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First to Last?the Truth? **??*.?..?E_Jtorl_U ?Advertisement?. S4?iM?l\ 1PHU ??. lt'?.V Own*, tat |<iihn?h??1 <!?_' t-T T*_ THbun? _ ? hem Tor? ,-??:? ? 0**A **l ?'?".'V l*~_?V?.l: <? Sofv? testeten eril Tr*?_iir?at AM"- Tribun? BuUdlnc. Nu. IM .N?M?ii 8tf?K. N- York. etiu?cRir"nnv ?juin Bf Man, *>??.??? MS, ->t ? II? ,' <)r??t? Not ES Kuiw?, i am f '< ?Dans ?jalr. 1 ?mooO?. . S .9*.. s, HuihU?. ? ?, ? ? 1 "? t etitr, t nmit?i?.. ? ?X) _ Su; l?> I year * I -Tteg. S 00 tutvta o?. y er. 1 '.?i t_9, 1 y??r ?^.RLKiN KATTS | CAN ATI AN RATS? nan* ? ?? iiahy am? hi nt>aT: On? m.? :tx ?' ?? tat M?A .I TI trr.? y??'. , H M ???--??.* 50 SINDAT . ' l'All.Y ONi.T: Sil bx*??: ? ISS I 0_? l ......... .M Om ,r*' (...,. .... . ... s ?"o l'Aii-i ON1 y DAT ovi.T. (M ?aenth. . 1 r? . "-0 Do? feet .?M Ent?r?_ ?i O.t V?- M ? ?t K?*S Tort ?? Beetnt Ctm Mal! Mtur Yon can purchase merrhandlse advertised In THF TRIBUNE v?i:h ah?i.lute aafrty?for if diaaatlnfaction result* in any case THE TKIBl'NF guarantees to pay your money hark npon r^iient. \o red tape, no quib? bling. We make good promptly If the ad? vertiser doe* not. When Albany Probes the City. Mayor Mitchel's pica that the legis lative committee directed to investigate New York City's finances organizo at once, perform its work and report in time to permit Governor Whitman to save the metropolis from s $1 1,000,000 ?share of an outraerous direct tax will hardly he granted. It i? unlikely' that the Mayor has ary expectation that it will ho. The legislative policy patently is to make New York City pay for local pap upstate, and to give no heed to the representatives of the unlucky taxpayers hero who want to enter a protest. Under the circum-j stances, official action which might con? ceivably discloss the Injustice of the Al? bany policy before it has been fully car? ried out is not to be thought of. When this legislativo investigation comes the city has only one desire?that it ho thorough and Impartial, Other city administrations mishit have had causo for worry over such a probin?*. This one has none. That is not to say that, it has been a perfect administration, without mistakes or shortcomings. It has been quite human enough to have it? share of both. But it has l?een honest and it has been economical. Its budget this year was smaller, in appropriations for departments under the Mayor, ' ontroller and Boroneh Pres? idents, than the preceding budget There was no "pork." Operating expenses of the municipal government, save those im by ?Statute and the interest on out? standing debt'-, are at rock bottom or are rapidly being put there. Moreover, through the n.: the ""pay-as-JOU go" idea ?of financing non-self-supporting future improvements the debt-carrying costs will le . ned in the long run, and the city's finances will be on a sounder basis than ever before. All this a fair investigation must dis? close. Likewise it must reveal the re? sponsibility of Albany for heavy fixed expenses of city and county government which do not come under the pruning power of the Board of Estimate. Also it must show that th<* taxpayers of New York have th? present Legislature tct thank for a 17.5 point raise in next year's tax ra*i- ern? r Whitman has the courage to veto the direct tax bill. If such find '. such findings thero must be, if the committee does its work thoroughly and honestly?bring about a different attitude on the part of future legislatures toward this city, New York will have no <? 'ret the in? vestigation. If th?' inquiry resulta in placing in the hand : nthorl tiev complete i ? xpenditurea paid for out of the city's tax levy a power this Lsgi lal I to ?grant?it will have ? t to US here. If it show? c enough to im press Al iniquity of extracting 1 huge din ?? ' payments from New ' Yorkers ? ??-> improvements, will l?e th gaii er. Butifth? lion turns out to be a mer?' a political attempt to diver! the very real issue winch the cii now has against the state authorities on this ?subject of taxation, the lawmakers w< pot have undertake :. it ' I ladequately represented, unjustly taxed. New Yorkers still have votes, and they are amply able to use them. The Wage Earner's Dollar. Professor Irving Fisher, of Yule, has come to the * wags earner with th, *:.':'? ,ti?>n that the dollar be standardized ? ? m It, not of coin weight but of value. So long as gold remains the standard and its volume increases his suggestion li one wl ich the wage earner may entertain with hope ami pleasure. But once let the production of gold fall off and its exchange vs ass ami then it will 1 ??* the turn of the wage payer to bless the professor. Prof, _er has pointed out that in the la<-t eighteen years the man of ?fixed income, whether from wages or bonds, has lost n third of hil former purchasing power, duo to the general increase of prices, the familiar "high cost of living." which of cour e is simply an? other name for the reduced value of gold. To save him from further loss the econo? mist would have the amount of gold in the dollar increased to offset its growing cheapne.?.s, so that the dollar might con? tinue to p iams potency. The idea is highly ingenious, ntrary to the popular notion once fervently fath? ered by Mr. Bryan. SI money cheapens it is the poor man, net the rich, who suffers. That is, wages never riss fyurt enough or far enough to 1 vith rising prices, while profita feel their stimulus immediately. But it is also true that when prices fall. when gold becomes dearer, wages do not fall as fast <?r as far, th?)ugh profits take the tumble without hesitation. The money of 1 therefore, ?ill I _J bim more under tho*??,, conditions, unless, of ?rourse, In accord? ance with Professor Fisher's plan, the dollar is made a unit of value and the amount of gold In it reduced to offset the greater Fcnrelty of the metal. Now, the amount of gold in this world Is limited. 8ome time or other Its pro? duction must dwindle. Whether the wngo earner and bondholder would profit In the long run from the adoption of Professor Fisher's suggestion depends on the prox? imity of this period of diminishing re? turns. It might conceivably he not very ?far off. Water on Both Shoulders. Considering the disregard for "the la? bor" vote which the majority nt .Albany displayed in manhandling ?the worlunen'a compensation lnw and the Labor Depart? ment, its tenderness in refusing to repeal the full crew law seems like straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel. The com? promise bill, which would have enabled the Public Service Commission to determine the necessity for extra men in train crews, ?as stipulated by that law, was not ade? quate. Nevertheless, it would have better than the existing statute. It at least afforded opportunity for an inquiry into tho situation which does not now ex? ist. Having refused to adopt even this meas? ure, the Legislature placed itself in the position of offending "labor" under cir? cumstances where the arg labor advocates coincided with the- great body ? I independent erested public senti? ment and of backing up "labor" where the labor advocates had a weak, if not wholly meritless, case. Such a course may be ?rood politics and Rood lawinaking, bul it does not f-ecm like either. An efTcrt to carry waler on both shouldei i easy and seldom successful. The War Makers. In one quality at leant Professor Ed? mund von Mach surpasses his distin? guished rival Dr. I?ernburg in richness and exuberanco of imagination. He has not only satisfied himself that the war was brought about by England's mischief maker, Sir Edward (?rev, but i persuaded that sfanple-tninded France and ill-fated Russin are of his own mind and that "their hntred of the British in? creases every day." On Saturday night his enthusiasm car? ried him even further, when he confided to his audience that Britain itself eras turning against the arch-conspirator; that recent "English estimate " were al? together in accord with his own; nay, that .-"ine sober thinkers in that country wire of opinion that the government "ought to try him for treason and send him to the gallou. " That the professor would regard this course as entirely reasonable may well be .i!; the mischief is, however, that tho punishment, if carried out by Eng arould but avenge England's wrongs. New, what grieves him is, as he exp not merely that the Foreign Secretary has "betrayed his own country," but that be actually "lured Russia" into the perni? cious enterprise of which the ? 'jtiences arc now apparent. ,\11 of which is very enlightening, but grievously inconsistent with the opinion of Professor von Much'"* imperial master, who in August last delivered thrt 11? rr Ballin the following message Rritish consumption: "It must be tal again: Russia alone forces the war upon Europe, Russia alone must carrj full weight of responsibility." G Rritain, by the way, had not declared war when this notable utterai Let us therefore be i may yet be found that some country nol hitherto engaged is responsible for the luring of Sir Edward Gi ? Vicious Anti-Americanism. It is amazing to what lengths some of the hyphenated ne? papers in thi try are willing to go in order to foment a spirit of anti-Americani m among the alien elemenl i which have s< I tied hei lay, for example, the "New Ni ? Herold" printed an editorial whoso chief purpose was apparently to demon: trate- the importance of united political action on the| part of German-Americans, 'i he Gei American youth, it raid, ought to : ? stnicted as to the practical value of darity, since in that way only could the German element here maintain its position against the English-Ameri t, de? fend its own rights, and prevent discrim? inations directed against it. To drive this advice borne the nrt;cb> charged that discriminations are row made against naturalized citizens which have no wai rant n tl expatriation law was menti ?ne of since it puts a limitation (1 very wise one, at that) on the liberty of an alien naturalized here to return for an i..?it-unite residence in the land of his birth or former allegiance. The disinclii i'f the government (also ful d) to send naturalized citizens as diplomat consular officers t<? the countries of their birth was also criticised. But the limit of vicious antl-Amrrican i?' reached in the statement that no naturalized citizen can become a Federal irding to our i er judicial qualification and however pure ai . char? acter may be. Moreover, a i "llerold's" critic, "in the government of fices In Washington one finds almost no naturalized Americans; tho officials are mostly impoverished depende:.?? of 1 ! American families, who have gotten their jobs through pull." The charge that no natural: ?? ;:it; become a Federal judge is a malicious invention. There have be? n thre? tues of the Supreme Court Itirth. Sanford B. Hole, one of the Federa. I?i-tru-t Jodges for the Distrid of H ivas born a Hawaiian Jac b Trieb ? Judge for the Eastern D . ??. i 1 s no prohibition, writUa or umvr. i against the appointment of foreign-born citizens to the Federal beneh any moro than there is ngainst the choice of for? eign-born citizens as state judges. to the charge that almost M foreign born citizens ever get Into ofiko in Wa-h i. it is enough to call attention to ;t that In the Cabinet of President Wilson there are two secretaries of for? eign birth, Franklin K. Lane and William 1*. Wilson. In President Koosevclt's Cab? inet there were also two secretaries of foreign birth, Oscar S. Straus and James ?:. One of them. Mr. Wilson, served besides under President McKinley and under President Taft, Mr. Lehmann, lent Taft'a first Solicitor General, was horn in Germany. Insinuations that Americans of foreign birth are discriminated against in politics can mislead only tho thoughtless or the ignorant. They aro all the more contempt? ible because of that. The United States is a land of oppor? tunity for all who are willing to become t and lenuine Americans. Tho meanest anti-Americans among us are tho=e who try to propagate Old World en? mities here and to set one class of natu? ralized citizens against another class or It the native-born element in our popula! ion. Quarantine Unpreparedneaa. Tho whole country is, of course, pro? foundly intereste?! in the efficient con? duct of the quarantine station at this ?port. That in itself would seem sufficient -, for giving the whole country some control of it. through the Federal Health Servies. Even supposing that ws of New ; York State were convinced that we pro',! a proper quarantine service free from the disintegrating influence of poli the rc-t of tho United States could hardly be expected to share our confidence. But we are not so convinced. Indeed, following the dismissal of Dr. Doty by Governor Dix, a plain patronage grab In 'ace of a European cholera epidemic, we are convinced that tho contrary may well he tho case. And when Dr. J. A. Nydegger, head of the Federal Health Service at the Port of Baltimore, tells us, did Saturday, that "to put the New York Quarantine Station in first-class ion-such a condition as would fit it to cope with the situation it may have to face -would require the outlay of a groat deal of money," wo are not sur L A politically controlled office rarely spend-; its generous appropriation.? to good effect Furthermore, with the coming of the hot weather, with tho redoubling of bel? lt effort and the increasing exhaus? tion of the millions of combatants, the deadl} - in Europe aro bound t i - and to spread. Typhus, allpox, bubonic plague [ready made good headway in supple? menting the destruction wrought by bul? lets, but, unlike bullets, their range I limit. Sooner or later they will bi our peaceful shores in the persons of im : ?admission. The dai ?hem may be imminent, in Dr. Ny opinion. the circumstances, therefore, i* particularly unfair that the coun? try ah ild '? ? aaked to dept nd f r good health on atat? d trol of 1 e ly imperative at this time that this 1 .... highly < f Federal Health S? n :?'o, s ?ations are country-wide and ?? nel comparatively free from po itical The fact that the Acad? trongly advocate I ? fer should incline us all the more in ;.,.. r unprepared * jiref'T to ren ain in a military way, let US at 1( a. t (.'?*' for the in- a ; ? .? lied 'n <li?* a to accommodate itself., ivated there is roma for all t, too, without uncom-j ? ? Mr. ? ffO. Russia in the Sciences. ?i Ths /Spectator i ? ?lone admirable right spirit, and if it is less well be it i? because-1 :? are not a? it it was a B : iclid try which has revolutionized the ? Or ho-.v many boys who study chern the ?.peculation of '., which chiimri'd ':,;, law of ths the whole chemical Invcsti i-ntor?? As for i ?h:? bava made r own. No specialist re 1 - earcbes. It was M. Vinogradov, who Inspired P. \V. ] was the d crcr of Brad ne of the h h history. A Dangerous Precedent. ? ? ' ? ted violently i ? ores home sense ?o. The helmsman appears to be .ireamin;,' of universal peace, and I to the ... ? i ? ? ' this ? difficult to ? ?man is doubly ' ? rt at that no - r with the '* ?or Asiatic i ' easy to in? eouat .in future - ? ? New York, April ZS, 1315? G. KAU. i r UNFAIR RITKI SI .NTATION SfconH Choice Candidates, and Ma? jority Rule .Needed. be Tribuna Si,.. ionably the <",institutional II provide for some fairer pr I on for this city The present repre ngly unjust to be per I- || no more unjust er, than Is I ment o er, regard!? ? ??s than the ? ? a plurality voto to - or official. In moal la government by a ml democratic. It Is bold of the righl a majority, t in i 1", .'? ? resent system. *V ma ra did not elect the present ? rthe present n. They are not the choice ' ' ' !.. Of vot ".1 them. All tho others m snd have ? ' ? i '.ernment. o than 'his ix possible. It ed npon a minority of rot? te and in every such rase. No ? m In principle or policy claim to represent n Republican, or vico veraa More par? tan representation or party ?">% YVIien an sleeted can osen by a majority voto to pro? no!.ry or principle I - .... .'. the ne 1 referendum such or principle this would be the voiee of y. In the of tuich i tem ??i instruction tho average legislator or? lya politics with it. They .-ill do i*. I'- ? like female suffrage, local option and - ::, suffer, la not . - and Just! Why r.ut give the ond choice of candidates ?n Election Day, or even in party primaries? Such a system would mora ?.to the majority rule. Tho true d?mocratie principio to elect olfl la by majorities, not pluralities. The ? 'ete and unjust. It is an , and i ? Bd Will the ? i stituti? ention ?Mahle and empower ? : H J. la. MITCHEaLL Urooklyn, April 22. 1915. Hints to German Street Orators. To the Editor of The Tribune. .-?'Ir: I do no* know if you will publish this from an Eji(,rli?hman, who, after i ? - from thia country's hospi? tality a-. :r.*, rvala for nearly a quarter of a , lu? up to now tried to hold his possible, but ? n-.irht from the tnbua Circle and stopping to to tho many groups of n'.reet orators ird?, finds ? mi from fiiggest inv a few extra topics fur them. writer '.sas much ?true?, by the fact the majority of the kieument leaders, many of them apparently trained ?peaken, had ?uch a ?trong German accent and evi ili : tly bad ti.? ,r points for argument and Jis ? well cut and d: The new points I would BUggest arei II'" i are ao von il?' they not Flop ? . are carrying an average of ? ' ' ,-s on earry ? en, women and ? ns? 2. V. crying- out in horror at the! ? y uni nit ofT ?supplies, ?tarving German ?soiien and children, <io they not go to one id an accr, . the siega ? in the '70'.?, when the shoe .- a ? nut agsinst the .?.mer ,can people for selling - ?up ' that the Araei irorld and, if 1 - ? -.ihich ?i .-a-, be Issfaded to rman ' ? The writer cm bus*. America Las to ?u Brith ?-.?s. lltr mer-' chants deliver the poods on the dock. It is then up to tho buyers to find ?nd protect the carrying tho eargoea across the ocean. 4. If I gland has been preparing for this .;, why did Queen Victoria ?rive ' md n? a present to 1er German and how li it that last ? fo ind her O Utterly unprepared? r, xi ,. .. , -, r ?,,,. .; | algo like to kn?>w how treet talks are ut.-1er Dr, Dernb i i tion and air his nt so much ?'ii hour. ? Ind, 1 nally, if these :'r,"' pn'riots have th? Father! i 10 mueh at heart, why do they net go home and help her fight" eount more than won!?, but ?again a nei led. I o iav? ?li? obvious reply, if yon print this, I may add that I am over military age ? i,,. here. SANPEB. N? w .'irk, April 23, 1918. Transfer the Quarantine Station. To the Editor of The Tribune. Sir! As the matter of maritime quaran -, to the national rather than the nient, as is clearly demonstrated I by the results obtained in San Francisco ar stations, I trust my old friend the Tribuno will sustain the I v of Medlein? In I's effort?? to have Governor Whitman take steps to havo the Qnarai in ceded over to tho na? tional government This is logically a part of the immigration , and a* this port stands first, and, unfortunately so, as a receiving station for eases as well as merchandise and as a di tribnting centre for the whole coun-j try, it is our duty to prepare now for the| incoming ufter the European war of many: [uarantina ,:-" *' . which are sure to be rce of ?grave danger tu this country. one word "typhus" is enough In itself to suggest no end of serious reflection and justifiable fear. Tho Federal government has thrown upon N',w York many grievous burdens in the matter of not properly restricted immigra? tion, eoating us millions of dollars annually, and it Is Atting now that Governor Whitman ? measures to act promptly in this matter of tho transfer of tho quarantine into tho control of tho national government, so that our already overburdened city may ???capo what Is likely to prove another and ?sly perplexing responsibility. J. C. I'UMPELLY. New York, April 23, 1915. The Home vs. the Saloon. To the Editor of The Tribune. . i : The letter of F. C. Seudder on "Home Ballots" Is a fair example of the sense of Justice of a large percentage of men. He says: "A number of women would un? doubtedly demand office, and others would have offices tendered to them for political purposes. l>o you think this further Invasion ??f man's sphere will tend to keep the home life, whieh you will admit is the foundation of oar social life, intact?" There is no anxiety about the "home" when women **o out to work, which takes them out of the home, In work and transit, rs a day, such as working in stores and factories and scrubbing office floors, but the moment that there is any danger of a woman's getting a "soft job" it is "inva? sion of man's sphero" and there Is jreat alarm about "the home." \j 4.1100,000 women are now voting in this country alone, and we do not bear any? thing a; ont destruction of "the home" where Bad no state has repealed the law of equal.ty. He asks "Will It not make mar-! ringe le?s attractive to women?" If men would be decent themselves and ! treat women us companions and equals and; -, to marry it would make marriage more "attractive to women.* The trouble with "the ?Jiome" is that too many men prefer the saloon to the home and pref-r the painted and perfumed public wom t n to honest, faithful, hard working, true, home making womi RCE M BFEP.BOWER. " ? York, April 13, 1915. Oldest of the Old Guard. To the ?Editor of The Tribuna. In your account of the Old Guard raary parade of yesterday It Is stated that the oldest member of tho organization is Daniel A. William-?. This is an error. It, should h;.ve been the undersigned, as I am er, born in this city August -!. I whs secretary and paymaster [?ron !-'3 to 1*7(5. I'AVID A. MATTHEWS. New l'ork, Apr? '?3, 191_, _ I ?NEEDLESS SLAUGHTER. Most Automobile Killings Preventable Under Adequate Regulations. To tho Editor of Tho Tribune. Sir: 1 have been reading with considera? ble Interest comments in the public press re garding the killing of Karl Litter by an au? tomobile. It is most unfortunate that this -uished artist (should have met his death in what can be classed as a preventable accident. But must we ?visit until some ( prominent citizen is killed In this manner heforo tho authorities and the public arc 1 to action, when our annual slaughter j of human beings in this city by motor vehi- I cles has averaged S00 for the last three ' years? .Nine hundred human lives needlessly; ' The responsibility for 'b-T-o killings rests i with the state, as timo and again measures ? of prevention have been re.-ommended, but have failed to 1, | aeted upon. A ; r ago there wan considerable agita? tion In the public press in regard to the In creasing number of automobile fatalities in ?bin city. As a result a committee of citi? zens, of which I was a member, had several nicotines at the American M iseum of Safety ass motor vehicle accidents and their prevention. Investigations of the causes an?! ?' ? ? seeidents, ns revealed by evidence obtsined at the coroners' inques's, showed that of lT'i people killed in the Bor OUgh of Manhattan in 1918, M per cent were treet Intersections, and 75 per cent of these accidents were the fault of the operator of the car in turnincr corners at high ?peed without any warning to the pedes? trian--. In- pite tho fact that these deaths were due to gross criminal negligence, none of these reckless drivers ?.vas punished even to the extent of being deprived of the privilege of dris/ing cars. Our committee made tho following recom mendstions to the proper authorities: That the recommendation of the Hoard of Coroners that police order No. 10, issued M.,y 10, 1910, not to arrest drivers after run? ning over human beings, bo rescinded, as a number of drivers of motor vehicles escaped from the jurisdiction of tho authorities and could not be found later, when an inv? ? tion of the case revealed criminal negligence. That a state law be enacted, licensing nil operators of cars, owners as well as chauf feurs, after nn examination; revocation of ?ho license for one month, a year, or totally, if tho offence justifies it; all accidents to be reported by the osvner or operator of the ; car* more rigid enforcement of tho traffic oiilinnnces by tho post patrolman as well as the traffic squad, and one of the magistrates' courts to be assigned as a traffic court, where violators of the law, when apprehend? ed, would soon become known, as their rec? ords, could be kept in this court. This would simplify means of getting facts to revoke the license. I want to say to Karl Bittor's friends that had these measures of prevention been en? acted his life and the lives of many of our citizens might have been saved. GEORGE P. LE BRUN. New York, April 2.3, 1<HG. A Real Waterfront Park. To the Editor of The Tribune. Sir: In a recent letter appearing in The Tribune, signed "W. Bryan," I note the writer is evidently nnder the impression that ut a lecture at Columbia College on the park question I advocated the filling in of I I'aTk. I therefore write to correct what is evi? dently a complete misapprehension. What I bed reference to was the so-called "River? side fill" to the ?rest of the New York Cen tral tracks, which has been in process of con? struction for several years. I stated my be? lief that when completed this fill would as list in the uolving of the difficult problem of the elimination of the objectionable feat? ures connected with the New York Central's right of way. It would also allow for a fut? ure Riverside Park which will be a water? front park In fact as well as in name. In the course of my remarks I did not take up the quetrtion of Riverside Park to the :u.?t of the railway tracks. CABOT WARD, Commissioner of Pork?, Manhattan and Rich? mond. Kav York, April 22, 1015. The Conning Tower DIBS VMAIa. Across the purpi? hil'i of dawn, I hear the nound of flying tmmt, And childish laughter silver sweet, A moment's flight and they are gene. The hoarse war-shout of armed men. The trampling <?f their hos??? at nvm, In the wild strife I hear, and The troubled air [fl ititl I -gain. Across the sunset path ?M I "Of war is gone. In chilling f< Their weak and stumbling tUtfa I h??y( The toothless muttering? of l 0. M. ?'i.vNis. One of the newspaper litommenta from Syracuse was to the e?eet that the Colonel was rather a slouchy, careless dresser, contrasting with the vog of Mr. Parr.'-s. Bui thl Colonel wears made-to-?.r.|. , attached collars, and the f hi-* suits is the bast purchasable. I round cuffs, though, would ha Bunker Bean! THE EVAI.l ATIOV 01 I 1 IHU. Sir: I don't know ai but I like V -' ? The Tribune'i cuse observes that Mr. Ban ? born man. If Mr. Ban trait of immutability, : runner-up prize in the pr . meet THE DIARY OP OUI OWN i',S. April 2.1?L'p by Un ad a part of "Titus AndronicB . ? ing the birthday of If. ? have a great regard for. V. 'and my cozen I-Torence to dil ier,but P. would take nought but m * fee, which expenso I w.i To the office and finished ?. Poole'a "The Harbor," the hone-test I a read since S. Merwin's "Ti. ? " and i more interesting than that a 24?To the King's Col ', and .-?aw the Harvard lads ti hours, which I was sorry f< r, and 1 lost $8, too, which I can ill afford to the evening arc C"*r.o II. M tress Alice, she in a blue .- ! very pretty; and we did have some orange I cminvli miir-h ton ?alii nought about it; and \vh? i ! pona it escaped my memory. 25?To tho city upon my velocipede, and a fino warm day I was. I did meet with ?". ! ? he did marvel to see me ; and he vowed he would buy o 1 hope he may, forasmuch ? poems this morning a**,,! - ?s are cheap. At the'office all in th?) evening to an Inn, ft city was fathei tayle-writer; and a merry part;- it was. Home late and to-bed. The faculty of the Univers souri is considering, we ai 1, tho awarding of an honorarj Kugone Brieux. For work, the diploma should r? I. in prim? rose pathology. The Mad, Mad Wags. Sir: I was guilty antry last ni^ht which c. com? panions considerable an BIO said: "You can len? c if you like, hut they'i And I remarked cut tally, in the natural manner I sort of thing), as I lighted I've always admired their & Marxmanship." nothing of control, what? As Bert Taylor an Chicago Tribune, B Barnes to reform him. th tho traditional result. CANNY CAT?L1 ? Myrtilla swears that I'm I She loves the bestest In the That sine me* she won't (?You und Not Harry Thaw, that wealthy Nor any other guy Not even Jove h i rn self From this hi She says so?./?rT?the hurl The vows of her whom ? On wind in water should In short, ?she toan. Conning Tower, In the third raes at Lexington Saturday, ran third. How a horse can be ?so insensible to ' the Belgians pa 'ATA BOY! WATCH THIS SPACE KEEP A-WATCHII ?I "Church Pillar I Seven Years," headlines the "Must be a relative of I' hints K. v. K. Fifth Avenue candor: " 2.', which insures loss 1 y ths or Burglary." Beer is showing some lovely in flesh tinted silk voile. \ ... Tho spread of prohibition. You can't keep a ?n. But the (??ants are down. Whatever thai pro l 1 . P. A.