GUARANTEE Your Money Back If You Want It. * - MUKKOH. ??*-??.ril?> ? I ni.| .?r il nrr. ! Hi*h. M I .? .??> full r-j?.-. an l*?s<* II. ! XXIV. . .No. 24,881, |( ..[urii'it. I'l I, H> riir Irilmnr \ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER BO, 1914. ? * Plllfl? ||\'p l'I.'VT mCUseSK? Sme%Wsstasfc.Jssssr?S0feotSsbbSjsS ?'.>!. V l..\ 1 K.IHEIIIII'KI rWO ?IMH FEUD IN BAFF CASE BARED TO RABBI, IS HINT Clergyman Mediator in Trouble Between "Trust" and "Independents." OFFFaRS TO HELP WHITMANS PROBE Murder Indictments Fx pected To-day?Guards for Witnesses. ' - grand jury ????.?? i lO he , ctment o*" ? ? r\ttorne***a office ' ? . erime An.l draw ? Ml ?bout mor? men In th< InfnriT.a'ion r> I it At? torney thai ate te aient! made by members of the y trust.." a*-- w< Inde lin| ?o the murder, were in ?he hsr.ds of a well knoxx-n Jewish rahh ? two - rsbbi - ffice. he m of ths ? - * ward mod i I ? ' t-'rengrtheniiifc :h?- mo? . ? ?me of the statement, i brothers, ., case, ?nntearl of their I mem ' i ndeni s as - ? ra an put in a ? He (.aid last restlga? .no far i. ? m ?he cane are e?t i '?' P'r the management nf Har tried to enter the *?'",'? I The ? ml of ( ere I ardi announ ? . r-" v oald be the next tractn n. Ko tic? ?f ?uve that "Jus! Hi ? ghl All Insisted tl m the fi . play. M ? ? . | ? | er 1 the Pis Mr i ko va. whs ?i? a Russian dancer l.iis Ween prepi ing 'or ner 1 . n:\ actri ? ;ir?. M r. Fil the pi levoted practically all hi? att? tion t? ?? compa .... i It. CEMETERY TO BE FOR CELEBRITIE Cleveland to Have Buri; Ground Next to Rocke? feller Estate. . ? I'ei*. 29. John I is to have ?. national publ burying ground est . ... - ms of the Dt leeorats thi and arhoretum a- sons u'uie time. ? i ; ? ,u posa, gosi ? ? Lhat van li .ike i n ?' cil ? The contr? t 1 -he Lakeviei ( eir.' ? its? Holden et: ? ii arboretum of "onlj i who have ami for *'i? srsctjoi em or stich monumc moriai I -tine" The ? nota] i ? ? CUPID OUT OF COMPANY Mrs. Stoddard Asks Divorce from Real Estate Partner Mrs. Mabel He i ?ddard, one ol tori ? t " I ? ???;?' II. ? ? man and wife the couple ? along . . -, well as ?? toddard the pi ? ..llef-ed miscond . . - I SS] Sep temher, and the.r dom? | fferencei mpls ! WS? .-???.-? BBS he 'impelled to . ' I'lOTl, mtinued foi he wan wlllll ? s wife, but did ti"? ?hir MANILA FEARS NEW OUTBREAKS OF FILIPINOS Unrest Growing Among Restless Natives Out? side Capital. CAVITE CIVILIANS HAVE BEEN ARMED President Wilson Mint?. Reports of Trouble Are "Exaggerated." Maalla, lier. 29.?Freak eatareaka of ili*.Hff?*rl?*?l I IlipilHM ?re ???.perled, as mire-t ani'.n*- llie natixr?. r ? this way, a* thinf; '" been done ?? on 'fie wfiv. Tl Two months Sf*?. * ?re ' - ..per. li?-r-e | here have ??called Inaurrec! d about a real ago ?hen? would k to do for the i.rmy in the ? iinllnri?*il nn paate f>. . i.lnnn S CHOSE CASH TO CUPID, SAYS BREMNER NURSE In Action Against Estate She Alleges Congressman Whom $100.000 Radium Failed to Save Promised Hei Life .Annuity. a lovi ? ros - ' ? a month for life from h pal ? . ? . of 120 Ward ? ? ? ? ? ? It ? ? . si ? ? ? ? of her 'er ?he ??<-? - ? ? | and Mrs ? and ts sppsar In order ' il. i ? 01 * WH? ? St I ? m. Me left fron I7S.0O0 to Of ei| ; two ? if, he .1 all but Lcith Hi Edith Mc n Mrn?>.| m i n 1901, wen ? sacra? . -, N'ash in I sscspt thst s has bass .... ? out ths fi ? ? Bremner >?: ,-e of m\ ?. Bremner, on? .u-kmail I.? . ? -i in the : ? perhaps, ? la I ? . : ? ..;. th?t ti.. i-Htion. snd wh< . I? ?" blackma ? ? d.-i?!'.?? d, and the r of I ? monlal ?*| ? ? lered \ ? ? ? it is ittributiva ? ? hallsctSa-j ni. Imaginative mind." I TAFT BARS PROFANITY Says He Finds It No Help at All to Bad Golf. . ? ' -soni ) Kam Balaam, Her H I < President Taft has f-iven hi I ideas of golf in a letter ?o a Bartford friend. "I think f-olf la one of the ?/reale.? ?rameri for the promotion of the health of men over forty five that I kn? it is an admirable form o' ? i" eon el U - -.1 eajojrma 'rains one in self-restraint, it diices on.' to aal ire in its m." traetira t'orm. and il ? except that in the o it tempt to profanity. ihort duration with *? ef anj sei ? Onda that thi better I ? ? FOUND DEAD IN Y. M. C. A. Engineer Dies from Poison? Suicide, Polire Sav. IfeFarland Doaaldaon, twenty-aa-reii an ei r aeer, of lit ; II ed in the hot room a? the , rini poison. The polir?? Dr. ' : . ??as called to I natitution. MOTHER POISONS 2 BABIES AND SELF Reverses and War Cause Lawyer's Wife to Ad minister /Mercury. I , ? -" i: re I lo and move into at' West 167th il . The Brom, Mrs Ida Kof-ers;. gave bichloride of mercar** to her two ama ehildren an?l -.hen ti, - - -he poiaon. Mother and children xvero taken to -'. She la expected to ktti a.- phjreieiana I the Hi lines will i ? - do, l knes Heal**. ? . ton H.,;;"r?, a lawyei rl Row, , - ? ?>ors x*rho ha happened and had ?.. . ,,*'.ors. He spent last ni^n' at the bo*J Catherine Burn?, who l.xes n the los ' a home, hetrd -, and trace I th? to the Bogers fai The dour was unlock' i .?-I in. Mrs. Rogi . xvas half < children John, . 'hs ' for pi ? own Eu '? ? the mother and children until thi bulan ? To < oroner n ? ? ? nr h* - ? ?Thousand ? i| ? it I id "'' *"oR*er?'s r"-ar mo if * "i mi.n roncern?. are hai the war. The Tuxede home was given un and The Hrr,n? bou e ii which the) lived made M ? < Rogoi ? morbid. M tea A.i Blui ?? ?- ? rae ? bloride of mercur) , ... . ? ' ,i by Mi?s Marcella, anothi ? who .shares th,? apartmonl the ?? ? r. ? pital, where I?r. Hi ild treat !(, ? goott_ TRAIN SMASHES AUTO TRUCK, KILLING TWO Chauffeur and Helper for Brew inc; Co. Dead Engineer of O. S? U. Hurt. An nu*', brewery truck, bound for Jersey City, whi ( in*ur trai as at ? eck, v .!.. at ' ? v ' k laat i was -.track hy an inbound pas-. train, enu*lag the ? ehauf feur and his helper. The truck ah? the prot'.-r'y el Ibe James BxTeiaVrd ; i ' this city. .,-?,, ,,,,> ? .. ? ? eight of M I ? | - auf ,, ( ilVIl" aagh, Manhal I i.g ?urh speed ?lui* when the lof, Gai I thi ' ? ab, ? ? a Durham, v .1. Cavanaugl ' the roa'iu ? I r*eman was auickly la . a- fha "?'"'tie and brought 'he train to a halt not far from a irred. , alarm??! I the a idden . .-? cither showed , tiier, beaded, a --an ambulance wa a ai examina? ? . i t hurried in to I . . it the men , led in-tar I a CHANGE IN RICHMOND,VA TRAINS. I :., I ? ? i . ? ? ? AI' ' AUSTRIAN ARMY OF 175,000 1V1EP IN UTTER ROl Beaten Columns Rush Carpathian Passes Be? fore Czar's Troops. 30.000 a\RE LEFT BEHIND AS CAPTIVI Losses Estimated Third Force?Russians Vic? tors on the Nida. i ? i ? - ? Pstrsgrad, Dae. 29. Tr.e rctren* - ; Austrian arttn . i i.' ' . ? ? i,r.i ' ' ? i lly reportad, has velope?! Into an utter rout. The r? ins now sxtai . . ? sad west, fi Zmigrod through Dukls and Snnak T.inko. Ii ?h beginning to break it ?mailer sre?mns to take the sil pnFies which into Haagary. A istrisas are so? prsct :s out of danger of any bat rear attac trom the pursui", Rnssisas, as t nirruw passes, two of th*m BH ? '. ? -? ? - my flan I.. ? . that t ? ueftat i which tin? latter staff? ? and thi they h ? ths task o' rcorganisii this IXtiens right of the Austro-?e man armies will be a tu eon sans a long time. Berlin Admits Failure. v pateb fri.m Berlin sajri th . \ ?? defeat .... ? ? . ?ildier stack ne guns, I hers I :ats that the Au ?? .?-? nn* sffsring h itubboni ret tT'.iard res?stanse The la?t three lots, cons,?.ling of W men each, of Austrian prisoners take ?i K -v rom ?outhsrn i.aiicia cor 1 tain ? * men who are ur - ' ? ? oners nr>' bctWi en forty S Sftj ;.eur old. The '. I ir" lay that 800 a encountered Russisn sold?er runoff, Galicia, and threw their srms crying, "Loag Fifty Thassaad isstrisas Captarse. Since their latest offensive b*S| I Rassisns have taken ?50,0 prisoners and captured many guns, ac* ? ! . I ssl ? ed i ? oners. Ii i ?-, which are feet deep in mud has prevented the Russians from mak tag the pursuit as effective a-, it might have been could the I isscks have found a Arm footing for their horssi 'Ihn following stStsmSBt ?? from the Russian general headquar? ters w?h issasd ?'ni svsning: the lower Vistula sad ths P ?mall tsBCe took placo. Tr.e German i vir trenches 00 the right bank ..' the Bxara, ntar the rillags sf back on I ? bank of ths Bxara. "On ' ? ? . . ? "In the region of Bolimov our at ? of the Russians Win on Nida. "We bavs dislodged the enemy from tack near ths rillags of Bamino, they had taken from us ; by .1 counter attack, in which ., ? SCh.BC gun oners. centre, bstWSSB the Pilica ai 1 the Dppar Vistula, only cannon i.d.r.g v\?*i board We made pr> . oa tho two ? "Daring an attack on a Herman re rJoabt to ths watfc of laowloas we ? i machine | "Oai '.?.hile riOSSiBg the lower Nida in ths t itorm of ths , u ere well i Daring rty A u ? ? s and Ihre? ? "In westers Gsl progn '? sf the almost I m pa a* of the lOiinir. ? : ? SI the fron' of Btronaib Gorlice-Ji I n ? and a large number of ma? . ??|i rat half of Hecemher ii ws captur? ? for fort eight I | ti? he?.n BO g, on the left hank of the \'i?tu!a I ttacki have ? the srs sverywhere repulsed. ill BWice ? r- mn?t serious attark, foi ? I ,.nl li.ii-.l M im?? ? rnliiiiin 1 COAST LINE'S -TLORIDA SPECIAL - > *! . I | I ? ? AIM. I ANGLO-AMERICAN WAR RISK PUT AT 15 P. C. ?Me t* r . m ? London. Dac. 29.?A premium of II guineas per rent ?as being paid in l.lo\d? >esterda> on policies ?orried "to pay a total loss In e.ent of declaration of war ?loiwren l.reat Britain and tasarles ai this t?rl%e months from date." The premium to insure again*! ?ar being de? lared between \or?av ami l.reat Britain within twelve month? in now 7 guineas per cent. KAISERS BROTHER AS CHIEF ADMIRAL? Prince Henry Summoned for Conference uitlt Emperor <-n Cuxhaven Raid. LoBdoBi Dac. tS, In sg< Bsi lin, rece ed ?he Germsn En? summoned his brother. Prince Henry ot Prussia, to his hesdqusrti ' m and Admira! i Marina, on I he 1; ? en. Ths eonfei ence ? ?viel by a ipe I? is believed in G? sdds, thai Prince Henry is to be im* In supreme command of the ; ? ? i KAISER SEES HARD ROAD TO VICTORY Germany Will Win, He Says at Christmas Dinner. by Heavy Fighting. ri li,; Oner xx ith neari; ?' men at th. t,rea- ',? eral it I de Ville, 'i North, ii ' 'nail and in front o' ? ? I h- bal ' aa 11 ant a pm pouch and cigars. The I ' ? ! ime." I ' ? ' arm.' ? irard to *> : '????' hare to I hank fi ? . ' '?'"I i-:' ? lighting. B ? K., er thi exchai . diers ball, GERMAN ARMY FOR ITALIAN FRONTIER Home. Di ' K Ci rman army .'hern pail of I ? I iean ?i.ans. | , -? T ? ., ? ? i ? It I 1 ?To-night Ca mned for ? rrilway iti - ? WOMAN PRISONER PROVES TO BE MAN Wears Petticoats 29 Years. Is f mind Out When "She*' Can't Use Razor in Tombs. A remarV?Hh!e story of a man who has n . . ' . .' prison? sepei 'Ma) ? '?."m, and nthi a th.? "ehe" has served . ?he" ' If he i Hay, he told *> ai ? at I ;?? aon - ri? a man. ? . I I en it g and f it a all the aai . I'.?*?,-1 lam pi J mucl ? Do*,'a clothes. I a WILSON'S STAND IN AMERICAN PROTEST SHOCK TO BRITAIN Presentation of ?Note Causes Greatest Sen? sation in London Since Cleveland's Message on Venezuela Affair. FEAR ACTION WILL CAUSE FRICTION Washington Administration Confident Hotter Un? derstanding Will Be Speedy Result, but Presi? dent Makes It Plain American Shippers Must Nave lair Treatment. Ky Cable to The Tribune.| ilon. Dec 29. The American not? of protest again* the Priti<-h treatment ? st Ion. EXPECTS BRITAIN TO DEFEND ACTS Washington Thinks Reply Will ( ?te Dishonesty of Some Shippers. I .-'111 Was The An if] , tat Bt liating 01 '? "i can shipping will, < expected bore, bring ab? If? l -? i |y ?ntercnan*-? of the British ?-nvernmint, a I with re-gai the rights of neutrals In the p: ? ?? ' fui lishes a general ?tion of the Americsti position than the sen.??, ef not In the opinion ? " been u the i a< and de ? to daj an common ,,-ment from G ? I the note by the declaration that eventually G eat ? ?.-a!l<',| u[.on ??, ? unlawful deten '. Amei an rari-oea. In tiiitrierous instances the T'nlted - ? ? \ ? commerce andul] . . Tul nation. ?' ..* of iua menioratida of obj? ,n a single ?*,it,, paper, 'he (ireat Britain's obi,?cation to make a fei era1 reply covering her position a* to the whole queetloa baa beeome man The reply is expected within , ?? ? dayo. Counaellor Roher? Loaalag? who is In the ab irjr Brjss, told Inqnir* ? ' ? .?' ? promptns t, l'U' bs intistsd that ? ? rsnptorjf ?n Its ?nur. Will ? '?till-.?* hneotitom shipper?. I? is well known that In tho 1' reply I on will be t?k< ? ?T of ?hip?? on the biff) ?? Marching sf estgees Is of Am.-r . an or Sthsi would not be BSS-M in hsd t'en Healii.i with th??ir own roTtrotnant ami tire ilnesrlty, not to ?ay pro] tioi ? ? of the I ?ally in ths bolds O? ?he expert to show that the srtielss left off the lists ara I Is contraband if -.-ir. They will r, for example, that - me'al hut been pait.'ed te - pig iron atid so manifested and I?. ? ?? ?. .-i -i,Ipped name of "c'iin I? ?rill be chari*ei| thet il m in? stance a ihipmen% of cotton in bale? ?alea of rotton with a eonsidcrsbls amount of copper . The Britiih -, bulk, suitable for use in th? OS, have been ill ' > ? i hese ami liptlsr infrn ?!... British will torsi the - ? w:l! be Clteil in atmn <>f the i.-u ires Tl. ? ? ths '?*? ait? H ? '?' -, ! nun ?er a win. V . : *.? ? : ttt to '.?a. Mt ts reap ? ? i fsresful se? tien ?it ''i.1 sdstinisti ?tion. i he WhltS Mouse ?'atement ts to the . (onllnnerl en p??*? I. roluma 1 a The I ? that the note mav create. Mettoa and peril.-, ? ? f ??.,"?? f., igfc the noirapapere polat out that H S? tepre m a friendly The Bltaatien la compara that which arose In the time of the South African war, xxhen neutral ah : pers bcL'..n to Mad cargoes *nt->n.i.? i 1 for the Ira ? nr,, trnl i . , ?merican i I : ,'?lane, n 'i ? ni,lenee of Sli I ? head of the Foreign Office, of Ihe Impending protest yesterday, and ?his afternoon the anual text wan ? e liverod *o ?"he ?-"ore's-ii office. Cabled Summary Inadequate. 'iu>?i?i \?ho hv. ?? ?-"?ad the text it . ? tkal 'r.e cmI.Ic! eaauaary, arhleh ?s promit:? , * ' e eeai in*- il h gov friendly api l ? ? ? ing. tien i. - I . ? like In the .l;t? I erieaa . | . ii comm* ' In B111 a i n ' g England, on one hand, I? con rltal qaeat ion el neep .??I many and Austra. arid, on I Hand, with ?. -ii ne it ral commerce Great Hritmr, is in diffi? culties n'.f only with America, bit alio with ? itral atatea, particularly ?ho?. If is not imnrobable thaT *?r>-a.r. Mr i?m will II ? ta] ?axx re i*ardi>.' the treatment of e.intrabsnd on account of the ? ?ua. sr enemii .? .|...i I pped. May the Principal DlfrVultj.. I that aa been sei ? n the ? ? I ? ' I . ta i ted out la thooi ? ?? of *-migg',\ng will ? I ' r ited ? ibl ) in under I with the ? here see sesee. an Admiralty contrm ?? Foreign ?iffice all ?ake a hand r, d, aim?, ? ra?.'? of retained carg, aa Pa ari? aaaaod all around Loi ' are and American eargOOl ha'-e wholly ui But Great Brlta luate ' ' rnianv rights of neut"-aii I" h i s h a a 11 N fii'ior r ? t ? -,e line of ? t Bi.? ???*. ??.Id . m applied rter the ship rovernaaont ?? foui d the pre ' ' . Constant < hnaasjaj Made. 1 ir ,'Utset f?reat ' ? he ? hlppe.l ,?i,-r,f?, ir, neu'.ra nil i (?ei man??*." a*a of the pi | -hese neii ' ' ?porta Il It's Aflv?*rtis?*?J in dhf tlribnTU It'a Guaranteed. Soe Editorial Pag?, lira! Column.