lovable Paducah Char?
acter One of 700 Friends
at Farewell Dinner.
Reminded Th.it He's a Humorist
and Vtge? by (ilynn to Enter
Political Life.
,-Vy Home." sung by
il ly, and a menu com
Mti * ? ' Soutbers dishse r**ig
? ?II the 'nrcwell ten
S Cobb. author, war cor
-.?lor'st, by 700 of hi*
Waldorf ',a?t ?light
invasion of the Euro
from one of Mr. Cohh's
, ???: * ,1 c with him.
??. of Paducah, Ky .
? : va *. whom thou
I know and love as
. htx,\ ;ourneved North to
r end and e'-arncter
x tt\ ?nblo wfr?? Krank
irtin (irccn,
Captain Harry Blunn.
rtin W. Littleton.
George MeAneny, .lob
adley Eicld
I and llcr
ii early x~^r' of 'he dinner
? d r ? ??ay into the
"en.p.* 'n <*e?c:
upon pas'inj* ?hove Mr.
?: the wall a mon-ter
-ilng "Town Hall To
I ,,*-.*-. - Threwing the
bb and the ball
to throw aleo adorned
wet not the only rep
<? author'a birthplace
h.? tiata from the Pa
i were also on hand,
n a so-called musical
reived an opportunity
.-"'.. and the one i
? oked the maxi
' ?? <r quality. '
To those who were
.? r? out
M enicil 'hat all three
? ie reward.
Pol?tica, Sa.*.** (.lynn.
? :ty appreciates Mr.
? .-. .- hin and it I
''New York City
v ,h city, it la a common
? r.< "t-.tng pretty mr
ttentlOB of -New York
:' this character read
? In In * ohh is one of
Though I bear no com- .
? that I eould procure
. the people of New York i
and good luck in
f >ed by for- ,
? the v.:.?e.?t crowd I ever
I me I am'
>'?' at .. wonderful
f humor, this gift of
. .
i it. humor is a
? arehy a..?l aoeialiam
or the pa*h
? be .'? ?
11 I .
jou to go into
only gone into
. maybe I
bany would
? "teen mil- \
ti '-'? ???.? York."
a had found on
'y speaker
: for his ticket.
Cobb was worth $7.50
"This evening is a
? . me, and doubtless to his
rente between Glynn
.: ? ?. i? "the dif- ?
ton a memory and a hope.
longer on a hope. 1 feel
?nn than Cobb.
? n-partisan
;. Rirat thine;
? . , .,
U to Think they
\ ? ; i ? . ? ohh, some
i are running,
From Ice to Literature.
then related his mem- i
earlier years, when
? to literature tha?i
eh f nn ice wagon,"
- (Bided through the
? I .-? town.
I ?? . Rennold Wolf, He
I ; i r, \\ ilton Lackaye and Mar
aleo spoke of their!
with the author and the
imentary and other
connected with him.
i a time when Mr.
? r check amounted to 1 ">
?he price of his
? : averted, "and
- evening he is still
r nothing."
a thrilling movie
National Board of
? rama re
rt ti roba, entitled. "From
Prosperity," being a
of the trials and :
hi ro m his pursuit
??i fame.
When ?Cobb Was l\i??sed.
?f the film
khaki uniform pound
typewriter In the
ally halting as a
?and on hit keyboard
. ? . . re lie
both cheeka by the
? i also touch?
the assemblage
an ?>il painting of
... was unveiled. Then
oudea, moment of my
" lo think that C00 peo
,if me! I shall
? list of thoM present un
'?' an hour ??f adversity for the public
? ?lay with bra"s bands
- to bras? knuckles on
? prond of the fact th.it so
? ? ?is have the appear
ing their own dress ?-uits.
,? phase of my youth?
en touched
and that is my early religious
"aining l WgB taught that there was
* .'?'II ?ater WOOld come in
T**?1 ai napkin and ask the
**v*l, 'W< ..il you like your lost souls
'*** ob one lida thia morning? A
*??? gets ail the hell that's coming to
?? at a dinner in his honor.
h 1 thank yon all for coming
:, and I'm mighty much
'??> you all." Then souvenirs
ill statuettes of Cobb
? .- distributed.
The i,?? which held the proude-t
was Nn 25, wherein sat Mr.
er, Mr??. Manie Cobb, his
a ighter, H sa Elisabeth ;
. re Mrs. Harry
"'""i. ! er-in-law; Mrs. Kich
-*?<-1? Li__icy, _?oru?_y i)ix, Margaret
Semple School Girls to Give "Sister Susie's Sisters" '
at the Plaza to Aid Polyclinic Hospital Bed Fund
Left to riRht (top row)?The Missel Gladys Greer, L'lizabeth Turlcy, iarah Shannon, Jessie Dixon, Mary Bailey, Hallie Twombly, Helen Welnz; (low?r
row)?Annie Warren, Mochell Herman and Kdith Leyser.
Illirgton. Mrs. Harry Thompson i
Mrs. George II. Doran.
If the sv.ills had fallen in on
company assembled to do the aut
honor. "Who's Who," would have b,
' of most of it? interest, }?ra.
ealli every theatre in New York wo
be darkened to-night, and the ?tatfs
the city nesvspnper? would have bi
severely depleted.
Among those present were:
Robert Adamson. Eranklin I'. Adai
George Gordon Battle, Erederick
?, James Buchanan Brady. C.
Briggs, Heysvood Broun. Charles
( hanin. Howard (.handler Chris
George If. Cohan. Clifton Crawfo
Herbert Paley, Joseph I'. Day, I.indi
Pennison, Leo Pitrichstein, Georste
Dougherty, Douglas Fairbanks. Har
?on Fisher, James Montgomery Flaj
William C. Ereeman, I'aniel Frohmi
John H. Garvin, Montague Gla?s, It.
Goldberg, O. J. Gude. H. B. Hatch.
E, Hi.Uf.man, Paul M. Herzog, R?
mord Hitchcock, Pe Wolf llopp.
Felix Isman. William Travers Jeron
Frederic Kernorhan, Charles Kle
Otto Koenig, Wilton Lackaye, Thorn
F. Logan.
Other Who's Who's.
Chester S. Lord, George 1!. I.orimi
George Harr McCutcheon, Harold M
Grata, John J. MeGraw. Louis Man
Isaac F. Marcosson, Julius M. Mays
Sid -Mercer, James 8. Meteclfe, Hermi
A. Metz, James Montgomery, Robert
Moore, Walter J. Moore, Frank Mot
Tom Powers, Frank W. O'Mallev, W
Payne. Frank L. Polk, Gr.-vntland Rlc
Jacob Ruppert, jr., and George Ruppei
Charles T. Russell, Robert Scarburg
Archibald end Michael Selwyn, <)t
Sk-.nner and R. A. ('. Smith.
James Speyer, George Stallings, Pe:
rhyn S tan laws, Melville E. Stoi.e, A.
Thomar), Charles Hanson Towne, Arthi
T. Vance, Buyard Wilier. Robert Y
Wagner, Richard H. Waldo, Cabi
Ward, Reinal,1 Wcrrenrath, Paul Wei
Francis R. Wheeler, T. Gilbert Whit
Charles Allen Whiting, Otis F. Woo
Harry C. Woodruff, Charles H. Wrigh
T. J. Wyckoi.', J. Fred Zimmerman, jr
Mrs. Paulina Burdick. Reginald I?
Bryan, Mrs. T. I?. Carman, Mrs. Wil
iam N. Compton, Frank Case, P. S. Co
lins, .Mrs. Irvin Cobb, Mrs. Hugh Pa
7.? 11, Mrs. Crosby <>aige, Mrs. Rupei
Hughes, Mrs. Charles W. Hayes, p
Magnus T. Hopper. Robert E. Living
Miss A. McVicker, Mrs. Frank .v
Megrue, Professor I'ettigrew Pillsburs
John W. Rumsey, Mrs. A. N. Stein. .Mr;
Herbert Bayard Swope, Mrs. Jame
Speyer, John Shaughmrssy, Mrs. John 1
Tay'ler, Mrs. Paul West and Mrs. h
German Delegates Forbidden U
Attend?British Delegation
Cut Down.
The Hague (via London), April 25.
Pitlicultips on all ?ides have been en?
countered even before the meeting oi
the International Women's Congress
which is scheduled to gather at Th?
Hague this week to discuss peace.
The steamer Noordam, which was
due yesterday with the American dele?
gates, has not arrived, although it is
expected momentarily. The German
authorities have refused to grant per?
mits to the chief German delegates,
and the British delegation, after hav?
ing been cut by the British govern?
ment to one-sixth the original number,
has been unable to cross the Channel,
owing to lack of ?hipping facilities.
The Svvis? delegates telegraphed to?
day. "We havo been prevented from
coming." They give no explanation,
but it is assumed that Germany has
declined to allow teem to pas?. The
French women from the outset have
declined to participate.
. . a
Rush of Renewals and Old
Subscribers to Next Scries.
I'nusual conditions due to the war
have had no effect on the Philhar?
monic Orchestra, judging from the
rush of old subscribers to obtain seats
for next season'? concerts and the large
waiting list of new subscriber?. The
books are now open at Carnegie Ball,
and only six days remain for former
??ubscnbcrs to make their renewals. A
week from to-day those on the waiting
list will have their opportunity.
Philharmonic subscription* cover
four series of concerts twelve on ;
Thursday evenings, sixteen on Friday
afternoons, twelve on Sunday after?
noon? and four on Saturday evening?
at Carnegie Hall. There will ulso be ,
tsvo concert* for young people in
?Colian Hall. Leading soloists will ap- |
pear at the concerts.
Montclair, N. J.. April 25. The trus- !
tee.? of the Montclair Art Museum have
decided to postpone the costume dance
that was to be given at the museum
on Tuesday evening for the members ,
of the association and ?Wtttdj? _____ I
The tivo upper classes of the Semp
School will present a musical corned
entitled "Sister Susie'.? Sisters," at ?1
Hotel Plaza to-morrow evening. TI
performance will be for the benefit (
the free bed fund of the Folyclicin
Hospital, and advance notice.? promis
an evening of merry song and svit, wit
Miss Sarah Shannon will take th
lending part of Sister Susie. The oth?
character?, including Sergeanl Powdi
Edith Wynne Matlhisoi
Engaged for Barker Tour
of Greek Pieces.
When Granville Barker makes hi
productions of Greek plays at the lead
ing eastern universities this ?prinfj
Edith Wynne Matthlson will be an im
portant member of his company. He
engagement for a lending role in "Tro
jan Women" was announced yesterday
Gilbert Murray's translation of thi
play has been selected by Mr. Barks
and a BBeeial connu Dated b;
Mayor Mitchel aa th?' principal featun
of the dedication of the new municipa
stadium at the College of the '
New York on .May 29.
A public performance will be giver
in the stadium oa Wednesday, June 2
Lillah McCarthy will appear ai.il n
also to play the title role of "Ipt; .
in Tauris," which is scheduled lor pub
lie performances on .Monday and Satur
day of that week. This play will bl
presented in the Yale Howl on May 15
Both will be given in the Harvard
Stadium, May 18 and 1!?; University ol
Pennsylvania, May L'5 and 26, and ai
Princeton, June 11 and 1-.
Miss Matthison, always recalled a?
the principal player of "Everyman,1
retorna for this engagement to the
direction of Mr. Barker. She was
Andromache in "Tr??jitn Women'' at thl
Court Theatre, London in 1904, and
two years later at the same theatre ap?
peared in the title role of "Electra."
A war play and fashion exhibit is the
combination offered by the manage?
ment of "Inside the Lines" at the
Longacre. Actual experiences of Miss
Mary Walls, foreign buyer of gowns
for John Wanamaker, form the ba
the Earl Den Biggera play and now
Carrol McComas is to wear on the
stage French creations obtained by bet
at considerable risk.
Four gowns are now being fitted to
Miss McComas. They will be suc?
ceeded by others embodying the latest
ideas of American and foreign de?
signers. Thus the leading ?vornan of
"Inside the Lines" expects to lead all
others in advanced fasnions.
Charles Frohman's war play, "The
Hyphen," which Justus Miles Forman
'or him, has on 1 v one more wi "k
at the Knickerbocker, aa the producer
has decided to send it on a tour while
it has the appeal of timeliness of plot
and action. The Aral showing out-ule
of New York will be given at the Hollis
Theatre, Boston. Mr. Froh man freely
???I yesterday the reception of
the play at the Knickerbocker last
Monday, insisted that Mr. Forman was
an author to be reckoned with ?ind de?
clared that ho was going to do the
"I have put plays before New Y :
first mghters for more than twenty
five years," he added. 'T'ir?t
New York audiences are often severe,
often cold, Sut never rude. .Mr. For
man's play, as be wrote it, was not
seen on that opening night, but it has
been seen and understood every other
night, because the actors have been
able to give their energies to playing
their parts instead of withstanding the
opposition of hostile audiences. .\ man?
ager always takes a chance when h?
produces a piny that sounds a patriotic
note, because patriotism In Amei
not a chrystallized sentiment."
Frank Tinney Rave it nw.ty, BO it is
hereby announced that the Castles
Verrion nnd Irene are going to have a
May party next Sunday at Manhasset, .
Long Island. His was the job of pro?
viding a May pole, and as the tre?s OB
his own Freeport estate have not been
remarkably progressive be sent a man
over OH a neighbor's property with an
uxe. Said neighbor made such a fus?
when he discovered that?his forest had
been ravished that Tinney svent over
in person and explained the situation.
His neighbor accepted the explanation
and then gossiped about it.
That's why every one knows that
next Sunday is Vernon Castle'? birth
day and that the day will also be cele?
brated by the introduction to theatrical
society of Mr?. Castle's ten weeks' old
wolf, Lulu. Most of the theatrical so?
ciety Will be there for the even'
The Shuberts believe that they are
going to give the biggest theatre party '
la tie ?uutuiy of tbo world. While
' PutT, Colonel Cordelia Corncobbskv and
'lie |. Dafa Girl, will be played by
til?* Misse? Mochella Berman, ('alista
Lenehan, Elizabeth Turley, Gladys
Greer, Leah Ublfelder, Rath MeViae,
Dorothy Shurtleff, Ruth Clayton, Ger?
trude Momanil, Mary Bailey, Mary
Mosie, Flor, nee Caccianino, llallie
Twombly, Helen Weinz, Anne Hick?.
?Laura Gravea, Marion Berkley, Annie
Lee Warren, Isabelle Scott, Edith
r, I.via MncN'ame.?, Madeline l.'or
I'nnly Semple and Jessie Dixon.
the Atlantic fleet is in New York from
Ma*? 8 te is the 76,000 men will be
their gaeata at the Hippodrome and
smaller theatres. Cornelius Vanderbilt
Il Chairman of the Mayor's committee,
which accepted ths suggestion fur the
monster theatre party.
"Experience" || going to move from
th.? Caaino to Ifaxina Elliott's Theatre
next Monday, hut whether the flgurea
of I.eve, Paasion, Blaader, Intoxication
other eharactera of the play
which adorn the ffOBt of the Casino
will move, too. is still an open ques?
tion. George Appleton, business man
Maxinc Elliotfs, says they will
disfigure the Grecian beauty of his
theatre, and Comsto?eh * (?est say they
paid a lot of money for the signs and
are sure they keep the box office nfan
from having too much spare time.
Hector Turnhull, recently dramatic
critic of The Tribune, leaves l\ew York
to-day to join the scenario depart
menl <?f the Jesse L. Leaky Feature
Play Company in California! He has
written extensively for magazines and
the vaudeville stage. At the age of
seventeen be enlisted in the 1II '? :
Statea Field Artillery and served in
army poata in this country
and the Philippinea ?luring the native
insurrections that followed the Span?
ish War. After leaving the army he
?wrote a .erics of article.? advocating
the restoration of the canteen.
Gertrude King-ton. of the Little
", London, will lecture to-mor?
row evening on "What Is the Thea?
tre?" ? ir tl a benefit of the Society of
?in- American Renaiaaance at its hall,
. v. i * Fifty-eighth Street.
The Bramhall Flayers will present
Butier Davenport'a "The Lost Co-re
spondent," a two-art farcical comedy,
,.:i Wednesday evening, at the Bram?
hall I'll,}'house, Lexington Avenue and
'I weiity-s.eventh Street.
Plans are under way to make Madi?
son Square Garden the largest motion
re auditorium in the world. The
Arena Amusement Company has been
organiied, and May li is set as a ten?
tative date for the opening.
Arrangements for the dinner of the
Friars for John P.ingling at the Hotel
Astor next Sunday night are practi
callv completed. Wilton Laekaye, He
Wolf Hopper, Alf T. Ringling, George
M ? ?linn, Irvin Cobb, Kennold Wolf
ami Raymond Hitchcock will ?peak. A
surprise entertainment is in prepara
and Sam H. Harris, the chair
announcea that dancing will end
the evening's programme.
Dr. S. E. Young in Sermon
S^.ys Mob Spirit Prevailed.
The Sunday preceding the second an
niveraary of the murder of Mary Phn
gan, in Atlanta, Ga., was taken as an
Ion for an appeal to save Leo M. '
Frank, convicted of her murder, by the
Rev. Dr, S. Edward Young, pastor of
the Bedford Preabyterian Church, Noe
trand Avenue and Dean Street, Hrool:
lyn, last night.
"Whether the Urooklyn young man,
Frank, did murder Mary Phairan in
'he National Pencil Factory at At
?anta, one fact is certain," tho Rev. Mr.
/ said in his sermon, "nobody
ir the court procee?linirs to-day
. i thai Frank had a fair trial.
, ice against the Jew was Frank's
real accuser and jury. The sway of a
mob over the court, the colossal iniqu
ity if perjury, the football some poli?
ticians make of the law, the riicht of
?very man und-r the Stars and Stripes
to worship (?oil accorilin? to the dic
... his own conscience, are all in
vol ed in this case."
the \ -1 ? Minc'i'irn of Nitu
-, . . -i ? l: I'?:? Jlini-iiiu tiij Uat ?
? ,-iuii..
, ?? ? i PoUr* Atemrlttltti of Qtmatm
. - : p ru
Public ? 1 i'f E-liKBtlnn. ? tl
I ?-. 11? baltai i.?rrrll IV Hfr
ii, riftj lista rXttm ? i n- ?i
In?) . Bib T
i ?.. St re? I. neat ? hrl
I I th* World II?mil?
. 11.1 -.1 Wttl Tw?.,?,. P.'Ih
. of UrtM h.,1
M . ' v' ,-?. Pul I l.lli.i.). Mii?'i
I TV Mtklo* of Uw i
Wen Ha?, il ?. |rl n? Mil? " VMliUin
' . , Irfti.a 111*1'. Srlinnl.
Ill Mr-ft ?. .1 Int I Pl?_?; l'?lrl.i'lf
?. ?fil ?>iirj. I
, . -, | iteeU r .? Mil
f |l , . -? William I
i 119. 13.VI Meet teal f KUhlh
. !?- K?;i.?.- ? ?
,.-... . | ??
,. A? . loq sad ?'? K.?ra*." Will.-I
l.-n I. BslabromU. l'h. t?? Ir**,*.???* tiitnti M. ?f
Lui l'ui> MTi-U, autel.
Collection of Porcelains anc
Pottery to Go on View at
Anderson Galleries.
What Is regarded as nn unusually
: important collection of ancient Chines?
and Persian porcelain anil pottery had
been consigned from abroad to the An
' derson Galleries, -Madison Avenue at
Fortieth Street, and, with another col?
lection of Oriental art, it will go on
public exhibition on Wednesday, pre?
liminary to the sale, in five afternoon
? .in?, beginning on May 4.
The exhibition is intended to bring
before the public a collection embrac?
ing two great Asiatic civilizations,
those of Cnina and Penis. The col?
lector is of great repute as a traveller.
student and explorer In the East and
the Far East, where he has lived and
mad?.* excavations for a number of
years, ?o that the collection is the re?
sult of the sound and discriminating
' judgment of a man whose knowledge in
matter? of Asiatic art is recognized as
The Persian pottery, which ranges
from the tenth to thr seventeenth cen?
tury, is in excellent condition, while
' the manuscripts and miniature paint?
ings will interest students of the art
of illumination. The Chinese, porce?
lains include fine piece.? of "?olid
color," blue-and-white and five-color
decoration. Especially notable is a
large Suag vase with orange peel sur?
face in cream glaze, the mate to which
is in one of the fine private collection?
of this city. Other pieces of pottery of
quaint form and coloring include the
"Pack Horse" and the "Mountain
Among the jades are the usual circu?
lar pitees with central openings,
termed "Kay" or "tLstmne* according
to the width of the rim, which take the
form of ancient implements of warfare,
and were adopte! ; Is by nobles
whose ancestors had been warrior?.
Directors Announce Long?
er Season Next Year,
with Month of Callet.
Karsavina, Nijinski, Fukine and
Fokina Amont? Dancers Who
Will lie Seen Here.
The Metropolitan Opera ?'ompony
i, u?'?l yesterday its announcement to
its subscribers regarding the earning
opera ?eas??n. The season will begin
on Monday, November IB, ami will con?
tinue for twenty f??ur weeks, only
twenty of which ore to be devoted to
Th.? ln*t four weeks will be taken '
up by performances of the Imperial
Mm'mu? Ballet under the direction of
?serge de Diaghiiew. The announce- i
menl follow?;
"Tho Metropolitan Opera Company
begs to announce its eighth season,
which in respect of the eminence of
artista engaged, the perfection of en-'
semble and in all Other respects will
be maintained at no less a ?tandanl
than that which heretofore has met
with the approval Snd encouragement
of it? patrons. The company take, th;?
occasion to expr?s? its gratitude1 to
the music lovui,- public of New York
for the loyal und gi neroua support
which it has been privileged to receive
at their hands, ami It pledges Itself
anew to leave nothing undone 'o men?
tho continuance of their approval an?!
to strive for ever higher artistic at?
"The season will c?,remeneo on Mon?
day, November 16, 11'!"?, and will con?
tinue for twenty-four weeks, the rega?
lar subscription performances le take
place, as heretofore, on Monday, .
Wednesilay, Thursdav and Friday even?
ings and Saturday afternoons.
"In response to frequent requests,
the management has made arrange?
ment? whereby during the last four ,
Weeks of the ?esson the Metropolitan
Opers House will be given over to the i
world-fame?! Russian ballet of M. Serge
de Diaghiiew, presenting Mme. Kirsa
wina and M. Nijin.-ky, M. and Mme.
Fokine and other Itars, with the entira
troupe and repertory of ballet ?pec
tecles which have been creating such
a sensation in Europe for the last few
year?. The complete souipmeat of
scenery, costumes, properties, etc., will
In? transported to New York. SI d the
productions will be mounted here ex- |
actly as they have been presented in
the great opera houses <>f Europe,
where this troupe has appeared on a
parity in every respect with grand
opera. Tho Metropolitan Opera Com?
pany believes that the high artistic
value and interest of M. de Piaghilew's
Russian Ballet justify the great ex
pen?e and effort which this engace
ment involves, and that the experi?
ment will meet with the approval of its
"While the season will continue for
twenty-four week?, instead of twenty
three, ?s in the past, the mi.ringement
pleasure In announcing thai the
prices for sea?on ?ubscrip*ion? will not
be proportionately increase?!, but will
continue the lame SB last year in
other word?, there will be no nd?l.
tional charge mad" to subscribers for
the extra week, this being equivalent
to giving to them the last four weeks
of the season at reduced prices.
"The sub?cription books for the sea?
son 1915-1?! are now open for sub?
scribers to the present season, who
will have tho ri?fht. up to nnd including
May 22, 1916, to renew their subscrip?
tions. On und after Jute 1. 1916, the
boi k? will he open *" net? lubscribera "
In a supplementary announcement in
resrard to the ballet the management
"Tho engagement of the He Diaghi?
iew troupe for the last four weeks of
next season at the M?tropolitain Opera
House means that America is al last to
see the real Russian ballet in its com?
plete sense. The setting? and costumes
for the entire repertory, all to bo
hi ought from Europe, are by Leon
Bakst. ?he master eoli
"Including the star.- Ksrsawln l, IN
jinsky, Fokins and Fok incing
company will number I They
will give their batista witn u full sym?
phony orchestra.
^ _?.?__?. <??
Retain Faith in Man De?
spite Inconsistency of
Read Act.
Attempt to Make Measure Us?
less Seen in Mix-Up
Over Ballots.
It has often been remarked that
woman's faith in man is never killed,
no matter what the creature ?Joes.
Some of the New Jersey suffragists
are proving this, Waef ?coin ?ike a
plot has just raised its hea'l a plot
te ,|neer the bill providing for sub?
mission to the voters of the state the
constitutional amendm.'iit enfranchis?
ing womer and what happens?
Hero and there voices of New Jersey
women are heard denouncing per?
fidious man enough of them to make '
anti-suffragists feel that they are still
needed to uphold and defend man's
nichts. But in the main the suffrage
leaders there say clamly that they are
sure ther? was no malignant intent in
the inconsistency in the Read act, ?
which lea,I?. Governor Fielder to fear
that it la invalid, and that they have
confidence that whatever is wrong will
be made right by a special ,-tessiort of
the Legislature.
Is this another case where woman
shows she realizes that she has got
to be as wise a? the serpent and as
gentle as the dove if she is going to
get her way? Or do New Jersey women
htill really trust their politicians, in
spite of tho fact that this is the third
time their bill has been queered by
come so-called "mistake"?
Mrs. George P. Vickars. of Jersey
City, president of the Kqual Franchise
League, knitted her brows yesterday as
fhe looked at the item calling atten?
tion to the fact that in one part of th,?
Reed bill it says that county clerks
??hall furnish the ballots and in an
oth?r that the Secretary of State shall
furnish them, and that the Attorney
General may decide this to be a fatal
"There is somebody who has been '
trying to make our measure ineffect?
ive," she said. "Somebody who is in a i
high position and who recently has ac?
quired added power. No, I will name
no names. What is the u*e of an?
tagonizing him and making him still
more an enemy? Besides, I am sure he
won't be abl? to prevent our cause
from coming to the voters. The Gov?
ernor la on our side.
"Governor Fielder hss been perfect?
ly splendiil, and if this bill is decided
invalid he will call a special session of
the Legislature to remedy It. The
Lefialature, too, is acting in good
"As for the putting off of our spe- '?
cial election to October 19, we don't
feel badly about that. It will prevent
our exercising the franchise this year,
but then holding our election on a
regiatratioa ?lay will save the state '
, 00, and that pleases us, for we
believe in economy in politics."
"I haven't seen the Read measure,"
Mrs. Feickert said cautiously, "so I
don't like to sny much. Hut I believe
New Jersey men have about made up
their minds that we are determined
to have the vote, and that they might
as well g v,' in."
Mrs. ( olvin ?aid their suffrage craft
had certainly had a stormy passage
over the legislative sea.
"Last year," she recollected, "af*er
the amendment had been passed the
first time by the Legislature, it came up
for the second passage, and should
have passed, only after we hail been
assured by the men in charge that it
was properly advertised, we discovered
that in one of the twenty-one counties
the advertising had been neglected.
And so it was necessary to reintroducc*
the measure, and a year was lost.
"This year the measure was nearly
wrecked by the removal of a comma
from one of the section?. All these
errors do look uueer, don't they? But
we feel sure that all will be made
But not all the women are so gentle
with the men. For ?nstame, there is
Mrs. Alexander Christie, of Rayonne,
an eighty-year-old worker m the cause.
Mrs. Christie is honorary preswlent of
tie Political Study ill of Rayonne,
and keenly interested in the measuro
'hat wil! come before New Jers?y men
October if it isn't wrecked.
"This alleged 'mistake' is a political
scheme," she declared yesterday. "Oh,
I've seen a lot of their tricks in my
eighty years of life. But the women
ure going to come into their own."
Summer Colonists Eager to
Open Cottages.
i" temmtttm to Tht ftB ? .?? !
Southampton, Long Island, April 25.
Week-end ?guests at Southampton
have tilled the clubs and hotels to
overflowing. It ia evident that the cot?
tage coloniata ure preparing to open
their places earlier than usual. The
Austrian Ambassador, T. Constnntine
I'umba, and Mme. Dumba are guests
ut the Meadow ( lub.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Davis arrived
from Morristown, and are stopping at
the Irving. Mr?. J. H. Russell and
M. C. Brown, who came down
yesterday, returned this afternoon in
their rar. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips
Thompson and family are at their cot
? f*e tl Wiekapogue for 'he season.
Mrs. I!. Sands will open her cottage
uns week.
Guests for over Sunday at tho
Meadow Club wer,* Mr?. Hamilton Fish
and Mi?s Dorothy Schieffelin, Mr?.
Joseph S. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
P. Bobbins, Mrs. Frederick A. Snow,
Mrs. Frederick H. Betts, Mr?. Russell
Hundley, jr., Mrs. C. Gray D^nsmore,
Amy Towns?.".,! and Beard Roger
rop, W. C. Potter and Philip
Mr. and Mr?. George Barton French.
who Hre ?topping a*, the Claridire, will
open their summer home May 6.
other- registered at the claridge in?
clude Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Peabody,
Mrs. Edmund S. Twining, Mrs. George
I!. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. V
Dr. F.dward L. Keys. Dr. Albert H. Ely,
Nelson Robinson and .Richard Seney.
At the Irving House were Mrs. Will?
iam Fleitmnn. Mrs. Gardner Van Nos
tratid, ?aur Sw.i>no and In
_alls Kimball.
Dr. Fdward S. Sheehan, fifty-five
years eld, who served as medical ex
* in fthe office of Controller
Sohmer during the Glynn administra?
ron, was found dead in his home, in
Maple Street, Oasining, yesterday from
heart disease.
Dr. Sheehan was born in Saratoga.
He leaves a wife, one son and one
Borland, H. W. r Reward, F. W.
. -1 ii '. E, W. S'uyvesant, A. S.
Lape, Fanny M. Warren, Trumbull.
?rhlin.W. R.
on April 2 !. Harriett? W..
iW of Charles Borland, in h?T \e?, 1
year. Funeral aonriccs at. the whape?
ont V-4BIK.TV ?Hiios-r.
No. I| ?'?? In 840.
Variety is the word this
To emphasize the variety
of Spring suits we have at all
the popular prices, we ore de?
voting most of our windows
each day to showing some or
thesuitsat or about one price.
The object is three-fold?
. To show the handsome
new fabrics more completely
than is possible in our every
day window displays, which
cover a variety of wearables.
To impress on every man
the fact that whatever the
girth of his pocketbook?we
are there with attractive suits.
To illustrate vividly that
though we specialize on no
one price, at every one of
the usual steps from $?20 to
$40 we have enough different
patterns, not only to meet
every shade of taste but to
stock a good sized clothing
store by themiselves.
To-day the Variety Show
begins with suits at $35 and
$40 displayed, and we hope
you will take a look at our
windows when passing any
one of our four stores.
Everything men and boys
Rogers Pef.t Company
Broadway Broadwsy
at 13th St. "The st 34th St
Broadway Corners" Fifth Ave.
at Warren at 41st St.
of the Home. 104th st. and Amster?
dam asr., Monday, .?\pril 26, at 11 a. m.
GEPNEY Saturday. April 24. If IL a?
The Inn, Ntswbargh, N. Y., Mary Eliz?
abeth Wyant, widow of George W.
Gedney, in her 72<1 year. Funeral
service? at the family residence. Mil*
tea-en-Hudson, N. Y.. Tuesday morr.
ing, April 27, at 10 o'clock.
LAPE April 2.1, Fanny If. lap??, aged
70 years. Funeral from Methodist
Epii'coi)'-il Church Home, 374 Amster?
dam av., Monday. 10:30. Members of
the Forty-eighth Street Methodist
Episcopal Church invited.
M-LAUGHUN On April 26, 1916, Will?
iam R. .McLaughlin, after a lingering
illness. Funeral aervieas private.
SEWARP- The Hon. Frederick W.
Seward, twice Assistant Secretary of
State? ?on of the noted Civil War
Secretary, William H. Seward, died
early Sunday morning in the 85th
year of his age at his residence,
at Mont rose on the Hud?on. N. Y He
n survived by his widow. Anna
Wharton Seward, an?l one brother,
General William H. Seward, of Au
b ira, N. Y., at whose residence ser?
vices will be helil prior to interment
in the family lot at Fort Hill Ceme?
tery, at said city of Auburn. Funeral
at S:M p. m. on Wednesday at Au?
STIYVESANT On Friday. April 23, at
Hay Ridge, N. Y.. .?Vmelia Schurhardt,
widow of Robert Stuyvesaat and
daughter of the late Frederick Schu
ehardt and Catherine Kemsen Schu
chardt, all of this city. Funeral ser?
vice? frill !"? held at St. Bartholo?
mew's Church. Madison av. and 44th
st.. on Monday, April 20, at 10 o'clock.
Interment St Buyshore. Long Island.
It is requested that no (lowers be sent.
WARREN Killed in action in North?
ern France on April 'JO, 1915, In his
29th year. Captain Trumbull Warren,
of Crie IS'h Highlanders, Toronto,
eldest son of Sarah Trumbull and the
?ate II. P. Warren, Toronto, and
fnsndson of Dorm?n T. Warren, New
urk City.
FOWLER, Edward, Seventh av. and
lldth st. Funeral notice later.
GARRISON, June, 1112 Finley av,
April 2.'!. Funeral to-morrow.
G RUF, Anihony, Columbus av. and
Broadway, .\prll 23. Funeral to-day.
HARTLEY, William, 335 We?t 3lth st.,
April 21. Funeral to-morrow.
JOHNSON, James, 21 East 8th st.,
April 24. Funeral to-morrow.
M< A HE, John, 470 ?East 187th at,
April 23. Funeral to-ilay.
PEGRasUf, George, 139 West 46th st,
April 23. Funeral to-dny.
QUIGLEY, John, 100 East 129th st.,
April 22.
RUTLEDGE, Winnifred, 241 West 23d
?? . April 23. Funeral to-day.
SHANNON, Pennis, 1137 Tinton av.,
April 23.
STIER. Philip, 203 Dyckman st,
April 24.
VOIGT, Henry, 1372 Prospect av., April
23. Funeral to day.
WALSH, William, 340 West 47th st,
April 23. Funeral to-morrow.
WATSON. Hugh. 4!? We?t 72d st., April
24. Funeral private.
CALVERT, Frank. 458 5lst st., April
24. Funeral to-day.
COLLINS, Margaret, 292 Myrtlo av.,
April 23. Funeral to-morrow.
GILLEN, Charle?. 478 14th st., April
23. Funeral to ?lay.
HOLLAND, Jephtha. 730 Ma?on st.,
April 24. Funeral notice later.
?HUNT, < larence, lyOA McPougal st,
April 23. Funeral to-day.
KENNY, George, ?'?9 Prince st., April
24. Funeral Wednesday.
M'LAIGHLIN, Adelaide, 121 Herriman
av., April 24. Funeral to-morrow.
RF.YNOI.PS, Sarah, 112 Macon st
April 23. Buneral private.
STELLE, Iaouise, April 24. Funeral to?
WIUTMORE, Lawrence, 89 Butler et
April 23. Funeral to-morrow.
WILSON. Ellen, 382 St. John's Place,
April 21. Funeral private.
THF. ?Snolll \\\ \ , , mftib_
X2Ja is? My Harlans T .:? ? j Z frill?.
?fllss.. Is) -i^; ?JJa ??JX???"?'*