Newspaper Page Text
-Xeu? flcrrk ?ribtme. 1 *st the Out'.: News, hditorial", ?.d*.? ri ?r ment?*. MONDAI 1*1* i '!?? ". SI ? ' ; ? * ' - I ... ! , ? 5 . ? 4 I ? Hir. ? ' ?,.-., ".ou ran parchare nu r< hn-iilier ad?? ri i*.?**. ? n III. 'I RIB1 SE with aba? i - for il <li ? ntlafac* non rcanlta m a?.? ..????? Uli. i Kl Ul SE ?*.?*. r;.ni? ?? I ?'iir ,n< m. ?-. bock apoa reejeeat. Ne rod ; i f.;.Un?.'. \\?- make g"*"i pi-eeaptlj II the sdrer ? I he ? ilipino Revolt Should B Drath-Blow to the Sedition? Coddling Jones Bill. p toi It ?8 I bill, now i h oui ovei eignl y in the PI ? j-r.Vrrntr,?-.,* will! cloud en Its <A*?ii iiti<- to il.*- Philip? pine Archipelago, If it dispai ity by declaring the latter to be merely thai ton : tor, if it practicall] ?polo? ? r uareiaing ? control in the ? hut otaber feeling than conten w*eakn>i s. can it i?*? ? Filipino agitatoi - end politki der the rich inheritance of the American ?craps ? ?' folly of the Jonei bill is that I lit either tbe dignity and interest! of the 1 nil ! Sta!. - of th*- mase of the i*id-, !? it framed tl eneflt of the native politician"?, who can us? to magnify their nun imp* rtance. They can : upon the rapidity of ?tome ai by holding out tl I ol n near-at-hand i'-uatiori and the creation of a I teat, of which they will n tr. ? I*. Jones bill in it? futile preamble (which I-ilipino agitators will craftily ronstrue int.. a Mriea of binding pledge?) ...?? that ? ' h the purpose of the peop i ted BtateS to withdraw their sever? . the Philippine Islands." It talks of "the peedy accomplishment of such purpose" and an that the extensions in local sclf-govern meiit which the bill itself provides for are ?-ranted ely in order to prepare the Filipinos to enjoy of complete independ? an impudent untruth to say that it has slwayi been the purpose of the people of the United Statei to withdraw their sovereignty over Philippines. Moreover, even Mr. Jones himself .. preaOahk is not legislation and that the promise! which he is holding out to the Filipinos are really only claptrap. But they just the sort of claptrap which will best suit the pvrposes of the fomenters of sedition in the isl? I do most to encourage tin- activiti ill believe that we arc only seeking an exet] np and that our exit ca materiall] expedited by nagging and violence. Htj of the native political clasi il the only real motive power behind the agitation for Philippil . lem-e. At a recent hearing ? ? the Senate Philipp; * mittee the '? Governor t?enetal of the Philippii e , Mr. Hender S. Martin, admitted that only 10 per cei the population wanted an indepet.dent native gov ? ' per ' ct raalixe that they S under American rule than Would be under a native regime. But if the I luted Stetes nsglects the lnte*-est? of i cent and back.* u?. the selti.-li agitation of the 1" per cent who want to exploit the community, the I the people will have no choice but ' terms they can with their pre *ht of Mr. Mart: Mit but con ? ony it is closf that the pa the Jones bill would result only in increasing in. y and unrest. If we art ? [g the Philippines .-imply to coddle the local po tiil they can take over the spoil- ,? might ? ? v. ?'11 get out at once. But if v.e are to maintain i n Ignty (and the United stat .?ndoned territory to which it haa as Dmed .ve must stop apotogiting foi governing this ?ency in our own Interest and in the true The Jones bill r. pi il evasion of the obliga? -ly logical outcome WOU ?ham continuation of American rule. a, entiment and undermined by i . ? d revolution. Information for the Whitman Adminis? tration. r or '-.eral v.I?? ? i<*ipal KeM-ar? h h . nner workings of the New \ ? 'y as and ? i sss which needed rt [?nintton It i- reported that th< authori.'? j mpile data for the apj ? . lings and i by that i ' i-e rabnti! i >i l?hitn?an tor hi.? are many |ggpg?J*W ? Sttlsd in *!e eaa administration, i intll Um -j,,... ..i ? ? ? d thi ?? ? ly. Il d? pal "' I'.e, Berthing a-a luuch ?u hjj uU 1 . mf on. A ? fair, Im ?? ? ' . ? igt ? that \ ? 1 working ' chop get ? ? Fighting for Their Right to Cheat the Sick. n illiona ? for ih<*ir s\? suppoi ? ?? Through the co ml who will lo ? ? siness is [.it ? ? erful They ha ? I ' ? trying to pn of the Health . er 31 1 Ol ?' '. !.?':? ::?. :. ful. Another Belgium I.clow the Rio Grande. ducting themselvi : ? W But the by the B try th? ?a . ? outhern bor oth? Wonieii starving archy, and in? ? In fact, along with this .? pitiful : ? Gutierrez that the ci it is will .-??<? ay I?*.' to Vill p ??Il Bumn I ? r*hi< f producl of M< widows and orphans, while tli?- i' th? d '?? authority. ? ry will reputii-it The Wilson admin* ?stratum's Bttitude ha Mexico. Anarchy has bei n,oral meddling, unsupported b; d nol ? *',,. Mexic ? ry. Lunches for Hungry Pupils. ? ndent Mxawell'a piar; to i . ? school pupils learn to cook foods which can be l for pupil.-' lunches at nominal cos! Rood on.'. The idea of operating cookii is practical. The Buperinb tion of their work?"concocting ?lain?, which there i-- no U been rather of the fads-and-fai ciea type. It would be salutary for the pupill and the pupils who need food i" eat t?> have the training gain a practica!, utilitarian char L- ? cperiments by a schoolteacher who ha. kept track ol' the weight of her pup i?lei a'nle proportion of im] ling or of malnutrition. I'? many children ling the public schools are actually fed this v, mter. There should be a ready ve? to Supei : ?'. ppeal for funds to pui ryinp out his plan of fun I those who need it. The Minkrn "Humane" Bullet. The first ,- of the present war occur- in "Ti ? don Lancet.-' It i- the view of Colonel <i. II. force. H is by far the most unfavorable that has come out of the - war. A- a prclini" Colonel M the "humane" civilization which adopted the modern, su] I at the tima proceeded to make war chiefly with which "cut ??IT a 1 n arm or -? ? fair criti? cism, columns before, artillery, of the battles m France aid Belgium, and th ??m .-hells and shra] . ??humane" by any stretch of < ? I i ten ible destructi ts th? tigator at the outset I arch. Turning to the question of rifle wound-, i olo ' ikins Anda the modern pointed bullet far ? by ai too often fol!'. . ,,f -hj. I unexpected condition . I ?le : u lowing the ? ':, und it' * A ai nitni ? ?i the prod apertai ? ? All this ;?? terr i'le desti uctivenesi of n o when This "human?'" ' I ? I ' v ?; apparent!; I . : I iabatL The Conning Tower ON THE APPROACH OF l-MS. - | : ' '' ? ?PF* ? i i i the '/?afs thiS; ? a botch. ' - iOING - : White ,i -.;?. ? mar? ? ? arman ? ? n companirj Wo ho] c thai ????. aaw bed Sat?? ? anta, as she'.; In a bel ? MES! '.IV. impugn tat, ?re i pono? ? _ tiduoua, mi .>!'...? ii our own saw ei rem Dea ? v>.: Hutel the ? ? How i Mr. Pa] And I .?aid. \,, ' ther I were not ? ivcht in rood thing I from o ' might can ? ? hat not. And I ask? I tell mj o, which he did. ?' ? Edna Fei i ei with my wife; and th? nee to H. < pper, just ? mack, ,ni. but I found it qui ! ? it home. Thii day the ad I 1 my blanket. old wind Off the river did it protruded from under tl pi V all 1 27 ?Lay | ov< I ? Mae? ?. ith it - long ehaptei - ed the author w . |y m ith picturing ? i I so; but it wi I ild he ?might de ai other ? with the ? (cination ol "Carnival." To the city. tisttosee me, that ?lid .i nop Book. < ? thing ii<* !.. Mj I rirn.l-. II ? ? ? ? M? ? Ai ? i 0 - ? ' fera th-- ??? <??* ? charn . Coaaiag Well, ed 01 ?oluiitanly ? nt of ?he ?? hole ? 111 to which ha? ? Missouri. Not count most her day, mmm. ? f r. a, READY FOR SELF-GOVERNMENT. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN An Open Forum I if Public Debate. A CIVIL SERVICE ARMY The Idea Stir? a Vigorous Protest from a Public Employe, lit r of The !': Sir: The articles in youl Arthur A. Henning and G. ! traininc for e vil aer rouaed In in only anger, but diaguaf for rh?l eowardtce o irritera, preaamably American eil 1 have only one queetion to ;i.~k of ?; em: I- either of them a niem!>er of l York State Ml Have they any knowledg? of ha du thej think that we '"i I i n cm ? i., nothing I bol merely ait by ai d m ..? for ? and I ."ith ot th ? - ? If thai . Civil aen irk a hard i in private con and becauae the? to re - -, ad ol froa : Hing them i I ? mployei as well as ( i ,.,i n' . in the priv* ol working :"'' I ? '? . Mr. llocnack n i ? pro poaal the eonaid? mkI that the authoritiea quit? : ? ? diatincl civil ;t? ?i milita?*] dutiea and ?rill keep it?. I ean alao assura Mr. Hi ? . ovi! service employea will ha among the ,, volunteer for military d i Of any foieittn C'>:i p icati ?n I, 1 would ; lao ad??so him to read the ( v.1 \. N. MAYER. Brooklj n, Dee, 84, l'JM. BELGIUM'S RIGHTS With a Parallel Cited from the Beat of Authority. To the Editor of too Ti Bin Dr. Dernburg'a article on B?l? ai aaion in Th? of to? da] prompt me. a a i ? I Amei ? ? ? an, t< .itictor how |i i either an individual ei igreement wil and other individ?ala or nationa, I .-?,' to talk a 1 -i" eiflc par? ticular?- involved In the agreement, talk being confined to rreement "? ' ? l had gned ai agi ? ement with . m. n. pled| ? ? to do a eertain thing ??? itn mj property or min bad elvea te help ra I fail to see when be at all unlaa ful or in th? ? ne of ? on hi*- help If another pai ti to * u bouid plaj ? lamaga nu?. ??hould I need financial aaaiatanee, I tw l *. ould be ? ? n m? ghl : I prudentl] ? ther I 0 or It,006: and in ? iiiiiiin.i, a th the ? a I i ijei I ng American I fail ; ? ? ... rould ' ? ip| national affaira, provided the nal iki B? l| ib . i infii ad -?11 of th* ? : if th? ... and d ? .* lide partie?. In thi* case it evident from ? 1' lifium nad reason ?o fear German treachery; that for aev? eral reara Germany bad coveted Bel liana, and full; intended* e? Bernhard! aad many ether Gernaaai had declared, ?'. i elata bar i utrahty la the event Ki.nici . In ' a of 1 , it is ao wondi ? I al i 'u.: try, n- In IMO, I . promise of m many, a i,. iheuld I ? r re a ol aid fren a ni -. ?t of auth..nt, :,-? ,)? :,. from n?" a earner of mi propertj ! Just a.? I would have till ha -..-.._? laoaUai if -_i_?_?U auL 'ight in leeuring German in? It' the recent di ? ? 'hut a plain American can in, and he won1 be en oil Hi lave. In Gern u i :: Dr. Di rnbui ' ? ? ..u authority to which hil gives su but an auth Gen g ,11 thi.-. in ? , Dr. Dcrnburg to I H i which ? ogy to ti:. : '.lia*. ' .i anj .wanted i v ? * and refusal to d tii? ? 1 I, I i', ::: ,! -ill gered ? ?enr?an",. The Gen ? ? e Queen of old i ?? ? nt to Na ? analogy, the moi i of the .i. the pro] now that Gei guilty nation to th< . lany in 161 I. in turning ' \ ith century B. ?'.. for I ? ? ... future a Germany reclaimed, will Miiall her to rule ? ? . will I ? . ,1 ,. ?hah, ?? ruin HI \ l ROBINSON. 38, l'.'i i LEANING ITALY She Is Always Fsltinrj In with the Al l,ei, but Herrat Doma. ? Sir: Ever since the begi .ear I -. ii or: it-, ' Pi .. the eurred to tl public that at ild Its ?tuatria a ould ? iding her ? l ,'Mi.r own A l this voXild rial : 1 \ oi k pap? rs informed us a I tively join the All ? i en December 16. Well, sere we have the Mth, and the laid is tl ? .: g I.,1 ippointmenl 'he p..?" * ? ? ' that R imania ??AI I un that the Allies s ara) ? espeet i Ii German* expects i from others, bul in her own ab III to r?i i ??? RENEDK r PRIETH. INewiua. N. J.a Dee. 14, 1911 TWO SCHOOLS IN ONE How the Overcrowding Problem I Being Solved in P. S. 89. ?? Editor of Th?- Tribe Sir: For I ? : ? reedy th notorioual) bad conditioni at Publ ia ver] mue ? rowdetf, the class rooms w? adequate and the sanitary arrang. n When, n. October of thl of the Vanderveei ted th .... tting o ? .? floor, which is aboi i in every room in the basement, an , re providi . pu| rdrol buill ?hrec claa Ch Idren from one fan* ily were at?, nding ach ?ol houra, reaulting ent i .i hou for I ? me. No* effort which were pul ? ? t h for a numbe of yea:-, practically no impr?. waa made and no provision wh ,:<?(! to meet ?he ?ncreaeingl* crowded and un atisfaetory cond I board bro.. relief. rm the Van Uaoeiatiot ? me m ai coub :., remed? the litn i atria ? lamu i>. pel in ?atead of adopt? meaeurea, ir. con june? n the Flat \ in ap pointment ' Pre idenl ? ' | ? : : . ? ? tendent 11 appened that Mr. Will? ?am Win '. Gai I in by the city authorr iei ??i meet the r com nu" ? ? Churchill! and a Ll .? promptneaa -.?. ?-, ic'n h ? irpr ni ; li ?? had look ? tondent :. ? hurt ipei intendenta, ai <i Mr. Wiri a put in cha' . ol and ?:* to relieve ? i on. for v?*v ? \ery effect ? ature n of th? i ?a aaii w thi beat claa - i eon ? ? auditorium the other class i n. drawing .'. culture work. thai all the facilities of the school ara uaed aimul* .: it poaail illy I ? ? Mut in order It hia ideas there mii't - ? i au? litoriui -,lupia Tl. ? er.lnr?ement o? li partment. . i thorough.*1 la favor ? providing the ?ties and of ?Vu? a free hand la earn - ' ? ily arc hlS . but His -'.ipur. rat that i have heard thai ; toward . adlata re .. , Id ? B) ?no ??:. ? i pro? id? d ? fair trial ? carried out, to give every child la New York a full school day together withl nk\\vu\ < trainii.t vided. PAPER TO KEEP OUT THE COLD A Chance for Everybody ??? P?*?? ?*? Word Along. : ? ?ly frta . til. S - The ' eU.V. oi cold ; ?t_r warmth or the <***?? B it. ol o ii pe Here t brief ;. . what n xtomn th.* alii vial ., Wrapped within the ? [| l'a' J - I ? , * dm* ??? ich. j Vo i have only 1 i y placini* lay* ??."***' ?.* hat almost m.??. ? ?he es?*' weather. I* ible ho* ***' ? ? t'.on; and tl > ri?"*", . :? ." ? ?a?' paper underneath '" ., and the bod ? :??*.' ? told thai ' To?*' money "'?.? the question, ?* aal* ' .' tarn* *' r? ' '.. Onlv th.- n:oi . I "? I way literal','. '\t V* ing th? ? ??it' ?re*!*? far a? outward apt" ' ???? - " 1 ?stly. if not ? IttOm ?urely ?mm>i v ,_?*?__ /rtS-fli ? '-? ntW* lil e a ? eld paper jusl * !" ?n-the-week newapaper! ^ Supposing the readers ol tn" ? one. ?*"><* h in In* or her o elal way. take what ad?. *? tags "T* d of th,? . ?*' M i ? .? ' pajM th, word eleni **' ' T.-, h ? many a? | %. obaer ation hai ???*??? rhrougl , /. M doubt, much unneeesssi* amr ? stepp? " i^g^ * H ? ?a , eaae for "do ? Ne-? Ifork, Dee.? I