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COURT CALENDARS Th. ?____? at IM? II??? I? etrtm ?" Mil ??t. C?i.i ?III b? riHtl I* tit eiOtr ?!???? FEDERAL, ??ilUO STATES DISTRICT COURT I OK AH?,I Ml V ' Jury CilMdir HOI i.ll J . Kn. -r. c.e. Past??? ?? I' t 'a , ?'.?,!?? DISTRICT COl'RT. Bii?a?-i?tev Cil??<lar UA?lM.|i II AM> I * * ' i . ? ? i -?.??> U ' I * l> ? ?A v I - - I - ? I \l?. 1. Itaala \-. w tVrniM ' '?'"> _ lUr- A R--t I-'- * * -?"?<?? ? ? ?? , , - i a ..-? .? u , rlppon |\\ .i' ' NTAH? ? I l'i >;u VlOTHtS ? Ai ? M'AI'. ?II? . .? i.?-tner ? II < 1 ? ? I ? M - K r?i'er?on - . . " I .? , r 4 . ' I * ? ? | . ?> ?0 ? ' ? * ' . ? ? h Il ? II H(l . Cil?nd?r MAM H J ? : ' A i',?-Tl?i?ri Bino A Ce A . ' Murtal IU Sun? m A i. Jarme > T Tl I , ,? i W, rthflmat \?' \\ ! a ' ? ?a '? tqultv Cil?n?J?r ? UA**n. J. " . - \i u YORK COUNTY. si .'fllMl COURT. AlfllaU D Milan?I ?t Da*irtme,nt BseaaS Aao.ll??? Term !.. ?-. ,,| Term ?Part I ?I . K.S. J . . ?ala?M?AH I .m am. a ? , - Wcngra? W? ?-at Hun ? w iiw, .? Wir.e^ke \ *, ?? H. Huich . . i'!?w'RR He l. n * E. IM 111 of Metro? Go abets. ? ?? (?a-a*. ? ? ...',. g A II. IB? v'*- *? tant ? , . . Knthtt.1 . ?: I - ' ? - I A' ? ' Rl.k.r. I - - 1 i \ . ?na? - ? . - , i. r - ? I ",e<!l<1 ? , S T " ' L In? R '.. Mil ? i ? ':???' M? h * l.-ei ?7ft ? ??? - MavtiV'l ?..yet - ' . . ! ??-? - I Bi net ' V - lei i'rmit - ?a-*.HT-T . ..?ter a- n M Siles M H 'HMff XsBtfM ?-. ?lui? Ti I ?.?? HR I'm 11-????! il a. Tra?1? ? ? MlirTfa) Mi i il l.rm-Pirt II 111 M,HI? K?. J. El Bl 4i Term?Part III (?1KGEB1CB J MOTIONM ? ? ?nun M . I a, kmiii f > 4 i i mu i> ? a ? ? - ? CALENDA ? 10 !' a. m. - a ' WetVVL ? .s il ? ? | \ T M' ?A??n I : ,.,'' 1--'? N *, '..**. > elfra?? ? ? arr.p a ? ' ? ? II K I .-ltai.k ( - R ' .Ml ' 'Imer . N T reimeiil tun ? . ? r ? . ? Kl,,, I \ i II II I lap'.i.ll ; ? .. , o , ,, fart IV l>?. ? ? ? Part VI ?A !ll ' ?.M |{ j | VII -Xl.WIU'Iti ?'?rt VIII RI \\i il Mil, : . Inal Irr??Part II ?IIIAHV J l'AT ? AI.? SI,AU Rti ?ei ? ?. i . j. ? ? trial Term?Ptrt III i KI.ANGEE J l>A*l . \ N v h> I ? -111.? I - \ u s 1 l!'?UII ? \ \ ? t it n ? i R 1 . I II T v . . s , ' - \l . ? - ?- 1 Wl'o I Un . ?i .'.>A'i N T Il R - -?? ?- M .as t N T i'i.i: j ?. ? * :;?? r . ' . Ter??. ?NT ? ? 'l.. ' N *l IV) Han i i It a ?? ? * ? I N Y . \ ?Uni. t_-_ r_.M-. tUgnea Trial T?r?,-e?rt VI 1 I I" IAI Cran? " " ?? , i ? i a n ii r. sai si ? lu? M I? '. N \ lit? >li 117.' S a .1?. I'.'i I Witt? , | i . , . , I ? . T ii?? l> ??.'??? ?a- ? . Trial Term ?Pirt VII I SSS Trial Term ?Part VIII IMlsM J LAY I Al.l.M'SK N \ i 1 It T Ha ???: rakj ? I isapbrll I Ullas ('o . ? ? ? ' 1 II|SF?| ' ? NTN-namui i? ".?? i . ?... Hi , l s s Trial T.rat-Pa-1 IX I "Ml' J It? an len.i M 1 .S I . -, . - , \ ? IMUI.IU'I I - '? IN ? ' ? Trial Tir-a-Pa-1 X ?."I ! . J ? ' .. ? ,. 1 I * i I Itlil-TCo ; I II i Rouai ('. ? On? ' t s? . l'ranforrl. Inr Isa ? ? I anaan Il ? ! 1 ? ! Trial Term?Part XI l M/.iK. J Trial Terns- l'a'. XII ?. ?uns, ? urn. Triai Terni-Part XIII ?. i , . ,am II'.. " ' . \Y I'lann I'? ll., i Im Art N'en -SI' Ni , .01 i.H . <. Bkl-ra Ht i -.11,1? ' 4 Trial Term?Part XIV Jtl (?KO. J l.\?4l 1 ?r. TV;???. Ml" 0 MAY ?AM M'All la?tr?v?" a?, ??rtitursn? I- . ta ' ? '.a-t I H' .? . )? Galll '- Su II ' 11? ' I a ?.-.?? ,. 1 ?? - ? ?? a?, ? II, -?r S ' II . lla.'I Bio l'xrn.-? ' Puhali i ?? . ' Trial Trriss?Part XV ? (?IIAI AV. 1 l'Ai l AI.K\I?AI( ? ? ? S M F to I N S I Dali llarrlmin Nall R? ? \ . i -. ' ? M i?U-?s I ? Sli.rrl- I? 1- I .... s ? l'a ? . ? t ' .1-1 ' t. rlIRTtR .-?ni Mffra s,, l'a ? K?U s s v i ????? lia lia?. ' Trial Trrm-Part XVI ?lin 1 i Ai M I. l'A. I AI.MM'A'I ?. i .s ' Rulan?! s I ? a ' ' ? Mil?. Il ?IN i l'tirlar |; i , Il ' - . II ?s. I, l I ? .' ' A ' ?> SI. Mr? ? ? l'aplei . , 4 ' 11 Trlasl Term-Pirl XVII HOVNEIXT, J. Tr il Trim?Pirt XVIII ?.?.'.? ??AN. .?. ?'Ai ? Al I M'All ? A T: S'awirt I 1 1M I ? -,! ? ? 4 i -. i IS ? .' ifari Das? ? .?.?a- jr I ikn ' ? lit-il IL ? s 1 ? BURROfiATI S' COURT CHAMBERS. ? ?IIIAI s*. ? SSII l.S I OR l'illlll ? - .? m Mit I ;? , . " -.lirai ctiarli \ ' ,11 r ?* Hi ? Trial Term I on M s \ ? A. ; i 0 ? ni. I ? I s <:?o-irr ' ' ?anuaro i CITY COURT. Speilil Term?Part I M'AVOT .1 .\ l'I l.lp? ?1 ? Mer'/ . Il M. Il tir 1 l'OllI I ' Ht . Il : AN I Mam. I i ? . ? i. ? IVrit l ? ? I M Ml I I ? , ,? ? ' l'I 11' "r: \M \ . Sperlal Te-m-Parl II 11 Trial Term?Part I ?SC1IMI Hirtmi ' . ' Il s. | ' ' . ? ? 'a , Rit M 'A . . |< Y ! -.' . . I Hlr. I ' . \,.i i In? i . . Y Ilyi : i. . M-?llln ,S ' Hill 1 I ? .'. ?? a - ? - ? IM? \? Mai 1 SMITH ' T ut Term?Part III 11?* i iiMMI Ri si 'S ' t > l.r, \\ , ? l-r: ? t . . -? Ans ? ? ? Doretuu. I ? . \s ?-h ? Part S Ca't V s Part VI Part VII ' ' ? ? Pari VIII .?!.'?? ?KII ' I ... ? lit I - It Y TI VII an?! VIII for REFfRt IS APP?' '. 'Ml COURT n? m visai ? Mai RECEIVER APPOINTED ? SUPRIM? ' , BRONX COl'NTY. SUFREMl ' ' Spe. lai 1er,i Is s SIlllInS? i I r. - otax ?a?. Iv i pt-4 I ' '..'A ????HillT Hli-rns. Wirelm??? I?,?. ,-? ? l>.,i,|.,iii,?,' Mi'n-r ..( H.,,1.? I i, Mir. ?0.1,.*i n \l?l<-k? llal.lea.l W M?'? ' ? llarrtaofi ., , . .rclal Ter* far Trial MUD. I S,l,'.,,:' iW?S' M T t nine Heal I ?? llty H I , lem?n Ip W i ,. il?. ? linar i . !.. ? - Waller Wa Trial Term HHAl?. J. !?] ,?.!?r COUNTY COURT. ?.fjerial Ter? ?nulls J M ... : et pane mik*t*a \Mll??\ ?M.INI,Alt *.\ ' \\ . Trial Term 11IBBR J - R T 'o M . Itanetl v re? 11 , . It Park Co MlHRO'.ATI N (01 PT (MAVBFRS SHIT.?*. n??N ? \t : M? \u ' ... ?...?- '.-I i ! ai, Delia ? i Un H ?l.l.s Foil CHOI ' I : i, 1 w.'.tman ; " ? All,? 1 ? Trial Term RPHI I / * , ? i*. ? i ?n.:, will..? l 0 ? ' ? ri n iviH appoint! n. fUPHt'ME COURT llllAI'Y ] ... I , \ |_s F Heim Il . KINGS COUNTY. S, PN(ME COURT. ?rr-H?'?- l)l?i?lan?2d Dept. Kr ?>? Su dal r-rm-Part I 111 \? h MAIL J Mul'l.ins |0 ? m i ? . , I i ' I . . \ .- ? ? n . i I H . | - i. , ?l \ . ll?!lr..,kC_R(_ Mar,ling M I ?? Mantiir.ja ? '.man -. M ? '.TatlCo la I M I,, \ nei tl : i ? \, : a I'mCo ? , It. I i ? -i K ina<ran ? - ,. . , ?AlJeSmaa I I ? ? !.. ? ? \\ | ?1 AN.ITV.Co IA11 II , I r. ?ran ?eff? ??? ito^neranta ?rail, i : r i i - \ i. I. Cum ' jhioT? "?--"inn '. . Mama i? Aille? tpicello ,1 | In i ? l| I- r -Part III?Trial? ?HANK. J. ? S ?*! l'mitera r , '?- ' l'a ?'u.lillldf ' - ,. rman I li dermaa Ml ? . ?erTorch i S Ka Hal I ?? ' i ? HUH TTMaQCona* * its et ?! ? ?>'-?"i H .?.us 1(11 ( S Y ' ir?! ?, I I Trial Tenr-Part I Mi I,Y J Part II JATCOX. Part II! I'.KXl "I, r : P.irt IV \ AN SICI.E.N I Part V I'UKK I Part VI? M ! 1'IH II J Part VII A8P1NAU . i ? . . ?;? , trtei to tlia I ? ?t 10 i. m. : 1! !( I . IV, .? I II H H I'Olim i i y. Il II II It ...lian A il.o II . ? Krankst ei P. Il K H i ? .'. ? obb . ' ?; ? in, ' I Marta. . i > Il KB I N ? III .. Il ? I A II R R | ? . , ... Il K 1 ' Il II H ? s *, a Kl*. lit N Y I ? H R a Ml . 4 Ki . * II. -I .' . ., i , o 1.1 .? I- Il 'I Ke*rrrt"o ?'?n?: I ':( Il I? ? Il ' ,. lira \ ludltori .. I ai i N ??, ?-. lata -? : ' ? i: Il 1(11 p., i: ? * i;? ? M h nah p, iijininriia I II II Kl. , PendaMan II . . ? . ?? 4 '?. . Kiel ' l ! ? - ? ? Aiiio ? -, *, ? '-?rf ? P.u - % T, ,p!iMi? l. Il T !???, nu? Asnn mi HT! ? ?11 Kl! ' '? ?'?--ut . I . N . i .? .?' 1 amaroff a fl ??URRO'.ATF t> COURT :.: r, IIAM. S \?. Il I.- A M ?',-? -? ? ? ?? ? ' ? ?. ?.? ? ? Matin ?> .... Raraaaat I : ?DMIXIS . Il .im\ ?il i ni \TI\<; IN EBTATE8. M m II, ni- 1 rRTA Wrn I ? ' D? . ! IIUll ' COUI-TY COURT Civil Calendar-Part IV I AV , i , ,' | p.rt Il Kl ? '?? '? l'an iv at 1(1 a m ? -vil . i ? i a n r I! '? Hll I ! ( Cn I RR ? * ? n n RK ' ??? QUEENS COUNTY. fcLPREMF COURT. Sp' la! Tel ,. t.. Triai? CAURI THON .1 . . . P iraal Kopl ?? ., in : K ;. '1 , 1 \ - I I - ?;???" ? x v m t Trl.l I-r ?? -.',r| | ? ? ? I.,,, ,, .?-.p. 1*1 R ? m . ? - ? . A , -, ? ? . , . A ?no ??KM . ? ' fjr a M ?: Co ? r- ? -, A in? i , I K t. ? , - . ? 1 r ? ?-. .. J v K.9SAV COI v H ? ? ? ' - . ? ? . . . U mat WEST? HESTER < Ol.NTY. SUPREME COIIBT P.rl I KEOflll J l'art M '?'Ml KIwS, (', a |'.?.'.l?|lr |lr?. . K.M. ' H?itir Su , ?I.,tl' I-?,user M AIIKIIll 11 mfi i . Rupprrl II. I Hum? Hex I?" 111? ' ? p K M,l,., i NS.MIsllKIl ?Ins rsuatsi ma. I ,rl to at "Uirr .1 ', MIAIir.R rV I.-i-i i I -??in-? Isratln? \i- ? Hmlth A ? ? irras-4 i .? i mi* n mi !??,., Wrtslsae I?.? markrif rr?'1v Krlls a. I, -, . ,|, al I.?o RlPfl.t A ' ? i . ? irSM i? l*t? to Car 8 (l?r . ri?,?ri?tt,|Tun 1 lluii' ?'I i ii r ..tue? Maine Maine? . Siala Itrll'? NY lAlllllll? |l ?ra>1la . I M ? I ' -.. a ,. Urrsfac Maiwrll I'rti st IS ? \\ ?IS? ? ? i |?r II? I . i . , -? i Trloa ??' hi,M sit Is* i? resei . t I ...skill l.lflil A II II ? ,? A 1.11 I? Du I Muknnaii ' ?. i'iiimi: r,., RT CAKU lull MM I' KM S.S.- I.irkln I I ' '? I"?l" . A Cal ?sM'ATIItltR K" ? ? k.i, rtuakl S?" krri R It IAI abla i I ..?i, . \ Y I ' I'll HI? ?I-I'r'a I ? Hill A'ltaO ??Il? |i,.|,ili,?i,,i llurr.rlt sa-,, ?I ??.hail Run, M s llalaral? i ->'<?? llr.? MAintn Kara? si. I ...sllHRIl I ? ililll H'ratl'l ir?-.T?l I A Co i u r ? . : I',, n R R I: ? ' ? I ? ? , nf N T I ' I 'till ? II., |:,la Weitrhaitrr I'? I ' ? ! SIcAlllaUr H ft ,-?.? 1?' Kail Batik of ffhlti Ml nalni Hamm ?ad ? - ?.?III ? Sim? Mini? ?. ? ?i?ni. i harHI? .svcAIIRlin lires i r,t? rltbt ? ?Cure? '.\..t <*? n I , \| I ..?.-?? , || ...a n M? T? li i ? -. i i nsKI I ilsrr?! S,.?i?< ?. 4. ?1st M It'- I'ool? kins ?,. Mas I . I - I* ( ni?- Rf , I S rill, cm M-.? . I . . I. Limit? ad A I ., ? ,; . rStltlll! R-rl'1 Ml i, Ni \\ '.;iii??iit ? ? ? ? A l? .,, III % s ?? s M ff i llr.i? ? ' 1'? lirliniy ir- ?VaatElRB ? 1>.? Man-.- Qlimt?dl 1'!.'.- 1U." . . i ?trarhla ' ? Mrll?? , ? ? ? 'lark rine Rrakra l'i'r. I \i . .\IIRRR GoMossil ' A Cal > ' ? llirrlas Kl RirSjor Patika Halt ,?? LlOfl l'.-rasr.r? - ? Ilf.lf SY? r Pl 1 II U m ,ir 1., i.. -? Il R KiKlts Iftlnn II. ??' *?' T IM . || . ? 111 !? :*.! I"'?. A??. Ino II ?, -?? \ ... g ? . ??- si M ilr? .. .-nord San ? .i i .?niTRR i. " MCATTRP.R ? -?."iik ? NYwsnRR ' - . Y. AIIRRaR ? .'"ATTR ? s ; -M,-?!? Yung ??8 Hi ! ?? ? -, ? AHRRR ll.rCn SUPREMF COURT l'l i ISIIINS Ii. HDRMi II M RI I I y r ? , . . ?. " ? ? ? -et a?I1? TI.l.-ts ' '"' s -rra?Kail. v ,.,. ? , ?.?'n r.-i'is - ? i co. v ?. : ? a ' - . - Il M ???Ml I , . . . i | *t al. Prink r. ,, C ?'? "??'?T ' ,. ma ??' ' M li.MI'KIN-4 I ? . ? : , Chir'?? Pim-rin?? ?? ? COUNTY COURT PI.ATT J. \r ., , ' . a ln?-r?m S M .A M IM COUNTY COURT IIITT I y .... ? I a, ? Ml ? ? PUBLIC UTILITY NOTES General News and Earnings of Various Corporations. An ahstracted trans?a! on of ?he offi? cial annual report of 'he Grosse Rer lin-r Straascnbahn (the surface rail? way system ?if Berlin . for the calendar year 1914, ha? been issued by "The ? Railway Journal." The report - that earnings and traffic in the f month? of 1914 were adversely r and al 10 : and omnibus c. : Iff this reduction in rever s, i ctoi at r? compel ''I to reduce dividends from H per cen? in 1913 to 6 pel eenl in 1911 on a capitalization "f $26,020,1 I.M1- transporta tloii fur tue \ fa t ? '.'J-1. l.lni.fill in 1918. Dm I the company g 1 .'ii:: . -. ? I56.300. H pi rat in g , per eenl in 1913 to 61.37. The compan) ha ? d the wages ?if emplo; ea pend ettlemenl ol the war, and in case of those at the (; <".t ? ho 1. 11 a monthly dis ? made to rife, with an additional $1.25 for <?-' i ?-. .n yean of age. han? Gaa and Electric. r.. ', md Elect i e <'om of the \ ? Powei and Light Company. i .M"?: ts gi . ' evenue of $129,011 for March, 20 per cen? gn I than ?n the sum?1 month of last year. Chargei I.peral on and taise? in ITS to $81,492, lea? ing net nuniiu-s of ?it..",i;i. ai fter interest requirements was $33,002, a ijain of $13,567, equal to an increase of 70 per cent. In the twelve m< 1 ssith March gross income waa H.'Jt t.?iij, an increase of 16 per cent, and net revenue after exp? i ? twed s gam Of '?] )..'! Commonwealth 1'osscr, Railway and Light ? ni of 'he Common? wealth Power, Railway and Light Com? pany -., with intercompany ? ,128,211, an im r< ase of .42 per as compared with that month a Bg ', Bl d .'.- - i n< i ted ? ' $592,1 58, a ? ?he i ' -,, |go,? . md the . .ementa an 1 divioVtidi ?mi the common ?bars **''?'?'? " det ???? i ? . cent IM HI I? Noll? E8. ?.-.NT OF pi m STATE \ ! ? and thai - will (<? cp?n (o l noon of Mass River cai .' Jm.a ? * - a . - I i .-. ? c ? rj' - ... ' 1 - ? ?> ? . I . a ?? ? a . ? . * ?? ? anal I ? - - ?Ulf, S\ v. S-1-; tei .-.. si I'ui .. \s. ?j. SUMMONS. Mw voi.K aeran? corRT i*p*L*|0,-J?! n,. N.? \ ,n Rarlufi H???. ''lain?!*. aaaln?! John A Angef l l? w ?< km "?"??* <"" ,."??? ti ?inkuown t., plaintiff, im? ?I? I? h?!?"?!?! t, ?i?- otiler appoint!'<? '"'? TM*???? ?"? !;*" ' ,', " ?,,, i. i I? M'ildM"l, Tl.iiiii.? R Van Urn RaanMl R"?i?i I. a? tci.irr? in bai v knar. Ellaabettl Anger; I'""', ? Beetle Kl-li man . Sarah Selrt/k. . Hi? J "'? He Bank ?J* n. ?? ,,rk ? It v t???ld ?Hi?"?, ??U ? l?.l. .?? m I ? ?;," gSSM et Oriental K.?ta,iran?. an.J llarn '-.i'- i do!* lmali__ ?n -i-r ? ?? ?ame ?;' h.if.n p lief end? ' nuot? Uaf* ? >? - ?' 111.1 s?|,|, , mei.ial Milnn;nn? . ?i? ttw ab-* namd iMr.,,1.???? **??<? ?" ,?"' ' ,1 t? ?r??rr tlie ara<*inl??l romp?an" '" " * action, ami In ??,.. a oofrf et rmu aimwetm M Plalnlir? iit.r-i.i w*Mn !???" * ?*???. .*"?', ,'" terrlet at thi? laaMOBs. ??"?-???? " l**2? . ?,,i,, and .- "' >'"" '??'"'?? '" ?it*-?*- ," Lilimml ?HI he leben ?*?'?>' '?V ,y ',' faul? for II- relief .IrOamM In ?!>.- .inc?.l'-.l ? ? plain! Trial . ?? i r. 1 I ' . . v " ? " H.I..I Se?, Vork. r?*ru?n I" I III JUIN A M TT..N. Pl.l.'l?*'? A'..,,., v. fim.- _ ? IHR. Ad?lr??i. ?0 Mebto.? !??'??? Uotemgm .f T,' i''".??' I ' il-t Th? '''""? * ? ?'?['('"ni-iital . : ' :,. .er,.,i..,.?.. v," -** v"1;'':'.:.1' re ?ni m ?i. nr.let ol II ' Edward J ?la?e?an, a Ju< tie* i.f the RuprriM ." "' "'" H:*1'' '.' ?'", Y",'V la'rd tl- HU? ???'? ?' "?' ?? ?II. ";'J ?'"J. ""' i. ,,, ?l.i r UM om.*J at UM <>rk ?i* UM ... 0MU1 U?u,. in " ' *' ' ' ' ' .. ... .ft.? Datad. Kern York Ma? ? h It, Itll JOHN A I'l TT?iN. Plalnlir? A" ? n. Ogmte and M oft?.. A.Mr.?. -. Maid?? L?.M. I? ?!? ?ifl? "' Uanhattan, ?in ? ' Si ? lork. SURROGATE'S NOTICE. SMITH, EMMA la?C'1-K if* ';r,'tSI|.' I, . . of an ord?l "f Honorable John I Cohalnn. a Surrogat? ol Ik? Connty of ? . . ?fork, n? II? ?' Is li.-rel.v Hi-?*? to .'11 ? hi?, Inn claim? ?(ainsi I.?'"" ' ? Bmltl late "f lb? Com '? of N?w ror? de, ?a?ed. "- preaeni th? ?am? with ?ou, h??? Ihereof '" the ?uhm-rlher?. at th'tr g , unta???, ?I the """'" : ?fit? h, Moll ?*? ? ?i I. ?No. II , -..-..r-t. in II ? Hor-'iKl, ?'f Manhal :v ..f v.? York, on or before tho . of ?tiiiri?? m it .??.?. ... tho l?th (ley of Feb ' ' CHARLES KOTT SMITH. ASHBEL P. PIT* H. I Kxcr-utnre AS'I IU.r. P. PITCH, MOTT .'. GRANT. .,., x? for i:.- otora, J ' Nn???" air? n Borough <>f Manhattan. N? ? ? ._ HOLDEN, GEORGE H ?IN PURSUANCE 0f Honorable Bob?rt Lu?llow ? k Surrogat? "f th? County of tt.m SOTICK I? her-hy ??lveii to nil p hmiiiK ? lalmi ?falnat Ueo ?,?? il H lite of th? Cotii t ,'f (*??* ? ? t,, presitit tie- ?h:ii?? with \,,u, h<*r?i th?r?of la ? : ?? Bubacrl_?r, at ,'e principal pi?.'-** nf luainsu, No. ?? William 8tr?et. Morouah of Manhattan, it, Th? Crltj of N.? rork. on or b?for? tim Mta -Uy of April n??l _ , [rated. New Tori'., th? 2\et day of Orto 1 -M Till; FARMER? LOAN ANO TltfST COMPANY, !:.'?? utor. OEtalaER. not -Tun ? KORAN, At tornara t> r Baei ut-ir. II Kx' Inline riarei. N?w York. N Y IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OP HON on,','? John P. Cohalan. a ?he Co hereby fl ,-en lo ?? I purKiiii hi - '?:.-f \. Heye, lata ? f lh? Co inty ? . ,,? y . ? un? wlih - ?,, >t,? auhnci tu ra at I ??-..?. at I ha ? . . ?? rough "( Manhattan, City * - rork, mi or before tii? 27th ?: <?? "f Repten Dated, Ne* fork, the su? day of March. ?: n , i.i ?' ? ?ROE '?. H BYE, mora P KING8BURT" CURTI8. Attoi ? ? I--' utora .; i H ' N.-.-. Y'.rk City, ARMSTRONG, JOHN H.- IN PURSU? en Lu?Ilow i Surrogate of th? ' 'ounty .,f Now Y.,rk. nolle? I? hereby given to all par? lona li. igatnat J hn II. Arm of 1 lunty of \'-u Yoik. ? f to I ...;:>? r. at It? I No --' NN'i III ?rn Street, H.iKh of Manhattan, In the City ? ?r Sam fork, ?,', Of befor? th? lOtk ?Ja/ ol .,\t. P ted, N-,?r York, the 3'.th day of De '??11 THE FARMERS' UlA.V AND TRC8T COMPANY. I?x, , utor. LER, ROI STON A- HORAN, Ah,.: neya itor, :? exchange Pia? ?, Ne? York N V. IN PURSUANCE OP AN ORDER OF P. C? >.ri'.*rt. ., Surrogat? ' '"iir.t; ,,f \>'\?. York. N, , I |l to i peraoi :?,?, hard R, \ ei non i ,., pre? nt im? with voucher? thereof ? ? _.- bui Im aa, Broadway, In tha Borough of Man? hattan, In tha Cll >.. foi a th? f O? lober i ? I .'?? v. York, tha Ir?J day of April, in: UNI? ?N TRU8T COMPANY < '!?' NEW TORE Exei utor MILLER, KING, LANE .t TRAF1 ' ?r i?\^.- ;..r. .?i n,,,.. .? ? -T, n _i Cil IN PI RSl'ANCE OF AN ORDER ?IF lion.., a ble Johi I' Coha ., ? , iv ? ? .. Im ,,f I her? I l..'r-of to th? ? : ?I ? - ' ? t ; I ? i,;. un ..i before it? da) of Auguai next Hal d '??? ? fork, tba I9ih da) of Janu? lais. ???'? **.* v. I?'i; I.KSHAM. BDM ARD J. IIANCY, itora. ?I'.am A- T.ift Atlorneya f,,r B?e, -it,,ra ?ttan ' ? | lian, a a of th? ot New fort? Not! ?? la her? ,. riven , I, ? late of t . , ? mi . , : New .'.?o? th? ? '?..'? . No, i ? .n?'.? Vork . he. I- ? . ' -ate.1. Ntw ?ork lh? Id da a .niher, UK .!"N.\ ril W DVi IGHT JR i DE laAi'NEL HERIER DE I.A'.NKI. HERIER Atl rnev for E?> e itor?, ; Broadway, liui-uk-ti ,.f Man N'*\. Vork ' IN PI RSL'ANCE OF AN ORDER ?OF lh . Fowler, u i-urro?-;,'? ? of the ? ? of New 1 hnv ? ? ? -' " ? ? '. ?'arleton. late of ! ??*'lt '. ,,.',. ' No 141 ., t?? lilt Bn ?\DFORD Hi Tl IR BPRAG1 K CARLI i ? ' t ry for I ?. .i v ? n Y |v; '' v ' ? r of Hon John P ? ? i n -? t,ni !?? ? : Of New i ail WILLIAM .? , DAVIS l: tall ... . ,., , . .. , |tj - '.J. * '.:RAi I) 1- TIP v I-r-TTH A TBOMSO' A . . '. ? I -a. ? '.. . a ? : ' ? - V ? BARKER All ' M ? > "F an ??Krir.ii or n.,v,,,, APIl HALAN a a . *? ?Tl? , -, . . .? - . ? - ? ? ?a L- ~ N- ? a uayhiu;..' S : _... . ? - rataa. U .'-iaiaa .?-..-ett. >te T-rk fit/. SIKROI.ATKS NOTICE. ,Mi.i,i? OBRTRIIDB ; In P?'; llrna'lssav. niruuiii "? ???-?--- ... . Y,,rk City, ?-n "? 1,-r-i? ?Ii? UHU "m* *? Juni- tiesl .?,,1 fit? Datad New Tarif, i"*?";' ;'l, v"1' ' '*' OEOHC.K If ?MflBT. w ?l MASTER MILL.". Temporary S.AmMttrt\totf MILLER. KINO I 1 ?K I TR-AFI Atternera fot Temporary l??i?'n%?'2r? m n.... Borougb "f Manhattan Y.? I, Cl'v RHINKI.ANDER. I.??.RA V In pu? of ?n ariat at Hon John P ,'-''' Kurroarat? rsf lb? County of l*e? for? , . ,11 ,,-?: ,,?? bavins i ra V Rhlntlan lei let? o| ????. ',. tii. ?Hin.-, ssitii -rosschera thertsof. i" (h* -"?? i.?? "t i'iin?ii?'liK- bu?; ,???, nr th- "'"- of N""lt * '?tas, " J? S?r.-t. In th- ? York, on or bSfl IS tins l?t ?lav ??! A'tK'.st i ? ?' a , _,, Dated, s*?? rot*. tf>? 21 at d.ty of ?'?"?u n,/' Wl CHARtaBS i: RHINBLANDMI?. HERMAN I.KROI BDOAR, i ;.?'.itora \,i?h a Jamao, A"?.it.. ?. ? for !?:??" lUtOfe, II Wall ?Mr. ." York ?'.'V IN P?RS? ANCB <'?-' AN ORDER "I" Honorable John P s'ol . ? ? of the Count) "f New roi - ""'?? - by ?t I ven '" all 1'.'?: ' '?"'", ? Marie l?'>? ? ,*!M ,i. Marls i n *?? ??"??*.? Keiiin. of ? ^',rl<' ''??? ,?.,?.,i to praawnt thi am? with soucis ,.IH thareol to ih? ?ubi cribar, ?t hit , t transa? tl? S ' ????"" "r ?! ''" ,"'"' ".' ttorner. Colerl Is? ??, "?';'? B?J ? ,-*"? wau Street. Borough of M i . t I ? f.?r? ts? -'3.1 da) of Be] "? .. . . . Dated N'.ss Y..rk. tlm 11'h d?v of '" '?'-'n IRLES K rfARMAN, Bssfeutor. , , n i i i|,.;i: s H MIT. sitorn?) foi ? ? ?i. ? Manhattai ? ' ? ' ' " in i-i n r.\'4?i. "' ?*? ' 'HI'' Ho m ... NOTICE i? , ?n to all persons ha? Ina ? f ',:** ? ? ? ? ? rortt, .......! t ? ; ? th? ?an ?? with vouch? ? . n th? li.-roiiRh '-f Manl ?Man, In tl ?? I of N? ' rk. on ,-.? th- ninth day of October neat. m New Y '.rk. Um 1818 UNION TRUST COMPAN1 OF SEW TORE MILLER, KING, LANE A TRAFFORD, : ? r.s". utor, ? I ! ...h of Man! ' ? Nets ? di M M sill ? - Ml I i -? 1" .,?,.-. f lohn P intj of To ' '?? all ' ll.irrm' .1. ? ? -ountj "f \s M.i --,,-.. of Co placet of trai ? .,?...'.. ! Id -? I? ? r? rk. <?n f Kepi ? ? 1915 [Saud.: th day of M im -'.ti i/AN HI ' v. .1.1.1.-' |. VAN BRU.Vl, T. A. i Alton fci A (In -' rator?, '" I' A., l ? . York BTU.?.MA.V CHARLOTTE.?IN PURSU ? Of ?'M "MM 1 Of H? M I . ? uf i':?. County ,,f New fork, no? ? |lv?n to k.: i it ? ?i?. ??{ ti - fork, ? ? | ?. . ? ? ? r.-i thereof '?. th? "ill ? of Haro Uro .,r Manhattai . i "It , "f New York, th. ..f ti . ? ? ; - h day of ' . Dated. N > -tli day of Jan? .;, ORUE '? Ml 1.1,ER, TITLE GUARANTEE AND TRI BT COM PANY. ii,,is. HARl ll -\t-..; i ? u'ni... <:?; B , ' , ? Y'o . ? ? H' >!.l..s*.?.i.l'. JOSEPH I. Ir. | i.n oi lei . r H . hn i- '? i Su of the C'< ? of \.".v for . i. tl. ? I? ?.in? ? ? M ?eph I Irl of 'he ?'..iiiM y i,l Sew ? ? im s. m, voucher? thereof, ? I ft nt id.- ???!. ??? ..' r N.? JJU ? Mr i';'i rsf X? . York, on or ' 1 ."-. w York, the I2th i ? '. Novara b?r, 181-1 LAWRENCE I' FRANK. EI k ; a It 11 i RACHEL II' l.l. INDE!! I a ? niton i ' s GORDON, '.? Execis? loi -. : y ? IN PI RSUAN'CE ' M' AN ORDER ?-I-* ? .,f ri??? ' ? I M . ' : of ? r i ? ?'? lay ol April THE K VRMERS' I." VN ANT) . I ??hl.IM.IM Rl ilaSTON .v HORAN ?ttl -- *. V IN PURSUANCE OF .? n ORDER OF Mom ? . ? ? persons hi time :?t. Of ti.r> ,.f '?? ",s ', ..t k, ?!? ' .. -? il, t.. | - . ? If? Of I at ?h? ? "..,!??! t .1 l*. * N, ??? ou ?>r before th? ?!6tb day >?f July ? Dated *?'? s Torlt, the 18th ?luv of Jan? uar). , I.IZZIE VAN BOSKERCK. I CHARLES r NORTH - ROBERT .1. F"\ Attorn? foi ? . 31 .*? ? , .. i ? ? IN PURSl'ANCE ?ir aV.N ORDER ?i|. ' ? ?? ?? ' i .'. Y ???... nol M i li and, ?ai? ,,- ? . ??i. to pre? sent ii ' is, No. .., Broad Street, In Tl i it ? I March. W Yf?RK TRI SI Rorousl of Ma AlaTRO CHI, l-Ai uursuai o' - ? Ml ? t. Kin a Traft n -. . ' ? " ' ' i M'lA I ? .. ,'r!.?c, ? 'IAI-.I ES S DAIttalN'GTu . Alts. I i IS? I I Y'.rk ? I?, |-A.\.\j 1IA1IKT A C4JBDO.N. A-r t? I ? , ?. ?IV a- , ? l ' * ? ' ' ? ' . i ; ! I rk. ou I'liisl. Nr? I ... k_ >.H KI4T? -. .?T? .? mh"* lafSTTIK 1 'MIS,,Y [.,.,,.,_ Aiui'.w-Mir.i a n n- A ' ? ^tm^i^'TAm^^^LZXimm^ SURROGATE?! NOTICE. 1.*. I'?'P-,1 AN?i; ?F UN ?RD?ROF orabl? John P Cohalan, - Bttrrog .(,. , . , . ,,t ROW York, notl'e H I ,:,.?.,, ?? ,,ii paraona ,,?-u<k elaliaa a A.liim? lliv'l?. I?'? "' ">* ' .I. h""'" rlth vou? hera tli-reof to th? acribara al Iholr p'*"'' ">* ?'nnaanirig n???. ?t IM OfHc? "f K-nn'-H? Il ?uad, No 7i Broadway, in th? ' N?W York, ?o, or ??fore the lot '1 November nest . Datad, No? York. th<> llth ?lav "t RBIRl ADAM* Hi.Y i H. I PRED HALSTE* I? WILLIAM II CAREY Kxer-i|t : III II H ?.LSTKAD, Adorne Ka? eutor-*, 7i Broad ray, Moron? Manhattan, Nj w Yoik City FLl'HSCHBIM. HERMANN A IN . of a ordor of Hnnoratil? P Cohalan, ? Surrogat? of th? Com Now York, nolle? i? b??*oby given i Ing ' lalmg ?atalr,?! If'rma F o, s, h?ln lat? of lb? ? 'ounl ? of Y,,rk da ?aaed, t?i iire?*nt th? ?am?. .i? thereof, t., the ?obocrlbar thell Ol.f ' '.? ?>??.?? I Irir* hualnea?. ? R?|, n rv B*y?r. th?' lorneya, No, m Broadway, m ?he CI New York on or b?fore th? 27th d :-?, pti n i ?r noxl . ., 1 N?W York, the llth day of ?I FU INKLIN HIM?-*:. BERNARD FLURSCHSIM. ?Xgocut? BTRAI ?38, REICH * ?30TER, ?ttorneya for Ksen utor?, II Bra idway, Borough of Kaahi New York City ;-. ,M |. I *,-.? E OF r\ N ORDER Honorable John P. Cohalan, a Surr' Count of N. i York, not 1? given to ail peraona having e ?t Waller, late of tha Cl , ,, , . , ! to preaent ?ame with voucher? thera-rf to ?he -.. at their x>'*'f Of trar.?.arttr.K ? ... offl< n ._ BtVwart A Shearer, t. Wall Btreat, ffhrouit?! of Mai ttta T| e City of '?'?*"? York, on or before _i?' dai of ?SapUmlx r ? ? I Nh.v York, the 12th da' . i:\lll.Y STEWART WALLER, i STEWART WALLER and I ;i". MM? '.'.' BHKLDON, J WART A- SHEARER. at">Tn?*>? foi i:??- atora, ?I Wall Bt-??l Manhattan. Now York. MH III:!..' v. 11.Hi; I.M INK IN PU1 of Honorabl? Joh . ? , ., a Bui rog it? if th? ? ' >unty "f York, notlC? I? h?-r,-hy glv?n to all ? againal Wllhol .. ?? ..f s.ti \ ? i to preeani lh? aama with ?ro ? to th? suharr -i, al Ita i ; bualneaa, No 14'? Broad it tan, ir. The ?'It] for] on or before the 20th ?la . , ? Dated Naw York, the 17th day of A 191:.. i.CARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF NBW YORK, Kxerutr PRANK M PATTERSON, Attorney i.?... mor. If Liberty Street, New 1 DE R VIMBOUVILLE, El auanci of an order of tha Honor - !? ? . i Surrogate of I i notlr-e la herab , ? ' Eugen? i- m?, lat? of tl a City of l'< .: ??, pi1 ? ' l ? -.., ichei a lh?i ? of to the - ; th?, o ; -, Maddoi No ?2 William St (Manhattan), In the city of New I Id day of ?>' ' Yoik. the l'j'h day ?if A] 1 .. ! '.. CARRIE H. DE RAIMBOUVILLE. Ex? - itrl I [.<.**> ' MADDOX. Attorney? for K: ut rli n .'-?-? et, IN PURSUANCE OP AN ORDER ii ?ral ' lohn P, Cohalan, a Burro?, of the County of N?w York, aotlea ; on? having cla l( Holm? .ate of ,f New York, de eaaad, to pre. th ?. ouche? ? tl er?of to it hi? i a of I of hla attorn . ? : . No. 104 Broadway, I ' Manhattan, In Th? i on ?>r t? fore the 16th day of t. tu at. Dated. Naw York, the 9'h day of Mai im. ED** IN <? HALL, Executoi MERRILL A ROGERS, Attorney? for No 10 i Bi oad ? ay, Manhatt New York City _ '-. pt'l SI ANC? i ?F AN ORDER ' ilan, a Burrog of th? County "f New York, a I? hereby given to nil per? .' ayton Iv-?. i of th? County of New York, daceaaed Il h vouchera th?r"of ? i ? 52 Wlllla I Borough of Manhattan, in Th? City New y. ?for? tha llth ?liy October, nest. Dated, New York th? 13th day of Ap WALTER K MATNARD, CHARLES HOLT, ? of Hie ..state ? ?.N PI RSUANCE OP AN ORDER ? Honorabl, ,|o..n I*. Cohalan, ., f Ni r? nottco la ha to all pel ? m.- !..i\ lng clai :jte of : f New 1 ?., led, to pre?. ? ?.? ' acribar, ..' i. ? pla ? i f r..1.-.' 'i:.(r bualn? flee of Everett, ?'l-irk?* Benedl ? ?'-?et. In t '' tv of New York, on or before the 1C day of Beptember n< xt. Dat'-d, NOW Y>rk. lb? Cnd day of liar HENRY W. RAYMOND, Kx?. u'or. LARKE A BENEDICT. Att ?rne) i for Ex? " " .,:! st.. N? .?? York ? t BILAS f la purauanc? of order of th? Hon Robert Ludlow Pow ? ., ? ' th? County of n. notl i i? i a to ?II |,?r?o h.-,\ i- | | ? of th? :? ? ? . ? h m 'i her? therei ( ? acrtber ?I Ita poo ? of trun?a I - of ?aid d< -? Han i S ra ? 17? Bn adavay, Bo in. New '.ork Clfjr. on 1915 October It. lin AND TRUST COJ I?A NY 1 > ? HAROLD SWAIN, Attorney for Executi ?? " Address: 171 Bl i, New York City ELLIS, BAR >ll M IN PURSUANCE ? i a John I' ' n ?gata of tha ? 'ounty of N? ? notl, ? ? _ to all ?pera ? if N? a, York, deceased, to pr? with ?OU? t.. r? ? hereof | al hi? pla ? f tra ' I ombly ?.?r,-.-'. Bor? of New York. oi. or b< ... , ?ctober n l ' ,?? i. Now V.ik. the llth day ? ' : ? WILBUR !>,v"\- ELLI8, ??:?.. PI : \KV. TW? ?MBLY i IT rNEY, \t torne? ' ? itor, > Reel ? KKK. T?RI \ IN PI RSUANC1 ,.f - . oi der of Ho of the Co ty of New Toril NOTIC , ran to _n perwn gainai r. -? ?a -,\ ?riielte ? the ? ounty of N?w York, d? to pr? the??a a th vouch?ra pla. ? of tr.i ltl , it th? " a f j N., |" Mb rty .?<tr?et. Horoni?h o ' ?York, I n or befor, aw fork, lh? 15(h day of Jiao u;.r> in,sink PEYSER, Administratrix. ' ?' for '..1,,,'n art) Btreet, ?..rouxli ol IN IM RSUANCE OP \N ORDER Ol Honorable John P Cohalan ., . of th? Mi .*? fork, n ?Il p i ma i.. Caulfleld, lat? of ??: N? .. foi k. decea I ra thereof to tho ?' i " of tram.. tin - bual . William street, m Th? Cli I ?rli ... ..r befor? th- Uth ? fork, the 9th day of March, THE FARMERS ?LOAN AND 1 IM ?T ?<>MPANY, A |m . ? ...,,,,. ? DI 'KI.N80N. MAHT I.- -IN PURSUANCE "f H?n Robert Ludlow ? . a Surrogat? of th? ?ounty of Nv? Vork, ? areb? given t., .|? p. .' ? against Mary L Dlcl , of N i% Y aama ?? Ith m,x?. her? i ai I ?, ,. of -?? ?ntrai )'?,k South, in ui, ?ttan, City of Ne* York H ?J.?> of Jui\ i9ii ?? Yoik. tna .'41 h ..?y ?f' i._. comb? r. i'.l 4 ' Ul u,! CHRISTIANA BOND Executrix -' AN? I ?'!? AN ORDKR ,.f IIOaVOIURLg ' x. at h't?Ve - ?'? h?r ati??? I i .... . ."' " ' .\.i,1'" ' ''"^l^i?l'?A?i?'^JC" leOBD HAY A I.Ht!, A" r * .,!r t, ' ./}' {. C?S ?**? tuet MaiKwaa. ? ,t> "J/ \** Hi 1? IIINBON. Ltd i: ;\ y em, ..... ,,_ ? ?'?? < H, John I* .Y,ha. . ? ,K '" I Naw Toi . " * lk>:i*LKl? f, lui.?,,ii uni. '* raaoEaicra t__vo_ hui *,.?. 5**-_!o? 1 m a ttan B^_?tf__&2Hsl HIKE! I.OSI HE SALES. IUFREMB COURT, COUNT v ,,,, . . Yol'K Th Kqultabl l.f. .' *??"*" l? ?.f tha I . M..S Bt ... p|?,*r'"* ??slnat Annie Gold?t?tn, ?.'?>?? ,? '??"''?*. ? s Aiinl? KoH'Tibauin, ?? AcUosi ' '"?"'?? In puri'ian'?. of B '?? M - closure? ?i,-I ral?. duly n '" <?"? *?'?????? -.-"? ? m ?nri u*r;2 ?late, the? .'4th Say ',f Mar h n , , ? iin.leralarie-d. ?h?, r?f?r-. in -. Htreet. ,r, tb? B ..?ti ,.r Mai named, win -tali at publl? ? . ? Kxchanf? Bal?aroon t ?. v..!** r,f New Y'.rk. on tl? I'll., at I? ... lork .. 1 ' directed by ..mi Juda th? r?lo ?le?, r '.?m '? *M AI.L tli?' ??? , land, wlili tli?'. . er. ? in Hi" Borouah ? ' ' - ... , 8 ??**?' v'-ri?. 1" ' ?? ' ', ? < I>,-.- ? BBGINNI.' O al a | ly ?l?l? r.f Sixty nt.r -? hundred and ?? ? ?. fri.rn * of th?. Souther y ? with (li-s i . 1.1' ... ? with West 11 Bv? it.? i,. ' h? ? (lien?. .... a l/ie |,|?,.-k twenty-l ? parr, of tha .It?' .- . on ? a ? ? eri> Bid? 'if u ? ? ? \V?Ht*rlv al?,riK tin tlr?' Sir? el ???.. r ?-, Bv? ' place ..f i ?* ?, ... conditions lontali It, tha office ;t " ' . of New Y'.rk it, | ? aa the samt ?trun * and tog rl/?l t.?. vail a-rre. Convoya i. ? ?. pas ? ?n aa.? Date 5th. IIH ARNON I a<.... ALEXANDER i ? I- ?Intiff ? m 181 Broad? The ' en to b? sold: li i West 81st 81 ' ?V-?? |rr,1 Avenu?. II Tha ?ppr'.i'r?-i?t? imaiint - - .. rlmr??. to satlst r ? : ind 'l ??- - 1 13 100 Dollar?, s?M'h 1: ? th? ? oats ar .1 t ? I -. . :-.-. list? r?i.'a, tosrether sal''. Th? ;?ppr' ? tux?-?. the purchaser out of 0"- pel-! I > ti.? I. (?r ?<?' Dat? ' * I *.. IN I ' - .-?i PREM Tori < arml ?? H ? si in i irsus r ? ? ? r an^ sale, duly n ? a'r.ov? entitled is? tton I Kid ?lay of VI ? of - rder f i ... a . l. the un !? ? ? m?r.' at pu 14 to 18 V? ? ' r.n its? 27th nrv.n on ? . - ? AH thorns certals Inn 1. with th? l ? ... ' th.> Boroilgh of Ma New York, It I York ? ' I?"K - Street running il - ? fa.?r atnl * ? ' - ? ' ? to t ui.,1 I ?" ? point or | - ? I: ?:..' -... ? " ' ' N?w Y-Mi April " 1111 A N Dl - ! ?ES ELT .'- i" ' Plaintiff : The : y ? - to b? ?Old. It? _ * pr.-i. ? ? ? ' . 114, t< r? h? r ??? - ? - ? . I ; ' - ? tn i.?M. paid . Dan i N? AN Dl M si i-n.-Mi: coi ut, roi stt "? nu? Al II? E. H 1" a . Si, ?ks li'li Util'? lu i arausn ? of a lU'Ii ' ' ?aie. du ? M. Il ? ? a . sell at psi ? No. 14-18 Vt-aey rit i La ?(an, > \ A "?.-i I'll I' DAY. Au l ? ? s - ? . ?rl-li m? inn. ii',? mi i irai . . hat't:. ' ? N, - l a ? H ' .s,,. 487, on tha Lau I Ml Thlnarniti - ? ? - - s? s ' :. irllirr'.y i?r?... ?. s ? .'r.-.l ai, 1 m. ? ? s s - ? . ? ' . L New Yo? ? M.I'N OKI , t ah?. scHi \\r. ri nu?" n s ?l .'!?./, I. ' ?*" ' "* N V .? ?. Tha ' . a dlSain ' "' .. ? n . . ' " Htrstst : :? Tlnr ?? T ? ?:, ' t lia as ' a | 1? < * I 01 ? ' ? i I .'. tl ' ' ? ? ... ( Il VM.K ?)K N ?MI? NI ,i [CE 18 HERI I<< laINTRi "S?? ?v ?? Y 1.1 ING C? IMP ?NY. IN?*, * ' " and Bta? ' ' ? *? Bupn at ,t sj.i..: Term Pan i ? h-i,i m ai.,i for 1 at Hi? Count) ounh of M? County o- New f M . nil. at ! , dl I? i ...un?.?! ran he heai ? I -oral INC Dated. New Y"i LINTRIS88 .n ?? TLFssRU ! " ? ? ?tPANY, IN? , . WlialalAM MATTII S\ ??IcaPr-** ?*?????*