in Desire To Be President'. ? !une "JT. In a ?t?te? ? .1 to-night Captain Bneeda. ? ? Maral Carraaia, pro. all doubt that there el ??ranna an?l Villa. Tlio laaed to im raeat and people of the h the strength, power '.???:*?-? * < irransa. Upholding Villa and his fol ? ?* ' \ ' la*? railit .; j strength. it j that the ich wider than ever. .. Ininistration find ?a the Conititu - - .m ??? . !?!e to cling moment of military I ?ted to anner when ?''???? ? * illy attained > capita) and the has been posing 1 agent of the State which evi Ca others, ?ho has ? rother?'? with that in revolutions for ? i -. the state altation with Lu baran, two ?-night ghteat doubt send delegates to iiuerta, but there aie not so sure. It .-a ha? not te ??su? definite in that public i?d about the di-* ?ranza and Villa. He * ? influence of General inister 'ccently ?lis -poken of ai ?f Viila.'*' me ought * -ubordinat ? rival of Angelet inge in the attitude of the nearly all the i ?i Car? ne imprisonment and neral ("nao, advice of Anse ? asked Villa N'atera, ting Zacate acting under the advice of rein ? ould take charge lUlt, doing ail w?th h arranxa insisted. Villa re >f anger he on as military ?hern difil I atien, but wishing to , e con . were under the that they could choose ?ive leader. The ? - -. .:nd agreed ? at \t leader and in of disobedience toward irranza ira? acquainted real ?ause of the attitude cf ? consequently he ordered th? / 'iliiuieil on pa?? '.'. .?.Iiimn '?'. ?'his Morning's News. ?Hi: Ml \i< \\ SIN VNU.V . i 1 y.... 2 I.O! AI. . 1 Doctor. 1 . 1 ' v ...... I nival. ??' . ? ? eon Bi ....'" - ? . ?"> .... 4 j .... m tutor? ? found. ... 10 Mm . ords. I . ..lein. Z\ : . , ???! Inadc?iuate- I nan Stiff I !.. FOKI Hits King's Hat- 1 Health Ppor?. . * ? ? ??. o < v York.. 6 . te Loi don. ?? nama- ?S i in Paris. 7 graphed. 7 ? fall in Paris. 7 , - 7 1 Policy Discussed - 7 ? .... 7 ' ? tator Kails. 7 MU, KI.J.AM Ol t\ . *? .r*r\ 2 ntx\ J I.|, JL I and 4 l'art 2. 7 \ .?, 1 an'1.-* .?01 BOMB WRECKS STORE Japanese Goods Destroyed? Tenants Panicstricken. tOnit 'il the neighborhood of the of \ I Tuaka '"? ?! HI 11H rV. . ?,.,?? r*anic?trlck?i tetly thii mortilna when ****** 'led ?n the hall? the m Th? front door Of the establishment, the show Window? ami several hundl.td dollars' wgrtli of va.?es were bfok? window?, were shattered in nearby nga. ?w.l gathered in front of the . -. the lin- 1?. pertinent and an a,nibulanee arrived. Hiere w;is m? w.?iK tot the tircmen or the ambulance surgeon and the police Unable t.. discover why, Calverton and was married to George Harrup, twenl year? ?Id, ?on ..*' Mr. and Mrs. G C. Harrup, also ??*" Calvert? Lewis Hassard, of Patchogue, was the youth who was considered Dulse's Rane? and whom she said she wished t.? se?- ?graduated. Both he anil Harrup had been attentive to Miss Dulse, who is twenty-one years old und pretty, and even lier parent? had been puzzled as to which she was fonder of. "1 don'i love either enough to marry him." she ??'ten said. Mrs. Hat-rap sent ?i telegram to her mother, informing her'of the wedding and asking forgiveness fin its smi i forgiven? said to await the young couple. MOTORCYCLE RAMS AUTO Rider Badly Hurt in Mishap on Steep Hill, ng control of his motorcycle as "ne dashed at high speed down Snake Dill road. Hast New York, last evening, Eugene Hogan. ?uoli.i av., Brooklyn, crashed headlong in' automobile of I ?r. .1. .1. Wagner, Seventh av., BrookUn. lie received scalp wounds anil possible internal in He was treated by Dr. Harne** of Bradford Street Hospital and taken to his home. His motorcycle ? wreck? DRESS PUT HIM IN CELL Arrested in Wile's Clothes He Wore to Pay Bet. While masquerading in his wife's clothe? m settlement of a bet wll on the Moran-Johnson light last night Michael Smith, of 122 Willis av. Bronx, was arreste.. trolman ?y, who could see no humor in ich procee.. Neither could Magistrate N'oland in the Night Court even though the he? ned. The ith held without bail until Monday, while a probation officer looked up his record. The ? ? that ??? had committed a robber;, upon a tim? while dressed in woman's cloth FIGHT TRAVELS OVERSEA Altercation Over Johnson-Mo ran Contest Starts Good Bout. After ? laborious day in the service of the Interborough, Garry Gordon, a negro, went into a saloon at Third aV. and ;?? ' with some malted liquor. As he lifted his beer to hi* lips he ?vas accosted by Fred Bieber, of 1016 Avenue A, who demand- ? cd that Gordon agree with him il deprecatory comments on "Jack" John? son. When Gordon refuse?! . I of the returns and insisted that son was a proficient pugilist B knocked the negro down. Patrolman Duggan arrested B A dozen of hi*; friends tried to rescue him. Duggan and Detective Smith hud their hands full in : the crowd. Everybody got away Bieber. WHALES NEAR LIGHTSHIP Tug Crew Reports School of Spouters Close to City. This is vacation time, but a new school was reported heading for New York yesterday by Captain Thomas ,,f the tug Lamont. which put .. The live brave men of the Lamont had seen a hundred porting off the Scotland ich man had seen ..les tu ice. curious bull whale, it was said, inpleaaantly close to the Lamont and bl? ??'? ovt"r tlle ?u*'i ?"ii(lc ?.-u;-hed her 'ires. The ?-kipper said that if he could have induced the old bull to follow him shoal wuter he would hav? beached his tug to land the mammal i.t Coney Island. The whal? ? torda? are thought to be the ?Mme family that ma??- ?<> Atlantic City several ?lays a*:??. ROUTE TO ROUT SHERMAN Subway Work Will Cause Re? moval of Statue from Plaza. The gilded statu? of Genera! man. by St. Gauden?, indi IB the Plaza at p9th '''" av" wl" !..- removed from its preso and. unless a site in found *"or it in Central Dark, it is likely to be placed orage for two and a hall years. The removal of the statue is mad? -arv by ?he digging of the -ii of the Broadway-Se\entn avenue subway.' The contracto?- Il Riven twenty-nine months in which to complete 11, tion of the subway. Bids for the work ...ill be opened July 2L_ La Crosse Flooded. 1., i . lune 27. Th?? third j violent storm of the week to-day do? ; relions of V? laeonain, Minnesota ?ml Iowa. Though I? verc than the tornado of Wefinesday morning, the storm i?> - ieal eondit Ion vw his physicians say exists, an?l beii o? which they urged him ??? sb? i..n? all activity for at month?. Mr. RoOMVell made three i the demands of the m cal men. was the abandonment of campaign trip across the .??ntin which had been arranged tentati? for September. Th? cancellation <>f one of the two speec which he was to make m Pittsburgh Tuesday, and the relinqulshmenl Theodore Douglas Robinson ami otl I of the campaign details wl l?ianned to ?are for himself. "if I? should go to California," 1 explained, "I should be obli i . make speeches in alsaeat .-n! of oiler Western states, fiom P t?i Arizona. That would be a phys; ibility, I shouldn't 1 get through with it." II was ?liter Dr. Alexander Lamb? York, had spent an hour making an examination of Mr. Roo velt that the change in the plans dent wa? announced. 1 anihert found that the Colonel v g from an enlargement of spleen and a loss of vitality as a res ?e contracted .'I'll America. Dr. Lambeii urged Mr. R?. both of the Pittsburgl ? ??o addresses during the ea paign and to abstain from . ? aid tax his strength. Ateordi to the Colonel, the physician explain a long pei to shake off th? effects of the mala ami that if this were not accomplish the disease might become so secur? fpstoned upon him that he would nc\ er Ins ful! strength. 1 he impairment of his mental vig the I'olonel said, iras among the pos bilities mentioned to him by his phy cian. The Colonel asserted it would an impossibility for him to give up 1 lign work. Mr. Roosevelt will make one .?pee ? I' ?*>burgh on Tuesday. The co cession he made to his medical advise ilation of an ?verfl? meeting which he was to addn Machinery Hall, in that city. T building accommodates lOfiOO persoi all standing. Dr. Lambert ti Colonel that to sneak to sucb an aut would tax his voice to such a d that he must not think of makii \\ Uen he returns from Pittsburgh < Wednesday Mr. Roosevelt will consu Dr. llolbrook Curtis, throat specialii in the hope that Dr. Curtis will gi? him more leeway m the USC of h throat than Dr. Lambert deems a? Colonel Roosevelt will visit tl American Museum of Natural llistoi on Wednesday, and will complet literary work he is doing for "Seril Magasine." It ia hi? intention t i one day in each week in Ne York, lie will concentrate most of hi effort upon the Progressive campaign, !'li?- ex-President declined reeterd? nfei encc he held wit spp arid Mr. Munsey, but h did say that Justin VVansmake brought* news that the Progressiv in Ohio is thriving. "JIM HAW DONS DISGUISI Tammany's 4th Programm.! Styles Him "James Hamilton.' The "big lalk" at Tammany Hall' Fourth of July celebration will be de ?isered by Senator James llarniltoi , of Illinois. The official an nouncement of the dual celebration that of the 127th anniversary ..f th? birth of Tammany and the 188th o igning of the Declaration of In dependence ?nsii-ts on giving ".Jin Dam" his full name, despite nil re cent request to the clerk of the Senat' ; nd all others that hereafter his nanu be written Senator Hamilton Lewis. (Hie of the "short talks" will b? made by Representative Joe Denn Hagle, of Texas. And Repr?sent?tiv< Eagle's first name is Joe, not .1 Representatives lohn A. Moon, of Ten Samuel A. Witlicrspoon. ol pi, and Henry 1). Flood, of Virginia, also are scheduled foi ?Jies. The celebration will begin at lt:M o'clock at tin- 14th st. wigwar.i BOLT HITS TROLLEY CAR Panic Among Passengers as They Are Hurled to Floor. ?i:> Teletrapb to The Tribun*) Philadelphia, June 21. During the height of a storm this afternoon a bolt of lightning struck a crowded trolley ear at Skunk st. and Mayamensing av., ml set lire to the car, which burned to its trucks. 8 ,gers and the motorman of the cut were stunned by the crash, but no one was seriously hurt. The roof ol the car was hit in the ? with a concussion that splin? t.i?il th?' ?"ood and window panes and hurled the twenty-five or more pas? sengers from their ?eats into a heap on the f!??or. Most of the passengers were foreigners returning from ??<"?* at the navy yard, inn a few were I to League Island, who, when the shower broke, boarded the car the rain, only to meet a worse fate. The crash, when the car was hit by the bolt, was heard several blocks away. DYNAMITE PLOT FOILED Attempt Made to Wreck Oil Plant in Jersey City. What tin- n.iln-e think wa i nu at tempt to blow up the. plan! of the Standard Oll Company Ht Hoboki and Moninoilth ?t., I ? frustrated yesterday by a watchman. who found a stick of dynamite to which were att?rhp?l to h fus? and thirl of wire. Th.. watchman pursued a man he had seen placing the dynamite n?..-ir one of the eight tanks, ?ach of which has a capacity of about 4K,000 gall??ns of oil. DetoetivM employed by the company ? I all day on the MM before they notified the Jersey City police that a ?lick of dynamite a f????t long h.< found near Tank \'o. 1. .1 the watehnuin who discovered it. placed the dynamite in a pail of water. GOLD CHAIN A TOURNIQUET Mrs. Daley Saves Life of Man Bleeding to Death on Road. Hg a line gold watch chain for a tourniquet, lira. Frederick Daley, ol Verplanck, saved the life of Herman Croft, of Peekskill, whom she found lli eiling to death on the roail in Ver? planet yesterday. Croft was pinned beneath a wagon which h.id been overturned m a run? away. His left arm was broken an I the arteries and veins were severed. Haley could l'n?l nothing except her chain that would make a bandage She bound the arm tightly and Called lor ?id. Physicians later closed the wounds. FIVE HOLD UP 30; FIRE AS THEY FLEE Bandits Get $1,000 ?n Cash and Jewelry by Dar? ing Raid. Five young Italian- .-trolled into Henry l'en fold's poolroom, at 128th st. and Lenox a?., short!) before raid i ?rai la t night, played pool for a few minutes, and, wearying of that amuse? ment, drew revolvers, held up the thii ty men in the place, and having col all the money, watches, ring: tiekpins, ralml*, strolled away to a touring car half a block distant an?' mad? thai r es? ai?.-. Th? hold-up was within two blocks of the Lenox av. station, and when a storm of pol'ce whistles announced that something beyond the ordinary va- doing the re^er.? ..ut o?* ? -.1 ion. Shots ?veri between the Italians and several po of good bul Henry Penfold's poolroom is on the d floor of the building, at the northeast corner of 128th ,t. an?) Lenox av., over Snrth's saloon. A ticker had feniished news of the Moran-Johnson light, round by round, and attracted a large number of pa many of whom spent the re?t of the ?-"/suing t.laying billiard.- or |?.?ol. It was 11:40 when the live walked in. "One lahle will do for us," they told Penfold. They gol cues Hrid began a rather listless game. 'Ret you a dollar I make th; a freijuent sug? gestion of members of the party to ans?.il- itanding near. \o one wanted to bet. After a few minute.- of this sort of thing, they rolled down their sleeves, ? put on their coats ami up their cues. They appeared to be in no hurry. But when Penfold, politely bowing, held out a check for the pool, tehre was an instant change. "Hands up," came the order, sharp and ?luick, and live revolvers I out. and to each of the-thirty patrons Had as though at lea.-* one pistol "had him covered individually. One ? |f walksd over to the door to do ? duty, threek ept the thirty cov? ered, and the remaining one did the work of collecting. The haul, as far ? mated, amounted to |lj?M0 in ca.-h, and a large col lection of jewelry. Without undue hast? or excitement they walked down to the street, closing the pool room door behind them, and strode over to their waiting car a touring automobile. The instant the band, s left the room VI and four others rushed to the windows and jumped to the street. Po? lice whistles were sounding in every direction, and Penfold himself hurried to Fifth av. and lL"Jth st. to get a better look at the car. Two of the youths dropped their revolvers as they jumped into the machine, whic+i turned northward and sped tow-ard Fifth av. As it dashed by Penfold, one of the Italians took a shot at him, and other shots were exchanged between police? men and the fleeing robbers without effect. The police have a good descrip? tion of the car. ? HAUNTED BY HIS.VICTIM Driver, Whose Car Killed Boy, Says Sight Was Ever Present. James ( . I'-i m . >>f Civ*. 14th st., B?a*rougli Park. Brooklyn, and Frederick .Moslem, ol HO Fast 14th ?t., were ar? rested last night by detectives attached ' to the Fifth nv. station. Coney Island, and accused of homicide. Ifosleit* was the driver of the car that ran over and killed Leon Straus??, a fourteen-year-old Commercial High , School punil. last Wednesday evening in front of his home, at lHth st. and Fifth a?v, Brooklyn, and Pierson was with him at the time. The police say the car was going at the rate of sixty miles an hour. "The si,'ht of that poor boy has '. haunted me constantly," Pierson, the , poli'-e say, told them after his arrest; ! "I have not been able to get away from - it, and I had planned a trip out of the city to see if that would do any good. I went to Moslem and asked him to make a clean breast. But he said: 'No. if the police want me, let them come and get me.' " They will be arraigned this morning. ? Attempt Made to Assassinate Ex-President of Venezuela Willemstad, Island of (uraco, June 27. A report has reached here that an attempt was made recently to as? sassinate ex-President Juan Vicente Gomes, who last April gave way in the lency to General V. Marquer. Bastillo?, and wa? appointed com man der-in-chief of the army. No details (f the attempt against Gomez are I forthcoming, but it is rumored that 1 General Leon Jurado, Governor of the State of Sucre, a department of the i federal district, was wounded. LOOT ANGLE SAFE TO OBTAIN PAPER Intruders Outwit Poli and Search Strongbox in Apartment. THIRD MAN BROUGHT INTO DEATH MYSTER Police Say Heiress Told Him (id Documents (las?? Han**,* on Stain Tests. 11- o?,i i? stafl ? ' ' r.mli ni | Stamford. Conn., .lune 87, I ment m ths I'ipi'"1-?'H ituaio buildl which ? * ?! by Mrs, Angle on ths night tha? Waldo R, it lou came to hi ?hath from S fla?-*l of the skull eras vigilantly guardad the police to day following the dise? cry that, some per:-on SI I" I gained an ? ?iitiiiticc and evidently ma Igh search of i?. gnifieant that safe in one of the room? hail be opened In? on ths nighl which Ballou'l body was found. ?in I he top of the i?afe valu.il vers found, which l?'a?I th? i lice t? belie I M dirCCl * papers which might have had f?or hearing on the case. The pap?*?- foui were moi ??<'? dead? of real f tats ot ? onard Blondell, I father of Mr Angle. There are on two persons who '?ri supposed to ha had the combination of the father and the daughter. of Chief Brennen'? men report. to him this afternoon thai h?* overhca lation betwMfj Mrs. Angle si a man v h bell short, fat and wearing a Panama hi flu ; mau called mi Mrs, Angle, living with Mrs. Ceoige Ka?,'!?', durii the afternoon, ami u ? ? - -1. hi- leaving tl hous? "Go to my room? quickly, an?l when >? gei thus?, thing them." H? alleged to have replied: "I'll g?'t ther all right." In ?ft? r Chi? Brennen plsced extra guards at tl tment, wil any person who sos -?ion t th.- ros \e?. M? ,1. r. In ' .i-c. Stof of the luncl room a? the station of the New Vor New Da.cn & Hartford Railroad, toi the police to ?lay thai hs saw on Mon.lay night at the easterly end < tation platform, in company wit another man whoss identity as y? - ry. Lane assertc! 0U made ir quines of him about the incomin truin. while the stranger withdrew t the end of the nlatform. The police ar anxious to find the unidentir.ed mai believing that he may be able to thro' some liffht On the ce-e father. WS much annoyed ; licity given to the letters signe "' '." that were found i his daughter'! apartment. He sai?i: "Th? man referred to is a friend o mine as well as of my daughter. 11 ha? been in correspondence with lie for a long time. There is nothing clan S? in the correspondence. This i mother ?ample of the unfair tac tics that the police are employin, Sgainsl my daughter." nee, he refused to alio? visit?.? A *le. He sai? they both had been advised by N. ( Downs, his daughter's counsel, to kee: a Strie until the next hearing The report, ol" th? bscti riologj is e\;, n .'ill be ?'led with Cor oner Piulan and Albert I'inliips, towi ? utor. Dr. I I ?inll, local rru?dical ex ?miner, and Dr. liruce II. Weaver, o th.- Stamford Hospital, now are analyx ing fourteen specimens, and upon thei finding?, in a large measure, will de pen?! ..unst .Mrs. Angle. 1*|,, important of these ?i the flatiron which Brennen repeat?'?!!?, has said ha? blood steins on one end. Another sample that will ha-, e im ii.t bearing m the case is tin? whis key bottle, which it is said had on the label. Flask Proves a Puzzle. A saloonkeeper on Main st., aadrsU K ? >. I m confirmed the report that the pint flask found in BalTou's pocket was purchased in his place. He said however, that never within hi?, recollec? tion did Ballon bny a fla-k of that de? scription. On the othei band, he as o that he often sold whisk?) in ?urh a container to woman. The man BUSfa?ectod of having been in Angle'? apartment during Ballou's visit Tuesday night went to Chief Brennen to-day with indignant denial, He offered to account for all his move ? ning. Harold Parson, city engne?r, to-dav entered th? apartment t?> make mea. urements for a model that is to repro? duce , ? situation of the land ?BfS, tiie fj airs and Mrs. An? gle's apartment. Also he will indicate ti: the facsimile tin position of every blood stain that ha? bem discovered by the police. This will figure in the Coro? ner's hearing. Inquiry among the tenants, of the apartments adjoining that of Mrs. An? gle revealed only one who heard any unuEual noise on the night of the trag? edy. Patrick Rabbitt, a boarder with Mrs. Moskin. laid that at about II o'clock he heard a hcise as of a fall. He paid little attCBtiCI to the sound at the time, thinking that a piece of fur? niture was displaced by some one of the resident.. SILK VENDER IN TROUBLE Woman Charged with Collect? ing for Undelivered Goods. Miss Barbara Held, of ?'>! Willow st., Long Island City, yaatorday was held b] Magistrate Conway in >""00 bonds for trial before the Court of Se Mamie M ickieham, Mrs. J? Mickleham. Mrs. Maude Provo and Mrs. In in, all of Astoria, charged that M,?. Held, representing nerself as an agent of a big silk mill, obtained from 60 to t'2 in deposits from her cus? tomer? for go.?Is tha** never received. Julius Jasper, ,.f 174th st. and The Bronx, manager of the mill, Hpp.ared in court and testified the woman had no connection tritt that concern. He said she was arrested several years ago on the same charge. FLYING BOAT SETS TWO NEW RECORDS Rises from Lake Keuka Carrying Seven Men and 4,318 Pounds?Addition of. Planing Surface on Hull Proves To Be a Success. i ii- Talearaph lo Th- TH*?an?,1 llamrnondsport. N. V., June 1.7. Twr r? cord vero broken to-day when Rod irtan Wanamaker's living boat AtSSrici 'rom the surface of Lak? Keuka carrying seven men, making the weight lifted C'ilH pounds. Seven |? the greatest number of |, r car rie?! on an aeroplane in this country, and the weight lifted mark? s world record for flying !? Ths passenger list today included William D. Cash, Kodman Wanamak .?. who is in charge ? exp?dition to Newfoundland; Herbert Duckworth, representative of "The London Daily Mail." in the name of which Lord NorthclitTe offered the 00 prize for a transatlantic flight; ? nant Porte, pilot; GoorgS K. A. liallett, Porte's assistant, and three snicisns from the Curtiss factory. Glenn II. Cnrtiu had been vising the construction of additional planing surfSM on ?he hull of the A nerica for two days and nights, and p?riment? to-day were chiefly t?> mine ?he result of the change . The flights were short ones, the longest being about a mile. ClOM observation S machine while it was planing showed that it was trying to rise con? tinually, aril that the pilot had to keep a constant pressure on the elevator to hold it on the water. The boat went the nil as easily as the smaller I boats, and. ?le?-pite a thirty imle v.ii d, flew a? steadily i?s in dead sir on its previous trials. C.irti.ss ran his 100-horsepower ? in circles about the Ameries V up a swell, which would give an effect similar to the roll at sea. Bu'. the America slid over the billowy wake o?* the speed boat with the greatest throwing up little more spray than when planing on still water. The spectators had a better opportunity to America in action to-day than at any time since the beginning of the ?rials, as !'?>r?e plane?! the ma? chine within thirty f? shore when he returned from the trip. When the machine started out it carried, in addition to the pass. and fuel, mx bags o?* sand, weighing 120 pounds each. Piarte threw the overboard, one by one, in order planing under diffennt loads. Two bags were reamed and were aboard the craft when it went into the air. After the flight Cash said: "The America is as steady as the biggest ocean liner. The comparison ?atiops experienced on the America and those I have felt in the .?mall machines is marvellous." Commenting on the tests to-day, L'Urtifl? SSid that he was sa'islie?) the *M made on the hull had given th.- machine sufficient planing surface. lu? that lie thought even better re lull might be obtained by moving the plsning fan?- a little to the rear. Also, he Mid, a -mall plane might be placed uni'er th" tail. Lieutenant forte said: "We are get? ting on. I think the planing problem i ? about solved, and that from now on we may look for splendid results." I he motor, the normal speed of which is 1.250 revolution?*., was throt? tled down t,, 1,1*50 revolutions to-day. 11- usual large crowd watched the Among the observers was Cap U'ichamhers. of the Aerodynami horatory. in Washington. GOOSE CAUSE OF FATAL RUNAWA Mustang, Maddened I Fowl's Hissing, Leaps Into Reservoir. Frightened by the hissing of a goo B mustang drawing a small farm wi ?,n and driven b-. Mrs "? II. Mill twenty-eight years old, wife of t caretaker st the country home of Percy Smith. ?. mining engineer, r IfS spanning the res? v. ir of the Hackensack Water Co pany. at Woodeliff Lake Heights. \\ lay. The hor-?.? leaped over railing four feet high, carried I wagon through the railing and plung into twenty-live feet of water, in whi Mrs. Miller was drowned. ?is who had seen the aesids to the spot Mrs. Miller, t horse and the wagon had disappear beneath the surface of the water ??rvoir, but the gooc?' was floa in g in safet) in the crate in whi? : Her ha?l been taking it to h home. Frantic with grief, the husband the young woman got into a boat ai helped neighbors with grappling iroi in their search for the body of h which was found half an hoi after the accident occurred. Karly yesterday afternoon Mrs. Mi 1er took two young girl cousins to ti i ail road -tat ion at Woodeliff Lai ihts. Afterward she bought se* rral bushels of feed and a goose. Ti? lg ?if the goose alarmed the hors which Mrs. Miller controlled with dill cully. As she drove out on the cuusews which spans the reservoir of the Had eh Water Con pany the horse bt came uncontrollable. Half way aero? it plunged over the railing. Pishei men who had seen the accident rowe to the spot and sought with grappiin ?ions to reco\er the body of Mr: In responM to a telephone call he husband hastened to the place an joined in the work He had been pre? ent only a few minutes when ths bod drawn to the surface. When h had been calmed, he assisted in placin the body of his wife in a wagon, i which it was taken to his home. NEW PARTY CAUGHT BY ORATOR'S BAH "Independent Progressive Dem ocrats" Just Democrats Af? ter Spellacy Speaks. | lly T?l?ai?p> ?o Th? Tribune I Hartford, Conn.. June 27. Upon thi invitation of a self-appointed commit S? dissatislied Democrats, with : ??mattering of Progressives and Social SB unexpectedly large number o: "Progressive Democrats" had a dinnei at Lake Compounce, in Southington this afternoon, and then adjourned tc an open air theatre where they thought would be born a new political party u; Connecticut to be named the "Inde pendent Progressive Democratic Party.' Everything was proceeding to a point where the committee were about to ap? point themselves party managers, and indorse for Governor Prof. Willard C. Fisher, of Middletown. who was ousted from Weslcyan Universr his anti-church utterances, when Sena? tor Thomas J. Spellacy, a younger mem? ber of the oldline democracy, who had been invited because of his ?known op? position to Gov. Simeon E. Baldwin for I'nited States Senator, was called upon to speak. He said it would be absurd to reject tha existing Democratic machinery, ard gently smoothed down the ambitions of i the promoters by himself advocating ; the candidacy of Fisher. However, he , ?'?nounced bolting in such terms that ! those that followed announced they ; would not be bolters, but would sup? l? port whatever candidate the regular ? Democratic Convention ?elects. Heat Kills Five in St. Louis. St. Louis. June 27. Five deaths from the heat last night and to-day were reported in St Louis up to noon. Ths , temperature at noon was 9;t degrees, a rise of three degrees in an hour, and indications wer? that the mercury would nearly rea?:)) the high mark of yosterday, when 101 was recorded. KING'S HAT HIT BY MILITANT MISSILE Suffragette Throws Bun? dle of Papers at George V and Queen Mary. London. June *?:. Militant .-ufTra gettca circumvented the police t and bombarded Kinp Ceorgc and '. Mary with leafli --itrance to f'ark. A bundle of the papers struck the King's hat and knocked ?t sideways, while the Queen's parasol caughi another shower of pamphlets. Two women were 5eized by the po? lice and carried away struggling vio? lently. After the shower of suffragette lit? erature the King and Queen treated the incident with the eood humored in? difference which they always ex? hibit when the objects of suffragette demonstrations. The King smilingly '? one of the bundles of papers into the roadway and their driver con tinuod unchecked. The crowd showed a very diflVrent spirit. Quick to resent what was re- ; garded as an insult to their maj. the spectators made a rush for the women, who would have been badly mauled had not the police rallied '? around them. Two of the women were particular objects of the crowd's wrath, because they were most conspicuous in throw? ing the bundles at the royal carna?, . They were arrested more for their own protection than because of their of They were taken to the police -tation and charged with insulting be? havior, but were released on their own recognisance. EXPEL CHEAT FROM NAVY Bluejacket Impersonated His Friend at Annapolis Exams. I By Telegraph to The -frit.?? Annapolis. June 27. H. P. Harris, a ; youthful bluejacket of the navy's en? listed personnel, was to-night dishon? orai?!?, discharged from the service for cheating during the February and April examination of candidates for adm -- lion to the naval academy as midship? men. Harris was one of the first of the enlisted youths to get a chance to grad? uate from the forecastle to the quar 'erdeck by way of a course at the Naval Academy. He is a native of M sippi, and after passing his own test in February, he impersonated Charles B. Longre, also of Mississippi, and ; ?his lad's name in the April ex? amination, taking the test at Rich? mond, Va. ?CURFEW SHa'lL NOT RING' Ossining, to Save $60 a Year, Abolishes Old Custom. The village of Ossining. which insti? tuted a curfew law more than seventy live years ago. will abolish it on Wednesday and let children under six? teen stay ut as late as they please. When Sing Sing prison was estab? lished the village, for the protection of children, required that they be home ,'clock in the evening in summer and nine in winter. In recent years the village has paid the sexton of Trinity Church $5 a month to ring the bell nightly. To save the $60 a year for the taxpayers the trustees voted to abolish the custom. COURT SETS POTTER FREE Farmhand's Charge of Murder Not Corroborated. [By .;"??! Amsterdam, X. Y., June 27. Because of inability of the prosecutor to obtain corroborative evidence against George R Cotter, the agricultural college graduate arrested last night, after b?* ; ing accused by one of his farmharids ' with inspiring the murder of John Bar 1 rett on December 20. was discharged by Justice Hubbard at Fonda this af ? ternoon. Roach, Potter's accuser, ] pleaded guilty to murder in the iir*t degree and was held for the grntvl jury. Andrew J. Nells, of Albany, fatln? ?n-law of Potter, demanded that if there was any suspicion that h; ' in-law had anything to do with the crime that the witness be put on the i stand and submit to a cross-o.amina ; tion, and that the confession of Roach I be made public. These requests were I denied. $2,550,000 IS JOHN D/S GIFT TO SAVE LIVES Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research Gets New Endowment. WILL NOW POSSESS THREE CITY BLOCKS Organization Receives in All $12,500,000, Exclusive of Its Buildings. ENDOWMENT IS AMPLE Staff Equipped Better than Any Other in World for Orig? inal Laboratory Work. John D. Rockefeller yesterday ge?? a further $*.,-,550,000 to 'he Rockefeller Institute for Me?:ical ?search. This makes his gifts to the institute reach a total of $12,500,000, exclusive of th? real estate on which the buildings stand. The new gift is to enable the insti? tute, Henry Jam , jr. the manager, said last night, to acuire additional land and erect more laboratories. Th?? purchases will give it ?he entire tract B 64th and ?'?7th sts., Avenue ? and the K?st River. The Rockefeller In-titute, experts say, is now the most amply endowed institution for medical research in th? world. When it was founded, twelve year ago, there was nothing of its kind in this country. Since then a number of other research laboratories have been established, several of which are in Chicago. This latest gift of $2,550,000. M James said, is in addiiioi to the special fund of $1.000,000 provided by Mr. Rockefeller for the establishment of .i department of animal pathology in con? nection with the ins'if ute. and of which Dr. Theobald Smth. professor of comparative pathology st Harvard, will be director. To Study Animal Diseases. The purpose of this special branch is to study the maladies of animals, such as hog cholera, foot-and-mouth disea?*c and diseases of poultry. It will b. first laboratory, in Am? rica to b. rated solely to the improvement of the health of animals. The animal bur , have bien located near New Brun?wiek, N. J., iiui the bill passed by the New Jersey islature permitti; ..-toed by Governor Fielder on the ground thai it would have permitted vivisection to bo ? d without supervision by a.iy body of men who chose to incorp themselves for the purp? se. Where the branch will be established has not yet been announced. Lists Institute's Work. A statement given ou- by Mr. Jame? ight said: "The aims of the Rockefeller Institute and the lines along which its future work upon an even m? re comprehend sive basis will be conducted are in? dicated by some *bf the practical achievements already accomplished, such as the serum treatment of epi? demic meningitis, the d seovery of th.? cause and mode of infection of in? fantile paralysis, the surgery of blood through which blood trans? fusion has become s daily lifesaving expedient, the safer method of ad ministering anaesthetics by intratra cheal insufflation, and th? cultivation of the parasite of rabie?. "A number of the leading scientists of the world now devote their entire time to medieval research at the insti? tute, pursuing investigations of su? preme importance to iiuman health. All discoveries and inventions made by any person while receiving compensa? tion from the Rockefeller Institute be? come the property of the institute, to be placed freely by it at the service of human.ty." DOCUMENTS GONE IN LORIMER BANK CASE I Sought for Use Before Grand Jury ? Tracing l.vSenator Paynter's Vote and Debt. Chicago, June 21. Disappearance from the oftice of James J. Brady, State Auditor, of documentary evi? dence bearing on the failure of the La Salle Street Trust an.: Saving? Bank was reported to-day. One of the miss? ing documents was the report of J H. Rife, a state bank examiner, who made the first report that th? bank waa in a shaky condition. Rife resigned his political job to become secretary of the I.a Salle Street Trust and Savings Bank mid , vice-president of the Broadway State Bank, another of the Lorimer-Munday ? string. L. I.. Bacchus, the auditor'a clerk, to whom he triads the report, : became a vice-president of the 1.a* Salle Street bank. The missing papera were for use before th? grand jury. j A statement of the transaction? of Thomas II. Pay n ter, former United States Senator from Kentucky, with the Lorimer-Munday bunk from No? vember 1, 1911, to October l, 1912 when it operated under a national' charter, was made publ c in the la. trict Attorney'? office. On July 1, If the report, shows that Paynter the bank $29,150. On July 14 1 : was ousted from the Senate by' of 55 to 28, Paynter voting/ minority in favor of Loriniiv On October 22, when t' came a state institntio against Paynter h?d b $21,650, and the accou? the bocks of the made various pay m I'.'M, when the acc< j but he start 1 d a n , a loan of $2,676. 1 bank failed.