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GUARANTEE Your M->ney ?Back If You Want It *--??- EditorsssJ Pat?, Fsrst CoImisbii. 3to lorie ?ributtf First to Last?the Truth: News - Editorials ? Advertisements WEATHER If-lIB TO l?AV IMB TO MORROW; UKIMIII WIMis >??la?rtl?s'? I r-mtirratur??: lllgli .-.: t.nor, ?7. full r-iinrt on Paga 11. V,,l. l.\\V....\n, 2^099, I? ?.|.?rlglil. I HI-? M? The Tribuna A.??., lull.?n TUESDAY, APRIL ?17, li?l.">. 8> ? PRICE ONE ( ' I?' V T ln ' l,T "' Nr" ' "rk' fSSmtmSt. Smtmty ?'ISr nnil If!?? 1- tuPi I I I ?I Will 1(1, riVO CENTH. ^^^^ ROOSEVELT ANNOYED AS LETTERS REVEAL DISLIKE OF HUGHES Didn't Want Him, but Thought He Must Be Nominated. COLONEL SURE PLATT WAS O.K. Can't Remember Whether He Filled Any Office Without Senator's Aid. WITNESS IS HOBBLED Pi-irud Down to Plain Answers Stinging Questions in < mss-Examination. ? ?" ,.- iv.r?~-f_?nt raf Th? T-., N. Y. April 2?. Hamp ?*-? ? ? atl ??? i.i | I ,,-r.tion of the ruin of evidence and harassed by his cross ex?,:- rcrs, Theodore Roosevelt beamed a of to-?ay's session of the Vf libel caie when his \ CC Presidency ??-re are ?nine of them, just as r Platt on , Fsbruarj 1, 1<M0: ?' ch-.'t help feeling that it is not io nueh." . oyed being rernor sa? ?nt I should ?ught ? ' ahould like have never been - ! feel r..thi-r in honor ? rive my ch,} Iren the equivs .? tial sum by ? ??? ? ??. pol Itlcs or let ionel eonven? : which nominated him as Vice? ? of past p iminated to day. Letters | I'arsons ?? ?ice m ? "fork ? . ? ? leadei wes the foe t the fri? f?'?'l the renon .i man who '?'Uled tho oririii, i'.i'.ion that he - the man or tht? party." 'I deel . BoeoevcH oa Hughes. ';, hown that it party not to than it would be I net ion. I ? ' ?? the < olonel, ' ' Hu| .' ? , -, and M r. New i omb t< - aym* i - ? ' older ? ? ho had . . . ?' ? . , ?? ? \'<>. 1 for the i e| ovei to in urn. Mr. Harm. ?f Onondaga ? ie Colo r of tl ' r Stinging Little Questions. Bai nu m In . -'?i. a ? they occurred to him in 'he ? I ths ? ?? i .? on riat was not framed answer to "Yen." "No" or ? '.- F,,r the most part the llong at the "I don't ?/ait "As to the appointment of Mr Hunt . f Kt ie ? '?unity " Mr. iiariinni smoothly, "had Sen? tt asked t? consult him "My recollection," began the Colonel, - ?-?ured manner gained by days ? ? , netor Platt ha?l pi ?" 'i -? ?orne" '"J move that 'ne answer be sti rken Mi Barnu.e calmly interrupted, ? ntinued his perusal of the letter. . you appon | Hi H?"*"' ,vie at i asked 'I did," ?as the !, i ?'it'iidat ion ane? roe V The Coloael re torted: "It did net. Mr. Hill ?a my ? nd, and" re that the latter part of the' tuotlDued va page t, culuma i __ ROOSEVELT REVEALS ON WITNESS STAND Thai he pri-ferred to remain i.ov ern?ir. rather Ihan he Yice-Preal tlrn!. That he ?a? never a morses maker. Thai he fas,?red the nomination of Hughes for (.ovornor only be? ta;.so be belies fil he si's* Ihe ai rong? es! man the 'Republican?? had. That he did not i>s.mpath.izc ?ith Hughes'* opposition to Ihe party naerhlae. I I at ho ? ?insult e?l Thomas ( . Platl roatiaaall) **hile Saareraor, as to ai>piiintin??nts and legislation. That he regarded Platt a? "all righ'" while the Senator ?a? aiding him. that he purposed Its "aland by" his friends In Albany. ELECTRIC WARSHIP CONTRACT GIVEN Propelling Machinery for the California Costs $200.000 less Ihan Turbine. I ? ?m T'if Till ,- ? Bssraati ' ihin-rton, April 29. A $431.000 id ha? been awarded to the Gen? eral tlectric Company for the construc? tion of the propelling machinery for the dreadnought California, which will be the tirst oattleship of any nation equipped with the electric ?iris?-. The estimate of the cost of ?team drive equipment furni?he,l by the Ni Navy Yard constructors waa 1631,000. Secretary Darnel? believes that the electric drive i? cheaper than a turbine installation and that it offers superior economy in operation, with incidental reduction in weight and utilization of full power m backinf ship. The machinery will be built at Sche i ectady, N. Y., from the plans of W. I. R. Emmet, who designed the machinery for the I'nited States ?-oilier .Jupiter, the only other electrically driven ship In the navy. NO DEATHS FROM TYPHOID For Second Time City Has Week Without Fatal Case. Kor the BMOBd tune in the history of the Mepr r'ment of Health n week has passed without a death from ty? phoid being reported in the city. This announcement is made in the mortality Statistics of the department published lay The week of April 2a. 1914, almost exactly a year ago. is the only other period on record in which the disease has not claimed victims Compared with the corresponding week of a year ago. tuberculosis has decreased in New York from 34.S deaths in I'M4 to 186 thlg year The toll Bfl increased this from 1?1 in 191?. to 28. Mortalities from pneumonia are also heavier this year. BIG BATTLE ON IN MARY Twenty Army Corps of Gem in Drive on Her Typhoid. Typhoid Mary llalloa has 1.000,01 more germs in her BOW than BBS had week ago. There an. 49.0??.000 mo waiting to nun the blithe. Htid men typhoid diatrihatars with which ni has been afflicted for years. Hi William H Park, head of tl , cits'? bacteriological laboratory, la ?-: perimenting en Mary ?nth a new va eine. Ha hopes that within i year tl 50,1X19,000 enemy germa which howl huso K i\?'ii h,>r SJtrlll have routed all ?I disease-giving forma in her system. I: Is giving the Bams treatment to foi other typhoid carrier? who have bei discovered in the city. Until the war ??f the g? rm? lias her won or lost Mary will continue in sol tary state at North Brother Islam where she inhabits a little red brie cottage, with no one near who can t harmed by her str?ngt- propensity. GORGAS TO SUCCOR SERBIA IF CALLEE Awaits Report of Rocke feller Surgeons on Ur? gency, Says Friend. t - ,- T\. T-It?-in? H'.t?ii ' Wahington. April 26. Surgeon (Jen eral William C. Oorga? will go to Ser , bia to take charge of the fight again? ' typhus if in the opinion of the ?ur geons of th<- Rockefeller Koundatioi and the Red Cross already there hii presence is needed. That was the statement to-night of i close personal friend of the general, ir touch with the situation, who declared that the latter'a action now depends en tirely on the reporl from the surgeon? The\ will seinl word in a few day?, the friend declareii, whither Pr. Qorgaa's direction would tend to Strengthen ma? terially ?he ranks of thoas fighti Should : develop that the surgeon? airead ? round are able to han ?ile the work with good results, ?leneral (.orgas will not go. He is known to be anxious I o reta ti h i place In the United States am ;. ?nicas he i? assured thai he voulu do a grcal deal of good by leaving, sn he ia awaiting the report MAYOR FOR MOUNTED MEN Would Keep Horses, He Tells Them at Annual Dinner. V Amid cries of That'a Ihe .??'iff 'and "That's -he way to talk," MayorMitchel at the annuai dinner of t) e Mounted Police Association at the Hotel Ma? lefic ?aid he ?lid BOt b'-lieve ?he mounted branch of the Polies depart? ment waa to be discontinued. "And I don't svant to see the horse pass from ?he ranks of the ?lepa"tment. if I were about to become a member of the department 1 should try to qual? ify as a mounted man," the Mayoi add? 'I. Mayor Mitch '1 paid 'he entire <le partmenl a hisrh tribute when he said the record made in the last eighteen months was one that had restored pub? lic confidence, won the respect <?f the and caused New \ oi kei to be 11 ulj prou I of ll ? ' licemen. John Bunny, Martyr to Films That Made Him Rich, Dies lohn Bunny, in the automobile in which mam of his most amusing movie stunt*? were Staged Ninety million peopl? sea? nn, laurhed with the genial face of Johi Runny on the Alma 'yesterdsy. Tht 3 nny lay (lend in his Brooklyi none. Put for many day* ? many \ ,'ai a to come the world'* ta?t?' in moving picture come, ? ??'?>'. 1 hose many nuil,i ie to laugl ? tn I im m his film immortality. The measure of his popularity ? ?iite audiences was placea at 90,000,000 yesterdaj by the \ I ? graph Company, which control*, most of Iras'in which he appeared. Hy that was menu* the number of people the worl I over who see I'.iniiy films in | ven day For four y eins he was a motion pict? ure star snd in that t . appeared ie about 876 different film producl Eech ?>iit* wei reduplicated many hun of times. I'n the four cornera ol the earth they ?ere sent to make ? ? > r I ? t laugh to ?greet citi? d out among the A tribes and the bushmen of Australia C mec ?'f .John Runny known and | laughe?! at. Bunny was taken ill about three I weeks ago at his home, 1410 (.!<nwood> | Road, Flatbush, with a complication of heart and kidnej diseases, For a week there had been I . - recovery, but a ? Id? ni.', yesterday, and his nfty-te which with particularly hard ork, llr .John Bum in New Y? ? er 21, I8?3. Il Bunny, who ' ' ngland, of the fam? ily had ? ? The atai wai the '?: family in direct line oi d? icenl who was not ?? or, and only one of tho.?? 1" of the royal navy. His mothei was L'eanor ' i'Sul 1 i?, an, born i ? ir, lahd, i : a farming i. of the motion pictures -.-. in the Bro? kl. schools i.ii! in St, Jame '? High School iher?. He ?s ai first intend? d priest Hi* nr?t ? Stl cal work .. a tambo ?:i?i man ,n oh minstrel companies, at about twenty years of ane. But ' ? , ,1 i not stay long ii ??trel-. . , "_duatir.<* into legitimate act ConU-ued on pas? X coliimo I . _ . ' FIANCEE PULLS STRING? KILLS ARTHUR H. COWL In Darkness Did Not See End Was Attached to Revolver Trigger. VICTIM GRANDSON OF JAMES A. HEARN "It's a Surprise," He Told Her, Before He Made Sweetheart His Slayer. Arthur Hearn ("owl, gon of ?larkson Cowl, and grandson <>i' James A. liearii. was shot through the head and killed last night when lus tianr?e. Miss Emily Wheeler, of Stratford, Conn., pulled, it his direction, a string which he had, unknown to her, attached to the 'rigger of a 88-calibre revolver. Young Cowl, who was a member of the tii-m of James A. Hearn, returned only yesterday to this I nit?-.' State? from Hermuda, where be had been for some week? on account of ill health. He went immediately to Stratford, where Arthur De Fore?t Wheeler, re? tired banker of Bridgeport and father of hi? fianc?e, has a residence. At about 10 o'clock last night Cowl proposed to the girl that they walk about the estate. When th ?>? were descending the steps from the house he halted her a moment to give her an engagement ring. A little later he stopped her again. ?. Death Surprise. "Emily, I have a ?urprise for you," Miss Wheeler told the physicians he said to her. "Take hold of this string and pull it " I* was daik. bal the girl could see lie was holding ?ometlnng in his hand. lhs manner frightened her, hiuI ?he ed tugginir at the cord he pressed nio her hand. "It's a surprise," he re I, and she pulled the string. The toi sounded, and young dropped to the ground. Miss Wheeler ?creamed for help, and ung ii. in? body was carried into the house, together with the revolver found beside him on the ground. To the trigger of this was attached the strinir he had given his ssveetheart to pull. .Mr. Cowl bad been shot clear (hrough the temple, the bullet entering on the right sida of hi.- head and ?jonjtnsc Qtlt on the other. Ile irai ?till breath.tig when brought into the house, and Mr. Wheeler telephoned to Bridgeport for an automobile ambulance, in which Dr. .1. W. Wright, leading physician of the taws, and Dr. D. ?'. Patterson svere rushed to Stratford Dr. W R. Cogswell, of Stratford, was already there, and after a consultation the three physicians deciiled the young man had no chance for life, but that ll might be better to lake him to a BOB pltal. Ketold Trar-esly in Hospital. He was earned buck to Bridgeport n th? Bridgeport Hospital at 12:10 o'clock this morning, without ering consciouaness, Miaa Wheel? er and her father motored to Bridge? p?irt and were with him when he died. I|. told the grew ?.Mi. tale of the string both to Dr. Wright and the house sur i-i fin at the hospital. Mr. Cow) and the Rirl had been close for more than a year. He iva' a constant visitor at her fathi'r's coun ?ly place during the summer, and there -.??Ms litt!-? surprise fell when ih?'ir en? gagement was announced. Miss Wheel er is on.? of the most popular young women in Bridgeport aoeiety, The dead man's parent- svere noti phone of the tragedy, and ?larkson Cowl was expected to reach . 'inie early this morn Young ?Owl was twenty-two years old, and had been recently i., the Hearn firm, of which his father . member. He was fond of out-of door sport, and when, this winter, ha became ill. ni to Bermuda In the hope that open air life there would ??ure him. When he appeared al the Wheeler house ?aal eight he seemed in go id ipirita and health. It was not until they had u"H?.I into ????? dark together thai Miaa Wheeler no ins manner had ehanged sud? denly. Arthur Cow' was ?he ?on of Ml Mrs. Clarkaon Cowl, of Weal Shore Road, ??na' Neck, Long Island. Mr?. Cowl the daughter of .lames A. Hearn, and her husband is a member ! ? i and president of the ll Mercantile Association. - ? FOOTBALL STAR ARRESTED Evan Cameron, oi Princeton, Held on Brewers' Charge. Evan Caaseron, once a fooiball ?tar Bl Princeton and a member of a prom? inent New York fan.l'y. was arraign? il ??iay before Magistrate Ten Eyck ,n the Tombs Police Court, charged with being a fugitive from justice. He is wanted in Boston on an indictment charging trrand larceny, the complain? ant being the -New Knglan.l Brewing Compani According to 'he papers submitted to the court. Cameron was formerly treasurer of the American Flectric Sign Company, of Boston, and in March, 1918, after the company had been dis i. accepte?! 1700 for a contract from the brewing company. .ludge .\'ott, in General S s?ion?, later released Cameron on bail of $*_', Mini, pending requisition papers from llnslon. ALLIED ARMIES MOVE ON FORTS IN DARDANELLES Troops Landed on /Egean Side of Gallipoli Penin sula Under Fire. FLEET BOMBARDS AS COLUMN ADVANCES London Report Says Kitchener's New Army of 200.000 Will Share in New Attack. 'H ? a',I? ??? Tlii- T Loadea, April 10. The Allies have now landed an army on the ?Egean shore of the Gallipoli peninsula, the opposite side of which forms one edge of the Dardanelles Straits, under heavy fire from Turkish entrenchments. This fore already has bej?un its ad? vance ai*.'iin?t the temporary fortifica? tions separating it from the strong? holds on the straits, which the? **uns of the allied fleet have been battering for weeks, while the warahipa have attain begun a general gombardment. Mean? while the Russian Black Sea fleet is bombarding the Bosporus fort?. Though no mention is made In to day'a official bulletin of the number* of the landini* force, it is assumed that, in view of the strength of the Turkish army at this point, the column must be n la i (re one. A report current in Kn?*land ?ays 'hat Karl Kitchener's n>'W army, estimated by ?ome at 200,000, i* now in the a-V)?*ean. Ne*a \rm> Not in trance. It was supposed that these troops, who havn been leaving British shores in !ari*e numbers, were l'oing to ?he Continent, but ohseners who have re? turned from the British front in France have commented on the fact that none of Kitchener's army ia there, and il ia known that thousands of them have lift hnf*lund ilunntr the last mis or eight Weeks. A recr-nt dispatch ? ? disclosed that G?n?ral Ian Ham? ilton, of the British army, was in com m and of an ?vneditionary force de* tined for European Turkey composed of British and Ki?nch troop?, patch?'? list week told of the laniling of an expeditionary force at Em European Turkey, on the northern share o? the Gull' of Bares, which is ri?r of th? Dardanelles. Following '* the official announce? ment given out to day on tne renewal of the attack on the Dardanelles forts: 'The general attack 0:1 the Darda? nelles by the fleet snd the army was resumed yesterday. "The disembarkation of the army, covered by the fleet, began before sun? rise st various pour.s on the Gallipoli peninsula, and in spite of serious op? position from the cni-my in stroni* en? trenchments protected by barbed wire vu completely successful. Before nightfall lan/o forces were established ?>tt ?hon*. "The lanriini* of the army ami the ?d\ snee 1 onl Allies" Bar!? F.ffort Failure. Thi leal concerted effort on the part of th_- AM.' ' ?? Turkish forti aa on tin- Dardanelles Straits was over a month aRo. March 19 and L'0. This action was entirely from the sea, und from the standpoint of the 1 Allies it was a failure. A more ,,r less persistent bombardaient covering sev? eral weeks left the strait* still firmly in the hand* of the Turks. The Allies lost in this ?RlitinK the Hritish battle? ships Irresistible ami Ocean, and the French bettleship Houvet. The last Rve weeks have seen naval activity of minor import only in the straits. There ha? in-, .1 mine aweeping and occasional SCOUting, bul no im? porta''.! endeavor to penetrate thia waterway. The new feature of th" fighting which has begun t? the parti?? lo addition to the British troop? brought from Kgypt, and possibly from Kitchener's new army trench aoldiera, it ia be? lieved, havi come from tin- southern shores of he Medil ei ranean. There have been dispatches recently relating the movemei I - "?' French, a1 well a* ? -, in 'he direction of V. ,il \ti ?<?'?. Too I "*-t!>. To,, ?great expect rere raised by the preliminary opei il oas of the allied Heel .?, he Dardanelles, accord? ing to a representative of British new ?pai."i ? ?lin :; officially accredited to th,. 1 1 ? .? "The British navy ia convinced." the corresponden! savs, "thai ti,,- narrows could be fore? I if o,c.??1,1:1 justified the !,, ? of ships that WOUld result, but rere :i powerful army ready to occupy the Gallipoli penin? sula the momenl the flee! passed into , ks and Ger? elosa the strait h? h irshi| would find it did? ' 'heir WSJ out a_.ain. "N' ? .? ?? British and French gui 1 th?- resist? ing power of the e,\ forta around the Dardanelles. Tl I Seddul Bahr and Kurn K?%!e were ubjected to a devastating bom'. 1 :, . ?? In February, yet when landing parties examined them they found the material damage done was comparatively ??nail. Al? though t'n -v w ?!?? ni"!* ihaaables, many C'iri? were still intact and on?' ?-inch II ?I load.-,!, imi? tar eend ti? the forts nearer the narrows." The corre?nondent believes it i? es sential to hive a very 'urge expedi? tionary force supplied with heavy ar? tillery, both field and howitzers, if the expedition 1* to be a si.. 300% Lead in Publishers' ?Advertising i Tic Tribune's gain of 6701 lines of Publishers' Adver? tising during the first quarter of 1 0 I i was 300'; greater than the combined gains of all other New V ork morning newspapers? Because Tribune Advertising h \OQ% Efficient Next number of The Graphit." Section with The Sundav Tribune contains a full paee of photos illustrating Uncli Sam busj" apprais Ing goods imported Into this country. V?v _.____11 BATTLE LINE ON VPRES SALIENT. m m tm *Mt,,\c;0*L /sot/ys 11 ?. ? 111 >? /%4it.r?a<*P9 ,? ? ca*">?.& _?_?_? /giymTTLe-?,sm-ez, ^MAoro 0'STBrt.r fA/otCATgm <gmoi/?.o a*/*/et> 0v aaT/fAra-a/j The above map Indicates approximately the extent of the German gains north of Vpres In their present, effort to reduce the salient of the Allies' line before Ypre*. Although the /Vlies have recovered a portion of the ground they lost before the first German advance, the invaders have flat? tened one side of the salient so that tho eagle of the allied front north of Hill No. 60, recently captured by the British, ? considerably more acute. Whatever the ultimate ?goal of the ?Germans' ?I rident that their present operations are intended to force in the sides of the angle so as to ; compel the Allies to reform their front in a more direct line between Dix muile and Messines much the same sort of a movement as that which the French are directing apainst the German salient at St. Mihiel. Germans Use Blinding Gai to Aid Poison Fumet While Soldiers, Dressed Like Divers, Loose Deadly \ apoi Exploding Shells Spread Chemical Which Impairs Eyesight?Inspirators Protect Charging Troop3. By WILL IRWIN. ? pjrrlarht, 1811 ?y Th? New rssrss Trll Boulogne, April 26.?The gaseous vapor which the Germana use against th<- French diviafana near Yprea last Thursday, contrary to th rules of The Hague Convention, introduces a new element intu warfare The attack of last Thuraday evening was preceded by the rising of ; cloud of vapor, greenish gray an?! iridescent. That vapor se*tle<i to th' ground like a swamp mist and drifted toward the French trenches on i lirisk wind. Its effect, on the French was a violent nausea ami faintnes? followed by an ut?er collapse. It is believed that the Germans, wh< charged in behind the vapor, met mm resistance at all, the French a their front being virtually paralyzed. Everything indicates lung ami thorough preparation for this attack The work of Bending out the vapor was done from the advam-ed Germai trenche?. Men garbed in a Iresa resembling the harness of a ?liver ant armed with retorts or generators alunit :. feel high and connected uritl ordinary hosepipe turned the vapor loose toward the French lines. Soin? witnesses maintain that the Germai?s sprayed the earth before tl? trenches with a fluid which, being ignited, sent up the fumes. The Ger? man troops, who followed up this advantage with a direct attack, held inspirators in their mouth?-, these preventing them from b'-i-g overcome by the fumes. In addition to this, th?- Germans appear to have tired ordinary explo? siv.- shells loaded with some chemical which had a paralyzing ?-flfect on all the men in the region of the explosion. Some chemical in the omposition of these shells produced violent watering of the eyes, so that the men overcome by them were practically blinded for Borne hours. The effect of the noxious trench gas seems to be slow in wearing away. The men come out O? their violent nausea in a ?tat" of utter collapse. Some of the rescued have already lied from the after effects. How many of the men left unconscious in the trenches when the French broke died from ''m- fumes it is impossible to say. since those trenches were at once occupied by the Germans. This new form of attack needs fur mece ? a favorable wind. Twice in the day that followed th<> Germans tried tren? h vapor ou the Canadians who made on the right of th?' French position a land which will probably be remembered as one of th?- heroic episodes .>:' this war. In both ca ea the wind was nol favorable, and the Canadia is managed to stick through it. The noxious, explosive bomb? were, however, used continually a-gainst the Canadian forces and caused some I'. HEAVY CANNONADE HEARD IN NORTH SEA i. i, .... Amsterdam, April 26, \ ,-orre spoil,lent ,,n the Dutch island of Schiermonnikoog telegrapha that a rcc u'ar and heavy cannonade was there from 2 til! 4 o'clock thia after? noon, m a northerly direction, BIG INCOME TAX EXPECTED Will Probably Exceed Original Estimates of $80,000,000. w ?-hir.Rton, April 26. Complete preliminary estimates from all internal revenue collection districtl that the individual and eorporati? come tax this year will probably ? the original estimates of K If the estimate is borne o i Spective issue Of Panama I to ?well the slowly sinking general fund of the Treasury may be 5? longer than was thought possible. It is understood thai the yeei will show more individual taxables than i ? ?ar, when about 357,000 p< i paid. The Treasury' i tota nents for the t',-cal y?-ar to '?ate in excess of the receipt? for th- ?ame m-r. id : the 1100,000^000 marh to Arthur Scott Burden Better. The condition of Arthur Scott H?r? den, eon fined to hi? rooms at the St Regia lor the last two week:., i a preved since Sunday, according l ian, Dr. George Dra| Jixty-flrst Street. Yesterday Mr. Bi.r'len walked for the first time in several ?lays and ate heartily. He ha? been suffering from the effects of a mi!,! sunstroke brought ou by a recur? rence of a weakness since failing from a horse in England two years ago. I LONDONERS IN PANIC AT WHISKEY DROUTH i Cabla to Tha Ti April 20. There ? Lord.,', wh ' v drinker? for the it i? of 'he o obta n any I in fact, to u. ,.v wl rroi of war ha-, i O as of the direc I ' ? m of John lined the for the scarcity to The Tribune corre? ct to-dey. "There ia no femin ," he "There is just as ni'ich in ??? i r but the fact | ' ,????: ?! it, ? ? prohil a M - tome ? lantil ' ? , ! a ? *. them a year, thu ? ck*. ?uskcy t?, I, indon from Scotland, but ? mh ,\ if them " Boyd Fails to Get Pardon. Trenton, N. J The \ t Court of I na te day denied ? ; . . || r I ? i: Bo; ?1. an 1 >? : N .) . .i?:" Former Pr? half. EYEGL ??...StS thatfit right?l?o?x right? : t it Spencer'a, . Maiden Lane. Advt, GERMANS HOLD I GROUND GAINED AROUND YPRES Allies Forced to Form New Front Against Rush. FRENCH DRIVEN BACK IN ALSACBi Kaiser's Troops Thrust Foe from Hartmans Weilerkopf Height. BRITAIN IN SUSPENSE Streams of Wound?: d Show Fierceness of Invader? Fffort to Break Flanders Lino. [Bj-C?J;?'n*n-?T"> ?; London, Anrll 26, W!lile th.? slalsSSl of the German and Frei n war offices present many contra?i:ct in?, It i? evi? dent that the opposing armie? nor?h of Vpre? aro now wi ?lug one of the) most desperate battl ? of the war. Th? French claim jralns .r the .?Miles, but it seems clenr th; * the German.? hold much of tho groa-, i which they won in their drive ?gain -t the northern ?,?)?) of the Allies' sn On the extre-- i eastern front in thu western theat of war the Germans also have raptured a position which ha? been the -one of ile?perat? fight? ing for month?. They have ?Irlven ?he French from the summit of Hartmann?. Weilerkopf. :n Alsace, back to the po? sitions on the slopes from which Gen ??ral Jo'Trr' troops on Ifareh 21 made 'he rpirk i-'-arsre which won them the helr-h's. British Re-form II--. Th? most ?letaile.l repor- s flghtinij aroiin?l Ypres receive?! here to? day is eontsined in the officiai": of the nr itish War i'fflee. In this Marshall Sir John French ?ay?: "First Severe rlrrhtint: to the i east of \ rires ?till continue?, 'he ?reli? erai ??tuition remainin.; unchnnirerl. Our ?eft .link, in rea: to meet " he alte. ? the oriri'inl forced re?irement of th?s French, had to face to the north and tend '?> 'he west bevond St. Julien. "Thu ? - "n weakene?! OUI line for a tin-. . and after a very gallant resistance i,y tho Canadians against superior numbers, ist. Julien ?va? cap t'lrcil by the enemy. ?>ur lines ? OW run south of that place. "Second Our troops to the east of Ypres h?- ? borne tho brunt of repiat ?"1 heavy a-tacks, which they had I bornly opposed throughout I in an ? 'rely unexpected situation, ? exercise of gallant!.. ?in?l fortitude by the men ami quick , ,.urc?> an.I other it; quslit ? by their commanders. Gas numbs Fail. "11. rd Attacks ss.-i.? also delivered lay by the Germans on the east ?m ?p'.".?' of this ? ? enemj of eephy ? 111 ae ka -.v, - i iffieera ar.,1 men a . ??In tl ' ,'",?, ire have inflict? d , m the German . Our 1 ? II Engllah heavy were "One of our aviators dropped bomb? iitrai station this afternoon and destroyed th?> juni though ? brought his ma ly back t?i our ; Engli me . .'...? lines "h>- war ' m period of such strain and ??<? i. iai ?aid, ai?- being ? .?? Channel, wh'le th?s inning to eoma fr??iu ;!?? Bl Hill Mo. 60. Fngland Kept Informed. For the lirst t.n-.?' ilnce ihe outbreak of 'i.- people are thoroughly of the magnitude of the battl* actually in progrt Hitherto ?. ?'? s I ral public l?. fis on. Nu?', how? l ae? - of tho ? ?ne. iming cur i< ? ? wholly fn ? > ? - ? torntaa borders to Holland, au Id te the situa* ' rumor?, ll ihm Hol .? somehow ire no i any o?f, > . . Whil? if those erjuipped ??? t'l.rni an ? ? , a they have French ? - around Ypres, an Calais, believe 'hut ? only a feint in foi ?? to | . .? - v. hilt? ! ? , ? long line. ? . ..m I'nup Si.ei ? ?sf ul. * tntt ' ????sst'ul coup, sshich, while it d i resk, did den! 'he Allies' The? g the Brit? irtion of the I -. , ,]riit v. .. ? counter *' " which an? r,fl, oughout the empire, recaptured ' ? the i. 'l 1 The French and belglans, whfi ,^