OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, September 20, 1914, Image 38

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1914-09-20/ed-1/seq-38/

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Forthcoming Story by Brother of Creator
of "sDavid" Introduces "Hepsey Burke"
4 and Provides Some Remarka?
ble Literary Coincidences.
THE publication this fall of "Heps
Burke." a novel by the Rev. Frank
Westcott, the brother of Edward Noy
Westcott. author of "David Harurri." i
vials an unusual parallel in the history of Amei
ci.n literature.
Frank N". Westcott is. as was the author
"David Hamm." an Episcopal minister in a smi
town in New- York State Skanratelos, to be exa
and, like his brother, found all the characte
foi his novel in his own parish.
"Hepsey Burke" is Frank Westcott's first novi
just as "David Hamm" was Edward Westcott
i'i st novel. In the case of Edward, the author w
(?ad before the novel actually reached the publi
:t being generally understood that Edward Noy
Westcott died immediately upon having finish?
riading the publisher's proofs, his health havii
been so poor for months before that it had on
bien with the greatfst difficulty that he had be?
able to finish the manuscript. At this da
"David Harum" has reached a sale of over ta
one-half million copies, yet the author* nevi
d to see the lirst finished volume come fro
the binders never knew whether it was a succei
o. not!
Krank Westcetl has been for years a writer c
?.arfous theological treatises and books which t
the lay mind are undoubtedly rather dry readini
Theology Is scarcely exciting reading in the
days of speed and international complications,
year ago he turned his hand to novelization an
l*t ?an, "Hepsey Burke." and, working in almos
exactly the same way as his brother, gave th
hook his complete time and attention, compilim
various incidents in it and drawing the char
> refer from the people with whom h>
i, me in daily contact.
The real Hepcey Burke was an employe of th?
Westcott household foi years, and is now* dean
while her son, Nickey. who figures prominently li?
the book, is living and well to-day.
But, unfortunately, at this writing the autho'
"Hepsey Burke." with the proofs still wan.
from the galleys, is lying, a complete physical
wreck, at a sanatorium in Oconomow'oc, WIs. Th ?
pr.rallel between him and his brother extends be*
vend methods of securing; material.
|t i> literary history that David Hamm killed
hit creator. Hepsey Burke, the feminine of David
Harum, has done the -ame almost. The doctor
told the photographer who went to photograpn
Mr. Westcott, in order that pictures of him migh'
be used by the book concerns handling his novel,
that the author of "Hepsey Burke" will recover.
The photograpiier had come all the way from
Skaneateles to photograph his old friend and one?
time pastor. When he saw- the man whom he had
known as . witty, whole-souled, hearty man, be?
loved of every one and a picture of magnificent
and sturdy American manhood, he could scarcely
I ilieve his eyes, and hardly dared trust the words
01 the doctor.
To-day Frank Westcott seems to be an old man.
Hil beard, which was black, with just a touch o."
gray, has become white. The eyes, which
?>f a piercing quality of blackness, have be
conte dull. There ii still tie hint of good humor
a id understanding about the mouth, but its lirm
unes have weakened through stress of soul to
ctter weakness and weariness of the flesh.
It seems I ?most uncanny that the two brothers.
oath gifted with human understanding and humor
m their writings, should have each demanded of
him sucl. a price for his magnum opus as has
been dcmandid of Frank and Edward Westcott.
Edward paid with his life. Frank has had an
i -cipe so narro..* that, whereas his brother at
was able to correct his own proofs before
dying. Frank has not been allowed to sec or work
over a vii-l? proof for tear that the additional
work entailed would bring him the same fate
v bien i*, bio'..gilt Edward.
In Frank Westcott's work, as in Edward's, the
fascinating character drawing is to be found,
the same i:in itable wit of the common man.
It ha? been well said that only educated people
ever are bores; the common people are always
interesting. It is without exception, too, that the
interesting boons -ir:: about common men and
women, of whom Abraham Lincoln himself said,
"God iiui.-i love the eomn.on people, fur He sss
10 manj of them,"
It is from the common man and hi wife a
<**ild tha' I rank, like Edward Westcott, hay drat
hi-* material tot -his latest addition to the lit,
atare of America. For this is not s novel >f En
lnh neaaant.y, oi "-.ustii-n aristocracy, or of Ge
man officialdom with which we have been regal
m th-' last few years i>y many of <>ur novalis
who desen un broad domain for the old
ranrehoa of Europe in search of literary materii
?' i- a novel of American life, of the people w!
grow the things lhat we rat, make the things th
ws wear; tiu* kind who have b-?en the bulk of at
it-mfes in v.i. and the ultimate ?hapert el '?!
i';r ional polic'e? in peace,
!'u ihe hundreds of thousand? who have rea
of and loved David Ilarum. Krank Westcott's lle|
>iv Burk? v:'> he a weil el spring water and i
part compensation for the death of Edward Wesi
io;t Here .*'ie i*
Hepsey Huike -(as tall und ri.ther -tout; ;m
the lines from her ".O? ? to th' cun?is of he
?'outh. and the risp oi gray hair which ha
blown about her face indicated that she ha
nasse,! t'.e meridian ol life At first glanes thei
..?as notMn.t striking ubont ln-r sppeursnee, hu
there was a subtle expression about the mouth,
twinkle aben' the Urge gray tyes behind tl
glasses she ?me that indicated a sense of humo
which had probably been a godsend to her. Sh
was .tronc and well, ; ml carried with her an ai
of indomitable convicticn that things workci
themselves i u* ?.H right in the long run.
Hepsey is not one to ffhflffl the 11 nth- of act?a
reality have beer, elouded over by any artificia
ideas or attitndec She is a woman who :c
t hingt in their trim light, and anything borderini;
upon the conventionally sentimental is forcigi
to her
A young clergyman coming to the town i> driven
to i ']?? pui !-, home in hei station wagon by her.
Tu make conversation, h. fall- luck on the evei
r ei'i'l wen" hi r:
"How beautiful it is up here! You must have .
ii' lightful climcte, dr*. Burke."
"Well," she replied, "1 dun'' know us tve have
In,;.-. ,i pei s of. We have just a job lot
(.,' weather, . id ????? take il reffular orce aftei
? ?ach meal, oi ce ' to bed, and i epeat
',' MC: I * J H If ?t'S
oiet;\ eood medirim '"? no
nho"*' for 'V docto !iion_ble to
invite him u :. th? :- ni ' ?' '?? end >f
v .'<..- ?!!??:
to tempor'i7?n? or hesitating in adoptinr practical
courses of conduct, .? !. i experience with Mary
Sam will irdit-ntc, I".- i ?-rgyman, unpacking his
i'lint- n' 'i. ? ? .i Ii bouse undei lur cuperviaion,
??'? /.a cei h... . Im i. i lu pictu! ( hccl! h, Urs.
? ?h. yes! As well ..- could be : ?pfcteti, when
['i*- 'ust recoverin' from a visit from VJarv Sam."
"What ?on ol ; visitor is h.t?" u.-ked Max?
well, laughing.
"Mar;. Sam'n my istir-in-law. She spends -tl
month with me every year on her own invitation.
She is what you'd call n hardy annual. She is
the most stingy and narrow-minded woman I ever
taw. Th? baik oi; the trees hang in double bo\
plaits as compared with Mary Sam. But I got
the best of he-* last year, while I wa? cloanin'
ihe attic I can,* -uro-. Ihe red pasteboard sipn
with 'Scarlet Fi-vi r" painted un it, that the Board
of Health put on the house when Xickej had the
I'evei thiee y tars ago. The ? ?? nest da; I whs
watchin' th "hu- comin' up Maiti ... when I saw
Mary Sama solferino bonnet bobbin' up and down
inside, ttefore she gol ?" th? hou-'i I -?
out and pinned up ?he ign, right by the front
door, ;*h. gol onto th?* piazza. b;.L-. buggaee and
brown paper bundles, before she caught sight of
it. Then I wish you could have seen her face! 1
wouldn't havt bel ?ved ?" much could, be don" with
BO few feati,res."
"She didn't linger long," laughed the parson,
who continued arranging his books while his
visitor chatted.
"Linger? Well, not exactly. She tinned tail
and run lickety spindle back for the ho? a? if sh
had caught sight of a subscription paper for for
(ign missions. 1 hoard Jim Anderson, who drive
the 'bus. snicker as he helped her in again; but
he didn't pive me away. Jim anil I are po:ii!
friends. But when she pot home she ?rote to
Sally Ramsdale to ask how Nickey was; and Sally.
not bein* on to the K?me, wrote back that there
i.'N; nothin' the matter with Nickey ihat she knew
( f. Then Mar) Sam wrote me the impudentes!
letter I ever got; and she came ripht back, and
stayed two month- ?astead of one, jus. to bf_
Hepsey's opinion of a Boston born relative who
ii living at the town is worth COI
proaaiv? of the other side of the shield the court*
tiy'i idea of the "intellectual*1 fauna of the city
and their i u i end n i j snd fancici :
"When .-.lie'- well dressed he ha . ? ' o? ityL*
about lier; but isn't it merciful ih.it we none ol
us know how we reallj do took? If ae did "
wouldn't risk be ?' alone with ourselves ive win
utes without a gun."
"Is that one for Mi-- Beseem?"
"No, I ought not to say a word againsi Virginal
llascom. v'!n-'- ;. good sort aecordin' *o her \\-?\<<
: ni then, too, she is a disconnection of mine ;'
once removed."
"Jiovi do >ou calculate that relationship?"
'Oh. her mother*? brother married my ? tei
Sh? 11 peeted thai '--? '.vat ?.'U'i;; o? in ompatibi!
ity and aha im.ved t, and vu. a divorce. If that
?It,n't make u disconnection of Ginty llascom, the:'.
I don't kno'.v wha! loer.. Virginia was bo
Boston, though ih? was brought up'here. i? mus
i ?? terrible to be born in Boston, and have to liw
up to ii. ?Then you ipend your whole iife in a
lime like Duiford. But (iinty du?-; lui very be;?*,
though occasionally ihe forgets."
"Viiu can hardly blame her for that. Memory i^
Irichy, and Boaton and Duiford are about as un?
like as two place- well could be."
"Oh. no; I ?lon't blame her. Once she formed i
??'nib for woman's suffrage. She set out to 'form
my '?iind' as if my mind ivasn't pretty thoroughly
? i ted at this time o? da) and get me to pro
ii-t against the tyranny of the male lex. I
didn't sec ihut the male ??", wai troublir?' her
much; but I signed ; petition -he ?fo( up to -conal
t.. the Governor or somebody, asking for the
lia/ht to vote. There .... .> mo;-, loeiety
tl at didn't '.?ant the ballot, and thej got up an
othei petition."
"And yon Igned that, loo, I expect," laughed
II maid.
"Sure Ihii.g, I did. 'I'm not narrow-minded, and
I like lo be obliging. Then .?he tried whst ih*
called slummil '. which, a> near Bl I can lee, mean
V.'alkin' in vl era- you ain't wanted, because peopl"
,-.ie poorer than you an?, and leavin' little tracts
that nohidy reads, anci currant jelly that nobody
.mil clothe* that nobody ear. wear. But an
Irishman shied a cabbage at her head while she
?vus trying to convince him that the bathtub
wasn't really a eoalbin, and that his mental atti?
tude Has hindside before.
"Then ih" got 'o be a Theosophist, and used
ia -i: in her room upstairs projecting her u.-ira'
I dy out aif the windov.- into the back yard, and
pulling it in again like a ball on b' rubber string
,; i.t. for ora?'ice, you know. Hut the, attael
didn't lai ' long."
"She seem- to be n ?cry versatile young woman,
hut .he doesn't tick to >nc thine vary lone"
"A rolling stone gathers no mus?, you know."
.ir-. Burke repli? J. "1 hat's one of the advantages
of bein' a rolling itOBC, It must be awful to get
' y; ??-.?i there- i-n't an) mo i on Virginia Ba<
...*.. -?ayer faults she may have; not a moss."
Gradually the young clergyman whom Frank
?i-..; .end? up to "Durford" becomes sur?
ir?; v.-it'- Ih' agglomeration of conglomeran
? ? '. of vie'.- of which ??erv community is com
1 There arc small tragedy and gentle comedy
s hoassnd ?'nations. Human nature in the
hape of the :>oy.; of '.he parish run-? rampant
? tt'igl tire iia?'.''-.;. Her' arid there the trie is
o bed lightly with romance. All of humanity.
.i!. ? ?? !i'roles, its tragedies and its comic?
he p?.cea of this now biok. which nearl?.
!. Vli." ' hi: liff.
Althc igti David Hat tin1 -?till 1 i\ o~ within the
ciivers of cilly one book, and the author is dcael.
! i-- brother his written into a new book the same
f-!\ the rame charm, the same gentle pointing out
of 'l.e ir?'[ ies and the eccentricities? call them
faults, :f you wish?of men tnd women, all of
which are woven into a harmonious *tory as mirth
provoking as it is thought provoking and whole
..< n*.<.
Frank Nash Westeott, brother of Edward Noyes
tVesteoti and author of "Hensey Hurke," is tie
?f. of Amos vYesteott, at one time Mayor of
Syracuse, X V. Mr. vTestcott ?vas born in Syra?
cuse ait 1 ?.? ??: Educated at th? Syracuse Classical
".i. liter which he ?.pent .. year in business
life. He then decided to study lor the ministry,
.?um1 went to Middletowo, Conn , -here he was
graduated from Berkeley in 1881.
!!'.? spent nearly i >ear in ci'.arrr of St. John'*
Church, Syracuse, after which He became rector
of .-''.. John':, at Skaneatcles. -.'.here he was up
<o the time of hi?: recent retirement owing to ill
hei Ith.
Mickey, who in the novel is the ion ?>' Hepsey,
i r.-ai life is an individual who, though not ider
lically mothered as in the novel, .?? quite .?s inter
csting. In i moment of thoughtfulnesa ne eor.
nded to .Mi. Westeott recently that he intended
'.(. ?iudy '*or Iipiy orders and enter the ministry
and "preach to the ric'n what stole melon.-, and
?con and :;?l 'cm or. the shore where they built
?aon?rn.? vi..-?-, they went sr.immin' in the lake
on Sundays."
Throughout the book there ruui ;: graceful and
U-**-*. -y KW VORI. Il sadly deficient in both
j^L I park and playground acreage In
^W greater New York only one acre is
allowed to every 6.17 persons, or a
space of ?phi feet square for each individual,
i Philadelphia there is an acre for every 300 per*
and in St. Louis an acre to every "50 cer?
nons; while In Indianapolis, wth '250,000 inhal.i
there is more park ac-eage than in the en?
tire Borough "f Manhattan. With our congested
population and every other citjf reaching out for
more park acreage, our duty in New York is
II" abo\ e statement is made by Park Commis?
sioner Cabot Ward in his report to the Mayor.
The report cover.- the work of the Park Depart?
ment in Manhattan and Richmo id during the
piosf.it adtniniatratlen.
Core mi sioner Ward has made strenuous effort*
to bctt playground conditions und has net srith
?much cess. The e of a large number of va?
i nt lots as recreation centres has beeu obtained,
and in addition to this property tinder the con?
trol ether city departments has been pla? ?>'
at the disposal of the Park Commission. Borou*;?
Pr?sident Marks has allowed the use of the cor?
poration yard at Rivington : t. and the East River,
1 while Hock Commissioner Smith has done the
same wl'.h num-rous bulkhead properties, the
most important being these ?t East 17th st. ?in!
West ">.d ,-i. Van, us open s****?COS under the juris?
diction of the 'lepartment of Water Supply, Jns
and Electricity ave also been m;.''e available for
pi /ground use.
Next .suri ner Commissioner Ward hopes to .it
r?.nge for the use of a part of Palisade Park, on
"ear Mountain. Ho believes that somt of the
steamship companies will agree to transport
mothers and children from the crowded districts
to the Hudson resort free of charge.
One of i he prestest troubles that Commissioner
Ward haj encountered has been the lack of civic
pude, which leads many pe? on to abuse the
privileges of the parks. ?Vhunexci s large
number of persons resort to any park, the re
stilting litter of waste paper and other things
of Pf?teKS, ?useouo'u fj/=noNHnm/t
i- h great that many workmen have to be taken
from their regular occupations about the place
in lean up the rubbish. Even in broad daylight
flowers and ?mall trees have been pulled up by
the roots and carried away. The sod is also
torn up and injured on many occasion-, white
disorderly groups have practically driven the
public from certain parks. This condition, be
lUggestS, is clue to the lack of any separate DO?
lice force lor the hujier parks. An effort is be
ing made to correct these abuses as much as
possible by mesas of an appeal to settlement
? associations, neighborhood societies, taxpayers'
associations and the like, si well as through the
influence of thi- schools.
Scientific planning and intensive u.-e of re
souresa have enabled Commissioner Ward to
accomplish a number of important improvements
First of these has been a financial savin;. Since
Jsnusry i |?5,000 bes been s..ved in the pur
iha ing of park supplies.
"H\ diving ?lose personal investigation as to
the necessity of all requisitions presented." says
the Commissioner, "I ve been able to produce
S saving amounting to jil^."i>7^0 on open mar?
ket orders alone ?luring the rat tivc months of
my administration. Tin- total saving amounts to
125.000. This is all the more noteworthy in vie?1,
of the fact tiiat the total appropriation for the
Park Department proper is only tl.O'.iT.?l-t 2'.i,
beini a saving m tar total appropriation of '_";
mi u t. I eannot help but call attention to the
fact ?hat if this iirepartie* sf savin? -mould be
carried out in Other and larger departments if
ing would be mo-.t substantial."
Hauen spots and ?rullies in a number of par.:-,
? etabl> Riveasid?, have -been till? an?' .-odde.l
. t practically no expense. Thousands of yard
.?' dirt and sod have been obtained free of c'iarge
i nun the site of the- additions to the Metropoli?
tan ?luscum. Free material has aUo been ob?
tained from man> private excava? ions.
In the natt?i ol par?, ?tauen ai Import?e?
change ha, been made. Many of these sold
candles ;:iiu cakes which were constantly exposed
to flic-' and dust, besides being of doubtful qual?
ity. The sod-, fountains were also unsanitary in
most rasas. Commissioner \Vard lias incorporated
in all licrn.-es a clause requiring the strictest ob?
servance of all .-sanitary regulation.-: of both eiiy
at- ! ?tate, with a penalty of immediate annul*
ment of the license for any violation. The llealia
l>"-i>ar*.mfnt has examined the doubtful goods and
iia- barred injurious or impure articles. In s re?
port just made by that department conditions are
stated to be satisfactory in all of the parks.
Another important move has been '.he increas?
ing of the efficiency of the present playgrounds
by the installation of electric arc lights, which
make- playing after dark possible. The first ox
p?riment was made in John Jay Park. It was a
pronounced success, and now b>i '.*;< tball ajid other
?rames are played after dark for the li-v. time in
tin. history of the city's playgrounds. The even?
ing musical entertainments in Centra' Park have
been notable for their exceller.ee ar.-i the quality
of the musicians who have tnken par', in them. A
series of open air chornl concerto is being planned
'or next season."
Many more trees have been . st out '?-an ''av
ben lost bv old age or disease In all 11,444 iiav-*
been planted, against '.tlti removed. Importai:-,
work' has also h??en done along lUcI itrcel as
have shad?* trees, and the los-, ?f 'iii: *."*.' ni
' well as t'lat of 191" has been :r:id- up,
Commisfioaer Ward describe at ?orne le
tin way in which the pail: laho * problem h_
hcr-dled. The men have all been giver, definite
linos of wotIc and each has been placed where it
i< believed he can be most efficient, while prizes
hrt.-e beei eTered to .lection foremen for the best
kept sections. A -ampaign for a much needed
pension system is also being pushed. There ate
? considerable number of old men who have spent
their live- warhing :'or the Park I>ep.*-itmcnt and
aie now helpless aid almost pcnnile?***.
beautiful !ove story which, it is sai?!, ret"?
-, Iar**c a-: the romanee of l!i\ Weatcett's life.
lie ir- :? bachelor, and the original >?' N'iekey .-ay
land he claims to enjoy the novelist's Confidence i
?pat :t \n ? d?fitl which accounts for the (act that
Mr, We-'a-c It is ta.-da; a bacha-lor.
Peri .a ' ' ovei sb4?-?.'
?.rain throuj-h the lor.g I-, nrs of mertiutiea uA
como? iti? ? ?< firl, eftha?
los! hour- of h.-.ppiness .?:?(' love, hiehtoahip
degree causod the ?.uthoi' hr ikdown st ?ttM
of the itory.
NEW YORK, or rather 'he metropolitan
ar?;a comprised in the port of New
V?ik. possesses n fleet of big water
craft not reckoned in the country'*
merchant marine, foreign or coastwise
Ami vet .he tonnage O? this fleet, its ince.-sant in?
dustry and it? importance to the community are no'
cl all inconsiderable. To begin with, it consists
if mor? than 6,000 units- tugs, coal boats, deck
scows and lighters, representing a ?rood many
n ?liions of investment and an army a small
army, to he sure, in these days of Armageddon
m employes. And if for some reason the ??activi?
ties of this fleet .hould suddenly be suspended a-'
1 ave those of the oceangoing merchantmen our
distress would not be altogether incomparable
???til that which we hav? .vlready experienced as
resul1 cf the itoppagfl of foreign trade. A
coal barge of MOO tons ci'ii curry a tremendous
lc,; of tbe ."'i-I of civilization from Perth Amboy
t? Manhatti : in a month. The huge deck scows
il.at go roiling ?io'.vn to Barren Island with the
refuse every day form an invaluable link
in the chain titat tupports our comfort and
The development O? what might be called the
SCOW marine of New Vor'c has kept pace with the
port's expansion and with the growth of all trans
pi nation sgencies. Twenty-firs years ago a barge
? f .".00 tons was considered something colossal,
too big for cither comfort or prolits. Now those
ol three times this tonnage are a commonplace,
ai d. of Course, '.hey have grown in numbers si
v.tll as ir iac. The rivers about the city are full
of them, . ; t, igly, square things rolling help
h -??Iy ir the wak? of o tus;, the gondoles of com
merco, th? fia' cara of ?he river highway.
liut for ,'il its formlessness, its grime and its
lack of moiiae power, a coal boat of 1,400 tons
represents an investment of $13.000. A good, ser?
viceable tue: is worth something like $75,000. The
wonder is that with so much money invested in
tl e scow marine its growth has been so hap
1 ssard, a matter of individual competition with
very little realization, until recently, among scoev
owners and -cow workers of the community of
ii terest that .-hould bind them together.
For years the owners have been Ike vi-tim-s
of dishonest captains, and both owners anal cap?
tains have been tne prey of waterfront thieves
and gangsters. Finally, however, t!" owners
have had it borne in upon them th-.i' 'hey must
combine for piotcction if they wish to save them?
selves from much of the constant annoyance Mid
lo.-s which their disorganized state has hitherto
invited. Accordingly, they have formed 'his .ear
the New Vork Boat Owners' Association. Inc. and
already the members of this association r?|-ie
sent about half the biirg?1. MOW and lichter ton
naRe in New York waters. To date the officers
of this association have been able to oh' ?in froin
lifteen to twenty convictions of san 'Stert on
charges of stealing lines, of issaultinf captains
and :;o on.
Hut their problem, '?.hile not comniex, will
probably always demand their watchful atten?
tion. Water craft of this comparative';.- humble
ser! lici up at open public piers in tjane-infasted
districts, A -inplc man. the captain f? rma the
crew in each case, living with his family in th
cabin aft. The police protection which the city
affords is notorious!) inadeeaate. w.- t >:teCt.
from Cortland tree; ,o the Battery, for example.
is the u'-at of one policeman, jlihouf-h 'he Biers
jutting out in:o the North River, and 'he beats
lying in the ??lips, multiply the area to b?. watched
two or three times. The scow captain finds it
almost necessary to .itibmit to petty pilfering to
placate the marauders of such a neighborhood,
whose sway seems absolute. And the ?mptain Is
himself tempted to try his hand at some o' the
easy pickings.
The association ii undoubtedly remedying this
condition. It is making a card Index of all he
-??-oye- of it-, members from which it expects
'"?'?'?r"-' '? ?<?' ?St of incompetent and IU
honest captains. As for the gangster.. \; M going
sfter them teeth and nail in *hc hope thai ?.
.series o* convictions will dampen 'h.-ir arcio'i
sad eut the,,- depredations do^n to a nmimum.
It this it (a receiving the cordial suppor. of ba.th
police and District Attorney, according to Ernest
Mavey, tne association's secretary. Mr Stavey
thus explains the activities and objects of the
association :
"In January of the present year some of the
most prominent firms doing business in and
about a*?ew YotV Harbor, realising the sa
'user relations!) p other fti
mutual benefit ami pro .tied sad
porate'l ai. organization called the Bost 0
"For years the membi new er|
tion hive suffered from the theft of lints
t he 11- boats. Th.ir captains have been best?
robbed by the waterfront touphs. and the i
of the scows, coal boats and liphters hsv?
broken into and ransacked.
"In the past, when any of the gear of a
has been stolen the owner in nine caaea i
ten has let the thief go unpunished. Thii h
to a very slack condition, which the associ?t
ciianging. The association has pro.ec.U4
fifteen to twenty such cases during the bri
months; also many cases where the captaiai
been threatened, assaulted and robbfd. Ol
prosecuted by the association psai
ranging all the way from 'discharged with ?
i nil' to not less than five nor more thai
year.-' have been inflicted on the culprits.
assistance render.d by the Police Coraisiaai
Arthur Woods, nnd by District Attorney 1
man's office has been invaluable."
In the past dishonest _nd incompetent CSS)
have wandered from scow to barge and freak
to lighter, hired and lired, without knowlrdf
then- recorda and without any attempt on th?
of one- victimized owner to vain others a|i
them. The association has ,, large percealaf
the captain- card indexed, *o that if amas pr*
himself ;*f*ber, industrious and trustworthy it
almost always be si re of a position.
The association is perfecting a plan by **_
! ,n.i -vilI be raised through subscription 1
each member and from thi captain of ?stk*
which will bo used to defray the expense! ?f
illness of any captain and, in case of death
his proper burial. It is also the mtentios #f
ociation in this way to usurp the neidet
might otherwise recommend to the captain1
professional orjjr.nizer who had been enfafte
forming "IochIs" with more or less imposisfti
Sjiic! the ?ormat'on of the associattea th? f
fessional organizer has di-appeared. It is
intention of the boat owners so to treat their?
ployes that he will nut appear again.
The association has about on? hundred _S
li'i' . among m ne of ihe most yra
i '-.-.'. towing, coalboat. contracting enfi-****1,
dry dock and hippin* n the port
names of : few are the Moran Toeing asdTns
portation < ompary, Jacob dee - -???,- "**
Steers, in,*.: Srliooiim-.-ver-Conners CoanS
Cood.wili-tiallaglur --und and Gravel ?.'?*??*
Ai'thinv IP Hex le. Thon.a Howard. I'- ?"'? *W
Company, .1 ihn H. Klau-r>. ?'leary Bra***
\, - ?..- i ? . r -npany. Retckert T
ir.g f'ompar . li.-'.-i !'-g ? 'ompany, &**
It:.,thei K i '.-' '.'ran i n ..' on anil -SuPP^*
. JacoSu S (irou ? u. Ucrntt * t*Mj*
Derrick and U and the ?O***
Transportation I ompany. _w
The ?rncei - . "'? ***'? **T^
Joseph Mor.,- : lent. Thomas H**?
inrer. A . nid secretary.
S ?Hi'; .
I- un Order in < o me ' '."'at Hritsin l? J
placei! under a mod.lied form of ?art?' ^
which, however, mus; not be coofosnde
military iaw.
Marti.il ! I. "T tiito*Jll|
that military rule or authority *****' ?a*
time ->f war and i- conferred by 'he la?'^ .
in relation to persons and things withts
of active military operations, ?nd * gf
tinguishes or suspend?, for the time **^?/
rights so far as this may be neeei?-ry *^
pose of "he a ar. In other word*, it '* ,maT
tion of military government to person?
erfy within its ? ,
Militar) law. on the othei hand. '? ? ^
and ordinance- prescribed -oT "* ^
ment of .he military .t?te ensured ** *? ?
community. The object of the reces ^
- ;l is to i-.ve ?he military author* _^
sie pou r.- o-'-r individua!* ;>n?i ' _^<*i
BuildingM m-iy be .li-stroyed. laud" ..^t*
be OQOapied, inhabitants m. > be r'*<j*|^ ^g\
given arcai sit) dictates. ^^ -1
trespass on ?ajlwaxs or loiter about -<?
is an offence to publish informatics^ ^J
movement <>f troops, while the -"?fI ?0U
ports calculated to cause disaffe-tie^Jj
may bring th*. offender into grsve l***. ? -,

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