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? 1 A O I i! ?? I HI ss| >s I \\\) \iH ( M'l I) TO JAPAN SWEDEN PROLONGS ITS MORATORIUM GERMANS FAVOR MORE SEA RAIDS We Have Been Fai i?>" ? onslderate," Writes \ilmiral Schlleper ill wot i l) rORPI DO I VI U\ IMIVi IWIIIMI < OlOgDf I ditOI s.l\*. K 11! ! r ? i I IV. , hut thinks It I navoid TURKS BOMBARD RUSSIAN WARSHIP lantinoplc Report-? Sinking Mine L? 1 ? HKITISH DESTROYER ASHORI iClEWSAVED DUTCH STEAMER SUNK BY MIS. TYPHUS EPIDEMIC AMONG GERMANS . , 5 GERMANS TAKEN ON ITALIAN SHIP Nrrt'stt'd rryiag to Smuggle nit?mivci Int?? ?iermany Man in Trunk i . \ i ? ' ' - ITALY MAY AID U. S. IN TURKISH WATERS ( alabi m ( ordered i?> Assist North ( arolina Ii Ne< essai \ ? ? GERMANS COUNTER ATTACKS OF ALLIES ? Bi't I .in on i r | I H ? ? ? - ? a ? ' Amy Ri ? ? ?iiu FRENCH WAR OFFICE TO RETURN TO PARIS VENEZUELA ASKS NEUTRAL TO AI Conference in Washing* on Rights in Present War Proposed PROTECTION FOR COMMERCE THF A i itirc i n'lii ol Contrabi *-. rares and Deteatioai En braced in Programme. Venezuela nil the neu tata, I ? ? ' ? ? repahli ?I the ci , ? ? ' ' ' i t?!l the dip m ?II part ? ? * ? ? : ? I., in r i ? ii ?li| SULTAN RECEIVES APOSTOLIC DELEGATF ? h GERMANS TRIED TO SUBSIDIZE PAPER Hone) Offered t*> Ansterdaat Publicatioi ii ii Would Priai Reports ? ? ? ? Dutch ? BELGIAN EXILES HARDY'S THEME i . i ? '. ?.r ? Q I ;n:in Spv Tri? To Enter Gibraltar : Gibi ? .1 dis* Il AI ; i Madrid aanish ? ' ?.otn ? ? | Gai n.?n. ANNIHILATION ENDS CHRISTMAS CHEER German Soldiers Trying to "Make a Night of If \re Wiped Out. TERRIFIC FIGHTING HARKS THE HOLIDAY i urce I nn.unter Alon^ \ -?er Reported, u'th the Invaders Loiiag Heavily. . .... pubh N'orthern Frann* ?|..i I- ? . here .11 At o'clock this morr [ng I| ittl? It WM ? ?. . ' .: B . i 1 Una sound trarels i ordin?r Prom far v ami 1 hoot ut" 1 l huai-? murk ? Tine, and ng ear ? art il Ii ? ? 'Tin* s THirio from th? ? ..i r ed I . o re ? ist bid ' 1 r attei f durai ?' M ?reei e and ?"roj ? ? ? ng for tre n. ndo i. il no salve f< I la ai. : ?- 1 ? ? 1 ? I . [den!) - with then ... ml goodwill i ' . ? ? ? ? p aid* Ir? ? ?' I 1 ' FOG FOILED THE RAID ON CUXHAVEN I ...1 .llllr.l I 1 ..111 ,,..!.. Hi ? B? and and Lii - ml ?fil? I ??]. ?? mosl model : ! he enemy ' submarines. Bw swift ' \,. Britta* ship- Hit. ? f them. The i oui ; l.p '?nr ? ?. i . . ? ; . ? el, and ? sen, ? iih their ma? ? it of inoei iicwie! , Helgol preaent ? ? . ird B. Da IB in i Par . i sli.p ^h.'d contain :i Gei in.ui I I . vhich tturn ttiu'h". ? llnnil.s |lrii|.|.e.l Seat l'..<l:.->, || ?? I man ?itmaii who I I Engli dropped ?. bomb ? ? l i ? fell m thi II? I?? ' im. i. ; ,?- ?il cadi t m ? last, ?ii?I made flight nd? r 'i* July. II'' obi inda m No? ? i. i'* 11 II i - mol bar ii ?i will She hi er cei ?.liguai ill, Before tiikitig up :, lined a pri Knowledge "r uotoi engineering, Her s,.n received from ? Ion m m i manahip. i , ? i.. , ten i ready in ,; v ll the . | v ? ? rmiiti waral . M, golan?!. Att.T the Germana had been lured oui i th.? Rret 1 .-? ? ? geared Liu?u?i*iu aitei hu>aii-i.i. SP iLnor *a o a s b 3 IT IS NOT GOLD BRAID that insures servier. Rather ?9 it posited by th?- silent, swift, unpre trntKms srrvitorship M dcrply appreciated t>V the H o t r I M. Alpin quests, ?and perhapg UM <* r e .1 t <?i g ri;/, turn s most commendable feature. McAlpin servir? ii fell rather than sern ; it M delightful in its effet tiveness rather than glorified in blatancy. q o Q I a ? I ci Ci HOTEL MCALPIN B Hera-'d Square Q ro:.a:_co: ' e en? emy anil left li?-r sinking befon ???! which m ? men, while four .. .1. I.leu'. Robin i nmanded bj ! Admiral ? ? moal 11 ui-t-r? and two .-unk . ? bree ? damaged, The cruiser 1 . ? i -. engaged und tank Germi near the m<.?ut ?!(!? on October i J. v i unni ? . ?' the l'uni ? rnoon, M'hich It an hour and a half. 1 he I ndaunted opened fire a' .? i .1 account ?? was commande i , i . i rece h ed ?? Am ' ? ment off the Dul How to Avoid Babmarinei Chief Lesion of R.iul H ? - ? n mi h m;i' effectiv? ? ed and . ; i . ? i de] .. ? ? i ? ? ? . .. ? i I . ? ? Elbe. . :t u.1 i. i th? ? ? Taube Brought to Earth and Captured by French. ? na all day, ? ??: tlif .".-in. ? . .. rt> ?ng i , position ed t?? . m order ? i Bills will not be rendered until February /g* tita vV L ?g" ?*^*-s5-* -v -sr ,m ? ?? ?r ?? - *r - i ~f- "|>ai 564*566 a? 568 lf\(t\\J&VtnUt. **%** 46T *.*,-, 47,5,, Semi-Annual Clearance [Begins To-day Suits?Gowns?Wraps?Coats Dancing Frocks?Street Dresses?Blouse; Fur Coats Fur Sets Millinery - misalon. It came hack however, ami after droppm?- four - ,.'i Sampigneul it let fall ? few dangerouil* eloee to 'I" The t? been ? down befi could hack I ? line? -.?. a? si vital. id from every di ?a.? i.? turr.e.l tOW |ard it und aran the S-inehera cum.? Into i .1 pe? led item of shell ?ml . the Taabe wai *H.?>n in ? had ? made an effort to 111 icen thrit it he i be? i hard hit- I tipped eomld obliqu? ; the earth ami landed with a heavy shock in the plain of Aghilci i he h reael infanti had ? ? action from the treachee, and tl chine hud no looner t,, .:r..uii.l ird to lilt* S.?,x..:i- il loking on, aad th? ai double quick ';* defend the machine, d a liu'h the ? Thei I ?a? ??ii mile-, : arate the i ? ? ?.llii-d by ??. bullet in tl I ? about to ?l lengage I . on - p .' ip -i itroi i when :. joyful cry went up 'entry : "The drag* i at full gallop ? ? dragoon i came iiinii (i.iiiu. with laneei rea precipitated I ,.t the Basi chine ??a- eaptn ? ?? r.,-': ' . ni" Vi ? ? 36 DAYS FROM SCOTLAND Danish Steamer Has a Hiiro Time with Atlantic Weather. 1 v... ? ? ?' llethil, Beotland. carg* ' ?m ? . ? ? ed made lit! ? i ? it hi I ? i ? ? h ie Breaks Leg While Skating. ? ? 1 ., ' "'I' ? MM? V ? ,. 'M n.,1,1 in l'entra: I' ?>' "-''. ' ailing 1 i ?ghl lei near thi Short News Items from France *M\irin hundred prieata, miaaionariea and studenta, twentv i?i? Proteatanl ministers and two rabMs have nlitad) mat death on ihr battieteld. this in Franca alone. \ bag containing S## Iron rroesee, evidentlj intended to i>*- diatriboted io deacrvlng oldiers, ?.i- found bj the French In ihr ruins ot a ksw et i ii.inn which h;?<i served ai headquarters to ?? Ganara general und hi?? stall. I lie inillhin fraiii? ?huh l.eorgr? < 'arpentier hail ?.?\cd Iron? hi? main nni: rlctortea had bnan Inveatad In Ike <?>al min,? of I.ens, his birthplace. "hcaa miaoa have boon tatallj destroyed b) the i.ermann, as well as ihe Imme which the champion had bought for hi?- parent-.. Gaergaa ??ill have In make ? i rooh atari The Eiffel rowei haviag intercepted anmeroae ?? ir?*it*~- m? ?a--?-?, sent bj the Geraaaaa froai their tower eroded at Vanen, an txchanga al Irenical mu? . roateaiag meaaagea baa been carried on botwooa the aparatan, ?nh the raaall thai the captain al th?' Preach liner ?Loaiaiaaa racaivaJ the fol? lowiag while in mld?Atlaatic: Toll tm foot name, and after Ihe war I'll ?rod m?. three-year-old boj from Berlin to lieh ?mi.' i in? Preach anales roaat twelve ?oldiers radar aiatoaa and Iva under foartaaa yonte ot ego, ralaatoera aatarally. laaao baya ?aaaged t?? reach Ihe ..ring line- and followed the regiment* wherever thev went until adopted .,. iii-i-iol? li\ the men. ?ho could nol get rid of Ihem. One has been wound? ed ai >"i uras. leu thaaaaad doga are boiag traiaod la a??i*t the aasholaace ?ork on the held. 1 he-i- l.ulhtul SOTVaatS are I light Io bring back Ihe caps of Ihe ?oiindeil and then to 1. .id Uie re-cuers bach to the ?.put. -?i*. hundred dog? are airead? rendering services |o Ihe .-irniie?. in Ihe east. line hundred and ill member?, of the I I'arliamenl ate serviag in the armie*. Bovon have been killed. ?Me of ihem. Senator Rev mond, doing Service ??* ??" IViatar, ?a- shut la the ground ?ilh his aeroplane. rweat) thousand l.erman Inas have been ?ei/ed b> l'?e authorities throaghoal France ?nd are bciag waaaged bj the government until the v? ar end-, \ Genaaa priaaaar, ?aught with Preach bill?.. ? number of l rend? bond?, and an enormous of ie?el?. admitted having ?-tolcn thene during the ihaine ot Ihe l.erman-. la the Marne, in the various towns invaded. He bus been loiitl m.irt'alli'd anil ?hot for pillage. Ihe siege al I'r/emv ?I and Ihe bombardment ot I attar*, with ?hub Ihe reading publi? has been -teadilv bored lor three months, have bei orne pro erbial in l'an-, and Ihe papers themselve?. have (?*a?ed Ihe joke. Jaaoph I aillau.. ?\-Mmisier and Premier, whose wife shot Ihe editor of ' le I igaro." after being made a colonel in Ihe trrasur*. department of th? armv. has been sent to Ninth \meri? ?t on a govern, eut mission. Il is ?aid .,11 ers ot lesser rank refused to a??ii, i.ile with him. and lon-.derablr sur? prise -vas caused h) hi? quick advance from petlv olb, er to colonel. When l'an? heard several I'rench athletes ?ere takin, p. t in the New ,ork si? dav ran* i|i??'stions were asked as In v> h?, th,??,. men were nol nerv? ing Ihe arm?. The ilil/rv authorities have loan '?I a statement saving all Ibe ruler? bad complied ?nth their militar?, obliga) nui?. It h.i? no? been deiiinlel. settled thai the l.erman shell whuh Ian. .1 nejrest |U I'aris fell c\,i<ll> nineteen m lien Iroin Ihr lapital. ?' ? ??*?_????????raram?mmmm s?sssssa?ssswsi AUSTRIANS CAUGlfl IN A SERVIAN ?Hi] Mistake the Transfer Troops for Retreat an Lose Belgrade .:? |f ?f tl ???'id?. ? ? * ? ? ? "II? ' i ? '? i ? from ? V ? I '' ivoundi ?bando ? ' i . 1 rank ol I ALLIES IN NO HURA TO RUSH GERMAN* Realize That One? ?>*-'>"rd ?* RhiM i luv Will s"c Million* ??> Ht* ' 4 high officia ' thai M "? 9 BULGARIAN VESSfli, STOPPED BY SERVI* rille, i*. . ,r 1 i.i. > p wi ? 11 I ra# eniviocment ?*i trani.t ??iuia?? J