Newspaper Page Text
J CAJARMTTTE Ycmr Mcwey Bisck If Yo? Want IL S?* Hat*-?? fwgsx F?rut ? **>*****. Nm i0tfc Srttnm* WEATHER IMRTIY CUfCVt TO-DA.T; FATE Ti? xiOKK'iX? . xx i vr wivin. Tr?tenla? 'a T?mp^r?atiir?>? : II.??. Mi l-x?. H Kull ????>?>??? an ras? S, fart I. Firsf to Last- the Truth: News - Ediiorials - Advertisem""!* V 1 XXV...?Xo. 25,025. |? ?.i?a raj?li? UtS, n? Ti.e Tribune x.???i Isllea 1 SUNDAY, MAY 28, 1915.- SEVEN PARTS FIFTY-EIGHT PAGES. PRICE FIVE ( F.VrS. Italy Called to Arms; War Decree Ready; A ustrian Raiders Driven Back Over Border MRS. CARMAN TELLS STORY OF HER TRIALS About to Go on Sta.?e, De? scribe*. How She Twice Fought for Life. SAYS FRIENDS' FAITH ?CARRIED HER THROUGH Hope |s '"" nt of Debts and I ' Devote Rest I amily. Ca >*>n a n, ?der of "-rr":)! .7, on ? ? | \ he in Dr. thai from ed be > <*n in She ? ration ? ernher ? ing an ? ? ? koto ? 8.? }!? \ P ? ONKLIN ( ARMAN. ided it was nor - own ? e no i itei ? : ? ITeringa ??pon " NtW|] an be .- ner ? - r)r.rp regret that ; and F\en now t wa? . ? % ter *.?-,- - *?- H ? g i ?- lui?* tor.c ? . . ? ?? ?? mff ' v id no ? - ? ? kr what ipil ? - . ? l hoard thr. onally I ?1 ' 'ograpn ? ?raation ? t to know any? lealiiei ?I e 1- *?u?p?N-t?*d. ?aid about ? '"-. r-g the s line to 'he ev; p n had at ?no upMatr? ? ' ''"? ' Iv father re'jrned ufa Dr. Rm e ? ? me. ! think the die - ???'?'1 him not ? .? time I did ? ? ? dicto -iid not 1 ? ? for a ?frond the I ; af'er lea ?a T appear . ? ?? ?? I w?- the ? usehold ' ' " ' ? ? - | ? iimi that I ? ju i *'J! noon I 'ear) ?a?? ? 6 J ':rh cor' Ir?. Cai .in ap ? . ?.,'*''' Xi ' ? pon ma that 1 **? t*1 ' " ? tfc'j,***' ' ' ?'avored around mttttV^' '"''?! . ?e? had been . and I ?Ij^1*''1**''- ''nat I *'?? under sos Dof^ctirt?! Appear. n*n?]) ' ' extra Georfe H By . 7' ' :.??. ?^ ?ailed ?? my horn*, none of -ra to tne. Aid ? 1 lokfd if !?r. i. mitted to gtay in rformed that they ^Uaaen ?m t?,,,; ?, c?>iui?ta I Daughter a Gilded Dupe Mrs. Kelly Tells Court i if/?;.- ,-? anea) A Ir 1?n?'?M.) MISS EUGENIA KELLY. Nireteen-\ ear i . r of a former Aife of t'r.i"k J Gnuld, whose mother want* her committed I 1er from hrr wild life on Broadwiv. llugcnia, Carandchild o? Brinkri Arrested as !n< orrigible? Men Friend?*, Liquoi am Dances Blamed?Jcwols Van ish in Broadway Life. The male "g. . rommn enough :n that part of Rroads? . tifuoui to Forty-second ? fe-na?e of the S] \ -id ihn ?. ? w) v th? arraignment of M K e 11 y, n i n < daur' I. banker, in the York Court as ai ; Broadwav sit up a- <*e. Kelly, mature for her year a n d ? ' the be.-', amateur dancer :n Ne* York ? | ? the s? 'iother Helen K ? - Th' girl. Mrs. 1 told the coun hatts - ? ? ; ather* litest I ? ? ? inl the ?noussnd? of dollars have peared; absin'ne an . leplaeed bonbon and nightly die?, and 3 o'ch GERMAN AEROPLANES DISGUISED RAID PARIS Drop Three Bombs, One Near Eiffel Tower. Without Damage, and Are Driven Off Peril. Max- 22. German aviators flrv I bijih over Paris at .; . I rening in an aeroplane ? 'hree b?in:i . - allowed it to | I ? . I ' outbu and the third r, i.u? I bomba were Ineff? ually r.o damage was ?lone. Th>- ?.< r , man aer'.niare was nver.tually driven i | off by a French machine, ? ? her usual hour of re ? fiirl'a Defender Rebuked. rank I? ?"rocker. a??or ?. tried to make 11 ap M ig trate House's ce .r1 -hu .?n due to Mr? Kel!) re I orough eon that will he hei hence. IU ? ned ?omei ? . ? an atl mpl ? institution That ws tag '?trate telling hii stic 'erm? charges as that in ? To-morrow afternoon, when the re*.' ol '. hei ? ili?'. her story. L'ntij then . r... ker will not ? her t? peak. H s cr? ? u ition reatar. ? .-led to indicate thai the defence on the part ..f 'h.' ? and a desire to h.?ld the girl ?? ted yesterday that ! her daughter, even to tent o r face for "?d to be a very ?m Also that she had ' ? resorl which her daughter visit ? ? ' d ? ? . onl v i n ? mature age. hiei ra ?Mrs well va-1 ! I be called to the prosecution to ?how, if il thousand dol I rl deposited in an uptown I fintitilieH nn i?i|? X. rolumn 1 SUBMARINE GOES AGROUND IN FOG Third Accident to Undersea Flotilla Since Beginning of War Game. Newport, R. I? May 22 Another mishap, ahd the tl rd to happai I i guardini; the Atlantic ? g the vai.r frame of the A' i to-night ? n d on the east Land 'lie tender Pulton eras itanding by The reasel itruck ?iunng a den in a heuxy southwc.t wind and rough StA, ? ?. ? ' T. R.'S VICTORY MADE COMPLETE BY ALL JURORS Lone Barnes ?Man Gives In After Second Night's Debate. COLONEL PROMISES TO BE GOOD CITIZEN Says Verdict Puts Duty on Hirn ?Counsel Also Over? joyed. THINGS JURY DECIDES DIDN'T LIBEL BARNES Bipartiaaa boss rule of Barnes and Murphy. In Neu ?forli state the two ma? chines are completely dominated, the one b> Mr. Harnes, the other h?. Mr. Murphy. Th?> ?fate iroaernmen? is rotten throughout In'almost all its depart? ment?, and thi?. i?. direnly due to the dominance in politics nf Mr. Murphv and his sub-bosses . . . aided and abetted h> Xtr. Rarnes and the j siib-li.i?-.'? <?! Mr. Harnes. Mr. Murphy and Mr. Rarnes are of exanl? ih- ?,inif mural and political t> pe. The inte-eists of Mr. Ramea and Mr. Murphv are fundamentally idtn Dial. It i? idle for a man to pretend that he is against ma? hine politics un1,.'?, he will . . , open!?, and by name attack Mr. l.arne*. and Mr. Murphy. The lime is ripe when all Rood citizen-? ?hould j.?in In . . . the overt h? ?va ff h..ii Mr. ?'arn?s and Mr. Murphy, the elimination of bi? partisan boss rule. . . . (BSUaft? ttsm f'n .->ri?| Raaw??*<'s. ??la/-? on . || luMalr.M by a lur? ! Syra< M ietory was. sdded to irioral triumph when ?he jnry to-ds) brought in a verdict for Theo? dor- Rooserelt in the suit '.?here Will? iam Rarnes hoped to brand the ex b? ? i After a ; t Edward Rums, the rpo'orn'.ar.. who ?t'icit ont for Mr. Hi- ?o the foreman of the ;ury al ?'? o'clock to ?ay he had decided to vote for the defendant. It wn? r.o* until . ?k that it became known that a verdict had been reached. It wai th* thirty-fourth day 0? the trial, and the jury h:id been out forty-tiro ho.irs and fifteen minute?. Th.' verdict was reached on the fortieth ballot. The delight of Colonel Foocevelt knew no hour..',-. It ?as with difficulty thai he held himself even within the usual limits of Roosereltian emotion. \' irned he held a reeep ? ?.iiii foi the ury in their room. In a i-h.irt but deeply earnest speech 'his is he told the juror?, the verdict n 1 t o h i m : "You hare put on me a dut?- to he have as a decc: r American citizen ?hould, and I shall try to fulfil that duty." That was the i ti il de of It, The make r.o cummer.' I i publication, leering that to John M. Bowers, fa \ iiti.ry fur People. "The rid '? has won g? od government," Bow? '. taking the public atti? tude, [t ws ?portant deci? . 11 War, h.- believed, beca;.- ? ?the ques t ?on ? ? ild be a so vi m or by the people. N. thei \? illiam Birnei nor William M. Ivins, his chief counsel, wete pre? ther H ?? ' i ?? ?' Wolff nor W an I Bar am, associate lion to say ?Aheti' ' taken Jne. | .r.ted a stay of execu days, and granted 120 ?lavs within which the plaintiff may present exception! and prepare a case for ap It is believed that Mr. f?ame = ? either appeal or east s ":s political ambition? A? '"or 'he Colonel, while the o? ? ? puts him at the top of Repu I ientisl po? ? ? be a' variance with his own. idi - future, r.o that ? ; . ei the ?say f gins political al? legiance. ar.,1 places him in a pos i I Bui Sp?.?k? to Jurors. It i isual for the fide that ha.? received a \?rdict from a jLrv to -s to it? member? gratification. But the Colonel felt he could not adequately ??ires? his emotion with? out mnaii g * i-r-eech With a depth of feeling tha' cannot be adequately por? trayed, and moderation of tone and '-peed, so 'ha' tvery word might -??id: "I hare been imre moxvd and touched than I can - what you have done, and I rant 1 -<>> to you that I ? .-?ate to the full the obligation .u men, representing every ahade ander, one r< tuin I can m.i.e, ar.d that ret i I will to the be?t of m> ability try to make. 1 ?h?!l try all my life to act in public affair.? and private affairs so that no Continued on v?4' 7, ? ?.liui?" ? Signor Marconi, who sailed to direct bis country's wireless, and Mrs. Inez Milhol land Boissevain, who left for Italy tor The Tribune. THkEE BRITISH TRAINS COLLIDE; KNOWN DEAD l? Passengers Pinned Undc Debris Burned Alive in England. London, May 23. One hundred a. ?-, apart from civ ? ians. were killod in the railroad atret , at <~ar!i.-.< morning, aecoi? mg to itch fr??m that eit; Tnrhsle, ?'ngland, May 22. One < ? he moat ?lisai-trous wreck* in the ar of British railroading took pla? at 6 a. m te day OB the Caledonia ?, ? ? . tear thia city, whe three trains came into eolliaion. More thi 1?M1 peraoni were kille an?l 'he Anal li-t muy be eonsiderabl iter The total cainaltie? pi will reach 100, a?, th" liai of more c .? - injured is very numei ou?. ('ne of the three trains was a trio ? ?? wa! a local and the ih'.r from London to ilia: Fire hroke out among the wreckag ill nglv to the horror o A Mr-tame arrived quicklj . i wa - ealled out, and .'?? ? - rlimes under control th ned in extricating the dea ng field- ?oon bad th appearance of an immense mortuarj .with the dead, the and the in I jure.i Lud oui in grew>ome line?. The dead mostly are ?mid.,- T , troc n ?? . . ded t n1 with the loca! ?and before tn<> . . ? a er- able t? , get i ' - - .. - of tliia acci den', the express from London to <?a? , gow r-..-he,i into them. LocOD i and ?. : rtered i were hurled f.-r I track?. re which I irai aoor ?he men en : n the *ori\ of rescue wen ' ' II It. There v. i to dc for ?he coming ? :' the fi? ! brigade. Once on the .scene the fire rith frantic energy to ob? tain control of the flame?. Before were ?ueeetsful many of the tra?. 1er the ?rTOCkagl of the oars ami unable to make their escape wore burned ?lire before the ?' ? I hundred men of one regiment i troop train. When th? roll wa? called after the wreck only " twa officers and men r?ponde?! N'jrr. ..?rs of other!, however, were en? gaged in caring for their wounded com? . ? |i I ? ?rd 'or rV? reeeuera ?a? the izploiioo of cartridges in the j belts of ?"Id ?tj imprisoned in the burr.irg wreckage, which caused bul? let? ?n fly about. Ammunition wagons on tne rear of the train were di?en ; gage?: barely in time to prevent their ; beinr. blown up. Some of the victims were ?o mangled thai 'heir rescue from the wreckage 1 was Several other? who were extricated died soon after I1"' tors performed heroic servie?. I I in their effort? to help tho?e ? ingled masse? of wood ar.d iron. <"?r.e physician, l?r. Kdwards. to the appeals of the ?ol Karing the scorching flame?, he ' amputate?! both leg? of or.e ?oldier ami one leg of the other, as thi? me" , fered then only hope of eacape. <V.e j of th* ?oldier? died from the ?hock. ' By S p. m. ?eventy-three bodies bad been recovered from th? wreckag?. MARCONI RETURNS TO SERVE ITALY Mrs. Inez Milholland Boissevain Also Sails to Report War for Tribune. The Amer can liner St. Pnul, in com? mand of Captain Pa?sow, sailed yes? terday for Liverpool with a largo pas '? complement, including Mirconi, the inventor of wireless telegraphy, ar.d Mra. Inez Milholland Bo.ssevam, who will represent The Tribune as a - Marconi has been called to Rome by 01 ernment. lie could ha?, i on the Italia.; il >am ?un.palia, bound for Naples and, eai in London mmie it i go ?lirect to Liverpool and embark for Naples via Marseilles. The inventor, who hai given much of, .> ?., ezp< riment? vm'Ii the wire l the system was de ? rig remarkably well and equip- i Ital an warship, had given much satisfaction at a distance of li") milea. He expressed th? belief ?vithin a short time persons com? municating with one .'in??ther by wire? telepp? ? ? would bo no! ? to bee : her. Marconi'i morher is Irish, a? is hi? wife, who wps the Hon. Beatrice O'Brien. His father was born in Italy. Airhouerh a lieutenant of the Italian navy, he ?aid yesterd?**, his work would be the supervision of the wireless, with headquarters in Rome. Marconi believes that German sub? marines are already in the Mediter ? and the Adriatic, probably hav eflleient bases on the Turkish and African eoaat The Italian navy, he ?aid. could easily handle the Austrian warship? before the?1 could K'et ready tu ?trite. If hit ?ervieei are not press ?? plans to return to New York I trip In the lauer part of September. He leavaa litigation per.d - lyn. Mra. Boi?evain, lawyer, writer and .'' kgiat, said she was pi ?'pared to gel near ?he front and obtain first and ' ' The Tribune re ? campaign Italy will carry OB at the northeas'etn frontier. The St. Paul carried a large cargo for Liverpool, hut nono of it wa? con i She i-a<i 878 cabin and 250 ?fera, both clas?e? in iut 160 Americans. Captain Pasgow ?aid he had no fear of being ? ;? declared ?hat every pre? ? would he observed with life* I, davit?, drills arid lifebelts to insure ?afety in the event of any mis? hap befalling the liner. John D. Larkin, of Buffalo, a brother in-law of Elbert Hubbard. ?ailed on the ml, prepared to spend much time and money to recover the body of the Luaitania riel m. _? a HUNGARY CALLS MEN OF 18 TO 50 YEARS Budapest, Hungary, May 22. The Official Gazette publishe? a decree eg!'. ir.g up the Land?turm, from etgh'een to fifty year? of age, for military ex? amination. It will be decided later whether the?e classes are wanted for military service. - - ? Adriatic Safe in Port. The Adriatic, from Liverpool, was reporred off San. iv Hook shortly after midnight, and at 13:31 o'clock thi? morning anchored outaidc ?he bar. She i? expected to ?luck about R a. m. IHI* g! UONGO TO r-|.OKir?A * on?, Vie ?*> ir? Al Ua? h> . me? ? ** auH i-j?:..? ?? ?an :.?.. Jarlssrnil? Timra tl W-?' lisiara In s V iulv Hi.? A iL c?nn- Mai fca. L.j.?ua lili brema'U -Ai*. BERLIN TO MAKE NEW PROPOSALS TO WASHINGTOP Note Due in Few Day May Serve 4s Basis for Negotiation. Rerlin ivia London., May 22. Th Italian crisis, in which every one i waiting expectantly to fee what forn Italy's war plans will assuma, absorb the attention of both public and officia circles here. Little is heard of th. Lusitania case, and it is stated tha Germany's answer to the American not. cannot be expected before next Tue? day or Wednesday. It would now be no surprise if th? German reply contained not on'y a gen eral defence of the German position re submarine warfare, touchinj particularly the sinking of the Lusi tama, but also certain proposal? which, might serve as a ha-is for furthei negotiations between Germany and the United State?. America's compromise proposal made in a previous communi? cation, for a ce--a'ion of submarine and mine warfare in return for ar abandonment by ?ireat Rritain of hei starving out policy, will almost cer? tainly be referred to. It wij be pointed out that Germany's acceptance in prin ciple of the suggestion is still in force. It is not at all improbable thai many also will advance an alternative suggestion that the t'nited Staates per? mit its citizens to travel on ships be ; longing to belligerents only if the-e ves??. Is sre certified by the United StaUs as hav'ng no munitions of war aboa-d, and that such certified ship? would not be subject to torpedoing without notice. Reports circulated in tee T'nited , recently that Germany had pro? posed arbitration are authoritatively denied here. Regarding the case of the steamer Gulflight, which is included in !':? dent Wilson's representation? on the alleged submarine illegalities, the Ad? miralty has reason to believe, it 1? stated, that this ?hip wa? not damaged by a submarine, but from sorre other cause. None of the ?uomarire com? manders have reported the damaging of Gulflafht, ano: so much ' me ha? elapfed that all undeiwatei boat* which might po??ibly have torpedoed the vessel have now returned to their bases. Washington, May 22. Such advice? as have been received from Amba??a dor ?lerard within the last few day?, it became known to-night, have given no intimation as t.> the character of the German reply to the recent American note beyond the generality that it will be friendly in tone. The German answer n now expected to reach Wa?hington '.ate next I'ntil then the situation, as between the t'nited States and Great Britain over alleged violations of international i law in connection with the British Or-! ?der? in Council, will not be developed! CoailaueO oa pase >, comma? a KING ORDERS GREAT ARMY TO MOBILIZE Seizes .All Transports; Barracks in Tyrol Blown Up. AUSTRIA MAKES U.S. HER AGENT Believed Italy's Action Will Induce Rumania to Enter Conflict. ' BULGARIA GIVES WORD Will Not Attack Nci?hbor and ?May Fight Turkey ?Hinden burg to Command in Tyrol. London, May 22. Only the forma? leclaratior of war is now necessary to ?nmple'e the breach be'wecn Italy and 1er former allies of the Triple Alliance, .nd this i? expected at any moment? Iha general mobili7.a'ior. of the army ind nary, ordered to-day by royal de? cree, will begin to-morrow. Along the Austro-Italian border, wh ch the opposing forces are each Other, there have been warlike incidents. Austrian soldier? ire reported to hsve ?"rossed the er at several points, and to have been driven back and pursued hy Italians. The barracks in the town of Rovereto, in the A?;?trian TyrM, was blown up. Many Italiana wir?, placed under arre?t. T..? "Giornale d'Italie" of Roms says that Field Marshal von Hindenhurg wilt take command of the Austro-German troot. s against Italy. Austria Asks V. la Aid It :? reported unofficially from Vienna ?hat Austria has asked the t'nited StatiSS to take over the protection of Austrian subjects in Italy, and that the American government has trans? tted instructions to t.s ambassadors .11 Austria and Italy. The ambassadors of Aus'ria ar.d her allies are still at their pos-a, but news comes that the Italian Conrut at Munich haa been ordered to return to Rome, and throughout Germany, Austria and Italy the respectiva? na? tionals are packing up thei' belongings m anticipation of a final and official break. It is not expected that th?) rupture will have any imme.l;???? effect on the? battles now In progress, but it will be likely to influence th? action of this Baln-in S'ates. which have been await? ing Italy's decision. Kulgaria Reassure* Rumania. Rumania, it is reported to-night, haa received assurances from B ligar?a that, if Rumania decides to join the Allies and k? to the assistance of Russia by an invasion of Transylvania, Bulgaria will not attack her, and that, in fact, Bulgaria heraelf is considering th?? possibility of taking similar action, al? though her attack would be direc'ed against Turkey. Admiral Bettelo, president of the i'.umaman Leagu?\ to-day tele? graphed from Rome to V,. Kilipesca, president of the Kumano-ltahan . at Bucharest, say ng that on .. Italy declared war on Austria bet thoughts xaould turn to Rumania, counting upon her assistance at a au preme ei Greece il intensely interested in the new development, and her efforts, if she should decide to join the Allies, would be directed to the Dardanellee and Asia Minor. It i? reported here, on apparently good authority, that Italy's agre'-m-'nt with the Allies provides that ?he shall furnish 1,200,000 fully >? 'roop?. reward, when the Allie? win, is t?. include both Au?tnan '?-rritory and concessions on the coast 'af Asia Minor. France and England each || to advance Italv from $1T.:. OM,<)00 to 1226.000,000 to help defray th? war c - Formal Dec?an.! inn Drafted. Erenta in r?i : an to-diy Italy nearer to the pi inge into the European conflict King Victor Km manuel, in addition to ordering a g. n eral mobili; .?d decrees eon .,- extraord ? ? rs on the ment during the war and requi titioning all xe'r h ?rses for transport service. The ?ouneil of M.n ? Irafte.i a formal declaration of arar, t? be issued at the chosen roo men?. From May 23 a ?t?te of war | martial I declared in the prov?ntes of Sondrio, B'ejcia, Verona, Vicenta, Bel? luno, l'urne. Venena, IrevitJ, Padua, Mantua and Ferrara and the lalanda and communes on the Adriatic coast, as well as in all the fortresses. Taie proclsmation is made by order of the ministers of War and Marine. Haron Burian von Raje?, the Au? fai'Hunjranan Forelen Minister, band? er? to the Italian Ambassador at Vienna a note expressing "painful surprise" at Italy's decision to termin?t? the Triple Alliance and declining to ?h?u!der th? re*pon?ibtlity tor the consequences "that may arise from thi? procedure." T.xe Havas Agency announced 1st?