OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, December 21, 1914, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1914-12-21/ed-1/seq-2/

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t?' Radi.m and Lublin and occupy
Southern Poland If the enemy were
sue?-?'? ? freeing il
territory and fortifying thoroughly
IM i.ties ? no effort
further. The enemy
'm the defennr. e along thtl fiont, ?*?'
tnat ? rp? might be trans
'crred to'the woo tern th<
"These ; rea!
i-ed, been . .??lans an
reinforced continually, and are now
occupying posit
fended much more effect*, ally th^n
'heir pr?\ ?. .-.
Next Battle Near ( raro?.
"The So- intry, whl
low and marshy, offers th>
:ence. The rainy
>ve?thcr a
Bt the
?ame timo
tas Gars <*? Dar?
ing the temporary lull in thi
the ne\*
around * ro
i rabability als. ;n*-tra
..round Mlawa, Suwalki
ai.d Wlrballen.
"The situ?t '"> on the < sucasian
? ha? ro* changed materially. The
I: issian? then I on the
loads from ? i . b, in Noi
a, to the *
,* i;.. bethpol, and
in thi? di
on thus foi . unsuccess
runl Erserum, -
at ? tai
make h de
? a and elai
ii either
abandoned or di
"Meativ? is preparin?* a
I at Batum, again
"l regard.et rasall of ti
liai aal i
Russia Organizes First
Distinctive Polish Legion.
Warsaw, Dae. ?0 By ?
ha? hern organ " army
contains p i volunto* i
the legimi will I b Con?
' I
? '.ted.
; our thousand Pol
tolled in flu- legion, and will b<
? ?
Don't Count Too Much on
Victory, Berlin's Warning.
Berlin lb '? ville. I.oni*
IsIhiiiI , Dei !0 ? ? " a] press bu
?rai. . ror publication to-day
:he fallo
"Alt- !! af
-,:(? belief I
in the ea t will I t, the
?langer of a ?! ill 'or ull
.' as one commentator i
?o be real I ictory ?
kins to
...Is re?
garding ' ?: available.
"The ' I reie Presse'pub
the comment of an unnamed troi.
eral, who
? onlj he
the 1 ' rain, hui also to
to conic up.
Upon ??.!? ther they will be able to bring
!1 de
il ready
ed will he ot lastinp value.
-.\ \ . ribin*
heavj Krosno aid al?n?;
! capable of
determined "?to advice?
how that the R .--ans are ret'
northward from
-. ic? without
"Another factor that contains awarn
? gain it too | ? etatioas in '
Poland is that I -^.an?
nearer tbeir base c.f sup
'urther h??v in a country i
and the paucity
?hat Field Marshal von Hin
denburg *?*!'! be able to tiniah what he ;
(icrman Press Bureau Says
equipment ot Stranded Ves.
sol Has Been lound.
Be i s Bay?
4 ille, N. Y i ireau
today g?vc out for publication the fol
lowi- .
?'"Ihe Turks repcr? taking some hill?
??verlookiii?; Kotur. near Lake I lumiah,
are stern Pi i
*TbS Bri'* h naval attache at Rome
?ay? r arababla that a Bi
?ransport ho ,-unk in the Mcditerra
a? the eouirmunt of a stranded
t'ound on the Italian
"A ? atenant aviator who
has beei iiaan
.';i that the
?"roni ttered him, and
that similar treatment ki meted out to
'o report from
. "Th " ragrad ro
lice ha\e arre-tcd a ,
men and women on account of a ,Cvo
martial at Perm .
-ia> has ,.?; ? ,n to
death on account
hs interior I
--_' _ ?J -rday.i
icer, ?
. "'' ' and
under : are left.
thirty ornrir.?: offlci r< ma u and onlv
?0 ptr cent ol
Brings $300,000 Into Fund
for Two Countries.
I ?n baiaair
r the last two week? ?n ?j ,
Be?,ment Arn.' ?
With : ?
?'. *" >n?o ?; k
?hday we
- ! . . I
Wounded and Begrimed
Soldiers Cheerful, in
Spite of Hardship.
King Albert. Proud of Belgian
.Mud. Refuses to Have His
Uniform Cleaned.
, . ? M)
I.or:.ion, D
' .llo? ln*{ dl'DS?'
from a corre??piinden*.
ni N'orthern I- ranee:
Inn,;?, has ended in ?
b indine and
ft-id fury. only madmen or
would flgh
is topi for we nri
forks ' ,; st|"
tic uni ould ? n>'-'. ' if not
"But than ? ?? n.manee in ; I
. n al it for
? and he will pour n fea
fat the rail
mixture. 1 I.ere was a
batch of Germai
??d of wounded Bl .
ish : oldier? fron- ? Division,
? ,11*.I three men. The? ware
dirt that it
..it out their national
'tthat strack nie most was their ab?
an-I undi iguised cheerfulne '?
have a live!
German prisoner! i saw, in the early
l he) were in a
? more
than a blue funk. 1
lately believed that the next mi
woulil he th< ist on this woful i
that they would be shot out of
Trenches Plagas Spots.
"Tin- youi ana 1 met to-day I
declared that they had been having a
mu time recently, thut then
% IIU'li
?canty every day, that pneumonia and
dreaded ti :
and that t;
al!. They undei
going to England. An
the) hoped ko 1er- ?
"The Belgian soldiers were all slight
Is wound?. ? tly leg and ai m.
I he mud and slime or the tr. ?
? ;,d not yet dried upon
then clothes, and thej wen* cold and
numbed and desperately hungry, foi
their train had bl
"In j-pite of the psin their huir
dressed woui 'iving them, they,
too, were cheerful.
" 'We are in grent ,;eart.' said one of
them, 'for we ?re moving on surely and
certainly. '; I i I
has conic t?
no longer sounds m o.r hearts. The
t oc? m ring-- thai \>'e a e
inarching on; we are driving the
banana back. Every il moth?
erland regained
t i as. Thre ? da) sgo I ma oui ?
He wa? inn ilr.ed, Mon
a l am row. An officer who was with
him would remove the mid from his
hing Proud of His Mud.
'?Hut no! said the King. i.e' it
sta>. If my own land -hould cling
?<> mo, le? it stay. It it better
thai it should be n.' ?and he laughed
gladly as he passed or. and w<
d him and he laughed the more,
showing a shining fae<- ami biddin u
tak<* com! hear: .,
ng. Sa m to the nght
that evening afraid of nothing.
"?In ram and mist we charged a
\illag? with a mighty i-hout.
.?!i our numbers were small, wj
1. We were beaten back, and
we charged again. My bayonet
broke ?-h?rt In the breast of a
German, and then in the dark ai. .
? nt down.
" 'I came ? ? men
were einging the chai '
enemy had gone. The Milage
!, was our
sning guns were rattling u?
in take another and a --trongcr
ill vrtpr-,. perhaps, but non<*
the less sweet for that. Ala.--! I could
follow, and they brouph? ma on
here. The fortunes of w?r aiv bard '
H<- iself painfully.
h:g sergeant from th< coni
'oiif. at that in irrn nt puked him
up like a hah-,
shoulders and bore him along t
the mud to the clearing ho
the station yard
??'Ink-, chap.' said the sergeant.
'He havs a warm, snug
Christmas, 11 ? snug, warm hi
and here's me only lo bloom
?amp and g"? to report for dut.
? here In
knows where.' He grinned ruefully at
Italy Punishes Iransport Com?
pany Trying to Ship Grain
to Belligerent.
i .,
Milan, Dee. L'O. -The Italian g
ment has come down heavily ?
of the trat
been caught in the act of atten
to ?mbark forty truel I grain
? r ? belligerent power
..nd:??e and sent
of lading to hi
- ?,
been imaa
Da?. -I. A JH liter dispatch
''Untier pre???. ?he (ierma-.
to 1
lay held a so-called >L?antag
ai ? I that I
000.1)0 ? t,Mlfi to th.
man ,- Monthly in?
represe.-,tal...i ? tgrf d ? ? ,.
? ler?.
?vero ngui'arl-,' rcctivcii"
Official Report of
French War Office
Pan?. Dec W fhs follojwiBg ef
! f.cial communication v?as given ou;
j **??? rav"
a-eim ground, before N1BS
?To the east i I sout of Ypres,
when ? ? "*-**? ",s ?r"
' *"!'"
occurred, and 'here ?*?'?? ?light prog
: less OB our part.
-from * . the Oise th? slued
of the
rat line on
rough RicheboBTf,
| Give by-La K?-s*e.
??I,, . t of Albert th?
by us ot: the 17th,
? on the lBth
era? reca] * -.'day.
??in . g of Lihen? the Oar
man? made two very violent attacks
for the purpose of retaking the
tronche? wop by us on the 18th. They
??j.-,,, Oi?e '' r 'i-.ronre the
r art erj s? Btinoai
?ruction Of
' mach ?torie?
anrj - - onsidersblo
number ?
???,. rast of La
i pulaed thn
Madams and
one at Samt-Hubert.
"Bet ? ? ArgoBBS ?t ??
. n no salisnt la?
The nmunication issued by
thi Wai
i o modification to report
along of the front."
Russian Army
Official Report
Petragrad, Pec. 20. The
,an ftaff was is
.- ued to?night :
the Vistula
River, front of the B-ura und
Raws .
, , rj ..erre deocrip?
? ? the 19th
"To h had
a, in ar the
i] our troop
annihilated, (if thi? 1 fifty
men rei ? '?ere msds pris?
ghting also is reported in the
region of Opossno to the ci.
? .U.I
"In (ialicin the ?ituatiOB is without
??ant change. I noints
? i attacks and
iionert and machine
"In the d -trie of Praemysl the \
in grer t
strength. failed and
that we took them on
tha flank and captured a great many;
German-A ustrian
Official Reports
Berlin, I'ec 20 (by wireless to Lon
>al v headquarters gave ou' to
day an ollicial communication as fol?
le?, s :
"Ob the 4vest front the enemy has
i his unsuccessful attacks upon
111 in the vicinity of Nieuport and Bi\
?schoote. The attach? near T.a Ka?-s?e.
which were made by the French and
I . were beaten ",T. ??4 ?th heavy
?o hundred col?
ored . prioonei s a ere cant -
Sin hundn
oar front near Notre
llame de Lorettl.
"Southeast of BethUBO WO leal I
trench 'res lonp, which
taken by the enemy,
"We ma?- the
e took three mr?
"On East and v* ? it
. '?' !? pOI t.
"In Poland I R m are prepar
Rawa and
Nid?. W .
Vienna, i 1 Loi don 1, The
following othcial statement waa is.-ucd
"In the ? arpathians the enemy'- ad
. tho district of La?
?r lay. To
oping Oui
?. and Zak*
und everywhere.
Tn t)ie B:ala Valley our troop ha
vanced to Tucbow 1 south of Ternow).
The battle, alun?,' the lower Uunajec
c-ntii .
"The Russians recently appeared
South Poland thrv )m\c reached the
Cairo Hi rongod with Country's
Notables When Prince
Hussein Takes Oftice.
. -
* .'.:0, Dec. 20 new K<-\p'
*1??- ? ? . ?y with brilliant
c? remony, during which ministers, o fri?
and notable of the country and
the entire population of the capital
paid their homaj 1 the new ruler,
Sultan llu*.*cin. Sultan Hussein re
I ceived no fewer thaa 1 thou and pcr
? ? 'if* addresi ?
terday witnc ?ed n largo influx of
?d wit
... . It 1
of the tun?
. new crescent moon, with a
11 near it, gleamed with sil
1 the heavena.
l'? gra I, D* 20.?Tho "Bourse
?e" hears from >>dcs?a that a seri?
ous situation ha?> arisen in Constanti
tha I'orte and Italy
The Italian Ambaaaador, Marquis Gar?
r?n i, pa hid
: a exalai
throat? rela
not. given Withifl B
Chinese Loan Opposed.
\? ? Dee, M l'i. : Ideal M '
lettai ' ? red to
t hine
'} and
il -. -a-..lala
Burrow Their Way During
Night. Then Make a
Spirited Attack.
German Entanglements Mined- -
One Giant Cuts Way Through
Foes. Crying 'Vive la Patrie!'
T. Cl ?
London, Der. 81. ' i I ron
pubiishea the following
received yesterday from a
tii-in?, in the neig-aihorl -
re the FnII and infan?
try worked like ist forward
,11 I .- ? them
sati the Fi
? dawn
? ?
and had a | I ;.?vantage m
I ? reneh
i s Into act ?on <? ? blow
? ranchmen i
' .plane dr..t.. I it ? I
in huge eir - I dropped
its cargo of bombs uith the far
but with very little noticaablo
"The rain af Franeh shranrel be
eame thicker and thicker over th? i.er
-he French
shells burst with ?ste . curacy
the ail ?
and with such deadly effee
two h'?ur.?. ?he mortal 1 > ? ?
ing the pn
been b isy rough
the barbed wire sntangl?. nt "i '
_,- ready for an infant
the German tranchas.
but thay had managed tu place i ?
in various useful places. Eleetrieal
I made, :\
the work.
??1 ?-? . ilited by the continu
the enemy
cupe th the < srrived
.; isk. w ?i. the an '
r<*liefs came fresh men for the
? .?up, and ninny of th< in. all I
?o grip? erith the
boches.' I* f* line, < tending
01 ? r t'.vo kilometre?, and I ?
..ule over muddy, ploui
Fifty yai I G
'unningly placed device? of the
re laid well in
among I irbed wire.
of ? button
Ines, and '' I ?
Were within eighty \:ir.! oi the
enemy's position
pressed and mines to the numbi
about a dosen exploded and tore huge
gaps in the barbed ?rire entanglt n
gaps through which Frenchmen
"The enemy, unprepared for the ea?
rn which preceded tl
-, a sa&amodic tire ii ?
vane ng French, but too late,
the Frenchman shim
-?nil grips with hi-?
He likes the mud rush. He i<
of ten thousand devils ?hen
his blood II i.p. I ??!? H*-?
quicker al d I tivi than the G<
"Man by man they l.u::ted the Or
its. T here w
?runs, where one hug) i
? r. with i ???? ighty ??abre, cut a:
- ?
/are. bareheaded and bloody.
? .
"Vive ...
evoked . from his vi
toriou? coir, i
last mad rush, and the trenehi
It, nrother large piece
fair ?and ?
man i?ivader.- and a line of wo
tending OTl r .1 front of two kilometn
taken from the enemy.
thi? brilliai
. ture o f
large nun.her of prisoners,
? ????? el ?- ertai - end
Bg which was
tfa the arm
the < Ivaria. F'ou
of verj df
tern took B see, h','
to the Freneii batterie? once nior
opening fire t't -r were r?
?.reatened t
become serious."
His Health Shows Marked
Improvement After Three
Weeks' Rest.
1 '?arnei
. r'3 health II
Open air. The Kaisei
i. ?fi the reservi
pital at 1
The Kai
tired, nnd h.-nl grown oldai
Uii war, nevertheless thi
have hud a good ?-ffoi t on hit
'hough he necessarily
It for this purpov
? le especially
iah victorious bulletins
?ha aast t the naval
raid ?o thi carried
" il v ith the object of cheering up the
i. -,
? ii ling to
bad in the
' I- ?.?..,'." the following reply has
ed by the Provincial
of homage to the Kai
"Hi- majeetj trust? In
the unshakable will t?> conquer which
animi.'- German people in
the defei canse. We
v. ill, with God'l help, bring the Fath
d through I at difficult
: . ' in
The . -1 ia > on F'riday
paid his t to the Potsdam
London. Dee. 21. The forman l-.'m
peror hat completely recovered and
returned to thi front, according to an
announcemei I ? Berlin military
lartei . read ng - ? : ?? ria Am*
Special Correspondent Gives Graphic Description of Most
Bloody Charge Near Verdun?Colonel
Followed to Death.
? -
Near Veru?.' I 01 four day:
the village had ?lowly crumpled '?
:tidcr the '? of foB
which 'he German? hai
100 yards away, enablini
them to bring forward important con
tingent? of infantrj which had aine,
n of a atrS
? tremendous Im]
to Hi?" the po.-uion at an.
dielo-dge tho batteries sad r,u'!l toi
ward, th( Gcnaani ria?.ing advance*
toward Verdun to the very limit al
lowed them by the French commander
The night had been cold and thr
frozen ground allowed t' ?
? ? a ? ivalry, whic
heefl called opoi [roand
1er to
The colonel .
in front of hi
. Irena, 'lie captaii
a lit' i ?1 m
and the men, CO) IC?OU - <?'
? iah befori them, si!? ntly tight
ened ?addll B|
s I ?
?? . a.-? te
some one tad. A few, per
haps BO! ' ' ilVvl tal*
o? i? draft f* ?
J lir* ttt?. i!?' ?hout srs sub
lietd "?''1 the neighing of the
? -. rlmkmg of ?eabbard? am
ing of saddle leather I heard
mingling with 'he baas voice of the
French cannons in the rear. The lie-i?
m?n funs were ?-till reserving their
until their prey had begun to
advance. In tin rear tho
of a bugler sounded ? ind the
eoloned ot' tho 'ii. facii |
about, cried to his men :
"Men of the :h' roily-four
ago > oar regiment foil ?wed l
itl To-day you'll fallow :
glory. Sabres dear! "
A.alanche Begins (o Mo?e.
One more order, the last, and the
avalanche of men and beasts would be?
gin to move and rush onward.
du a hillock, back of the squadron?,
.? '.rial and hi? ? tafl '? ?
' the 01 ''my through their fl i
brill bio -? of a
the air, an 1 I
. - ? ?
iblimo that, win '
felt it impossible that a conntr.
bred such men could ever be conquere 1.
The colonel of the first regimen*
lag his sword high in the air at the
call from the hill, roared:
irted ' on. Throng
glass those on the hill c"
like ant-,
in l
them i:i compact square-. 1 he cavalry
would be n 'he artil'c?
by ?olid wall? of bayonets. These
? ?. r.f'y yarda wide, .
twelve row? of mm, the t'rst two
Bfj tho othert ? landing 4?. :*h
' the
. " .? .1
?ouu the iajr.c? were ?ul!iu>ii?a" de?
\ ' of till
a/ai cries of the dragoons
air. 1 or ovei a mile ;,
o. i i- the pla: I
o? tin ir i idei , i" came
purs. The din. even fron
a di: ' I ;,e **?
l-.f . waving in the air. ?ere brought
down i" ?
? ek.
< entre Manimcred to l'ir< t
i i the Get
, man ?-?l?a. i
into one ?.i"l ? in- enemy'? bs I
ran to pour h<- Htire inte
the linea I-rom the quarts tin
... I inS - rr:
1.1 ought do*? n ? rankr
II..j - toppled over, bury ng theit
riders, the whole ?mashed '-o thi
b rind. Still
on. The cent re hammei i >?
to pit ? i 77?millimetre shells,
followed b] tl ?
f in a maelstrom and
\.lur. I . .
I ? ? ?? ? opped, hrok'j and
quart, i.
i inevitable and foreseen destruc
. silently from the hilltop.
rJorsei in ths tl 'ffoi-y? hoofs
in the an. were blocking the ranks;
I run
mug . ? lounts. The field
trewn With the dead ;ind
?-, while hoi ? their
, wen
frantically p
- king their
ai ?! yards the -.quar]
**a|n charged
forward. The huge wave thundered
once more'against ?he Gorman ?squares,
met snot an 1 bullets,
but rushed on. Drunk with the smell
? ,1 by the awful '.
men and hor-es. tram pi I - ? IMS who
1 upon the
Men Turn-.m mu? el Arts.
ni breasts;
bayonets ?ran billed to t!ie hilts into
thiir terror and i-uffering, rising on
their hind leg.-. omei ..Hing back?
ward, crushing men underneath. Men,
their ai ?
blindly with but ri b
'.., gigantic
? i under the im
? up and i melt.
? ? ,.-?? | ?..
rhe twi French
kept on, turnad the tronches
ami rushed the batteries, while ?he
centre, dismounting, sheathed sabres,
: ipped c irb n< - and on fuo:
from ? ind fight.
th- Germai led ? The
? them h? roically,
t.Ut W( IT out
Aj the bugll Sounded 'he "rally"
th appeared, -up
ported by two rue;:. Hi?, borae, a huge
lay, was en th?- ground, vainly trying
to rise, while from the gaping ??
his fide ?he hilt of ? bayonet pu.
Th.- ortie.r, a bullet through'
I him,
? ii giment, which, torn and i
i la the
- tlee or (?vie?; and (ell i
l^w?. ?cad. ]
High Explosive Shells and
Mines Used to De?
stroy Defences.
Slight Gains. However. Mean
Much, Especially in Trench
Warfare, Says Expert.
London. Dec. 20.?The great difficul?
ties under which military operation?
mea and Belgium are being SOB?
? ? an described in a narrative of
* development? written by an of
hserver attached to the British
headquarters and made public to-day
by the Official Information Bureau.
The recital brings the story of war,
a- eaverad In these eye-aritni
pert?, up to December 17.
" I he opposition now being encoun?
tered resembles to some extent that met
with by us in the beginning of Octo?
ber, when we first raaehed the Franco
Belgiaa frontier, and before the Ger?
man?, brought up their full force and
assumed the offensive." says the re?
port. "It has one great difference,
hewever, and that is that the enemy ll
in much greater force and his posi
.ire much stronger and better
organized than they were two month*
"At that time an advance on the
eastern end of the line implied a move?
ment across B very difficult coun'rv.
a? it does still, and for us it meant
an attack on skilfully but
liage?, held
..rge extent by cavalry and Jae
"With the large proportion of ma
guns thut we have in fro
riay, ll is no loi ear a
of isolated points There an
?ueh points, and some are the .same.
but they are stronger and form part
of b practically continuoua def*
in some place?* of sev?
eral lines of cunningly s'tcd and care?
fully constructed woi
A Maze ef Trenche*.
"This I one rea!!;. BIBOUnt I tO ?
B?hei and obstacle! Everyknown
? inrclo
the moot common
form vary from loose coils of wire to
*o nearlj
height and of different width i.
"These mea in of lefence are onlv
ro t., he expected from troop?
v h ici. . a "i ha-, e ample
fee? and t ime. Tin re a '
which they can bo
?ne. but \?here these methods are
rate of advance ia neees
slow. When i. la : ? ported Hi
?'? .1 ground has been
gained at a eertain point ?topograph?
the gain may amount to only n
itically, on the other
hand, the progresa implied bj even
- ! may b? im
porta'i- trench, a cluster of
trenches, the edge of a wood, a build?
ing, a village or a knoll may hav.
?OB of which Will fa?
cilitate further operations.
proachea, uch s i ;-ip-, help
the attacker to advance under COVel
and so to minimize the losses, but thev
do : Ot and can not obviate the liabil
ity to .of the nat?
ure indicated a ; I is enemy's
i. Tho only certain
method of preventing this i^ bv a pro
nent with high explo
ihelll until trenches, mine? and
nachine gun re reduced
leap?, or ?" mil ?? under them and blow
tliem into the i i
French official statement? telling:
? German trench*
sapping and mining operation ?* and
' eerning the
?er ?ayi thai I
?iiber it obtained
on whnt appi Bred to be
u headquarters. The narr i?
Ihinks (.erinans l>i-( ouraged.
"Pram b prisoner capturo,i an De
cember li it has bean ascertained that
both the j.id Regiment and the Jaegers
tuff r? 'l ' : n November
I The same man described November
.. terrible day. aaying that he haul
i such mud ;. tl .'
\?Inch tho (u rn
ai d thai Iho ti oop i wera ?uffi
es of water
I he ?helling ti i h
through on the I It
mont) ?ni 'hing
which he had experienced previously,
"Wo have reason to believe, from
the ?" -.lined from prisoners,
many of the Landwehr arc
heartily sick of the war and reset
treatment of their oflcera. They
ha\e been perauaded that tho Bi
ill treat their prl oner?, and but for
?omo would be willing to aur?
"Tl appear to be discard?
ing their helmets, the pickelhauben,
with v. Inch they have for fifty
a-sociated in the eye? Of the
world. Man) variations in their uni
forms aie now to be seen. Some of the
troops ar.j wearing their peace cloth
? brighter color than
tho gray service dre-.-. There i* p?. i
da?as that certain of the unit? facing
Us a;e much under strength."
Concerning tho offensive movement
of thi observer 10
"In conjunction with the French.
who siso aro pressing forward, a
movement has been started which has
.all gain of irround."
'Ihe Barrative then record? gains made
by British and Indian troops near
Yprea and south , tho I ?? . which al?
ready i.v. e b< an reparti a.
i ?
a, Dec. 20. It la undei
the 1'ope will IOOB appoint an "*|
pr?lat, lie delegate to !
IB place of the Italian Franciscan monk
who h.a.- held that I""' since 1902.
Art Works Left from Artists'
Sale for War Relief.
William Ordway Partridge, the aculp?
tor. who ha
and other work-, of art to bo ?aid to
aid thi Preach and Belgian artista'
fund, ha? announced that t
left over from tin* sale at the Hotel
Plaia on Saturday night Will he offered
at private ?alo at * i irke'i gallar,, i
I4U| St., to - :ung.
II ,100 from ,".n un- ?
"Moanlinht, ?? saice,"
a cam >igo " Bagart : c-"o
? ii ? w hen the w ?.-...\ Bloa i * old, b
V? . M. Past BI d M*M for "Autumn
I-and.?c:ir>e," by the same arti.'f.
The Equitable is expansive
but not e?\pensive
The Equitable is the biggest building in ths I
?world, but it is also the most efficient building
in the world, being so economically planned at
to render it unnecessary to saddle tenants with
more space than they need, and in fact, enabling
tenants to lease the space they require with
almost mathematical accuracy.
Thus, whilst the Equi.able is an expansive prop?
osition, it is not an expensive one. but on the con?
trary, it is, wc believe, one of the most economical
building propositions ever presented to the busi?
ness institutions of this city.
Leases nou being made from May 1. 19?5. The building, hoir
ever, is due to be completed 2 or 3 month? ahead of that datt.
Equitable Building
Temporary Office, 27 Pine Street
Another Record Sale o?
Men's Neckwear
at 85c each
Value 1.50, 2.50 and 3.50
English hand frame silk knitted four
in-hands. The finest collection of
knitted neckwear we have ever seen.
plain colors, bias and panel stripe
figures and all-over designs.
Men's English hand frame silk knitted
Mufflers, values up to 15.00.
at 4.85 each
Motor Entrance on 5th Sir
totoa?vioyMiQxsn 90? Ste. J,,1.:
"Times" Regrets Secrecy
and Delay in Holding Up
American Cargoes.
London, Dec. 21. Kb editorial ii
"The rimee," under the
"American Shipping and Britl
"Inevitably in thi? W?t there BUil
br a certain claehini of I
tween Mme American ? ?
the military naeeeeltie
and our ?llic.--.
u .1 -: itigton to han |
economic excrciae of B
no d< ?' M* I tehall nr Do?mini
Street to interfere with America!
"T; i
* ik< h by t
foregoing I
can '? -
m pected before leaving port by Brit
i-h eonaular offl pre.Iun
ihould ellay the irritation ol
American i . ? over delaj
"We hope alao," II ?aj *. "thei
diepoaition to con ?der ?bather in
? r-idr-r cannot b<
in the ? n preai K
tho . m?*?'
made belief that
n the
. . might
with advantage f"' both a: ;
daily ?merit??
departan from the m
??' routine of diplomat
of department! 1 Intel !
be ventured upon.
'? I i
| iiii'.i
. d. Manj
wardnesae? of
would be if the F<
? e pu
Boarding, ?earching ;. r.. i if neeei
the detention
vei el? are precaut ?< ?
i. We n
tnd ? the re
: iee bandle each inci?
den*, ?rill coun? far more liea-.il>
American opinion than *-e< ?
eut to be i
ene of the case? where the mai.
ither more uupor
tani i than the th
Stay in Restaurant as I ?remen
Fight Blaze in the
through .1. I 1
Weet l?!(th ??. . d
a i.iiien dim m and
watched the firemen at work.
Th?? blaae tad in the kit?
m .r f.f the dining room, from
?m overheated furnace ?aloye
railed Patro'.n.itn Gabel, of the West
ISM ??t. station, (iahel turned in an
alarm, and with the tira? ll|*htini* appa- i
ratai ? large crowd collected
The te-ttaurant was full ?.f dm.
the I mo, tnd a panie ?rai imminent
had not ?Battalion ?Chief Lawlai
?m i ,i ihern thei' ingei I
' I'-ir,. n run in \. ith I
ami put nut ? he blai i la lai ? than ten
minute?.. I In- damage ?a? e?ti?nuted '
at $-',?.
Officer of the Glasgov.
Tells of Sending Wire
less Messages.
and the f i et 1 ??' htr
wai made - rnitif
H 9f
. [lei
had bean ?unh J"mt
from :iii??r
'.OnH Bif*
? '? ?'.
? ?"?
Reneai tejp
"I cs'
in all by ?
red **
armor? :
F'uerto Hontt, ?bil?. D. - '"
British ci . ;-?ii?ts?t
ALLIES 215,000 MEN
richten" ?, i
? ?
- in th. Y- . at -15.0*"'
up to December 1.
11:i*s t..tal I? made up o? (JO.OOfl B?*
glane, -
For Christmas Gilts
i ..II,IHM.- Mm I ??"I ?'Oi ii.-.i'ii>iu!
Bu. "Miller" Lighting fix ures.
A 1**'
tdv>ard Vi!ltT&Co, '??JSA^
?? ami ,i? r?rk Pl?ee. >r" ?{".':u,
If It's Advertised in j
Uhr ?Tribune
It's Guaranteed.
See? Editorial Page. Fir?t Colu?

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