Newspaper Page Text
GERMANY WARNS AGAINST TRAVEL IN ALLIES' SHIPS Tells U. S. Public All Such Vessels Are Likely To Be Destroyed. PASSENGERS RISK THEIR OWN LIVES Washington Holds Notice Docs \<>t Relieve Kaiser from Responsibility. ~* * T I flur?m ' Washington. April SO. In advcrtise i placed m the most prominent newspaper? of :hr United States, with ? to reaching every American reader possible, the German Embassy notice to-morrow that all who travel on ships flying the flair.? eat Britain and her allies in the war rone, do so at their own risk. This to the public, which follows the formal not:ce of the war lona giren > rmany to the State Department Mme ago. reads as follows: NOTICE! TRAVELLERS intending to em? it on the Atlanl c royag* are reminded that a state of ware:<ists between Germany and her allies and Great Britain and her allies; that the zone of war includes the waters adjacent to the British Isles; that, in accordance with for? mal notice given by the- Imperial German government, vessels flying the flag of Great Britain, or any of her allies, are liable to destruction In those waters, and that travellers sailing in the war zone on ships of Great Britain or her allies do so at their own risk. IMPERIAL GERMAN EMBASSY. Washington, D. C, April 22, 1915. A high official of the State Depart icclared to-mght that, on hasty consideration of the question, he did rot believe the advertisement would change the status of the present situa? tion. This would indicate cieariy that, the advertisement, Germany will be held to a strict accountability ' a:.y American on a of the Allies. So far only one American Leon Thrasher has been so killed, and the paper i ?? are now in the hands -on. The ite Department official I this advertise ? not relieve Germany of any Ifront could scarcely night rea?.! ly be ? , ..~ a friendly warning to an of the advertisement much speculation here, and were the reasons advanced. The declined to say any an that the ad\ert;sc Sorae naval offi ? ? : ic presaged ? a more vigorous cam submarines to destroy .;n's commerce. This, they ; bora? "Ut by that part of the ? -i nient calling attention to the I war zone around the British isles. German Embassy's to S( cretarv 0 n 1 a t (ieeply interested in tlu warning, but would not comment 1" Dornburg, special representative K 1er in New York, through ' ? .? y at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel -aid: v, I believe that the adver a warning b) Germany in ' n sincere cfforl to pi nry to ?ral countries." TSING-TAO OFFERED BY JAPAN TO CHINA Tokio Government. However, Would Retain Control of Cus? toms and Railroads. ?p* i|'> M Th? Trlhur.? J Tien Tsin, April 30. It is insistently reported that Japan Is offering to re? store Tsine-tao to China if the latter accepts the revised demands as pre? sented conditionally. These include the opening of Tsing-tao as a treaty port with an extensiva .Tapante set? tlement, the customs, telegraphs and railwa\s remaining in Japanese con g. Aoril 30. The ('h.nese statesmen will meet the .Japanese to-morrow, when they Will present China's reply to the last ? demand? submitted hr I I ? ment. There i* reason to be? lieve that tl ? answer will con? tain only a limited number of further oni. Washington, April 30. Viscount Chinda, the Japanese Ambassador, had another long conference to-day with ary Bryan, presumably on the Japci' -'dations now be? ing conducted In Peking. It li assumed ? es related to the re \ presen ted to t de Chinese 1 i- I | rly this ?( < k SUNDAY WOULD CUT WHITE'S TERM IN TW Admiring tk? manHn?t? of Ph\ ip T. White, eonietoed rohhrr, ujl ta determined to prnp hack all t> lottet he has muted u-hrn >e!rnnt | from prison, hut erpretmivrj h ti over thr mon't downfnl IhJly Sunday lift nt?jht raid: If 1 were the Judge, that ver confession would cause me lo ci his sentence right In two. I admit the manliness of the man In th ?lictory he achieved o%er sin an self In his heroic struggle throng the dark night before his eonfessio In court. Trag?die? like this nerve my an anew ?nd strengthen my hear afresh to strike more ataggerin blow? st the hellish. Infamous. God forsaken, crime-producing llqtac traffic. And this particular circurr stance makes me resohe all th more to do my nest to nail a hid on every door In New Jersey nett Sunda> afternoon, when I preac on "BOOM, or Get on the N agon. "PLAY BALL!" CRY GIVES SATAN RES Sunday. Obsessed b j Spring, Will Umpire Higl School Game To-day. ?rrrm i S!?(T CprrMjHindc! . of Th? Tilounf \ Taterson, N. J.. April 30. In t ' spring the young man's fancy light i turns to thoughts of well, you kno ? And in spring Billy Sunday's fam , lightly turns to thoughts of baseba So he's going to get out on the di ' mond to-morrow niorning ; nd umpi a game of the great American outdoi sport. The Paterson High School and tl Newtown High School are going I tight for a "ehampeenship." lo-nigl both schools were jammed in the tabe ? nacle, along wit] some thousands < other brawny, sandy haired youths ar pigtailed girls. "What's ?our yell?'' Rodey suave! . rric Paterson High School, an ftly the combined youth howle "\\'e want Bill Sunday to umpire " The game will be played at I ' nt the fotowa Oval, where l^ick Cogan Atlantic Leaguers j>la> ?? ?1 the New Ifoi Giants last Sunday. Practically everj 1 body in the tabernacle promised Bl 1 to appear and root. It was a school night in the Glor House, and tht-re vero an cheer? and yells enough to satisfy th most gluttoi.ous undergraduate. Sun day was presented with a red andblac Paterson High School pennant early i the evening. The high school orchestr ? was on the platform, and divided th honors with Kodey and Ackley. 1 ; cracked out Souaa marches, to th piano accompaniment of a youth wit! slicked black hair, while Kodey smile, admiringly and smoothed the waist coat of a brand new checked suit. "They -ay Bill Sunday's got no -tyle Why, he's got style all the while," wa one of the yells that made S un da; beam, while cheers and shrill whistle ripped the sawdust clouded air. There was a disappointment becausi I ?r. Jacob A. Reinhardt, for twent* year.* principa-1 of the I'aterson Higi School, could not be present. His rcsig nation took effect to-day. Rodey aske< "all the people I>r. Reinhardt ha: g| 'to stand up. Almo.-t. half th< ? ee stood. s to-day were SlL'fi.4.' . making a grand total thu? far ol |22,704.76. there were (69 trat hitters to-r.ight, one of the greatest ga that have swarmed to the re vivalist's waiting palms. In all 6,54*1 have trod the glory path to date. Tht total attendance for the campaign il ??'.000. The "booze" sermon on Sunday at Z p. m. and 7 p. m., for men only, Is sair] to be the big noise of the Billy Sunda> series. BRYAN INFIGHT AGAINST RUM Continued from page 1 stainers' Union, for 'Health and Home and Humanity.' Let us pledge our f-up port to the eauac in water wator, the need of every living thing. It ascends from the sear, obedient to the sum? mon? of the sun, tnd. descending, showers its blessings upon the earth. It is the drink that refreshes and adds no sorrow with it." I>r. Washington so.d h" would carry the message to the South, where, he said, it is needed. I>r. i'hristian F. Reisner, the clergy? man who is foremost in the effort to bring Billy Sunday here, said that the 1'rtinsyhania Railroad contemplates taking the bar out of the Pennsylva atiott here. ?TOUGHEST KID* PROVES IT Newsboy Stabs Lad, who Doubted Title Given Him. Nathan Roihman, of 1?1 Henry ? Street, was told by a friend on April 19 that 'he "toughest kid on Four? teenth Street" was "Little Yiddle" Lorber, nineteen, a newsboy of 195 New Jersey Avenue, Brooklyn. They were standing at Fourteenth Street and Third Avenu", p.nd just then "Little Yiddle," who weighs just I eighty-two pounds, passed. "What' That kid tough ? Ah, stop'" remarked Nathan, and the tough kid heard it. "Well, I'll show you," said "Little Yiddle." as he plunged a knife into Nathan's stomach. Nathan went to a hospital, and last night a^ked the doctors to take him home so he could die in peace. Lorber, whose parents call him Abra? ham, was arrested last night ifl Brownsville and locked up in Police Meaduuarters charged with felonious < assault. ? . ? SENT INTO EXILE BY COURT Prisoner, Arrested on Girls' Complaints, Banished. Benjamin (ioodman, charged with in : culting girls who called at his apart I ments, .'?01 West 144th Street, answer? ing bis advertisement for a house? keeper, was discharged last night by Magistrate Nolan, on condition that he ieave the city before Tuesday. He took the stand in his own behalf and offered to tell everything neces? sary, but asked leniency because he was engaged to the daughter of a. prominent physician of the city. He said that he preferred to take the pen- | alty, if possible, instead of airing the' whoie bu?ines*. (ioodman's a'torney, : Joseph Kdelson, then said that bit client stood ready to leave for Alaska i immediately if released. Magistrate Nolan answered that as (ioodman h?d not attempted to perjure I I himself on the stand, aim as he j :.eemed to ha\<- a good character 1st j spite of this arrest, he would make the, ?>PIA/1C? light. WHITE PLANNED RAID ON BIGGEST AUTO PAYROLL New Confession Also Tells of Scheme to Rob Noted Broadway Hotel. USED INNOCENT FRIEND FOR TIP After Series of Hold-Ups on Messengers Here Gang Was to Attempt One in Detroit. Extensive plans for more robberies than those which took place at the Saekett A Wilhelm and the Masury niants W< re engineered by Philip T. Whit? *??<' William V. Clinnin, accord? ing to a supplementary confession wl ich the two men now in the Ray. niond Street jail, Brooklyn, made to Assistant District Attorney Louis Goldstein yesterday. Copies of their stntemen's have been given to Supreme Court Justice Aspinal!. who will pro? nounce sentence upon them Wednesday. These robberies, it was learned 1mm ' night from an unofficial source, wer" to have heen attempted on the pay- ' rolls of a company in long Island, an j automobile salesroom und a large hotel i in this c y. and were to have culmin?t- ! cd in an attack upon the messengers of the mi'n plant of the automobile company . r Detroit. It was n'so learned that the original plan? for ?he hold-up of the messengers of John vV. Masury A Sons Paint Com? pany were laid in the Crescent Ath? letic Clnb by White and Clinnin, and that they divided their ?poils, $3 03'.!, at a room in the Elks clubhouse in Manhattan. One of the officers of the United States Metal Products Company, of C< liege Point, according to the confes? sion, was a friend of Wn tc, and visit? ed him at rjs home in Eiivabeth. Hers the two d'scussed the Mu-ury bold-U", I and the cor fessed robn.-r :s supoosed to Lave l?'nt'i?d from his eortipanion, arno Dtheved him an hone<t -tan, just row the concern obtained its pryroll from the I p.nk. With this information, given inno? cently enough. White was to provide the men who would perform the actual work, while Clinnin was assigned to watch for other places where the risk of holding up the payroll carriers ap? peared small. Clinnin, an accountant, (?^ some work for the automobile ng?Vry in the neighborhood of Coluin . I ;rcle, and knew just how a single ger brought the weekly payroll from a hank. The president of this concern has; told the Brooklyn prosecutor's office, it was said last night, of ( linnin's cm-! pli \ !'ii nt by him, and also of the qnea* tions put in learning how the payroll reached the salesroom. He added that the accountant had urged him to insure his payroll against a possible hold-up. If this raid had proved successful White atid Clinnin were to have had their accomplices take a sum which would have reached well into the thou? sands from the men who carried the weekly pay for of Broadway's host known hotels. I Then Clinnin was to have obtained work on an accounting job in the auto? mobile company's manufacturing plant! u Detroit, where the payroll carried each week would be the largest of any ? place they had thus far tried to get. He was to notify White, and, according confessions, the Utter was to have taken his accomplices to the i Michigan city and attemp' the robbery. It was also learned yesterday that the hold-up at the Saekett A Wilhelm piar i in Brooklyn almost approached murder, when one of White's aecom plices, who also worked on the Masury robbery, had to be restrained from using his gun on one of the messengers who refused to give up the money he brought from a bank. HUSBAND BEATEN; WIFE P?YS FINE Woman Saves Escort from Jail After He Resents Words of Her Spouse. Because her escort. Carl C. Owen, of 163 West Kightieth Street, had attacked and beaten up her husband when he objected to her walking with Owen,; Mrs. Margaret Hertz, wife of Henry J.I Ilert7, of 20 Bank Street, appeared! in the Night Court last evening and ? paid the $10 Owen was fined for assault , and battery. Hertz, his face bleeding and bruised, I tobi his story first to Magistrate Nolan. His wife was not living with him, hp I said, but had an apartment at bel Hotel Seville, Twenty-ninth Street and Madison Avenue. Last night he caught sight of her leaving the restaurant wuh a stranger. He followed the pair' out to the street, and there demanded that his wife come with him. There? upon, he testified, Owen sprang upon ] him, knocked him down and would have damaged him still more if the police, had not interfered. Owen then told the magistrate that he had been dining with Mrs, Hertz and that when they got outside the hotel a man he f'i not know accosted her. He came ,o her defence and | knocked the intruder down, since his language had been insulting. Mrs. Hertz declared that the whole affair was the fault of Hertz. Magistrate Nolafl then lined Owen Jlo. This the man could not pay, and as he was being led away to a cell Mrs. Hertz intervened. "I'll pay for hun," she announced. "It would be a shame if he were locked up for hitting my husband." She and Owen left the courtroom together. $700,000 Golrf from Mexico. 'I here Ira? deposited at the Assay Office yesterday $700,000 gold winch came from Mexico. This is the largest shipment from that country that has arrived here in some time. It is the output of the Mexican mines, and, ic was stated, has nothing to do with the! exchange market. I R URA L HONE Y MOON AMID , BLOSSOMS FOR ANDREWS Elepeit, Won by Spring Beauty of Bride's Country Estate. Cancel Trip to Europe?Parents Relent, Says Husband. ; r- - * Ruff ( ' Tfct Trll ? - 1 Pleaaantville, N. Y.. April 3<>. p.,ri? gid Shields Andre??, who gave up a diploma al Vale to marry Mr?. Alma ra Hayns la*1 Saturday, will not ?ail f(ir Europe with his l>nde on the Luaitania to-morrow. Right after n 'leepv ?notice of the peace performed the midnight marriage reremony at Mamaroneck, N. V., the aloyen came | here to Mr". Andrews'; country estate, ?i, les on the Hard Scrabble road j to (!hai paqoa. U ?th apple hlos?oms and chirping I b i r-1 - ro einer them, they are spending a tentative honeymoon m seclusion rail g for the big, boyish bridegroom to arrange affairs with his parents in Clevi I nd. I ai Mr?. Andrew? says it may or a few days they will go ' road te help out the Allies, <> the bride, who claims relation? ship ?Uli the House of Hapsburg, has1 he British, French and Rus? sian .' ? For the present, how ? . . ust want to get away from everybi y. to i nder around the gnr deni 01 the bride's remodelled farm, ?.?.inch . the talk of the village, Half an hour's drive from the rail? road station over Hard Scrabble's hills brings one to -'i splc and span farm? house, glistening in freah white paint and resting on elevated ground back from the road. Villager.? say that it took 112.000 of Mrs. Andrews'! money to transform the old Rilcy farm into I this modern, crtiatic landscape layout. And the bride will tell you with pride thai she was the architect in charge, ever watching to sec that shrewd American contractors "put nothing j "over" on her. Erery detail for a country estate has been attended to. There is a tiny stone chaptl, with a cross atop the shingled gable, a garage for Mrs. An drews's automobile, a stable for her two saddle horses. A long, winding cinder drive leads from the road up to the house and circles around a gr*\ss I.lot in front of the gate posts, with large potted shrubs on either one. It Was too rainy and misty to-day to ap prc." uto the setting for the ex-Yale senior'.^ honevmoon. Mr. Andrews and Mrs. Andrews were rot at home, the maid said, and she did DOt know when thev would return. ; A moment later the automobile famil? iar to Plcasantville came up the drive. Donald Shield Andrews was at the wheel with In- six-year-old stepson, said hv his mother to be an Austrian , prince and one of the heirs to the Aus- . trian throne, clinging to his neck. Mrs. Andrews, who asserts she is the daugh? ter of the late Crown Prince Rudolph of Austria ami Baroness Yet sera, stood on the sidestep, her hand On her hus land's shoulder. She looked natty and OUtdoorish in her short brown walking ikirt, riding boots, orange colored sweater buttoned close around her neck, encased in n soft, turnover col- , lar ! nd four-in-hand tie. Bareheaded, in blue sack suit and j soft shirt. Andrews looked the conven- I FROM DEATH CELL TO WITNESS CHAIR Sentenced for Murder, Flack Will Testify Against Man, He Says, Instigated Crime. For the first time in the history of the state, a man under sentence of death will he brought to New York City Monday to testify in a murder trial. William Flack, who is in the death house at .'ing Sine for killing Giuseppe Marino, will he brought to New York on a writ of habeas corpus issued by Presiding Justice Ingraham, in the Ap? pellate Division, thia writ being made possible under the new law, pas:,ed in the closing hours of the Legislature and de.-igned to assist the ends of justice in ' the Flack case, by which murderers under sentence of death may be taken from the death houae. Flack was convicted of murder in the first degree March S. At Sing Sing he got into communication with lather Cash in, chaplain of the prison, and told him he had been induced to slay Marino by Angelo I.eggio, whose trial for mur? der will begin next week. I.eggio's mo? tive, according to Flack, was jealousy. The doomed man will take the stand against though he cannot be in any way benefited by his own testi? mony. Assistant District Attorney Wellman, who convicted Flack, went to Sing Sing recently and discussed the case with him. As the case now stands, Flack can only hope that the Court of Appeals, before which the legality of his convic? tion will be argued, will grant a new trial. Should this happen it would be the province of the District Attorney to permit him to enter a plea of guilty to a lesser degree of crime. Flack was convicted largely on the testimony of Louise Macaluso, whose lurid story of has Side gang condi? tions startled even the hardened court attendants. When Flack reaches the city Judge Nutt will be asked to send him to a roll at Police Headquarters pending his toatimony against Leggio. The con? demned man is twenty-two >ears old and lived at 40S Fast Twenty-third Street. MILITIA SHUT TO LIARS Soldier Caught in Falsehood Dishonorably Discharged. No man convicted of telling a lie will be permitted to remain a member of the New Vork National Guard. This fact was made known by Governor Whitman in approving the proceedings of a eourt martial submitted to him by Major General John F. O'Ryan, which dishonorably discharged Private Harry Mudick, 17th Infantry, after his conviction for telling a lie. Mudick was present with a detach? ment at (irasmere, Staten Island, when another enlisted man used obscene language in the presence of women. Mudick admitted to his lieutenant that he had heard the language, but when he learned his testimony was desired as a witnes, in the prosecution of the offender he denied he had heard it. The man who used the language was tried by a general court martial end dishonorably discharged. Thereupon Mudick was tried for conduct to the pSKS at big discounts Quartered Oak and Mahogany lionnl college hero part. Little Ru- | dolph, of imperial proten??oris. ?ral at? tired in a long-trousered mnUhipman's ; co tume minus the sailor hat. "We're up here for an indefinite stav." were the voting husband's first Words. "Further than that we can't tell von anvthmc about our plan?." He ?ras standine in front of the hiir lire I place in th?> living room, ?here smoul- ! dering loss dispelled some of the dav's . dampness. "No, we're not sailing on the Lusi tan:.i tO-moiTOW. That'' all hunk. We don't know what are are eoin?r to do, do are dear?" directing the conversa? tion to his bride. "As for workine for tho Allies, why that is quite possible." she went on. I "We mijrht tell vou something very iri terestinrr about our plans later. I i may CO a< a nurse. I have friends in all the armies over there." "Except the Germans," interrupted the young husband, grabbing Rudolph, heir to the Austrian thron?, ami to I ing up so that his head nearly bumped ths ceiling. Accepting; the correction, Mrs. Andrew? went on to say fiat she: could shoot, too, and that she might he I aille t) do more than nurse for the; Allies. Two automatic revolvers lying on the seat around the fireplace and a well perforated target against a grassy bank testified to her skill. Now. concerning Mr. Andrews'? busi- [ ness plans and the reports that his par? ents in Cleveland had not be'ome j reconciled to his hasty marriage this , aspect of the honeymoon was dismissed briefly by the bridegroom. "I dont know yet what I will do! about business plans. Perhaps I will' not come back from Europe. And, take it from me, things are coming out all right in Cleveland with my parents. ' Don't believe tra^h in the newspapers about parental forgiveness withheld. I did have a conference with my folks ? t, the Hotel Vanderbilt, in New York. Gee, I wish I had a better story for you, but there's nothing to say except that w"'re up here, happy and con- > tented." Mrs. Andrews was particularly re? sentful at newspaper accounts which had said that h r eyes were "black ai jet" and that her husband was a "Gib? son type of manly beauty." "After we get. away, print anything you want to about us," she said. She cut off these words with a suc? cinct staccato characteristic of her for- , eign accent, admired by all who have heard it. Eame of her beauty has spread throughout Pleasantville. "Why, her complexion has it on any of those fine ; young ladies who go to the fini, hin' school over in Briarcliff," said one of the railroad station employes. "And they say she paid $500 to have a private telephone wire run up to her farm? house." Donald Shields Andrews nade hi?; first appearance in Pleasantville this week, when he was noticed driving his "princess" bride's touring car. prejudice of good order and military discipline. In the order publishing the sentence and conviction, issued yesterday, Gen? eral O'Ryan states "To deliberately lie is co render the offender unfit to remain in the military service of the state. It is important that these ideals of the military ser? vice and the consequences which fol? low their rejection should be brought to the attention of newly enlisted men i by their commanding officers." ' RAILROAD MEN SETTLE WAGES UNDER PROTEST 64,000 Workers in Wes Accept Raise, but De? nounce the Award. AGREEMENT ONLY FOR SINGLE YEAR Concessions Made Declared Un just, and Adopted Only for the Sake of Peace. Chicago, April 30. An arbitratior award, advancing to some extent the rates of pay of 84,000 locomotive engi neers, firemen and hostlers employee; on the 1 10,0110 miles of line of ninety tight Western railroads in the great area of the United States and Canada bounded on the east by the Illinois Central and the Great Lakes, was signed here to-day. A disaenting opinion was filed on be? half of the Brotherhood of Enginemcn in which the arbitration was branded as a fuilure, and the Newlands law under which it was arranged, ts an in? adequate device for the settlement ol in I ?-trial disputes. The award, effective May 10 and binding for one year only, was frankly declared as merely postponing for a twelvemonth the actual settlement of the differences involved. The railroad members of the board issued a formal statement criticising features of the regulations governing the arbitration, and remarking that cei|ain concessions, regarded as intrinsically ur/jst, were made for the sake of preserving peace with the employes. Had to Make Concessions. Judge Jeter C. Pritchard, of Rich? mond, Va., chairman of the board, stated that while in his opinion the men in certain branches of the service were o titled to greater advances than were made, he had to make concessions in order that an award might be made, and he found much of a helpful nature in the award Charles Nagel. ,'X-Secretary of Com mcrce and Labor, who, with Judge Pritchard, represented the board of mediation and conciliation on the ar? bitration board, was the only member who issued no statement. He is known to have been deeply offended by the re? cent attack made on him as an arbitra? tor by officers of the brotherhoods, who pointed out that he was a trustee of the estate of the late Adolphus Busch, and that railroad securities form a part of the asset of the estate. The brotherhoods were represented on the board by F. A. Burgess, of Louis? ville, and Ti lothy Shea, of Peoria, 111. The railroad members were W. L. Park, of Chicago, vice-president of the Illi no: Central, and H. G. Byram, vice president of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy. What the Men Receive. As explained by Mr. Burgess the es? sential concessions to the men were: Standardization of rates of pay on the weight of engines on drive wheels. Overtime pay to passenger firemen and engineers, ranging from 44 to TB cents an hour, respectively. Knginemen of steam power may transfer to electric power when in? stalled without loss of seniority rights Stern Brothers ?nJ?nJ <t3,J Streets. Mittcff??k ?venu*. Tthdoff, Saturday, at ver g derided reduction*, Two Splendid Gronpt of Men's Silk Lined Spring Overcoats at 816.30 anrl 21.150 Men*i Lighl Weight Sack Suits. . at S 18.50 R?galai Value |S5.00 Youths1 Long Tranter Suit*?, . . at $9.75 Regular Values $12.80 and 15.00 \l*>?> in our Men'* (lustom Tailoring Department, Ordern tciil he taken Tn-dat/ for Men's Blue Or Mack Suits, made* to measure, ?rtr ry\ Rehilar values ?.'lO.OO, 13.00 and .V>.00, . . it ' *-?^'"" The Men's Shoe Department (On the Mala Floor 6th Auntie and 13rd Street Kntranee) Will hold a /?? . ? important sale To-dai/ of Men's Oxford Ties, <?Q 7~ Very specially priced at vO. ? O pair Thcv arc made on tlie favorite flat last in black and maho<r any tan calfskin and liavo the appearance of a liipli cott custom made shoo. after May 1, 1915. The hoard was un able, because of the newness of electric railroad service, to fix rates of pay ir detail, but named $4.30 a day as th( minimum for motormen in passenger service, and $2.50 for their helper?; $4.75 for motormen in freight service and $2.75 for helpers. Enginemen of milk trains, circus trains and other irregular service, such as pusher and helper, receive the rate accorded on through freights an in? crease amounting to from 10 to 15 per cent. The men will be paid for delay while in their cabs at initial and final ter? minals, and for time in excess of thirty minutes spent in preparing their en? gines for service. Switch Enginemen Raised. Switch enginemen will receive an ad? vance in daily pay of 25 cents on small engines and 15 cents on large ones. Men held away from home terminals shall, after twenty-two hours' idleness, receive a minimum day's pay of ten hours, based on last sen-ice, out of each succeeding twenty-four hours until they get runs. Through freight wag* rates were ad? vanced 5 to 20 cents, increasing with weicht of engine, and 25 cents on some of the extremely heavy engines. Way freight enginemen will receive 30 cents a day more than through freight men. Surprise tests will be conducted in 1 such a way as not to endanger life, limbs or nerves. Among the requests which were not granted were the automatic release, time ami a half for in freight and switching service and the n\e-hour day in passenger service. Railroad Labor Chiefs Declare Nagel Partisan Chicago. Apr it 30, Charges that Charles Nagel, neutral -member of the board of arbitration, which to-day end sd ts deliberations over the railroads' wage questions, was "a violent parti? san," who through indirect business interests in the roads was unfitted to act ar a neutral arbitrator, were made to-night by Warren 8. Stone, grand chief of the Brotherhood of I ocomo tiva Kngineers. and W. S. Carter, pres? ident of the Brotherhood of Locomo? tive Enginemen and Firemen. Representatives of the brotherhood? also submitted their objections to the board of arbitration, in spite of a di? rect appeal from President Wilson, supplementing the requests of Judges Knapp and Chambers, that they be i withheld pending conferences between ? the President and the board. The protest asserted that Mr. Nagel, acting as co-txecutor of the estate of Adolphus Busch, had a direct and per I sonal interest in at least the success of twenty-one railroads through the ownership of stocks and bond?. It Is Something You Owe Your Country DID IT EVER occur to you that you may owe something more to your country than mere loy? alty, allegiance and patriotism? You have a duty to perform right in your own neighborhood. This duty is steadily to maintain the dignity of your position as a citizen, to set a good example to those about you. For this reason it is not stretching the point one whit to say that your going to church is part of your duty to your country. Going to church on Sunday for one service may seem like a little thing? but its importance is great, not only in the good it is going to do for you (for the worst enemy of the church cannot claim that going to the ser? vices does you harm) but in the ex? ample you set to your fellow men as a churchman. This country needs steady-going men, churchmen, who can give up at least one hour each week to worship. This country needs such men because of their good influence, the example they set to the younger citizens in every community. Start in this Sunday and help yourself ?your fellow men?and your coun? try. Make up your mind to-day. Go To Church To-morrow