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GUARANTEE Your Money Back If You Want It. ">ee Editorial Page. First Column. j)fan fart ?Eriimttt WEATHER nilN IRD 44 4((V|IK I ?? I? * t. TO. HORROR I! MR. te?l?rr!a- ? I ?m :????! it"? llifh HI . In? ?0 I nil report ?in Ta?? 11 First to Last the I tilth: News - Editorials - Advertisements V..1 1 W1V Xo. 24,918. I? -.,.. rlthl iii", B. I lie 1 ril.nne A??n, latir IRIUAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1915. ? ? PR II I' n\Pa ( K\T "*' " ">'*"??* ?'"i. ?ewe?** i?.. I I ?f Mill III I 4411 I I v I Use ForeignLabels in Domestic Hats Trademark Says the Headgear Was Made in Budapest or England, but I fnion Label Often Proves It Was Made in Danburv or Newark. Bv SAMUEL HOPKINS ADAMS. NO. Mil. .- advice usually roc.?* into my waste basket. Rut I recently ;ip" which was stimulating to ac'.ion l.y virtue of its remark , , , ? 1 :e\ ity. to il.? i.'s hats." wrote my nameless correspondent, and. ha\ mg said his say in four word.?, said no more. Well; I have been looking into men's hats, as unoh ,*elj AB possible wherever I have had opportunity, an?i ha\c hern impressed with one peculiarity whether it is the one which my adviser had in mind I do not know--viz., the large proportion of foreign labels in the crowns. Now. American hats, for style and qual ity, have nothing to fear from foreign competition. If C is one branch of trade in which "Made in lie I . S. A" mean- value, it is in headgear. Intrinsically there is no more reason why a Bcnsible American a- roof himrelf over with an English derby or a German felt than there ? 'IIa- investing in a I'atagonian toothbrush or a billiard cue ?'? ? etland Islands. . this I appealed to an old friend, who is at the head of a large wY le?ale hat and glove concern, to tell me why so many Americana wore foreign hat*. "They don't" said he briefly. "They do." I ins sted. "I've been looking at the labels. Fully .".O per M "If you believe all you see inside a hat." interrupted my friend, with a . >*mii??. "you need a new head. Go out and try to buy an imported bat a* the ne\t store you come to?I don't mean one of the Lip. reputable hatter?, bul any other store?and see what you gel." "How can I tell what I gc.'.'" .-. under the sweatband." Armed with this suggestion I set out about iny wanderings in lia* com. , the course of which I not only collected some interesting curiosi ? ? headgear, but also enriched my geographic lore by several unsus? pected items, such a?, for example, that Newark. N. J.. is now an Austrian dependency.and that Iianbury, Conn, has been annexed by England. IMPORTED DERBIES? WHY CERTAINLY! S ? : -'. port of call was at the Irving Hat Company's .store at 36 East Tin? company operates a string of stores about the city. Did they have imported derbies? In? deed, they had: specially imported for their own trade! They pointed out convincing evidence in the form of a most impressive labe!, nestling in the depths of the hat's interior: CLAYTON k CO.: IMPORTED BY IRVING. While admiring the design. 1 con? trived to turn up the sweatband. Underneath lurked a second label, not so impressive artistically, but more so in substance, the little circle of the United Hatters of North America; No. 25, which being interpreted, means that the Irving Company's "specially imported" hat was made at the factory of John W. Green, in 1 ?anbury. Conn. This was my first intimation that Danbury had moved out of the United States, presumably taking Connecticut with it. Corrobo? r?t ion was to follow, later. As I walked downtown with my purchase a sign in Kaufman's win? dow at Broadway and Bleecker Street projected itself through the eye into the imagination. | i VELOUR HATS FOR $2.75; SPECIAL SALE i! announced. Within, a gentlemanly Professor of Geography disguised as a -alesman offered for my inspection a shapely mode: sporting, in its deep recessee, the label: i 11 in Hi Austria ? Im ??..i:rt!. FOR Kai im?n. Budapest, Austria? Here, indeed, rom the .-cat of war! I at I -gad the pundit in learned ,:'. 0. "When did they capture if.'" I in ??uired. ??< apture what?" countered the cx thc other side of the counter, . at the hat and then at me . thought 1 were casting asper .i|miii its tarn? ? ia|.?'?t'.'" "When did I " capture it?" The Au; t nans." ".-?ay; you've got tins war-thing mixed." he explained kinoi i unliniiert on p?8<* '?>? rolumB 7 1411 i IK I 1.1> ( l!??4( II Will 111 , < ONV iviiiu.ll li I K?lM M ?4 \KI? V .1. "The CHAMP CLARK WINS AGAIN FOR SPEAKER Democratic Caucus Nominates Kilthin for Moor Loader to Succeed Underwood. ;K-ein lot MBtraM Iowas I R'askiagtoa, Feb. 4 The Dem?crata! ?ho ?alii ?-ofTipose the M?iuse of RoarO-i - . .era in the ne*t Conf-rc?? in a raucus to-nijht ch?>?e ? hmnp I ark a? their c?;idi(Ute for Speaker and ( laude Kitonin, of North Carolina, 'or floor leader to ?ufreed Oacar Cnder ?????d. who will so to the Senate. Speaker < lark rever received greater tppltute on the House floor than that ?Inch ?ii five^him af:4?r he ha.I hern nominated by Representative Lloyd, of MiBBOun, and elected by a unanimoua jell. When the rioi?e had died away he ?arned 1.,- fWeeeptes, 4?ho will have bu. a allai nuajoritj la the next House, ?hat "the future o! the party waa lied up in the fifth Cong-reae." He ffave then a warning again-t the abatatee '?ta wbirh hat marred the record of the ?resent majoritj. ?RepretecUlive Kitchin, nominaltd by Representative Robert ri. Pat*, < Nor'.ii ( Brolina, made n sweeping; protT whatl he ?-aiu : "I intend*to he preaenl on thi? floe during every hour of the next ?aasion. Although Kitchin to-day trot? ?gain?t the President'? veto on the im migration bill, voted aejai ,?t free toll and opposed to another administra tion lull, the ?hip purchase measure, h< ? neil the President in urloa-vini term?? in R speech In the caucus. Repr?sentative Fitzgerald, of Ne? \. I pledged ihe Ne.? Ve?a Demoeratii delegation to iiipport 'he Speaker an? Ihe ni lea ihe Startling feature of ?he altCtioi of new meuniers of the Ways anc Mea? Com? tte? ?a? the preponder? ance of the vote for John .1. i'a.-ey of \\ Ikes Hurre, I'enn , over that foi .John J. I.eshei. of Sunburv Penn |. ei 4?a? backed by Representan e A. Mitchell rainier. ?,f I'enn?ylv?nia, while Caaey ?as barked by the anti Palmer clement. Other ne . member? of tin- hij? committee chosen ??ere Chart.- It. i riM>. Georgia: William A. Oldtield, Arkansas; Alfred (, Allen. l: J. McGillicuddy, Main?, and i HelTaring, kan.aa I W. Saunder-. ??f Virginia. chosen chairman ?if the caucus after h hol contest v4!th M, D. Foster, of lllinoii ? IMPORTED LA CAROLINA Cheruloa. 10(. l.'i Jal to the tine*, t Havana ?.ifai.? aitfVt, FEE FOR KISSES. $5 PEI Wife Accuses C. D. Levey o Thus Paying Another. i i dollars ? kiss i? what Claren? D, I "V r-.- pa'd ftlm, Hr-r- , hu affidavit filed In a sal! brought h Ml wlfa, Mr?. Warnr.a I?. Levey, befar Justice Kelhy. m the Supreme' Brooklyn, 1 'laretiee D. Levey was former!*/ Ta 1 ommissioner ?nd Superintendent o rark? in Manhattan Rome months ac li? lock'.?! hi? wife 'heir apar! menta,at 259 Weal 87th at., aceordlni to an R**?dav:f of Ldwarrl Bronson superintendent of the apartment hous? and went to Long Hranrh vi'ri hi "'rend Alma." *\? Long Pranrh (he |E a kiSB e-4 rhnnge wa? frequently effected, ?84 ?he affidavit of a coachman. 1 ?vey. who has n rult fot annul inert pending In the Supreme I ? m Brooklyn, yesterday received notici o' a motion granted by Justiee Kelb; calling on him to ?how cause why hi should no! pay alimony to hi? wife Levey la sixty four and his wife li twenty-two year?, old. H.C.C0E,k, LOST FOUL PLAY FEARED Son of New York Physi? cian Missing from His Home in Boston. r t? ratrat* I* n - "Ml ..-? i Boston, Feb. i. Henry Clarke I or jr., local representative of the Stand? ard "h Company and ?on of Dr. Henry k? to?, a New York physician, left his home, ?it 1209 Commonwealth av., la?t Saturday morning, to go to hi? buainest a-. 50 ? ongress st., and has not been seen since, nor hns anv word about him been received. I'olice and detectives working on the ease believe 1 e is a victim of foul play, and a re? ward of |250 has bien offend for any information which will lead to a dis? covery of his whereabouts. There was no apparent reason for the disappearance ol Mr. loo. He ?*;??? in the liest of ipil ts, very cheerful, :?!.<i his prospects were of the finest. i oe is seriously ill. and it is cared the mystery of her hu? api earance will have an InJ effect. Hei i larke Coe, jr.. wa? 'carried or June 3, 191 I, in V gt< M. ?'?? to Miss Helen Virgin l ? : He. The wedding occurred at the summer home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ainslie, who live in New York in the winter. Young Coe is only twenty-three year? ' old. In circular?. (1,000 of which have been ?eut OOt by the detective-. 'ue.i us five feet nine inches tall, weighing l*.o pound?, citl bre and blue eye. He ; of atl lotie build ; and dreSOOS well. At the time of Inn I disappearance he carried about 1100 m cam) and wore a t'nree-stone moiiil ring and an araethyal ecarf pin. lie wa- of good habita. Dr. Coe is one of the most promi ' nent physicians in this city. He is chief surgeon at Hell? ue Hospital and has an extensive private practice. His wife ?<'? the Na? tional Societj of New England. Hicir Lome if at ? W i ART WRECKs'yALE MOTTO Hebrew Letters Read "Blas? phemers and Farmers." New Haven. Feb. ! Many Yale .a1 ion . '? ? o have repro . 'he university seal on their ta tionery, will be surprised to through carelessness of artists, the Hebrew characters of the motto "Light a: d Truth" 1 .. '? '?? i n i. "!'.- phemers ai d fai mei "'I he Vale Alumni Weekly" cal a! itention to Ihit "lamentable error" in ue to-day. The mistakes were marie because the artists failed to ob I aerve the distinction between the He? brew character? "waw" and "resh." "The Weekly'' prints a leprodurtiou of the correct characters, in order thai mistakes may be coirected and avoided. BILL TO FREE sflLWELL Ootillo's Measure Would Allow Ex Senator's Parole. Vrae B "-a*? i " - i , . ? Albany, Feb. 4. The efforts of friends of ex-Senator Stephen Stilwell, serving a term at Sing Sing for extor? tion, to obtain his freedom are seen in a bill introduced to-day by Ab semblyman Salvatore A. < otillo, of New York A similat tnea arc was introduced las! year. It p bat fen - convicted of felo 'he except,on of those more violent character, may be paroled after serving one year ,f they ha? '? never been convicted be , lore. Should it become a law Stilwell mediately placed on parole m lead of en ing out the : ? t tei ce. ' l??'CALL IN P. S. JOB KEPT UP HI LAW PRACTIC ?Admits He Missed Ii portant Hearings to Cai ry on Private Cases. DEFENDS B. R. T. AND INTFRBORO OFFICIAI (Chairman Bares Mis I norance of Commis? sion Proceedings. PLAN TO STUDY YVORI* BY PROXY FAILE Hayuard's Trap Snares Offici In Ma7t? of Contradictions at Inquiry. .ludge Edward F. McCall, chairman the Public Service *4 ommiTion, m caught in the skilfully placed net William Hayward, counsel of the I.? ialative Investigating ( omniittee, at t hearinr? in City Hall yesterday. Aft he had been led into excusing himsi for not knowing anything to speak about the regulative side of the coi mission work up to sixty days ago. t cause he had been devoting; hi.? cnti time to the dual subway ?vork. he w forced to acknowledge that he h ?pent much time on private law pra tice. Finally the Commissioner did ta un the question of the regulatory ?or and the commis-?on. tKc, weeks aj ordered mandamus proceedings again the Intcrborough for violations of o der? extending o\ er a period of foi years. McCall declared on the -tat he thought this mandamus proceedi: would fail because the commission hi failed to cet proper proof of the vi> lation?. .McCall Defends Rai^aya. It was 4v i t h the greatest astonisl ment thai Mr. Rayirard heard the wi ness make the voluntary statement th. he believed the official?, of the Inte: borough Rapid Transit Company a*? the 1'rooklyn Rapid Transit Couipan ? doing ah in their power to git good service. I'h.s was ?n spite of t'n record of repeated violations that af i.eai - in the file? of the commissioi ?)!' thi? record the chairman knew noth ing. Frequently M.iall lost his tempei but hehl himself back froni an actus outburst. He will go on the stand agaii to-day. t. hen the committee meets ii the Aldernanic Chamber. It was because he thought a crisi existed in the commission that he con ^enteil to take the chairmanship of tha body at tiic instance of Governor Sul er, the chairman said. He went inti office on February B, 1913. Tilings wen at h standstill Ix'cau.-c of the discus sion over the dual contracts, ami h? devoted five or six weeks to studyinj these, lie declared. From that Urn? until well into 1914 he ?'.cvotcd all hi? time to construction work. It wa| phy.-ically impossible, he asserted, to go into the details ? . the commission and learn anything about the regula? tor, side of the commission. La?? ( laimed Much Time. This was all in the morning. Then m the afternoon Mr. Ha.vward brought out the facts that two days after he office lie had become the trial law ve in the cas? of < onklin vs. The i Conatruction Company, and sp-nt that day in court. For twenty two more ?la\s alter this, up to March ? -Ai, in court in this case. Dur ? ne he missed three stated meetings of the commission, at which a considerable amount of important work was ?lone Their? were the five nr six week? in which action on the important dual transit contracts was held up pending the completion of I'hainnan McCall't study of them. To-day the chairman 4vill have a chanca to exp?an why he ?in! this pri < onlinnril on OOM* ?">. i ?Ilium '.? Private Cases in Which M' Call Appeared While Chairman of Pa 5. Commission partial record of Chairman McColFs frita'? Irgnl aetiviti*' and p ? Servies meetings hs gnorsd for jier.iv>'"! work: ( finklin 4?. I iiiie.l ' on?trurtion Co.: coon?el lor defendant. Tried rase in ?ourt I ebruar> 1?-14. 17-21. 24-21?, 19H: March .1-7. 10-1.',. Case ?et lled March It. NIaaMd meetings on February 14. !1, Si. No meeting held on March 7: no reason recorded. | e\ \ i?, lewis (partition ?mi appointed referee h\ Justice Donnelly AuguM 2. IMS. look testimony at P. >. < . offices August 14. 27; Sept. 9, II, ?.;. ",0; Oft. '. 14 and 21. ?-.hen il was closed. Property i?a? sold Msr. h 21, 1914. Mi?-ed meetings September I, 21. 2 1. .10. Lord ?*. Ta>lor i?. Hatch: appointed referee by Justice Donnelly about ".Ugli-I "?? Number ol hearing? n.n gi?en. lolling 4??. Si hermerhorn ; appointed referee by Justice (?u> July 9. 1911. No record of cane gi.en. f?iiN-ell 4?. Russell (di4orce case); appointed referee h> Justice Plat zek Xngu?-! H, IM?* Record ?ealed. John P. F.4erelt 4?. Margaret Crearand faction for professional ?er vi.esi; appointed releree by Justice Brady March 17. 111,. Took testimo ?? \pril I 14, 81. ?*! M?> ??? ,:- l*i -R: --"ne .1. 7. 20. 2?; July 1. 8, Ii. Mlfwed meeting? <>n ?.pril 29 and June 1. I.uardian ol estate of Ids N. I lagler. incompetent: appointed by Jua lire Hlanrliard Kmtil 14, 1914. I?c??,led considerable attention lo case, a? ^hii? n by hill. I ieblcr ra. Shuberl ; counsel for defendant I ned catte in court April ".'". 29. 10. IM'? >,a> '* *?'? >,i*""'d mrflinl" Npril 2', and 29. Argued sanie ?"?M m !*??????' I''*'"i,'n February 7, |9||. Mlaaaaj meeting of ?ame ruplt ??. Psrk Row Really to. Argued ?ase for defendant in Albany? October *>, 191? ***** ?rtUn* of ,he dav helore. New "Berlin Decree" Declares Waters Around British Isles War Zone On and After Feb. 18 MAP SHOWING AREA OF .SEA COVERED BY GERMANY'S "PAPER BLOCKADE." Kaiser Follow s Napoleon's AUSTRIA YIELD TARNOW ?NDE RUSSIANS'H GERMANS CROWDEI BACK NEAR WARS Grand Duke's Troops \ Village as Invader Continue Assaults. Amsterdam, Feb. 4. The Aostro garian war press bureau has issue. following: "Artillery and infantry lighting tinues along the Xida River. "Vie evacuated lam..-? (Gal after the Ku?*?ian* bombarded the r ?s il h heavy mortars. "A decisive battle la beini; fough the region of Dukla. where strong 1 sian pressure is felt in the directio Pukla Pass and neip-hboring pas T e lighting in the ( arpathians is bi Boriooaly ;nterfered with by the d ?now." fTh? evacuation of Tnrnoi by the Auetrians means the re tin ment of ihr Austrian fom which has been enden coring tt /./?nonf o renewal of the siegt of Cracow, fifty miles west? ward.) (Br CaBta t? Thi Tr-Ibur.? ] Petrograd, Feb. 4. -The P.u*s a crowding back the impetuoui dashes Field Marshal von HinJenburg's c uinns to open a path to Warsaw, ha seized some of the German posit . ? i.. cf Bolimow. and have occupied t village of Wola Srydlowiecka. I he f"ghti*.g around this place ai the neighboring towns of Borjirao an Goumin; has been in progress fi several days, end,, according to the P?u I an official report, the German loss? have been e.normou?. In the ? I d s these have reached total of fii iai killed alone. However, in 5pite o their intrepid aaaaalta, the Ger nan' by the loss of the village captured yes terday. occupy a po.-ition less advan ta^eous thai the one they held whei th, German commander last weel be gan his latest effort to reach the Polis! capital. Hindenburgt Hand Forced. The twaying fortunes of the series of battles ?vi'h the full strength of both side?, developing along the er.'ire fiont, are immediately registered in the cockpit around the junction of the I oalinued na pafe ?, roluaaa A GREAT BEA? SPRING WATER the caae of six g Us a ?toppcrcd bottlca Advt. LOOKS LIKE ATTEMPT TO COVER ACTS OF WANTON VANDALISM, SAYS COUDERT "Sui'h s , iiinniiinii ,ii mu. if (roe, is ?cry extraordinary and unprece? dented," said Frederic I?. < oudert, an authority on international la?, ?hen his attenti?in ?as called last night to the communication of the l.erman Admirait? declaring the waters aroun?l the British Isle? a *?ar 'one. "It mould seem to be a notice to neutral shipning that if it goes in that pari of the sva it takes its chances on beinr blown up. An incon?enience to neutral ?e?scls ran be ronsidcred an acl of hostility. "To interdict commerce ?>n such a great scale in either a mere empty threat ?ir a ?*ar againsl humanit>. I r:in hardly believe such a thing po? sible. When Napoleon published the Milan decree, in 180*5, declaring the British ports blockaded, our country held I hat no blockade was effe. live lha( could he disregarded. "All nations are equal in the open sea. Ml that belligerent? can do is (o ?earth a ?.-?sel for contraband or keep it out of port by a proper block Iade. Any other action is an act of hostility. "There is no justification for this action at all; it seems like an at? tempt to rover art? of v-untnn vandalism.'' ALLIED POWERS AGREE TO POOL WAR FINANCES Britain. France and Russia Decide to Issue Joint Loan and Share in Advances to Nations Aiding Them. Pan?, Feb. 5. The following official statement has been isued here: "The Finance Ministers of drear Rritain. France and Russia have me! in I Paris to examine into financial ques? tions growing out of the war. It is stated that the three ?inwers resolved to unite their financial as well as their military resources to carry on the war to victory "With that idea they decided to pro? pose to their respective government? that they ?hare equally in the advai i ?a made or to be made to the countries which are now righting with them or which might he diapoaed to 'ake '.he t'eld shortly for the common ?-a'. . "The amount of tries? ad ? be covered both by special resource? of the three powers ami by the \tme ?,;' a loan in the name of the three po ar ;, the proper time. "I>,<? of the ARMAGEDDON MAY BE SCENE OF BATTLE Ht ? a ? ? aro. Vrb.. 4. Armageddon, on the , historic highway connecting three con t'nenl laatd 'hrough ?laily by Jews ?,nd ?hnstians fleeing to the seacoast. ! A division of the 4'h Turkish Army i iis encamped in the inune?liate neighbor- I hood. The strategic position of Arma- i gedilon make? i? not improbable that cne of the battles of the present war i , will be fought there. Postage to Germany Raised. H . hingt?.!!, ich t r?, tmaster '?eii.ra! Barleeen suspended the 2-cent [?o tan rate? ? l'tiite?i States to Germany to-day, and announced that until direct rrai.sporta i tion service was restore?! letters from i this country to Germ-r destination?: I would be charged 5 cents for the tiratj I ounce and 3 for each additional ounce. relations to be established between the . g banks of the three rountriet has been the object of a special agree? ment. "The ministers decided to make in ?' all purchases for their coun? tries from neutral nations. They have taken the nece-sary financial measures to facilitate the Russian export trade and to restore, as far as pos?uble, parity of exchange between Russia and the allied nations. "They also decided to meet again at circumstance? require. The next con? ference will be in London." It was tenorted on January 22 that David Lloyd George, Chancellor of the It ? tl Excheooor, and Alexandre Bl? ind P. Bark, respectively the French and Rust?an minitters of Finanee, were preparing for a meet itiK in the French capital to consider a joint loan of $3.000,000,000. KAISER GIVES U-21 CREW IRON CROSS _ Amsterdam. Feb. 4 A despatch re ir r-d here from Hamburg ?a;, s that Fmper^r Will-am arrived at VYilhelms haven thi? morning, inspected the Ger? man submarine I'-21, and bestowed the decoration of the iron cross upon the members of the crew. The I H is utid-rgoing repair.? at W.lhelmshaven, following her recent , ploitS in the !ri?h Sea. The Emperor ajso inspected the if* the fleet at VYilhelmshaveri. 1 he men on the various warship? lined the decks and cheered his majesty lr-udly as he made his appearance. The (own council of Wilhclmshaven (o-night gave a dinner in horor of the I Frrpcror. famous Order Issued in 1806. NEUTRAL VEaSSELS WARNED OF DANOEI Every Enemy /V.enhan man in Proclaimed Area To Be Destroyed. PASSENGERS' LIVES MAY Bt SACRIHCLl /one f.\lcnds \.\cn lo Shetlan Isles and to Strip Along Dutch Coast. Berlin, lei? i t? Wireless ??, Sij rille, N. V. 1,,! Admirait ;; s||r?d ?'?-(? folio* "L ', ?I;,-. : "The waters around Great Hrilai and Ireland, including the whole ?i ihe Fnglish 1 hannel. are declared ?ar /one from and after February II IP11 "Fvery enem> merchant ship foon in this war /.one ??ill be destrover even if it is impossible to ..?cm dan ger? which Ihr.aten the crew an passengers. "\lso. neutral ?bips in the ?ar ran are in danger. ,i? in ? onscuuen? e .? the misuse of neulral flags ordered h Ihe British government on January 3 and in vie?, of Ihe ha/arda ol nava ??arlare it cannot al?a>? he avoide? that attacks meant for enemy ahip ."danger neutral ship?. "Shipping northward, around th Shetland Islands, in the eastern ba?n of the North Sea. and in a atrip of a least thirty nautical miles in breadtl along the Dutch coast is cndangerei in the same ?ay." There has been publnhed in Ger many recently what purports to be i ? iecret order, issued by the Brill i Admiralty to British merchant ahip? | instructing them to make use of net trat flag*. A character! tie .??mmeni thereon is found in the "Kreur. Zei tung." which sa. "Wh;:t is thil command but an ad mi--.on bv the Engliah that 'we ar? i unable longer to protect our flag?' Furthermore, it is a frOM violation of international law. mm one of it.? con sequences me-, itably ?rill be thut neu? tral flags can no longer protect neu? tral shipping, for the r*MBM that It will be impossible for German naval aflcera to tell whether it ta borne rightfully or not. Consequently, <,?i nun submarina? ?rill have to direct their torned?,?? als?, at neutial shi|?4 if ncitral |h,?4.?i - ,'.,:! that, thi:? misuse of then- (tags, orrlered bf the Pritish Ailmiraltv, does not tak? _ Dutcli Paper Proposes Neutrals Oppose Order Amaterdan, Fib. '? lb? "Handels? blad," protesting against the German decision, ?ays: "If G> rnianv intends to de.-troy mer? chant \e.??els of whatever nitluiialit/ without previous examination this will be not only in contradiction of all tho principles of internat ?nal law. but of humanity, too." Continuing the "llaiidelsblail" expresses the hope that the government will not fail to ask for a clear an?l satisfactory tlUWOff to the question what th? Berlin 'a'ement mean?. If the statement contain* a menace to m utral ihipoiug tli"i,, adds ?he "Mandehbad," it will b. , for all neutral countries to combinar in opposing such method? ol warfare. Rotterdam, I ? b. I Ihe "Neuste Nachrichten." of Leipaic, publishes a tren/.ie?! ?nitbur-t agains* Great Britain in an article headed "God Punish Film? land! The Curtain Rise? I pon Worlds Stage and New Act la Beginning." "We are those vaho can decide the fate of Fnglat.'l'? trade," if. ?-ays, "if we will only advance to the attack. Though the strong?'!', Kngland muat, bo\? l?> our will ?de of Kng land is effective. An?, one directing his ship's keel toward England doe* ao at hia own risk. We ?hall stop this transport of men and war materials to France by every means in human power. The near future will be rich in wil?, events." English Say Germany Cannot Fulfil Its Threat London, Feb .", '* ne naval cor? respondent of "II,?' I' Chronicle" says: "Germany can fulfil none of the con? ditions of the blockade, and any at? tempt, however wild, by the Germans to ignore, for example, the American flag on the strength of their paper block? ade, would he a hostile act toward the United States. To ?ink an American liner, with her pnaaongor? and crew, would be an atrocity tha' >??,uld almost ? nevitably mean war." London. Feb. 4. Although "Tho Morning Post" and other London daily newspapers have repeateilly urged a blockade of German port?, thua cut? ting otT all cotton and foodstuffs, th? Foreign Dflice repeatedly ha? made it clear that such a step is not contempt, ted. and announces that its policy is the same to-day as in tha past. It i? added that the Rritish govern? ment has no thought of antagonizing neutral countries, whose shipping would be stopped by the closing of the Baltic Sea. French Think United States Unduly Favors Germany !*asse<igeM who arrived here la?t night from Liverpool on the Wh??a Star I,ner Adriatic brought over ihe report that a strong feeling is gam? lag ground rapidly in France and Eng? land ?hat ?be covernmenv of tV*