Newspaper Page Text
GUARANTEE Your M-inev Back If You Want It. Se? Editorial Pa*?*-? First Caluma. Ntm |torlc Qfcibmt WEATHER FAIR l<? l?\? IMI T??-flORBllW| ?fill II MIXT H ?(?I III flt-flS"?. fealerdas'? Temperature. amjm, B1. i aw, i: lull rei.ort ...i l'a?e S l'art I V.,1. LXXV-NO. trnoWT. First to Last?the Truth: News - Editorials - Advertisements I? .>p.?rt?tit. tail, Os Th? Tribune I ??<H 1*1 Ion SUNDAY, APRIL 8?, 1015. SEVEN PARTS FIFTY-FOUR PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS, ALBANY SESSION ?ENDS WITH VOTE OF $63,000,000 Direct Tax of S19.000.000 Goes Through in Earl} flours. PRIMARY I AW ES PASSEO Pa*?? ' all Bills Permit?. M i ill Viler light. ? ? " ' 4 ? ap? i ? * a 4 ?sso honte.? * I ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' e< ?.hearts ? - assrins; ' ? . I the ' - ' ' ' ? ' ' ?iM lass e? Statt i m - ? . a I irance ? ? ? ' po? Inoght. Th( ' ? mg an ?i Brown ?1 Odds. ; u-h ', hem - ng ?a ?lio.? ?ha* ni litsi ? ad in ? ? |ia\ t" Primary the use of . - as |.ciilsnar ected to the ?nature law . They - 'he Ser, mittee "??s bill? with an As? pmmittee. ? i.oth . of 1.70 *'"?? * ' bring in a little more *>? I ?I 1.41(14, Hilft of whuh of -New ?"iU4?r U\ ?{ill Iterare (.overnor. qeoi tai bill, increasing the ? ?.'. a* ?' ' ' ' is. the , ,-,i bj either or i.. bringing then be , ? ?. putt inn i' ? ? iblic Ser% i?i I ommission. ' ' iax bill, jiuting a %'? '??on these vehiclea. ,r"" " | Edward M. Harn?. /' *PI'?? ?' ot ?anal land?, from a ?????job because, the Desac-crata 0*^0^' "'" ' "" g'v'n Governor Glvnn ?lilchel 'i ? "hey ? ? ? barge thai ? ? ?? .. i . Health li,IK Fail. ? i.. int.. ui? ? e-itra! U ? .m., the Hinmaii i romwell's *"''-""'J'm | . ,hc New Volk '??teiUiiea esa ft. ctUuiaa ?V-^^aW Bride Saved Kleist from Father I Who Wanted to Kick Son-in-Law Inward N. Breitling Admits as Witness in Formel Coachman?! $250,000 Alienation Suil Tliat His Anger Cooled After Daughter Interfered and ?Thai He Is Still Willing She Should Live with Husband. ? owner ? lay he do** Max and that he had trie.i to stl and kick ' law, a fon coachman, during a storm] ??? ?? a . ? Rei is. lbs ?teams lei ilHIlt II confe?si ?1 l Mat he had "a and that in? would have ith ' '" m - daughtei had no* inl fererl ? ? ? ?< later, he ci Kleist a i''ace ii ? Hi Breitung we? on the ?'and ; ?. ?? ? lay'? ?e?sion thi Federa District Court, sshejte Jud Hough and a ?tirj aie hearing ?he (a In addition te .,?" his own tei per. he also related tin svarm-nnd-ic gca \shich came "? ei h ? daughte '?MMii i coa? i.'iihii Two "M.?-, .s me??, denied the i legation mad?? by a ""ormer maid of tl i Breitungi a" Juliet Breitung Klei had received a black eye in an arg ? ?? >?? hei hu?band w.'h hi moth? ? Broil | he had no host i 1.1 toward the youth who eloped with h that he had .?''tit him I :ne mine to "try him nut an?! ?ee win he was." ?le '?'ni thai ?he a'tempt I Kle ?, tear.?' good ?vai a failuri aa he r? ' h? job. I.tisr Letten In \ ault. Hi.? wife, lie testified, and hia daugh I 1er were fully >n accord with his feel ?ngs toward the plaintiff. Mont of hi story was a ?(?petit.on of that told a the first hearing, which Judge Han? declared a mistrial. On direct examina lion by Del.a:,?.-. Sieol) Breitun* ?aid he told Juliet she ought to livi with her husband |h( loved,him an? though! she might make him happy. ??When she asked Kleist loi her le* ,.,. ?, plied the.? wer^ in a vault n bank. SoaBetimes si ? ?h? loved him, and then again ?ne : tell m* that she was disappointed that he had turned out a different per aon ?han she thought he would," said Mi Breitling. In apite of the plaintiff's statement -that Juliet had written ?hat her father would 'ase him arrested ?"or non-sup he witness said: ? I rtevei ened -hat. I don't ? - that 1 did." ,., . . . . , , Crow ley. Kl< la attorney, i,,i ?;,, ? ? . . ip to 1 tei cv oi' "Did "u atrike tue bo) on ; ha? see ? lion ?" !"? aaked **1 ??id not." ??as ?he answer, "but I'm sorry 1 didn't, because lie made aj ?.- -, "1 w,?? ! My ?i;,- only i >.?>??*?.i ?i m - * go Had Sleuth? on Trail. : ,:i?..* in 1913, i?i? .;u; g laid l.s had tfortwoortl Th.? n me o " ia\? appear ? the witncs . i-ome 11 ? m' pionounced ;? * ?th a ?" ? * ild i I it v,. i.* - pelTed "K ? li<- adit tted m daui I marriagi ;.- nulled, h? - hui be torn? ashamed ;*n-.i wanted public ceremony. Breituni ? ? | \'i. l'ro? ? moved ? Fngeri rapidly hack m for:h 'ii his lap. Hih wife mw daug ?.?ever, wert ht rase on the oth ?ni.- of the courtroom, ?.m? ? al ii ' ' ?? i i 1T j? bet we ', ... ? "I '.vuni io nay," the witness co tinned, "tha ! never promised to a mil neer of Kleist in '??? ! na* perfe? tlj >? Hing for h ? . with him ami I am now "Vii-.i kill.? her ..'.'" ide now?" Y wal asked "Vea. She has told mo" But a objection from Mr. Nm.ii brought ? ? * ' 'a the reply. ? .-uns?-! for the plaintiff then duced n ?fttei written by Mn K to her husband, n which she ?-n-.1 ih .i- ir ?he hail iir-.*ii wr? - . . - e was the mo to be r it, I-? rig :? man, M ? * ,, . 11 -i> ? cail I from ?m? ihei letter written th? da> "Dear? ? I am writ ing -.<> thi - in ,- .-? I lot ?? ) ?".." ! began H thea.* notes he hoped to ?how tha paren' wat endeavoring to coerce hi daughter into ??enilinjr colil letteri t ?i.iih. Breitung cuve another expiai of 'he matt i "8he changed her mind ?o often Oi time ?he said she loved him a:.d an other ahe said she didn'l That woman'?- whimsical nature." Hride \e\er ? Wile. S.-.itt W. Sha? . f." mm, than twent; > e * - Mr. Mi>? ? ung'i I confl dential sdv-iaer, followed him on th. stand, lie told of a Kleist, m which the Iiiit?'i v: d ii niama*ce had never been con ummated K few hour-, hef'.re Mr Nicoll ha?' pro(ioi?ed that the court appoint a spe i-ialist te examina Mrs Kleiat and re por' or hi* findings ludfrn Hough said he would take the mutter under advisement Mr. Nicoll had agreed to ?tand the expense, and Mr. Crowlej u?< -.->? Ned ?h the pro; Kleis' there ?i - ? ?< that ' ?-* ?'. Mr. Breituni ? ? ?n the F-ilvei ? ty mine, 'hat it ?m a fOI 1 ne ?.oll'V. "Then I ?emember." he continued, "that hi- asked m<* suddenly, without r -?? i*,.^ loa. pued ?a i>??r* ?>. ??i-m-i ? ..^_ ?'I \s ,i? ? II i., tus ?JaticIst?.*r to m Kleist, and I am now."?Ed ?vard N Breitung. Above art* his viile . ,i dai filier in the I ederal ? lou/t. POLICE ENLIST PUBLIC TO HUNT HEILNER SLAYER Description of Austrian Reservist Rushed from City by Train and Auto. 00-B ? aul le of me? i ?in?,! itari ??I oit iree?. ?' ?? ? and 'fnre? cry \ ? a if COUntr* i? on 'he ?r ok ilnnei. the Austrian. ;: Friday af '?It? Julia ill Iner. ?he in? I valid ?vite of Seligman I.. He'lner, a ? manufacturer, in their home, at ".: Albemarle Road. Platbuah. Joaeph Mnnel. according to 'he po ? an i Bertilloa measure? live year? old. fi fret .? inches high, weigh.? I.'IO pound?. na< brown haid and a thin face. Ke? im'? from Philadelphia state that H.iiie. served a t??rm there for carrying concealed weapon? and burglary. At 1 a nit ran ci .-. ' n ferry houses, '"I." and subway station.? and ii* newsstand? groun? of men and Steed yesterday aim read the ptioa of the m?in wanted tor. murder. That |1 ?rill hear result i? ' unquestioned b? the police. Inspector* .!,.?enh Pauroi and Patrick ? ray, >?f the Detective Bureau, were, busj yeaterdaj ?nssvenng 'elephon?? nn.l directing men of their command 'o , >nveaii?rate all sort? ?.f mesrage-? ?ent in by the thousands of persons who i ase interested themselves in th" ar Hi l.' Circalara Sent Out. i i? *o iav- p..ght 20,. circulars beei distr but? .i In all. 160,01)0 *.vere sen! ? out during the nighl Severa, hun-I ?lied patrolman trere detailed yesterday ?i i tiiy bundles of the pamphlet.? to l.Hggaire masters, and they in turn i distributed them to train hands, who dropped them off at stations along the I sarioi.? railroads running out of New, York for a radius of ,1ft?i mile?. The several police sutomobile? were :?eii yesterday to ?iistribute the ? olive literature, and a net has leer, wound around the c *.. I>v the , the like of which ha? never bee.i a*before in this city. Il ia tru!yv a man-hun;. and the police are reaort- i ing to every possible means to prevent | another murder m>stfiy to pa?? un? solved Perhans tne fact that Britain the last fesv month? there ha'.e been more un ?olved murders than ever before in the history <>f 'he department lends some excuse for the calling in of the general ?o give ????istance in bringing man to jual ?\? .? will have Hand within "ne next ? ati:" ?four hou-'s." ?s? ? ???unrig1 Ii ia?* night. He ' IBl .anno* gel MnV " Whether thia will prove a fact re? to he see? The murder ?s? dis? - II. lea Ruck, oimpan- i ? ?en 10 Mrs. Heiiner. sbou' I2.M Ktidavj ^ ..., CwailaueU ?a 9040 ?, ?.oluam 3 ?m^ COLONEL HAPPY AND CONFIDENT; BARNES SURLY Roosevelt's Blows the Heavier Thus Far in Libel Suit. PLAINTIFF MAY USE A WEEK TESTIFYING One Rt stilt of T rial May Re In? creased Prestige for Do. fondant in 1916. i ?? ?-."'. raapaodaM a* SI 'i?e. V V., -\i.r, i * I,'. '?'?''? ?*?' ; r , ? * *-.- '? A han;, mi I- - ? ? "I . Mir'n ?mi of mind would ?.em to be but a reflection of the result? of th.* ' >m week of -he trial of 'he - = . the former ouiiiwn of the Republi? can S;a'e I'orr.mitlee lo recover |60, 000 for the alleged libellous utter? ance? of the ex-Presiden* of the t'nited States. It has hten a Roosevelt e e.?l . not only from 'lie point of ?eo.'i?nce of teatimony, but also in view of the teil ing bio*?? th? Colonel has been able ?.. a* re? In ipite of the far? that not "ni; has tne defence onl\ ?'arted to put in its case, and tn?' the heavy gum of Mr. Harne? will not '"* ? H-tion for perhi'o* a week yet, ipeculation nm already start) . ?" tha political result?! of the trial. ? ?ne big :'.-.-?, whicl iii no ws) affect the outcome ol (rial, ? < ; * olonel Roo -??-. el ha ? a., io the whits . of -i? ralciun H* ha* again s!i?'?? 'i, gel hin forceful views ?.?i politic* and and on govern? . genri b? fore me public. The dominar.? of h i personality bai been displayed undei circumetances in ? h ich the ordin?r, man would feel ?ubri-.e,,. i. be defendant n i court ce .? not a?, a rule exhilarating. (fue?tion of Ittf. You cannot . ? " Hai ne? oi W I am M. I'-in?. h ' coun? el, or a h;s partiaar fnend? to \>t..e\r tat , ?im ? r. lat*'?t project ion \e? the Poose?e!? 'dea on the public ?creen will tt i??t in the ???? I'"-? - be.-om n>," a foiii.nii.ble tactor in the on of Republican prol ne? for U?l*>. It it ?? fact, however, -.?? f? 1 _i? 111 ii?-*? of political history, iggesting that thii may ill happen The R.< * sit spp? ;? ancs in I ht ?Irret? o' Syracuse, the Koo-evelt point of vie-?, 'h* Roosevelt testimony on ?he utai.ii. have all taken a wonderful grip ?m the hold Of the people here. Syracuss wai known as one of the itrongholdi of 'ne Progressiv! party, but ilia? organization has, of course, hi .-.i here in propoi I ion to 1 he dc r'-ti?.? regiatered in other leeUoni of ?l.e country. Bm the enthusiasm for ? he ? 'olone ria? all eomc hack. "I didn't boon that tile Colonel actu? ally had ?o man) admirers here." wai tne way one Republican politieiai 1 - preaaed it. Hut if fOO lUggeal to anv of the men under the ipell of th.* Bornea idea thai the man from Albany, instead of dig? ging the political grave of the Colonel and boosting himself into the forefront of leadership ir, the Presidential cam of I91?S, may have accomplished juat the reverse, tney reply; "What sanatorium ha'..? you been visiting to (re' such ?in idra as that?" 1'rogrcnai'e Part> Head. It .? ? m -. ? n c'o?.* friend? of ? olonel Roosevelt that he 'eel- ?? Progressive port] cannot "come back." He hopes mat ? has accomplished it? purpose and will keep th<* "Old Guard" in the Republieai organisai on attempting t?.m?nate and dictate the Presidential nomination in 1916. if men sun. ?? Senator Boie? Penro Pennaylvania, aim Mr. Ham.*.? cai i" siipordiiiated in 'he national organisa? tion, Colonel Roosevelt would like to play the pait of the prodigal ion At iehst itii is what some 1 I friend? .ay '.npatentiy he has not fi.rmula'en this purpose m. . . '.. his friends, bin they j/athtr it from his genera! attitude of mind. 1, ?he trial results m a vindication for ?he Colonal lh*?t is to lay, if the court determines that he had a right to .?ay what he did about corrupt political alliances an?! invisible government it will come not far ihort of consigning Mr. Barne.? to poli;.cal oblivion, accord :ng to many oolitical students here. There seems to be >:.. doubl 'hat the trial will non g?, through to tne bitter end. Some iirrpri e hai >; expressed that Mr. Bai ? i d noi iKa? advantage or -he opportunity 'o drop the case of? fered to hiui on the second ?lav of the trial. At that time, n his motion ''or , .. imissal. Johi M. H?.wer.? argued the < ?.'"? el ? un' n hii statement bo wa? referring *o a type ot pnpin ment, that 'he name of Mr, Barne? had been used ?imply heran?*? he happened to be a lender at the tinie. h".<1 that there ? a? r.o* meanl o b ? -he ?i ghtCSl ip'imation '.-'.-?? the former chairman of th? State Committee ?**..?. pe? corrupt. Barnes a Stubborn Mas. M. Ba rnos ii ??? - ubboru man - ?> an -il?-a ii ; ? :u po?*?:h!e to Ife' h.m to helieve n. ciaiino* impress "i? same idea oti 'he minds of 'he public, provided 1 ? the chance, Hnd 'his chance, he be lie ves, the present -suit arTords him. 1 here ate many "ninga he want? to say ?iinlei oatn which ne boUoVOI will do telling- uaniagi* to the defendant. But wha' these th'ig? are ir*. of course, carefully guar""eil There i? no queatioa, .irever, that what Mr Barne? ha? to ?ay on the v. ? ? 1 a (. traaaality -? I of the Coin- endowed with a give? ??? "ign: to all he sa*. ? Mr. Barnei : to have remarked iocularh : ?' - tand! I' be tl re s - sk " There is iiason '.. bel eve. however, that Mr. Ivim hai no intention <>t keeping him there more than ? u-?... tnough what - .> Cootlaueil 00 *??(? I. coliuaa 1 -^ Allies Win Back Ground; Will Irwin Calls Ypres Hottest Battle of War Third Drive for Calais Fiercest Made in West Second Baitle of V pre* Marked by Panic Due to Un? expected Nature of Enemy's Weapons?Asphyxiat? ing (?.a:? Spreads, but Clings to Ground. ? ?. . .. By WILL IRWIN. I Special Cable to The Tribune.] S'orth of Prance, April i_'i. -There is 10 doubl thai ?he action which ha? upen [iii.i cc.lino about Ypres for a week, ani which will probably he known in history as the .second battle of Ypres. i? the hardest and the hot lost winch has yet developed on the extreme Western front. li!ii?'ei!, im battle of the war has .developed so much action on so con? centrated a front. It is the third desperate attempt of the Germans since this war began to break through the combined British and Belgian lines and take the all-important ?ity of Calais*. Prom an attack on one small but important hill the action has spread until it involves at least half of the British-Belgian line, and it is widen ing hourly. It began a week ago in the attack on Hill No.60, where the Germana held positions of great importance to the use of thei? artillery. There had been mitiiiiK and counter mining. Had the British not tired the ihree mines which pr?cipitait"! the action, trj-f, Germana before the day was ended would doubtlesa have Mown up the British positions at their front. HELD AGAINST COUNTER ATTACKS. Through severe lighting the British secured 'he craters a d held them against strong counter attacks. At the present time a I contrary to German reporta ?lenca1 French's army retains all this hnl. oxoept a portion, strategically very important, on its forward slope. During the light for this hill the British Mounter attacked several time*? in order to prevent the ?icimans from drawing olf reinfocementa to any critical point This ?enes of attacks and counter attacks running along the whole line, developed into thai M?nerai attack on the British lines wish Calais for objective ??huh the Germana probably had been planning e??'!" since matters began to come to a (ieadlock in the Carpathians. The Germans. ? niiliiineil .m (Ma? '?? ???Ilium '.' WIVES OF STRIKERS PUT SALT ON POLICI Women anil Children. Seeking i Rescue Men. Attack Stamford Mayor and OlTtcia!*. 11. : . .. Stamford, Conn., Aoril -C Maye lohn M. Brown, Chie i t Police Bret nan ami a number of pel cernen ?et roughly handle? .?eil ?(.men and children wh? storming the Town Hall in an effoi . -, , 'i ; .? - ?-,. ? > .'., .,. . . . irers on trial m the City Cour They wen* charged ? nue* othei laborers ??. ceas? work The ?..len, ome of v. horn wer v. ivei of th? sri ? i ; --alt in thei apron pockets ?. ( armed wit ?ticks and broom bandies v -ha? p ; nger na - After the Mayo had endeaiored to disi r?e the ane-'ed the lead? Mai ? ?i ?:...- o, -? other *? omen then at 'acked the . . .1 bit mg them and throwing ?alt ? of the offl? ? ciudin? Brown Mr? iied .n'.. Police Headquart? nd th? women ?inven as ? Shortly after the wo me diaper *e,i a ma i ca I led on Chiel Br. *( t,;.n end said lie had overheard a grou| Of men threat, n to --blow up" I: . wi*n a bomb bel. ?? nooi EGGS TO HATCH DOLLARS Shipment tor Argentina W?1 Bring S410.000 There. The lai gest coi lignment ? gi?-s e\ei ihipped to Sou \ left port yesterday fur B i in th?* refi neisted compai 'mi ? La ?? Ho ??? \ ii.i It ? - . -. packed n z fifty-?i! an.I one-naif culm- :'??? ' A shoi lag?* of fr< I n- Ai - gen! ? - ? .. market value ?if more thai . a.-ii aril will r. pre?. Argentine capitnl of about 1410,009. Brasil atul Argentina have drawn heavily on then egg SUM Hungary and France, but tne * completely eliminated ?hipmenti Verdi al?i) i ..i ried to S ?ut ??? A . on- ignmei I rice, pota'ne- ai . ? HEIR FOR LORD DECIES Daughter of George Gonld Gives Birth to a Son. London. April 24. Lady Dwies. ?no wa? Hel* n \'i\ien Gould, of Vew York, 'gave bir'h to a son this mo Lord and Lady Decies slready have two daughters. Lady Deeies, ?? M r?. George J. Go mai ried on Februar; T. r?i , ??i Jeu ? ?. ' h ban Hop? H -ford, riftl OPIUM IN CHRISTS DRINK, SAYS SAVANT Johns Hopkins Professor De? clares "Gall with Wine*' Was Drugged Liquid. B< Ttsssrssrat ? re Tba Tie ?na. April 24. ' It r i si ??;,. gisei ? ?? a he suffered on the i, l)i Paul Haupt, professor of ' ? gUHges in ?loin,s Hopkins ?,i ,1 the American Philo here to-day l>|- H BUpl ? paper v. :. ? ? -, the Milde." He ?aid that ?he "gall with ?vine" proffered the I .n Mai' ' ?'?'?' v wii, ,i i, itt pretation, a an.I opium. "Myrrh." told Mark x . :'.'', he added, denotes " I ?.. ? ic pi ofessor ?!?? tes that a 'cup ? f ?sine with ii' ?sa given crim?nala before [.abona means ?n cense bul in thi? ? a?e ?I \sa? 01 opium." PRESIDEN?1)?NIES MOVE IN RIGGS CASE Itimuliy's Statement Says it'll mor ?>f Intervention Has No Foundation. W.. ? tpi !4. "it the f - ?.? emei * was isued ? : s oorl ? ?. ? Pi, ,:.\'. Miken peraoi al charge of the goveri me . 's side of the -. between the R ggs Nation al Hani am! S?cr?tai y Mc \; \ ., ? ? ? ea ' papera ?ha? Presiden) al en ? -, : . , O f t H ( Rank." Il a ai said thai I he Preaid? l h ??I *. and I.'"i ? 1> Hi. to ki info nried ZEPPELIN DAMAGES BRITISH BATTLESH?P (ionua'i Embassy Says it Lea us of Result of Raid from "R liable Source.-' >\ a ? Kmbai ?? o c d to-d at ion "i. , British battle? | . .erelv damaged in in. ne Tyae. Am m J i W ??? .. - ? . riving ,M Petrograd to-day, ' . ? ?; ? ' il to at ' ? r ichool ?'M Mien All ? 01 . II ? .?ii nurse GASOLENE GOSSIP by Hank CakWii A New Feature of The Sunday Tribune .*\ny one who has ever had anything to do with an auto mobile will he drawn to this speedy stuff of Hank's. If there is any ?me individual knowa more about the various phase-- ?>i '.lie auinmotnle buaineaa he has? yet to present hiiH?flf. GASOILENE GOSSIP "";l get you .he first tune and will hold you as long, as 1 iank v.iehh ll?e pen EVERY SUNDAY IS SPORTING SECTION *--7T-:-i Germans Forced t Retire ?Along Part of Their Front CANADIANS SAVE DAY FOR BRITISH Invaders' Line South 0 Langemarck Resumes Its Old Position. KAISER MASSES ME* Reinforcements Pouring Fiirouy-I Flanders to Aid in Aiuther Great Drive at Calais. ?Bj CaMa I* The TM London. April 24. The ? .rmans' on slaught north of Ypres. -,ich I ?hem at pointa across I Yser Tarai has already been rre??, i'?.?k bv furi ?n? counter attack? ? ? far tha? at least on on? section l tat fron* th* Allie? have rename'' moat of the three miles of ground lo Over this front, from 'he neighborhood of B:x?ehiot? north ...f Ypres St, Ello, BOUth of .'?:, fttu id. more irregular than ever bv th h?lste which extends the allied line to St. .lulian. the ba* tie is beinsr fought with terrifie r?o lence. Meanwhile the lierrrans are pouring more and mort troops int? Handera to pNM the attack, which aiparent v has Ypre? for its immediate and < Va;? for it.? ul'imnte objective. Tma move ment of troop*, according to report! reach i na Holland, ha? assumed esron great? i limons "i.'? than those wh . i preceded the battle that rag-?- | more than twu weeks In this same region la-' Oetobor, when the mans failed in then announced '.o*i of pushing then- .bv throui ( alais. (anadian* Sate Dnj The Ca troops have beei fleially mentioned by Field Mar?1. .Inhn French a? (he th.- situation for the Allies ' i *he French ? i re compel their trenci i after tl .- ? tomba t Canadians, who held 'he ex'ren-.* of -he Bri-i?h line, were forced t?1 re? tire to keep in touch with the rest of Ont. Then by ?a h'?'.at:'. counter ?he lejrained mol f not all ?he grour? which they had ?>t:d rol ? guns which they had of the Get nians l.e Brit sh report <i..e? not say how much tri".'id they re.. |1 tb<* a Berl.ti official CO , Bi ? -? tttaek at St ' " :i? r. i .1 show s t hnt tin hack in their ? i road he? ?ween '; prea and ! mme? diatel?, MUth of l?angemarck, ' at German ? launcl (?ermann Lone I.?/erne '! fu Germans, ai roi ding to to ' War Offlee, captured tha ' Liserne, on the bank of the canal, between the Iteenatraat? Ret >a?, ?. to be driven ou* aga - moni? i combined French and Beta nn he Allie ? ? . ra rd " that "we loon left ige behind The Germai ittacl to l e ?ou?h o' Yprea, ** hich waa mad? with that 1 north appa i failed em in ? Those attacks are ? of anothei b ?? ?bat? ?.des strongly intrenehed, ? of the bittere?? and <. eat of the wat Telegrama fron Holland to . ..?' i ho "i?.v tut i German reinforcements 'rt the fron'. long trains of dead atfrt wound? ed which are passing ??O 'he lear a condition of affair*? which must also .- real of the allied armr. ?..rmans lone 1.round. The Bi - * Wai OAce statement telling ('ana counter atta? ? ? the Gei Lang tinuei I h. lo ? wh ch wai *'?'?eed to fs bad of thi - ear of th? - ? ? laaed into the hai But later - Cono? id? ?'. ?ue y.'\\ ance, ? ? "Tl ? ? . isualt ?i m -,nat ton Their rough? ? Belgian? \id French. 1 ?- eommunieatioi - iod by - i . ? "To the north of Ypres tne I the night of April 23 24 ?luring Saturday made ?tren-, to avail themselve? of the lurpriaa they had engineered the day at ?.????er.lay with I ?..* ? ?.;?? ;. ? lasting ?pts failed. "On - ??,, left bank of the I ! i ca? r*. : ? ... ..- [ Kienen /? g. ? . ? howeveY, ti.rough a ? ?, metis ? . ?n Oi lion *. ? ii tack The> itemed, ate If repaied bjj } counter el