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Ml? GRACE DODGE, GIRLS' FRIEND, DEAD Philanthropist and Head of National V.U. (.. V Dies at Homo. WAS A FOUNDER Oi TEACHERS1 COLLEGE Had Beea Leader ?n Educational and Charitable Work for Mon thi ? .<-?*. Mis* ft knew ? ? ?ork, i ,ompl?iri?'d Saturday afl - - ? 1 ? >n > will ta ?orK Ml . ? four millidii ?00. ??rris - *? ?ica ^?cnt them | The news ? shoes to I had been I ? ool'i term, and nner to ? who , ? ' i . ? ' ? ? omen ?n a - ? ? reaa* is be caaaa ? - - ? - ? ? .? wiih. 1* fa ? '?? ? ' her many ?h! in ' not ai 1 -itions and *-J * if the - ???m, anoth " '?"-'ce. ? i ? ? lOdrow \. leep (? . - ? voep, . ? i ? '?ood * and mem ..-) board voiced ?at tt ??? ? - The . M 'V ' ' **?* ladel? '?'? rganiza - - fiiett ? the 'A - a - Our Children" in Chx i?" Idren." H?m ? ' *? W''^ ?it "*? *'?'? ?'? ?m Nftmitd Harto. ? i \KK WH ?- ENGAGI MENT TO I fHERN EDITOR IS ANNOUN? WEST SIDE Y. M. CA. TO OPEN HOUSE Nine Ihnusand Neu Year Guests Expected To I xhibit War Moaoplaae. Frederick Hil a has ? ?n corps in *? ear'?? Day ' a monoplane, which he ia war. m the lobby of ? A , Kighth av. ? ? . ving with the Frene bort time and receiv on of a cent a day was ?aii1- not a j ranee. The proffer , m<?noplat?e was s ? Sno/i after I IIild buys ha will offer his ? ea friend1? invited From .' to 5 ? an orcheatra en I exhibit and < \ . . ptura in th.? '? ait and ei tertainment ming races. . .n the ei tertain n thi auditorium and an educa I and a boys' exhibit. In the social own ?. -amp'e noon .'hich the Weal ? -three \ ai on obila will leave th> b II to take '?'. ? A Mitomobile From f> to 7 M ill be served by Mrs. Howard <;. Myers is chairman. attended ' Preparations j. ?r 'or ?.000. ?? Time Curtain Rises To-day - rEKNOON ; . , ?-ar?me AFTERNOON FEATURE FILMS. I Ufa larks 12 to 11:30? ? ? ..."Strand 2:30-'' fcVENING. 8:30?' ? I Bilk 81 . Little 8:13? '?lobe - ? 8:20?1 ! g.00?' Ml troi 8:30?' . Hooth 8:20?i Ast'.r ? .il., . i;. 8:1a?;. . 8:00?i. . ' ' ,.'.d?. i ? 8.1a? i . 1 '.i I k landbos U I , 8.20?'. I ' Elliott s 8:1^? ? 4......41 il.irn. .14th Bt. ...< umedv : 8:1-? . . . I..:. 18:20? ' Rslaarri 8:1!?-- '.?t.i.K'' i 8:00? i ilton , 8:'-? Cort 8:00? i ' : l-i-lroni? 1:18? ? ? an ??? rd i_ FEATURE FILM?. ; 8:30? r I! Anlm ?? Wal .Striin.) ? .- Um Methan Vltegianli VAUDtVILLE HOUSES. ? lag. it ??. ?-,. ? ? , . ? K< ?'.,: . . ? ,.... . i- | ,(jUt MOU'.I | I ?I'jrriiy Hill TO WED SPEAKER': DAUGHTER IN JUN James Thomson's Romance ui Genevi?ve (lark Began at Political Convention. ? . vieve < hamp Ciar sentatives and Mr be married to Ji f Orleans, in June. Annour., ?he engagei her parent?, and ?? The attentions of I j> ibli-h? of "The marked ever linee tl e fli th" younc COUpl? Si Ball IiemocrH' c National 1912 .rht when I I nominal Presidei ? which M ?inK and urged her * ' hoi?t? and at earriad around tl banner. Mr. Thomson was I Hi m self the "urijj'.na! ? 1. ? Speaker's daught. sittte:. - is last winter, and court , well known Y o ri? era] weski lanpeiner' '??rtuined by M Dimoeb and ol above features, an oval f?ce. ? en brown hair and blu* gl like her fan i Mr. Thomson . i pub lisher of "Th?' .'? a grad?ate O? ?loht* vanity. Hi* il the son of ? Augustus Ten Brook Thomson, of Sum' mit Point. W Va. MILLIONS FOR WORKERS Colorado Industries. Private and Public, Feel Prosperity. . . Denver, Dec. 27.?Aftei .- and ( olorado Intel pects for one of the | , in their histoi ' dhape than at any timi years, with prospect! of s new boom .,- Crippli * r* ek. Ra Iroad Utilities are planning imi ? ng million*! of dollars, i . t Dei ver airead; ha? d< provided for improvement r. mil In the expenditure of 11,1 . are making 'or a b 000 for other ? . about one I Other governi- ? work, Union Station, the completion Colorado Nation the wage : ind of Denver I ! 00,. NEWS OF PLAYS AND PLAYERS Princess Players in Last Week, with Brieux's ''Maternity'1 to Follow. BRI CE M'RAE WITH ETHEL BARRYMORE I a\e? ??hani Plans ti? Do (?id Success for I iims lellpcren Opening Delayed. * a ? aring ? Theat. ..... Ri'.nn and his . .gainent re] "Ma . ::-. aped ..! re : pi--. ?ii" an ;. catioaa for m<'tnbership ha?<* t - .*.cek: ? - ? - ? ?-*. ?:. Ethel Barrymore. "hman has engage?l I IB for her r?w ? Shadow." I he*. ? i .link?.'' "The ? ? f. In ? "I ' I J . World and Hia .- | [.Oil'. . r mov ? ?it of Opp ] -Aho owi clay in par- ? It givea til?- public a wrong impreaaion. thii play i" moving pictnn ? ? ately mot and punished bj law." ? ? raaneei of ? ? ith I ?ou-1. liegen la the pal i ? H. H. Fi I im? prove , and anr made thai th<* ngacre 'I'heatrr. post . ? the Cob r Mai man, I'iind." . '-. ? ? I ,- . twenl ? ? actual app? : W. ? ? ? ? a lain II. ? ? - Roy *? ;<* who ha? ata tor ''U 1 envy the young mat. Brice i ? ?ee has ? . give then, aa a return th? money 'if the lender ?rill I known. ?cms that Miss Brice one ia a hun y, had ? waa late for the ? tether ? that hn accommodat inir young man advanced a coin to ring. V ? that her tr? box e1 he wai?. pone. If ; probably conn- back. WHITE CHALLENGES HUB Socialist Pastor to Dare Mayor to "Run Him Out." ;.? Bouck Whil night thut he ?ii go . g to Boatoa at once and dai to run him ? ? ? of the Had nidon, tary (,f ? cording to 1 i ape .* ibing mom ? BRIGHT LITTLE STAGE STARS GUIDE A BELATED SANTA Hn-utiit??.. Children Attend Annual Chri.-tnuis Party ar Maxine Elliott s Theatre?Tree Bean Gifts for All. rtj ?just off Hroad?*.'. the way fur Sm ' . I ? : long I tea befen '< ?leigh be?Ts was heai . bky i ?eraper:., *n?l in tr ? actors el the .-.tac Fund amused one another with dance?, aor,-f? and skits. It was the I ? hlliott Theatre. Etch el Uss thirty-ive ??? ? . . .1 nrnute?, inrl'i ? eral. w >. tl sntir? ... ? . ? ? ira fund ai.d candj * ? .. .. OB ?(roadway this H MOB *?4* I roes of the occas.or ? many of tl,' . "inniuiiity ? ? ? on*. Amom; those wio performed, Maxir.e Sieklea, France? Pi cone, Emanai in, William '?'? ' u ? Paglitiata, Helen Schaetf.i, Dot - V'arrington. Ada Rudolph, Mai K . Urns M Bail? y, Fran I ? . ?*. 4 an, ?laiioii II.,.' \ I . I ea Pa ? M I * i 1 man and Imrc and I PLEAS FOR PEACE IN WAR SERMONS Dr. J. II. Holmes Asserts Slaughter \\ ?11 Kill Con? flicts Eventually. PASTORS PREDICT BRIGHTER ERA SOON Or \\. H Morgan Says Struggle Will firing About Interna ? :onal Brotherhood iiornir.g a- * i "?;rma rial Peace To Be De \ v-'. ?? Vfar1- Poraeaat," *aid: "The only compensation for the blood llaaghter la p'-rmanent e the tu war, n be able to I t that it the great corrector of all war' of all tho agtiS be re,. . : that war the highest virtue, that, of courage, and ' other? have shared h.s ?riewa, John . that no great art was ?vor reaali Bernhardi and hii achool hold that a wai ' . . ? cannot the argui ? . . think? r.-,, and thl . ? ? f Ol .. - ? ? Ited. The i. ? .-ition and war turn men, not into beroea, but into beasts. Be far as Buskin's hrgument Is con-: cerned, the t no aru aio simply the' c\pre..-?on of gcniu? at any time, ?ho poin*. thut moral virtues aro developed as a result of war is false. i loped under cir * ? night m the v I - II?.pes for Knd of War. iraal peai-e la r.ot only to be lic-ired, but It I ?he one groa' . leave horror and enter upon ? : :< d Dr. Holm? *. " !'?? ? corruption vorld. And ? -A. h r la the condition of this redemption of peace." ? ? ligiOB i in ".he ???? Rev, ?. enu ?i ( hurch -, en down," " . r th? , on irrought out on the anvil ?une?, but the thing which really ha-? I napped la the i . have refuaed to .. 'hat the only tli which I ? ? ? i da tlu j heart 11 ira "If theto h-.** bei ? the hi in irho arc leader?? in * io the : rivilege it is to hear and f? a ever enr ? -.-ift of peace." I're-di. Ii World PCM a ' 1 : lie for ? ar .' !?'? Ing in v.s.? for wai ?. ran, 10 oldieri on tl .-?lused call? ? . \ . Dr, Morgan. "*? ' I me tarn from Europe, that ? y a German family in that great, empire that was not now ; irning. In France the same con* | ?rr ail ??" i - Hi rgan recalled how a fatally ? lnjur le en- ! ring to era-?-! with his canteen to iured Britiah Midiera, and how Eng ?tehed with the charact- : "A -, cross erected ovei Hila-. "There ii a dawn of new Intel tiona are committed on all Slides." cc preacher. The r.erman nation was condemned .- ? for bringing o:-. the pi war by I?r. Frank M. GoodchilH in a j in in the ? bureh, . i.v. and Wd .-? "The of Peace and the European ibject. i i ;.-1 doi i Dr. Goodchild, "Na ? ca? ion of Lou* - of Belgiui ? Who can e German? ? o ncht in Belgium. mean we .-?houM . cut our h . Ii 1 a full ?groa i aalt a ? liriea If I robben arve a I I little i .' we to ? "\\i in human to I by and see savage breaches of the ,. no word -r-ortu iration of the ? _"_ Miss Wodiska To Be I Bride Mr. aad Mr?. I I ..?vt? a reception a?, the Wald I I Ha yes to ??r.tiounce the en? ? daughter, Lillian >? ' ? Max M. ion ' ? Mi. and Mrs. J. ?as large, coming from cities ts fa Waahtag-ton and ?Baltimore R. fresh ?,, ,,< ?| ? 1 and there wai danc lag from uilM U GOING OH TO-DAY. a ? ? - . W?i \ . ' ? , . - .1.1 i I a. MEW FORBES PLAY OPENS' "Ir. the Limelight'' De;?h with St.-ige and Acto . i 'he Apollo 1 r- tl ' ' 1 ' cast, I mana,: - ' ' ? Theatre on 1 DEATH REMOVES ALUMINUM MAKER Charles Martin Hall. Inventor "f Electrolytic Proct Dies in Ilorida. * . ? made it a com? mon : ? ' ? that ' ? the pi ? mere:.. ?;i>n Com;'.'. ? what ii ne ?? *;:.' A .minum Compai: ,rc the new r into Use aluminum ? Dr. ? handler c?, night arith ' - . if I.I,. D Di * indi? triend ai the larg ? . I, and all I manufacture of > Hall ?? -,n chemistry ? York seel chemical So ' 1911. Mr. Hal! wai a mei American Philo ' r.eei -, i- rankl n Insl ? Archbishop Riorttin Dies. San Frai !:<"??. i ? ? ? ? mon:a I in Sew Mr .- - : ? Be was tl Fra .eiaeo. Efe i. Chica i . In ! - I t to I I ? i ?nary ? \ ? r.* Wo ' and . ? . ? 4? hie1 ? ? : The bra'' : ? hood in .- ? ? Krane: ? Ol ONEI M.'IIH n MAI UtTHI R ' remplar Unite.: ? plcxy to-day at hi? hi I age of ilxty-four ?-.* found . by his daughter on her return from church. Colonel MacArth'tr w?i? the i and "r - | of "The Tr? an d N .-?ur. an ? ! prominent Republ ? County. For mar.;. ?4a? prominent! ? hlncampm?'. 1013. H, had b? ? ? . A. MacAi ? .! guard i ?-? MAJOi: JAMES B. HORN! Major Jar: many Major Hot '?? ? he ml of the . ? r. Mr. Hoi i . ? r Hon.? - ... :" ? ' ' Horn. : '.?...: ? take pla Brighton, Stal uiliN CRAYSO> i - tro m ariuriiu !?> he wa than blaekimith Railro ii. ' ? I . ? He lea SENSE, NOT THEORY, USED BY OSBORNE Errors of Prison System Shown to Y. HI. C. A. by Sing Siiiii Warden. SHUTTING MEN IN I AUKS CONDEMNED Charge That Inmates (jet Lux? uries P?. iiu'd Nen "(jood Con? duct'' Record Described. bul ind the application of ? ?re *? 1 at Sing borne .ay at the W I -i Side Branch -to? "l have seen n I ? . a ?. The ' i ? well, while ? : the wall?. ' dial said about a p..rk dinner ? i *act ia thai ? time baa ? from the kitchen. ? ? t >? 44 11 I raid? ? ? ? - ? ? ? ? oi the ? ? : ? r beating a, pen. ' ? 'ihler i I had THEATRH U? NOTI ? a?, ? - - i - ben ? ? . ? ? - ? ? it ? ' ? and | rth and : ? ? that - CELEBRATES HIS CENTURY Family Too Big for House, So Jubilee Lasts Two Days. John K. Ii.. Ti. of 34 Kenner er., New** ark, ?,!I be 100 years old to-day, and because his home is not large enough to accommodate all his descendant* the celebration et r.Uy and will continua um.i mldalgbt to-night. R?ch la the father of &ve children. . and four dough tere; thir*?. , ?nd Hi\t>-four grandchildrrn. Mr. bach la la | iHiigbit at the notion? ?ived to old age Me ??? kt? a. much as 1.? eer and whisk?**. ??-?. r he weata tkem The onl ? complaint he has is trouble with hi? -? supports ?on.e ?O? odd po Mr. Ha eh wee born in I*' meidiamr, , r tS, It? 1* He came to this eountr*. in 1-.-.0, and id la *???'*?? \ork, tul ?a bora Y\e . -il.e?*. Hr '?? ra.?' .. h?r-. M been a Kepuldlcan a naturalised citisea Mr. Baefa ? daughter. Mt? . i LAW MAY~BAR WOMEN OldStatuto. IUsBolievi-d. Will ?fftet Newark Appointment*-. the He* ruling, a? several Democrat i il ?? ? POLICE BEG CITY FOR NIGHT SCHOOL Squad of 240 Ready t?> Parr i ? a? I'fi's Nightstick for s.iIm- ..i i v .n ning oT in * ? ? pursuit of learn bach, prli High ? ? ? ? ? f I ? ? ' ii . 1 i.ut Dill? I e B. I i? J. ? ' \V< JA' K l-rovidenc? i ' . ? ?. , ? ? ; . *i - , at I sepl . i ' ? HOE. 'i a*, a. m. ? ? - . KIKI lie? ember S I . LEN'EHAN, th ?? . PFLIE* I BROOKL1 ? ? ' -?'??nber ?_'.. ? m. ? ? . ' I. | Ceetra.De - ... I?e-eml ? ul to-day. 9:34 a. m. ? .... HAYD1 i nneral t.. :. ' 10 .. r?. m. M'GOVK.ns. Some? J. KM "-alaiaeij ? '? i . <m I I Mil IIKII.s I III WOOIH \U \ ? I Ml I I U\