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GUi-VRANTEE Your Money Back lf You Want It S#* F^ttM-J Pa??-, -*-_?_? CoUi_ni_. Nm Matft ?rilmttf WEATHER K.1R TOIMV IMI TO HOaaOWi sot riiui-r :?> ? f>t aiMi? Y?*strr?l*i? ? IrrTipfrat'ir???: High. Ml I ?? H lull r. iMirt na Paga 1.1 First to Last?the Truth: News - Editorials - Advertisements Vol. I?XW No. 25,010. ??-np.ri.-lil. 101ft. I.? Tl.r TrllMin?* ???.m lallnn. SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1915. PRICE ONE (FAT In ( II? ?r?f >e?s 1 ?-.ris. **.???? ?i?k. .?????_??? f IIt and Hol*-..?-*, 11 **i *.*. in Ki. two ? urn, 1,300 Die as Lusitania Goes to Bottom; 400 Americans on Board Torpedoed Ship; Washington Stirred as When Maine Sank CAPITAL AROUSED, SITUATION GRAVEST YET FACED IN WAR Washington Determined That Germany Shall Not Be Allowed to Shirk Responsibility for Deaths. GREATLY FEARS LOSS OF AMERICANS President Shows Nervousness as Bulletins of Dis? aster Come In?Strongest Protest Yet Made Planned liven if No U. S. Citizens Were Lost 'From The Tribune Bureau.] Washington, May 7.?The new? of the heavy los? of life on the Lusitania stirred Washington as it has not been stirred since the linking of the Maine. The earlier reports that both passengers and crew had been landed safely had quieted apprehensions of an immediate crisis in the relations of the United States and Germany. But when it became clear that Americans?undoubtedly a con? siderable number of them?were to be counted among the victima of German savagery at sea the full significance of the tragedy off Queenstown struck home. President Wilson made little effort to conceal his feeling?. At f. o'clock to-night the President received the following dispatch from the United State? Consul at Cork: "Luntania sank at 2:30 o'clock. Probably many survivors. Rescue work proceeding favorably. Shall I send you list of sur? vivor*??" As soon as he read it he put on hi? hat and walked out of the White House without the knowledge of the Secret Service men who ere guarding him. The President walked up Sixteenth Street to Cor? coran Street, crossed over to Fifteenth Street and back to the White House, where he went into his study to await further information and to turn over in his mind the message that it is expected he will send to the German Foreign Office as ?oon as all the details of the disaster are known. Official Washington has realized the poiiibilrty of a clash between our foe eminent and the German government ever ?ince the State Department took the atan4 that Germany must be held to "?.net accountability" for any treatment e_ American citizens and American property not in accordance with exiting rule? of warfare at sea. The 1-reaker rn-e had been accepted ? ? ?numinous hint of -he lengths to whit. Germany might go in antagonrz -? United Ftates and in violating the accepted law of nations. But no b-.'?T thought that German dissent from our contentions would be emphasized ?M sud-demly and *.n so shocking and tragic a manner. Firm Attitude F.ipected. That that disfent, brutal and defiant i the, will be met with proper f.rmnes? few outside the peace-at-any prica faction In official circles are now prepared to doubt. The deatraet-on of the battleship Havana harbor, though dis? avowed by ?he Spanish government, cut American feeling to the quick. It made th. pres?rvation of good rela? jona Spain m Cuba a nearly ? >sj task. The Main tragedy came without warning But the Lusitania tragedy come? after a widespread and auda c.ou? advertisement of Germany's in? ter.:.on to diaregard the protection r^tr. to Amnricans 'even when pas *-eng*ri on a British vessel) by the Urnational law. What will the end be? .'resident t-ht. He awaits th? detail- ? a But ?he*. ? || come in in all their unanimous ngton that he will act ?? an Atn?r?can President ought to act. The Pi, probably call the ' abmet togtther tomorrow to <; *hat actioi i rnment ma ?n reti'.y to tl.e inquiry from Corneal r?, whether l-e should ?end a list of sur. .vor trueted him to a hst of all American? demi, in Iiepartment * officials ''-red the BiB-ing of the LttaitsUlia <-r gor-carrying ?*????* rateo a few ?lays ago. ? sut ! ;? State* ?aying that no ?.ou!d . aona going abt" Pleasure. ' officials in the admrn-?!iation sd to-nighl ta the possi MWty of this coantr-j I m m?o tot w?r because of the ?I "' ?-*- live?. They inaieted upon taking ?i optimistic view of the situa! ion and ?-??rted that whea th* li?t of etarvivara **? finally made up few would be lourd le hi That the aitoatiea will be acute when ???a of American live.? il prove?! is ad titled on all ?id?.'. No act.on ?ill be '?--ken by ?* ? :.t until all 'he ?eta?.:? of the torped - Lu.i (waliuu.. on '>_??,?? .. ?oluinn A LONDON SEES VITAL QUESTION FOR U. S America Is 'Bound to De fend Lives of Its Subjects Declares 'Daily News.' IR? ?"?V? tn The Tribun? 1 London, May P. The "Daily Chror I icle" -?a*.?? editorially to-day: "To destroy by deliberate aim one o the great floating town? which neve ; cross the Atlantic without somethin , like 2,000 live? in their keeping, i? t attempt in cold Mood such a massner ? of non-combatants as even the moa ferocious conquerers have tssldor perpetrated save in heat. "When, last October, the German began to sow floating mines in thi Atlanti?*, a shudder went through Thi civilized world on its realizing tha the Olympic had come near to strikini one. But nobody at that time, in Ger i many or elsewhere. ventured U suggest that the sailors of any civil , ized power would actually aim a tor pedo to brlrg about such a catas i trophe. Step by step since then the j German Admiralty, like the Germar i General Staff, has progressed from in j famy to infamy. "From the notice circulated las! : week hy the German Kmbassy in th? ' I'mted States, it is plain that thi? 1 final crime was not the work of i particular submarine officer over nnn'ted by an opportunity, but that M done on the express orders of Berlin. "The sowing of illegal mines, the ? submarining of merchantmen, the j butchery uf fishermen, the Fr.laba ca?e, I the Lusitania case it is a long and I terrible list. On land, the sacking of town?, th?- massacre of non-combat ants, th?? use of explosive bullets and asphyxiating -.-??s the poisoning of wells with arsenic and 'with disease' - all develop a hideous parallel. "We have said before, and repeat i,o*, that the Aral ron?c-<*uc-r:ce of Ger 1 rr.any's making war in this way is to . i ?t absolutely impossible for the ! Allie? t?? conclude such a reace with )(i ii? thtl mi^ht otherwise have con eluded, tat ?>ohcy of th.- Allies in ?hese atroc-te.? cannot he what it would have been if they hid . ?a -Kcurrad. It would be a disas liay for mankind and for cvili/a i;on if 'he allied statesmen ever ; thought it could. A more drastic sur ?ill be iit-cded ios the cancer of German militarism than any ' prophet could have predicted last Au J-USt " "The Daily News.-' in its ?ditorial ?norning on the ?inking of th< l.usitania. *a> I : "No-hintr the German.?, have done will * Continued oo pott *, roluaU 4 THE LUSITANIA. SUNK BY GERMAN SUBMARINE, WITH HEAVY LOSS OF LIFE. 1 GERMANS TOAST 'VICTORY' AMID HOCHS IN CAFES Steins Clink as Celebrators Predict Downfall of Britain's Sea Power. OFFICERS GAY IN CLUBHOUSE Restaurants Thronged and En? tire Families Out to Cheer Kair,er and His Submarines. "Deutschland, Deutachland Uehet Alles" resounded last night wherever Germans met to discuss and to toast "the day" which, to thrir nionrl. sealed the fate of British world dominion on the seas. In the fashionable German Club, headquarters of the Teutonic ?lite and camping ground of German military officer*; unable to join their color?, the sinking of the Luritania was th? principal topic of animated conversation. Everything rise was for? gotten in the blow struck at Britain, the "arch enemy," through the tor? pedoing of the Lusitania. "This i? a masterstroke, which will curb transatlantic travelling and iso? late Great Britain more effectively than a whole fleet of super-dread? noughts could possibly accomplish," said a stalwart captan of cavalry. ?'It's the doom of Great Britain." Toasts ir. i* Sallara. And then followed the toasts to the Kaiser, to von Tirpitz and to the V boat heroes. At I uechow's, in Fourteenth Street, the show of patriotism was exuberant. The orchestra had been instructed to play only patriotic songs, and these were sung w;;h a vim by the Germans, wno packed the to suffocation. With wives and children they had come to celebrate the "victory." The goblet and steii were raised often to the Kaiser last night at the Hofbrau Haus, Broadway and Thirtieth Street, and at the Kaiserhof, Hi?*, Broadway. There was 'ittle nois* at either place, but th?-.-. was a marked I feeling of good cheer and camaraderie in the news that the Lusitania had been sunk by a licrmart submarine. "A thousand dollar.? is a fortune t., me," shouted the cashier at the Hof brau Haus, "but I'd willingly le ? ' for the cake of hearing the greatcft , bit of atara in many a day. Just watch ; poor Britain sneaking back with a > scorched tail." Victims Were Warned. "They were warned!" exclaimed an? other enthusiast, as he ordered a round of drinks for all present.^ "Thr-y were i told that if they sailed they ran I chances of being torpedoed. Now | they've got it good and pienty." One young man explained that $5,. 000,000 worth of war munitions had lonlluuril on paa* ?'? roluma 4 U. S. OWES IT TO SELF-RESPECT TO ACT, SAYS ROOSEVELT ; PIRACY ON VAST SCALE' ' F"?m t sta.T ?.?nr??r?/?n'1fn* r*f TV- Trimm Syracuse. May 7.?After the appalling detail? of the Lusi lania disaster had heen told to Colonel Roosevelt late to-night he said: "It seems inconceivable that we should refrain from taking action on this matter, for we owe it not only to humanity but to our own national self-respect. "This represents not merely piracy, but piracy on a vaster scale of murder than any oldtime pirate ever practised. This is the warfare which destroyed Louvain and Dinant and hun? dreds of men, women and children in Belgium; warfare to inno? cent men. women and children travelling on the ocean, to our own fellow country men and country women who are among the sufferers." i --??????-?-???-?-???????-???-??-?-???? ??????????? Partial List of Survivors of Disaster Reaches Here The first names of survivors of tr Luisitar.ia disaster received here ai as follows: Captain Turner. I.a*scttes, General, and son, In fir? ??bin. Bretherton, Mrs. Tyril H., Lob Angele T??o Bretherton children. Kes?ler. Ccorge A., New York, win merchant. Smith. Miss J. T.. Braceville, Ohio. I.auriat, (has. E., jr., Boston. \. I. Mathews, Montreal. S. Ahrimnwitz. Miss ( a'herine Kaye. G. B. Lane. W. G. E. Meyers. ,1. T. Ti-immlns. Mrs. A. F. Wit herbe?. Lady Markworth. Mrs. Henry Adams. Boston. Robert Kankin. New York. Samuel Sharp. M. (.. B>rne, New York. Emil> Da.*? i*?. Annie Walker. E. Housnell. A. B. Cross. Philip Young. Montreal. W . A. F. ^ assar, London. (.eor?;e Steele. C\rus Crosley. James Parker. R. I olebrook. I he Rev. H. C. S. Morria. Mrs. Fish and two children. Miss R. Martin. J. Presi?n Smith, New York. Kr-sderkk Rotlomle>. \. !_ Box le. (hartes Hotrhkias. Cornelius Harriman. Vernar l.i*.ermore. Mrs. r. Sullivan. Misa May R. Martin. V. J. (?aullelt. New York. Miss May Ma>m. k. Violet Henderson. I no Marderud. Thomas D. Levin. T). A. Thomas, (.ardil.. Wales. T. J. M. Kvans. A. R. ( larke. \\. G. Burgess. .1. H. (harle.* and daughter, Toronto, Miss New Vork. John Herris. Miss Holland. Miss Joncphine Brandell, New York. F. K. A. Perry. 0. 11. Grab. It. !.. Moseley, New York. J. H. Brooks, New York. A. M. Jeffrv. M. (aims. (). H. Hammond, New York. A. Manley. H. Neath. , Miss North. Miss Winter. George Duguid. Daniel Moore. John W. McConnell, Memphis. Tenir. Misa Sharpe. Miss Conner. H. M. Daly. I'alrick < liffe. James Bohan, Toronto. Mrs. ( > rua Croaley. ACT OF BARBARITY. SAYS F. R. COUDERT "An ad of barbarity without justi? fication." was the expression of Fred? eric R. Couden, of the law firm of Goudert Brothers, in referring to the torpedoing of the Lusitania. "I make that statement on the sup? position that lires of citizens of the for ruthlessly sinking a merchant ?hip il. the open seas when that vessel is not engaged in any manner as a bel?g erent vessel and when the lives of non eombatanta depend upon ita safety? MANY NOTED NEW YORKERS ? ON L?SITAN Alfred G. Vanderbilt \* on Way to England oi Business Trip. N. J. REPRESENTED ON FIRST CABIN LI i Charles Frohman, Lindon Bal Jr.. Charles Klein and Justu Miles Forman Aboard. As usual, a large proportion of Lnsitania'a tirst cabin list was c< DOM*J of New Yorkers. Alfred G. Vanderbilt was necessai !a prominent figure among the ra?s : gers. His brother, Cornelius, was, 1 . many others, skeptical when he bei the first rumors about the Cur.ard? fate. Captain George C Day t Commander P. L. Sawyer, both Unil ! States naval officers, who ar^ worki ? with Mr. Vanderbilt on the plan3 1 , the reception of the Atlatic fleet, w? incred'jlous, too. But when Mr. \'t | derbilt learned through The Ttibu that the news had been confirmed, asked the newspaper for t?*n-minu bulletins. His brother Alfred expected to gone for four or five weeks or. a bus r.css trip. Had it not been for tl war. Mrs. Vanderbilt would have a companied her husband on the Lus tania. Major F. Warren Pearl and Mr Pearl, who sailed with their chilare are well known in New Yjrk. Bot i had intended to do war aid work. Ml : jor Pearl, who is a surgeon, was to t attached to a field hospital for th Allie.-i m Belgium, while Art. Peai 1 hoped to assist in relief wont for th I Belgians in England. She is the daugti ter of Mr?. J. P. Duncan an.I unte III?, Ottomar H. Van Norden an Mrs. George E. Dunscombe. Another woman passenger who wer. over on the Lusitania to do relief wor for Belgium was Mr?. 0, H. Hamnior.c who accompanied her husband, a mem ber of Frank 4 DeBois, tnsuranc brokers, at M Maiden Lane. The .lam mond? at ."?0 East Seve?itietl Street. Before her marriage Mr? Hammond was a Miss Steve".', a mem ber of the well known f-SCtM Poin ramily. Charles Frohman was on his an nual business tour intending to lool ove.* hi; foreign interests and to pick up 4ome play?. He was accompaniec by Justus Miles Forman, the author 1 whose tirst play, "The Hyphen," a wai drama, was produced in New York i | few weeks ago. Edgar Gorer, th? Lon | don and New York art dealer, who ! has a connection here through Dreieei & < o, and who is now bringing a th'h.onn ?lander suit against Joseph ,J and Henry J. Duveen, wat also a i paaserger. Charles F. Fowles, who waa accom Cootlrued ?a ptsg? '? toli*a*Ua 1 ? Dying and Injured Brought In with Other Survivors to Queenstown?Two Tor? pedoes Fired, Says Steward. FEW FIRST CLASS PASSENGERS SAVED Attack Made About Eight Miles from Irish Coast in Broad Daylight and in Fine Weather?Sur? vivor Tells of Braver} of Cunard Officers. Washington, May 8.?A dispatch to the State De? partment early to-day from American Consul Frost at Queenstown stated that the total number of survivors of ?he Lusitania was about 700. - [By Cable to The Tribune.] London, May 8, 3 a. m.?At least 1,300 live? were lost when the Lusitania was torpedoed without warning in broad daylight yesterday afternoon by a German submarine, according to esti? mates by survivors. The estimate of First Officer Jones puts the total nearer 1,500. Only a few of the first class passengers were saved. Most of them remained aboard, thinking the ship would float. Trawlers arriving at Queenstown have a hundred bodies or more The "Times" Queenstown correspondent ?ays that some of th?. survivors who have arrived there report that Alfred Gwynne Van- I derbilt was drowned. At Queenstown there have arrived 647 alive, 40 dead; at Kinsale 11 alive, 5 dead. Al! boats which went out from Queens? town have now returned, except one trawler. Fishing boats may be bringing more survivors to Kinsale. It is believed here that there were about 2,000 persons on board, 1,254 passengers and between 700 and 800 in the crew. Survivors of the Lusitani. who have arrived at Queenstown estimate that only about 650 of those aboard the steamer wcra saved. Of the dead more than two hundred are supposed to be. Americans, as it is believed there were about 400 on board. Lady Mackworth, daughter of David A. Thomas, the Welsh "Coal King," and a noted militant suffragist, went down with th.. * liner, but was saved by a life preserver she wore, and later was picked up. Twenty-two of those landed at Queenstown have since died of their injuries. Nearly all the officers, except Captain Turner and the first and second officers, perished. A dispatch from Queenstown sent out at midnight says: "Up to the present 520 passengers from the Lusitania have 1 been landed here from boats. Ten or eleven boatloads cams ashore, and others are expected." The Central News says that the number of the Lusitania's passengers who died of injuries while being taken to Queenstown will reach 100. This is believed to indicate that the ship sank much more quickly than was expected, and that the few minutes that elapsed were used in getting into the boats those injured by the explosions. The motor boat Elizabeth has arrived at Kinsale and reports that at 3:30 p. m. she picked up two lifeboats containing 63 and 16 survivors of the Lusitania, respectively. A Cork tug took the rescued to Queenstown. They were mostly women and children. The Lusitania could not launch many of her lifeboats, owing to her list to port. The tiny hospitals at Kinsale and Clonakilty, and the institu? tions at Cork and Queenstown are jammed with survivors from the ocean horror, those not actually wounded suffering terribly from shock. The giant Cunarder now rests on the bottom of the ocean, about eight miles off Kinsale Head and twenty miles from the en? trance to Queenstown Harbor. ADMIRALTY GIVES OUT NEWS. Telegrams have been filtering into London la t night and early this morning stating that the rescued are being brought to Queenstown by three steamers. The Admiralty says between fivo and six hundred have already been landed at Clonakilty and Kin? sale, coming into the latter port in a string of boats towed by a Greek steamer. Motor fishing boats hovered near the scene of the wreck, picking up what boats they could and turning them over t j the powerful ocean going tug Stormcock. Huge crowds fill Cockspur Street near the Haymarket, storm? ing the Cunard offices for news. The women, who had been weep? ing so bitterly, paused for a moment when an agent of the line bellowed through a megaphone the following dispatch: "Our Liverpool office says First Officer Jones wires from Queenstown he thinks between five hundred and six hundred have been saved. This includes passengers and crew, and is only an estimate." A steward in the first boat which landed at Kinsale said be feared that 900 lives had. been lost. PASSENGERS WERE AT LUNCHEON. The tug Stormcock returned to Queenstown, bringing abojt one hundred and fifty survivors, principally passengers, among whom were many women, several of the crew and one steward. Describing the experience of the Lusitania, the steward said : | "The passengers were al luncheon, when a submarine came up | And fired two torpedoes, which struck the Lusitania on the ?tar