DR. HILLIS REFUSES WAR DEBATE DEFI Preacher Refers (ierman Champion to Anglo American Pastors. MAKES NEW ATTAC k ON IMPERIALISM Prefers Bacilli to Bullets. He Tells Critic Witnts Free? dom for All. Vht Re?. iiilhs.1 ?f Plymouth Church, 1'iookhn. whose inti-German sermon hint Sunda*. \4ii* ??j??owed by a ehallenf-a la ?aamU ts?*i ?ub.-ect *n the Academy of Maaifl with Her.ry ffalaasann. head ??' As *'.?>rman imerican Alliance, in Bi-oaklyn, re 'n?ed Ik? ? It was suggested \i\ l>r. Hillis in a ctter to Mr Weismai n thai the Utter meet s<*-*ie Aagk ?.menean pulpit f the >ifth Avenue Pnabrtaiiaa Chinch; the R?v. Pr. S Parhes Cadman, of the Can .r,j* ( ol Church. Bi ,r p. .ark "If It is true." tin* preacher wrote, ?h*t when Hermans drink 'To The Day' thai ?ean 'the day* 4vhen they will meet ;.".l rnjVe hei *< G. nnaa | ' Is Ike gngl a ? who should n,ve th. ' nativa ?and. sind all that Engla: raaaota." ?.hat I ?iian-Aiv.er ,end?. ! ??* real sor ?iermnn Mel II y posi ?on s< ' r manut . mm first n* ? -jrssrmsn. lend weight to But V.o harsh v?o' '.endid ?ualitie* of our Congressman and no ..?.s through letters can nj ,?n? in tin? country wrong whei (led from Germany to ?.void con ? -..?ri. war taxes and the law of 1er ??>* Would > eu like to see men editara mid teachers of this reput.li imprisoned f?i criticising Pr?siden Wilson's Mexican policy? I*?? you be heve it aaald be better for the repub Ik if the $1,000,000.001. now spent 01 the education .if American children an. youth were ?pent on a standing inii) drilled by (ierman colonel? and upoi Dreadneajrhta and torta*. "What ?s right in Germany ra.ino he wrong in America. Whatever pic mote? manhood on the Rhine nui?t in i World of universa!? plom?lo natihuo? on th? Hudson. Instead, therefore, e! negatively defending German imperial ism and militancy and the mailed Aral upon the shoulder of the German ail tor, why not assault the opposite idea?. exhibited la American socwty* "One ?>f my German-American corre spondenta, 44t-iting la clear and beauti? ful (?erman, tolls me that the peril of American society i? in the liberty o( the press and pulpit, and adds thut .( my sermon, pleached last Sunday nigh*, had heeii gixeri mi Germany, that M Monday morning I would have been stood up ngair.st n wall and shot. Now, 1 do not want to be shot 1 great fer bacilli to bullet??, and 1 do not Waal to see militancy, imperialism and the autocratic control of editors and teach? ers moving in a series of concentric Waves from Berlin until they touch Hrus?el?*, Taris, London, and then on until they touch Rio de Janeiro and City. "Our old friend, Csil Schurr, felt aaa boy in ltt4K was like a ? ?' paradise, beating bloody wing* I Ism. At this "?aso'.i is it i.ot our duty to do what we can to break (town the bars o? r'.H? ami militancy 1 Da e*a Bat want all Ameruan boy to have full pawer to Ftretch their wings and fly as itydmatty, ambition and ability permit? Blacker days, I fear, art com . -ighter d* ys may follow. "This war perhaps is a world con? flagration that must bum itself eat When the *.var i? over, when peace re? turns, I trust that th?'re will be no ruined German people, but that in the -ta of science, efficiency and el-, on, 1 hope that militancy will he . ?.en and all autocracy dead to the end that irai may never again ? rth." NEWSDEALER BURNED Injured as He Beat Out Flame? Antony His Wares. ' In trying to bent ?ml n lire among hi? Wurf?, Morn. Modftltk, of 4AM Kant ' "2d at-, whe ????? ? n?*?? ?ti?nd indar the titrated -iniiwiiy Ht Second nv. and 7?'.l it, VU biillv burned ?boiil the far?" ?ml liiiinl?? Ih?i night. Puliramnn Nrvillr. of the r.aat 117th ??. ntntii??', timir.l in nn alarm and -luiiinii'ni'il ?n iiinliiiliun o from Bella m? llos|>itnl Th?? tireiTK-n extin (ruiahril th* hl?**?*?* after $100 worth of .Ih*.m,:v bei '"'?ii dont Modnieh't burn** wen' ilri itod ?n?l he ?i? taken ti? In? hoio *r ti* W??lri!l |il?t-?il ???* ?ra!'.-r VIII It? li..g<*Ml?i' with | laeat ai**??, tud : * i'? ? ? ?'?- "I rl"*1o? 1 ?lier? will i)i> rali? In ? ? Part? i-t ?I?* -"unlrr I ??? : '?I ?ntM artU l?? M ?! i.oniiMuit ?.? irtaato; upjwr Uk?. ft-xi, mmU-i ?..1 KiaUnMat; laaai la??. rre-ili fi-uil. Fi?miiI far Sp.flal Lacalltlrt.?Eularn Hit ? Tara, tautharn N?? tngland. I?.tern Paa?a>l?aal?, Nrw Jaraa?. Oalawar?. Manlaad. Virginia ??< Ilia Dlal-I*. a? Calu-nbla lair with >lo?l> rlila? tarn ??ratura, ta-day te marra? cloudy and ?irrnar. N .ni.. ? Irani? ?nil !.. ? iii iii'irn? ' rtalr.? t-m-? i?. Wwi Vlrtli I? ' ill ? l? ; ni?. ali'" , ' . Laral 0!*!cl?l R?i*oru - d M nrl Irt ? ' ? ????? In ?M U 'mura. In i rompait* ? d?t? o? la? . 1?|.< I?!*?. 1-H ' * r, - ? 1 ! t ? ? ? .?? ' \ ? 4 ? 1 I ? BJfh? lay. it (at ii". r. ?-): - ' t ?at 1 0i ?? i. ?marr. It: ?***r?(? fsf rttn, n Lata I For?-a?t. lar la lir wUh ?:?wlr ricni ItaatanM .tnorro?. mod* 1 -raw ra?t Mad aaMl M Humidity. ' * ? ? I ? 1 |< m . . 4? | Btramrter Rr?dln|t. - ? I ?? I p rr ?SC? Beginning New Year s Day On Free View, 9 A.iVl. until 6 P.M. "The Most Remarkable and Extensive Collection Ever Shown'' Unrestricted Public Sale January 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th, 1915 Under the Management of The American Art Association Shipping Information and Marine News of the World Vraerla Arrivinj- ?it and Depart? ir.-- from Port of Nrw York. Saturdny, December 26. IIINUII III: AI MAN Al' nui.?!??. ; i?, ?un?.!. 4 ??. m??, ?m. i si: ii.??.ii? a?.- 1 I II.(Ill 44 A in: a 4i r* MlnW ||,.,a , H .?l?ril?l* . H .trrriUm I'?? I "??l-Am ??????'l)?.Rolta?*,lim. I*?** 1. M.il-Am I?*-*??'? ? tl.'.l a Dm 1? Am Ha.? ?Tir ? Kiiiniii?. MaiiMnii. Dm i ?eteaaaS MOMQAT. MCMM I * ?line? d'A.ala ... Ntplra. Ira? IS hillin ?rtnlsiid ?ill?r?lt?r. In?.- 11, K*l Sm "Carolina h.,. Juan fee II N ". a*. I' II ?Till??? w? .,,,, Umj, | .'l.i Hill l*?n?(( |.. 1 ??'?>??>?. I*, rt.i Ml.... l>?o U . ii.. i ir l'r?t?4_ Nat. iirlni. I i'i atiba . i;?ita,(,,?. i?.. :? l. I ? Ja-_m*lO? Dm .Ctra? II ?."HAT Dl ' I Ml'! II It. *|.a I. |..r, |,aa If I . ?Ha.ai a Ha?a?ia. I>?r M 1.?i?|.m*< MoMI?. I>?. U Mill.?'? ?111?-!-:.. I>..- 1 ? ? ? f Mm.iajuuari Sarannal.. I>?c M H??ai.i.an ?Hrli.?? mall. OITGOING STKAMKKS. MONDAT. I'M 1 Mill I! - Mil. 4-.??l r?'i? for. i.in. ?ana Mia Jam?.-..? .. p ...-ii Tl UDAI 10 d Mill II ?i.*, ?i >. Ham, fa K tt.f Um. N ? , ?. ? . H llaaUwr, H... dl JaMtfO l.*li 1 <"?... lanilla?. 'tatksaM (. il ' .?liiilh. Safannaii. Bel 11 ?'i i. Dii.iii',.,. a? i ?. ?VI l'Nh.MiA* . I'I * I Mllf.ll M l.u.ilir.la. I.i??n*""i, ' 'i''?'I. ? ?Oim '. ' '?n am Manipula, Naplr?, bal?n ? M m Allfilllc. Lltfi-tv.l. Malilla Miar.. S..*n?m I ?arara?. Cura??.?, Ila-1 l> . >> IS SM 1. "" m Santa? M?rla, ('ohm. f K ?x? 31 H in ail (?la Han Krarrlicol? fll?rri. . lief. 31 AilHIM D Sifim.r? I cr .! *-?.'.? I'a: I, OaalHMI I" rarulHT '1 i r-tciai.!? .! a-I Ctafiatlanui.d 14. to - ? I rabln slaWrso ytmtnttn and in la. Bai I.ajam I BanUacp I' ilarai.a . I a 4 r *..i . u..l Ma.! *-. I ."Ii ni,I.- llar 11 llar 1.' I I, N?-*p ?? , ? .i I i '" M'1.1.?m A llo)??-ii. In hallaab B?r. 11.10 a ra. I ?aalaa, Mata?ora I ?*?*--inb*>r 14. JotKta 16 nid Vliiur* It, ?Uli ni.il****. to Um ?larri?*??? Mo '????? ?'? \-??rl lo Hi? Now Tor? ?nd Parlo MI... Ha I?, llar. 1. ?0 L. m ?hl. M'? ?n? inn. liria??! Dooamtwr * uwl H? au,? t. ?u Jam-? Arkeil 4 ?o. wllh ada?. lag i o ? ai. p????*. iioi-i/ioiiiiii?, to ?o? ? i-d? et ??3. wit* m>l.? la).iar?ni|i ? k .? a tu lafiaii?. 'arkaourlU? Ii."-->mb?r .1 tiA ? harl?? , ? ?? ti.-? i l>.|- H. i,., will, pa*,*ti|?r? ?nd nal.? gtiaraiitli.?- ? 1? a a? 1 ? '.? ,\.? i.rUan? Ii?,-*?-?*-,?r II. ?o ?h? a-iulh tn, l'ann.' ?;.,. ?ni, -adac ytiarai.'lii-, ? lu t a. l'?-.?min. M??nl? S'iiimlw -'.'. Mari ttan-tar? Ii-.-ir.ti-? ', aini lia,Ni? 1? -la f'*n1la>.. r?iaiiui? K). Sa?1U? *Jarv--it>?r 3 tnA IJai...t n. k, u?, i.aiu Ha Une. wlUi mda?. Rat. t a o, Ihlrtfn iFr), llarr*? !i?crint??r 14 to th? f'mn pafiile Ornerai? Tranattlan'lq'i?. with p???#n?***rra ' in*i ? ai 1 i.i Ur l'iaaxl Kir? l?l?nd ?t 4 ?1 p m , KatMKtraeht ipin.ti), U. tt-rdaio Nnooiobaf ?. ' r?a iliiiham . I > (lia Holland Am?rrl.-?n Lin*. , wi'h mil?? (iy,?r?uttr.#, ?.?7 P m | h?n.lv II.**. M J. i)w? ?t, % 30 p m? Wind north: I frrah. glatt* modi-rat* (?a. KAII.I.I? f-iraii.??? Rara??? Ilirant: n'naudUn (Rn Banouda; Anu?!-? \--? ?iao, Htn J.,? , st I.rfila I.l**>n-u?>l. M???p?n. ?'ol-ri; 0*<*?fi?. i Bansud?; HirtaatiUI? ti-ubuii. < haatar. Pann. Vlft'an. la. Naaaau ('oman-ho. ?T.?r!r?'-in ?nd I larkaaaatlla; laafcala, Han fr-ji.-ka.-o; B?r?l--?. N?w- j 1 ?. ,n N?wa, lli'> Llano?. ?ial???t.?i ; M?n.*hlone?l ! , i.V..ri, Pi'rt Aut.jf.1i>: Madlann. .N..rf..lk ?n.l New- j i-.r? N'nwa; Kl Hu.1, <'.a:r-*U-n : Kat.ln*. T*uiid?, I .?.? B la ? .1.ii. l'ai* .Hrl. N?plr*g. IRAM?H VT FORKW.N TORTS. AKKI.K?i i Hull. Dae r.i.ra.l) Hin. N??r T.-rk !.,.n-r H-?* |3 Kl M. ni*. New Y.ifk fo? llraman I l?..lt?n1ani l?r-* '..'.- H<>mn**;a.|>k illutrtil. Mr* Vor?, .'..'h. <.l??r*-.i.,'.-k (l)utfhl, No* York. Ialalmu, I??.- ..' Brlianiil? ilrri. No*-? T.rk ?nd laDOO (.( lUraei Ira i?aiij:i> 1>~? :i Inltnd (Rwedl **?** Tor?. - (lian). N-w ?i ir? Hull. Ii .* :? Tr..r.4li.'rii:af>Td (Nor?. Ne* fork. l'A H S Kl? ; <;ilir?!t?r. lier ...ara (Hall. New Tort !? r BaMt, _ ! It-infi-ii-M. !>*?* S." ?wppraad Nechra. S** "or* r r Roltorda-a. _ ? I.l??ri1 l. r.Urdjk ?Dutih). N?** Tor? , l'I.lll JURY TO PROBE B. R. T. SERVICE Cropsey Takes Up Hylan Charge That "L" Conditions Are Not Fit for Pigs. l>ntri<*t Attorney Cropsey conferred j I yesterday with the Kinjrs County Grand i Jury regarding a criminal inveatij?a I tion of transit conditions in Brooklyn, | which wiis requested last Thursday by County Judge Hylt*n. After the conference it was an- ! nounred that the first hearing would be hold ni'x? TlOtdoy. Meanwhile Mr. I ropttj will ??olve into the law to seo i ! whether th?- prand jury has jurisdic I tion to invest iiTiite alleged violation of' Go To ' sfO Hourt from frott lo Flowert. B> Regular Line. VVIX-SCREW S.S. "BERMUDIAN" ?*< *?. H. Co , I.Id. i "Oldett m Service-? - *?*iav?ai in Equipment? " I m ... mmmoat Oa? "?*Iv ? :i- -. i. htfcevl tramfrr ?lailiriK from N?-?4 \ (irk Jun. 61h mu? l.4?-r> \1 rilne.ihi) Ihrrrafter. WEST INDIES. ? ???liarl.tr.il n III 11 llr-" M ?la??- **'"" **? 8 * ' ' ' ' *N V" ""*'.'? ?- *n,i *>h- S,h' I"*i.k''<"" '. Kit*--, Ai.i!|,i.i. (iui?.l ,,,. , ?,s- .,,,.- X I .?;..rrl,rl.lfe 4 lo tin. I.. . - M. ? .... Ltd.. ?S B ?ay. N. Y.. Thas. < o?.k ?V >oo, .4. * CuSl ?. ,r \n? I I. !.. I \tc-lll This Valuable Magazine for the Winter Vacation.*! now ready fo* FREE DISTRIBUTION WINTER TOURS ?X tHU SES ?I ?-hliigton Hi.ri.li? llei-muda 1 Uli.? Iiiinnira I'.irl.i Hot \\r?t Indira liniiin? ( t-n tml America ?..nth America * Datalle, Hat*? * R ?..!?? California Expositions M trio MID-WINTER CALIFORNIA TOURS Eti ? ?rnrn? la m .i.ni frm GEO. E. MASTERS. INC.. I.lfi Hr.milwn* . V *i ? IM. American Line Under the American Flag New York?Liverpool?Pier 62, N. R. St. Paul. Jan. ?. noun Philadelphia J?n. I?, a'? Atlantic Transport Line New York?London, Pier 58, N. R. Mlnn??0olli. Jan. *?. Irtar, Mlnnrhaha Ja?. ? White Star Line New York?Liverpool?Pier 60, N. R. MAMMOTH STEAMER ADRIATIC, DEC 30, NOON Arabic Jan. ?. n?on M.oantl? J?n. IJ N. V. Azores tilbraltar -Naples (ieaoa Under the American Flag FINLAND, JAN. 12, NOON 'N V via Bos'.on lt?ly I'atra? Creec?* I ailing at A/ores and Gibraltar I ?MII'M . I\M ?KY 28. 10 A. M. ? ?, 1:40 I' M. Itrliitfr-H.rt line air ? I'm-r -'*?. E. R. ? ..iil>. 11 A. M. I Won eater, ti 54?; Providence dlrert. 11.50 Ol'TMUK. HTATKKOOMS S l.OO. I'.iili, mi lulling Numlm .*. ?Kl p. m. trum Her 1?. t R. Thona ?T00 B.*e?B?.??.; Clt- TTr*?t O?.?. ??0 Bro?d??r. N t fUnaii IkM "??*? Br?.?d?aT ??! .VI Kt REO M0 ??n" I IMF ?''"' ??? ?'"**? ??????-?? kin I. aii-eet. B.lTii.. ?I Noon. foil PORTO BH'O. ITRAfA'i * VE.-IUUBL4 ? AHAI'AS l>~*. :? lllll .I'll.l'HIA. J?n. 1 xi lia .'?.-. ? MAiiAi Aim? ... ??!.. tal MuDOlor A-<*<.mino?i?? si Wall atrtwt M Direct M UNK hTKAMMI .1' I IM ?SSwTpBKai PORTLA .-ND Ke.l.i. e.l l-nre? Ml I* .Int? I'iinne ?WHO ( nrt KAMIIIN -II tM-HII'? u ?te . a''r*?i C F. Stun?. Ca?al Tr.l?is MinajTr. (.r??t NwdMn ftttt? B't-imihi? ( o . 1114 Broai-ir. New Yor?. uutphua? ?4. l'?oa ;?''. an I t'l Tkbal or Touii.l Agar.i. CUNARD EUROPE via LIVERPOOL LUSITANIA Fastest and Largest Steamer now in Atlantic Service Sails WEDNESDAY. DEC. 30, 10 A.M. FH \\< <>>l 4 . .???!.. Jan. ?. lO A.M. OH in N \.?*??.. Jas. 1U. lO A.M. New Iripl's?T*"ar lurbiue 13,8m Tob? i it * n * i i \ am?., ?*at.la*aa ftJ-f A, M, N?w i*.n?(-r?? 'irai*??! laBMaS, 15.(???JO Tona MEDITERRANEAN SERVICE Arorei, Caibrslt?r. (.rnoa. Naplrt, Pirul? CARIMTIII A. . . . Tar?., Jan. R. na*a tour a .*?t'?? m ru i n-M mtati ht., a. r. I Tlit* Beat Kt-cular ?4>r ? irr. to I?? ?K. India. ( ii l ii it. Philippine?, Japan. \n?.rallia, Vf? Zealand, Hnuo.1 World Trip, and W Inter Tour? In India Prnln ?nlar * Oriental S. N. (u lull iiiformallou from I uii.iril Line, '.'I - H Mate ?M . N. ?. UP THE HUDSON TODAY A M Str. "Ntwkurih" ti.00 r.und tris. l'r?r.k!lii St.. ? 00 It li-Sltl ft . ? .0 A li. MIUl-MM- TICKETS TO A*?"? POHT. Offlrlai Atenta all line?. Ra??ma>n.l a Uhllruml. ( o . t*A Slh A? .*.' T S*. fr??tl?c? ?la Panama Caaal. Jas. 4 Lualrnbav h M s i 1 . I B/l.i,. a?_. ?t. T. HEM' WANTED._ Male. A "0-U.T1 ?(.MPAVr war'? a-, ahaaaaaa Am.rl al ??caaar? ? - ? i? . Trllxiu? -?il. I a to tat m del-lnlnr laltdtmrtnora on th? port of tho Brooklyn Rapid Traniit Company. It wot announced yeitei-lay that plana hay* bean triado to call th? hl*-h tit official* of tht Brooklyn Rapid Transit and olao membera of th? Pub? lic Servira Commiaaion. Aftor auf-' Prient dot? haro been obtained the {?rand jury will call membera of the beat known civic organization* that have manifeated an i t?tere?? In the com? plainte agalnat tranait aervice In Brooklyn. County Judge Hylan received many lettera yeoterday congratulating him i on his stand and his action In eeUinf ! on the ?grand jOry to proba traaatt eton i dit.ont. The substance of his (ndkt ; ment of the Brooklyn Rapid Traaei? was that the company was njMrattne . a* a public nuisaace by proTi?fl?*rf ear I vice that-if It were imposed on esrlne would result in criminal prosaeatlen B0NW1T TELLER 6X0. Ukc ?pccialiu ?hofy cf Onamalwn? FIFTH AVENUE AT -38? STREET Announce the Continuation To-Morrow of Their December Clearance Sale SI) GOODS SEHT 0\ APl'HOI.U, SOU FXCHJNOED Women's Suits Forourif op to SofeSO 15.00 A (oJIrrti?r. ol two or three ?uiU o? a kind, in broadcloth and gabardine Fur Trimmed Suits.25.00 Formerly up to 66.00 PurTrim'd Velvet Suits..35.00 Formerly up to 7&J?0 Chiffon Velvet Suits.50.00 Formerly up to W.-'O Women's Broadcloth Coats Fur Edged Collar 18.50 formerly up to 80.00 High choker collar model, lined throughout *??. itfi peau de cygne. Seal Plush Coats.29.50 Formerly 30.00 Silk Plush Coats.35.00 Formerly o'i.OO Evening Coats.45.00 Formerly up to 100.00 Women's Gowns For Afternoon ?} Dante Wear 18.50 Formerly up to .,' In corduroy, lerge, ??tin and ?Tg*;, crepe de Chine and charmeuie. Afternoon & [Evening Gowns 39.50 Ftri/ Special Faluet High Cost Evening Toilettes At iirea'hf Reduced Prices Women's Blouses Txvo or Three of a Kind 5.50 F or merlu BJBO Crepe de Chine, lice, net, novelty d flowered aille. Sale of Gloves Elbow Length Glace Gloves In white only, scalloped tops, Cieopatra *** (\(\ buttons. Regularly $j00 dm?\j\J Pique Glace Gloves In white?, black and colors, hea'/y stitched s -a ?? backs. Regularly IJ86 * ??O Pique Overseam Gloves In white, black and the leading shades, s f\(\ liegularly l.~>n I .U" Misses' Suits Formest g up to '.'0.50 12.50 Junior and mi??e*' ettta, from 13 to 16, m Lroadclodi. gabardina and wide wale rhevi >it. Fur Trimmed Suits. 23.50 Formerly up In 't9.'ti' Tailleur Covert Suits.23.50 Formerly up lo 40.6*' Costume Suits.39.50 Formerly up to t*?P??*V' i Misses* Frocks For Afternoon and Dret* Wemf 18.50 Formerly up to SO.7'6 In talin. velvet combinations, chiffon, net and taffeta. with varioo? simple trimming?. Serge Frocks.10.00 Formerly up to 29.50 Street and Dressy Coats.25.00 Formerly up to 0.00 College Coats.10.00 Formerly up to 25.00 Girls' Coats For School .,* Dress Wear 5.95 Formerly up to 16a ' Overplaid?, ?boucle?, ?ubehne? and cheviot?; nze* 8 l? 14 Girls' Dressy Coats.18.75 Formerly up to S2.V1 Girls' Dressy Frocks.15.00 Formerly up to : Women's Trim'd Hats Mam Floor. 3.50 Formerly up to /.'.?'<" Large, medium and ?mall shape?, appropriately trimmed. Girls' Hats Main Floor. 2.50 Formerly up to 7 Two "T three hat? of a ?ty!e in youthful, girlish type?. Many may be used as motor hats for women, misse?. An Exceptional Sale of Negligees Moufflon Trimmed Swansdown ft Lace Lace Coat, Chiffon Crepe de Chine Negligees Trim'd Boudoir Coats Slip Boudoir Gown 6.95 9.75 13.75 Value 0.7? Value 13.76 Value ::.'?<> (.oat model in heavy quality trepe de I lee?.y crepe de Chine, !a><* and Imported lare touched with daiaty Chine. iibbon trimming Fremh ro?es. Important Sale?at Greatly Reduced Prices Furs & Fur Coats of Quality & Fashion Neckpieces Mu?f* 6.50_Natural Raccoon_ 10.00 10.00.Beaver.19.50 8.50. Skunk.24.50 12.50.Black Fox.14.50 Caracul Coats Selected Pelt* * 38.00 Formerly 66j00 40 incites lorg. full flare mode! Trim'd French Seal Coats Made from selected coney pelts, beaver or ikunk collars. Formerly 69JO 45.00 Trim'd Baby Caracul Coats f-'iill flare model, with collar ol ikunk. Formerly 66XH) 50.00 Neckpieces Muli? 1 7.50.Kit Fox.22.50 24.50.Pointed Fox.29.50 14.?S0.Black Lynx.24.50 12.50.Hudson Seal.16.50 H udson Seal Coats l)tied MtuktWt) 58.00 Formerly 76jOO 40 inches long, fui I flare rrtodel Trim'd Hudson Seal Coats ?40 inches long, full flare model, natura! ikunk collari Formerly 9S.n? J^QQ Trim'd Baby Caracul Coats F.xrluuve novelty inodeli. Pla.n or ?on i.iiima collars. ' '*? <->5.00